Vienna Double-Walled Thermo Glasses

£ 26.99 (incl. VAT)
  • 0
  • 7 cm
  • Drinking Glass
Product number: 10036365
Vienna Double-Walled Thermo Glasses
£ 26.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 16.99
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Visual highlight: double-walled thermal glasses with a volume of 80 ml in an elegant design

  • Comfortable to touch: the insulating effect of the double wall protects your hands from hot or cold temperatures

  • High quality: made of heat and cold-resistant borosilicate glass

Product description

Pamper your guests: serve them a hot espresso or an ice cold shot. With the double-walled Vienna glasses from Klarstein, every drink is turned into a special pleasure.

The glasses not only impress with their special elegance, but also with their versatility and innovation. The insulating effect of the double wall not only protects your hands from hot and cold temperatures, it also maintains the beverage temperature for a very long time. Therefore, it is ideal for espresso or shots. Thanks to the extremely durable borosilicate glass, which expands much less than conventional glass when there are temperature fluctuations, you always have the right glass ready when serving ice-cold drinks as well as boiling hot tea infusions. The thermal effect of the double-walled vessels also ensures that no condensation forms on the glass. Perfect for enjoying cool drinks in summer!

A real visual highlight: the double wall of the Klarstein Vienna glasses makes your drink seem to float in the glass.

Whether your drink is ice-cold or hot: with the double-walled Vienna glasses from Klarstein, you will always have the right glass at hand.


  • Volume: 80 ml
  • Material: borosilicate glass
  • Heat and cold resistant
  • Dishwasher safe
  • 'Glass bead' on the bottom as a quality feature for handmade glasses
  • 100% waterproof
  • Insulating effect
  • No condensation due to thermal effect
Product number: 10036365

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 6.5 x 7 cm (HxØ)
  • Weight per glass: approx. 80 g

What will be delivered?

  • 2 x glasses
  • 1 x flyer (German)

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
78 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Die Gläser sind toll ,halten die Getränke heiß, für großen Durst, geht sehr viel an Kaffee und andere Getränke rein

The glasses are great, keep the drinks hot, for big thirst, goes in a lot of coffee and other drinks


Gut gefüllt Die Gläser sind toll ,halten die Getränke heiß, für großen Durst, geht sehr viel an Kaffee und andere Getränke rein

Well filled The glasses are great, keep the drinks hot, for big thirst, a lot of coffee and other drinks go in


Tolle Becher , sehen hochwertig aus .

Great cups, look high quality.


Schöne Gläser … … für Espresso. Halten durch die Doppelwandigkeit das Getränk warm. Bin zufrieden.

Beautiful glasses … … for espresso. The double walls keep the drink warm. I'm happy.


… für Espresso. Halten durch die Doppelwandigkeit das Getränk warm. Bin zufrieden.

... for espresso. The double walls keep the drink warm. I'm happy.





Sehr schnelle Lieferung, super Qualität genau das was ich gesucht habe immer wieder.

Very fast delivery, great quality, exactly what I was looking for.


tout est ok

everything is OK


Pas de brûlures grâce aux doubles parois. Néanmoins le verre semble fin et non trempé. Fragile.

No burns thanks to double walls. However, the glass seems thin and not tempered. Fragile.


A chi ho regalato questi bicchieri è rimasto soddisfatto

The person I gave these glasses to was satisfied.


Molto belle e io caffè rimane caldissimo.

Very nice and the coffee stays very hot.


Molto belle e io caffè rimane caldissimo.

Very nice and the coffee stays very hot.


Wir genießen die Tassen jeden Tag. Der Espresso bleibt schön heiß,die Finger verbrennt man sich nicht,durch die doppelte Wand. Wir waschen sie vorsichtshalber per Hand ab. Bei dem Preis wäre es schade,wenn sie in der Spülmaschine kaputt gehen

We enjoy the cups every day. The espresso stays nice and hot, and you don't burn your fingers thanks to the double wall. We wash them by hand as a precaution. At that price, it would be a shame if they were to break in the dishwasher.


Bonitos copos. Fantastico

Beautiful glasses. Fantastic


Li ho regalato a mio figlio che me li aveva richiesti per il suo compleanno. Tutto OK.

I gave them to my son who asked for them for his birthday. All OK.


Des petits verres en double paroi qui nous permettent de garder le café chaud sans se brûler les mains

Small double-walled glasses that allow us to keep the coffee hot without burning our hands


Adoro il caffé in tazza di vetro perché mi piace vederlo oltre che gustarlo! E questo bicchierino doppio mi permette di apprezzarlo subito appena scende perché non scotta. Lavati in lavastoviglie da mesi, sono ancora perfetti!

I love coffee in a glass cup because I like to see it as well as taste it! And this double glass allows me to appreciate it immediately as soon as it comes down because it doesn't burn. Washed in the dishwasher for months, they are still perfect!


Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Léger et robuste .Très moderne!

The media product could not be loaded. Light and robust. Very modern!


Conforme à mes attentes

Meets my expectations


Un poco caras veremos lo que duran .

A little expensive, we'll see how long they last.


Son bonitas y mantiene el cafè muy caliente, pero no son tazas para expresso. 70 cc es una exageración. La pena es que no las encuentro mas pequeñas

They are pretty and keep the coffee very hot, but they are not espresso cups. 70 cc is an exaggeration. The pity is that I can't find smaller ones.


Vasos de Café de Cristal Doble Pared de Borosilicato GLASWERK, aptos para lavavajillas, juego de 2 tazas por solo 24.99€. Ventajas: • Protege tus manos del calor y el frío • Resistente al calor y ultraresistente a roturas • 100% impermeable gracias a su sellado sólido • Diseño moderno y elegante Contras: • Capacidad de 230 ml, quizás un poco pequeña para algunos • El cristal puede parecer un poco delgado para algunos Conclusión: Las tazas de café de cristal doble pared de borosilicato GLASWERK son una opción perfecta si estás buscando tazas térmicas modernas y elegantes. Son resistentes al calor y ultraresistentes a roturas, y su diseño con doble pared te protege las manos del calor y del frío. Además, el sellado sólido hace que sean 100% impermeables. Por solo 24.99€, este juego de 2 tazas de café es una gran opción para cualquier amante del café. ¡Dale like si te ha ayudado!

GLASWERK Double Wall Borosilicate Glass Coffee Cups, Dishwasher Safe, Set of 2 Mugs for only €24.99. Pros: • Protects your hands from heat and cold • Heat-resistant and ultra-shatter-resistant • 100% leak-proof thanks to solid seal • Modern and elegant design Cons: • 230 ml capacity, maybe a little small for some • Glass may seem a little thin to some Bottom Line: The GLASWERK Double Wall Borosilicate Glass Coffee Cups are a perfect choice if you’re looking for modern and elegant thermal mugs. They’re heat-resistant and ultra-shatter-resistant, and their double-walled design protects your hands from heat and cold. Plus, the solid seal makes them 100% leak-proof. For only €24.99, this set of 2 coffee cups is a great choice for any coffee lover. Give it a thumbs up if it helped you!


Mantengono il caffè caldo, molto belle e comode.

They keep the coffee hot, very nice and convenient.


Sono un po' leggerine e sembrano fragili, ma basta non farle cadere. Tengono il calore molto meglio di quelle in ceramica spessa. Pienamente soddisfatto.

They are a little flimsy and seem fragile, but just don't drop them. They hold heat much better than the thick ceramic ones. Totally satisfied.


Ho scelto queste tazzine per un regalo e sono state super apprezzate. Sono arrivate intatte e in pochissimo tempo, lo stile e il design sono molto belli, il caffè sembra sospeso in aria. ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo

I chose these cups for a gift and they were super appreciated. They arrived intact and in a very short time, the style and design are very beautiful, the coffee seems suspended in the air. excellent value for money


Misura giusta per caffè tradizionale ma anche per un amaro/limoncino dopo pasto. Elegante la scritta sul lato

The right size for traditional coffee but also for a bitter/limoncello after a meal. The writing on the side is elegant.


Sono più robusti di quello che mi aspettavo e molto belli. Ottimo prodotto, molto meglio di quelli che avevo acquistato tempo fa. L'imballaggio del produttore è eccellente, un contenitore dove ogni singolo bicchiere è separato dagli altri in modo che non possano arrivare rotti. Consegna Amazon come sempre ottima.

They are more sturdy than I expected and very beautiful. Excellent product, much better than the ones I bought some time ago. The manufacturer's packaging is excellent, a container where each individual glass is separated from the others so that they do not arrive broken. Amazon delivery as always excellent.


Parfait, style sympa

Perfect, nice style


Produkt soweit gut und ordentlich verpackt. Leider sind ähnliche nach kurzer Zeit undicht geworden abwarten wie es mit diesen ist!!

Product well and neatly packaged. Unfortunately, similar ones started leaking after a short time, wait and see how it is with these!!


Die Fehlerquote scheint relativ hoch zu sein, was die Verarbeitung betrifft. Wir haben von 6 Gläsern, 2 Gläser dabei, wo der am Boden befindliche Einschluss (produktionsbedingt) aufgegangen ist. Es tritt beim Spülen somit Wasser in die Zwischenräume ein (Außen - / Innenwand). Dieses bekommt man sehr schlecht wieder heraus. Ich hoffe der Support nimmt sich der Sache an.

The error rate seems to be relatively high as far as processing is concerned. From 6 glasses, we have 2 glasses with us, where the inclusion on the bottom (due to production) has opened. When rinsing, water enters the gaps (outer / inner wall). This is very difficult to get out of. I hope support takes care of it.


Halt lang heiß drinnen, aussen kalt. Tolles Design! Sehr angenehm auf die Lippen, pures Genus ohne den Geschmack zu beeinflussen! Danke

Stay hot inside, cold outside. Great design! Very pleasant on the lips, pure pleasure without affecting the taste! Thanks


Alles super

Everything great


nice glass mugs

nice glass mugs


Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Firmen kommt hier kein Wasser in die Gläser wenn ich sie im Geschirrspüler reinige. Die Wärmeleistung ist hervorragend und schick sind sie auch. Werde noch mehr Gläser bestellen

In contrast to many other companies, no water gets into the glasses when I clean them in the dishwasher. The heat output is excellent and they are chic too. Will order more glasses


Hält lange warm

Keeps you warm for a long time


Die Gläser gefallen mir gut.

I like the glasses.


Ich bin begeistert. Unsicher war ich, ob ich die Gläser in die Mikrowelle stellen kann oder wie sich die Wärmeverteilung auswirkt (wird das gesamte Glas heiß?, wird das Getränk überhaupt heiß bei der Doppelwand?) Für meinen Cappuccino mache ich die Milch direkt im Glas in der Mikrowelle warm. Und siehe da, Milch heiß aber Aussenwand nicht, man kann das Glas super entspannt aus der Mikrowelle holen ohne sich zu verbrühen!! Frischer Espresso drüber und das Getränk hält wirklich lange warm. Ich mag die größeren Gläser lieber und trinke etwas länger dran, als mir einen zweiten zu machen. Hätte auch keine Zeit während der Arbeit. Ich liebe die Gläser und sie sind hübsch schlicht !! Spülmaschine haben sie auch super überstanden. Ich freue mich nun noch mehr auf meinen Cappuccino! Ich habe die Gläser selbst bezahlt. Das ist keine Werbung, aber gute Produkte muss man auch Mal gut rezensieren.

I'm excited. I was unsure whether I could put the glasses in the microwave or how the heat would be distributed (does the entire glass get hot? Does the drink even get hot with the double wall?) For my cappuccino, I make the milk directly in the glass in the microwave warm. Lo and behold, the milk is hot but the outside isn't, you can get the glass out of the microwave in a super relaxed manner without scalding yourself!! Fresh espresso over it and the drink really stays warm for a long time. I prefer the larger glasses and sip a little longer than making a second one. Didn't have time at work either. I love the glasses and they are pretty plain!! They also survived the dishwasher very well. I look forward to my cappuccino even more now! I paid for the glasses myself. This isn't advertising, but good products have to be reviewed well.


Schöne Gläser

Nice glasses





Die Gläser gefallen mir sehr gut, sind praktisch, da man sie in den Spüler stellen kann und halten die Getränke schon lange warm. Ich kann sie nur empfehlen.

I like the glasses very much, they are practical because you can put them in the dishwasher and they keep the drinks warm for a long time. I can just recommend her.


I always use this when I drink coffee at home. Beautiful product plus great execution.

I always use this when I drink coffee at home. Beautiful product plus great execution.


Leider war eins von vieren defekt.

Unfortunately, one of four was broken.


Pour faire un café macchiato caramélisato

To make a caramelized macchiato coffee


Tengono bene il calore del caffè

They retain the heat of the coffee well


Tengono bene il calore del caffè

They retain the heat of the coffee well


Wirklich schöne Gläser, hochwertig verarbeitet. Die Gläser kamen super sicher verpackt hier an, waren komplett geschützt. Sehen gut aus und halten, was sie versprechen. Klare Kaufempfehlung!

Really nice glasses, high quality processed. The glasses arrived super securely packed and were completely protected. Look good and do what they promise. Clear purchase recommendation!


Die Gläser halten gut warm, und sehen sehr gut aus.

The glasses keep warm well and look very good.


Das Versprechen "100% Wasserdicht" ist nicht ganz zutreffend da Wasser eingedrungen ist Nun sind es zwei Gläser, in einem steht das Wasser, das zweite ist innen angelaufen. Der Hersteller tauscht aus. Guter Service.

The promise "100% waterproof" is not entirely true because water has penetrated. Now there are two glasses, one has water, the second has tarnished on the inside. The manufacturer exchanges. Good service.


Tasses parfaites: légères, solides et gardant le café au chaud. Envoi très rapide et soigné. Merci !

Perfect cups: light, strong and keeps the coffee hot. Very fast and careful shipping. THANKS !


Kann man gut verschenken

Can be given as a gift


Schöne qualitativ hochwertige Gläser. Dazu schnelle Lieferung. Alles bestens

Nice high quality glasses. Plus fast delivery. All the best


Schöne Form und fühlen sich in der Hand super an!

Nice shape and feels great in the hand!


Schöne Gläser für cappucino oder andere Heissgetränke. Halten länger heiss.

Beautiful glasses for cappucino or other hot drinks. Keep hot longer.


Un peu chère mais très design et garde bien au chaud le café

A little expensive but very stylish and keeps the coffee hot


Au top le café reste chaud et on ne se brûle pas les doigts. Très original. Jadore

Best of all, the coffee stays hot and you don't burn your fingers. Very original. I adore


Todo perfecto. Queríamos unos vasos así para el café y nos han encantado, aguanta mucho mejor el calor del café y como tiene el doble cristal, no te quemas al coger el vaso. Han llegado muy rápido y en perfecto estado, muy bien protegidos en su caja para evitar porrazos y vibraciones en los vasos.

Everything is perfect. We wanted some glasses like this for coffee and we loved them. They hold up much better to the heat of the coffee and since they have double glass, you don't burn yourself when you pick up the glass. They arrived very quickly and in perfect condition, very well protected in their box to avoid knocks and vibrations in the glasses.


per avere il caffe caldo

to have hot coffee


Très bien mais un peu cher

Very good but a little expensive


J’ai aimé le design et le fait que ça conserve bien la chaleur

I liked the design and the fact that it retained heat well


Ha soddisfatto le mie aspettative

It met my expectations


Ha soddisfatto le mie aspettative

It met my expectations


Practicidad por la resistencia térmica, muy bonitos para un regalo de artesanía, que sugería comentarios.

Practicality due to thermal resistance, very nice for a craft gift, which suggested comments.


Great coffee glasses! They do not fully hold a full double expresso though but can get 1 shot or 90% double shot expresso in one cup. I feel they are value for money though and very stylish.

Great coffee glasses! They do not fully hold a full double expresso though but can get 1 shot or 90% double shot expresso in one cup. I feel they are value for money though and very stylish.


Great coffee glasses! They do not fully hold a full double expresso though but can get 1 shot or 90% double shot expresso in one cup. I feel they are value for money though and very stylish.

Great coffee glasses! They do not fully hold a full double expresso though but can get 1 shot or 90% double shot expresso in one cup. I feel they are value for money though and very stylish.


Tengono il caffè caldo più a lungo. Scenografici, d'effetto! Ne ho prese due confezioni.

They keep the coffee hot longer. Spectacular, effective! I bought two packs.


Conforme à la commande, Elles sont un petit peu plus GPS que je ne pensais mais très bien

Compliant with the order, They are a little more GPS than I thought but very good


Pour les amateurs d'expressos très court c'est le top. Le design est simple et efficace, le café et la crème flottent dans l'espace, tout est visible et appétissant, c'est agréable dans la main. Je suis très satisfait de mon achat.

For lovers of very short espressos this is the best. The design is simple and effective, the coffee and cream float in space, everything is visible and appetizing, it feels good in the hand. I am very satisfied with my purchase.


Very good

Very good


Très mignonnes et le café expresso dedans fait son petit effet. Dommage que le café servi étant chaud, cela embue le verre, donc l'effet est moins fun. Mais bon ! Juste une petite remarque malgré tout : je trouve le prix un peu élevé et je les aurais également souhaitées par 6 et en 100 ml

Very cute and the espresso coffee in it has its little effect. Too bad that the coffee served being hot, it fogs up the glass, so the effect is less fun. But OK ! Just a small remark despite everything: I find the price a little high and I would also have liked them in packs of 6 and in 100 ml


Scrivo la recensione dopo alcuni giorni d'uso di queste tazzine doppio vetro. Premetto che nonostante il prodotto sia venduto come lavabile in lavastoviglie non ho mai lavato le tazzine e mai le laverò con la la lavastovigle per una mia precisa scelta. detto questo posso tranquillamente dire che il prodotto è qualitativamente buone, senza imperfezioni su tutte e 4 le tazzine; la confezzione direi che è a prova di rottura a patto che non si salti sopra. Il vetro mi da solo la sensazione di non essere molto spesso (ho al mare un altro set di tazzine di un'altra marca) ma comunque non da compromettere un minimo di robustezza in un uso normalmente dedicato da un oggetto di vetro. Il prezzoè un prezzo medio quindi buono per il prodotto che si acquista. Aggiungo per ultimo che mi sono arrivate con ben 4 giorni prima della data minima indicata in fase di ordine.

I am writing this review after using these double glass cups for a few days. I would like to point out that although the product is sold as dishwasher safe, I have never washed the cups and will never wash them in the dishwasher due to my own specific choice. Having said that, I can safely say that the product is of good quality, with no imperfections on all 4 cups; I would say that the packaging is break-proof as long as you don't jump on it. The glass only gives me the feeling of not being very thick (I have another set of cups from another brand at the beach) but it still doesn't compromise a minimum of robustness in a use normally dedicated to a glass object. The price is an average price, so it's good for the product you buy. I would add lastly that they arrived a good 4 days before the minimum date indicated when ordering.


Scrivo la recensione dopo alcuni giorni d'uso di queste tazzine doppio vetro. Premetto che nonostante il prodotto sia venduto come lavabile in lavastoviglie non ho mai lavato le tazzine e mai le laverò con la la lavastovigle per una mia precisa scelta. detto questo posso tranquillamente dire che il prodotto è qualitativamente buone, senza imperfezioni su tutte e 4 le tazzine; la confezzione direi che è a prova di rottura a patto che non si salti sopra. Il vetro mi da solo la sensazione di non essere molto spesso (ho al mare un altro set di tazzine di un'altra marca) ma comunque non da compromettere un minimo di robustezza in un uso normalmente dedicato da un oggetto di vetro. Il prezzoè un prezzo medio quindi buono per il prodotto che si acquista. Aggiungo per ultimo che mi sono arrivate con ben 4 giorni prima della data minima indicata in fase di ordine.

I am writing this review after using these double glass cups for a few days. I would like to point out that although the product is sold as dishwasher safe, I have never washed the cups and will never wash them in the dishwasher due to my own specific choice. Having said that, I can safely say that the product is of good quality, with no imperfections on all 4 cups; I would say that the packaging is break-proof as long as you don't jump on it. The glass only gives me the feeling of not being very thick (I have another set of cups from another brand at the beach) but it still doesn't compromise a minimum of robustness in a use normally dedicated to a glass object. The price is an average price, so it's good for the product you buy. I would add lastly that they arrived a good 4 days before the minimum date indicated when ordering.


Resistenti al caldo utilizzabili in microonde eleganti piacevoli per sorseggiare il tuo caffè

Heat resistant, microwaveable, elegant and pleasant to sip your coffee in


Buon rapporto qualità prezzo

Good value for money


Ottimo prodotto ottimo imballaggio e ottimo colore

Great product great packaging and great color


Ottime rimangono fresche al tatto anche se all' interno c'è il caffè

Excellent, they remain fresh to the touch even if there is coffee inside


Ottimo articolo caffè caldo e vetro esterno tiepido

Great item hot coffee and warm outer glass


Très belles petites tasses. Esthétiquement je trouve que ce sont les plus belles avec l'arrondi du bas de la tasse intérieure. Le marquage de la marque était inutile mais reste discret. Le bord que l'on met aux lèvres est un peu épais mais pas dérangeant. Très beau produit, grande classe.

Very nice little cups. Aesthetically I find that they are the most beautiful with the rounded bottom of the interior cup. The branding was unnecessary but still discreet. The edge that you put on your lips is a little thick but not disturbing. Very nice product, great class.


Doppelwandige Gläser sind im Trend. Ich fand die Idee gut, sich bei heißen Getränken nicht mehr am henkelfreien Glas die Finger zu verbrennen, wenn man es anfasst, oder auch die Bildung von Kondenswasser am Glas von eisgekühlten Getränken zu vermeiden, die zu hässlichen Wasserflecken auf Holztischen führen, wenn man Untersetzer vergisst. Soll ja alles passieren... Die Gläser sind nach Herstellerangaben aus Borosilikatglas gefertigt. Das kenne ich schon von anderen Produkten, die bei mir im Schrank stehen: sehr leicht, dünnwandig und dabei bruchsicher. Trotz ihres verhältnismäßig großen Durchmessers von ca. 8,8 cm sind die recht bauchig wirkenden Gläser tatsächlich sehr leicht. Eine durchschnittlich große Männerhand kann ein Glas bis knapp über die Hälfte des Umfangs umfassen. Die Gläserböden sind eben, sie stehen ohne zu wackeln auf dem Tisch. Ein Glas fasst maximal 410 ml bis zum Rand, was man natürlich nie ausnutzt. Bei genauerem Hinsehen ist der Abstand zwischen innerem und äußerem Glas optisch nicht überall gleich groß, der "Schwebewirkung" des Inhalts aus normaler Entfernung tut das aber keinen Abbruch. Der obere Glasrand hat jeweils an einer Stelle eine optische Unebenheit, die aber auch nur bei genauer Betrachtung auffällt. Alles in allem liegen die Gläser aber gut in der Hand und man hat ein angenehmes Trinkgefühl. Jedes Glas hat produktionsbedingt am unteren Boden einen kleinen Verschluss. Zunächst hielt ich das für einen Produktionsfehler. Tatsächlich hat aber jedes doppelwandige Glas einen solchen Verschluss, der wohl zum Druckausgleich notwendig ist. Er ist nicht mittig, sondern am Bodenrand angebracht und fällt nicht auf, wenn das Glas auf dem Tisch steht. Der erwartete Isolierffekt bei heißen und kalten Getränken ist nur teilweise eingetreten. Man muss sich klarmachen, dass der Raum zwischen innerem und äußeren Glas nicht evakuiert ist wie bei einer Isolier (Thermos-)flasche. Im Zwischenraum ist Luft, die zwar einen gewissen Isolierffekt hat, der aber mit jener einer Isolierflasche nicht vergleichbar ist. Bei heißen Getränken entsteht trotzdem Wärmestrahlung, die auch das äußere Glas erhitzt, wenn man bspw. Tee aufgießt. Das dauert natürlich länger als bei einfachen Gläsern, ist aber trotzdem merklich. Bei kalten Getränken ist es so, dass sich zwar Kondensat am äußeren Glas bildet, jedoch nicht in dem Umfang, wie es bei einwandigen Gläsern - bei gleichen Umweltbedingungen wie etwa Luftfeuchtigkeit und Temperatur - der Fall wäre. Dass das Kondensat nun nicht mehr am Glas herunterrinnt, kann ich bestätigen. Die Verpackung ist aus Pappkarton, die wegen dem schwarzen, geometrischen Design nicht billig wirkt. Die Gläser sind in einem passgenauen Schaumstoff im Karton untergebracht. Sie dürften Stürze aus normaler Höhe gut überstehen. Die Verpackung ist gerade so groß, dass zwei Gläser hineinpassen, so dass kein unnötiger Müll entsteht. Das ist gut. Verhältnismäßig viel Schaumstoffabfall hat man aber trotzdem. Es gibt auch Lösungen aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen, die vermutlich aber teurer und aufwendiger wären - und auch nicht so gut aussehen. Die Gläser lassen sich in der Verpackung jedenfalls gut verschenken. Die Preis-Leistung, die Qualität, Erfüllung der Werbeversprechen und meinen Gesamteindruck bewerte ich mit 4****. Durch den Service kommt es aber zu einer Aufwertung. Von meiner Erfahrung will ich kurz berichten: Eines der beiden Gläser hatte einen kleinen Sprung am Trinkrand, etwa 1cm groß. Der Verkäufer schrieb mich schon initiativ an und teilte mit, dass es schon einmal zu Schäden kommen könnte und man sich direkt melden sollte, wenn man einen Mangel bemerkt. Man müsse nicht den Umweg über das Amazon-Rücksendezentrum gehen, der Verkäufer werde umgehend für Ersatz sorgen. Ich habe den Verkäufer mal beim Wort genommen und eine Mail über Amazon geschrieben, dass ein Glas einen Mangel hat und ich gerne Ersatz hätte. Der Verkäufer schrieb zurück, dass er sofort ein neues Set versendet und ich die beiden Gläser nicht zurücksenden muss. Nach zwei Tagen waren die neuen Gläser da, diesmal ohne Mangel. Das dritte, mangelfreie Glas durfte ich behalten. Gesetzlich verpflichtet wäre der Verkäufer nur zur Lieferung eines einzigen neuen Glases gewesen. Er hätte auch das Glas mit dem Sprung zurückfordern dürfen, um es zu untersuchen. Das hätte sowohl für mich einen deutlichen Mehraufwand bedeutet, wie wahrscheinlich auch für den Verkäufer. Mir einfach ein neues Set zu schicken, kann auch aus Verkäufersicht das wirtschaftlich sinnvollere Vorgehen gewesen sein. Entscheidend ist für mich aber etwas anderes: Der Verkäufer hat keinen Nachweis gefordert, dass das Glas tatsächlich - wie von mir behauptet - einen Sprung hatte. Nichtmal ein Bild musste ich anfertigen. Der Verkäufer hat dem Kunden geglaubt - und eine einfache, schnelle und unkomplizierte Abwicklung war ihm wichtig, weil den Kunden, der ja durch die Reklamation schon in seinem Kauferlebnis beeinträchtigt und enttäuscht ist, das tatsächlich zufriedener macht. Das ist in Zeiten, wo man an der Supermarktkasse jeden Korb im Einkaufswagen hochheben und Beutel und Tüten öffnen soll, um sicherzugehen, dass man dort "auch nichts vergessen hat", eine erfreuliche Erfahrung. Ich werde als ehrlicher Kunde behandelt. Das führt zum 5. Stern. Ich wünsche dem Verkäufer, dass das so bleibt und er für seinen Kundenumgang belohnt wird. Wenn man die Produkte noch in vorbeschriebenem Sinne optimiert, sollte das klappen.

Double-walled glasses are trendy. I liked the idea of no longer burning your fingers when you touch the handleless glass with hot drinks, or avoiding the formation of condensation on the glass of iced drinks that leads to ugly water stains on wooden tables when you use coasters forgets. Everything should happen... The glasses are made of borosilicate glass according to the manufacturer's instructions. I already know that from other products that are in my closet: very light, thin-walled and unbreakable. Despite their relatively large diameter of approx. 8.8 cm, the glasses, which appear quite bulbous, are actually very light. An average-sized man's hand can hold a glass to just over half the circumference. The bottoms of the glasses are flat, they stand on the table without wobbling. A glass holds a maximum of 410 ml to the brim, which of course is never used. On closer inspection, the distance between the inner and outer glass is not the same everywhere, but this does not detract from the "levitation effect" of the contents from a normal distance. The upper edge of the glass has an optical unevenness at one point, but this is only noticeable on closer inspection. All in all, the glasses are comfortable to hold and you have a pleasant drinking experience. Due to the production process, each glass has a small closure at the bottom. At first I thought it was a production error. In fact, however, every double-walled glass has such a closure, which is probably necessary for pressure equalization. It is not in the middle but attached to the edge of the floor and is not noticeable when the glass is on the table. The expected insulating effect with hot and cold drinks only partially occurred. You have to realize that the space between the inner and outer glass is not evacuated like in an insulating (thermos) bottle. There is air in the space that has a certain insulating effect, but it is not comparable to that of a vacuum flask. With hot drinks, there is still thermal radiation, which also heats up the outer glass when you pour tea, for example. Of course, this takes longer than with simple glasses, but it is still noticeable. With cold drinks, condensate forms on the outer glass, but not to the same extent as would be the case with single-walled glasses - given the same environmental conditions such as humidity and temperature. I can confirm that the condensate no longer runs down the glass. The packaging is made of cardboard, which does not look cheap because of the black, geometric design. The glasses are housed in a precisely fitting foam in the box. They should withstand falls from normal heights. The packaging is just big enough to fit two glasses, so there is no unnecessary waste. That's good. But you still have a relatively large amount of foam waste. There are also solutions made from renewable raw materials, but they would probably be more expensive and complex - and they don't look as good either. In any case, the glasses make a good gift in the packaging. I rate the value for money, the quality, fulfillment of the advertising promises and my overall impression with 4****. The service, however, leads to an appreciation. I would like to briefly report on my experience: one of the two glasses had a small crack on the drinking rim, about 1 cm in size. The seller wrote to me proactively and said that damage could happen and that you should report it directly if you notice a defect. You don't have to go through the Amazon return center, the seller will immediately provide a replacement. I took the seller at his word and wrote an email via Amazon that a glass had a defect and that I would like a replacement. The seller wrote back that he will send a new set immediately and that I do not have to send the two glasses back. After two days the new glasses were there, this time without defects. I was allowed to keep the third, flawless glass. The seller would only have been legally obliged to deliver a single new glass. He should have reclaimed the cracked jar to examine, too. That would have meant a lot more work for me, as well as probably for the seller. Simply sending me a new set may have made more economic sense from the seller's point of view. But something else is decisive for me: The seller did not demand proof that the glass actually had a crack - as I claimed. I didn't even have to take a picture. The seller believed the customer - and a simple, fast and uncomplicated process was important to him, because the customer, who is already affected and disappointed in his buying experience by the complaint, actually makes it happier. In times when you have to lift every basket in the shopping trolley at the supermarket checkout and open bags and bags to make sure that you "haven't forgotten anything there either", it's a pleasant experience. I am treated as an honest customer. That leads to the 5th star. I wish the seller that it stays that way and that he is rewarded for his customer service. If you optimize the products in the way described above, it should work.