[Returns: -35%] Mirage 60 Cooker Extractor Hood

£ 180.99 (incl. VAT)
Product number: 53034151
Mirage 60 Cooker Extractor Hood
£ 180.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 236.99
  • £ 279.99
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Luxury for the kitchen: glass extractor hood with RGB ambient backlight

  • Powerful against the haze: maximum exhaust air output up to 550 m3 / h

  • Energy-saving: Eco Excellence System with energy efficiency class A ++


  • Energy efficiency class: A
  • Available LED colours: white, red, green, blue, yellow, purple, orange, turquoise and yellow-green
  • Low operating noise: 46/59 dB at the lowest / highest power level
  • Simple conversion to recirculation mode possible with the help of two activated carbon filters (Article 10030727)
  • Separately switchable cooking surface lighting
  • Complete assembly set with wall brackets, dowels and screws
  • Power supply: 220 - 240 V ~ | 50/60 Hz
Product number: 53034151

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions (maximum device dimensions): approx. 60 x 50 x 32 cm (WxHxD without flue cover)
  • Minimum / maximum depth of the device: about 12/32 cm
  • Dimensions of flue cover (one part): approx. 22.2 x 40 x 17.2 cm (WxHxD)
  • Height of the flue cover: approx. 42 - 78 cm
  • Diameter exhaust hose: 15 cm (Ø)
  • Length of power cable: approx. 130 cm
  • Weight: approx. 17 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x extractor hood
  • 2 x flue cover
  • 1 x exhaust hose
  • 1 x mounting material
  • English user manual (other languages: German, French, Spanish, Italian)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
112 Ratings

No review available for this item.


An sich gut optisch und funktional. Leider funktioniert die RGB Funktion nicht warte seit Tagen auf eine Antwort vom Service

Good in terms of appearance and functionality. Unfortunately the RGB function doesn't work and I've been waiting for a response from the service for days


Un buon prodotto sia estetico che funzionale

A good product both aesthetically and functionally


A llegado perfectamente Envalada es preciosa con luces de led abajo y a los lados de momento va perfectamente y es silenciosa

It has arrived perfectly packaged, it is beautiful with LED lights below and on the sides. For now it works perfectly and is silent.


Fica muito bonita e funciona muito bem, sendo super silenciosa

It looks very nice and works very well, being super quiet.


Bella e funzionale

Beautiful and functional


Molto bella da vedere molto funzionale e facile da montare

Very nice to look at, very functional and easy to assemble


Arrivata intatta e ben imballata, molto bella, e di facile montaggio. Io ho scelto la luce verde, ma di colori c’è ne sono altri da scegliere, ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo. Silenziosa e facile da pulire. Il filtro è molto semplice da rimuovere e si mette in lavastoviglie. Per me Ottimo!!! Grazie

Arrived intact and well packaged, very beautiful, and easy to assemble. I chose the green light, but there are other colors to choose from, excellent quality/price ratio. Silent and easy to clean. The filter is very easy to remove and can be put in the dishwasher. For me Excellent!!! Thanks


Nous avons reçu la hotte rapidement et très bien conditionné. Très belle hotte mais la finition laisse quelques remords. Elle manque de la puissance pour l'aspiration. La vitres battante n'est pas de niveau et lorsqu'on le remarque in ne voit plus que ca. L'installation est basique et assez rapide. Je n'ai installé que 4 vis sur du placo renforcé, l'alimentation se fait par une prise. Communication avec le SAV rapide et efficace. Pour mon problème, ils ont d'abord tenté de voir si un réglage pouvait être fait par moi même mais rien à faire. Il m'ont alors proposé de la retourner à leur frais mais comme tout était deja câblé et fixé je n'avais pas trop envie. Ils m'ont donc proposé une compensation financière pour le déménagement. Chose que j'ai accepté.

We received the hood quickly and very well conditioned. Very nice hood but the finish leaves some regrets. It lacks the power for suction. The hinged window is not level and when you notice it, you only see that. The installation is basic and quite quick. I only installed 4 screws on reinforced placo, the power supply is via a socket. Fast and efficient communication with after-sales service. For my problem, they first tried to see if an adjustment could be made by me but nothing could be done. They then offered to return it at their expense but as everything was already wired and fixed I didn't really want to. So they offered me financial compensation for the move. Something I accepted.


Belles finitions. Contacts et SAV excellent

Beautiful finishes. Excellent contacts and after-sales service


Belles finitions. Contacts et SAV excellent

Beautiful finishes. Excellent contacts and after-sales service


Très joli design plusieurs choix de couleur super sympa très belle hotte cependant notice inexistante presque rien en explication.....compliquée de savoir comment la monter. Fonctionne parfaitement bien aspire très bien

Very nice design several choices of super nice color very nice hood however instructions non-existent almost nothing in explanation.....complicated to know how to assemble it. Works perfectly well, sucks very well


Très joli design plusieurs choix de couleur super sympa très belle hotte cependant notice inexistante presque rien en explication.....compliquée de savoir comment la monter. Fonctionne parfaitement bien aspire très bien

Very nice design several super nice color choices very nice hood however instructions non-existent almost nothing in explanation.....complicated to know how to assemble it. Works perfectly well, sucks very well


Bene , quello che mi serviva

Well, just what I needed


Einfache montage und sieht Top aus!

Easy to install and looks great!


Un po’ rumorosa alla massima potenza

A little noisy at maximum power


Reçu rapidement
la hotte était bien emballée
pas de casse
tout fonctionne au premier essai
à voir dans le temps.

Received quickly the hood was well packaged no breakage everything works on the first try to see over time.


Montaggio semplicissimo, basta conoscere metro e livella, aspirazione al top. La precedente anche se di marca, rumorosa e nel cucinare ai ferri, mi lasciava la nebbia in cucina, la uso a ricircolo, oltre più silenziosa, non resta la nebbia di cottura (fumo) La consiglio ad occhi chiusi

Very easy assembly, just know the tape measure and level, top suction. The previous one, even if branded, was noisy and when cooking on the grill, it left fog in the kitchen, I use it in recirculation, in addition it is quieter, there is no cooking fog (smoke) I recommend it with my eyes closed


Die Haube ist einfach nur ein Hingucker. Besonders mit eingeschalteten LED. Funktion ist easy. Auch die Farbeinstellung für die LED's. Ich habe mir die Haube mit zwei Kohlefilter bestellt da ich sie im Umluftbetrieb laufen habe. Sie ist ein wenig laut, aber mein Gott Walter ... irgendwo muss man Abstriche machen. Wen das stört, der kann sich gerne ein höherwertiges Produkt von Bosch oder Siemens kaufen und dafür einige Scheinchen mehr auf den Tisch legen. Für das Geld ist die Haube wirklich gut. Das Preisleistungsverhältnis stimmt. Ich würde sie jederzeit wieder kaufen.

The hood is simply an eye-catcher. Especially with the LEDs switched on. It works easily. The color setting for the LEDs is also easy. I ordered the hood with two carbon filters because I run it in recirculation mode. It is a little loud, but my God Walter... you have to make compromises somewhere. If that bothers you, you can buy a higher quality product from Bosch or Siemens and put a few more bucks on the table. For the money, the hood is really good. The price-performance ratio is good. I would buy it again any time.


Sieht super aus und verrichtet zuverlässig ihren Dienst. Die Haube ist einfach nur ein Hingucker. Besonders mit eingeschalteten LED. Funktion ist easy. Auch die Farbeinstellung für die LED's. Ich habe mir die Haube mit zwei Kohlefilter bestellt da ich sie im Umluftbetrieb laufen habe. Sie ist ein wenig laut, aber mein Gott Walter ... irgendwo muss man Abstriche machen. Wen das stört, der kann sich gerne ein höherwertiges Produkt von Bosch oder Siemens kaufen und dafür einige Scheinchen mehr auf den Tisch legen. Für das Geld ist die Haube wirklich gut. Das Preisleistungsverhältnis stimmt. Ich würde sie jederzeit wieder kaufen.

Looks great and does its job reliably. The hood is simply an eye-catcher. Especially with the LEDs switched on. It works easily. The color setting for the LEDs is also easy. I ordered the hood with two carbon filters because I run it in recirculation mode. It is a little loud, but my God Walter... you have to make compromises somewhere. If that bothers you, you can buy a higher quality product from Bosch or Siemens and put a few more bucks on the table. For the money, the hood is really good. The price-performance ratio is right. I would buy it again any time.


Corresponde ás expectativas.

It lives up to expectations.


Die Abzugshaube ist super, sieht gut aus und erfüllt ihren Zweck. Bei der Montage hätte eine Schablone zum anzeichnen für die Bohrlöcher bei sein können.

The extractor hood is great, looks good and serves its purpose. A template for marking the drill holes could have been included during assembly.


Bonne aspiration et très joli esthétique.

Good suction and very nice aesthetic.


Bonne aspiration et très joli esthétique.

Good suction and very nice aesthetic.


Die Haube wurde als Ersatz für eine Esse angeschafft. Das design ist ansprechend , passt genau zwischen die beiden vorhandenen Oberschränke. Due Klappe für die Filter liegt in der Mitte, so dass diese einfach zu öffnen ist. Die nötigen Teile zur Montage sind alle dabei. Der Glasrand kann in verschiedenen Farben beleuchtet werden. Der Abzug arbeitet effizient und nicht zu laut . Wir nutzen Abluftsystem, Umluft ist auch möglich . Due entsprechenden filter gibt es als Zubehör zu kaufen

The hood was purchased as a replacement for a chimney. The design is attractive and fits exactly between the two existing wall units. The flap for the filter is in the middle, so it is easy to open. All the parts required for assembly are included. The glass edge can be illuminated in different colors. The extractor works efficiently and is not too loud. We use an exhaust air system, but recirculation is also possible. The corresponding filters are available to buy as accessories.


Die Dunstabzugshaube ist einfach nur super. Sehr sehr zufrieden. Im Vergleich zu anderen Herstellern, ist dieses Modell nicht so tief und sehr gut für größere Personen geeignet, die immer wieder den Kopf stoßen. Seit dem Kauf keine Beule mehr gehabt.

The extractor hood is simply great. Very, very satisfied. Compared to other manufacturers, this model is not as deep and is very suitable for taller people who keep bumping their heads. Haven't had a dent since buying it.


Beau produit mais la porte était mal fixée. De travers j’ai du percer d’autres trous pour pouvoir rectifier son niveau. Sinon fonctionne bien. Pas d’évacuation extérieur j’utilise les filtres à charbon. Pour l’instant je n’en ai mis qu un du fait de certains commentaires précisant que dans ce cas seul un mode de vitesse fonctionnerait sur les 3 prévus. Maintenant que je suis venue à bout du problème de niveau de la porte je tenterai d’installer le 2nd filtre. Malgré tout bonne aspiration des odeurs et appareil raisonnablement bruyant ( cuisine ouverte sur salon).

Nice product but the door was poorly fixed. Crookedly I had to drill other holes to be able to rectify its level. Otherwise works well. No external evacuation I use carbon filters. For the moment I have only added one due to certain comments specifying that in this case only one speed mode would work out of the 3 provided. Now that I have overcome the door level problem I will try to install the 2nd filter. Despite everything, good odor extraction and reasonably noisy appliance (kitchen open to living room).


Beau produit mais la porte était mal fixée. De travers j’ai du percer d’autres trous pour pouvoir rectifier son niveau. Sinon fonctionne bien. Pas d’évacuation extérieur j’utilise les filtres à charbon. Pour l’instant je n’en ai mis qu un du fait de certains commentaires précisant que dans ce cas seul un mode de vitesse fonctionnerait sur les 3 prévus. Maintenant que je suis venue à bout du problème de niveau de la porte je tenterai d’installer le 2nd filtre. Malgré tout bonne aspiration des odeurs et appareil raisonnablement bruyant ( cuisine ouverte sur salon).

Nice product but the door was poorly fixed. Crookedly I had to drill other holes to be able to rectify its level. Otherwise works well. No external evacuation I use carbon filters. For the moment I have only included one due to certain comments specifying that in this case only one speed mode would work out of the 3 provided. Now that I have overcome the door level problem I will try to install the 2nd filter. Despite everything, good odor extraction and reasonably noisy appliance (kitchen open to living room).


Kommunikation, man muss immer wieder nachfragen. Sonst wurde alles gut geliefert. Retoure umständlich.

Communication, you have to keep asking. Otherwise everything was delivered well. Returns are complicated.


Alles top Schnelle reibungslose Lieferung, sehr gute Ware.

Everything is great. Fast, smooth delivery, very good product.


Schnelle reibungslose Lieferung, sehr gute Ware.

Fast, smooth delivery, very good product.


Gut Bin zufrieden

Good I am satisfied


Bin zufrieden

Am satisfied


cuisine en interieure

indoor cooking


cuisine en interieure

indoor cooking


Ich habe mich zum Kauf durch diverse Testurteile und der wirklich tollen Optik verleiten lassen. Der erste Minuspunkt sofort nach dem Auspacken: Die beliegende Anleitung könnte man tatsächlich auch einfach weg lassen, die sinnvollste Angabe ist, wie man die Beleuchtung einstellt. Sofern man sowas überhaupt braucht. Nach dem Anschließen (Abluft) folgte die Ernüchterung: wie viele hier beschreiben, hatte die Aktivierung der unterschiedlichen Stufen keinerlei Auswirkung, Saugleistung miserabel, dabei recht laut. Bei einem ersten Test - noch nicht montiert, funktionierte aber alles wie erwartet. Also habe ich mich ein wenig belesen und mit der Materie vertraut gemacht. Am Ende stand die Erkenntnis, dass durch die Art, wie ich die Haube angeschlossen hatte (Reduzierstück zu nah am Luft-Ausgang), die Klappen nicht richtig öffneten. Dabei kann einfach nicht genügend Luft abtransportiert werden. Möglicherweise regelt die Haube dann auch automatisch runter, es handelt sich also eher um eine Schutzfunktion gegen falsche Inbetriebnahme, als eine Fehlfunktion. Nach Korrektur lief die Haube dann wie gewünscht, und liefert, selbst bei einer auf 125mm reduzierten Abluft, eine wirklich ordentliche Saugleistung. Das auf allen 3 Stufen, mit jeweils deutlich unerschiedlichem Geräuschpegel. Sie ist nach eigener Messung minimal lauter als angegeben, dabei aber immer noch recht leise. Fazit: einfach eine kräftige Haube kaufen tuts nicht, man muss sie auch richtig anschließen können. Stimmen die Vorraussetzungen nicht, oder man montiert sie falsch, liegt es wie so oft bei Technik nicht am Gerät, sondern am Benutzer. 4 Sterne gebe ich trotz der folgenden Mängel, da sich der gute Preis halt auch irgendwo niederschlägt: Ein Hinweis auf die verringerte Leistung bei fehlerhaftem Anschluss gehört, gerade bei so vielen Meldungen darüber, unbedingt unmissverständlich in dick und rot ganz vorne in die Anleitung. Diese müsste sowieso stark überarbeitet werden. Ebenso fehlt es an einer Hotline, die man zu solchen Problemen befragen kann. Ich habe überhaupt keine Telefonnummer des Herstellers gefunden, und der Chatbot auf der Kundensupport-Seite hat ungefähr das Niveau der Anleitung. Das ist unterirdisch. Nicht destop trotz: bisher bin ich mit dem Produkt bis auf weiteres äußerst zufrieden, sie leistet jetzt seit eineiger Zeit richtig gute Dienste, und sieht dazu noch toll aus. Preis-Leistung stimmt hier in der Gesamtheit absolut.

I was tempted to buy it by various test results and the really great look. The first negative point immediately after unpacking: the enclosed instructions could actually just be left out, the most useful information is how to set the lighting. If you even need something like that. After connecting it (exhaust air), the sobering came: as many people describe here, activating the different levels had no effect, suction power was poor and quite loud. In an initial test - not yet assembled - everything worked as expected. So I read up a bit and familiarized myself with the subject. In the end, I realized that the way I had connected the hood (reducer too close to the air outlet) meant that the flaps were not opening properly. This simply means that not enough air can be removed. The hood may then automatically regulate down, so it is more a protective function against incorrect operation than a malfunction. After correction, the hood then worked as desired and delivers really decent suction power, even with the exhaust air reduced to 125mm. This is the case on all 3 levels, with clearly different noise levels in each case. According to my own measurements, it is slightly louder than stated, but still quite quiet. Conclusion: you can't just buy a powerful hood, you also have to be able to connect it correctly. If the requirements are not met, or you install it incorrectly, then, as is often the case with technology, it is not the fault of the device, but of the user. I am giving it 4 stars despite the following shortcomings, because the good price is reflected somewhere: A note about the reduced performance in the event of a faulty connection should definitely be clearly stated in bold and red right at the front of the instructions, especially with so many reports about this. These would need to be revised significantly anyway. There is also no hotline that you can call about such problems. I couldn't find a telephone number for the manufacturer at all, and the chatbot on the customer support page is about the same level as the instructions. That's abysmal. Nevertheless: so far I am extremely satisfied with the product, it has been doing a really good job for some time now, and it looks great too. Overall, the price-performance ratio is absolutely right here.


Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo

Excellent value for money


Pensavo che la luce cambiasse in 12 varianti. Invece ce ne una blu. Forse ho letto male, o forse è spiegato male. Comunque bellissima

I thought the light changed in 12 variations. Instead there is a blue one. Maybe I read it wrong, or maybe it is explained badly. Anyway beautiful


Gute Leistung, nicht zu laut. Zufrieden, einziges Manko: bedienungsanleitung nicht gut. Keine konkretes Aufbau anleitung

Good performance, not too loud. Satisfied, only drawback: operating instructions not good. No concrete assembly instructions


Bella e molto elegante, venditore disponibile. consigliato!

Beautiful and very elegant, helpful seller. Recommended!


Puissante pratique et à recommander

Powerful practical and recommended


Optisch sehr ansprechend, technisch gut+ und Preis/Leistung top!

Visually very appealing, technically good+ and top price/performance!


Fonctionne bien

Works well


Fonctionne bien

Works well


I love the design, it is uplifting the kitchen look. I specifically like the LED feature. Decent suction and not that noisy as expected, luckily. The is no noise level difference between the settings 1 and 3 but with the power there is. It comes with EU plug, however an UK converter is included in the package. Good customer service. I can recommend this item.

I love the design, it is uplifting the kitchen look. I specifically like the LED feature. Decent suction and not that noisy as expected, luckily. The is no noise level difference between the settings 1 and 3 but with the power there is. It comes with EU plug, however an UK converter is included in the package. Good customer service. I can recommend this item.


Bellissima e fortissima

Beautiful and very strong


Bellissima cappa funzionale, non tanto rumorosa, buona aspirazione, Design stupendo e prezzo ottimo. Soddisfatta e la consiglio 10++++++++

Beautiful functional hood, not too noisy, good suction, stunning design and great price. Satisfied and I recommend it 10++++++++


Bellissima cappa funzionale, non tanto rumorosa, buona aspirazione, Design stupendo e prezzo ottimo. Soddisfatta e la consiglio 10++++++++

Beautiful functional hood, not too noisy, good suction, stunning design and great price. Satisfied and I recommend it 10++++++++


Hotte design et fonctionnelle. Très contente du rendu par rapport à l'ancienne. Aspire aussi bien avec moins de bruit en position 3. J'aurais aimé une ouverture automatique de la hotte à l'allumage mais je peux faire l'effort de l'ouvrir à la main pour un budget bien plus raisonnable. La livraison s'est faite en deux fois : la première étant arrivée avec du bruit de verre pilé lors de la manipulation du colis, j'ai fait signer une réserve ce qui a permis son renvoi et remboursement et une relivraison, la deuxième était la bonne après inspection minutieuse des parties en verre de la hotte sortie du colis (le transporteur étant compréhensif, il m'a aidée). L'installation a été compliquée, la notice ne détaillant pas l'accrochage et comment ajuster le caisson de la cheminée. Ma hotte étant encastrée dans un meuble existant, sans gabarit papier fourni ni conseils écrits, j'ai dû recalculer la hauteur de perçage du mur pour que le bas de la hotte coïncide avec le bas de mes placards. Mon mari a galéré à percer notre crédence inox pour y fixer le portant avec les deux chevilles fournies. Enfin, il a dû redécouper à la scie à métaux le cache cheminée pour la raccourcir de 40 à 15 cm. Bref un bon après-midi de travaux manuels mais cela vide la tête et nous avons fini contents du résultat !! A voir dans la durée :) Petit mémo pour la sélection de la couleur (non indiqué dans la notice !) : appuyer sur le bouton d'éclairage de façon prolongée jusqu'à entendre un petit bip, sélectionner la couleur en appuyant sur le bouton 3 successivement (8 couleurs) puis réappuyer de façon prolongée le bouton lumière jusqu'à entendre à nouveau un petit bip pour mémoriser la couleur choisie. Voilà.

Designer and functional hood. Very happy with the result compared to the old one. Vacuums just as well with less noise in position 3. I would have liked an automatic opening of the hood when switched on but I can make the effort to open it by hand for a much more reasonable budget. The delivery was made in two installments: the first having arrived with the noise of crushed glass when handling the package, I had a reservation signed which allowed its return and reimbursement and redelivery, the second was the good after careful inspection of the glass parts of the hood taken out of the package (the carrier being understanding, he helped me). The installation was complicated, the instructions did not detail the hanging and how to adjust the chimney box. My hood being built into an existing piece of furniture, with no paper template provided or written advice, I had to recalculate the wall drilling height so that the bottom of the hood coincided with the bottom of my cupboards. My husband had a hard time drilling our stainless steel splashback to attach the rack to it with the two dowels provided. Finally, he had to recut the chimney cover with a hacksaw to shorten it from 40 to 15 cm. In short, a good afternoon of manual work but it clears our heads and we ended up happy with the result!! To see over time :) Small memo for color selection (not indicated in the instructions!): press the lighting button for a long time until you hear a small beep, select the color by pressing the button 3 successively (8 colors) then press and hold the light button again until you hear a short beep again to memorize the chosen color. So.


Hotte design et fonctionnelle. Très contente du rendu par rapport à l'ancienne. Aspire aussi bien avec moins de bruit en position 3. J'aurais aimé une ouverture automatique de la hotte à l'allumage mais je peux faire l'effort de l'ouvrir à la main pour un budget bien plus raisonnable. La livraison s'est faite en deux fois : la première étant arrivée avec du bruit de verre pilé lors de la manipulation du colis, j'ai fait signer une réserve ce qui a permis son renvoi et remboursement et une relivraison, la deuxième était la bonne après inspection minutieuse des parties en verre de la hotte sortie du colis (le transporteur étant compréhensif, il m'a aidée). L'installation a été compliquée, la notice ne détaillant pas l'accrochage et comment ajuster le caisson de la cheminée. Ma hotte étant encastrée dans un meuble existant, sans gabarit papier fourni ni conseils écrits, j'ai dû recalculer la hauteur de perçage du mur pour que le bas de la hotte coïncide avec le bas de mes placards. Mon mari a galéré à percer notre crédence inox pour y fixer le portant avec les deux chevilles fournies. Enfin, il a dû redécouper à la scie à métaux le cache cheminée pour la raccourcir de 40 à 15 cm. Bref un bon après-midi de travaux manuels mais cela vide la tête et nous avons fini contents du résultat !! A voir dans la durée :) Petit mémo pour la sélection de la couleur (non indiqué dans la notice !) : appuyer sur le bouton d'éclairage de façon prolongée jusqu'à entendre un petit bip, sélectionner la couleur en appuyant sur le bouton 3 successivement (8 couleurs) puis réappuyer de façon prolongée le bouton lumière jusqu'à entendre à nouveau un petit bip pour mémoriser la couleur choisie. Voilà.

Designer and functional hood. Very happy with the result compared to the old one. Vacuums just as well with less noise in position 3. I would have liked an automatic opening of the hood when switched on but I can make the effort to open it by hand for a much more reasonable budget. The delivery was made in two installments: the first having arrived with the noise of crushed glass when handling the package, I had a reservation signed which allowed its return and reimbursement and redelivery, the second was the good after careful inspection of the glass parts of the hood taken out of the package (the carrier being understanding, he helped me). The installation was complicated, the instructions did not detail the hanging and how to adjust the chimney box. My hood being built into an existing piece of furniture, with no paper template provided or written advice, I had to recalculate the wall drilling height so that the bottom of the hood coincided with the bottom of my cupboards. My husband had a hard time drilling our stainless steel splashback to attach the rack to it with the two dowels provided. Finally, he had to recut the chimney cover with a hacksaw to shorten it from 40 to 15 cm. In short, a good afternoon of manual work but it clears our heads and we ended up happy with the result!! To see over time :) Small memo for color selection (not indicated in the instructions!): press the lighting button for a long time until you hear a small beep, select the color by pressing the button 3 successively (8 colors) then press and hold the light button again until you hear a short beep again to memorize the chosen color. So.


Queda muy bien, le da un toque moderno a la cocina pero esperaba un poco más de potencia de absorción

It looks great, it gives a modern touch to the kitchen but I expected a little more absorption power


It will take two people to fit this as it is heavy. Looks great on the wall and the lights are a great feature. Works well and sucks the steam away as required.

It will take two people to fit this as it is heavy. Looks great on the wall and the lights are a great feature. Works well and sucks the steam away as required.


pero mucho ruido, por lo demas genial

but a lot of noise, otherwise great


Me gustaría que las luces Led cambiaran solas...

I would like the LED lights to change by themselves...


Ho letto tante recensioni negative su questa cappa, e sinceramente ho avuto paura quando ho fatto l'acquisto, ma avendo la possibilità di restituire ho deciso di acquistarla lo stesso. La cappa è davvero molto bella, il montaggio è molto semplice, fa davvero una bella figura, in piu molto silenziosa con una potenziale aspirazione già a livello 1. Il la consiglio assolutamente, bellissima, potente e silenziosa. Sono pienamente soddisfatta.

I read many negative reviews about this hood, and honestly I was scared when I made the purchase, but having the possibility of returning it I decided to buy it anyway. The hood is really very beautiful, the assembly is very simple, it really makes a good impression, plus very quiet with a potential suction already at level 1. I absolutely recommend it, beautiful, powerful and quiet. I am fully satisfied.


Facile da montare, luminosa, abbastanza silenziosa , aspira bene anche solo con i filtri da acquistare a parte, poco incombrate.

Easy to assemble, bright, quite silent, it sucks well even with just the filters to be purchased separately, not very cluttered.


Sieht schick aus

Looks nice


Vorbildliche Reklamationsabwicklung Die erste Lieferung hatte einen Transportschaden, die Zweite einen technischen Defekt. Trotz anfänglicher Ärgernis konnte die vorbildliche und problemlose Reklamationsabwicklung überzeugen. Allerdings sind die mitgelieferten Befestigungmaterialien (Dübel und Schrauben) , bei 20 kg Gewicht der Haube, etwas unterdimensioniert.

Exemplary complaint handling The first delivery had transport damage, the second a technical defect. Despite initial annoyances, the exemplary and problem-free complaint handling was convincing. However, the fastening materials supplied (dowels and screws) are somewhat undersized, considering the hood's weight of 20 kg.


Die erste Lieferung hatte einen Transportschaden, die Zweite einen technischen Defekt. Trotz anfänglicher Ärgernis konnte die vorbildliche und problemlose Reklamationsabwicklung überzeugen. Allerdings sind die mitgelieferten Befestigungmaterialien (Dübel und Schrauben) , bei 20 kg Gewicht der Haube, etwas unterdimensioniert.

The first delivery had transport damage, the second a technical defect. Despite the initial annoyance, the exemplary and problem-free complaint handling was convincing. However, the supplied fastening materials (dowels and screws) are somewhat undersized for a hood that weighs 20 kg.


Leise jedoch schon nach 3J defekt.

Quiet but broken after 3 years.


Encantadisima con mi campana nueva , no suena nada y tiene mucha potencia , genial !!

I am delighted with my new bell, it doesn't make any noise and has a lot of power, great!!


Vorsicht vor den Gebrauchten Artikeln! An dich bin ich Fan von Karsten eco Dunstabzügen.. wir hatten schonmal den Dunstabzug Aurora den es leider nicht mehr gibt. Deshalb habe ich mich für Mirage entschieden. Noch leiser noch bessere Effizienz. Optisch sind sie einfach wunderschön., Die Lichter machen ein ein tolles Ambiente und man sieht das Kochgut sehr gut. Leider!!! Ist mir es untergekommen das ich ein gebrauchtes bestellt habe, auch direkt von Klarstein selbst, was ich nicht wollte. Hab mir aber dann die Beschreibung durchgelesen den ich hatte oft schon gute Erfahrungen gemacht anderweitig mit kleinen verträglichen Fehlern. In der Beschreibung : Schäden an der Verpackung oder kleine Fehler wurde getestet. Alles Funktioniert. 1 Jahr Grantie. Die Verpackung wurde ersichtlich schon mehrmals zum verschicken benützt. Noch ging er.. ausgepackt noch nichts erkennen können aufgehängt.. ok.. die Blende vorne zum Aufkkappen war so schief eingebaut das man hier nicht von einem kleinen Fehler reden kann sondern das ganz klar ein Produktionsfehler ist! Da sie schon hing und man das in Perspektive nicht so sehr sieht und man da wirklich hinsehen muss hätte ich das sogar noch in Kauf genommen.. man muss dazu sagen meine Küche ist klein. Man steht nicht weiter weg direkt davor und in der Perspektive sieht’s eh anders aus.. Als ich ihn dann nun eingeschaltet habe ratterte das Ding.. kaputt………..!!!!!!! Ich war wütend und fassungslos! Das Ding hat glaube ich nie wirklich jemand in der gehabt gehabt zum kontrollieren.. Einzige Option zurückschicken da der Kundendienst eigentlich gar keinen Service anbieten kann. Traurig.. ich warte nun bis das Geld zurück ist und kaufe neu. Es war nämlich auch nicht möglich einfach eine neue zu schicken und den Differenzbetrag auszugleichen.. tja..

Be careful with used items! I'm a fan of Karsten eco extractor hoods. We once had the Aurora extractor hood which is unfortunately no longer available. That's why I decided on the Mirage. It's even quieter and more efficient. They look simply beautiful. The lights create a great ambience and you can see the food being cooked very well. Unfortunately!!! I happened to order a used one, even directly from Klarstein themselves, which I didn't want. But then I read the description because I've often had good experiences with small, tolerable errors. In the description: damage to the packaging or small errors was tested. Everything works. 1 year guarantee. The packaging had obviously been used several times for shipping. It still works. Unpacked and couldn't see anything when hung up. OK. The cover at the front for capping was installed so crookedly that you can't call this a small error but rather a manufacturing error! Since it was already hanging and you can't see it that much in perspective and you really have to look at it, I would have even accepted it.. I have to say, my kitchen is small. You can't stand far away from it and it looks different in perspective anyway.. When I then switched it on, the thing rattled.. broken………..!!!!!!! I was angry and stunned! I don't think anyone ever actually had the thing in to check it.. The only option is to send it back because the customer service can't really offer any service. Sad.. I'm now waiting until the money is returned and buying a new one. It wasn't possible to just send a new one and make up the difference.. oh well..


An dich bin ich Fan von Karsten eco Dunstabzügen.. wir hatten schonmal den Dunstabzug Aurora den es leider nicht mehr gibt. Deshalb habe ich mich für Mirage entschieden. Noch leiser noch bessere Effizienz. Optisch sind sie einfach wunderschön., Die Lichter machen ein ein tolles Ambiente und man sieht das Kochgut sehr gut. Leider!!! Ist mir es untergekommen das ich ein gebrauchtes bestellt habe, auch direkt von Klarstein selbst, was ich nicht wollte. Hab mir aber dann die Beschreibung durchgelesen den ich hatte oft schon gute Erfahrungen gemacht anderweitig mit kleinen verträglichen Fehlern. In der Beschreibung : Schäden an der Verpackung oder kleine Fehler wurde getestet. Alles Funktioniert. 1 Jahr Grantie. Die Verpackung wurde ersichtlich schon mehrmals zum verschicken benützt. Noch ging er.. ausgepackt noch nichts erkennen können aufgehängt.. ok.. die Blende vorne zum Aufkkappen war so schief eingebaut das man hier nicht von einem kleinen Fehler reden kann sondern das ganz klar ein Produktionsfehler ist! Da sie schon hing und man das in Perspektive nicht so sehr sieht und man da wirklich hinsehen muss hätte ich das sogar noch in Kauf genommen.. man muss dazu sagen meine Küche ist klein. Man steht nicht weiter weg direkt davor und in der Perspektive sieht’s eh anders aus.. Als ich ihn dann nun eingeschaltet habe ratterte das Ding.. kaputt………..!!!!!!! Ich war wütend und fassungslos! Das Ding hat glaube ich nie wirklich jemand in der gehabt gehabt zum kontrollieren.. Einzige Option zurückschicken da der Kundendienst eigentlich gar keinen Service anbieten kann. Traurig.. ich warte nun bis das Geld zurück ist und kaufe neu. Es war nämlich auch nicht möglich einfach eine neue zu schicken und den Differenzbetrag auszugleichen.. tja..

I'm a fan of Karsten eco extractor hoods for you.. we used to have the Aurora extractor hood, which unfortunately is no longer available. That's why I chose Mirage. Even quieter, even better efficiency. Visually, they are simply beautiful., The lights create a great ambience and you can see the food very well. Unfortunately!!! Did I happen to order a used one, also directly from Klarstein itself, which I didn't want? But then I read the description because I had often had good experiences elsewhere with small tolerable errors. In the description : damage to the packaging or small flaws has been tested. Everything works. 1 year guarantee. The packaging has obviously been used several times for shipping. It was still working.. unpacked, still not able to see anything hung up.. ok.. the front cover to open it was installed so crookedly that one cannot speak of a small error here, but that is clearly a production error! Since it was already hanging and you don't see it that much in perspective and you really have to look there, I would have even put up with it.. I have to say my kitchen is small. You are not further away directly in front of it and it looks different from the perspective anyway.. When I switched it on, the thing rattled.. broken………..!!!!!!! I was angry and stunned! I don't think anyone has ever really had the thing to check. The only option is to send it back because customer service can't actually offer any service. Sorry.. now I'm waiting until the money is back and buy a new one. It wasn't possible to simply send a new one and compensate for the difference.. well..


Die Haube sieht gut aus aber ist leistungsmäßig nicht zu überzeugen! Reinigen lässt sie sich aber gut,ist ja auch nicht immer der Fall. Jetzt hängt sie so lange bis sie nicht mehr geht aber noch mal leider nicht wegen der schwachen Leistung

The hood looks good but is not convincing in terms of performance! It is easy to clean though, which is not always the case. Now it hangs until it doesn't work anymore, but unfortunately not again because of the weak performance


No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. Funcionamiento correcto, embalaje perfecto a pesar de mi preocupación por ser de cristal, y de aspecto estupenda, sin duda una buena compra.

The media could not be loaded. Works fine, packaging is perfect despite my concerns about it being glass, and looks great, definitely a good buy.


Etwas komplizierter Funktion aber sonst top

A bit more complicated function but otherwise great


Muss frei hängen sonst kann man es nicht richtig putzen

Must hang freely otherwise you can't clean it properly


La prima cappa che ho comprato è arrivata difettosa Chiesto il reso mi è stata sostituita La seconda funziona perfettamente Avevo dimenticato nel reso i filtri a carbone e molto gentilmente me ne hanno mandati altri Avendo prima una cappa con una superficie di aspirazione più ampia e piatta la trovo un po’ meno potente Esteticamente è molto bella e si adatta perfettamente ai mobili della cucina è però un po’ difficile da pulire non ho ancora trovato il prodotto giusto da usare , non tutte le superfici della cappa sono facilmente arrivabili Sono comunque soddisfatta del mio acquisto

The first hood I bought arrived defective. I asked for a return and it was replaced. The second one works perfectly. I had forgotten the carbon filters in the return and they very kindly sent me others. Having previously had a hood with a wider and flatter suction surface, I find it a little less powerful. Aesthetically it is very beautiful and fits perfectly with the kitchen furniture, but it is a little difficult to clean. I have not yet found the right product to use, not all the surfaces of the hood are easily accessible. I am still satisfied with my purchase.


Tiene la potencia que buscaba

It has the power I was looking for


Ottimo prodotto, silenzioso e performante. Aspira bene e se vuoi l'effetto boost apri la paratia filtro (che rimane aperta da sola grazie al pistone) e crea effetto camino! Belli i led laterali e le luci sotto illuminano correttamente il piano cottura.

Excellent product, silent and high-performance. It sucks well and if you want the boost effect, open the filter partition (which remains open by itself thanks to the piston) and create a chimney effect! The side LEDs and the lights underneath are beautiful and illuminate the hob correctly.


Solo decirle que le faltaría algo más de fuerza

Just tell him that he needs a little more strength.


Zuerst einmal sollte ich vorab sagen, dass wir die Dunstabzugshaube als Umlufthaube nutzen. Da besteht sowieso nur eine „geringe“ Saugkraft. Das war uns aber im vorhinein bewusst. Vorallem weil wir keine 1.000€ für ein Gerät ausgeben wollte. Die Mirage liegt im preislich klassischen Mittelfeld. Saugt Nudelwasser und 2 weitere kochende Töpfe gut auf. Bei 10kg Grünkohl kochen hat Sie jedoch ein bisschen schlapp gemacht, das sind aber Dinge, die waren mir eigentlich vorher bewusst. Sie funktioniert zu dem besser, wenn man den Schutz des Vorfilters aufklappt. Sieht nicht mehr so schick aus und nervt, aber bringt eines mehr an Leistung. Bezüglich der Aktiv-Kohle-Filter haben wir uns vorher auf der Klarstein Homepage erkundigt, welche dort benötigt werden und haben auch prompt die richtigen bestellt. Ich bin gespannt wie lange sich die Abzugshaube hält. Bin leider bei Neumodernen-Geräten immer etwas misstrauisch. Aber bis jetzt sind wir relativ zufrieden

First of all, I should say in advance that we use the extractor hood as a recirculation hood. There is only a "low" suction power anyway. But we were aware of that in advance. Mainly because we didn't want to spend €1,000 on a device. The Mirage is priced in the classic middle range. Soaks up pasta water and 2 other boiling pots. However, cooking 10kg of kale made you a little tired, but these are things that I was actually aware of beforehand. It also works better if you open the pre-filter protection. Doesn't look as chic anymore and is annoying, but brings a better performance. Regarding the activated charcoal filters, we first checked on the Klarstein homepage which ones were needed there and promptly ordered the right ones. I'm curious how long the hood will last. Unfortunately, I'm always a bit suspicious of new modern devices. But so far we are relatively satisfied


Calidad precios 10 de 10 nos a encantado

Quality prices 10 out of 10 we loved it


Also ich finde es etwas zu laut! Saugt auch nicht so wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe...

So I find it a bit too loud! Doesn't suck like I imagined either...


Arriva in anticipo, molto bella . Prodotto di ottima qualità, facile da montare. Le luci sono utilissime per me. Piace moltissimo anche al marito

Arrived early, very nice. Excellent quality product, easy to assemble. The lights are very useful for me. Husband likes it very much too


Ich hatte über Amazon zunächst falsche Aktivkohlefilter bestellt. Die Bajonettverschlüsse bei der Haube fallen links und rechts unterschiedlich aus, daher passen wirklich nur die Klarstein-Aktivkohlefilter, die auf der Hersteller Website als Zubehör zur Mirage 60 aufgeführt werden. Mit den passenden Filter bin ich nun glücklich mit der Mirage 60!

I initially ordered the wrong activated carbon filter from Amazon. The bayonet locks on the hood are different on the left and right, so only the Klarstein activated carbon filters that are listed on the manufacturer's website as accessories for the Mirage 60 really fit. With the right filters I am now happy with the Mirage 60!


Happy End mit Klarstein Mirage 60 Ich hatte über Amazon zunächst falsche Aktivkohlefilter bestellt. Die Bajonettverschlüsse bei der Haube fallen links und rechts unterschiedlich aus, daher passen wirklich nur die Klarstein-Aktivkohlefilter, die auf der Hersteller Website als Zubehör zur Mirage 60 aufgeführt werden. Mit den passenden Filter bin ich nun glücklich mit der Mirage 60!

Happy ending with Klarstein Mirage 60 I initially ordered the wrong activated carbon filters from Amazon. The bayonet locks on the hood are different on the left and right, so only the Klarstein activated carbon filters that are listed on the manufacturer's website as accessories for the Mirage 60 really fit. With the right filters, I am now happy with the Mirage 60!


La compré como regalo de boda para unos amigos. Tras más de 1 semana instalada y con uso diario están muy contentos, no solo por su diseño moderno sino, por lo más importante, por la capacidad de succión. Lo de la iluminación led le da un plus al diseño En cuanto al ruido, como cualquier campana, al ser nueva muy contenido

I bought it as a wedding gift for some friends. After more than 1 week of installation and daily use, they are very happy, not only for its modern design but, more importantly, for the suction capacity. The LED lighting gives a plus to the design. As for noise, like any hood, being new it is very low.


Recientemente cambiamos la cocina. La modernizamos un poco y cambiamos los fogones por una vitrocerámica, pusimos horno y nos gustó esta campana extractora que combinaba muy bien con los muebles y todo. Estéticamente es muy bonita y aunque no la tenemos colocada del todo ya que nos llegó ayer por la mañana (nos puede el ansia por terminar la cocina) sí probamos la instalación. Nos sorprendió el poco ruido que hace el extractor y nos gustan mucho las luces (aunque ahora pueda parecer que montamos una discoteca). Queda muy bien la verdad ahora solo nos queda terminar la instalación y disfrutarla. Fácil instalación por cierto, no tiene misterio.

We recently changed the kitchen. We modernised it a bit and changed the stove for a ceramic hob, we put in an oven and we liked this extractor hood that went very well with the furniture and everything. Aesthetically it is very nice and although we don't have it completely installed since it arrived yesterday morning (we are anxious to finish the kitchen) we did try the installation. We were surprised by how little noise the extractor makes and we really like the lights (although now it may seem like we are setting up a discotheque). It looks really good, now we just have to finish the installation and enjoy it. Easy installation by the way, there is no mystery.


il n'y a rien a dire sur l'efficacité de la hotte. juste la façade qui se soulève qui est de travers comme on s'en aperçoit une fois le montage fait c'est compliqué de tout démonter pour faire un renvoi.

there is nothing to say about the effectiveness of the hood. just the facade which lifts which is crooked as we realize once the assembly is done it is complicated to dismantle everything to make a return.


il n'y a rien a dire sur l'efficacité de la hotte. juste la façade qui se soulève qui est de travers comme on s'en aperçoit une fois le montage fait c'est compliqué de tout démonter pour faire un renvoi.

there is nothing to say about the effectiveness of the hood. just the facade which lifts which is crooked as we realize once the assembly is done it is complicated to dismantle everything to make a return.


Geräuschpegel ist wirklich ganz erträglich. Die letzte Haube war deutlich lauter. Sie ist leicht zu reinigen durch die Verglasung. LED Beleuchtung ist einstellbar und die Bedienung in der Anleitung erklärt. Leider war bei uns das Glas nach dem auspacken unten links in der Ecke beschädigt. Wenn man es weiß sieht man das leider immer. Ansonsten ist diese Haube weiter zu empfehlen.

The noise level is really tolerable. The last hood was significantly louder. It is easy to clean thanks to the glazing. LED lighting is adjustable and operation is explained in the instructions. Unfortunately, the glass was damaged in the bottom left corner after unpacking. Unfortunately, once you know, you can always see it. Otherwise, this hood is recommended.


Diseño moderno pero el bajo nivel de ruido lo consigue con un motor que a potencia máxima no puede eliminar todo el vapor.

Modern design but the low noise level is achieved with a motor that at maximum power cannot eliminate all the steam.


Sieht gut aus, aber an saugleistung habe ich mehr erwartet, sammelt sich Dunst Wasser am Glas und tropft runter, nicht so schön. Bin ich enttäuscht

Looks good, but I expected more suction power, vapor water collects on the glass and drips down, not so nice. am i disappointed


Artikel entspricht der Beschreibung. Die Haube ist sehr leise und sieht dabei auch noch sehr edel aus. Anbau war auch relativ einfach. Der Haubendeckel muss leider per Hand geöffnet werden. Habe ich allerdings vor dem Kauf nicht drauf geachtet. Lieferung ging schneller als erwartet und die Zustellung war problemlos.

Article corresponds to the description. The hood is very quiet and looks very classy. Installation was also relatively easy. Unfortunately, the hood lid has to be opened by hand. However, I didn't pay attention to it before buying it. Delivery was quicker than expected and delivery was easy.


Le design est sympa . Reçu avec un petit éclat sur le verre et le clapet en verre pour accéder aux filtres n’était pas de niveau .... Les vis apparentes sur les côtes de la hotte sont dommageables bref tout ça MOYEN

The design is nice. Received with a small chip on the glass and the glass flap to access the filters was not level.... The visible screws on the ribs of the hood are damaging, in short all that MEDIUM


Le design est sympa . Reçu avec un petit éclat sur le verre et le clapet en verre pour accéder aux filtres n’était pas de niveau .... Les vis apparentes sur les côtes de la hotte sont dommageables bref tout ça MOYEN

The design is nice. Received with a small chip on the glass and the glass flap to access the filters was not level.... The visible screws on the ribs of the hood are damaging, in short all that MEDIUM


muy buena campana bonita funcionamiento perfecto estética, etc

Very good bell, nice operation, perfect aesthetics, etc.


A par un grand coup sur le côté avec un jolie bosse sûrement pendant le transport si non ça va

A big blow on the side with a nice dent probably during transport otherwise it's okay


A par un grand coup sur le côté avec un jolie bosse sûrement pendant le transport si non ça va

A big blow on the side with a nice dent probably during transport otherwise it's okay


queda muy bien puesto. Absorve muy bien. en caso de que cocines algo que precise mas absorcion lo puedes abrir para aumentar la zona de absorcion. Incluso abierto no te da en la cabeza. hace poco ruido.

It fits very well. It absorbs very well. If you cook something that requires more absorption, you can open it to increase the absorption area. Even when open, it doesn't hit your head. It makes very little noise.


Très bon produit. Klarstein prend soin de son matériel, hotte très consciencieusement emballée.bravo.

Very good product. Klarstein takes care of its equipment, hood very conscientiously packaged. Bravo.


Très bon produit. Klarstein prend soin de son matériel, hotte très consciencieusement emballée.bravo.

Very good product. Klarstein takes care of its equipment, hood very conscientiously packaged. Bravo.


El diseño es muy bonito y muy elegante con las luces de led

The design is very nice and very elegant with the LED lights.


Bellissimo oggetto di design, ottimo funzionamento e luci da atmosfera allegre e stimolanti

Beautiful design object, excellent functioning and cheerful and stimulating atmospheric lights


Ist sehr leise, Gutes Licht, sieht gut aus, tut was sie soll. Fettabscheidung könnte besser sein.

It's very quiet, good light, looks good, does what it's supposed to. Fat separation could be better.


Muy buena, de momento va todo bien, me gusta, poco ruido.

Very good, so far everything is going well, I like it, little noise.


Articolo arrivato nei tempi previsti, purtroppo ci siamo accorti che aveva dei difetti di fabbrica ed abbiamo deciso di farla sostituire speriamo che arrivi al più presto... cappa molto bella e abbastanza silenziosa

Item arrived on time, unfortunately we noticed that it had manufacturing defects and we decided to have it replaced, we hope it arrives as soon as possible... very nice hood and quite silent


Il primo pacco è arrivato purtroppo con il vetro della cappa in frantumi; Amazon e Klarstein hanno curato restituzione invio di una seconda cappa arrivata perfetta. L'imballaggio in un paio di punti andrebbe appunto rivisto perché la capa è rivestita in vetro e quindi è a rischio rottura durante il trasporto. La cappa è ben costruita e ben finita. Per montarla bisogna essere in due perché non è leggerissima. Il manuale purtroppo è davvero pessimo e mancano alcune quote fondamentali per la installazione, per cui consiglio di armarsi di pazienza e prendere bene le misure direttamente sulla cappa. Lo sportellino ha due pistoncini potenti per cui la cappa si spalanca con troppa forza, avrei preferito che l'apertura fosse meno brusca; ma una volta che uno lo sa, accompagna la apertura con a mano n modo che si apra dolcemente. La aspirazione è davvero ottima, e questo per me è molto importante; io ho installato la cappa un bel 20 cm più su rispetto al piano di cottura di quanto consigliato nel manuale (per evitare di battere la testa sullo sportello aperto), e comunque fumi e odori vengono aspirati benissimo. Inoltre la aspirazione è MOLTO silenziosa, altro punto fondamentale per me. A velocità 1 o 2 personalmente io manco la sento. Abbiamo installato un tubo di evacuazione fumi all'esterno, e l'aria nella stanza si pulisce in pochi minuti anche per cotture impegnative come fritti o pesce. La luce può essere programmata in una dozzina di colori diversi; per default è impostata su un rosso inquietante ma si può scegliere (tenendo premuto a lungo sul tasto on/off si entra in modo seleziona, e poi premendo sul tasto luce si cambia colore sul preset) un altro colore; io ho impostato turchese, ma mi domando quale sia il criterio che ha fatto impostare come colore di default rosso acceso (che ritorna a impostarsi se viene tolta alimentazione alla cappa). Esteticamente è molto bella, con l'esterno in vetro è facile da pulire e dà una bella sensazione di solidità. Il filtro è robusto ed è molto facile da pulire. Ottimo acquisto davvero!

The first package unfortunately arrived with the hood glass shattered; Amazon and Klarstein took care of the return and sent a second hood which arrived perfect. The packaging should be reviewed in a couple of places because the hood is covered in glass and therefore is at risk of breakage during transport. The hood is well built and well finished. To assemble it you need two people because it is not very light. Unfortunately, the manual is really terrible and some fundamental dimensions for installation are missing, so I recommend arming yourself with patience and taking good measurements directly on the hood. The door has two powerful pistons so the hood opens with too much force, I would have preferred the opening to be less abrupt; but once you know it, you accompany the opening with your hand so that it opens gently. The suction is really excellent, and this is very important for me; I installed the hood a good 20 cm higher than the hob than recommended in the manual (to avoid hitting your head on the open door), and in any case fumes and odors are sucked up very well. Also the suction is VERY quiet, another key point for me. At speed 1 or 2 I personally don't even hear it. We installed a smoke exhaust pipe outside, and the air in the room cleans itself in a few minutes even for demanding cooking such as fried food or fish. The light can be programmed in a dozen different colors; by default it is set to a disturbing red but you can choose (by holding down the on/off button you enter selection mode, and then pressing the light button changes the color on the preset) another color; I set it to turquoise, but I wonder what the criteria is that made it set the default color to bright red (which returns to being set if the power to the hood is removed). Aesthetically it is very nice, with the glass exterior it is easy to clean and gives a nice feeling of solidity. The filter is sturdy and very easy to clean. Great purchase indeed!


Parfait le désigne est très bien réalisé et très simple à poser et la qualité est au rendez-vous

Perfect, the design is very well made and very simple to install and the quality is there.


J’ai eu un souci avec ma hotte et je l’ai retourné deux mois après à cause du confinement, j’ai reçu rapidement une nouvelle hotte. Merci pour votre professionnalisme et votre réactivité... Sinon, le hotte est superbe et pas trop bruyante, je recommande

I had a problem with my hood and I returned it two months later because of confinement, I quickly received a new hood. Thank you for your professionalism and your responsiveness... Otherwise, the hood is superb and not too noisy, I recommend


N'aspire pas su tout avec les filtres... Allons essayer de la mettre avec l'extraction extérieure

Don't vacuum everything with the filters... Let's try to put it with the external extraction


esthétique,montage simple. manque d'aspiration avec filtre charbon, même en force 3 .

aesthetic, simple assembly. lack of suction with carbon filter, even at force 3.


Très belle hotte, design moderne, facile à nettoyer, pas bruyante, tout est super !!

Very nice hood, modern design, easy to clean, not noisy, everything is great!!


Die Lieferung erfolgte termingemäß und gut verpackt. Das Design und die Qualität insgesamt ist sehr ansprechend. Die Montageanleitung ist sehr spartanisch gehalten, aber "Versuch und Irrtum" ist ja auch ein Lösungsansatz, letztlich aber sehr einfach durchzuführen. Die Farben und die Lichtsteuerung sind etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig. Hervorragend ist die geringe Lautstärke. Die Luftleistung erscheint etwas niedrig. Nach zwei Wochen fiel die komplette Steuerung aus. Ich dachte erst an den Fehlerstromschalter, aber der war intakt. Die Standby-Beleuchtung war an, aber das Schalten der Lichtsteuerung und der Ventilatorstufen war nicht möglich. erst nach wiederholten Betätigen der diversen Tasten ging es plötzlich wieder. Ich werde testen, ob die Ausfälle sich wiederholen.

The delivery was on time and well packaged. The overall design and quality is very appealing. The assembly instructions are very spartan, but "trial and error" is also a solution, but ultimately very easy to carry out. The colors and the light control take some getting used to. The low volume is outstanding. The air output seems a bit low. After two weeks, the entire control system failed. I first thought of the fault current switch, but it was intact. The standby lighting was on, but switching the light control and the fan speeds was not possible. only after repeated pressing of the various keys did it suddenly work again. I will test if the failures repeat themselves.


Je trouve que la puissance d'aspiration est faible, même sur la vitesse 3....

I find that the suction power is weak, even on speed 3....


Welche Kohlefilter passt für dieses Model? Bitte geben Sie Artikel Nummer!

Which carbon filter fits this model? Please provide article number!


Welche Kohlefilter passt für dieses Model? Bitte geben Sie Artikel Nummer!

Which carbon filter fits this model? Please provide article number!


Es estupenda. Empezando por el diseño. La cocina parece otra, es súper elegante,moderna, y ocupa mucho menos que la anterior que tenía que era más tradicional. Ya no es sólo lo cambiada que se ve la cocina, la iluminación que da es perfecta, tanto para cocinar como cambiando de modo da una iluminación perfecta para cenar en la cocina. Además es A++ por lo que no hasta nada. Y otra cosa importante también y a tener en cuenta es que no hace nada de ruido. Volvería a comprarla. También cabe destacar que viene todo lo necesario para su instalación. No le falta detalle.

It's great. Starting with the design. The kitchen looks different, it's super elegant, modern, and it takes up much less space than the previous one I had, which was more traditional. It's not just how changed the kitchen looks, the lighting it provides is perfect, both for cooking and changing modes, it provides perfect lighting for dining in the kitchen. It's also A++ so it's not a problem. And another important thing to keep in mind is that it doesn't make any noise. I would buy it again. It's also worth noting that it comes with everything necessary for its installation. It doesn't lack any detail.


Gute Abzugshaube Optik sehr schön, auch die extra indirekte Beleuchtung (verschiedene Farben einstellbar) ist schön. Saugleistung ist im Vergleich zu unserer alten Abzugshaube 1a. Auch die Lautstärke ist deutlich gemindert im Vergleich zum Vorgänger. Die Anleitung ist sehr seltsam geschrieben, mit etwas Know-how aber gut an die Wand zu bringen, zu installieren und zu bedienen. Wir sind beide recht groß und haben genügend Kopffreiheit. Für deutlich weniger Geld als führende Marken eine gute Abzugshaube. Aktivkohlefilter (für Umluft Betrieb) müssen extra gekauft werden. Die haben wir auch bei Amazon ergattert, sind Noname aber erfüllen ihren Zweck prima. Die Originalversion kostet bei Klarstein das 3 fache.

Good extractor hood, looks very nice, the extra indirect lighting (various colors can be set) is also nice. The suction power is first class compared to our old extractor hood. The noise level is also significantly lower compared to the previous model. The instructions are written very strangely, but with a little know-how it is easy to attach to the wall, install and operate. We are both quite tall and have enough headroom. A good extractor hood for significantly less money than leading brands. Activated carbon filters (for recirculation) have to be bought separately. We also got them from Amazon, they are no-name but serve their purpose perfectly. The original version costs three times as much at Klarstein.


Optik sehr schön, auch die extra indirekte Beleuchtung (verschiedene Farben einstellbar) ist schön. Saugleistung ist im Vergleich zu unserer alten Abzugshaube 1a. Auch die Lautstärke ist deutlich gemindert im Vergleich zum Vorgänger. Die Anleitung ist sehr seltsam geschrieben, mit etwas Know-how aber gut an die Wand zu bringen, zu installieren und zu bedienen. Wir sind beide recht groß und haben genügend Kopffreiheit. Für deutlich weniger Geld als führende Marken eine gute Abzugshaube. Aktivkohlefilter (für Umluft Betrieb) müssen extra gekauft werden. Die haben wir auch bei Amazon ergattert, sind Noname aber erfüllen ihren Zweck prima. Die Originalversion kostet bei Klarstein das 3 fache.

Looks very nice, the extra indirect lighting (different colors can be set) is also nice. Suction power is 1a compared to our old extractor hood. The volume is also significantly reduced compared to the predecessor. The instructions are written very strangely, but with a little know-how it is easy to put on the wall, install and operate. We are both quite tall and have enough headroom. A good range hood for significantly less money than leading brands. Activated carbon filters (for air recirculation) must be purchased separately. We also got hold of them from Amazon, they are noname but serve their purpose well. The original version costs 3 times as much at Klarstein.


Bon produit très joli. Le vendeur est très réactif. Arrivé plus tôt que prévu.

Good product, very pretty. The seller is very responsive. Arrived earlier than expected.


Bon produit très joli. Le vendeur est très réactif. Arrivé plus tôt que prévu.

Good product, very pretty. The seller is very responsive. Arrived earlier than expected.