[Returns: -35%] Zelda 90 Extractor Hood

£ 106.99 (incl. VAT)
Product number: 53031903
Zelda 90 Extractor Hood
£ 106.99 (incl. VAT)
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  • Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
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Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Powerful: 90 cm wide extractor hood with a 210 W motor for medium to large cooking surfaces

  • High performance: maximum air extraction performance of up to 650 m³/h in 3 stages

  • Everything in view: switchable LED cooking surface lighting with 2 x 1.5 W lightbulbs


  • Energy efficiency class B
  • 2-piece flue duct(stainless steel) with a height of 40 to 75 cm
  • Quick-Timer: 5 minutes shutdown timer for ventilation
  • 3 grease filters made of aluminum and is dishwasher-safe
  • Mounting set with wall brackets, dowels and screws
  • Total current consumption with the light switched on at the highest level: 213 W
  • Includes an extractable exhaust hose (approx. 45 - 150 cm) with a 150/153 mm diameter
  • Power supply: 220-240V ~ | 50/60 Hz
Product number: 53031903

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions (without flue duct): approx. 90 x 50 x 35 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions (flue, one part): approx. 22 x 40 x 17 cm (WxHxD)
  • Height of flue: approx. 40 - 75 cm
  • Exhaust hose diameter: 150 mm & 153 mm (Ø)
  • Length of power cable: approx. 1.40 m
  • Weight: about 10 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x extractor hood
  • 2 x flue duct
  • 1 x exhaust hose
  • 1 x mounting kit (wall bracket, dowels, screws)
  • User manual in English (further languages: German, French, Italian, Spanish)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
59 Ratings

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Minden flottul ment a páraelszívó a leírtaknak megfelelt s a felmerült probléma is korrekt módon lett megoldva! AJÁNLOM

Everything went smoothly, the hood corresponded to what was described and the problem that arose was solved correctly! I RECOMMEND


Ho reso il prodotto acquistato e mi hanno immediatamente reso quanto pagato. Da questo punto di vista sono stati eccezionali.

I returned the purchased product and they immediately refunded me what I paid. From this point of view they were exceptional.


Estoy encantada con mi campana

I am delighted with my bell


Ben fatta, ottima aspirazione e una buona luminosità delle luci, robusta e anche bella da vedere (se ben abbinata). Buono anche il prezzo.

Well made, great suction and good brightness of the lights, sturdy and also nice to look at (if well matched). Good price too.


Ben fatta, ottima aspirazione e una buona luminosità delle luci, robusta e anche bella da vedere (se ben abbinata). Buono anche il prezzo.

Well made, great suction and good brightness of the lights, sturdy and also nice to look at (if well matched). Good price too.


Devo dire che nel tempo ne ho cambiate molte di cappe aspiranti , ma devo dire che questa è la migliore , un’ispirazione eccellente , pulsanti digitali con vetro molto pratico da pulire, al momento di 10

I must say that over time I have changed many extractor hoods, but I must say that this is the best, an excellent inspiration, digital buttons with glass very practical to clean, at the moment of 10








Non conoscevo il marchio ma devo dire che pur essendo molto potente non fa un rumore assordante a differenza di quella acquistata in precedenza... Qualità costruttiva buona.

I didn't know the brand but I have to say that even though it is very powerful it doesn't make a deafening noise unlike the one I bought previously... Good build quality.


La campana cumple su funcion. Fácil de instalar. En mi caso he tenido que adquirir un cono reductor para adaptar la diferencia de diámetros de la salida de humos de la campana con la tubería corrugada de mi cocina. Comentar que llegó con un pequeño golpe en una de las secciones del embellecedor telescopio. Que los acabados no están bien cuidados ya que hay juntas en su estructura que no están bien unidas y se aprecia el hueco. Los filtros (paneles) son simples y baja calidad. Es bastante ruidosa. Pero lo más importante es que aspira y cumple su función y por eso estoy contento con su adquisición. Un saludo

The hood does its job. Easy to install. In my case I had to buy a reducer cone to adapt the difference in diameters of the hood's smoke outlet to the corrugated pipe in my kitchen. I would like to say that it arrived with a small dent in one of the sections of the telescope trim. The finishes are not well maintained as there are joints in its structure that are not well joined and the gap can be seen. The filters (panels) are simple and of low quality. It is quite noisy. But the most important thing is that it sucks and does its job and that is why I am happy with its acquisition. Regards.


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Di questa cappa mi è subito piaciuto il tiraggio,il display touch e l ottima luce dei 2 led. Unica cosa che mi sento di dirvi è di usare un tubo minimo da 150 perché io per forza di cose ho dovuto ridurlo da 150 a 120 e successivamente a 80 , facendo così si crea un eccessiva turbolenza con un forte rumore tipo Vento forte ,non so se mi spiego.inoltre fa un pochino di vibrazione che mi fa'vibrare i mestoli appesi ma tutto sommato... Però signori tira che è una meraviglia tanto che potreste anche arrostire la carne che non si sentirebbe nemmeno un po' di puzza di fumo.consiglo vivamente.

Unable to load media. I immediately liked the draft of this hood, the touch display and the excellent light of the 2 LEDs. The only thing I feel like telling you is to use a minimum 150 tube because I had to reduce it from 150 to 120 and then to 80, doing so creates excessive turbulence with a strong noise like a strong wind, I don't know if I'm explaining myself. It also vibrates a little bit which makes the hanging ladles vibrate but all in all... However, gentlemen, it pulls so beautifully that you could even roast meat and you wouldn't even smell the smell of smoke. I highly recommend it.


La usamos con filtros de carbón,pero nos parece que si la tuviésemos para el exterior que haría mucha más extracción de gases.Aunque ahora funciona bastante bien.

We use it with carbon filters, but it seems to us that if we had it outside it would extract much more gases. Although now it works quite well.


Alles gut

Everything's ok


La verdad es que por precio impresiona lo que absorve, lógicamente hay que cumplir las expecificaciones del fabricante y cambiar todo el tubo de salida, yo lo tenía en metal pero ellos te dan uno de pvc flexible que dependiendo de la distancia te basta para llegar a afuera y con un capuchón todo hecho, lo único es el diseño muy cuadrada, un poco tosca, pero lo importante su funcionamiento, es muy bueno comparadado con otras de su precio.

The truth is that for the price it impresses with what it absorbs, logically you have to comply with the manufacturer's specifications and change the entire output tube, I had a metal one but they give you a flexible PVC one that depending on the distance is enough to reach outside and with a cap everything is done, the only thing is the very square design, a little rough, but the important thing is its operation, it is very good compared to others of its price.


Die Haube ist sehr stark in der Abluftleistung. In Stufe 3 jedoch auch entsprechend laut und vibriert stark. Die Verarbeitung ist sehr schlecht. Die Haube wurde 2 Mal geliefert und weißt im Bereich des Bedienpanels Beulen durch mangelhafte Stanzung auf. Schlussendlich haben wir resigniert und keine erneute Einsendung veranlasst weil wahrscheinlich die dritte Haube genau so aussieht.

The hood is very strong in terms of exhaust air performance. At level 3, however, it is also correspondingly loud and vibrates heavily. The processing is very bad. The hood was delivered twice and shows dents in the area of the control panel due to defective punching. In the end we gave up and didn't send it in again because the third hood probably looks exactly like this.


Bella cappa, belle rifiniture e molto pratici i comandi sul davanti. A tre velocità, già sul due aspira molto bene. Dotata di due ottimi faretti a Led. Ottimo acquisto, arrivato il tutto dopo 2 giorni. Soddisfatto del'acquisto, voto complessivo 8.

Beautiful hood, nice finishing and very practical controls on the front. Three speeds, already on two it sucks very well. Equipped with two excellent LED spotlights. Excellent purchase, everything arrived after 2 days. Satisfied with the purchase, overall rating 8.


Ist in Stufe 1 auf Abluft sehr laut.

Is very loud at level 1 on exhaust air.


Articolo facile da installare, con i filtri a carbone diminuisce la potenza di aspirazione ed aumenta la rumorosità.

Easy to install item, with carbon filters it decreases the suction power and increases the noise.


Es tal cual se ve, para mí muy buena en relación calidad-precio

It is just as it looks, for me very good value for money








Carina, potente, rumorosa. Speravo facesse un po' meno rumore al minimo.

Nice, powerful, loud. I was hoping it would be a little quieter at idle.


Il prodotto ha un buon rapporto qualità prezzo. Ottimo l'imballaggio con una buona capacità aspirante ed un'altrettanta qualità estetica. L'unica attenzione che invito a porre è il fissaggio a muro: non utilizzare i tasselli in dotazione in quanto non garantiscono un fissaggio sicuro. Suggerisco una misura superiore di tassello.

The product has a good quality-price ratio. Excellent packaging with good suction capacity and an equally good aesthetic quality. The only attention I invite you to pay is the wall fixing: do not use the supplied plugs as they do not guarantee a secure fixing. I suggest a larger size of plug.


Heute das Gerät bekommen. Sogar vor dem eigentlichen Termin. Echt top. Für den Preis ist das ein echt gutes Gerät. Zwar nicht grad der leiseste. Habe alles ausprobiert und er zieht den Dampf super ab in den Stufen 1-3. Das Licht ist auch sehr hell und es wird alles beleuchtet. Die Verarbeitung ist auch sehr gut. Das Blech ist sehr stabil. Man muss aber sehr gut aufpassen mit der Montage, sonst kommen einige Kratzer rein ins Gerät. Sehr empfehlenswert das Gerät

Get the device today. Even before the actual appointment. Really great. For the price, this is a really good device. Not exactly the quietest. I've tried everything and it pulls off the vapor great in levels 1-3. The light is also very bright and it illuminates everything. The processing is also very good. The sheet metal is very stable. But you have to be very careful with the assembly, otherwise some scratches will get into the device. The device is highly recommended


La trovo un'ottima cappa il rapporto qualità prezzo è ottimo. Installazione semplice istruzioni ottime così come l'imballo. Il tubo di scarico aria abbastanza lungo da soddisfare penso qualsiasi installazione. ad esempio io non ho installato le due alette di fermo ritorno aria. In questo modo la cappa aspira sempre avitando di accenderla anche quando non friggo. Rimane comunque quando attivata poco rumorosa, in posizione 1 aspira veramente bene.

I find it an excellent hood, the quality/price ratio is excellent. Simple installation, excellent instructions as well as the packaging. The air exhaust pipe is long enough to satisfy any installation, I think. For example, I have not installed the two air return stop flaps. In this way the hood always sucks, avoiding turning it on even when I am not frying. However, when activated it remains quiet, in position 1 it sucks really well.


Llevo con ella 2 semanas y la verdad que bien todo, tal vez se quedan demasiado las huellas y en el nivel 3 es algo ruidosa

I've had it for 2 weeks and the truth is that everything is fine, maybe there are too many fingerprints and at level 3 it is a bit noisy.


Schnelle Lieferung, Artikel wie in der Beschreibung; relativ laut, aber das war in der Beschreibung angegeben.

Fast delivery, item as in the description; relatively noisy, but that was stated in the description.


Prodotto di ottima fattura, arrivata puntuale e perfetta, grazie all'imballaggio davvero molto curato. La cappa era completamente protetta da una robusta pellicola, tanto che non è stato semplice toglierla, ma questo depone senz'altro a suo favore. Il prodotto, classe energetica B, sembra di ottimo acciaio, che si pulisce molto agevolmente dalle impronte. Ha un bel design moderno ed è facilissima da montare. I comandi sono touch screen e per ora rispondono bene ad ogni impulso. E' dotata di due luci a led posizionate nel fondo che illuminano molto bene il piano cottura e di 3 livelli di aspirazione. Il copritubo è invece di materiale piuttosto leggero, quindi occorre molta attenzione a che non si deformi durante il posizionamento. E' dotata di due filtri antigrasso sostituibili e lavabili in lavastoviglie. Se non si vuole collegare alla canna fumaria la cappa aspirante può essere convertita in modalità di ricircolo con l'aiuto di due filtri a carboni attivi, che non sono compresi nel prezzo, ma che io ho acquistato separatamente Infatti ho preferito non collegare la cappa alla canna fumaria per problemi logistici e la faccio lavorare con la funzione di ricircolo, il tutto con ottimi risultati. Unica pecca è la rumorosità, che è abbastanza elevata anche a livello di aspirazione 1 e che impedisce a mio avviso di attribuirle 5 stelle. Comunque buon rapporto qualità prezzo (euro 145,00), prodotto di qualità elevata, funzionale, curato nei dettagli e molto semplice da installare. Una nota di merito anche al venditore, preciso e puntuale, la cappa è arrivata con qualche giorno di anticipo, via email sono arrivate le comunicazioni relative all'avvenuta spedizione, l'ingresso del prodotto in Italia, la fattura relativa. Davvero molto professionale! Per me è un ottimo prodotto, non assegno il massimo solo per la rumorosità, un pochino troppo elevata, ma è sicuramente un prodotto di cui essere soddisfatti. 4 stelle.

Excellent product, arrived on time and perfect, thanks to the very careful packaging. The hood was completely protected by a sturdy film, so much so that it was not easy to remove it, but this certainly speaks in its favor. The product, energy class B, seems to be made of excellent steel, which is very easy to clean from fingerprints. It has a beautiful modern design and is very easy to assemble. The controls are touch screen and for now they respond well to every impulse. It is equipped with two LED lights positioned on the bottom that illuminate the hob very well and 3 suction levels. The pipe cover is instead made of rather light material, so great care must be taken to ensure that it does not deform during positioning. It is equipped with two replaceable and dishwasher-safe grease filters. English: If you do not want to connect the hood to the flue, it can be converted to recirculation mode with the help of two activated carbon filters, which are not included in the price, but which I purchased separately. In fact, I preferred not to connect the hood to the flue for logistical problems and I make it work with the recirculation function, all with excellent results. The only flaw is the noise, which is quite high even at suction level 1 and which in my opinion prevents me from giving it 5 stars. However, good value for money (145.00 euros), high quality product, functional, with attention to detail and very simple to install. A note of merit also to the seller, precise and punctual, the hood arrived a few days early, via email I received communications relating to the shipment, the entry of the product into Italy, the relative invoice. Very professional indeed! For me it is an excellent product, I do not give the maximum only for the noise, a little too high, but it is certainly a product to be satisfied with. 4 stars.


Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit den Produkt. Einzige negative, das sie sehr laut ist schon auf Stufe 1.

I am very happy with the product. The only negative is that it is very loud even at level 1.


Ho avuto sin dall'inizio un problema al sistema "touch" , che nel tempo si è aggravato, l'ho fatto presente al venditore. La soluzione è stata immediata: mi hanno risposto che mi avrebbero sostituito l'intera cappa. Dopo pochi giorni ho ricevuto l'oggetto nuovo. E' perfetta . Devo dire che il costruttore, KLARSTEIN è una ditta veramente seria. Oggetto veramente bello e funzionale. Lo consiglio veramente.

I had a problem with the "touch" system from the beginning, which got worse over time, I reported it to the seller. The solution was immediate: they replied that they would replace the entire hood. After a few days I received the new item. It is perfect. I must say that the manufacturer, KLARSTEIN is a truly serious company. Truly beautiful and functional item. I really recommend it.


Die Abzugshaube kommt vor allem mit ordentlich krach daher. Die Saugleistung ist akzeptabel, allerdings erst, seit ich den mistigen Plastikabluftschlauf durch einen vernünftigen Aluschlauch ersetzt habe. Bei Stufe 3 muss man sich dann schon fast anbrüllen in der Küche.

The extractor hood comes with a lot of noise. The suction power is acceptable, but only since I replaced the crap plastic exhaust hose with a reasonable aluminum hose. At level 3 you almost have to yell at each other in the kitchen.


Articolo fantastico, bellissimo da vedere e con una potenza di aspirazione che lascia senza parole, facilissimo da montare, al contrario di altri utenti posso dire che non è assolutamente rumoroso, anzi molto meno della mia vecchia cappa, rapporto qualità/prezzo eccezionale!!! Straconsiglio

Fantastic item, beautiful to look at and with a suction power that leaves you speechless, very easy to assemble, unlike other users I can say that it is absolutely not noisy, in fact much less than my old hood, exceptional quality/price ratio!!! Highly recommended


Molto carina sta molto bene anche con arredamento in stile, ha un potere aspirante molto alto ma è abbastanza rumorosa se non si mette il tubo di aspirazione della sua misura ecco forse l’unica cosa negativa è proprio questo il tubo di aspirazione dato in dotazione è veramente di scarsa qualità. Comunque nel complesso darei 4 stelline

Very nice, it also goes very well with stylish furniture, it has a very high suction power but it is quite noisy if you do not put the suction tube of its size, here is perhaps the only negative thing is precisely this, the suction tube provided is really of poor quality. However overall I would give 4 stars


Molto carina sta molto bene anche con arredamento in stile, ha un potere aspirante molto alto ma è abbastanza rumorosa se non si mette il tubo di aspirazione della sua misura ecco forse l’unica cosa negativa è proprio questo il tubo di aspirazione dato in dotazione è veramente di scarsa qualità. Comunque nel complesso darei 4 stelline

Very nice, it also goes very well with stylish furniture, it has a very high suction power but it is quite noisy if you do not put the suction tube of its size, here is perhaps the only negative thing is precisely this, the suction tube provided is really of poor quality. However overall I would give 4 stars


La estética es muy atractiva, la instalación es sencilla y la potencia de absorcion es muy buena. La única pega, desde mi punto de vista, es que produce demasiado ruido, incluso en su nivel más bajo de potencia, la luz de los led es un poco pobre y la pantalla táctil tendría que tener más sensibilidad pues a veces tengo pulsar varias veces. Llevo solo 15 días con ella y por ahora no he tenido ningún problema y espero que continúe así.

The aesthetics are very attractive, the installation is simple and the absorption power is very good. The only drawback, from my point of view, is that it produces too much noise, even at its lowest power level, the light from the LEDs is a bit poor and the touch screen should be more sensitive because sometimes I have to press it several times. I have only had it for 15 days and so far I have not had any problems and I hope it continues like this.


Buena calidad-precio

Good value for money


Gerät selber ist leicht zu montieren; Abluftschlauch und Schlauchabdeckung sind filigran und das montieren hat einige Nerven gekostet.

The device itself is easy to assemble; The exhaust hose and hose cover are filigree and installing them took a lot of nerves.


Muy buena, calidad precio

Very good, quality price


Me a gustado

I liked it


schönes Design, gute Saugleistung, einfache Montage, aber leider laut

nice design, good suction power, easy assembly, but unfortunately noisy


Instrucciones de montaje muy mal explicadas

Assembly instructions very poorly explained


Buena campana. Gran relacion calidad-precio. Solo hay que tener presente que si se usa con carbon activado y recirculacion de aire la cocina tiene que ser abierta o estar muy bien ventilada ya que el aire que recircula es mas caliente que el ambiente y la cocina se va calentando hasta convertirse en una sauna. Recomiendo poner carbon activado para absorver humos y olores y mantener tubo de ventilacion para sacar el aire caliente al exterior. Asi funciona perfecta. El unico defecto es que la valvula de no retorno del humo es de plastico y muy simple y no acaba de funcionar por lo que la he sustituido por una de mejor calidad y la he colocado en el tubo de ventilacion. Me falta comprobar la duracion de los filtros de carbon activado y de la campana a lo largo del tiempo.

Good hood. Great value for money. Just keep in mind that if you use activated carbon and air recirculation, the kitchen must be open or very well ventilated, since the recirculated air is hotter than the environment and the kitchen heats up until it becomes a sauna. I recommend putting activated carbon to absorb smoke and odors and keeping a ventilation tube to take the hot air outside. This works perfectly. The only defect is that the smoke non-return valve is made of plastic and is very simple and does not work, so I have replaced it with a better quality one and placed it in the ventilation tube. I need to check the duration of the activated carbon filters and the hood over time.


Spedizione veloce. Prodotto integro e conforme alle attese. Purtroppo la lamiera che copre il tubo flessibile è troppo corta e dovrò cercare una soluzione alternativa.

Fast shipping. Product intact and as expected. Unfortunately the sheet metal covering the hose is too short and I will have to look for an alternative solution.


Hey Alles dabei und auch zeitnah geliefert, was ich nicht verstehe. Warum im aller Welt hat die so viele kleine Schäden,Beule an der Schräge vorne, oben sind die Knicke eingedrückt wo der Kamin anfängt,und alles sehr scharfkantig. Diese kleinen Schäden sind auf, ( Keine Fall Vom Transport ) die Haube war sehr gut verpackt.

Everything included and also delivered promptly, which I don't understand. Why in the world does it have so many small damages, dents on the sloping front, the creases are pressed in at the top where the chimney begins, and everything is very sharp-edged. These small damages are on, (no case of transport) the hood was packed very well.


buena calidad precio, estoy contento con su funcionamiento.

Good quality price, I am happy with its operation.


Die Montage ist sehr einfach, nur 1Halterung ist zu montieren. Die Absaugleistung ist gut, die Lautstärke ist auch akzeptabel, man sollte nur darauf achten, dass der Durchmesser für die Abluft nach Außen am besten 150mm beträgt. Bei uns ist er kleiner und das ist nicht ideal, deshalb ist die Dunstabzugshaube etwas lauter.

The assembly is very simple, only 1 bracket has to be assembled. The suction power is good, the volume is also acceptable, you should just make sure that the diameter for the exhaust air to the outside is 150mm. Ours is smaller and that's not ideal, so the extractor hood is a little louder.


Excelente relación calidad precio. Puesta queda muy bonita y no es difícil de instalar. Lo malo es que viene excesivamente protegida por un plástico pegado que casi se tarde más en quitar que en instalar la campana.

Excellent value for money. It looks very nice and is not difficult to install. The downside is that it comes overly protected by a glued plastic that takes almost longer to remove than to install the hood.


Después de un año de uso estoy más que contento con el desempeño de esta campana extractora. Fue fácil de instalar, queda realmente bien una vez instalada. Durante el uso diario no es excesivamente ruidosa, aunque de los tres niveles suelo utilizar el nivel medio. El nivel 1 aunque silencioso es poco eficaz y el nivel 3 lo he utilizado en contadas ocasiones. He tenido otras campanas extractoras de marcas más conocidas y está me parece que está por delante en calidad después de un año de uso diario. Sin duda recomiendo su compra por la gran relación calidad precio

After a year of use I am more than happy with the performance of this extractor hood. It was easy to install, and looks really good once installed. During daily use it is not excessively noisy, although of the three levels I usually use the medium level. Level 1, although quiet, is not very effective and I have only used level 3 on a few occasions. I have had other extractor hoods from better known brands and this one seems to be ahead in quality after a year of daily use. I would definitely recommend buying it for the great value for money.


Auf der Suche nach einem Ersatz für ein gleichgroße Hauben, habe ich dieses Produkt gewählt. Haube ist in guter Materialqualität. Sensortasten brauchen 2 Sekunden Druck bis sie einschalten. Wozu!? Ventilator ist viel zu laut.

I chose this product when I was looking for a replacement for a hood of the same size. Hood is in good material quality. Sensor buttons need 2 seconds of pressure before they switch on. For what reason!? Fan is way too loud.


Muy buena aspiracion

Very good aspiration


Alles ok

Everything OK


È davvero una bella cappa,design moderno e ben fatta.molto luminose le due luci led.Pratica è semplice da pulire.Arriva completa di tutto copri tubo,tubo,tasselli e istruzioni ..che dire davvero un buon prodotto a prezzo ragionevole.Il motivo che non mi porta a dare 5 stelle è per il rumore un po' elevato anche a velocità uno,però la consiglio

It is really a beautiful hood, modern design and well made. The two LED lights are very bright. Practical and easy to clean. It arrives complete with everything: tube cover, tube, plugs and instructions... what can I say, a really good product at a reasonable price. The reason that does not lead me to give 5 stars is because of the slightly high noise even at speed one, but I recommend it


È davvero una bella cappa,design moderno e ben fatta.molto luminose le due luci led.Pratica è semplice da pulire.Arriva completa di tutto copri tubo,tubo,tasselli e istruzioni ..che dire davvero un buon prodotto a prezzo ragionevole.Il motivo che non mi porta a dare 5 stelle è per il rumore un po' elevato anche a velocità uno,però la consiglio

It is really a beautiful hood, modern design and well made. The two LED lights are very bright. Practical and easy to clean. It arrives complete with everything: tube cover, tube, plugs and instructions... what can I say, a really good product at a reasonable price. The reason that does not lead me to give 5 stars is because of the slightly high noise even at speed one, but I recommend it


Está bien .Es moderna y potente.Unico que podría mejorar es la terminación de los picos esquinas.

It's fine. It's modern and powerful. The only thing that could be improved is the finish of the corner peaks.


grande grande potenza. e' dotata di flussometro per cui rispetta l'estrazione dichiarata in ogni condizione, purtroppo questo provoca, per chi prova a installarla su canne fumarie da 100mm (quelle dei palazzi dell'800 adibiti a abitazione per intenderci) e che si rivelano inadatte, un enorme incremento della spinta con conseguente forti rumorosita' e vibrazioni, mentre provata con un tubo lungo 1,5mt del diametro della sua bocca (150mm) e' anche piu' silenziosa di quanto dichiarato. perfetta, per laboratori, bar e ristoranti, ma anche per abitazioni civili con sfogo diretto sull'esterno o di nuova concezione, con canne fumaria minima da 120mm. comodo il touchscreen che evita rotture da usura meccanica dovuta al prolungato utilizzo. acciaio di buona sezione e luminosita', per il prezzo a cui viene offerta e' un ottimo acquisto.

great great power. it is equipped with a flow meter so it respects the declared extraction in all conditions, unfortunately this causes, for those who try to install it on 100mm flues (those of 19th century buildings used as homes to be clear) and which prove unsuitable, a huge increase in thrust with consequent strong noise and vibrations, while tested with a 1.5m long pipe with the diameter of its mouth (150mm) it is even quieter than declared. perfect for laboratories, bars and restaurants, but also for civilian homes with direct venting to the outside or of new conception, with minimum 120mm flues. the touchscreen is convenient and prevents breakages from mechanical wear due to prolonged use. good section steel and brightness, for the price at which it is offered it is an excellent purchase.


La cappa é arrivata ben imballata.Era ricoperta da una pellicola che abbiamo fatto un po' fatica a togliere. Al di là di questo ho dato quattro stelle perché non mi hanno mandato nessun documento e quando ho richiesto lo scontrino fiscale mi hanno risposto che dovevo richiederlo prima. É molto rumorosa fin dal livello uno.

The hood arrived well packaged. It was covered with a film that we had a bit of trouble removing. Beyond that I gave four stars because they didn't send me any documents and when I asked for the receipt they told me I had to ask for it first. It's very noisy from level one.


Parece que aspira poco, se queda la humedad en las paredes de la cocina y los olores. Fácil montaje y ligero...

It seems to have little suction, leaving moisture and odours on the kitchen walls. Easy to assemble and lightweight...


►►VORBEMERKUNG◄◄ Ich habe die Dunstabzugshaube "Zelda" von Klarstein als kostenloses Rezensionsexemplar zur Verfügung gestellt bekommen und mich bereit erklärt, eine unabhängige und objektive Rezension über das Produkt zu erstellen. Hier nun meine Erfahrung und mein Eindruck von der Abzugshaube: ►VERPACKUNG / LIEFERUMFANG◄ Das Gerät wird sicher verpackt, in einem sehr großen Karton versendet. Im Inneren der Verpackung ist das Produkt mit einem Styroporrahmen gesichert und in Kunststofffolie umhüllt und somit vor Transportschäden geschützt. Im Lieferumfang befindet sich neben der Haube eine zweiteilige Kaminblende, ein Abluftschlauch, diverses Befestigungsmaterial bestehend aus drei Edelstahlhalter sowie Schrauben und Dübel und noch eine verständliche Bedienungsanleitung in Deutsch und Englisch. ►►PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG◄◄ Die hier angebotene Dunstabzugshaube "Zelda" besteht aus einem wertigen Edelstahl-Gehäuse, dass optisch einen ansprechenden Eindruck macht und vom Design besonders in Küchen mit modernen Elektrogeräten passt. In Verbindunng mit dem minimalistischen Touchdisplay aus schwarzem Glas an der Front wird das Gerät zu einem Blickfang in der Küche. An der Unterseite sind zwei zuschaltbare LED-Lampen integriert, die für eine Beleuchtung des Kochfeldes sorgen. Wie bei modernen Abzugshauben üblich gibt es keinen Gewebefilter. Zwei leicht entnehmbare Filterplatten aus Aluminium befinden sich an der Unterseite und können bei Bedarf in der Spülmaschine gereinigt werden. Mit einer Leistung von max. 213 Watt ist das Gerät gut aufgestellt, um unangenehme Dünste und Gase aus dem Bereich des Kochfeldes abzusaugen. Die Einstufung in die Energieeffizienzklasse B ist bei Abzugshauben üblich, sodass das Gerät in der Energieeffizienz / dem Stromverbrauch weder positiv noch negativ hervorsticht. Das Netzkabel ist mit 1,35 ausreichend lang, sodass die Haube in den meisten Küchen ohne Verlängerungskabel installiert werden kann, sofern eine Steckdose in Reichweite vorhanden ist. Die Haube hat ohne Kaminblende die Maße 60 x 31 x 50 cm (BxHxT) und entspricht damit in der Breite vermutlich dem Standard, da unsere alte Abzugshaube auch 60 cm breit war und die bei meinen Eltern ebenfalls. Der aus Kunststoff gefertigte Abluftschlauch hat einen Durchmesser von etwa 15 cm und lässt sich auf ungefähr 1,5 Meter ausziehen. Im zusammengefalteten Zustand beträgt seine Länge knapp 35 cm. ►FUNKTIONALITÄT / BEDIENUNG◄ Die Bedienung des Gerätes über das integrierte Touchdisplay ist einfach und selbsterklärend. Es kann zwischen drei Absaugstufen gewählt werden, in denen das Gebläse unterschiedlich stark die Luft absaugt. Darüber hinaus kann nur noch die Beleuchtung über das Sensorfeld ein- und ausgeschaltet werden. Mehr Funktionen gibt es nicht, sodass man hier nicht mit übermäßiger Funktionalität überfrachtet wird, was ich bei einer Abzugshaube auch gut finde. Je nach eingestellter Absaugstufe ist die Lautstärke während des Betriebs, insbesondere in der höchsten Stufe schon recht laut, dafür ist Absaugleistung aber auch hoch. ►MONTAGE◄ Das Gerät ist für die Wandmontage. Für die Installation der Abzugshaube sind alle notwendigen Teile im Lieferumfang enthalten. Die drei Halter werden an die Wand montiert und die Haube wird daran eingehängt. Danach wird nur noch der Abluftschlauch befestigt und mit einer bzw. zwie Kaminblenden verkleidet (abhängig von der Deckenhöhe). ►VERARBEITUNG / QUALITÄT / DESIGN◄ Die Verarbeitung der Abzugshaube ist einwandfrei. Das Edelstahlgehäuse weist exakte Spaltmaße auf und auch bei genauer Betrachtung lassen sich keinerlei Mängel feststellen. Alle Anbauteile sitzen fest und das Sensorfeld reagiert auf etwas weniger als einsekündige Berührungen unverzüglich. Das silberne Edelstahl-Design ist modern und zeitlos zugleich. An der Front des Gerätes ist noch dezent der Name "KLARSTEIN" angebracht. ►TECHNISCHE DATEN◄ - Gewicht: ca. 9,2 kg - Maße des Gerätes: 60 x 31 x 50 cm (BxHxT) - Leistung / Stromverbrauch: max. 213 W - Länge / Durchmesser des Abluftschlauches: Länge 1,5 m, Durchmesser 15 cm - Länge des Netzkabels: 1,35 m ►SICHERHEIT◄ Sicherheitstechnische Prüfsiegel wie das GS-Siegel oder ein TÜV-Siegel hat die Abzugshaube nicht. Lediglich eine Konformitätserklärung mit Angabe der CE-Kennzeichen (kein Sicherheitsprüfsiegel, nur eine obligatorische Konformitätserklärung) befindet sich in der Bedienungsanleitung des Gerätes, die ein Mindestmaß an Sicherheit durch die Einhaltung von Qualitäts- und Normungsstandards gewährleistet. Kernaussage der CE-Kennzeichnung ist eine Erklärung des Herstellers, dass sein Produkt den Anforderungen der EU-Vorschriften entspricht. ►►FAZIT◄◄ Insgesamt gesehen, wird hier eine optisch ansprechende Dunstabzugshaube mit drei verschiedenen Saugstufen angeboten, die nicht mit übermäßig vielen Funktionalitäten überfrachtet ist. Die Verarbeitung ist einwandfrei und das Design ist modern und zeitlos zugleich.

►►PREMARK◄◄ I received the Klarstein "Zelda" extractor hood as a free review copy and agreed to write an independent and objective review of the product. Here is my experience and my impression of the extractor hood: ►PACKAGING / SCOPE OF DELIVERY◄ The device is securely packed and shipped in a very large box. Inside the packaging, the product is secured with a styrofoam frame and wrapped in plastic film, protecting it from damage in transit. In addition to the hood, the scope of delivery includes a two-part chimney screen, an exhaust air hose, various fastening material consisting of three stainless steel holders as well as screws and dowels and an easy-to-understand operating manual in German and English. ►►PRODUCT DESCRIPTION◄◄ The "Zelda" extractor hood offered here consists of a high-quality stainless steel housing that makes a visually appealing impression and the design is particularly suitable for kitchens with modern electrical appliances. In conjunction with the minimalist touch display made of black glass on the front, the device becomes an eye-catcher in the kitchen. Two switchable LED lamps are integrated on the underside, which illuminate the hob. As is usual with modern extractor hoods, there is no fabric filter. Two easily removable aluminum filter plates are located on the underside and can be cleaned in the dishwasher if necessary. With a maximum output of 213 watts, the device is well positioned to extract unpleasant vapors and gases from the hob area. Classification in energy efficiency class B is common for extractor hoods, so that the device stands out neither positively nor negatively in terms of energy efficiency / power consumption. The 1.35m power cord is long enough to allow the hood to be installed in most kitchens without an extension cord, provided an outlet is within reach. Without the chimney screen, the hood has the dimensions 60 x 31 x 50 cm (WxHxD) and thus probably corresponds to the standard in width, since our old hood was also 60 cm wide and my parents' hood was also 60 cm wide. The plastic exhaust hose has a diameter of about 15 cm and can be extended to about 1.5 meters. When folded, its length is almost 35 cm. ►FUNCTIONALITY / OPERATION◄ The operation of the device via the integrated touch display is simple and self-explanatory. You can choose between three extraction levels, in which the blower extracts the air at different rates. In addition, only the lighting can be switched on and off via the sensor field. There aren't any other functions, so you aren't overloaded with excessive functionality, which I also think is a good thing with an extractor hood. Depending on the suction level set, the volume during operation is quite loud, especially at the highest level, but the suction power is also high. ►ASSEMBLY◄ The device is for wall mounting. All the necessary parts for installing the extractor hood are included in the scope of delivery. The three holders are mounted on the wall and the hood is hung on them. Then only the exhaust air hose is attached and covered with one or two chimney screens (depending on the ceiling height). ►PROCESSING / QUALITY / DESIGN◄ The processing of the extractor hood is flawless. The stainless steel case has exact gap dimensions and no defects can be found even on closer inspection. All attachments are tight and the sensor field reacts immediately to touches of a little less than one second. The silver stainless steel design is modern and timeless at the same time. The name "KLARSTEIN" is still discreetly attached to the front of the device. ►TECHNICAL DATA◄ - Weight: approx. 9.2 kg - Device dimensions: 60 x 31 x 50 cm (WxHxD) - Output / power consumption: max. 213 W - Length / diameter of the exhaust hose: length 1.5 m, diameter 15 cm - length of the mains cable: 1.35 m ►SAFETY◄ The extractor hood does not have a safety test seal such as the GS seal or a TÜV seal. Only a declaration of conformity stating the CE mark (no safety test seal, only an obligatory declaration of conformity) can be found in the operating instructions for the device, which ensures a minimum level of safety through compliance with quality and standardization standards. The core message of the CE marking is a declaration by the manufacturer that his product meets the requirements of the EU regulations. ►►CONCLUSION◄◄ Overall, a visually appealing extractor hood with three different suction levels is offered here, which is not overloaded with too many functionalities. The workmanship is flawless and the design is modern and timeless at the same time.


Edel, effizient und einfach zu montieren

Meine Küche ist im Landhausstil eingerichtet und da ist es oft schwierig, die richtigen Dinge dafür zu finden wie z.B. eine Dunstabzugshaube. Diese sollte nicht allzu modern sein, aber trotzdem chic.
Die Dunstabzugshaube Zelda von Klarstein erfüllt diesen Anspruch.

Der erste Eindruck
Die Dunstabzugshaube kommt sehr gut verpackt an. Sie ist mehrfach verpackt und alle Einzelteile noch mal separat mit Kartonage und Kunststoff versehen.

• 1 x Dunstabzugshaube
• 1 x Kaminverblendung mit Luftschlitze
• 1 x Kaminverblendung ohne Luftschlitze
• 1 x Abluftschlauch
• 1 x Montage-Set (Wandhalterung, Dübel, Schrauben)
• 1 x Betriebsanleitung (DE/ENG)

Zelda gehört zu den Dunstabzugshauben, die über einen Kamin verfügen. Die Dunstabzugshaube ist pyramidenförmig designt. Die Kaminverblendung ist gerade.
Unter der Dunstabzugshaube befinden sich die Filter, die leicht entnehmbar sind. Sie lassen sich einfach und unkompliziert in der Spülmaschine reinigen. Im hinteren Bereich der Dunstabzugshaube sind zwei Leuchtkörper angebracht.

Die Dunstabzugshaube Zelda verfügt insgesamt über 4 Funktionen, die über das Display aktiviert werden, die sich wie folgt aufteilen:
• 1 bis 3 = die einzelnen Stufen der Abluft (1 = schwach, 2 = mittel, 3 = hoch)
• 4 = bedient die Leuchtkörper
Das Display verfügt über eine one Touch Bedienung. Hier ist die Stufenbedienung markiert und werden über +und - gesteuert. Ebenso das Licht wird über den entsprechenden Sensor bedient.

Das Anbringen des Gerätes ist wirklich easy. Zunächst markiert man die Wand an der Stelle, wo die Dunstabzugshaube angebracht werden soll. Hier sollte man genau darauf achten, dass sie einen genügend großen Abstand zur Herdplatte hat.
Mit dem mitgelieferten Montageset werden die nötigen Materialien abgedeckt. Die Wandhalterung wird mittels drei Schrauben und Dübel an der Wand fixiert. Danach wird nur noch die Dunstabzugshaube eingehängt.
Nun kann der Abluftschlauch mit der Dunstabzugshaube verbunden werden und an den Wandausgang montiert werden. Als letzter Schritt kommt nun noch die Kaminverblendung auf die Dunstabzugshaube. Auch diese wird mit jeweils zwei kleinen Schrauben auf jeder Seite festgeschraubt. So sitzt alles perfekt und nichts wackelt. Jetzt sollte man auch die Schutzfolien entfernen.

Meine Erfahrungen
Ich war total verwundert, wie einfach die Montage ist. Das einzig Schwierige war, die Löcher in der Wand mit der Bohrmaschine zu bohren. Alles andere war wirklich einfach.
Die Dunstabzugshaube arbeitet gut und selbst auf der niedrigsten Stufe saugt sie kräftig an. Das Licht ist völlig ausreichend, auch wenn es im hinteren Teil – also an der Wand – liegt. Es beleuchtet aber die ganze Kochfläche genügend.
Ich habe mich übrigens für die Kaminverblendung ohne Luftschlitze entschieden und nur eine angebracht. Es besteht nämlich die Möglichkeit beide übereinander anzubringen, je nachdem wie hoch die Decke ist.

• Farbe: Silber
• Größe: 60 cm x 31 cm x 50 cm (ohne Kaminverblendung)
• Höhe: 67,5 cm bis 105 cm (je nach Kaminverblendung)
• Abluftschlauch: 150 mm x 153 mm (Ø)
• Stromkabel: ca. 1,40 m
• Gewicht: ca. 9,2 kg
• Energieeffizienzklasse B
• Fettfilter: Aluminium – spülmaschinengeeignet
• Betriebsgeräusch: 74 dB (höchste Stufe)
• Leistung: 213 W
• Strom: AC 220 – 240 V, 50/60 Hz

Die Dunstabzugshaube Zelda ist nicht nur formschön, sondern auch sehr einfach zu installieren. Sie arbeitet gut und gründlich und der Geräuschpegel liegt im normalen Bereich. Die Lichtquelle durchflutet die ganze Kochfläche und ist hell genug. Das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis ist mehr als fair!

Noble, efficient and easy to install My kitchen is furnished in a country house style and it is often difficult to find the right things for it, such as an extractor hood. This should not be too modern, but still chic. The Zelda extractor hood from Klarstein meets this requirement. The first impression The extractor hood arrives very well packaged. It is packed several times and all individual parts are again provided separately with cardboard and plastic. Scope of delivery • 1 x extractor hood • 1 x chimney cover with air slots • 1 x chimney cover without air slots • 1 x exhaust hose • 1 x assembly set (wall bracket, dowels, screws) • 1 x operating instructions (DE/ENG) Description Zelda is one of the extractor hoods that have a fireplace. The extractor hood is designed in the shape of a pyramid. The chimney facing is straight. The filters, which are easy to remove, are located under the extractor hood. They can be cleaned simply and easily in the dishwasher. There are two lights in the rear of the extractor hood. Functions The Zelda extractor hood has a total of 4 functions that are activated via the display, divided as follows: • 1 to 3 = the individual levels of exhaust air (1 = weak, 2 = medium, 3 = high) • 4 = operated the illuminants The display has a one-touch operation. The step operation is marked here and is controlled via + and -. The light is also operated via the corresponding sensor. Installation Installing the device is really easy. First, mark the wall at the point where the extractor hood is to be attached. Here you should make sure that it has a sufficiently large distance to the stovetop. The necessary materials are covered with the supplied assembly set. The wall bracket is fixed to the wall with three screws and dowels. Then only the extractor hood is hung in. Now the exhaust air hose can be connected to the extractor hood and mounted on the wall outlet. The last step is the chimney cover on the extractor hood. This is also screwed on with two small screws on each side. So everything sits perfectly and nothing wobbles. Now you should also remove the protective films. My experiences I was totally amazed at how easy it was to assemble. The only difficult thing was drilling the holes in the wall with the drill press. Everything else was really easy. The extractor hood works well and even on the lowest setting it sucks powerfully. The light is completely sufficient, even if it is in the back part - i.e. on the wall. But it illuminates the entire cooking surface sufficiently. Incidentally, I opted for the chimney facing without air slots and only attached one. It is possible to place both on top of each other, depending on how high the ceiling is. Key data • Colour: silver • Size: 60 cm x 31 cm x 50 cm (without chimney facing) • Height: 67.5 cm to 105 cm (depending on the chimney facing) • Exhaust hose: 150 mm x 153 mm (Ø) • Power cable: approx 1.40 m • Weight: approx Conclusion The Zelda extractor hood is not only stylish, but also very easy to install. It works well and thoroughly and the noise level is within the normal range. The light source floods the entire cooking surface and is bright enough. The value for money is more than fair!