Bamboo Garden Breakfast Set

£ 114.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Bamboo
  • Coffee machine, Electric kettle
Product number: 60000795
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Product description

The Klarstein Bamboo Garden breakfast set brings the charmof a Japanese zen garden to your breakfast table. Its bamboo design is a trulyelegant feature – one that is guaranteed to capture you with its balance and beauty.

Featuring a coffee machine, kettle and 2-slot toaster, theset sits right at the heart of your morning routine.

Equipped with 1080W output and a 1.25-litre water tank, the BambooGarden coffee machine can brew up to 12 cups of aromatic filter coffee in justa short amount of time – the perfect start to the day. Thanks to its reusablepermanent filter, you have no need to keep buying paper filters. Though themachine does accommodate this type of filter if preferred. The warming plateensures that your coffee always stays at the right temperature, ready to beenjoyed.

The cordless kettle from the Klarstein Bamboo Garden serieslets you prepare hot drinks to go with your breakfast. Thanks to its 2200Wpower, you can prepare tea and similar drinks in the shortest amount of time.With a volume of 1.7 litres, the kettle is perfect for both small and largehouseholds. You can also view the water level at any time via the window onboth sides of the kettle.

With the Klarstein Bamboo Garden toaster, you can enjoygolden-brown toast at any time of the day. Two slices of bread can be easilytoasted to your desired amount with the help of the six separate browninglevels. Its defrost and warm-up functions make the Klarstein suitable for muchmore than just toast. To round things off, the toaster's function keys featurediscreet, blue LED illumination.


Product number: 60000795

Dimensions and Technical Details

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x Bamboo Garden Breakfast Set

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This item is not in stock and must be reordered.

Customer reviews
11 Ratings

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Küche sieht so genial aus.

Kitchen looks so awesome.


Sehr schönes Set. Leider steht in der Beschreibung nicht, das es keinen Brötchenaufsatz für den Toaster gibt. Habe den von meinem alten Toaster genommen, passt.

Very nice set. Unfortunately, the description does not state that there is no bun attachment for the toaster. I took the one from my old toaster, it fits.


Ein Highlight für die Küche

A highlight for the kitchen


Heute angekommen und macht erstmal ein guten Eindruck (technisch). Allerdings sind die farbtöne zwischen Toaster und Wasserkocher sehr stark. Passt nicht richtig zusammen :/

Arrived today and makes a good impression (technically). However, the color tones between toaster and kettle are very strong. Doesn't quite match :/


Mit den Klarsteinprodukten sind wir sehr zufrieden! Optisch ist diese Modellreihe auch ein Eyecatcher in der Küche. Haben uns noch die Heißluftfriteuse von Klarstein gekauft und bereuen nicht einen Cent. Einen Stern abzug gibts nur, weil das blaue Licht der Kaffeemaschine immer leuchtet. Was aber kein Kaufkriterium für mich gewesen wäre. Super Produkte!

We are very satisfied with the Klarstein products! Visually, this model series is also an eye-catcher in the kitchen. We bought the Klarstein hot air fryer and don't regret a cent. There is only one star deduction because the blue light on the coffee machine is always on. But that would not have been a purchase criterion for me. Great products!


Es ist nicht einfach Plastik, schönes warmes "Holz", sieht toll aus. Auch die Geräte sind wunderbar. Bei dem Toaster gibt es eine kleine negative Anmerkung: wenn er heiß ist sollte man das obere Metall nicht berühren, aber da es weit rausguckt passiert es unweigerlich. Ich weiss es jetzt und kann mich drauf einstellen. Aber er funktioniert tadellos

It's not just plastic, nice warm "wood", looks great. The devices are wonderful too. There's one small negative note about the toaster: when it's hot you shouldn't touch the top metal, but since it sticks out far you're bound to do it. I know now and can adapt to it. But it works perfectly


Wir haben uns eine neue Küche in Vintageeiche geholt und wollten passend dazu Wasserkocher und Co. haben. Die Lieferung ging sehr schnell. Wir haben die drei Geräte jetzt seit 8 Monaten in Gebrauch und sind sehr zufrieden. Würde ich wieder kaufen.

We got a new kitchen in vintage oak and wanted to have kettles and the like to go with it. The delivery was very fast. We have been using the three devices for 8 months now and are very satisfied. Would I buy again.


Hab dieses set für meine Mama zum Geburtstag bestellt .dir ist mehr als zufrieden .abbildung stimmt und Geräte funktionieren einwandfrei !

I ordered this set for my mom's birthday. You are more than satisfied. The picture is correct and the devices work perfectly!


Questo set da colazione che comprende macchinetta per il caffè americano, bollitore e tostapane è semplicemente stupendo. Il design in bambù non è solo bello da vedere, è anche piacevole al tatto, bello ruvido e antiscivolo. Le istruzioni sono in tedesco e in inglese, ma niente paura, utilizzare tutti e tre i prodotti è facilissimo e molto intuitivo. E' importante al primo utilizzo pulire la caffettiera e il bollitore con acqua e basta, ripetendo l'operazione almeno 3 volte, dimodoché la macchina sia ripulita da polveri, mini-detriti da fabbricazione e impurità. Ora passo a recensire in dettaglio ciascuno dei 3 apparecchi:

1) La macchinetta per caffè è molto semplice da usare. Nella confezione è presente un filtro in cui inserire la quantità di caffè macinato desiderata, filtro che va posizionato a imbuto dentro l'alloggiamento specifico, a sua volta estraibile per lavarlo e pulirlo ogni tanto dall'eventuale calcificazione. Si riempie la vaschetta di acqua fino a una certa tacca, si chiude il coperchio fino a sentire il clic ermetico e si schiaccia invio. La caraffa ovviamente deve essere posizionata nel suo alloggiamento (perfetto tra l'altro). A quel punto cliccate on/off e sentirete un rumorino di mescolamento, e dopo qualche secondo di riscaldamento dell'acqua vedrete il caffè colare nella caraffa. Potete interrompere l'erogazione cliccando ovviamente on/off. Attenzione: il caffè americano è più liquido di quello cui siamo abituati, quindi se lo volete più denso riempite di più il filtro, compattate il caffè ed erogatene di meno. Il bello di questa macchinetta è che è programmabile, quindi la mattina potrete alzarvi col caffè già pronto che vi aspetta in cucina.

2) Il bollitore è strepitoso. Io mi riscaldo l'acqua per il tè e la camomilla in 10 secondi netti. E' incredibile. Anche qui mi raccomando, pulire preventivamente la macchina con acqua per 2-3 volte prima di usarla per scopi alimentari. Attenzione: non spaventarsi per il rumore che fa quando riscalda l'acqua, è normale. Il bello di questo apparecchio è che raggiunta l'ebollizione si spegne da solo, quindi potete anche andare a fare altro e tornare quando avete finito, trovando l'acqua sempre bollente.

3) Il tostapane è molto intuitivo, non c'è granché da spiegare. Lo collegate alla presa di corrente, inserite il vassoio raccogli-briciole e cliccate il tasto cancel-button per farlo partire. Inserite due toast nei rispettivi alloggiamenti e tirate la levetta fino a che i due toast non sono ben fermati. Usate la manopolina per impostare il grado di cottura (3 va benissimo). Quando il toast è pronto e bello rosato, la levetta si solleverà da sola espellendolo fuori. Una goduria.

Stra-consigliato, 120 euro li vale tutti.

This breakfast set which includes drip coffee maker, kettle and toaster is simply gorgeous. The bamboo design is not only beautiful to look at, it is also pleasant to the touch, nice textured and non-slip. The instructions are in German and English, but don't worry, using all three products is very easy and very intuitive. When using for the first time, it is important to clean the coffee maker and kettle with just water, repeating the operation at least 3 times, so that the machine is cleaned of dust, mini-debris from manufacturing and impurities. I now go on to review each of the 3 appliances in detail: 1) The coffee maker is very simple to use. In the package there is a filter in which to insert the desired quantity of ground coffee, a filter that must be positioned as a funnel inside the specific housing, which can in turn be removed to wash it and clean it from time to time from any calcification. Fill the tank with water up to a certain mark, close the lid until you hear the hermetic click and press enter. The carafe must obviously be placed in its housing (perfect by the way). At that point, click on/off and you will hear a stirring noise, and after a few seconds of heating the water you will see the coffee dripping into the jug. Obviously, you can stop dispensing by clicking on/off. Warning: American coffee is more liquid than we are used to, so if you want it thicker, fill the filter more, compact the coffee and dispense less. The beauty of this machine is that it is programmable, so you can get up in the morning with a ready-made coffee waiting for you in the kitchen. 2) The kettle is amazing. I heat my water for tea and chamomile tea in 10 seconds flat. It's incredible. Here too I recommend cleaning the machine in advance with water 2-3 times before using it for food purposes. Warning: don't be frightened by the noise it makes when it heats the water, it's normal. The beauty of this appliance is that once it reaches the boil it switches itself off, so you can also go and do something else and come back when you're done, finding the water always boiling. 3) The toaster is very intuitive, there's not much to explain. You connect it to the socket, insert the crumb tray and click the cancel-button to start it. Insert two toasts in their respective slots and pull the lever until the two toasts are firmly in place. Use the knob to set the degree of doneness (3 is fine). When the toast is ready and nice pink, the lever will lift by itself ejecting it out. A pleasure. Highly recommended, 120 euros is worth them all.


Optisch macht dieses Set wirklich etwas her. Mit dem Wasserkocher und dem Toaster sind wir auch sehr zufrieden. Das einzige Problem ist die Kaffeemaschine. Genauer gesagt die Kaffeekanne. Das Kaffee kochen klappt noch super. Aber den Kaffee dann ohne zu tropfen in die Tasse zu bekommen ist ein kleines Kunststück bzw. ein Geduldsspiel. Sobald man etwas schneller kippt läuft der Kaffee am viel zu schmalen Ausguss vorbei. Also über Spüle eingießen oder Lappen bereit halten. Schade! Denn ansonsten wie gesagt sehr zufrieden.

Visually, this set is really something. We are also very satisfied with the kettle and the toaster. The only problem is the coffee maker. More specifically, the coffee pot. Making coffee works great. But getting the coffee into the cup without dripping is a small feat or a game of patience. As soon as you tip a little faster, the coffee runs past the much too narrow spout. So pour it over the sink or have a cloth ready. A pity! Otherwise, as I said, very satisfied.


Bin mit dem Artikel zufrieden und habe keine Beanstandungen zu bemängeln. Also Daumen hoch und Kaufempfehlung für alle interessierten Neukunden.

I am satisfied with the item and have no complaints. So thumbs up and purchase recommendation for all interested new customers.