Everton Picture Frame 25 x 25 cm

£ 33.99 (incl. VAT)
  • 33 cm
  • Picture frame
  • 0
Product number: 10039291
Everton Picture Frame 25 x 25 cm
£ 33.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 27.99
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 21.99
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Eye-catching: elegant picture frame made of real wood

  • Standing or hanging:can be used as a stand or for wall mounting

  • 2 image sections:optionally with or without passe-partout

Product description

The appealing Everton picture frame by Casa Chic by blumfeldt made of genuine wood displays your photos and pictures to their best advantage. Stay flexible and create beautiful wall collages or arrange your favourite photos on the sideboard or shelf. The included passe-partout lets you choose the right image section. A simple frame profile and the front pane made of real glass ensure elegance and the best protection.

For a home full of beautiful memories: The Everton picture frame from Casa Chic by blumfeldt skilfully showcases special moments.


  • Frame made of real wood
  • square
  • Handmade
  • Front panel made of real glass
  • Includes high-quality passe-partout
  • Picture section without passe-partout: 30 x 30 cm
  • Picture section with passe-partout: 25 x 25 cm
  • Suitable as a stand and for wall mounting
Product number: 10039291

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Overall dimensions: approx. 33 x 33 x 2 cm (WxHxD)
  • Frame: approx. 2 x 2 (WxD)
  • Weight: approx. 0.85 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x picture frame
  • 1 x passe-partout

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
10 Ratings

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Gerne wieder

Gladly again


Nach einiger Zeit der Suche nach einem Quadratischen Bilderahmen dieser Art bin ich dann doch fündig geworden. Zum Austellen, oder Aufhängen. Schnelle Lieferung, gute Qualität (Holz,Glas), Preis-Leistung OK. Alles in allem: sehr zufrieden.

After searching for a square picture frame of this type for some time, I finally found one. For displaying or hanging. Fast delivery, good quality (wood, glass), OK value for money. All in all: very satisfied.


Es ist ein gutes Produkt. Ich weiß leider nicht ob es mein Fehler war oder ob es vorher schon defekt war: leider ist die Halterung abgebrochen mit der ich das bild hinstellen kann. Ich habe ihn Trotzdem behalten da ich den Bilderrahmen gür ein Geschenk benötigte. Da das Bild auch eine Aufhängung für die Wand hat konnte ich es trotzdem benutzen.

It's a good product. Unfortunately, I don't know if it was my fault or if it was already broken before: unfortunately, the bracket that I use to put the picture up broke. I kept it anyway because I needed the picture frame for a gift. Since the picture also has a wall mount, I was able to use it anyway.


Un joli cadre. Dimension et couleur conformes à la description. Tout à fait ce que je cherchais.

A nice frame. Size and color as described. Exactly what I was looking for.


J'ai pris ce cadre car je voulais un encadrement carton intégré afin de mettre en valeur l'image centrale, un dessin à l'encre, que je souhaitais offrir. Cela a parfaitement fonctionné. Le cadre est beau dans ses détails, et j'apprécie qu'il soit livré avec une plaque de verre et non de plexiglas comme on voit souvent. En plus le prix est vraiment abordable. Mon cadeau a été apprécié. C'est un produit que je recommanderais.

I got this frame because I wanted an integrated cardboard frame to highlight the central image, an ink drawing, that I wanted to offer. It worked perfectly. The frame is beautiful in its details, and I appreciate that it comes with a glass plate and not plexiglass as we often see. In addition, the price is really affordable. My gift was appreciated. This is a product that I would recommend.


Pourrais être amélioré. Les agrafes arrière sont cassantes

Could be improved. The rear staples are brittle


Les produits sont doublement conditionnés et bullés et les vitres sont plastifiées pour leur protection des deux cotés donc le conditionnement est au top. Le rendu est parfait pour mettre en valeur deux affiches d’un désigner, cadeau fait à mon fils qui est en disign il a été ravi du rendu. La qualité est même supérieure au prix !

The products are double packaged and bubble wrapped and the windows are laminated for their protection on both sides so the packaging is top notch. The rendering is perfect for highlighting two posters of a designer, a gift made to my son who is in design he was delighted with the rendering. The quality is even higher than the price!


El marco está muy bien, quizás el color de la madera me lo esperaba de otra forma, pero la calidad es buena.

The frame is very good, perhaps I expected the color of the wood to be different, but the quality is good.


Bonito marco de madera maciza, color natural. Tiene 4 enganches en la parte de atrás p ponerlo tanto en vertical como horizontal. Lo compré pensando que el "cristal" era de vidrio y cuando me llegó vi que era de plástico: me fui a la descripción del producto y vi que ponía "cristal plexiglás". Error mio. En conclusión: Marco bonito, de calidad pero algo caro para lo que es.

Nice solid wood frame, natural color. It has 4 hooks on the back to put it both vertically and horizontally. I bought it thinking that the "glass" was glass and when it arrived I saw that it was plastic: I went to the product description and saw that it said "plexiglass glass". My mistake. In conclusion: Nice frame, quality but somewhat expensive for what it is.


No son los típicos marcos que se pueden comprar en las tiendas de chinos, estos cuando menos tienen un toque de calidad que los distingue. En mi caso los pedí de color madera y el marco es de pino, el color corresponde con la foto que publica el vendedor. Todos los marcos vienen con paspartú, a mi me gusta y por tanto imprimí las fotos para que se viesen bien con el paspartú, pero se puede quitar y así poner fotos de 10x15 cm en los marcos más pequeños. La caja con los marcos viene con dos plantillas para que los cuelgues como se ve en la foto si quieres. Todos los marcos vienen con soporte para colocarlos sobre mesa.

These are not the typical frames you can buy in Chinese shops, these at least have a touch of quality that distinguishes them. In my case I ordered them in wood colour and the frame is made of pine, the colour matches the photo published by the seller. All the frames come with a mat, I like it and therefore I printed the photos so they would look good with the mat, but it can be removed and so you can put 10x15 cm photos in the smaller frames. The box with the frames comes with two templates so you can hang them as seen in the photo if you want. All the frames come with a stand to place them on a table.