Barossa 77 Duo Wine Cooler

£ 1049.99 (incl. VAT)
  • 40,5 x 117,5 x 45,6 cm
  • 35
  • 0
Product number: 10032963
Barossa 77 Duo Wine Cooler
£ 1049.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 681.99
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 7 - 10 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • For connoisseurs and collectors: Wine refrigerator for up to 77 bottles

  • Precise to the degree: two separate cooling zones- adjustable between 5 and 20 °C

  • Highlights: switchable, discreet LED interior lighting

Product description

The Klarstein Barossa 77 Duo wine cooler transforms good wine into great pleasure.

Its large interior provides an attractive and well-tempered home for up to 77 wine bottles on 8 removable wooden shelves. Owing to its two separate cooling zones, white and red wines feel equally at home and develop their individual aroma between 5 and 20 °C. The temperature can be adjusted using a clear touch panel with LC display. The switchable LED interior lighting, the large panoramic glass door and the simple design make the Barossa 77 Duo a real eye-catcher in your home.


  • Capacity: 191 litres
  • Temperature range: 5 - 20 ° C (both zones)
  • Power consumption: 100 Watt
  • Compression cooler
  • low operating noise (42 dB)
  • Touch panel
  • white LED interior lighting
  • height-adjustable feet
  • Panorama glass door with 3-layer safety glass
  • Door hinge mountable on both sides
  • Stainless steel handle
  • easy to clean
  • Built-in appliance: no
  • also for catering establishments
  • Energy efficiency clas G
  • Power supply: 220 - 240 V~ 50/60 Hz
Product number: 10032963

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 48 x 128.5 x 64 cm (WxHxD)
  • Inner dimensions of upper compartment: approx. 40.5 x 48 x 45 cm (WxHxD)
  • Inner dimensions of lower compartment: approx. 40.5 x 62 x 45 cm (WxHxD)
  • Cable length: approx. 170 cm
  • Weight: approx. 48 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x wine fridge
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 7 - 10 days

Customer reviews
48 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Recensione negativa. Prodotto arrivato senza 2 ripiani che ne compromettono la capienza complessiva. Proposta indecente di un rimborso del 20% per tenerlo quando il prodotto dopo una settimana era + del 30% meno. Marketing scandaloso. Non comprerò più prodotti klarstein. Mi sono sentito preso in giro. Ovviamente restituito e in attesa di rimborso.

Negative review. Product arrived without 2 shelves which compromise its overall capacity. Indecent proposal of a 20% refund to keep it when the product after a week was +30% less. Scandalous marketing. I will no longer buy Klarstein products. I felt cheated. Obviously returned and awaiting refund.


Nach Anfangsproblemen gab es sofort eine Lösung-echt gut Wunderbares Styling, guter Service

After initial problems there was an immediate solution - really good Wonderful styling, good service


Wunderbares Styling, guter Service

Wonderful styling, good service


Lavora bene i due comparti differenza temperatura, leggermente rumoroso

The two compartments work well, temperature difference, slightly noisy


Lavora bene i due comparti differenza temperatura, leggermente rumoroso

The two compartments work well, temperature difference, slightly noisy


Lavora bene i due comparti differenza temperatura, leggermente rumoroso

The two compartments work well, temperature difference, slightly noisy


Lavora bene i due comparti differenza temperatura, leggermente rumoroso

The two compartments work well, temperature difference, slightly noisy


Lavora bene i due comparti differenza temperatura, leggermente rumoroso

The two compartments work well, temperature difference, slightly noisy


Lavora bene i due comparti differenza temperatura, leggermente rumoroso

The two compartments work well, temperature difference, slightly noisy


Lavora bene i due comparti differenza temperatura, leggermente rumoroso

The two compartments work well, temperature difference, slightly noisy


La tres belle vitre en facade arrive a effleurement du sol rendant le transport quasi impossible.
Si vous avez la malchance de la briser, sachez que Klarstein ne propose pas de pieces détachées.

The very beautiful window on the front comes close to the ground, making transport almost impossible. If you are unfortunate enough to break it, please note that Klarstein does not offer spare parts.


Arrivato in tempi brevissimi. Imballo ottimo. Purtroppo i ripiani sono molto stretti e le bottiglie di bollicine non ci stanno se non togli un ripiano. Maniglia difficile da montare.

Arrived very quickly. Excellent packaging. Unfortunately the shelves are very narrow and the bottles of bubbles do not fit unless you remove a shelf. Handle difficult to assemble.


Boa qualidade, boa imagem. Recomendo.

Good quality, good image. I recommend it.


un'ottima cantinetta domestica, esteticamente molto piacevole, silenziosa, efficiente. utile la doppia area per vini che richiedono differenti temperature di servizio. o champagne non ci sta in lunghezza e non capisco perché le listarelle di legno in profondità non consentano realmente l'inserimento di tutte le bottiglie previste, dato il calibro del diametro. comunque un ottimo acquisto. era un regalo: è stato molto gradito.

an excellent home wine cellar, aesthetically pleasing, silent, efficient. the double area is useful for wines that require different serving temperatures. or champagne does not fit in length and I do not understand why the wooden strips in depth do not really allow the insertion of all the expected bottles, given the diameter caliber. in any case an excellent purchase. it was a gift: it was very much appreciated.


un'ottima cantinetta domestica, esteticamente molto piacevole, silenziosa, efficiente. utile la doppia area per vini che richiedono differenti temperature di servizio. o champagne non ci sta in lunghezza e non capisco perché le listarelle di legno in profondità non consentano realmente l'inserimento di tutte le bottiglie previste, dato il calibro del diametro. comunque un ottimo acquisto. era un regalo: è stato molto gradito.

an excellent home wine cellar, aesthetically pleasing, silent, efficient. the double area is useful for wines that require different serving temperatures. or champagne does not fit in length and I do not understand why the wooden strips in depth do not really allow the insertion of all the expected bottles, given the diameter caliber. in any case an excellent purchase. it was a gift: it was very much appreciated.


Bellissimo frigo per vino. Leggermente rumoroso ma non più di tanto. Comoda la doppia zona per vini bianchi e rossi. Esteticamente molto bello

Beautiful wine fridge. A little noisy but not too much. Convenient double zone for white and red wines. Aesthetically very nice


Bellissimo frigo per vino. Leggermente rumoroso ma non più di tanto. Comoda la doppia zona per vini bianchi e rossi. Esteticamente molto bello

Beautiful wine fridge. A little noisy but not too much. Convenient double zone for white and red wines. Aesthetically very nice


Buon prodotto, con due zone di temperatura che consentono di inserire contemporaneamente vini bianchi e rossi. Non molto rumorosa (meno del mio frigorifero, che però è un po' datato), e il doppio display è talmente luminoso da fungere anche da luce notturna. Non tiene tutte le bottiglie dichiarate, neppure impilandole una sull'altra; ce ne stanno 22/24 nel formato bordolese, se ne inserisci anche leggermente più "panciute" la capacità si riduce sensibilmente. Comunque un buon prodotto che fa il suo lavoro adeguatamente

Good product, with two temperature zones that allow you to insert white and red wines at the same time. Not very noisy (less than my refrigerator, which is a bit dated), and the double display is so bright that it also acts as a night light. It does not hold all the declared bottles, not even stacking them on top of each other; there are 22/24 in the Bordeaux format, if you insert even slightly "bellier" ones the capacity is significantly reduced. In any case, a good product that does its job adequately


Sieht gut aus, ist nicht zu groß und mit dem Licht macht der Schrank was her. Nur wenn die Kühlung anspringt, stört das Geräusch ein wenig. Dies geschieht jedoch nicht zu häufig.

It looks good, is not too big and the light makes the cabinet look good. The only noise that is a little annoying is when the cooling starts up. But this doesn't happen too often.


Un ottimo acquisto. Facile da sistemare facile da istallare. Arreda la cucina ed è molto bella. È assolutamente consigliata

A great purchase. Easy to set up, easy to install. It decorates the kitchen and is very beautiful. It is absolutely recommended


La cantinetta funziona come atteso, temperature nelle due zone abbastanza precise, spazi inferiori a quanto dichiarato ma sufficienti per le mie necessità, anche se le bottiglie sono un po' incastrate. Un po' rumoroso quando parte il raffreddamento ma accettabile. Per le bottiglie di spumante/champagne c'è poco posto, solo in basso, dove però ho preferito mettere due magnum.

The wine cellar works as expected, temperatures in the two zones are quite precise, spaces are less than declared but sufficient for my needs, even if the bottles are a bit wedged. A bit noisy when the cooling starts but acceptable. There is little space for the bottles of sparkling wine/champagne, only at the bottom, where however I preferred to put two magnums.


Wir haben uns für diesen Weinkühlschrank entschieden da uns das schöne elegante Design zugesagt hat. Wir sind vor längerem in unser Haus gezogen und waren hier auf der Suche nach einem Weinkühlschrank der in unsere moderne Küche passt. Der Weinkühlschrank ist jetzt der neue Blickfang in der Küche, da er sehr geräuscharm ist nimmt man den Weinkühlschrank gar nicht wahr, was sehr toll ist. Der Weinkühlschrank ist sehr hochwertig verarbeitet, und erfüllt mehr als seinen Zweck. Ich war auf die Funktionalität gespannt und er hat überzeugt. Ich und meine Frau freuen uns auf schöne Weinabende mit Freunden und Bekannten.

We chose this wine fridge because we liked the beautiful, elegant design. We moved into our house a while ago and were looking for a wine fridge that would fit into our modern kitchen. The wine fridge is now the new eye-catcher in the kitchen. Because it is very quiet, you don't even notice the wine fridge, which is great. The wine fridge is very high quality and more than serves its purpose. I was excited about its functionality and it was convincing. My wife and I are looking forward to lovely wine evenings with friends and acquaintances.


Die Lieferung hat Reibungslos funktioniert… Hier gibt es nichts zu meckern…! Das Gerät sieht gut aus, macht was es soll. Wie man 102 Flaschen in den Kühler bekommen soll erschließt sich mir zwar nicht (wohl eher ein theoretischer Wert), aber sei’s drum… Wie gesagt, er macht was er soll, leider macht er das aber ziemlich laut. Hatte ihn 2 Tage im Wohn/ Essbereich stehen. Dann durfte er in den HTR umziehen. Ansonsten ein feines Gerät

The delivery went smoothly... There's nothing to complain about here...! The device looks good, does what it's supposed to. I don't understand how you're supposed to get 102 bottles into the cooler (probably more of a theoretical value), but never mind... As I said, it does what it's supposed to, but unfortunately it does it quite loudly. Had it in the living/dining area for 2 days. Then it was able to move into the HTR. Otherwise a fine device


Cantinetta carina con doppia temperatura per vini bianchi e rossi . Si presenta bene nel contesto dove viene messa . L’unica pecca a Mio avviso un po’ rumorosa e avrei preferito il vetro oscurato .

Nice wine cellar with dual temperature for white and red wines. It looks good in the context where it is placed. The only flaw in my opinion is a bit noisy and I would have preferred the darkened glass.


Buon prodotto, non l’ho ancora aperto perché è un regalo ma ne avevo già uno uguale ed è ottimo!

Good product, I haven't opened it yet because it's a gift but I already had an identical one and it's excellent!


Bin begeistert, Preis-Leistung okay

I'm thrilled, price-performance okay


So cool . Satisfied very much.

So cool . Satisfied very much.


Zum Weinkühlen und Dekoration im Wohnzimmer

For wine cooling and decoration in the living room


Mein absoluter Favorit zur Kühlung von Getränken mit verschiedenen Temperaturen. Das Design ist sehr ansprechend und auch die Flaschenhalter von guter Qualität.

My absolute favorite for cooling drinks at different temperatures. The design is very attractive and the bottle holders are also of good quality.


Echte zwei Kühlzonen, toll!!! Mein absoluter Favorit zur Kühlung von Getränken mit verschiedenen Temperaturen. Das Design ist sehr ansprechend und auch die Flaschenhalter von guter Qualität.

Real two cooling zones, great!!! My absolute favorite for cooling drinks at different temperatures. The design is very attractive and the bottle holders are also of good quality.


Der Kühlschrank ist Ok. Die neben Geräusche ist nicht zu lauf jedoch ab und zu läuft der er schon ein wenig lauter.-( Sommer )

The refrigerator is OK. The noise outside is not too loud, but from time to time it does run a little louder.-(Summer)


Seppur esteticamente molto bello, efficiente e neanche troppo rumoroso, ha una grande lacuna. La suddivisione dei ripiani e gli alloggiamenti per le bottiglie sono studiati malissimo. Primo sembra che non esistano bottiglie diverse dalle bordolesi, poi se ci vuoi piazzare delle borgognotte o delle albeisane perdi notevole capacità. Peccato, come spesso succede, chi disegna apparentemente dei buoni oggetti, spesso non prova ad usarli (si chiama architetto?).

Although aesthetically very beautiful, efficient and not too noisy, it has a big flaw. The division of the shelves and the bottle slots are very poorly designed. First it seems that there are no bottles other than Bordeaux, then if you want to place Burgundy or Albeisana bottles you lose considerable capacity. Too bad, as often happens, those who apparently design good objects, often do not try to use them (is he called an architect?).


Sehr gut Sehr gut, tolle Optik

Very good Very good, great look


Sehr gut, tolle Optik

Very good, great look


Also bisher (im Betrieb seit 2 Wochen) alles super! Sehr leise und auch kompakt und trotzdem Platz für so viele Flaschen! Hoffentlich hält er auch lange!

So far (in use for 2 weeks) everything is great! Very quiet and compact and still has space for so many bottles! Hopefully it will last a long time!


Schön und elegant! Also bisher (im Betrieb seit 2 Wochen) alles super! Sehr leise und auch kompakt und trotzdem Platz für so viele Flaschen! Hoffentlich hält er auch lange!

Beautiful and elegant! So far (in use for 2 weeks) everything's been great! Very quiet and compact, but still has room for so many bottles! Hopefully it will last a long time!


La cantinetta è conforme alla descrizione. Punti negativi: la capienza (in realtà ci staranno al massimo una ventina di bottiglie, se di diversi formati) ; è un tantino rumorosa. Come segnalato anche in privato al venditore, l'esperienza con BARTOLINI è stata Pessima. La scatola ci è stata consegnata in strada, ad un civico diverso (ci ha contattati al telefono per farsi raggiungere).Il corriere si è rifiutato di portare la scatola al civico giusto quindi abbiamo dovuto trasportarla per 400 metri a mano (la scatola pesa circa 40 kg). Si consiglia pertanto al venditore di non utilizzare più BARTOLINI per le spedizioni di questo prodotto.

The wine cellar complies with the description. Negative points: the capacity (in reality it will fit a maximum of twenty bottles, if of different sizes); it is a bit noisy. As also reported privately to the seller, the experience with BARTOLINI was terrible. The box was delivered to us on the street, at a different number (he contacted us by phone to be reached). The courier refused to take the box to the right number so we had to carry it 400 meters by hand (the box weighs about 40 kg). We therefore advise the seller to no longer use BARTOLINI for shipments of this product.


zum Weinkühlen

for wine cooling


Oggetto molto ben fatto, a partire dall'imballaggio. La refrigerazione funziona benissimo e lo spazio è abbondante e ben sfruttabile. Il mobiletto è elegante e costituisce un buon complemento di arredo, mi piacciono i ripiani in legno. Non do la quinta stella perché, quando parte il compressore, è un pò più rumoroso di quello che mi aspettavo. Sono comunque soddisfatto, lo ricomprerei.

Very well made item, starting from the packaging. The refrigeration works very well and the space is abundant and well exploitable. The cabinet is elegant and constitutes a good furnishing complement, I like the wooden shelves. I do not give the fifth star because, when the compressor starts, it is a little noisier than I expected. I am satisfied anyway, I would buy it again.


Ein ausgezeichneter Minikühlschrank, um Ihre Weinsammlung tadellos aufzubewahren. Es gibt nichts mehr hinzuzufügen.

An excellent mini fridge to keep your wine collection impeccably stored. There is nothing more to add.


Der Weinschrank ist sehr leise und hat ein gutes Fassungsvermögen. Für den Keller genau das Richtige.

The wine cabinet is very quiet and has a good capacity. Just right for the cellar.


Er kühlt den Inhalt rasch und gut, sieht gut aus und kostet im Vergleich zu anderen Weinkühlern wenig.

It cools the contents quickly and well, looks good and costs little compared to other wine coolers.


Sehr gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Optisch sehr ansprechend, Holzablagen/Auszüge sehr gut verarbeitet. Das Kühlaggregat läuft sehr leise.

Very good value for money. Very attractive visually, wooden shelves/pull-outs very well made. The cooling unit runs very quietly.


Dieser Weinkühlschrank hat mich super positiv überrascht. Ich hatte erwartet, dass er von sehr guter Qualität sein würde, und es hat sich herausgestellt, dass er noch besser ist. Die Lieferung war perfekt, keinerlei Schäden und für mich ist der Lärm nicht laut.

This wine cooler has really surprised me in a positive way. I expected it to be of very good quality and it turns out to be even better. The delivery was perfect, no damage at all and for me the noise is not loud.


Wir sind gerade in eine größere Wohnung gezogen und brauchten dringend einen neuen Weinkühlschrank, nicht so groß, aber auch nicht so klein. Klarstein Barossa war unsere Wahl, und wir bereuen das überhaupt nicht, im Gegenteil, wir sind sehr zufrieden damit. Keine lauten Geräusche und einfach zu handhaben. Würde es wieder kaufen.

We just moved to a bigger apartment and desperately needed a new wine fridge, not so big but not so small either. Klarstein Barossa was our choice and we don't regret it at all, on the contrary, we are very happy with it. No loud noises and easy to handle. Would buy it again.


Super Kühlschrank, springt aber leider zu oft an um die Temperatur zu halten denke ich , in diesen Zeitraum ist er sehr laut

Great fridge, but unfortunately it starts too often to keep the temperature I think, during this time it is very loud


Very nice wine fridge The product is beautiful, two zones that keep my bottles at the correct temperature, the size is perfect. The only con is that the space between rows is tight, so to put some bottles you need to force a little bit the tray. No other cons up to now.

Very nice wine fridge The product is beautiful, two zones that keep my bottles at the correct temperature, the size is perfect. The only con is that the space between rows is tight, so to put some bottles you need to force a little bit the tray. No other cons up to now.


The product is beautiful, two zones that keep my bottles at the correct temperature, the size is perfect. The only con is that the space between rows is tight, so to put some bottles you need to force a little bit the tray. No other cons up to now.

The product is beautiful, two zones that keep my bottles at the correct temperature, the size is perfect. The only con is that the space between rows is tight, so to put some bottles you need to force a little bit the tray. No other cons up to now.