Jet Set 2500 Clothes Dryer

£ 274.99 (incl. VAT)
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  • 2
  • Stainless steel
Product number: 10035137
Jet Set 2500 Clothes Dryer
£ 274.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 177.99
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 232.99
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Space saving: clothes dryer with 850 watts in the CompactDry Concept suitable for small flats

  • Simple operation: 2 heat settings and a timer dial for up to 200 minutes

  • Fits: dryer with 2.5 kg capacity in a modern look

Product description

Cuddly-soft dry laundry for everyone. The Klarstein Jet Set 2500 clothes dryer vigorously heats up damp laundry and dries it until it is fluffy and soft in no time at all, so that it can be put on immediately or put away in the closet.

Drying in record time: the Klarstein Jet Set 2500 clothes dryer takes on freshly washed, damp clothes, towels or duvet covers with 850 W power in two heat settings and gives them a quality of warm, fluffy dryness. Anyone who has once enjoyed fresh clothes or bedding fresh out of the dryer will no longer want to do without the soft, cuddly feeling. And so that everyone can enjoy this, the Klarstein Jet Set 2500 clothes dryer with our CompactDry Concept is designed to be particularly space-saving: it can even find a space in many small flats or dormitories, where you previously had to make do with a bulky drying rack. The device can also disappear directly under a worktop. Up to 2.5 kg of laundry fit into the practical front-loading stainless steel drum. Simply select the appropriate heat level and set the timer between 20 and 200 minutes.

Fresh, fluffy dry laundry in a quick and space-saving way - with the Klarstein Jet Set 2500 clothes dryer, this is no problem at all.


  • Exhaust air dryer
  • Front loader
  • Heating levels: 2
  • Timer: 20 to 200 minutes
  • Includes exhaust knee
  • Plastic door with window
  • Max. laundry capacity: 2.5 kg
  • Power: 850 W
  • Freestanding
  • Air outlet on the back
  • Suitable for substructure / suitable for installation on rack frame (not included) / wall installation
  • Power supply: 220 - 240 V ~ | 50 Hz
Product number: 10035137

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 50 x 60 x 41.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Cable: 155 cm
  • Weight: approx. 17 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x clothes dryer
  • 1 x exhaust knee
  • English-language instruction manual (other language: German)

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
28 Ratings

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Asciugatrice ottima e funzionale. L’ho posizionata sopra la lavatrice bloccandola con una cinghia. Il tubo di scarico butta fuori aria calda (basta tenere una finestra aperta nel caso si sentisse un po’ di umidità); i filtri meglio pulirli dopo ogni asciugatura (si impiega 5 minuti) e anche i filtri di ricambio li ho trovati facilmente qui su Amazon (già acquistati). Facilissima da usare e asciuga molto bene. Il problema delle pieghe l’ho risolto comprando le palline di lana apposite per asciugatrice. Molto leggera anche da trasportare quindi poca fatica. Ha due funzionalità (caldo e freddo) e timer. Le istruzioni sono chiare e sintetiche (per asciugare al meglio i panni). Sostanzialmente per capi più pesanti (tipo asciugamani o jeans), meglio 120/160 minuti ad aria calda. Soddisfatta del prodotto e buon prezzo. Servizio Amazon ottimo.

Excellent and functional dryer. I placed it on top of the washing machine, blocking it with a strap. The exhaust pipe blows out hot air (just keep a window open in case you feel a bit of humidity); it is better to clean the filters after each drying (it takes 5 minutes) and I also found the replacement filters easily here on Amazon (already purchased). Very easy to use and dries very well. I solved the crease problem by buying the wool balls specifically for dryers. Very light to carry too, so little effort. It has two functions (hot and cold) and a timer. The instructions are clear and concise (to dry the clothes better). Basically for heavier items (such as towels or jeans), 120/160 minutes on hot air are better. Satisfied with the product and good price. Excellent Amazon service.





Per chi come me non ha un balcone, è comoda, messa sopra la lavatrice, con una cinghia, un manopola, un pulsante, basta pulire il filtro ogni tanto e i panni escono caldi e asciutti, e meraviglia appena appena stropicciati.

For those like me who don't have a balcony, it's convenient, placed on top of the washing machine, with a belt, a knob, a button, you just have to clean the filter every now and then and the clothes come out warm and dry, and wonderfully just a little wrinkled.


Ottima asciugatrice compatta utile ad affiancare l'ascigatura naturale dei capi

Excellent compact dryer useful for accompanying the natural drying of garments


Piccola ma efficiente. Consigliata!

Small but efficient. Recommended!


Er macht was er soll. Lieferung war schnell. Geringe Außenmaße, was gut ist

It does what it's supposed to. Delivery was quick. Small external dimensions, which is good


Compatta, ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Istallazione facilissima, potrebbe farla un bambino, basta collegare un tubo di scarico per l'aria calda e collegarla alla presa. Il funzionamento è ancora più immediato, vestiti asciutti e nessuna umidità nella stanza perché non fuoriesce vapore ma ARIA calda. La capienza segnalata è di 3 kg ma io credo ci entri anche qualcosa di più. Per un single o una coppia è ottima, occupa pochissimo spazio e anche i consumi sono molto più bassi di una classifica asciugatrice. Ci sono 2 filtri da pulire di volta in volta e sono di facile apertura ed estrazione dello sporco. Unico neo non so , in caso di necessità dove si possano trovare i ricambi ma super consigliata!

Compact, excellent value for money. Very easy to install, a child could do it, just connect an exhaust pipe for hot air and plug it into the socket. Operation is even more immediate, dry clothes and no humidity in the room because it does not release steam but hot AIR. The capacity indicated is 3 kg but I think something more can fit. For a single or a couple it is excellent, it takes up very little space and also the consumption is much lower than a standard dryer. There are 2 filters to clean from time to time and they are easy to open and remove dirt. The only flaw I don't know, in case of need where you can find spare parts but highly recommended!


Compatta, ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Istallazione facilissima, potrebbe farla un bambino, basta collegare un tubo di scarico per l'aria calda e collegarla alla presa. Il funzionamento è ancora più immediato, vestiti asciutti e nessuna umidità nella stanza perché non fuoriesce vapore ma ARIA calda. La capienza segnalata è di 3 kg ma io credo ci entri anche qualcosa di più. Per un single o una coppia è ottima, occupa pochissimo spazio e anche i consumi sono molto più bassi di una classifica asciugatrice. Ci sono 2 filtri da pulire di volta in volta e sono di facile apertura ed estrazione dello sporco. Unico neo non so , in caso di necessità dove si possano trovare i ricambi ma super consigliata!

Compact, excellent value for money. Very easy to install, a child could do it, just connect an exhaust pipe for hot air and plug it into the socket. Operation is even more immediate, dry clothes and no humidity in the room because it does not release steam but hot AIR. The capacity indicated is 3 kg but I think something more can fit. For a single or a couple it is excellent, it takes up very little space and also the consumption is much lower than a standard dryer. There are 2 filters to clean from time to time and they are easy to open and remove dirt. The only flaw I don't know, in case of need where you can find spare parts but highly recommended!


Molto pratica, compatta ed abbastanza veloce. L ho utilizzata a carico pieno ed in circa due ore e mezzo ha asciugato tutto... cosa importante da pulire ogni volta dopo l utilizzo, su altri siti ho trovato ricambi per filtri che sono essenziali

Very practical, compact and quite fast. I used it with a full load and in about two and a half hours it dried everything... important thing to clean every time after use, on other sites I found spare parts for filters which are essential


L'asciugatrice necessita solo di elettricità. Asciuga con aria. Puoi regolare se è caldo o freddo. È piccolo e può essere facilmente riposto nella sala tecnologica. Lo uso da sei mesi e sono molto soddisfatto. I prodotti Klarstein sono innovativi, moderni e molto buoni.

The dryer only needs electricity. It dries with air. You can adjust whether it is hot or cold. It is small and can be easily stored in the technology room. I have been using it for six months and am very satisfied. Klarstein products are innovative, modern and very good.


Ma ammetto di non aver mai avuto una ascougatrice per mancanza di spazio. Si attacca alla presa e asciuga. Fine delle istruzioni. Inserita in spazio ridotto asciuga bene, in tempi abbastanza lunghi (ma immagino che debbano asciugare così). Ottima per neofiti come la sottoscritta

But I admit I've never had a dryer due to lack of space. It plugs into the outlet and dries. End of instructions. Inserted in a small space it dries well, in a fairly long time (but I imagine they're supposed to dry like that). Excellent for beginners like me


Utilisation très simple résultats satisfaisants.

Very simple use, satisfactory results.





Cela fait plusieurs semaines que je l'ai et j'ai su lui trouver une place dans la petite salle de bain. C'est vraiment pratique pour sécher les draps et les sous vêtements. Du coup je n'ai plus à attendre et je peux tout ranger de suite. J'aurais j'avoue aimé avoir le châssis pour la mettre au dessus de ma machine à laver mais ce n'est pas très grave ça n'empêche oasis d'avoir un sèche linge fonctionnel.

I've had it for several weeks and I knew how to find a place for it in the small bathroom. It's really practical for drying sheets and underwear. So I don't have to wait anymore and I can put everything away straight away. I admit I would have liked to have the frame to put it above my washing machine but it's not very serious that doesn't prevent oasis from having a functional dryer.


Esta máquina es muy buena, fácil de operar y puede colocarla en cualquier lugar y llevarla a cualquier parte.

This machine is very good, easy to operate and you can put it anywhere and take it anywhere.


No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. Es la segunda. La primera, el tambor no giraba. Me puse en contacto con el vendedor para devolverla y que me enviasen otra. La recibí hace un par de días. Hay que tener en cuenta que si esperas que seque mucho y rápido, no es tu secadora... Nosotros la compramos para la ropa del bebé: prendas pequeñas y que puntualmente necesitemos secarlas rápido (sobre todo en invierno). Si se tiene en cuenta eso, es perfecta!

The media could not be loaded. This is the second one. The first one, the drum did not spin. I contacted the seller to return it and get another one. I received it a couple of days ago. You have to keep in mind that if you expect it to dry a lot and quickly, this is not your dryer... We bought it for baby clothes: small items that we occasionally need to dry quickly (especially in winter). If you take that into account, it is perfect!


Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Es gibt keinen Kondenstrockner, aber dieser Trockner funktionert nicht wie ein normaler Trockner, deswegen braucht man doch keinen Kondenstrockner, weil er kein Wasser benutzt. Man braucht einfach ein Fenster zu öffnen, damit die Luft rauß kommt. Die letzte 20 Minuten wird der Trockner kalte Luft benutzen, damit die Klamotten nicht zu heiß sind. Man braucht mindesten 60 Minuten einzustellen, weil die erste 50 wird kalte LIIuft benutzt. Wenn man wenige Klamotten rein tut, passt einfach 70-80 Minuten einzustellen, bei vielen Klamotten mindestens 120. Ich gebe 4 Sterne, nur weil der Kabel nicht so lang ist.

The media could not be loaded. There is no condenser dryer, but this dryer does not work like a normal dryer, so you don't need a condenser dryer because it doesn't use water. You just need to open a window to let the air out. The last 20 minutes the dryer will use cold air so the clothes are not too hot. You need to set it for at least 60 minutes because the first 50 minutes will use cold air. If you put a few clothes in, just set it for 70-80 minutes, if you put a lot of clothes, at least 120. I'm giving it 4 stars just because the cord isn't that long.


Compré esta secadora por las buenas valoraciones que le daban.Tengo que decir que estoy contenta con ella. El embalaje en muchas buenas condiciones y después me ha sorprendido que seca muy bien.Tiene frío y calor.Lo quería para secar ropa de mis hijos ya que no tenía espacio para una secadora mayor.El tambor es para poca ropa pero estoy satisfecha con la compra.

I bought this dryer because of the good reviews it received. I have to say that I am happy with it. The packaging was in very good condition and I was surprised that it dries very well. It has hot and cold air. I wanted it to dry my children's clothes because I didn't have space for a larger dryer. The drum is for very little clothing but I am satisfied with the purchase.


Habe einen kleinen Trockner gesucht und hiermit gefunden. +-Punkte: Lautstärke Größe Bedienung Heißluft/Kaltluft und Neutrale-Trocknung -Punkte: Wäsche ist geknittert (vielleicht muss sie aber einfach nur länger drin bleiben- das muss ich noch ausprobieren) Nicht zu voll machen, besser weniger als zu viel drin haben Insgesamt zufrieden!

I was looking for a small dryer and found one here. +-Points: Volume, size, operation, hot air/cold air and neutral drying -Points: Clothes are wrinkled (but maybe they just need to stay in there longer - I still have to try that out) Don't fill it too full, it's better to have less than too much Overall satisfied!


Wir sind begeistert von diesem kleinen Trockner. Er braucht nicht viel Platz, macht aber was er soll. Für uns ist er eine Bereicherung. Lediglich ist der Knopf für warm und kalt wirklich verkehrt in der Beschreibung beschrieben.

We are delighted with this little dryer. It doesn't take up much space, but does what it's supposed to. For us, it's a real asset. The only thing is that the button for hot and cold is really wrongly described in the description.


Prodotto eccellente sotto diversi punti di vista. Prima di tutto chiarisco subito un dubbio ingenerato da alcune recensioni. La lavasciuga è a getto d'aria calda, questo significa che come prodotto genera esclusivamente aria calda. Problema questo facilmente risolvibile: a) comprando un tubo prolunga da fare fuoriuscire dalla finestra più vicina; o, b) lasciando la finestra del bagno aperta. Se addirittura la lasciate chiusa nel periodo invernale, poco male. Vi troverete il bagno caldo. Quello che esce è, lo ripeto, aria calda, NON UMIDITÀ O CONDENSA. DUNQUE, non sprecate soldi a praticare fori nelle pareti o nelle finestre. Davvero non servirebbe a nulla. La lavasciuga è data per 2.5 kg, ma io ho personalmente constatato che lavora benissimo fino ai 3.5/4 kg. Basta seguire le regole, ben indicate nel manuale di istruzioni. Ovvero, non mescolare capi scuri con bianchi. Dal punto di vista del funzionamento è davvero semplice da usare e lo capirete con l'esperienza quale sia la temperatura più adatta per il vostro capo anche in base alla stagione che al tipo di lavatrice che avete. Ovvio che in estate e con una lavatrice a 1400 giri, basterà settarla a 60/80 °C per 40 minuti per avere dei capi morbidi ed asciutti. In inverno o con una lavatrice da 800 giri, la temperatura e la durata aumenterà.... ovviamente. Ma nulla di complesso. Rumorosità? Bassissima. Praticamente non si sente. In conclusione se siete single o una coppia, lasciate perdere le mega lavasciuga da 300 e passa euro. Questa fa' il suo lavoro egregiamente.

Excellent product from several points of view. First of all, I will immediately clarify a doubt raised by some reviews. The washer dryer is a hot air jet, which means that as a product it generates only hot air. This problem is easily solved: a) by buying an extension tube to be put out of the nearest window; or, b) by leaving the bathroom window open. If you even leave it closed in the winter, no big deal. You will find the bathroom warm. What comes out is, I repeat, hot air, NOT HUMIDITY OR CONDENSATION. SO, do not waste money drilling holes in the walls or windows. It really would be useless. The washer dryer is given for 2.5 kg, but I have personally found that it works very well up to 3.5/4 kg. Just follow the rules, clearly indicated in the instruction manual. That is, do not mix dark clothes with whites. From the point of view of operation it is really simple to use and you will understand with experience what is the most suitable temperature for your garment also based on the season and the type of washing machine you have. Obviously in the summer and with a 1400 rpm washing machine, it will be enough to set it to 60/80 °C for 40 minutes to have soft and dry garments. In the winter or with an 800 rpm washing machine, the temperature and duration will increase.... obviously. But nothing complex. Noise? Very low. Practically not heard. In conclusion if you are single or a couple, forget about the mega washer dryers costing 300 euros and more. This one does its job very well.





So eine super Leistung hatte ich nicht erwartet. Wäsche ist locker und riecht frisch⁰

I didn't expect such a great performance. Laundry is loose and smells fresh⁰


Una vez que compré un tubo para conectar el codo de salida de humedad con el exterior del recinto, seca muy bien. Sin el tubo el aire húmedo llena el recinto en el que que halla la secadora. Sin tubo habría que mantener la ventana hacia el exterior abierta completamente. Datos del tubo de 13,88 Euros en

Once I bought a tube to connect the humid output elbow to the outside of the enclosure, it dries very well. Without the tube, the humid air fills the enclosure where the dryer is located. Without the tube, the window to the outside would have to be kept completely open. Details of the 13.88 Euro tube on


Cycles un peu longs si vous voulez du résultat

Slightly long cycles if you want results


Perfekt für Singles. Wäsche wird trocken. Extra Abluftschlauch nicht nötig. Bei dem Fassungsvermögen reicht auch Fenster auf kipp. Flussenfilter etwas umständlich zu säubern, da an der Rückwand aufgesteckt.

Perfect for singles. Laundry gets dry. No extra exhaust hose needed. With the capacity, even the window can be tilted open. The drain filter is a bit difficult to clean as it is attached to the back wall.


Je m'en sers souvent petite contenance mais bien pour une ou deux personnes le linge sort très doux. également pour chauffer les serviettes avant la douche Satisfaite de ce sèche linge et aucune buée bien qu'il n'y ait pas de récipient à vider Dommage qu'il soit classé en C peu écologique

I often use it in a small capacity but for one or two people the laundry comes out very soft. also for heating towels before showering Satisfied with this dryer and no fogging although there is no container to empty Too bad it is classified as C, not very ecological


un sèche linge super compacte parfait pour un petit appartement comme le miens installation super y'a qu'a le déballer moi qui avait jamais eu ce type d'appareil vraiment surpris par la qualité de sèchage et rapidité de l'appareil je suis vraiment satisfait de l'achat et de la rapidité de la livraison .

a super compact dryer perfect for a small apartment like mine great installation just unbox it I who had never had this type of device really surprised by the quality of drying and speed of the device I am really satisfied of purchase and speed of delivery.