[Returns: -10%] Shinecube XL Light Cube

£ 99.99
Original price: £ 111.99 -10%
(incl. VAT)
Product number: 52033732
Shinecube XL Light Cube
£ 99.99
Original price: £ 111.99 -10%
(incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 94.99
    Original price: £ 111.99
  • £ 111.99
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Pure atmosphere: elegant and modern design element for garden and apartment

  • All colours: LED lighting with 16 colour options and four colour change modes

  • Simple operation: includes remote control with 3 m range


  • LED bulbs
  • Material: PE + ABS
  • Switch on / off via button in the floor
  • Charging time battery: approx. 6 h
  • Power consumption: 1.4 W
  • Max. battery life: approx. 15 h
Product number: 52033732

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions of light cube: 40 x 40 x 40 cm (WxHxD)
  • Length of power cable: 1.6 m
  • Weight of light cube: approx. 4.2 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x light cube
  • English user manual (further languages: German, Spanish, French, Italian)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
27 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Nice. The battery could last longer but for this price OK.

Nice. The battery could last longer but for this price OK.


Produkt warty polecenia. W ogrodzie prezentuje się stylowo.

A product worth recommending. It looks stylish in the garden.


Lieferung perfekt und das Teil sieht klasse aus...was es wirklich wert ist wird sich im Laufe der Zeit zeigen

Delivery was perfect and the part looks great...what it's really worth will become clear over time


Perfetto in giardino!

Perfect in the garden!


É molto comodo per appoggiare, sedersi .. fa una bellissima scena acceso

It is very comfortable to lean on, sit on... it makes a beautiful scene when lit up


Bello, leggero e divertente.

Beautiful, light and fun.


molto gradevole e di buona fattura.. peccato solo che in stand by il telecomando del televisore interferisce e accende e spegne il cubo....

very nice and well made.. the only shame is that in standby the TV remote control interferes and turns the cube on and off....


für Terrassenfeeling gekauft... Läuft über Strom, sowie aufgeladen... Verschiedene Einstellungen möglich... Auch als Ablage oder Sitzhocker geeignet... Sehr stabil... Kann man auch gut sauber halten... Sehr zufrieden

bought for a patio feeling... Runs on electricity, as well as charged... Various settings possible... Also suitable as a shelf or stool... Very stable... Can also be kept clean easily... Very satisfied


Comprato x la terrazza e fantastica l'unica cosa x caricare devo girare sempre il cubo se lo farebbero laterale sarebbe meglio ottimo prodotto

Bought for the terrace and it's fantastic, the only thing to load is that I have to always turn the cube, if they did it sideways it would be better, excellent product


Sehr gutes Produkt!

Very good product!


Perfetta per una serata speciale in terrazzo

Perfect for a special evening on the terrace





Buona assistenza, Alberto ha reagito subito ad una mia richiesta su un pezzo che mancava.

Good service, Alberto responded immediately to my request for a missing piece.


Come in foto. Molto particolare la scelta dei colori

As in the photo. Very particular choice of colors


In der (Produkt-) Beschreibung ist mehrfach die Rede von einem inkludierten 7,5 Volt Netzteil mit Ladestation. Das ist falsch. Der Würfel lässt sich jedoch mit einem handelsüblichen Handy Netzteil (5.2 V) laden. Der Vertreiber, daraufhin kontaktiert, reagierte dahingehend, dass ich eine PDB Bedienungsanleitung zugesandt bekam. Keine Erklärung oder Richtigstellung. Einen solchen Support braucht kein Mensch. Würfel grundsätzlich eher 4 Sterne, Support maximal 1 Stern.

In the (product) description, there is repeated mention of an included 7.5 volt power supply with charging station. That's wrong. However, the cube can be charged with a standard mobile phone power adapter (5.2 V). The distributor, who was then contacted, responded by sending me a PDB user manual. No explanation or correction. Nobody needs such support. Dice basically more like 4 stars, support a maximum of 1 star.


Molto bello ed elegante, dona un tocco trendy all’ambiente. Peccato per il prezzo troppo caro

Very nice and elegant, it gives a trendy touch to the environment. Too bad for the price too expensive


Molto bella

Very nice


Der Shinecube XL bietet eine große Farbpalette mit verschiedenen einstellbaren Effekten. Gekauft habe ich diesen, um ihn als stylische Sitzgelegenheit im Garten oder im Wohnzimmer zu nutzen. Praktisch dabei ist die lange Akkulaufzeit und die einfache Handhabung. Positiv überrascht bin ich auch von der Leichtigkeit des Würfels. Er lässt sich ohne großen Aufwand umstellen. Ein plus ist auch die Fernbedienung, die eine wirklich nette Spielerei darstellt. Einziger kritikpunkt ist für mich der etwas hohe Preis. Zusammenfassend aber eine klare Kaufempfehlung für Leute, die ihren oder das Wohnzimmer optisch tunen wollen.

The Shinecube XL offers a wide range of colors with various adjustable effects. I bought this to use as a stylish seat in the garden or in the living room. The long battery life and the easy handling are practical. I am also positively surprised by the lightness of the cube. It can be changed without much effort. Another plus is the remote control, which is a really neat gimmick. The only criticism for me is the somewhat high price. In summary, however, a clear purchase recommendation for people who want to optically tune their living room.


buona qualità, stabile. Però la batteria tiene davvero poco, non come descritto.

good quality, stable. But the battery lasts really little, not as described.


oggetto conforme alla descrizione fornita dal venditore utile sia come tavolino sia come seduta.

item compliant with the description provided by the seller, useful both as a coffee table and as a seat.


Per essere in plastica si vede che è molto rifinito (non si vedono giunture) e molto solido. Lo usiamo anche come tavolino! ha un telecomando per l’accensione e regolare gli effetti (dimmer + colore). Consigliato!

For being plastic you can see that it is very finished (no joints are visible) and very solid. We also use it as a coffee table! It has a remote control to turn it on and adjust the effects (dimmer + color). Recommended!


Me ha encantado.La uso como mesita de noche y va genial. Sería interesante que hubiera el mismo modelo con mas intensidad de luz.leds de mas watios

I loved it. I use it as a nightstand and it works great. It would be interesting if there was the same model with more light intensity. LEDs with more watts.





É spettacolare....ottimi i materiali. Svariate intensità disponibili. Elevata qualità.

It's spectacular....excellent materials. Various intensities available. High quality.


É spettacolare....ottimi i materiali. Svariate intensità disponibili. Elevata qualità.

It's spectacular....excellent materials. Various intensities available. High quality.


sono lampade che fanno la loro figura in giardino

They are lamps that make their mark in the garden


Cubo in materiale plastico che ho acquistato per il terrazzo, mi piace molto perchè lo utilizzo sia come tavolino per poggiarci su delle cose sia proprio come lampada da esterno. Olre ad avere la possibilità di combinare le varie tonalità di colore o lasciare un colore fisso, la luminosità è regolabile tramite dimmer per cui si possono creare diverse atmosfere e le modalità di utilizzo sono molteplici. Mi piace anche perchè essendo resistente all'acqua la lascio fuori in ogni stagione e non devo preoccuparmi di riporla nelle stagioni piu' fredde. Al suo interno ha una batteria agli ioni di litio da 2400 mha e si ricarica semplicemente attraverso un cavetto che si attacca alla corrente.

Plastic cube that I bought for the terrace, I really like it because I use it both as a table to place things on and as an outdoor lamp. In addition to having the possibility of combining the various shades of color or leaving a fixed color, the brightness is adjustable via dimmer so you can create different atmospheres and the ways of using it are multiple. I also like it because being resistant to water I leave it outside in every season and I don't have to worry about storing it in the colder seasons. Inside it has a 2400 mha lithium ion battery and it is simply recharged through a cable that plugs into the power supply.