[Returns: -35%] Etna electric fireplace

£ 141.99 (incl. VAT)
Product number: 53035043
Etna electric fireplace
£ 141.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 185.99
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Powerful: 2 heating stages with 900 or 1800 watts

  • Cosy hours: electric fireplace with realistic LED flame illusion

  • Convenient: easy operation by remote control


  • Electric fireplace with LED lighting and switchable heating function
  • 2 power levels: 900 / 1800 watts
  • Effective range: up to 36 m² (depending on the insulation of the room)
  • Temperature range: 10 to 30 °C
  • LED flames can be used independently of heating
  • Dimmable brightness in 5 steps
  • Weekly timer with programmable heating times
  • Shut-off timer - 30 minutes up to 9 hours
  • Integrated thermostat automatically regulates the heat output
  • Open Window Detection: automatic shutdown in case of rapidly falling temperature
  • Key lock
  • Temperature display in °C or °F
  • Deceptive real stone look
  • Remote control included
Product number: 53035043

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 60 x 66.5 x 23 cm (WxHxD)
  • Cable length: approx. 120 cm
  • Weight: approx. 24 kg
  • Material (housing): MDF boards / polystone
  • Material (logs): resin
  • Power supply: 220-240 V~ | 50 Hz

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x fireplace
  • 1 x remote control
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
57 Ratings

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Es segundo que compro!! Está perfecto en todos los sentidos

It's the second one I've bought!! It's perfect in every way


Tres belle petite cheminée qui fait son effet. La première est arrivée complètement cassé. Le SAV m’a immédiatement proposé l’envoi d’une seconde cheminée qui est arrivée cette fois niquel, SAV très réactif et compréhensif ! Je recommande !! Le SAV est également facile à contacter, on a directement un interlocuteur donc pas de panique pour l’envoi si ce n’est pas du premier coup ça sera le 2eme !

Very beautiful little fireplace which has its effect. The first arrived completely broken. The after-sales service immediately offered to send me a second chimney which this time arrived perfectly, very responsive and understanding after-sales service! I recommend !! The after-sales service is also easy to contact, we have a direct contact so don't panic about sending it if it's not the first time it will be the 2nd!


La chimenea es muy bonita pero ha venido rota en la esquina inferior, una pena. El embalaje parece tener un golpe, el poliespan està algo roto. Muy decepcionado. Buena comunicación con el proveedor y satisfecho con la atencíon recibida.

The fireplace is very nice but it came broken in the lower corner, a shame. The packaging seems to have been hit, the polystyrene is somewhat broken. Very disappointed. Good communication with the supplier and satisfied with the attention received.


J’adore comme chauffage d’appoint

I love it as auxiliary heating


Bel effet radiateur efficace le bruit n'est pas excessif et l'ensemble est très réussi

Beautiful efficient radiator effect, the noise is not excessive and the whole thing is very successful


Très bel objet quoique pas très grand. Enfin c’est pas plus mal quand on considère le poids de la cheminée. Si un petit défaut apparaît sur le côté droit de mon exemplaire, cela n’empêche pas l’usage et le vendeur m’a proposé un dédommagement financier. Finalement tout le monde s’y retrouve. Ah oui et pour l’échelle de comparaison le chien à côté c’est un cavalier king Charles voilà

Very beautiful object although not very large. Well, it's not too bad when you consider the weight of the chimney. If a small defect appears on the right side of my copy, this does not prevent use and the seller offered me financial compensation. Eventually everyone ends up there. Ah yes and for the comparison scale the dog next to it is a Cavalier King Charles there you go


Cheminée électrique : chauffe rapidement et très décorative !

Electric fireplace: heats up quickly and very decorative!


Chauffe très bien ! S’arrête quand la température demandé est atteinte et reste avec les flammes . Pas trop bruyante Je recommande sans hésiter

Heats very well! Stops when the requested temperature is reached and remains with the flames. Not too noisy I recommend without hesitation


superbe cheminée très réaliste, on dirait une vrais .

superb, very realistic fireplace, it looks like a real one.


Je suis fan de ma cheminée ! Je l’adore

I'm a fan of my fireplace! I love it


Waouh ne fait pas de bruit et chauffe très très bien j’adore ma cheminée très belle invention merci

Wow doesn't make any noise and heats very very well I love my fireplace very nice invention thank you


Utilisation Décorative principalement. Le soufflant fait son job pour réchauffer instantanément les mains il manquerait juste un petit son de crépitement pour être parfaite cette petite cheminée. Je recommande.

Mainly decorative use. The blower does its job to instantly warm the hands, just a little crackling sound would be missing to make this little fireplace perfect. I recommend.


Achetée en juillet sous 40° à l'ombre ... C'est un ravissement pour ce Noël 22. J'ai créé un socle avec une petite palette et j'ai rangé des "bûches" dessous. Elle s'intègre parfaitement dans un petit appartement à la montagne. Je suis enchantée par cette acquisition.

Bought in July under 40° in the shade... It's a delight for this Christmas 22. I created a base with a small pallet and I stored "logs" underneath. It fits perfectly into a small apartment in the mountains. I am delighted with this acquisition.


Très jolie, très beau rendu. Beau design. 2 points negatifs : - L'imitation "pierre" ne correspond pas aux photos de démonstration. C'est beaucoup plus foncé... dommage ... - Assez bruyant en mode chauffage, car chauffage par ventilation. Mais heuresement on peut l'éteindre en laissant l'ambiance cheminée. ( Colis mal livré ( jeté au dessus du portail alors que le colis fait 23kgs ), mais ce n'est pas la faute du vendeur. )

Very pretty, very beautiful rendering. Beautiful design. 2 negative points: - The “stone” imitation does not correspond to the demonstration photos. It's much darker... too bad... - Quite noisy in heating mode, because heating by ventilation. But fortunately we can turn it off while leaving the fireplace atmosphere. (Parcel poorly delivered (thrown above the gate even though the package weighs 23kg), but it is not the seller's fault.)


Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Je recommande vivement c’est impeccable n’hésitez plus. Bon noel 2022 à tous

The media product could not be loaded. I highly recommend it's impeccable, don't hesitate any longer. Happy Christmas 2022 to everyone


J'ai mis la cheminée dans ma chambre c'est très joli ça fait vrai cheminée avec les flammes. Après j'évite d'utiliser le chauffage avec ça me fait un peu peur je sens une odeur de plastique. Après vous pouvez utiliser l'effet des flammes sans mettre le chauffage ça c'est bien

I put the fireplace in my room, it's very pretty, it looks like a real fireplace with the flames. Afterwards I avoid using the heater with it scaring me a little I smell plastic. Afterwards you can use the flame effect without turning on the heating, that's good


Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Zum heizen

The media could not be loaded. For heating


Bringt Gemütlichkeit in den Raum. Achtet bitte auf die angegebenen Maße im Text. Weichen von den angegebenen Maßen bei den Fotos teilweise ab.

Brings comfort into the room. Please note the dimensions given in the text. Partly deviate from the dimensions given in the photos.


Man kann vieles in verschiedenen Stufen einstellen. Echt gut.

You can set many things in different levels. Really good.


Sehr schön

Very nice


der Elektrokamin ist ziemlich klein, aber sehr hübsch. Mit etwas Kreativität kann man den Kamin verbessern. Ich habe Porenbetonsteine als Sockel verwendet, um 20 cm Höhe zu gewinnen. Die Porensteine wurden mit Zierleisten und 3D-Wandtattos dekoriert. Durch das aufgesetzte "Ofenrohr" sieht der Elektrokamin wie ein echtes Kamin. Alle diese Extras haben ca. 50 € gekostet. Zusätzlich empfehle ich Kaminknistern als mp3-Datei aus dem Internet (z.B. kostenlos bei hoerspielbox) im Hintergrund zu verwenden.

the electric fireplace is quite small but very pretty. With a little creativity you can improve the fireplace. I used aerated concrete blocks as a base to gain 20 cm in height. The porous stones were decorated with decorative strips and 3D wall tattoos. The electric fireplace looks like a real fireplace thanks to the attached "stove pipe". All these extras cost around €50. In addition, I recommend using a crackling fireplace as an mp3 file from the Internet (eg free from hoerspielbox) in the background.








Fügt sich sehr gut in unser Wohnzimmet ein. Die Flammen und die Steine wirken sehr realistisch

Fits very well into our living room. The flames and the stones look very realistic


Da un calor inmenso es preciosa y cuando la habitacion alcanza la temperatura echa sola se apaga la volveria a comprar

It gives off immense heat, it is beautiful and when the room reaches the right temperature it turns off automatically. I would buy it again.


n'hésitez pas. Bel achat esthétique et fonctionnel; chauffe très bien et donne une allure chaleureuse à la pièce d'accueil. Prix raisonnable

do not hesitate. Beautiful aesthetic and functional purchase; heats very well and gives a warm look to the reception room. Reasonable price





El material está genial, por lo general está muy bien conseguida pero es bastante pequeñita. El aire caliente sale estupendamente y tiene dos modalidades, con la baja sale suficiente calor así que estamos encantados. Si fuese un poco más grande sería perfecta!

The material is great, it is generally very well made but it is quite small. The hot air comes out great and it has two modes, with the low setting it gives off enough heat so we are delighted. If it were a little bigger it would be perfect!


Wobei beim Einsatz des Lüfters dieser die Illusion trübt. Da ich aber nicht vor habe mit dem Kamin zu heizen wurde meine Erwartung erfüllt. Die Kunstflamme zieht einen in ihren Bann wie echtes Feuer und dabei bollert es auch.

However, when the fan is used, it spoils the illusion. But since I don't intend to heat with the fireplace, my expectation was met. The artificial flame fascinates you like real fire and it also roars.


Alles besten, immer wieder. Ich bin zufrieden, sieht schon und die Qualität ist gut.

All the best, again and again. I am satisfied, looks nice and the quality is good.


Es muy real,calienta bien.

It's very real, it warms up well.


remplacement d'un radiateur et chaleur plus optimale tout est ok

replacement of a radiator and more optimal heat everything is ok


Der Kamin ist soweit super. Eine Einschränkung weshalb ich einen Stern abgezogen habe. Es wäre noch super wenn da Lautsprecher eingebaut werden würden um das Knistern eines realen Feuers zu Simulieren.

The fireplace is great. A caveat which is why I deducted a star. It would be great if speakers were built in to simulate the crackling of a real fire.


No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. Muy bonita. Ya viene montada

The media could not be loaded. Very nice. It comes already assembled.


Im Esszimmer passt gut rein weil er nicht so groß ist

It fits in well in the dining room because it's not that big


Für gemütliche Stunden sehr schönen

Very nice for cozy hours


Calienta el espacio habitable en pocos minutos, muy decorativa y hacer hogar con tenerla simplemente encendida.

It heats the living space in just a few minutes, very decorative and makes you feel at home by simply having it on.


Die Kaminumrandung ist sehr schön und dekorativ. Da wir den Kamin noch nicht länger zum Heizen verwendet haben (er funktioniert aber einwandfrei) , kann ich nichts über den Geräuschpegel sagen. Stellt man die Heizung ab und lässt nur das Feuer an, hört man ab und zu ein leises Geräusch, das evtl. das Lodern der Flammen imitieren soll.... Die Fernbedienund ist praktisch, wenn man die Einstellungen vom Sofa aus verändern will. Das Gerät hat sogar eine Timer-Funktion. Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit diesem Elektrokamin von Klarstein.

The fireplace surround is very beautiful and decorative. Since we haven't used the fireplace for heating for a long time (but it works perfectly), I can't comment on the noise level. If you turn off the heating and just leave the fire on, you occasionally hear a faint noise that might imitate the blazing flames.... The remote control is handy if you want to change the settings from the sofa. The device even has a timer function. We are very satisfied with this electric fireplace from Klarstein.


Me encanta como queda. Mi sala es más acogedora y esta chimenea le proporciona calidez tanto ornamental como literal. Me quedaba un poco bajita y la puse encima de una estantería baja donde puse troncos reales para dar el pego. Es verdad que hace un poco de ruido con la salida del aire caliente, pero con la TV no se oye. Además solo la tengo con la función calefactora unos 10 o 15 minutos que es lo que tarda en calentar la salita. Luego la dejo con la calidez visual de las brasa y las llamas LED. La volvería a comprar sin duda alguna. Perfecta para las noches de sofá, peli y manta.

I love how it looks. My living room is cosier and this fireplace provides warmth both ornamentally and literally. It was a bit short for me and I put it on a low shelf where I put real logs to give it a more realistic effect. It's true that it makes a bit of noise when the hot air comes out, but with the TV you can't hear it. Plus I only have it on the heating function for about 10 or 15 minutes, which is how long it takes to heat up the living room. Then I leave it with the visual warmth of the embers and the LED flames. I would definitely buy it again. Perfect for nights spent with the sofa, movie and blanket.


Der Kamin ist super aber die Grösse stimmt nicht überein wie beschrieben, es ist vill kleiner.

The fireplace is great but the size is not the same as described, it is much smaller.


Sieht gut aus und schaltet sich bei gewünschter Temperatur ein und nach erreichen wieder aus. Natürlich hört man den Lüfter aber er geht ja nur kurze Zeit. Aber schöne Ergänzung zur Ölheizung und macht den Raum stimmungsvoll.

Looks good and turns on at the desired temperature and off again after reaching it. Of course you can hear the fan, but it only works for a short time. But nice addition to the oil heating and makes the room atmospheric.


Vraiment super joli ressemble vraiment à une vraie cheminée dommage qu’elle ne soit pas un peu plus haute,très contente de mon achat

Really super pretty, really looks like a real fireplace, too bad it isn't a little higher, very happy with my purchase


Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Satisfaite de mon achat. Quand elle est en mode décorative les flammes sont vraiment réalistes. Quand elle est en mode chauffage, le sifflement fait quand même un peu de bruits mais elle rends mon salon stylé surtout en période de froid.

The media product could not be loaded. Satisfied with my purchase. When it is in decorative mode the flames are really realistic. When it is in heating mode, the whistling still makes a little noise but it makes my living room stylish, especially in cold weather.


Es hermosa su estío es fantástico es muy fácil de montar y su calidez es muy buena.

It is beautiful, its summer is fantastic, it is very easy to assemble and its warmth is very good.


Ein handliches und einfach zu bedienende Gerät, Gute Heizleistung (wenn man sie braucht) einfach zu zuschalten

A handy and easy-to-use device, good heat output (when you need it) easy to switch on


Superbe , effet flamme , les flammes bougent comme un vrai feu , réglage luminosité des flammes , ici au Max . Chaleur soufflante , donc un peu bruyant mais ça ne dérange pas et on peut mettre que effet flamme sans chauffe ! Apporte de la chaleur en plus à une pièce chauffée . Avec un fauteuil devant , on sent bien le chaleur ! Le contour est en résine En angle ou contre un mur , je la change de place car elle n’est pas large donc bien pratique

Superb, flame effect, the flames move like a real fire, brightness adjustment of the flames, here at Max. Blowing heat, so a little noisy but it doesn't bother and you can only use a flame effect without heating! Brings additional heat to a heated room. With an armchair in front, you can really feel the heat! The outline is in resin In a corner or against a wall, I change its place because it is not wide so very practical


No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. Me encanta.. Es perfecta.. No muy alta pero desprende bastante calor

The media could not be loaded. I love it.. It's perfect.. Not very high but it gives off quite a bit of heat


Es sieht toll aus in der Stube und wärmt auch richtig schön

It looks great in the living room and also warms up really nicely


Buen tamaño y diseño,

Good size and design,


De momento estupenda y mi perro encantado. Un carpintero me hará un bloque de madera del mismo color para que quede más alta frente a los sofás y ya está. Para mí es de medida perfecta sólo bajita

So far it's great and my dog loves it. A carpenter will make me a block of wood of the same colour so that it's higher in front of the sofas and that's it. For me it's the perfect size, just a bit short.


La verdad es que no sabía si calentará el salón de 24 m., pero es genial, la tengo ya mes y medio y funciona de maravilla, además con el temporizador la enciendes y te olvidas, ella se enciende y apaga según necesita mantener la temperatura que tú seleccionas, de momento me encanta, y la sensación de estar viendo encendida la chimenea reconforta, la recomiendo, espero me dure mucho tiempo

The truth is that I didn't know if it would heat the 24 m2 living room, but it's great, I've had it for a month and a half now and it works wonderfully, plus with the timer you turn it on and forget about it, it turns on and off as needed to maintain the temperature you select, so far I love it, and the feeling of seeing the fireplace lit is comforting, I recommend it, I hope it lasts a long time.


Lange habe ich mit diesem Elektrokamin geliebäugelt und nun musste ich ihn kaufen. Da ich schon einen anderen von dem Hersteller habe (im Schlafzimmer) und sehr zufrieden damit bin, war schnell klar für s Wohnzimmer kaufe ich auch einen. Die Säule, das Design, die wundervolle Flammenoptik verzaubern einen echt. Ich muss immer wieder hinschauen und erfreue mich ununterbrochen über den Kamin. Selbst meine Familie und Freunde sind begeistert.

I toyed with this electric fireplace for a long time and now I had to buy it. Since I already have another one from the manufacturer (in the bedroom) and am very happy with it, it quickly became clear that I would buy one for the living room as well. The column, the design, the wonderful flame optics really enchant you. I have to look again and again and am constantly enjoying the fireplace. Even my family and friends love it.


Belle cheminée electrique, les flammes donnent immédiatement un côté plus chaleureux à la pièce. De plus elle chauffe très bien ma pièce à vivre de 35m2 . Je recommande.

Beautiful electric fireplace, the flames immediately give a warmer feel to the room. In addition, it heats my 35m2 living room very well. I recommend.


Es preciosa y queda tan bonita y cálida en el salón! Estoy encantada con la compra.

It's beautiful and looks so nice and warm in the living room! I'm delighted with the purchase.


Muy bonita, el fuego parece muy real, igual que la repisa y el ladrillo, la verdad es que está muy bien conseguida. Tiene los mandos ocultos abajo, con diferentes niveles de intensidad en los leds y en el chorro de aire que sale con buen flujo por el frontal. También tiene temporizador y mando a distancia. No requiere ningún tipo de instalación, simplemente se enchufa y listo aunque el cable no es muy largo. La pega es que tiene que chupar de luz un montón pero se puede tener conectada solo con el fuego a modo decorativo. Hay que fijarse bien en las medidas porque yo la esperaba más grande pero corresponde con las medidas de la descripción. La entrega bien, llego antes de tiempo y el embalaje en buen estado.

Very nice, the fire looks very real, as does the shelf and the brick, the truth is that it is very well done. It has the hidden controls below, with different levels of intensity in the LEDs and in the air jet that comes out with a good flow through the front. It also has a timer and remote control. It does not require any type of installation, you just plug it in and that's it, although the cable is not very long. The downside is that it has to absorb a lot of light but it can be connected only with the fire as a decoration. You have to look carefully at the measurements because I expected it to be bigger but it corresponds to the measurements in the description. The delivery was good, it arrived ahead of time and the packaging was in good condition.


Una pasada

A blast


Die Farbe ist genau das, was ich mir erhofft hatte. Die Steinumrandung bietet einen schönen Kontrast, wie ich mir erhofft hatte. Ich habe die Heizfunktion getestet und Holzstamm und die Flamme verleihen dem Raum ein sehr angenehmes Gefühl sowie eine schöne Wärme. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit meinem Kauf. Romantische Abende mit dem Kamin und einem Glas Wein können starten

The color is exactly what I was hoping for. The stone border provides a nice contrast as I was hoping for. I tested the heating function and the log and flame give the room a very comfortable feel and nice warmth. I am very happy with my purchase. Romantic evenings with the fireplace and a glass of wine can start