Fruitberry Juicer

£ 109.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Silver Metallic
  • Juicers
  • 400 watt
Product number: 10029377
Fruitberry Juicer
£ 109.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Fruity & delicate: gentle juicer with stainless steel micro sieve

  • Elegant design: space-saving stainless steel housing with plastic components

  • Quickly filled: even with larger pieces of fruit and vegetables

Product description

Vitamin bombs made easy: With the Klarstein Fruitberry juicer, you can prepare wholesome shakes from fruit and vegetables quickly and easily. With 60 revolutions per minute, the ingredients are chopped particularly gently without being heated and robbed of their vitamins. The feed tube has a pleasantly wide opening, which makes your work easier, as you can also put in larger pieces of fruit and vegetables. Thanks to the fine stainless steel micro sieve, neither fruit residues nor seeds get into your vitamin-rich smoothies!


  • Stainless steel housing
  • 2 plastic containers with 1000 ml capacity each
  • Vertical juicer
  • Gentle pressing process with 60 revolutions per minute
  • Incl. fine stainless steel micro sieve
  • Easy to fill, even with large pieces of fruit
  • Separate output of juice and press residues (pomace)
  • Start-stop protection - unit starts only with the filler tube in place
  • Return flow to unclog
  • Safety lock
  • Low operating noise
  • Extremely easy to clean thanks to demountable pressing unit
  • Suction cups for safe stand
  • Completely BPA-free
Product number: 10029377

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Unit (without filler tube): 16 x 31 x 21 (WxHxD)
  • Unit (with filler tube): 16 x 52 x 21 (WxHxD)
  • Cable length: approx. 115 cm
  • Weight: approx. 4.9 kg
  • Power: 400 watts

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x juicer
  • 1 x cleaning brush
  • 2 x containers
  • 1 x filler tube
  • 1 x juicer auger
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
52 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Très pratique car l'embout pour introduire les légumes et fruits est très large.

Very practical because the tip for introducing vegetables and fruits is very wide.


Je recommande cet extracteur de jus!

I recommend this juice extractor!


Ich bin einfach begeistert! Die Ware war keine 24h unterwegs, das habe ich noch nie erlebt. Ich benutze das Gerät sehr oft und es hält immernoch. Mittlerweile ist diese Saft Presse zu meinem wichtigsten Gerät in der Küche geworden.

I'm just thrilled! The goods were on their way in less than 24 hours, I've never experienced that before. I use it a lot and it still holds up. In the meantime, this juicer has become my most important appliance in the kitchen.


Habe fünf reife Äpfel damit entsaftet. Es wurde zwar alles vermisst, aber eine beträchtliche Menge Mus blieb im oberen Teil der Schnecke. Eine Wiederholung erbrachte das selbe Ergebnis. Daher nur drei Punkte. Der Saft war o.k., dem Trester hatte ich keine Beachtung geschenkt, wegen dem Mus. Ich schickte das Gerät zurück, da es nicht so arbeitete wie ich es erwartet hatte. Ein geringfügig billigeres Gerät arbeitet so wie ich es wollte. Dieses hatte nur eine, größere, Einfüllöffnung. Keine mit zwei Öffnungen. Denke es lag daran. (Strömungstechnisch ungünstig)

I juiced five ripe apples with it. It was all missed, but a significant amount of mush remained in the top of the snail. A repeat gave the same result. So only three points. The juice was ok, I didn't pay any attention to the pomace because of the puree. I sent the device back because it didn't work as I expected. A slightly cheaper device works the way I wanted it to. This only had one, larger, filling opening. None with two openings. Guess it was because of that. (Unfavorable in terms of flow)


C ed9t mon second. Je l ai recommandé.

This is my second edition. I recommended it.


Io mi trovo benissimo!! Comprato nel warehouse al 70% di sconto, è arrivato impolverato ma nuovo! Lo uso tutte le mattine ormai da un mese, tanto succo liscio e poco scarto, lo trovo eccezionale. Facile da montare e smontare, niente gocce o pezzi tritati in giro, all'inizio un po duro ma ora si è sbloccato. Nell'ordine metto finocchi arancia carota e mela, niente residui e succo perfetto!

I find it great!! Bought in the warehouse at 70% off, it arrived dusty but new! I have been using it every morning for a month now, lots of smooth juice and little waste, I find it exceptional. Easy to assemble and disassemble, no drops or chopped pieces around, a little hard at first but now it has unlocked. In the order I put fennel orange carrot and apple, no residue and perfect juice!


Very nice juice machine .I like it a lot because the fruit tastes fresh

Very nice juice machine .I like it a lot because the fruit tastes fresh


non ho mai avuto altri estrattori ma comunque questo è solido, ottimo nei materiali, ma ho sempre l'impressione che rimanga tutto al suo interno e poco nel bicchiere!

I have never had other juicers but this one is solid, excellent in materials, but I always have the impression that everything remains inside and little in the glass!


Excellent appareil, fonctionne très bien. Entretien pas trop difficile. Très efficace pour extraire les jus.

Excellent device, works very well. Not too difficult maintenance. Very effective in extracting juices.





Fa il suo lavoro. La plastica non sembra molto resistente.

It does the job. The plastic doesn't seem very durable.


Ho acquistato questo prodotto perché mi serviva uno spremiagrumi per succo d’arancia. In realtà funzione come una vera centrifuga ed estrattore di succhi, utilissimo per delle bevande fresche e soprattutto salutari. È facilissimo da montare, ad ogni modo il manuale di istruzioni ha anche la lingua italiana quindi è tutto più semplice. I tempi di consegna sono stati più celeri della data prevista. L’apparecchio è anche facile da pulire. Consiglio questo prodotto

I bought this product because I needed a juicer for orange juice. In reality it works as a real centrifuge and juice extractor, very useful for fresh and above all healthy drinks. It is very easy to assemble, in any case the instruction manual is also in Italian so everything is simpler. Delivery times were faster than the expected date. The appliance is also easy to clean. I recommend this product


Finalmente posso sbizzarrirmi con i cocktail frutta polposi come piacciono a me (in rete si trovano un sacco di suggerimenti in merito agli accoppiamenti frutta/verdura). L’aggeggio è di modeste dimensioni e piuttosto robusto nella costruzione; ingombra e non poco il tavolo di lavoro in cucina. L’utilizzo, così come il montaggio, è semplice ed intuitivo. La frutta e/o la verdura va inserita dal foro che si trova in cima, e una volta messo in funzione dal lato fuoriesce la polpa. Ho notato che più minuzioso sono nel taglio dei pezzi tagliati e più il denso sarà il mio composto. Così facendo cerco di evitare anche possibili ostruzioni dell’apparecchio. L’unica nota dolente, ebbene sí, è la pulizia. Sono un amante del lavaggio in lavastoviglie quindi potete immaginare la gioia che provo ogni volta che lo lavo a mano. Per il resto tutto così come immaginavo o per lo meno speravo.

I can finally indulge myself with pulpy fruit cocktails as I like them (there are lots of suggestions online regarding fruit/vegetable pairings). The device is modest in size and quite sturdy in construction; it takes up quite a bit of space on the kitchen worktop. Use, as well as assembly, is simple and intuitive. The fruit and/or vegetables are inserted through the hole at the top, and once turned on the pulp comes out of the side. I noticed that the more meticulous I am in cutting the pieces, the denser my mixture will be. By doing this I also try to avoid possible obstructions in the appliance. The only sore point, yes, is cleaning. I love washing it in the dishwasher so you can imagine the joy I feel every time I wash it by hand. For the rest, everything is as I imagined or at least hoped.


Soddisfatta del mio primo estrattore. Facile da usare e silenzioso. Ci si può sbizzarrire con la preparazione di diversi estratti di frutta e verdura che rimangono con molta polpa. La pulizia, anche se semplice, richiede un pó di tempo perciò non conviene frullare piccoli quantitativi di frutta/verdura. Tagliandola in piccoli pezzi si ottiene una maggiore quantità di succo. Utile la spazzola per la pulizia. Prodotto poco ingombrante e ho apprezzato anche il colore rosso. Tempi di spedizione velocissimi, é arrivato con largo anticipo!

Satisfied with my first extractor. Easy to use and quiet. You can have fun with the preparation of different fruit and vegetable extracts that remain with a lot of pulp. Cleaning, even if simple, takes a bit of time so it is not advisable to blend small quantities of fruit/vegetables. Cutting it into small pieces gives a greater quantity of juice. The cleaning brush is useful. Product does not take up much space and I also appreciated the red color. Very fast shipping times, it arrived well in advance!





Elettrodomestico di alta qualità ad un prezzo ottimo. Funziona benissimo e si smonta con facilità rendendo semplice la pulizia. Sembra anche piuttosto robusto e fatto con buoni materiali

High quality appliance at a great price. Works great and disassembles easily making cleaning easy. Also seems pretty sturdy and made of good materials


Le jus est delicieux .Le nettoyage est parfois un peu fastidieux mais tout passe au lave vaiscelle. Le tout est un peu haut pas toujours facile a placer dans la cuisine.

The juice is delicious. Cleaning is sometimes a little tedious but everything goes in the dishwasher. Everything is a little high and not always easy to place in the kitchen.


Je débute dans les jus de légumes et je suis très satisfaite de mon achat. Utilisation très facile. Silencieux. Colis arrivé dans les temps

I'm new to vegetable juices and I am very satisfied with my purchase. Very easy to use. Silent. Parcel arrived on time


Prodotto arrivato in tempo. Sono molto contenta del acquisto. Si monta e si smonta facilmente, facile da pulire ed la quantità di succo e notevole rispetto ad altri apparecchi. Un prodotto eccellente! Lo consiglio a tutti!

Product arrived on time. I am very happy with the purchase. It is easy to assemble and disassemble, easy to clean and the amount of juice is remarkable compared to other appliances. An excellent product! I recommend it to everyone!


Ho acquistato e provato il prodotto,direi abbastanza buono, è il mio primo estrattore,non so però se gli altri estrattori riescono ad estrarre solo ed esclusivamente il liquido del frutto,qui un pò di polpa c'è. quando riempio la bottiglia e la metto in frigo,dopo qualche ora che riprendo la bottiglia per berne il succo,mi accorgo che un pò di polpa si è formata come un tappo.

I bought and tried the product, I would say quite good, it is my first extractor, but I do not know if the other extractors are able to extract only and exclusively the liquid of the fruit, here there is a little pulp. when I fill the bottle and put it in the fridge, after a few hours that I take the bottle back to drink the juice, I notice that a little pulp has formed like a cork.


Il mio primo estrattore e devo dire ne sono rimasto soddisfatissimo. Da due giorni a questa parte, lo sto utilizzando con grandissimo piacere. Si può estrarre di tutto. I materiali di costruzione sono buoni, è semplice da montare ed utilizzare. Per lavarlo bisogna impegnarsi un po' di più ... ma nulla di particolare. Consigliato !!

My first extractor and I must say I am very satisfied with it. For two days now, I have been using it with great pleasure. You can extract everything. The construction materials are good, it is simple to assemble and use. To wash it you have to make a little more effort ... but nothing special. Recommended !!


Ad un prezzo non eccessivo quanto altri, fa tutto quello che si richiede e bene. Invio velocissimo e confezione all'altezza

At a price not as excessive as others, it does everything you need and well. Very fast shipping and packaging up to par


Remplit très bien son rôle. Un peu compliqué à nettoyer mais on s'y fait vite. Très bon achat pour une famille avec 5 enfants. Je ne mets que 4 car je crains que les pièces en plastique ne supportent pas la durée.

Fulfills its role very well. A little complicated to clean but you get used to it quickly. Very good purchase for a family with 5 children. I only put 4 because I fear that the plastic parts will not last long.


Ottimo prodotto, consegnato molti giorni prima della data prevista. Funzionamento perfetto: potenza del motore adeguata, montaggio e smontaggio semplicissimi, pulizia veloce dei componenti con il risultato di ottimi succhi. E' sufficiente attenersi alle istruzioni contenute nel manuale. Acquisto certamente consigliabile.

Excellent product, delivered many days before the expected date. Perfect operation: adequate engine power, very easy assembly and disassembly, quick cleaning of the components resulting in excellent juices. It is sufficient to follow the instructions contained in the manual. Definitely a recommended purchase.


Excellent produit, demandes une bonne préparation des fruits et des légumes tant mieux, cela permet de se rendre compte de ce que l'on boit. Un bonheur de se faire deux ou trois jus par jour. Au bout d'une semaine l'effet est là, plus d'énergie, des centimètres en moins. Un client heureux et très satisfait car la livraison est arrivée par DHL en 24 heures d'Allemagne.

Excellent product, ask for good preparation of fruits and vegetables so much the better, it allows you to realize what you are drinking. A joy to make two or three juices a day. After a week the effect is there, more energy, fewer centimeters. A happy and very satisfied customer because the delivery arrived by DHL within 24 hours from Germany.


Parfait fais les jus de fruits rapidement. Le lavage se fait rapidement en passant les éléments sous l'eau et nettoyage avec petite brosse fournie

Perfect for making fruit juices quickly. Washing is done quickly by running the items under water and cleaning with the small brush provided


apparecchio molto robusto con componenti di qualità eccellente funziona benissimo sia con frutta che con verdure. l'unica accortezza che occorre avere è che con ingredienti molto fibrosi è opportuno sminuzzarli bene per fare uscire le fibre più agevolmente ed evitare che si intasi

very sturdy appliance with excellent quality components works very well with both fruit and vegetables. the only precaution to be taken is that with very fibrous ingredients it is advisable to mince them well to make the fibres come out more easily and avoid clogging


Estupenda licuadora semiprofesional, perfecta para cualquier cocina que se diseño combinando acero inoxidable y plastico, da como resultado un exprimidor de alta gama..

Montaje facil, de hecho muestro video, y funcionamiento basico, y funciona con dos velocidades. Una vez montada, solo tienes que introducir las piezas por el embudo superior y si es necesario empujar con el accesorio de empuje, al ser extraancha puedes hacer zumos incluso de piezas enteras.

Podras preparar exquisitos zumos, sin pulpa ni pepitas gracias al microtamiz de frutas y verduras, naranjas, manzanas, frutos del bosque, limones, zanahorias, apio, tomates, etc. Los zumos más tentadores son los de elaboración propia, por ejemplo frambuesa, manzana y maracuyá, fresa y kiwi o apio, pepino, espinaca y mango.

Esta licuadora| Incluye 2 jarras de 1 litro de volumen, salida independiente para el zumo y los restos de pulpa ( esta salida tal y como muestro en el video tiene un tapon de cierre independiente y cepillo de limpieza.

Great semi-professional blender, perfect for any self-respecting kitchen... its design combining stainless steel and plastic results in a high-end juicer. Easy assembly, in fact I show video, and basic operation, and it works with two speeds. Once assembled, all you have to do is introduce the pieces through the upper funnel and if necessary push with the pusher accessory, as it is extra wide you can even make juices from whole pieces. You can prepare delicious juices, without pulp or seeds thanks to the microsieve for fruits and vegetables, oranges, apples, berries, lemons, carrots, celery, tomatoes, etc. The most tempting juices are those made in-house, for example raspberry, apple and passion fruit, strawberry and kiwi or celery, cucumber, spinach and mango. This blender| It includes 2 jugs of 1 liter volume, an independent outlet for the juice and the remains of pulp (this outlet, as I show in the video, has an independent closing cap and cleaning brush.


Excelente exprimidor/licuadora, de fácil montaje y fácil uso. Empecemos por el montaje| el paquete llega con un embalaje muy grande. No os asustéis, no es que la licuadora sea enorme, es que viene muy protegida. El paquete contiene:

-2 x Vasos 1L
-1x Cepillo limpiador
-Piezas del exprimidor: Exprimidor lento con ventosas en la base, recipiente de salida, mecanismo exprimidor, filtro y recipiente de entrada/llenado (tolva).
-Manual de instrucciones disponible en español (otros idiomas disponibles: inglés, alemán, italiano y francés)

Fijas el exprimidor lento (el aparato principal) a una superficie, tiene ventosas por lo que tendrá mucha estabilidad. Ya viene con un recipiente colocado en el centro. Ese recipiente es el de salida, que tiene dos conductos, uno para el zumo (dcha) y otro para la pulpa (izq). Colocas el mecanismo exprimidor en el centro, posteriormente el filtro. Encima colocas el recipiente de llenado (llamada tolva, por donde meterás la fruta, recipiente alargado), y lo fijas girándolo. Por último colocas los vasos en los conductos de salida, y ya está. Puedes utilizar tu exprimidor.
Comenzamos con su utilización| introduces la fruta por la tolva, con el utensilio de cierre, presionamos los cachos que se queden atascados, y le damos al on. Si surgen dificultades, tienes marcha atrás para que se desatasque. Esperas un momento y tienes tu zumo en un vaso y la pulpa en el otro. ¡A disfrutar de tu propio zumo! ¡Rico y saludable!

Destacaría del producto, que tiene:
-Salida independiente para el zumo y los restos de pulpa
-Encendido/apagado de seguridad: solo arranca si está completamente montada
-Marcha atrás para desatascar restos atascados
-Cierre de seguridad, que te permite mover los trozos que se queden atrás en la tolva
-Pies de ventosa para la máxima estabilidad
-Mecanismo silencioso y fácil de desmontar para su limpieza.

Excellent juicer/blender, easy to assemble and easy to use. Let's start with the assembly | The package arrives with a very large packaging. Don't be scared, it's not that the blender is huge, it's that it comes very protected. The package contains: -2 x 1L glasses -1x Cleaning brush -Juicer parts: Slow juicer with suction cups on the base, outlet container, juicer mechanism, filter and inlet/fill container (hopper). -Instruction manual available in Spanish (other languages available: English, German, Italian and French) You fix the slow juicer (the main device) to a surface, it has suction cups so it will have a lot of stability. It already comes with a container placed in the center. This container is the outlet, which has two ducts, one for the juice (right) and another for the pulp (left). You place the juicer mechanism in the center, then the filter. On top you place the filling container (called a hopper, where you will put the fruit, an elongated container), and fix it by turning it. Finally you place the glasses in the outlet ducts, and that's it. You can use your juicer. We begin with its use| You introduce the fruit through the hopper, with the closing utensil, we press the pieces that get stuck, and we press the on. If difficulties arise, you have to reverse so that it gets unstuck. You wait a moment and you have your juice in one glass and the pulp in the other. Enjoy your own juice! Rich and healthy! I would highlight the product, which has: -Independent outlet for juice and leftover pulp -Security on/off: it only starts if it is fully assembled -Reverse gear to clear clogged remains -Safety lock, which allows you to move the pieces that stay behind in the hopper -Suction cup feet for maximum stability -Silent mechanism and easy to disassemble for cleaning.


Je suis ravie. J'avoue avoir longuement hésité entre l'extracteur et la centrifugeuse. Je ne regrette pas mon choix. Peu bruyant, rapide et efficace. Nettoyage simple et rapide, la brosse fournie est super pratique. Je trouve qu'il faut juste refiltrer le jus car certains fruit donne de la pulpe fine qui passe avec le jus. Ce que je récupère je n'en sera comme compote, et c'est délicieux. Avec les agrumes il est parfait. J'ai essayé des légumes et rien ne lui résiste. Je trouve dommage le livre fourni soit si peu explicatif mais il est assez simple d'utilisation. Attention pour le démontage, donner quelques impulsions arrière pour arriver à retirer l'hélice. Mais c'est bien expliqué dans le livre ....après presque un an, j'ai eu un souci avec le tube, je l'ai fait tombé et j'ai cassé le pas de vis même si ça fonctionnait encore, j'avais des fuites. j'ai demandé au SAV pour avoir un nouveau tube que j'aurai payé mais pas de pièces détachées...alors ils ont remplacé ma machine par une neuve...quel service ! je suis ravie. et rebelote pour les jus de toute sorte ! ;)

I am glad. I admit to having hesitated for a long time between the extractor and the centrifuge. I don't regret my choice. Low noise, fast and efficient. Quick and easy cleaning, the brush provided is super practical. I find that you just have to re-filter the juice because some fruits give fine pulp which passes with the juice. What I get back will be like compote, and it's delicious. With citrus fruits it is perfect. I've tried vegetables and nothing can stand up to it. I find it a shame that the book provided is not very explanatory but it is quite easy to use. Be careful when dismantling, push back and forth a few times to remove the propeller. But it's well explained in the book....after almost a year, I had a problem with the tube, I dropped it and broke the screw thread even though it still worked, I had leaks. I asked the after-sales service for a new tube which I paid for but no spare they replaced my machine with a new one...what a service! I am glad. and repeat for juices of all kinds! ;)


C'est lourd. Ça a l'air costaud. J'ai tout pressé la dedans. Ça peine un peu avec la carotte car on sent que c'est très dur. Mais pas d'odeurs de chaud rien. Ça passe impeccable. Je le conseille vraiment

It is heavy. It looks tough. I squeezed everything in there. It's a bit difficult with the carrot because it feels very hard. But no hot smells whatsoever. It goes flawlessly. I really recommend it


Très bon appareil !J'ai fait des jus avec de la betterave, des branches de céleri, des carottes etc... et l'appareil n'a eût aucune difficulté à les passer! Le seule bémol sur cet extracteur est lorsque l'on veut le nettoyer, il est assez difficile de retirer la vis sans fin, le filtre et le bol séparément! Je suis obligé de retirer tout l'ensemble en une seule fois! Ce n'est pas évident, car à ce moment-là, j'ai toujours peur d'abîmer quelques chose, mais au bout de quelques temps cela ce fait très bien! C'est mon premier extracteur, cela fait que 4 jours que je l'ai, 4 jours que je fais des jus pour moi et ma petite famille et nous sommes très heureux de pouvoir boire des jus très frais et sain sans tout ces rajouts qui polluent notre corps! Ce n'est peut être pas le meilleur des extracteurs mais pour un premier achat, il est très bien! A voir dans le temps s'il reste toujours aussi performant!

Very good device! I made juices with beets, celery stalks, carrots, etc. and the device had no difficulty processing them! The only downside to this extractor is when you want to clean it, it is quite difficult to remove the endless screw, the filter and the bowl separately! I have to remove the whole thing at once! It's not easy, because at that moment, I'm always afraid of damaging something, but after a while it works very well! This is my first extractor, I've only had it 4 days, 4 days I've been making juices for myself and my little family and we are very happy to be able to drink very fresh and healthy juices without all these additions that pollute our body! It may not be the best extractor but for a first purchase, it is very good! We'll see over time if it still performs as well!


Noioso montare e smontare. Residui di fibra nel succo, anche in minime quantità......Acquisto non soddisfacente. purtroppo non ho conservato le scatole, altrimenti l'avrei restituito. Pubblico di nuovo la recensione perché ho erroneamente valutato solo una stella pensando si riferisse al prodotto. Invece si riferisce alla spedizione amazon, come sempre puntuale!!

Boring to assemble and disassemble. Fiber residues in the juice, even in small quantities......Unsatisfactory purchase. Unfortunately I did not keep the boxes, otherwise I would have returned it. I am republishing the review because I mistakenly rated only one star thinking it referred to the product. Instead it refers to Amazon shipping, as always on time!!


La macchina funziona molto bene è abbastanza silenziosa, estrae e separa perfettamente, di facile la pulitura. Consegna avvenuta nei tempi previsti ma non all'indirizzo indicato,senza lasciarmi un avviso che aveva consegnato il pacco ad uno dei 50 vicini di casa,

The machine works very well, it is quite silent, it extracts and separates perfectly, easy to clean. Delivery occurred on time but not to the indicated address, without leaving me a notice that it had delivered the package to one of the 50 neighbors,


Estrattore ottimo, informazioni non chiare sulla potenza sia sulla confezione che sull'annuncio. Comunque molto soddisfatto dell'estrattore funziona perfettamente se poi ci fosse anche un link per i ricambi non sarebbe male

Excellent extractor, unclear information about the power both on the packaging and on the ad. However very satisfied with the extractor works perfectly if there was also a link for spare parts it would be nice


Après plusieurs recherches et comparaison d'avis, mon choix s'est porté sur ce modèle. Réception du matériel dans un emballage solide et efficace (le matériel est bien "emprisonné" dans le carton moulé). Le montage des éléments se fait à tâtons les premières fois, le temps de trouver le bon "clip", ensuite on s'habitue et on reconnait les repères. J'ai testé plusieurs recettes de jus de légumes, jus de fruits et de jus mixte. La rotation lente est un plus pour le bon broyage des aliments. Le résultat obtenu est plus que satisfaisant et adultes comme enfants ont apprécié les jus. Parfois il faut procéder d'un certain ordre dans la mise des aliments dans l'appareil. Par exemple, pour broyer les feuilles d'épinards ou de roquette, mettre en même temps un aliment dur (betterave ou carotte) pour mieux travailler les feuilles. Si vous mettez toutes les feuilles en dernier, elles risquent de rester collées le long de la paroi et donc non broyées, d'où l'utilité de varier l'ordre de vos aliments à broyer. Même chose pour les jus de fruits qui créent un amas de pulpe dans le tamis, j'ajoute une carotte ou 2 pour faire pression sur la pulpe et la diminuer. Autre point positif, je craignais avec tous les jus de légumes à base de betterave ou de carotte que les pièces transparentes (goulot et verre réceptionneur du jus) prendraient une tache colorée à l'usure mais à ma surprise, à chaque lavage (éponge douce et savonneuse), elles restent bien transparentes. Toutes les pièces sont faciles à nettoyer et cela prend 5-10 min de lavage essuyage pour le retrouver comme neuf. Petit "avertissement" : je me suis fait avoir plusieurs fois, quand vous lavez les éléments , veillez à mettre un filtre au niveau du bouchon de votre évier car les pulpes s'accumulent et peuvent obstruer l'évier (sans danger, juste ennuyant de tout enlever à la main) Petite requête au constructeur, j'aurais bien aimé pour la brosse de nettoyage un support, un petit crochet, un emplacement ou autre sur l'extracteur pour l'avoir sous la main tout de suite. En conclusion, je suis très satisfait de ce modèle fabriqué en Allemagne, efficace dans l'extraction et simple d'utilisation. Pour cela que je mets 5 étoiles

After several researches and comparison of opinions, my choice fell on this model. Receipt of the material in solid and efficient packaging (the material is well “imprisoned” in the molded cardboard). The assembly of the elements is done by trial and error the first few times, the time to find the right "clip", then you get used to it and you recognize the marks. I tested several recipes for vegetable juices, fruit juices and mixed juices. The slow rotation is a plus for the good grinding of food. The result obtained is more than satisfactory and both adults and children appreciated the juices. Sometimes you have to follow a certain order when putting the food in the appliance. For example, to grind spinach or arugula leaves, add a hard food (beet or carrot) at the same time to work the leaves better. If you put all the leaves last, they risk remaining stuck along the wall and therefore not crushed, hence the usefulness of varying the order of your food to be crushed. Same thing for fruit juices which create a clump of pulp in the sieve, I add a carrot or 2 to put pressure on the pulp and reduce it. Another positive point, I feared with all the vegetable juices based on beet or carrot that the transparent parts (neck and juice receiving glass) would take on a colored stain with wear but to my surprise, with each wash (soft sponge and soapy), they remain very transparent. All parts are easy to clean and it takes 5-10 mins of washing and wiping to get it back to like new. Small "warning": I was fooled several times, when you wash the items, be sure to put a filter at the level of the stopper of your sink because the pulps accumulate and can clog the sink (no danger, just annoying to remove everything by hand) Small request to the manufacturer, I would have liked a support for the cleaning brush, a small hook, a location or something else on the extractor to have it on hand straight away. In conclusion, I am very satisfied with this model made in Germany, efficient in extraction and easy to use. For this I give 5 stars


Une découverte que ces jus merveilleux, plein de vitalité, de vitamines et de fraîcheur ! On ne s'en lasse pas et on découvre des saveurs vraiment incroyables ! Je suis ravie de cet achat qui contribue à la bonne santé et au plaisir ! J'en ai acheté un autre pour une amie qui découvre elle aussi le plaisir des jus et leur contribution à la bonne santé. L'appareil marche très bien et après plusieurs mois d'usage, j'en suis toujours satisfaite. Le montage et démontage des ustensiles devient vite une habitude simple tout comme le lavage après chaque utilisation. La contrainte s'efface devant le plaisir et le bien-être.

A discovery of these wonderful juices, full of vitality, vitamins and freshness! We never tire of it and we discover truly incredible flavors! I am delighted with this purchase which contributes to good health and pleasure! I bought another one for a friend who is also discovering the pleasure of juices and their contribution to good health. The device works very well and after several months of use, I am still satisfied with it. Assembling and disassembling utensils quickly becomes a simple habit, as does washing after each use. Constraint gives way to pleasure and well-being.


Extracteur de bonne qualité intéressant nous l utilisons chaque jour pour notre Sante nous le recommandons à tous nos amis

Interesting good quality extractor we use it every day for our health we recommend it to all our friends


Bonjour j'ai mis des pomme dans l'extracteur et c'est normal que j'ai de la compote au lieu du jus. Il y a t'il un réglage a faire sur le bouton om. Merci

Hello, I put some apples in the extractor and it's normal that I have compote instead of juice. Is there an adjustment to be made on the om button? THANKS


Dans une cuisine déjà bien équipée, l'arrivée d'un nouvel appareil doit vraiment apporter un plus. Cet extracteur de jus Klarstein reçu pour un test honnête est facile à utiliser avec un résultat étonnant. Il permet de consommer toujours plus de fruits ce qui est un gros atout pour toute la famille.

Au déballage du carton, l'appareil est complet avec en plus une notice en français. L'assemblage du mécanisme est simple. Deux récipients doivent être placés sous le récupérateur de jus et sous celui de la pulpe des fruits ou des légumes.
Avec des fruits plutôt mûrs, une fois épluchés et coupés en morceaux pas trop gros, la mise en route se fait par le bouton de commande en façade (Off, On et Reverse). L'appareil n'est pas bruyant sans que le moteur de 400 W ne donne l'impression de peiner.

Utilisé avec des carottes, des pommes, des fraises ou encore des bananes, le résultat est toujours enthousiasmant avec des jus délicieux (si les fruits le sont aussi...). Le nettoyage du mécanisme d'extraction du jus est facile grâce au démontage complet.
Il est aussi parfait pour les gelées de fruits : le jus extrait des mûres permet de réussir la gelée à tous les coups.

Enfin, avec son esthétique réussi en inox, l'extracteur trouve facilement sa place sur une plan de travail de la cuisine.

In an already well-equipped kitchen, the arrival of a new appliance should really bring a plus. This Klarstein juicer received for an honest test is easy to use with an amazing result. It allows you to consume more and more fruit, which is a big plus for the whole family. When unpacking the box, the device is complete with an additional manual in French. Assembling the mechanism is simple. Two containers must be placed under the juice collector and under that of the fruit or vegetable pulp. With rather ripe fruits, once peeled and cut into not too large pieces, the start is done by the control button on the front (Off, On and Reverse). The device is not noisy without the 400 W motor giving the impression of toiling. Used with carrots, apples, strawberries or even bananas, the result is always exciting with delicious juices (if the fruits are too...). Cleaning the juicing mechanism is easy thanks to the complete disassembly. It is also perfect for fruit jellies: the juice extracted from the blackberries makes the jelly a success every time. Finally, with its successful aesthetic in stainless steel, the extractor easily finds its place on a kitchen worktop.


Bon fonctionnement, et performance correctes. Nous avons tout testé en pressage et c'est optimal. Je le recommande donc à l'achat

Good operation and correct performance. We have tested everything in pressing and it is optimal. I therefore recommend it for purchase.


Très bon appareil; puisant et relatif facile a monter et démonter. Une pomme il faut quand même la couper en 4, la concombre en tranches de 3-4 cm; les carottes passent entières. Les restes sont bien secs, sans jus. Il fait le bruit d'un aspirateur pas trop bruyant. Pour les branches de céleri, j'ai trouvé une astuce: je les passe presque à la fin et je coupe les branches toutes les 3-4 cm. Je fini le jus avec une pomme de terre cru pour avoir le jus précieux des autres légumes dans mon verre et pour "laver" l'appareil. Très bon appareil, puissant.

Very good device; powerful and relatively easy to assemble and disassemble. An apple must still be cut into 4, the cucumber into 3-4 cm slices; the carrots go whole. The leftovers are very dry, without juice. It sounds like a vacuum cleaner, not too noisy. For the celery stalks, I found a trick: I pass them almost at the end and cut the stalks every 3-4 cm. I finish the juice with a raw potato to have the precious juice from the other vegetables in my glass and to "wash" the device. Very good device, powerful.


macchina robusta plastica un po' leggerina bello che abbia la bocca ampia (l'ho scelto per quello) Un po' complicato da montare ma poi si impara un po' troppo alto (a me sta a pelo sotto i pensili in cucina) buoni i succhi mi pare ci sia tanto scarto- ma so che esistono ricette per receuparlo

sturdy machine, slightly lightweight plastic, nice that it has a wide mouth (that's why I chose it) A bit complicated to assemble but then you learn a bit too tall (it barely fits under the kitchen cabinets for me) good juices, it seems like there's a lot of waste - but I know there are recipes to make it


Der Entsafter ist fast perfekt. Aber nur fast. Der Zusammenbau ist auch nach 3 Monaten täglicher Benutzung immer noch nicht so ganz einfach. Jedes Teil muss korrekt sitzen und einrasten, sonst passt es am Ende nicht. In der Beschreibung ist der Aufbau leider auch nicht ausführlich beschrieben. Die Reinigung ist schon etwas aufwendig, aber ich hab auch alles schon in die Spülmaschine gegeben und sie haben es gut überlebt. Ich bin gespannt, wie lange das Gerät hält, denn alle Teile sind aus Plastik, das manchmal schon verdächtig knarckst, wenn man harte Früchte versaftet. Der Auslauf für den Trester ist extrem klein, so dass faserige Früchte den Auslauf sehr leicht verstopfen. Sachen wie Rhabarber oder Stangensellerie müssen ganz klein geschnitten werden, dann geht's. Ich finde toll, dass das Gerät so ein großes Einfüllrohr hat. Allerdings ist in dem Rohr ein kleiner Plastikstutzen. Dieser soll wahrscheinlich verhindern, dass man mit der Hand in das Gewinde fassen kann. Allerdings verhindert dieser auch, dass man z.B. ganze Äpfel hinein geben kann. Das finde ich ziemlich schade. Blättrige Sachen wie Salat oder Spinat lassen sich nur schwer entsaften. Sie kleben sich an die Wand des Entsafters oder wickeln sich um die Schnecke. Nichtsdestotrotz bin ich mit dem Gerät sehr zufrieden. Das Ergebnis ist immer gut, die Säfte schmecken toll und das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis ist top.

The juicer is almost perfect. But only almost. Even after 3 months of daily use, assembly is still not that easy. Each piece has to fit and snap into place correctly, otherwise it won't end up fitting. Unfortunately, the structure is not described in detail in the description. The cleaning is a bit time-consuming, but I've already put everything in the dishwasher and they survived it well. I'm curious how long the device lasts, because all parts are made of plastic, which sometimes makes a suspicious creaking sound when you juice hard fruit. The spout for the pomace is extremely small, so fibrous fruit can very easily clog the spout. Things like rhubarb or celery have to be cut very small, then it works. I think it's great that the device has such a large filling tube. However, there is a small plastic nozzle in the tube. This should probably prevent you from reaching into the thread with your hand. However, this also prevents you from putting whole apples in it, for example. I think that's a shame. Leafy things like lettuce or spinach are difficult to juice. They stick to the wall of the juicer or wrap around the auger. Nonetheless, I am very satisfied with the device. The result is always good, the juices taste great and the price-performance ratio is great.


Cet appareil est robuste, efficace et permet, tout autant que l'on comprenne ses possibilités, de faire des jus frais et savoureux. En fait, il faut doser, de façon empirique, les fruits juteux des autres ou des légumes. Un tableau indicatif serait, d'ailleurs, le bienvenu, ce qui éviterait les tâtonnements. Une fois cela maîtrisé et le montage des éléments intégré (ici aussi, le descriptif pourrait être plus précis) cet appareil est très agréable. Il permet de produire des jus inédits, originaux et succulents. A recommander pour les amateurs, son usage entraînant toutefois un certain coût en temps (nettoyage : compter 7 minutes y compris démontage et remontage) et en ingrédients ...(les fruits et légumes étant de plus en plus onéreux). PS : Voici le principe de fonctionnement. Les quartiers de fruits(avec le minimum de peaux) sont insérés dans un entonnoir. Une pièce massive (vis sans fin) en forme de poire les broie contre un double filtre. Le jus s'écoule par un orifice situé à une hauteur de 1cm de la base, tandis que la pulpe est raclée par une pièce tournante et évacué au bas du carter vers un conduit spécifique. Ainsi, si le mélange est trop compact, celui-ci s'évacue mal vers la "sortie pulpe" et va vers la "sortie jus" d'où un mélange plus épais type gaspacho. Pour ma part, j'utilise entre 50 et 60% d'agrumes afin de fluidifier le tout.

This device is robust, efficient and allows, as long as we understand its possibilities, to make fresh and tasty juices. In fact, it is necessary to measure, empirically, juicy fruits from others or vegetables. An indicative table would, moreover, be welcome, which would avoid trial and error. Once this has been mastered and the assembly of the elements integrated (here too, the description could be more precise) this device is very pleasant. It allows you to produce unique, original and succulent juices. Recommended for amateurs, its use however entails a certain cost in time (cleaning: allow 7 minutes including dismantling and reassembly) and in ingredients... (fruits and vegetables being more and more expensive). PS: Here is the operating principle. The fruit quarters (with the minimum of skins) are inserted into a funnel. A massive piece (worm screw) in the shape of a pear grinds them against a double filter. The juice flows through an orifice located at a height of 1cm from the base, while the pulp is scraped by a rotating part and evacuated at the bottom of the casing towards a specific conduit. Thus, if the mixture is too compact, it does not drain well towards the "pulp outlet" and goes towards the "juice outlet" resulting in a thicker gazpacho type mixture. For my part, I use between 50 and 60% citrus fruits in order to thin everything out.


L'estrattore funziona bene, nel senso che lo scarto del procedimento di estrazione è abbastanza asciutto. Un po' laborioso da pulire, in particolare è difficile rimuovere tutti i residui dal filtro. Nel complesso sono soddisfatto.

The extractor works well, in the sense that the waste from the extraction process is quite dry. A bit laborious to clean, in particular it is difficult to remove all the residue from the filter. Overall I am satisfied.


Amazon, come sempre, impeccabile per modalità e tempi di consegna. Già orientato verso la filosofia "estrazione", questro prodotto si è piacevolmente rivelato più che adatto allo scopo. Impressiona la robustezza della componentistica coerente con la fattura di produzione tipicamente tedesca, nonchè la silenziosità di funzionamento. La velocità di estrazione è lenta, come deve essere. Riscontro un'esiguità di residuo, tra l'altro, estremamente asciutto, rispetto alla quantità di succo prodotta. Da rilevare come con il ridetto residuo sia possibile preparare squisite barrette (tramite l'essicatore), riducendo a zero lo scarto. Il succo è ovviamente un po' più denso (anche se neanche più di tanto) di quello di una centrifuga, e ciò in quanto la modalità di estrazione garantisce un prelievo senz'altro più ricco ed efficacie dalla "spremitura". La macchina è facile da pulire, e lo spazzolino accluso rende l'operazione ancor più agevole. Attenzione a disporre di uno spazio sufficiente, allorchè decideste di conservarla montata. L'altezza dell'estrattore è infatti di 56 cm dalla base di appoggio all'impugnatura del pezzo che si utilizza per pressare la frutta/verdura all'interno della vaschetta di accoglimento.

Amazon, as always, impeccable for delivery methods and times. Already oriented towards the "extraction" philosophy, this product has pleasantly revealed itself to be more than suitable for the purpose. The robustness of the components consistent with the typically German manufacturing quality is impressive, as is the quiet operation. The extraction speed is slow, as it should be. I found a small amount of residue, among other things, extremely dry, compared to the quantity of juice produced. It should be noted that with the aforementioned residue it is possible to prepare delicious bars (via the dryer), reducing waste to zero. The juice is obviously a little denser (even if not by much) than that of a centrifuge, and this is because the extraction mode guarantees a richer and more effective extraction from the "squeezing". The machine is easy to clean, and the enclosed brush makes the operation even easier. Be careful to have enough space, if you decide to store it assembled. The height of the extractor is in fact 56 cm from the support base to the handle of the piece used to press the fruit/vegetables inside the receiving tray.


Vollauf zufrieden...Super Service...Unkomplizierte Abwicklung..Nur zu empfehlen...sowohl der Shop..das Nette Personal...als auch das Gerät..

Completely satisfied...super service...uncomplicated handling...can only be recommended...both the shop...the nice well as the device...Mfg.Kundinger


Ho testato la prima volta la centrifuga, non a caso, con le arance | Questo perchè con i tradizionali spremiagrumi si ha sempre la sensazione che non vengono spremuti perfettamente, lasciando ai bordi sempre molto succo che va a finire nella spazzatura.
Grazie a questa macchina però, riusciremo a ricavarne fino all' ultima goccia.

La macchina arriva a casa ben protetta, all' interno di una doppia scatola di cartone per evitarne ogni piccolo problema durante il trasporto.
Una volta aperta la confezione principale troviamo all' interno :

- 1 Spremiagrumi con tutti i suoi componenti
- 1 Vaschetta per la raccolta del succo trasparente
- 1 Vaschetta per la raccolta della polpa, in colorazione nera
- 1 Manuale di istruzioni ben dettagliato in molte lingue : ITALIANO , Tedesco, Inglese, Francese e Spagnolo
- 1 Spazzola per pulire a fondo gli spazi più difficili da raggiungere

Prima di assemblare la macchina è opportuno lavare i componenti in acqua calda con sapone ( che non contenga prodotti abrasivi ) utilizzando una spugna o panno morbido per evitare di graffiare i componenti.
Per una corretta installazione, dovremo far attenzione che i componenti siano inseriti nel verso giusto, incastrandoli perfettamente nella zona dedicata. I passaggi si effettuano dal basso verso l' alto, quindi come prima cosa dovremo montare il Bicchiere ( con le 2 uscite dedicate al succo ed alla polpa ) - Dentro ad esso dovremo inserire il supporto per il filtro - In seguito inseriamo il filtro ( e lo facciamo combaciare con una rotella presente nella base ) - A quel punto è il momento della Trivella ( un pò più complicata da inserire ) - Per concludere poggiamo l' imbuto e chiudiamo il tutto.


Una volta che avremo effettuato i primi passaggi, ed avremo assemblato il tutto, saremo pronti per andare a centrifugare moltissimi tipi di frutta e verdura. Per far si che la macchina non subisca danni, o blocchi, dovremo togliere il nocciolo dalla frutta, la buccia dagli agrumi, dal melone, ananas e mango.
A questo punto, dopo un lavaggio accurato potremo andare a tagliare la frutta in piccoli pezzi, così da poterla inserire all' interno dell' imbuto senza problemi.
Adesso saremo pronti per azionare la macchina, ed inserendo all' interno la nostra frutta o verdura, in pochi secondi inizierà a scorrere il succo nella zona dedicata, mentre la polpa dall' altro.


Con questo tipo di macchina è possibile estrarre il succo da ogni tipo di frutta e verdura ( meglio se di stagione e che non contenga amido )
Possiamo infatti inserire all' interno anche : Sedano - Carote - Spinaci - Mele - Pere - Cetrioli - Pomodori - Banane ecc.
Per quanto riguarda gli ortaggi a foglia è consigliato mischiarli con altri prodotti che contengono maggior succo


- E' perfetta per creare centrifugati in tutti i mesi dell' anno, per chi si allena, ha bisogno di energie durante la giornata, ha bisogno di vitamine, sarà la macchina ideale, una centrifuga la mattina a colazione darà sicuramente molte più energie che un succo di frutta al bar.
- Il montaggio dei componenti è semplicissimo e veloce, le prime volte risulterà un pò scomodo, ma una volta presa la mano sarà un attimo assemblarla
- A differenza di altre macchine simili, è possibile inserire quasi tutti i tipi di frutta e verdura, per creare mix veramente particolari di gusti mai provati prima.
- Ha un livello di sicurezza altissimo, se montata correttamente sarà impossibile inserire le mani all' interno ( compresi i bambini ) ed il motore non partirà fino a che non sarà chiusa perfettamente ogni singola parte.
- Estrae tutto il succo possibile, infatti la polpa risulta secca e priva di alcun liquido all' interno
- Gli " scarti " potremo utilizzarli per concimare le piante in terrazzo o giardino, così da non buttar via niente oltre alla buccia.


- Non è un vero e proprio contro, ma ,essendo un pò troppo alta, in alcune cucine ( come la mia ) è difficile trovare un posto fi

I tested the centrifuge for the first time, not surprisingly, with oranges | This is because with traditional juicers you always have the feeling that they are not squeezed perfectly, always leaving a lot of juice at the edges which ends up in the trash. Thanks to this machine, however, we will be able to get every last drop out of it. The machine arrives home well protected, inside a double cardboard box to avoid any small problems during transport. Once the main package is opened, we find inside: - 1 Citrus squeezer with all its components - 1 Tray for collecting the transparent juice - 1 Tray for collecting the pulp, in black color - 1 Detailed instruction manual in many languages : ITALIAN , German, English, French and Spanish - 1 brush for thoroughly cleaning the most difficult to reach spaces Before assembling the machine it is advisable to wash the components in hot water with soap (which does not contain abrasive products) using a sponge or cloth soft to avoid scratching the components. For correct installation, we will have to make sure that the components are inserted in the right direction, fitting them perfectly into the dedicated area. The passages are carried out from the bottom to the top, therefore first of all we will have to assemble the Glass (with the 2 outlets dedicated to the juice and the pulp) - We will have to insert the filter support inside it - Then we insert the filter (and we make it match with a wheel present in the base) - At that point it is time for the Auger (a little more complicated to insert) - To conclude, we place the funnel and close everything. HOW IT WORKS: Once we have carried out the first steps, and we have assembled everything, we will be ready to go and centrifuge many types of fruit and vegetables. To ensure that the machine does not suffer damage or blocks, we will have to remove the stone from the fruit, the peel from citrus fruits, melons, pineapples and mangoes. At this point, after a thorough washing we can go and cut the fruit into small pieces, so as to be able to insert it inside the funnel without problems. We will now be ready to operate the machine, and by inserting our fruit or vegetables, in a few seconds the juice will start flowing in the dedicated area, while the pulp in the other. WHAT WE CAN CENTRIFUGATE: With this type of machine it is possible to extract the juice from all types of fruit and vegetables (preferably in season and which do not contain starch). In fact, we can also insert inside: Celery - Carrots - Spinach - Apples - Pears - Cucumbers - Tomatoes - Bananas etc. As far as leafy vegetables are concerned, it is recommended to mix them with other products that contain more juice. vitamins, it will be the ideal machine, a juice extractor in the morning at breakfast will certainly give you much more energy than a fruit juice at the bar. - The assembly of the components is very simple and fast, the first few times it will be a little awkward, but once you get the hang of it it will be a moment to assemble it - Unlike other similar machines, it is possible to insert almost all types of fruit and vegetables, to create truly special mix of tastes never tried before. - It has a very high level of safety, if assembled correctly it will be impossible to insert your hands inside (including children) and the engine will not start until every single part is perfectly closed. - It extracts all the juice possible, in fact the pulp is dry and without any liquid inside - We can use the "waste" to fertilize the plants on the terrace or in the garden, so as not to throw away anything other than the peel. CONS : - It's not a real con, but, being a little too tall, in some kitchens (like mine) it's difficult to find a place for


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Ho testato la prima volta la centrifuga, non a caso, con le arance ; Questo perchè con i tradizionali spremiagrumi si ha sempre la sensazione che non vengono spremuti perfettamente, lasciando ai bordi sempre molto succo che va a finire nella spazzatura. Grazie a questa macchina però, riusciremo a ricavarne fino all' ultima goccia. La macchina arriva a casa ben protetta, all' interno di una doppia scatola di cartone per evitarne ogni piccolo problema durante il trasporto. Una volta aperta la confezione principale troviamo all' interno : - 1 Spremiagrumi con tutti i suoi componenti - 1 Vaschetta per la raccolta del succo trasparente - 1 Vaschetta per la raccolta della polpa, in colorazione nera - 1 Manuale di istruzioni ben dettagliato in molte lingue : ITALIANO , Tedesco, Inglese, Francese e Spagnolo - 1 Spazzola per pulire a fondo gli spazi più difficili da raggiungere Prima di assemblare la macchina è opportuno lavare i componenti in acqua calda con sapone ( che non contenga prodotti abrasivi ) utilizzando una spugna o panno morbido per evitare di graffiare i componenti. Per una corretta installazione, dovremo far attenzione che i componenti siano inseriti nel verso giusto, incastrandoli perfettamente nella zona dedicata. I passaggi si effettuano dal basso verso l' alto, quindi come prima cosa dovremo montare il Bicchiere ( con le 2 uscite dedicate al succo ed alla polpa ) - Dentro ad esso dovremo inserire il supporto per il filtro - In seguito inseriamo il filtro ( e lo facciamo combaciare con una rotella presente nella base ) - A quel punto è il momento della Trivella ( un pò più complicata da inserire ) - Per concludere poggiamo l' imbuto e chiudiamo il tutto. COME FUNZIONA : Una volta che avremo effettuato i primi passaggi, ed avremo assemblato il tutto, saremo pronti per andare a centrifugare moltissimi tipi di frutta e verdura. Per far si che la macchina non subisca danni, o blocchi, dovremo togliere il nocciolo dalla frutta, la buccia dagli agrumi, dal melone, ananas e mango. A questo punto, dopo un lavaggio accurato potremo andare a tagliare la frutta in piccoli pezzi, così da poterla inserire all' interno dell' imbuto senza problemi. Adesso saremo pronti per azionare la macchina, ed inserendo all' interno la nostra frutta o verdura, in pochi secondi inizierà a scorrere il succo nella zona dedicata, mentre la polpa dall' altro. COSA POSSIAMO CENTRIFUGARE : Con questo tipo di macchina è possibile estrarre il succo da ogni tipo di frutta e verdura ( meglio se di stagione e che non contenga amido ) Possiamo infatti inserire all' interno anche : Sedano - Carote - Spinaci - Mele - Pere - Cetrioli - Pomodori - Banane ecc. Per quanto riguarda gli ortaggi a foglia è consigliato mischiarli con altri prodotti che contengono maggior succo PRO : - E' perfetta per creare centrifugati in tutti i mesi dell' anno, per chi si allena, ha bisogno di energie durante la giornata, ha bisogno di vitamine, sarà la macchina ideale, una centrifuga la mattina a colazione darà sicuramente molte più energie che un succo di frutta al bar. - Il montaggio dei componenti è semplicissimo e veloce, le prime volte risulterà un pò scomodo, ma una volta presa la mano sarà un attimo assemblarla - A differenza di altre macchine simili, è possibile inserire quasi tutti i tipi di frutta e verdura, per creare mix veramente particolari di gusti mai provati prima. - Ha un livello di sicurezza altissimo, se montata correttamente sarà impossibile inserire le mani all' interno ( compresi i bambini ) ed il motore non partirà fino a che non sarà chiusa perfettamente ogni singola parte. - Estrae tutto il succo possibile, infatti la polpa risulta secca e priva di alcun liquido all' interno - Gli " scarti " potremo utilizzarli per concimare le piante in terrazzo o giardino, così da non buttar via niente oltre alla buccia. CONTRO : - Non è un vero e proprio contro, ma ,essendo un pò troppo alta, in alcune cucine ( come la mia ) è difficile trovare un posto fisso dove tenerla completamente assemblata in postazione fissa, quindi una volta lavata dovremo togliere l' imbuto superiore ed inserirlo solamente quando ne avremo bisogno. CONCLUSIONI : Per concludere, è una macchina veramente ottima che ci risparmierà un sacco di fatica, non dovremo più andare a spremere le arance o altri agrumi a mano con macchinari che, come già detto inizialmente, non riescono ad estrarre completamente il succo. Possiamo creare centrifugati con frutta e verdura anche per i più piccoli ( che solitamente odiano mangiare questi tipi di alimenti ) e probabilmente non faranno storie perchè il risultato finale sarà veramente ottimo. Una macchina completa, facile da lavare e soprattutto anche abbastanza silenziosa, mi sento di consigliarla a chiunque, soprattutto a chi ha bisogno di vitamine, così da evitare di prendere inutili integratori che col tempo danno fastidio all' organismo. Veramente ottima !

Unable to load media. I tested the juicer for the first time, not surprisingly, with oranges; This is because with traditional juicers you always have the feeling that they are not squeezed perfectly, leaving a lot of juice at the edges that ends up in the garbage. Thanks to this machine, however, we will be able to get every last drop. The machine arrives at home well protected, inside a double cardboard box to avoid any small problems during transport. Once the main package is opened, we find inside: - 1 Juicer with all its components - 1 Transparent juice collection tray - 1 Black pulp collection tray - 1 Detailed instruction manual in many languages: ITALIAN, German, English, French and Spanish - 1 Brush to thoroughly clean the most difficult to reach spaces Before assembling the machine, it is advisable to wash the components in hot water with soap (which does not contain abrasive products) using a sponge or soft cloth to avoid scratching the components. For correct installation, we will have to make sure that the components are inserted in the right direction, fitting them perfectly into the dedicated area. The steps are carried out from the bottom up, so first we will have to assemble the Glass (with the 2 outlets dedicated to juice and pulp) - Inside it we will have to insert the support for the filter - Then we insert the filter (and make it match a wheel on the base) - At that point it is time for the Drill (a little more complicated to insert) - To conclude we place the funnel and close everything. HOW IT WORKS: Once we have carried out the first steps, and assembled everything, we will be ready to go and juice many types of fruit and vegetables. To ensure that the machine does not suffer damage, or block, we will have to remove the stone from the fruit, the peel from citrus fruits, melon, pineapple and mango. At this point, after a thorough wash we can cut the fruit into small pieces, so that we can insert it into the funnel without problems. Now we will be ready to operate the machine, and by inserting our fruit or vegetables inside, in a few seconds the juice will start to flow in the dedicated area, while the pulp in the other. WHAT WE CAN CENTRIFUGATE: With this type of machine it is possible to extract juice from any type of fruit and vegetables (better if seasonal and not containing starch) We can in fact also insert inside: Celery - Carrots - Spinach - Apples - Pears - Cucumbers - Tomatoes - Bananas etc. As for leafy vegetables, it is recommended to mix them with other products that contain more juice PROS: - It is perfect for creating centrifuged drinks in all months of the year, for those who train, need energy during the day, need vitamins, it will be the ideal machine, a centrifuge in the morning for breakfast will certainly give you much more energy than a fruit juice at the bar. - The assembly of the components is very simple and fast, the first few times it will be a bit uncomfortable, but once you get the hang of it it will be a snap to assemble it - Unlike other similar machines, it is possible to insert almost all types of fruit and vegetables, to create truly special mixes of flavors never tried before. - It has a very high level of safety, if assembled correctly it will be impossible to insert your hands inside (including children) and the motor will not start until every single part is perfectly closed. - It extracts all the juice possible, in fact the pulp is dry and without any liquid inside - We can use the "waste" to fertilize the plants on the terrace or in the garden, so as not to throw away anything other than the peel. CONS: - It is not a real con, but, being a bit too tall, in some kitchens (like mine) it is difficult to find a fixed place to keep it completely assembled in a fixed position, so once washed we will have to remove the upper funnel and insert it only when we need it. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, it is a truly excellent machine that will save us a lot of effort, we will no longer have to squeeze oranges or other citrus fruits by hand with machines that, as already said initially, cannot extract the juice completely. We can create centrifuged fruit and vegetables even for the little ones (who usually hate eating these types of foods) and they probably won't make a fuss because the final result will be truly excellent. A complete machine, easy to wash and above all also quite silent, I feel like recommending it to anyone, especially to those who need vitamins, so as to avoid taking useless supplements that over time harm the body. Truly excellent!


Questo estrattore utilizza il sistema di spremitura lenta per mantenere inalterate tutte le proprietà della frutta, al contrario degli altri apparecchi che si basano sul concetto di lame ad altissima velocità, creando attrito aumentano la temperatura all’interno dei cestelli causando il riscaldamento e l’ossidazione dei succhi prodotti.
Il rumore emesso dall’apparecchio in fase di erogazione è davvero basso, grazie al sistema di spremitura lenta. La manopola laterale ci permette di azionare l’estrattore in senso orario e antiorario. Il prodotto è abbastanza ingombrante, ve ne accorgerete dalla scatola, sembra fatto per creare grandi quantità si succo. La qualità dei materiali è ottima ed ogni singolo pezzo è rimovibile per essere lavato con accuratezza, è presente anche un piccolo spazzolino per facilitare l’operazione di pulizia.
Sul fondo sono presenti delle ventose che eviteranno il movimento del macchinario durante l’utilizzo anche se le vibrazioni sono davvero poche. Sono presenti anche i due boccali per contenere il succo e le ‘bucce’.
Il funzionamento e il montaggio dei rotori è davvero elementare, una volta capito il meccanismo di innesto non ci saranno giù problemi, il tutto è agevolato dal manuale utente in lingua italiana.
Vi lascio un piccolo video in cui mostro il montaggio e il funzionamento dell’apparecchio.

This extractor uses the slow squeezing system to keep all the properties of the fruit unaltered, unlike other appliances which are based on the concept of very high speed blades, creating friction they increase the temperature inside the baskets causing heating and oxidation of the juices produced. The noise emitted by the appliance during dispensing is really low, thanks to the slow squeezing system. The side knob allows us to operate the extractor clockwise and counterclockwise. The product is quite bulky, you will notice from the box, it seems made to create large quantities of juice. The quality of the materials is excellent and each single piece is removable to be washed accurately, there is also a small brush to facilitate cleaning. On the bottom there are suction cups that will prevent the movement of the machinery during use even if the vibrations are very few. There are also two jugs to contain the juice and the 'skins'. The operation and assembly of the rotors is really elementary, once you understand the engagement mechanism there won't be any problems, everything is facilitated by the user manual in Italian. I leave you a small video in which I show the assembly and operation of the device.


Vor allem im Herbst und Winter benutze ich gerne Entsafter, hauptsächlich für Äpfel. Wir haben viele davon im Garten und die kleinen Cox-Äpfel werden zu Saft verarbeitet oder enden als Apfelmus. Ich habe bisher einen herkömmlichen Entsafter mit Zentrifugaltechnik verwendet, einen Slow-Juicer hatte ich auch schon, aber nur für kurze Zeit, da war mir der Einfüllstutzen zu klein. Der Slow Juicer von Klarstein hat mich schon aufgrund der riesigen Einfüllöffnung sofort begeistert. Dafür hat er dann auch eine ungewohnt hohe Bauweise, passt aber bei uns vor die Hängeschränke, das Netzkabel ist ca. 1 m lang. Durch das Edelstahlgehäuse macht er einen hochwertigen Eindruck. Das Obst wird durch eine Press-Schnecke gedreht. Vorteil dabei ist, dass die Saftausbeute höher ist und das Gerät ist auch viel leiser und es entsteht kaum Schaum. Außerdem sollen die Vitamine und Enzyme durch diese Art des Entsaftens wesentlich schonender verarbeitet werden. * Bedienung * Der Entsafter lässt sich leicht bedienen und auch der Zusammenbau ist praktisch selbsterklärend. Das Obst muss nur grob zerteilt werden und es lässt sich zügig damit arbeiten. Ich trinke gerne einen Mix aus 3 Äpfeln, 1 Orange, 1 Banane und einer Handvoll Weintrauben. Die Saftausbeute ist sehr gut (Zubereitung + Ergebnis davon sieht man auf den Fotos), der Entsafter holt alles aus dem Obst heraus, was möglich ist. Im seitlichen schwarzen Tresterbehälter landen nur noch recht trockene Trester-Würstchen. Die Kerne von Weintrauben, Äpfeln oder sonstige harte Stückchen werden mit ausgefiltert. Die beiden Auffangbehälter sind groß genug und mit einem Griff versehen. Der Saftbehälter ist transparent und hat ein Volumen von gut 1 Liter, das reicht für eine Tagesration aus. Am Auslauf ist ein Pfropfen zum Verschließen angebracht, damit nichts heraustropft, wenn man den Behälter wegnimmt. Und das Wichtigste: Die selbstgemachten Säfte sind extrem lecker :-) * Reinigung * Die Reinigung ist im Prinzip einfach und schnell erledigt. Die Teile sind vermutlich nicht alle spülmaschinenfest, nach Gebrauch spüle ich daher alles per Hand ab. Für das feinmaschige Sieb liegt noch eine Bürste bei, das muss etwas geschrubbt werden, um die Reste zu entfernen. * Fazit * Das Gerät gefällt mir sehr gut und für kleinere Mengen an Saft (Tagesvorrat) ist es ideal. Die Säfte sind frisch, lecker und ohne Konservierungsstoffe und Zuckerzusätze. Evtl. werde ich die Rezension später noch überarbeiten/ergänzen, wenn Langzeiterfahrungen vorliegen, bisher ist es jedenfalls mein bester Entsafter. Der Entsafter wurde mir im Rahmen eines Produkttests kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt, dies hat jedoch keinerlei Einfluss auf meine Bewertung. Plus: Hohe Saftausbeute Leicht zu bedienen Sehr leise im Vergleich zu einem Zentrifugal-Entsafter Minus: vermutich sind nicht alle Teile spülmaschinenfest

Especially in autumn and winter I like to use juicers, mainly for apples. We have lots of these in the garden and the small Cox apples are made into juice or end up as applesauce. So far I have used a conventional juicer with centrifugal technology, I also had a slow juicer, but only for a short time because the filler neck was too small for me. The slow juicer from Klarstein immediately impressed me because of the huge filling opening. On the other hand, it has an unusually high construction, but it fits in front of our wall cabinets, the power cable is approx. 1 m long. The stainless steel case makes a high-quality impression. The fruit is rotated by a press screw. The advantage here is that the juice yield is higher and the device is also much quieter and there is hardly any foam. In addition, the vitamins and enzymes should be processed much more gently through this type of juicing. * Operation * The juicer is easy to use and the assembly is practically self-explanatory. The fruit only has to be roughly divided and you can work with it quickly. I like to drink a mix of 3 apples, 1 orange, 1 banana and a handful of grapes. The juice yield is very good (you can see the preparation + result of it in the photos), the juicer gets everything out of the fruit that is possible. Only very dry pomace sausages end up in the black pomace container on the side. The cores of grapes, apples or other hard pieces are also filtered out. The two collection containers are large enough and have a handle. The juice container is transparent and has a volume of a good 1 liter, which is sufficient for a daily ration. A stopper is attached to the spout for sealing so that nothing drips out when the container is removed. And the most important thing: The homemade juices are extremely tasty :-) * Cleaning * In principle, cleaning is quick and easy. The parts are probably not all dishwasher safe, so I wash everything by hand after use. A brush is also included for the fine-mesh sieve, which needs to be scrubbed a little to remove the remains. * Conclusion * I like the device very much and it is ideal for smaller amounts of juice (daily supply). The juices are fresh, delicious and without preservatives or added sugar. I may revise/supplement the review later when there are long-term experiences, so far it is my best juicer. The juicer was made available to me free of charge as part of a product test, but this has no influence on my rating. Plus: High juice yield Easy to use Very quiet compared to a centrifugal juicer Minus: Probably not all parts are dishwasher safe