Meran electric fireplace

£ 99.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Electrical fireplace
  • Black
  • 1850 watt
Product number: 10032893
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  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Powerful heat: choice of 950 or 1850 watts

  • Simple operation on the appliance: 2 heating levels and infinitely variable thermostat

  • Fireplace atmosphere: no fire or smoke

Product description

The electric fireplace Meran from Klarstein creates realistic flame effects in every room. The gentle light realistically imitates real flames and glowing logs and instantly spreads a cosy, romantic atmosphere. The flames flicker completely independently of the integrated heating. The 2 switchable heat settings provide pleasant warmth when you need it. The heat can be adjusted by means of an infinitely variable thermostat controlled by a rotary control. The electric fireplace is easy to operate on the appliance itself: the switches for this are discreetly hidden behind the stove flap cover. The unique design of the Meran fireplace in cast iron style with generous viewing window creates a cosy atmosphere everywhere.


  • Power: 950 / 1850 watts
  • Switchable heating function
  • 2 heat settings
  • Hidden control panel
  • Atmospheric flame effect with glowing logs
  • Viewing window
  • With thermostat (rotary control)
  • Overheating protection
  • Power supply: 220-240 V ~ 50 Hz
  • Please note that this product is only suitable for well-insulated rooms or for occasional use.
Product number: 10032893

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 39 x 55 x 26 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: approx. 6.5 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x fireplace
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

This item is not in stock and must be reordered.

Customer reviews
68 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Très bel effet de flammes, bluffant ! Idéal pour réchauffer l'ambiance d'un salon. Nous l'utilisons pour la déco mais l'avons testé en chauffage et apporte une douceur agréable au coin du feu. Avec un livre et une tasse de thé, manque plus que le chalet et la neige !

Very beautiful flame effect, stunning! Ideal for warming up the atmosphere of a living room. We use it for decoration but have tested it in heating and brings a pleasant softness to the fireside. With a book and a cup of tea, you're missing more than the chalet and the snow!


Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Livraison dans les temps . Le produit est joli. L’effet de flammes aussi . Facile à utiliser. Chauffe bien . Mais une légère odeur se dégage au moment du chauffage et un des pieds est légèrement bancal . Sinon bon rapport qualité prix .

The media product could not be loaded. Delivery on time. The product is pretty. The flame effect too. Easy to use. Heats well. But a slight smell is released when heating and one of the feet is slightly wobbly. Otherwise good value for money.


Kam als Weihnachtsgeschenk supergut an und wirkt dazu noch kuschelig echt

Was a great Christmas present and looks really cuddly


Livraison rapide, produit simulant très agréable les flammes d’un véritable poêle. Peu bruyant et très esthétique

Fast delivery, product very pleasantly simulating the flames of a real stove. Low noise and very aesthetic


Léger, design chic, l’effet feu est vraisemblable. Pas de surchauffe mais au niveau des fausses bûches cela ne reste pas froid, tiède alors attention tout de même avec les enfants. Simple d’utilisation avec 2 vitesses de chauffe. La soufflerie est peu bruyante mais à voir si installée dans une chambre et pour dormir. Le chauffage permet un appoint mais pas un chauffage suffisant pour une pièce de 15/20m2 car souffle chaud vers le bas (où se trouve la soufflerie) et pas une grande portée. Peu tiédir l’air tout de même. En allumant uniquement les bûches, une petite odeur de plastique brûlée.

Lightweight, chic design, the fire effect is likely. No overheating but at the level of the false logs it does not stay cold, lukewarm so be careful with children all the same. Easy to use with 2 heating speeds. The blower is not very noisy but worth seeing if installed in a bedroom and for sleeping. The heating provides additional heating but not sufficient heating for a room of 15/20m2 because hot blows downwards (where the blower is located) and does not have a large range. Can warm the air all the same. When lighting only the logs, a slight smell of burnt plastic.


Très joli poêle pour un petit appartement à la montagne. Beau design.

Very nice stove for a small apartment in the mountains. Beautiful design.


Une des 2 ampoules G9 en 25w à grillé après 3 mois d'utilisation non intensive. Sinon produit efficace et pas trop bruyant.

One of the 2 25w G9 bulbs burned out after 3 months of non-intensive use. Otherwise effective product and not too noisy.


chauffage d apoint

backup heating


Tolles teil mit sehr guter wärmeleistung. Habe es vor 10 tagen zu eonem sehr guenstigen preis gekauft. Zu dem aktuellen preis, hätte ich darüber aber nochmal nachgedacht.

Great item with very good heat output. I bought it 10 days ago for a very reasonable price. But at the current price, I would have thought about it again.


Tolles Teil mit guter waermeleistung, sieht super aus. Tolles teil mit sehr guter wärmeleistung. Habe es vor 10 tagen zu eonem sehr guenstigen preis gekauft. Zu dem aktuellen preis, hätte ich darüber aber nochmal nachgedacht.

Great part with good heat output, looks great. Great part with very good heat output. I bought it 10 days ago for a very reasonable price. At the current price, however, I would have thought about it again.


Tolles Gerät

Great device


Reste à savoir combien ça consomme lorsqu'on chauffe une pièce de 15 m2 avec @ Super petit poêle en tout cas!

It remains to be seen how much it consumes when heating a 15 m2 room with @ Super little stove in any case!


Je suis très content de ma cheminée, le niveau sonore et le plus silencieux du marché, le contrôle intérieur est très bien (protégé des enfants) le style est très beau, j'adore

I am very happy with my fireplace, the noise level and the quietest on the market, the interior control is very good (protected from children) the style is very beautiful, I love it


Absolument ravi, c’est arrivé rapidement et installer toute de suite et il chauffe tres vite mon salon de 30m2 et avec les “flames” c’est très cozy! J’adore c’est aussi adopter par mes 2 chats sans hesitation ! Je recommend sans problème, j’ai déjà commander un autre pour ma chambre et j’ai commander un troisième pour un cadeau de noël pour un couple d’amis très chère ! Voilà recommander 100%

Absolutely delighted, it arrived quickly and installed straight away and it heats my 30m2 living room very quickly and with the “flames” it’s very cozy! I love it and it’s also adopted by my 2 cats without hesitation! I recommend without problem, I have already ordered another for my room and I ordered a third for a Christmas gift for a couple of very dear friends! This recommends 100%


Sehr schnelle Lieferung! Heizt schnell auf. Bin sehr zufrieden.

Very fast delivery! Heats up quickly. I am very pleased.


Stufetta graziosa adatta ad una piccola tavernetta . Effetto visivo gradevole e le capacità di sviluppare calore sembrano adeguate alla contenuta esigenza. Per ora molto soddisfacente l'utilizzo e ottimo il rapporto qualità prezzo.

Nice little stove suitable for a small tavern. Nice visual effect and the heat generation capacity seems adequate for the limited need. For now, the use is very satisfactory and the quality/price ratio is excellent.


Der Kamin steht bei uns im Jugendzimmer. Flammenbild ist sehr schön und auch die Heizleistung ist sehr gut. Mein Sohn ist begeistert. Der Geräuschpegel bei laufender Heizung ist angenehm. Auch das einschalten der Heizung und des Thermostat ist problemlos. Der Kippschalter und der Drehregler sind nicht sichtbar hinter einer Glastür angebracht. Preis Leistung voll in Ordnung.

The fireplace is in our youth room. The flame pattern is very nice and the heat output is also very good. My son is delighted. The noise level when the heating is on is pleasant. Switching on the heating and the thermostat is also easy. The toggle switch and rotary control are hidden behind a glass door. Price-performance fully in order.


Ein schöner, kleiner Elektrokamin mit schönem Flammeneffekt. Leider etwas zu klein, aber wenn man ihn etwas höher stellt oder unter einen Tisch ( wie ich es zu Weihnachten gemacht hab ), wirkt es ganz schön... Ich nutze aber nicht die Heizfunktion, nur den Flammeneffekt. Leider fing der Kamin nach kurzer Zeit an zu quietschen! Auch beim Flammeneffekt. Für den Preis absolut okay....

A beautiful, small electric fireplace with a beautiful flame effect. Unfortunately a bit too small, but if you put it a little higher or under a table ( like I did for Christmas ), it looks quite nice... But I don't use the heating function, only the flame effect. Unfortunately the fireplace started to squeak after a short time! Even with the flame effect. Totally ok for the price...


Me ha gustado mucho, no es de gran tamaño y se puede colocar en cualquier sitio, no pesa y no se calienta cuando la tienes encendida , la verdad que muy contenta , ya he comprado varias cosas de la misma marca y estoy encantada

I really liked it, it's not very big and you can put it anywhere, it's not heavy and it doesn't get hot when you have it on, I'm really happy with it, I've already bought several things from the same brand and I'm delighted.


Ein toller Artikel. Ich habe ihn gleich 2 x bestellt. Der Kamin verbreitet gemütliche Atmosphäre und Wärme zugleich.

A great article. I've ordered it twice. The fireplace spreads a cozy atmosphere and warmth at the same time.


Bellissima e inoltre riscalda tanto

It's beautiful and it also warms you up a lot.


Ist ein super Gerät

It's a great device


Avrei dato il massimo come valutazione , sono stati riscontrati problemi col vettore e non col venditore .

I would have given the maximum rating, problems were found with the carrier and not with the seller.


Ich verwende dieses Produkt lediglich als Kamin. Total begeistert

I only use this product as a fireplace. Total hyped


Excellent choix qualité / prix Je l’ai acheté pour une pièce de 14m2 et elle chauffe la pièce très rapidement. Un très bel effet romantique

Excellent quality/price choice I bought it for a 14m2 room and it heats the room very quickly. A very nice romantic effect


J’ai déjà eu une fausse cheminée électrique, mais qui n’avaIt Rien à voir, tant sur le design, ni sur l’imitation de la flamme. De plus, il est très peu bruyant. Je recommande vivement. Arrivé dans les temps, même en avance, correspond exactement au descriptif.

I already had a fake electric fireplace, but it had nothing to do with it, either in terms of design or imitation of the flame. In addition, it is very quiet. I highly recommend. Arrived on time, even early, corresponds exactly to the description.


Amo questa stufetta. Crea un clima coccoloso, elegante, leggerissima da spostare da una stanza all'altra, riscalda la stanza in poco tempo. Quest'inverno l'ho tenuta accesa alla potenza massima molte ore (sono freddolosa) anche durante la notte alla potenza media e in bolletta non ho trovato sorprese, consuma poco. Arrivata prima dei tempi previsti, imballaggio accurato. La consiglio.

I love this heater. It creates a cozy, elegant atmosphere, very light to move from one room to another, it heats the room in a short time. This winter I kept it on at maximum power for many hours (I am chilly) even during the night at medium power and in the bill I found no surprises, it consumes little. Arrived before the expected time, careful packaging. I recommend it.


Produit acheté pour l'effet cheminée surtout et le rendu est canon pour mon petit appart à Paris. Hyper bien fait, pour un prix pas excessif. Je conseille vivement ce produit. Egaye mon salon tous les soirs .

Product bought especially for the fireplace effect and the result is great for my little apartment in Paris. Super well done, for a not excessive price. I highly recommend this product. Brighten up my living room every night.


Il prodotto soddisfa le aspettative per aspetto e capacità di riscaldare: anche se non si tratta di una stufa molto potente, la uso in salone (30mq) e ha un buon potere riscaldante. Non ho ancora ricevuto la bolletta però, quindi non so dire che tipo di consumo energetico provochi. L'aspetto è gradevole e anche le finte fiamme sono carine. Unica nota negativa è che il prodotto è arrivato con un difetto di fabbricazione, fortunatamente nel retro: aperta la scatola c'era una vite staccata da uno dei 4 fori del pannello retrostante, perché era spaccato il rivetto che doveva contenerla. Non credo sia un danno avvenuto nella consegna, perché il prodotto era sicuramente imballato, quanto un difetto da attribuire al manufattore. Ho deciso di non rimandare indietro il prodotto perché avevo aspettato a riceverlo e volevo usarlo. Però credo il fabbricante dovrebbe fare più attenzione a spedire prodotti integri: non è il primo caso che leggo di questo tipo su questa ditta.

The product meets expectations in terms of appearance and heating capacity: even if it is not a very powerful heater, I use it in the living room (30m2) and it has a good heating power. I have not yet received the bill though, so I cannot say what type of energy consumption it causes. The appearance is pleasant and even the fake flames are nice. The only negative note is that the product arrived with a manufacturing defect, fortunately on the back: when I opened the box there was a screw detached from one of the 4 holes in the back panel, because the rivet that was supposed to contain it was broken. I do not think it was damage that occurred during delivery, because the product was certainly packaged, but rather a defect attributable to the manufacturer. I decided not to send the product back because I waited to receive it and wanted to use it. However, I think the manufacturer should pay more attention to shipping intact products: it is not the first case of this type that I read about from this company.


Léger et facile à transporter. A noter que la soufflerie sort du bas de l'appareil et non du "foyer". Thermostat très bien, même s'il manque un indicateur de chaleur.

Lightweight and easy to carry. Note that the blower comes out of the bottom of the device and not from the “hearth”. Thermostat very good, although it lacks a heat indicator.


Das Produkt ist für den Preis recht hochwertig und auch die Wärmefunktion ist gut. Bei uns steht der Elektrokamin im Wintergarten. Der Flammeneffekt schafft ein gemütliches Ambiente. Am Anfang riecht der Ofen beim Heizen etwas chemisch / streng. Das gibt sich aber.

The product is quite high quality for the price and the heating function is also good. We have an electric fireplace in the conservatory. The flame effect creates a cozy ambience. At first the oven smells a bit chemically/strong when heating. But that is possible.


La stufa è arrivata danneggiata,ma la colpa è di Brt che ha effettuato la consegna. La stufa riscalda e fa un bell'effetto,il consumo è elevato. Se accendo la stufa e il forno contemporaneamente salta la corrente

The stove arrived damaged, but the fault is of Brt who made the delivery. The stove heats and has a nice effect, the consumption is high. If I turn on the stove and the oven at the same time the power goes out


Esta genial. Supera las espectativas. He visto muchas y esta simula el fuego muy realista mente.

This is great. It exceeds expectations. I have seen many and this one simulates fire very realistically.


Muy contenta, el efecto de llama es precioso, y calienta bien, hace un poco de ruido, pero normal,.calidad precio, super

Very happy, the flame effect is beautiful, and it heats well, it makes a little noise, but normal, quality price, super


Benché le misure fossero chiaramente illustrate, mi attendevo un oggetto un po' più grande, riempitivo. In realtà è piccolo e di materiale molto leggero. Però riscalda molto bene il mio soggiorno e l'attigua cucina, per un totale di circa 30 mq. Devo ancora comprendere i consumi reali e i costi in bolletta.

Although the measurements were clearly illustrated, I expected a slightly larger, filler object. In reality it is small and made of very light material. However, it heats my living room and the adjacent kitchen very well, for a total of about 30 square meters. I still have to understand the real consumption and costs on the bill.


Chauffage d appoint pour la salle de bain. Ambiance chaleureuse.

Additional heating for the bathroom. Warm environment.


Utilisation personnelle dans le salon. Esprit chaleureux et chauffage d'appoint en cas de besoin. Ravie de cet achat. Très bel effet. Peut être utilisée juste en visuel cocooning ou en chauffage. Belle réalité, belle taille mais discrète. Bon rapport qualité prix. Je recommande+++.

Personal use in the living room. Warm spirit and additional heating when needed. Delighted with this purchase. Very nice effect. Can be used just for visual cocooning or heating. Beautiful reality, nice size but discreet. Good value for money. I recommend+++.


Es súper chula

It's super cool


La stufetta si presenta abbastanza solida, molto bella esteticamente per i miei gusti. La utilizzo per la camera perchè in inverno è la stanza più fredda della casa e devo dire che scalda piuttosto bene. La mia stanza è circa 20 mq ed in una ventina minuti mi ha portato la stanza da 17 a 20.5 gradi al massimo della potenza e tenendo la porta chiusa. Non la consiglierei per stanze molto più grosse o open space. L'effetto della fiamma e della brace è molto bello, crea una bella atmosfera senza illuminare troppo e tutto sommato la ventola si sente appena, io ci dormo e devo dire che mi concilia il sonno :) Si pùò utilizzare anche senza il riscaldatore, utilizzando solo l'effetto fiamma. In definitiva è un acquisto che consiglio per stanze non troppo grosse e dove sia possibile chiudere la porta. Arrivata con tre giorni di anticipo, servizio eccellente.

The heater is quite solid, very nice looking for my taste. I use it for the bedroom because in winter it is the coldest room in the house and I have to say that it heats up quite well. My room is about 20 square meters and in about twenty minutes it brought the room from 17 to 20.5 degrees at maximum power and keeping the door closed. I would not recommend it for much larger rooms or open spaces. The effect of the flame and the embers is very nice, it creates a nice atmosphere without lighting up too much and all in all the fan is barely heard, I sleep with it and I have to say that it helps me sleep :) It can also be used without the heater, using only the flame effect. Ultimately it is a purchase that I recommend for rooms that are not too big and where it is possible to close the door. Arrived three days early, excellent service.


Un peu cher pour ce que c'est mais l'illusion est bien là et le chauffage aussi. Un petit crépitement pour couvrir le bruit de la soufflerie aurait été parfait.

A little expensive for what it is but the illusion is there and so is the heating. A little crackling to cover the noise of the blower would have been perfect.


La stufetta ha un bel design, materiali discreti e produce un bel calore dal basso. Arrivata oggi mi riservo ancora un po' di tempo per testarla. Dico subito che la ventola produce 60 db ri rumore nel caso a qualcuno desse fastidio. Vediamo nei mesi freddi come si comporterà.

The heater has a nice design, discreet materials and produces a nice heat from the bottom. Arrived today I reserve a little more time to test it. I say right away that the fan produces 60 db of noise in case it bothers someone. Let's see in the cold months how it will behave.


Effetto fiamma abbastanza realistico. Riscalda bene e la ventola non è rumorosa ( un po' si sente ma sopportabile), vedremo come va durante l'inverno. Materiali solidi, stile pulito e minimalista, grazioso. Nel complesso, sono soddisfatta.

The flame effect is quite realistic. It heats well and the fan is not noisy (you can hear it a little but it's bearable), we'll see how it goes during the winter. Solid materials, clean and minimalist style, nice. Overall, I'm satisfied.


Ce petit poêle donne une ambiance chaleureuse et conviviale. Utilisé pour le côté visuel, le chauffage fonctionne bien. Très satisfaite de mon choix . Il correspond à mes attentes. Reçu rapidement et en bon état. Je recommande cet article.

This small stove gives a warm and friendly atmosphere. Used for the visual side, the heater works well. Very satisfied with my choice. It meets my expectations. Received quickly and in good condition. I recommend this article.


Bella stufetta, ovvero un piccolo caminetto. Effetto fiamma realistico. Rivenditore efficiente nel risolvere un piccolo problema che si era presentato.

Nice stove, or rather a small fireplace. Realistic flame effect. Efficient dealer in solving a small problem that had arisen.


Esteticamente è molto carino, l'effetto fiamma abbastanza riuscito a livello uno non riesce a scaldare ambienti oltre il 3 mt x 3, a livello due il calore ovviamente aumenta e si riesce ad avere un bel caldo in una stanza di 4 mt x 3..

Aesthetically it is very nice, the flame effect is quite successful at level one but it cannot heat rooms larger than 3m x 3m, at level two the heat obviously increases and you can have a nice heat in a room of 4m x 3m.


bonito pequeño y potente pero la bombilla se fundio a los pocos dias

Nice little and powerful but the bulb burned out after a few days


Da una bella sensazione di caldo in stanze di media grandezza ed al contempo è molto bello e con effetto realistico da vedere , nella sua pulizia di stile che io trovo elegante . Acquisto consigliato ! Ormai mi segue nelle varie stanze di casa mia come la copertina di Linus ! Io lo adoro

It gives a nice warm feeling in medium sized rooms and at the same time it is very beautiful and has a realistic effect to see, in its clean style that I find elegant. Recommended purchase! Now it follows me in the various rooms of my house like Linus' blanket! I love it


Perfekt super Kaminofen

Perfect great fireplace


Caldo e accogliente simula molto bene il camino vero. Lo uso per una stanza di circa 10 mq e devo dire che è lento ma sufficiente a riscaldare. Bello esteticamente, un po' fragili le leve che già sembrano cedere

Warm and welcoming, it simulates a real fireplace very well. I use it for a room of about 10 square meters and I must say that it is slow but sufficient to heat. Aesthetically beautiful, the levers are a bit fragile and already seem to give way


Hallo Leute. Habe den Elektrokamin in den bestehenden Kachelofen seitlich intregiert.( mit Ytong Steinen schaut super aus. Gruß Bernhard.

Hello folks. I integrated the electric fireplace into the existing tiled stove on the side (with Ytong stones it looks great. Greetings Bernhard.


Perfecto recomiendo

Perfect I recommend


das ding ist trotzallem ein witz..... sieht mehr aus als es ist.... passt unter jeden couchtisch

the thing is a joke anyway..... looks more than it is.... fits under every coffee table


lachnummer das ding ist trotzallem ein witz..... sieht mehr aus als es ist.... passt unter jeden couchtisch

laughingstock the thing is a joke after all..... looks more than it is.... fits under every coffee table


Bello e piacevole. Ottimale, ma non so ancora quanto incide sulla bolletta della luce. Utile soprattutto nei periodi in cui inizia a fare freddo, ma non è possibile accendere il riscaldamento centralizzato.

Nice and pleasant. Great, but I don't know yet how much it affects the electricity bill. Useful especially in periods when it starts to get cold, but it is not possible to turn on the central heating.


Un bel design, infonde un’atmosfera calda e accogliente alla casa. Funziona benissimo e scalda perfettamente togliendo anche l’umidità. Bellissima

A beautiful design, it infuses a warm and welcoming atmosphere to the house. It works very well and heats perfectly while also removing humidity. Beautiful


Queda genial y calienta muy rápidamente una habitación de unos 20 metros cuadrados.

It looks great and heats up a room of about 20 square meters very quickly.


Je l'ai acheté pour décorer une pièce qui comprenait une ancienne cheminée dont il ne restait que le contour en marbre. Au départ, mon choix s'est porté sur un modèle dont les dimensions correspondaient à l’alcôve de la cheminée et qui avait un rapport qualité-prix attirant. Bien qu'il ne soit pas encore en fonctionnement constant pour cause de rénovation de la pièce, je l'ai testé dès réception. Il est facilement manipulable car léger. Les flammes sont agréables et il est silencieux. Bref, de prime abord, un achat qui répond à mes attentes. Livré rapidement, dans de bonnes conditions.

I bought it to decorate a room that included an old fireplace with only the marble surround remaining. Initially, my choice fell on a model whose dimensions corresponded to the fireplace alcove and which had an attractive quality-price ratio. Although it is not yet in constant operation due to renovation of the room, I tested it upon receipt. It is easy to handle because it is light. The flames are pleasant and it is silent. In short, at first glance, a purchase that meets my expectations. Delivered quickly, in good conditions.


Fantástico.. Simula muy bien las llamas y las brasas de un leño....un consejo para el vendedor de estas chimeneas : debería simular el sonido del chispoteos de las llamas ....ya eso sería lo idesl

Fantastic... It simulates the flames and embers of a log very well... a tip for the seller of these fireplaces: it should simulate the sound of the crackling of the flames... that would be ideal.


Ditta con un ottima assistenza in caso di problemi sono disponibili e risolvono velocemente le problematiche che a volte si caminetto è davvero molto carino con una luce /fiamma molto bella e realistica davvero d’effetto in una camera!

Company with excellent assistance in case of problems they are available and quickly solve the problems that sometimes arise... the fireplace is really very nice with a very beautiful and realistic light / flame really effective in a room!


Sehr schönes kompaktes Disign. Das Kaminlicht schafft eine schöne Athmosphäre, wenn es auch direkt betrachtet natürlich nicht echt wirkt. Heizleistung super.

Very nice compact design. The fireplace light creates a nice atmosphere, even if it doesn't look real when you look at it directly. Heat output great.


Encantado con el ambiente que crea tan real. Estupenda relación calidad precio.

Delighted with the atmosphere it creates so real. Great value for money.


Consegnato nei tempi previsti, il camino si presenta molto bello la legna che arde e il fuoco sembrano molto reali, piuttosto leggero si sposta con facilità, riesce a scaldare anche abbienti grandi provato su una stanza di 45 mq. Molto soddisfatto dell'acquisto.

Delivered on time, the fireplace looks very nice, the burning wood and the fire seem very real, quite light, it moves easily, it can heat even large wealthy people, tested in a 45 m2 room. Very satisfied with the purchase.


Consegnato nei tempi previsti, il camino si presenta molto bello la legna che arde e il fuoco sembrano molto reali, piuttosto leggero si sposta con facilità, riesce a scaldare anche abbienti grandi provato su una stanza di 45 mq. Molto soddisfatto dell'acquisto.

Delivered on time, the fireplace looks very nice, the burning wood and the fire seem very real, quite light, it moves easily, it can heat even large wealthy people, tested in a 45 m2 room. Very satisfied with the purchase.


Todo perfecto

Everything is perfect


Il servizio è l' assistenza sono stati efficentissimi, puntuali e cortesi. Il caminetto è molto bello e da un tocco di classe all' arredamento e ambiente. Ho dovuto dare 4 stelle perché è capitato che il mio caminetto non avesse funzionante il sistema di ventilazione. Ma se fosse stato funzionante avrei dato 5 stelle. (Può capitare) . Le mie stelle vanno al servizio che mi ha aiutato alla restituzione e successivo rimborso. E al caminetto per l effetto fiamma e oggetto in se.

The service and assistance were very efficient, punctual and courteous. The fireplace is very beautiful and adds a touch of class to the furniture and environment. I had to give 4 stars because it happened that my fireplace did not have the ventilation system working. But if it had been working I would have given 5 stars. (It can happen). My stars go to the service that helped me with the return and subsequent refund. And to the fireplace for the flame effect and the object itself.


Passt Alles Danke

Everything fits, thanks


Ho ricevuto qualche giorno fa, il camino elettrico della Klarstein. La curiosità per questa piccola stufa che imita un camino è stata grande. Messa in funzione l'effetto si dimostra interessante La legna finta ,grazie ad effetti di luci, sembra ardere realmente, mentre il calore si diffonde nella stanza velocemente e a temperatura desiderata grazie alle due opzioni fornite. I comandi di accensione e regolazione della temperatura sono posizionate dietro lo sportellino a vetro,quindi facilmente accessibile. E' un camino piuttosto leggero, minuto, posizionabile quindi in qualsiasi posto. Ha un aspetto gradevole che lo rende un buon elemento di arredo. Molto utile..

I received the Klarstein electric fireplace a few days ago. I was very curious about this small stove that imitates a fireplace. When turned on, the effect was interesting. The fake wood, thanks to the light effects, seems to really burn, while the heat spreads throughout the room quickly and at the desired temperature thanks to the two options provided. The ignition and temperature adjustment controls are positioned behind the glass door, so they are easily accessible. It is a rather light, small fireplace, so it can be positioned anywhere. It has a pleasant appearance that makes it a good piece of furniture. Very useful..


Très jolie cheminée électrique, l'effet flamme est très reussi. Livré en deux jours. Cependant j enlève une étoile car le prix fluctue justement tous les deux jours, je ne comprends pas bien ce qui justifie ces hausses et baisses de prix si rapprochées. Astuce: j ai remplacé les ampoules halogènes dedans par les mêmes en LED résultat ça ne chauffe pas les éléments et la consommation est insignifiante .

Very pretty electric fireplace, the flame effect is very successful. Delivered in two days. However, I am removing one star because the price fluctuates every two days, I don't really understand what justifies these price increases and decreases so close together. Tip: I replaced the halogen bulbs inside with the same LED bulbs, the result is that it does not heat the elements and consumption is insignificant.