Delaware Bread Bin

£ 43.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Bread bin
  • Cream
Product number: 10037442
Delaware Bread Bin
£ 43.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 36.99
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 36.99
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Always fresh & crispy: bread bin made of high-quality enamelled sheet steel with hinged lid

  • Ideal size: for storing 2 - 3 varieties of bread at the same time

  • Eye-catching: in 40s look with vintage print

Product description

Practical and chic! The large Delaware bread bin in 40s look from Klarstein is not only very stable and large enough to store several breads and baked goods at the same time, but also an absolute eye-catcher in the kitchen. Ventilation holes on the back of the bread bin ensure essential air circulation. This consistently prevents moisture and mould from forming in the bin made of high-quality enamelled sheet steel with hinged lid! The storage box can be cleaned quickly and easily with a damp cloth.

High-quality storage box in a stylish retro look: the Delaware bread bin from Klarstein consistently ensures fresh and crispy bread.


  • Material: Enamelled sheet steel
  • Powder-coated
  • Rustproof
  • Hinged lid
  • Ventilation holes for air circulation
  • Easy to clean
  • Design in the retro look of the 40s
  • Available in a variety of colours
Product number: 10037442

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 42 x 16 x 24.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: approx. 1.4 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x bread bin

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
65 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Demasiado grande para lo que yo quería, pero tiene una estética de años cincuenta muy chula.

Too big for what I wanted, but it has a really cool 50s aesthetic.


Boîte à pain parfaite pour conserver le pain ou les pains de mie

Perfect bread box for storing bread or sandwich loaves


conforme con descrizione, molto capiente

as described, very roomy


Suffisamment grande pour mettre toutes sortes de pain. Très beau style (gris vintage) qui s'intègre parfaitement dans une cuisine. Conserve très bien le pain. Par contre est arrivée avec un impact sur le côté droit alors que l'emballage était parfait

Large enough to put all kinds of bread. Very beautiful style (vintage gray) which fits perfectly into a kitchen. Keeps bread very well. However, it arrived with an impact on the right side even though the packaging was perfect.


Me ha encantado y es tal cual se ve en las fotos. Entra bien la barra de pan grande.

I loved it and it is just as it looks in the photos. The large loaf of bread fits well.


Le pain se conserve très bien. Il ne durci pas du jour au lendemain comme quand il reste à l'air libre. Et au bout de 3 jours s'il vous en reste, faite de la chapelure.

The bread keeps very well. It doesn't harden overnight like when it's left in the open air. And after 3 days if you have any left, make breadcrumbs.


Lo necesitaba iargo para las baguettes! UN 10! EN DISEÑO y CALIDAD. Lo recomiendo.

I needed it long for baguettes! A 10! IN DESIGN and QUALITY. I recommend it.


Muy grande cabe bastante y muy bonito el diseño

Very big, fits a lot and very nice design


El producto es como en la foto. Muy bonito. Buen material.

The product is as in the photo. Very nice. Good material.


Cercavo un portapane capiente e questo era semplicemente perfetto. Ha un design molto carino e molto spazioso, si adatta al pane più lungo e lo mantiene umido più a lungo.

I was looking for a large bread bin and this was just perfect. It has a very cute design and is very roomy, it fits the longest bread and keeps it moist longer.


Ottimo prodotto, capiente, bello esteticamente.

Excellent product, roomy, aesthetically pleasing.


Llego bien. Si lo dejas cerrado el pan se humedece y se estropea , no ventila lo suficiente. Se está oxidando en unos milimetros del borde de la tapa, no se si será mala suerte y me ha tocado a mi el fallito. Estetica ok.

It arrived in good condition. If you leave it closed, the bread gets damp and spoils, it doesn't ventilate enough. It is rusting on a few millimetres of the edge of the lid, I don't know if it's just bad luck and I've been the one to fail. Aesthetically ok.


Premetto che il prodotto è arrivato imballato alla perfezione e non ha subito nessun danno nel trasporto. Complimenti a chi ha messo tanta cura nel proteggerlo. La cassetta è veramente grande, molto carina e fa la sua figura. La lamiera non sembra troppo robusta, ma per la sua funzione non credo che sarà un problema.

I would like to point out that the product arrived perfectly packaged and did not suffer any damage during transport. Kudos to those who took such care in protecting it. The box is really large, very cute and does its job. The sheet metal does not seem too sturdy, but for its function I do not think that will be a problem.


Livraison rapide et très bien emballée ! Aucun défaut. Elle semble solide et donne un bel effet sur le plan de travail. Attention juste à la couleur qui n’est pas aussi blanche que la présentation sur Amazon mais qui tire plus sur un blanc légèrement grisé. Ça n’enlève en rien son style, elle est superbe ! Il y à assez de place pour y mettre du pain mie, des viennoiseries et des demi-baguettes. Je ne regrette pas mon achat !

Fast delivery and very well packaged! No defect. It seems solid and gives a nice effect on the work surface. Just pay attention to the color which is not as white as the presentation on Amazon but which is more of a slightly grayed white. It doesn't take away from her style, she's superb! There is enough space to put bread, pastries and half-baguettes. I don't regret my purchase!


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. L'articolo in stile vintage è bello. Ha un'ottima capienza. Non è robustissimo, e mi è arrivato con una leggera ammaccatura.

Unable to load media. The vintage style item is beautiful. It has a great capacity. It is not very sturdy, and it arrived with a slight dent.


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. L'articolo in stile vintage è bello. Ha un'ottima capienza. Non è robustissimo, e mi è arrivato con una leggera ammaccatura.

Unable to load media. The vintage style item is beautiful. It has a great capacity. It is not very sturdy, and it arrived with a slight dent.


È arrivato prima del previsto, sono molto contenta dell’acquisto mi piace molto.

It arrived earlier than expected, I'm very happy with the purchase, I like it a lot.


Cassetta davvero capiente e molto comoda, di buona fattura. In caso di panificati e focacce farcite, è in grado di trattenere perfettamente eventuali odori (per esempio focaccia con cipolle)

Really roomy and very convenient box, well made. In the case of bread and stuffed focaccia, it is able to retain any odors perfectly (for example focaccia with onions)


Cassetta davvero capiente e molto comoda, di buona fattura. In caso di panificati e focacce farcite, è in grado di trattenere perfettamente eventuali odori (per esempio focaccia con cipolle)

Really roomy and very convenient box, well made. In the case of bread and stuffed focaccia, it is able to retain any odors perfectly (for example focaccia with onions)


Il pane o i dolci restano freschi e morbidi anche per 5/6 giorni. Essendo in lamiera sembra leggerino, in realtà è molto robusto, ovviamente bisogna fare attenzione a non strisciarlo con coltelli o altro perché è verniciato. Molto bello esteticamente, fa la sua figura anche come oggetto d'arredo. Super contenta dell'acquisto.

Bread or cakes stay fresh and soft even for 5/6 days. Being made of sheet metal it seems light, in reality it is very sturdy, obviously you have to be careful not to scratch it with knives or anything else because it is painted. Very nice aesthetically, it also makes its figure as a furnishing object. Super happy with the purchase.


Es exactamente igual a las imágenes. Me encanta!!. Es muy amplia. Estoy encantada con la compra.

It is exactly the same as the images. I love it!! It is very spacious. I am delighted with the purchase.


Para mí es caro para el producto que es en realidad, pero es cierto que su compra es totalmente voluntaria ...

For me it is expensive for the product it actually is, but it is true that its purchase is totally voluntary...


articolo arrivato intatto imballato benissimo ... fa la sua bella figura ... l'ho preso in seguito ad una restituzione di un prodotto simile ... che mi era arrivato ammaccato causa imballo pessimo ... quando l'imballaggio fa la differenza ... ( ho inserito un oggetto con altezza 13 cm e ci sta benissimo ) ...

item arrived intact, very well packaged... it makes a good impression... I bought it following a return of a similar product... which had arrived dented due to poor packaging... when packaging makes the difference... (I inserted an object 13 cm high and it fits perfectly)...


Cercavo un contenitore dove riporre e conservare in buono stato il pane (fresco o precedentemente conservato in freezer) giusto quei 1-2 giorni per consumarlo a temperatura ambiente. Consegna nei tempi previsti, modalità e cura negli standard di Amazon. Confezione e prodotto in buono stato. Esteticamente piacevole, apparentemente robusto compatibilmente con il materiale tipo latta di cui è fatto; finora, dopo diverse settimane di utilizzo, la cerniera del coperchio risulta integra. Ci sono dei forellini sul retro che permettono di mantenere arieggiato il pane ma senza farlo risultare secco. Dimensioni adatte per una classica pagnotta o 10-12 panetti. Consigliato, per quella che è la mia esperienza.

I was looking for a container to store and keep bread in good condition (fresh or previously stored in the freezer) just for 1-2 days to consume it at room temperature. Delivery on time, methods and care in Amazon standards. Packaging and product in good condition. Aesthetically pleasing, apparently sturdy compatible with the tin-type material it is made of; so far, after several weeks of use, the hinge of the lid is intact. There are small holes on the back that allow the bread to be aired but without making it dry. Suitable size for a classic loaf or 10-12 loaves. Recommended, from my experience.


Bella scatola di latta, sembra veramente ben fatta. La utilizzo per conservare i grissini fatti in casa. Se necessario, chiuderò con del nastro isolante i fori posteriori di areazione. Arrivata perfetta, senza alcuna ammaccature o graffi. Consegna Amazon come al solito impeccabile.

Beautiful tin box, it seems really well made. I use it to store homemade breadsticks. If necessary, I will close the rear ventilation holes with electrical tape. Arrived perfect, without any dents or scratches. Amazon delivery as usual impeccable.


Bella scatola di latta, sembra veramente ben fatta. La utilizzo per conservare i grissini fatti in casa. Se necessario, chiuderò con del nastro isolante i fori posteriori di areazione. Arrivata perfetta, senza alcuna ammaccature o graffi. Consegna Amazon come al solito impeccabile.

Beautiful tin box, it seems really well made. I use it to store homemade breadsticks. If necessary, I will close the rear ventilation holes with electrical tape. Arrived perfect, without any dents or scratches. Amazon delivery as usual impeccable.


Aufbewahrung von Brot,hält frisch und ist leicht zu reinigen

Bread storage, keeps fresh and easy to clean


Sehr schöner geräumiger Brotkasten. Kam leider mit einer kleinen Delle an, hab ihn trotzdem behalten.

Very nice spacious bread box. Unfortunately it arrived with a small dent, but I kept it anyway.


Es genial

It's great


Schlicht,schön und elegante, wie damals in der Küche meiner Tante.

Simple, beautiful and elegant, just like in my aunt's kitchen.


Buon porta pane, state solo attenti solo alle misure che sono abbastanza grandi, ma è fatto benissimo, robusto e bello

Good bread holder, just be careful about the dimensions which are quite big, but it is very well made, sturdy and beautiful


Buscaba un panera amplia con un bonito diseño y estoy contenta, es lo que esperaba.

I was looking for a large bread basket with a nice design and I'm happy with it, it's what I expected.


Das Blech des Brotkastens könnte etwas stabiler und dicker sein.

The sheet metal of the bread box could be a bit sturdier and thicker.


Me ha gustado mucho la estética y la gran capacidad del artículo

I really liked the aesthetics and the great capacity of the article


Questa scatola in stile vintage è bellissima, fa una bella figura, facile da pulire. Mi piace tanto il fatto che ci sono dei buchi per far circolare l’aria

This vintage style box is beautiful, makes a good impression, easy to clean. I really like the fact that there are holes for air circulation


Es una panera espaciosa y que mantiene el pan más tiempo fresco de lo normal, que es el principal motivo por el que la he comprado, pero ademas es que exteriormente está impecable y es preciosa. No le doy las 5* porque en el interior hay una zona en la que le falta esmaltado, dejando la chapa interior a la vista. No sé si es que no pasan control de calidad (terminación) o que el fabricante no le ha dado importancia a eso, pero yo sí se la doy porque mi dinero estaba perfecto al 100% y por eso exijo que el producto también lo esté, y si no, no tiene las 5*. No la voy a devolver por eso, pero ya no es perfecta. ;)

It is a spacious bread box that keeps bread fresher for longer than normal, which is the main reason I bought it, but it is also impeccable on the outside and is beautiful. I am not giving it 5* because there is an area inside that is missing enamel, leaving the inner plate visible. I don't know if it is because they do not pass quality control (finishing) or because the manufacturer has not given importance to that, but I do give it a 5* because my money was 100% perfect and that is why I demand that the product is also perfect, and if not, it does not have the 5*. I am not going to return it for that reason, but it is no longer perfect. ;)


Ich finde den Brotkasten perfekt für uns. Er hat die richtige Größe, es passt eine ganze Packung Toastbrot rein, dazu noch Toasties und unser portioniertes Brot. Über die Haltbarkeit von offenem Brot kann ich nichts sagen, da wir alles Brot portioniert einfrieren und nur das rausholen und in den Behälter geben, was wir auch zügig essen.

I think the bread box is perfect for us. It's the right size, it fits a whole pack of toast, plus toasties and our portioned bread. I can't say anything about the shelf life of open bread, because we freeze all the bread in portions and only take out and put into the container what we will eat quickly.


Cercavo un portapane capiente e questo lo è. Lo stile è vintage ma va bene in qualsiasi tipo di arredamento essendo un colore neutro e dalle linee essenziali. Il pane si conserva bene. Lo ricomprerei.

I was looking for a large bread bin and this is it. The style is vintage but it goes well with any type of decor being a neutral color and essential lines. The bread keeps well. I would buy it again.


Arrivato abbozzato purtroppo! Evito di fare il reso perché è una seccatura da quando Amazon non fa più i ritiri! Peccato perché è bello e costa molto!

Arrived sketchy unfortunately! I avoid returning it because it's a hassle since Amazon no longer does collections! Too bad because it's beautiful and costs a lot!


Il portapane è molto carino di un bianco sporco freddo che sta bene anche nella mia cucina bianca e grigia. E' comodo e facile da pulire. Nonostante avessi letto le recensioni sinceramente non mi ero resa conto dell'ingombro: la versione L è molto capiente e occupa un bel po' di spazio. Unica pecca una piccolissima ammaccatura sul coperchio che si nota appena, per cui non ho avuto voglia di fare il reso.

The bread bin is very cute in a cold off-white that also fits well in my white and gray kitchen. It is convenient and easy to clean. Although I had read the reviews, I honestly did not realize how large it was: the L version is very roomy and takes up quite a bit of space. The only flaw is a very small dent on the lid that is barely noticeable, so I did not feel like returning it.


Mir hat der Brotkasten super gut gefallen weil er auch richtig Platz hat für ein Kilo großes Brot. Da ich immer selber backe brauche ich da richtig viel Platz von daher gesehen absolut super wer den Platz in der Küche hat ist das ein guter Kauf.

I really liked the bread box because it also has space for a kilo of bread. Since I always bake myself, I need a lot of space, so if you have the space in the kitchen, it's a good buy.


Wir haben der Brotkasten nun schon einige Zeit in Benutzung. Leider rostet er Innen immer mehr und auf Schimmelbildung muss ich auch achten. Also unbedingt jede Woche auswaschen. Sonst Halten sich Brot und Semmeln aber ganz gut. Es sind nun 2,5 Jahre vergangen, dass ich den Brotkasten gekauft habe. Er gefällt mir immer noch ausgesprochen gut, nur leider hat die Beschichtung weiter nachgegeben. Die Falznaht am Boden hat überall Rostblumen, ist teilweise auch aufgebrochen durch den Rost und unterdessen habe ich auch wenigstens 4 Löcher im Bodenblech.

We've been using the bread box for a while now. Unfortunately, it is rusting more and more on the inside and I also have to watch out for mold. So be sure to wash it every week. Otherwise the bread and rolls are holding up quite well. It's been 2.5 years since I bought the bread box. I still like it very much, but unfortunately the coating has given way further. The fold seam on the floor has rust blooms everywhere, has also partly broken open due to the rust and meanwhile I also have at least 4 holes in the floor panel.


Sieht schön aus und bietet super viel Platz. Bisher sehr zufrieden

Looks nice and offers a lot of space. So far very satisfied


Toller Brotkasten, passt viel rein. Plastikfrei.

Great bread box, fits a lot in it. Plastic free.


Da passt ordentlich was rein und sieht toll aus

It fits neatly in there and looks great


Ich habe mir die große Brotdose besorgt, weil wir mindestens 2Stk. Brot brauchen. Sie ist sehr groß und hält was sie verspricht. das Brot bleibt frisch und wird auch nicht schimmelig. Ich kann dieses Produkt nur empfehlen.

I got the big lunch box because we have at least 2 pieces. need bread. It is very large and does what it promises. the bread stays fresh and doesn't get moldy. I can only recommend this product.


Porta pane super comodo. Avevo già gli altri prodotti della linea ed ho deciso di prendere anche questo in un secondo momento. Ho preso quello di dimensioni più grande perché a casa siamo dei consumatori di pane seriali. Molto grande, può contenere diversi kg di pane: Un bozza da 1 kg, una confezione di freselle, una di grissini, un pan bauletto integro ed uno a metà..questo è quello che contiene attualmente, per rendere idea della capacità di contenuto. I materiali al suo interno si mantengono freschi. Facile da pulire. Arriva in una confezione con buon imballaggio. Acquisto ottimo che rifarei.

Super convenient bread holder. I already had the other products in the line and I decided to get this one at a later time. I got the largest one because we are serial bread consumers at home. Very large, it can hold several kg of bread: A 1 kg draft, a pack of freselle, one of grissini, a whole loaf of bread and one in half... this is what it currently contains, to give you an idea of the capacity of the content. The materials inside stay fresh. Easy to clean. It comes in a package with good packaging. Excellent purchase that I would do again.


Bonita y cumple perfectamente su función. Encaja bien, con lo cual el pan se mantiene bien.

It's pretty and does its job perfectly. It fits well, so the bread stays put.


Habe den Brotkasten vor zwei Wochen bestellt. Wollte ihn erst mal testen. Bin absolut zufrieden mit ihm. Das Brot bleibt bis zu drei Tagen frisch,dann Ist es bei uns eh weg... Hab auch schon verschiedene Brotsorten zusammen rein getan(ist ja viel Platz drin) Körnerbrot,Toastbrot und Holzofenbrot sind alle gleich frisch geblieben. Was will man mehr.

Ordered the bread box two weeks ago. Wanted to test it first. I'm absolutely happy with him. The bread stays fresh for up to three days, then it's gone with us anyway... I've already put different types of bread in together (there's a lot of space in it) grain bread, toast bread and wood-fired bread have all stayed fresh. What more do you want.


Muy bueno Fácil por todo en estilo de limpieza en todo

Very good Easy for everything in cleaning style in all


Cercavo qualcosa dal design vintage e l'ho trovato. Bellissimo, ma il pane non si mantiene fragrante più a lungo come credevo. L'ho sempre inserito all'interno, nella sua busta di carta, ma credo cambi veramente poco. Fa la sua figura. Forse un po' piccolino (sarebbe bastato giusto qualche cm di larghezza in più), ma nulla di così grave.

I was looking for something with a vintage design and I found it. Beautiful, but the bread doesn't stay fragrant as long as I thought. I've always put it inside, in its paper bag, but I think it really changes little. It does its job. Maybe a little small (just a few cm more in width would have been enough), but nothing too serious.


De largo tamaño justo para una barra de pan. Ideal para guardar el pan del día, panecillos, biscottes...

Just the right size for a loaf of bread. Ideal for storing fresh bread, rolls, biscuits...


Der Brotkasten schaut wirklich sehr schick aus. Er kam auch ohne jegliche Mängel oder Beanstandungen an. Leider haben wir nicht so richtig auf die Größe des Brotkastens geachtet; mit einer Breite von 42 cm schaut er in unserer Miniküche einfach viel zu riesig aus. Bitte unbedingt auf die richtige Größe achten!!! Wir haben diesen jetzt nur in eine Nummer kleiner getauscht/gekauft.

The bread box looks really chic. It also arrived without any defects or complaints. Unfortunately we didn't really pay attention to the size of the bread box; with a width of 42 cm, it just looks way too big in our mini kitchen. Please make sure you get the right size! We have now only exchanged/bought it for one size smaller.


Danke für die schnelle Lieferung, und die Notiz innen war sehr nett, empfehle es auf jeden Fall weiter, eine sehr gute Qualität, hält Brot frisch, habe es bestellt da es hinten Löcher hat für Luft austausch! Und natürlich ist es leicht zu reinigen wegen super Qualität! Mit meinem alten von Action war ich total enttäuscht da es keine Löcher hatte und innen nach 2 Monaten begonnen hat zu rosten. Danke nochmals!

Thanks for the fast delivery and the note inside was very nice, definitely recommend it, very good quality, keeps bread fresh, ordered it because it has holes in the back for air exchange! And of course it's easy to clean because of super quality! I was totally disappointed with my old one from Action as it had no holes and started to rust on the inside after 2 months. Thanks again!


Bello,soddisfatta. Molto capiente ,una vernice bianco-grigio al tatto piacevolmente liscia,apertura a 180gradi, avrei preferito un blocco d angolo minore ma va bene lo stesso. La baguette di pane dopo 4 giorni è ancora morbida e senza muffa quando di solito diventa già dura dopo 1 gg.

Beautiful, satisfied. Very roomy, a white-gray paint pleasantly smooth to the touch, 180 degree opening, I would have preferred a smaller corner block but it's fine anyway. The bread baguette after 4 days is still soft and without mold when usually it becomes hard after 1 day.


Ein sehr schöner und gut verarbeiteter Brotkasten. Das Design ist Zeitlos und fügt sich nahezu n jeden Einrichtungsstil ein. Das entscheidende Kaufkriterium im unserem Fall war aber ein eher Praktisches,- ein Brotkasten soll viel Platz für Backwaren für eine 4-Köpfige Familie bieten- und das tut der Granrosi ohne Zweifel. Um sich über das Volumen eine Vorstellung machen zu können, habe ich Fotos im bestückten Zustand eingestellt. Der Kasten ist hierbei mit einen halben 3 Pfund Brot, und einen 2 Pfünder Zwiebelbrot befüllt worden. In der Tüte haben noch 5-6 vom Frühstück über gebliebene Brötchen Platz gefunden. Bei Bedarf würde aber noch mehr hinein passen. Nach 2 Wochen Gebrauch kann man feststellen, dass die Backwaren sich lange frisch halten. Die zur Belüftung vorgesehenen Löcher an der Rückseite reichen völlig aus, um Schimmel zu vermeiden Außer Krümmel hat man normalerweise ohnehin keine anderen größeren Verschmutzungen im Brotkasten zu Erwarten, wenn doch, dann kann man bedenkenlos mit etwas Spülmittel und Wasser rangehen. Da es Metall ist, würde ich es aber gut abtrocknen.

A very beautiful and well-made bread box. The design is timeless and blends in with almost any furnishing style. The decisive purchase criterion in our case was something more practical - a bread box should offer plenty of space for baked goods for a family of 4 - and the Granrosi does that without a doubt. In order to be able to get an idea of the volume, I have included photos in the equipped state. The box has been filled with half a 3 pound bread and a 2 pound onion loaf. There is still room for 5-6 rolls left over from breakfast in the bag. But if necessary, more would fit in. After 2 weeks of use, you can see that the baked goods stay fresh for a long time. The holes provided for ventilation on the back are completely sufficient to avoid mold Apart from crumbs, you normally don't expect any other major dirt in the bread bin anyway, if it does, you can use a little washing-up liquid and water without hesitation. Since it's metal, I'd dry it well though.


Me ha gustado su diseño, tamaño y decoración. Es estupenda y práctica.

I liked its design, size and decoration. It is great and practical.


Ich habe mir aus der Serie den größeren Brotbehälter gekauft. Die Ware wurde sehr schnell geliefert. Beim öffnen der Verpackung fiel mir direkt eine kleine Beule auf / in dem Deckel auf. Diese konnte ich jedoch selbst ausbeulen, jetzt nicht mehr sichtbar. Optisch ist die Serie sehr ansprechend, leicht zu reinigen (allerdings würde ich die Behälter nicht in der Spülmaschine spülen). Brot und Brötchen halten sich einige Tage, Brötchen werden weich, aber kurz getoastet sind sie wieder wie "frisch"

I bought the larger bread bin from the series. The goods were delivered very quickly. When I opened the packaging, I noticed a small dent in the lid. However, I was able to pull this out myself, now it is no longer visible. Visually, the series is very appealing, easy to clean (although I would not wash the containers in the dishwasher). Bread and rolls keep for a few days, rolls become soft, but toasted briefly they are like "fresh" again


Vom Aussehen her ist der Brotkasten sehr schön und geräumig. Das Brot hält gut frisch und kein Problem mit Schimmel. Nach inzwischen einem Jahr rosten die Schrauben für den Griff und auch an einigen Nahtstellen erkennt man leichte Rostspuren. Die Reklamation über den Verkäufer lief problemlos, 3 Tage später war eine neue Brotbox bei mir. Super Service!

In appearance, the bread box is very beautiful and spacious. The bread keeps fresh well and no problem with mold. After a year now, the screws for the handle are rusting and you can also see slight traces of rust on some seams. Complaints about the seller ran smoothly, 3 days later I received a new bread box. Super Service!


Es muy bonita pero para mí demasiado aparatosa

It's very pretty but for me it's too bulky.


Me encanta esta caja para conservar el pan. Es muy practica y facil de limpiar

I love this bread box. It is very practical and easy to clean.


Un poco más aparatosa de lo que aparenta. Agradable diseño, fácil limpieza y útil.

A bit more bulky than it looks. Nice design, easy to clean and useful.


wir mussten uns einen Brotkasten anschaffen, da unsere Katzen regelmäßig über Nacht Brötchentüten etc aufgerissen und verspeist haben. Das Design dieser Brotbox hat uns sofort überzeugt. Wir lieben shabby chic look und diese box passt gut in unsere Küche. Der Versand erfolgte sehr schnell und bis jetzt können wir nur positives sagen! Die Box ist sicher gegenüber nächtlichen kleinen pelzigen Einbrechern ;), die Backwaren halten sehr viel länger und bleiben länger frisch (vorbei die Tage, an denen Brötchen am nächsten Tag Knochen hart und ungenießbar sind). Einziges Manko: der Deckel fällt schnell und fest zu. Wenn meine Tochter an der box ist, passe ich auf, dass der Deckel nicht ausersehen zu fällt. Auch ich habe mir hier leider schon die Finger geklemmt. Das ist nicht allzu schmerzhaft, könnte aber schon evtl verbessert werden. :)

we had to buy a bread box because our cats regularly ripped open bags of bread rolls etc overnight and ate them. The design of this bread box convinced us immediately. We love the shabby chic look and this box fits well in our kitchen. The shipping was very fast and so far we can only say positive things! The box is safe from nocturnal little furry burglars ;), the baked goods last much longer and stay fresher longer (gone are the days when rolls are bone hard and inedible the next day). The only drawback: the lid closes quickly and firmly. When my daughter is at the box, I make sure that the lid doesn't accidentally fall shut. Unfortunately I got my fingers pinched here too. It's not too painful, but it could be improved. :)


Bellissima e molto capiente, di un colore grigio chiaro. Facile da pulire con un panno umido, è in un solido metallo che sembra resista bene agli urti. Io ho comprato anche il portapatate e il portacipolle: insieme stanno benissimo sul piano della cucina, ma soprattutto prolungano la durata degli alimenti. L'unico neo è il prezzo del portapane, che mi sembra un po' alto. Per questo quattro stelle e non cinque

Beautiful and very roomy, in a light gray color. Easy to clean with a damp cloth, it is made of a solid metal that seems to resist impacts well. I also bought the potato holder and the onion holder: together they look great on the kitchen counter, but above all they prolong the life of the food. The only flaw is the price of the bread bin, which seems a bit high to me. For this four stars and not five


la panera es del estilo que me gusta. Muy contenta con el producto pues es igual que la foto que aparece en Amazon

The bread basket is the style that I like. I am very happy with the product because it is the same as the photo that appears on Amazon.