[Returns: -15%] Baltic Black Air Cooler

£ 100.99 (incl. VAT)
Product number: 52029738
Baltic Black Air Cooler
£ 100.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 76.99
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • 3-in-1 efficiency: fan, air cooler and humidifier in one

  • Targeted refreshment: pleasant, body-directed cooling with every activity

  • Fresh breeze: three wind speeds with up to 360 m³ / h air flow


  • Air circulation: 360 m³ / h
  • Max. operating noise: 64 dB
  • 3 power levels (low, medium, high)
  • Integrated continuously adjustable 2-hour timer
  • Possibility of operation with batteries or ice cubes
  • Water tank capacity: 6 litres
  • Removable water / ice tank for easy filling
  • Water level indicator
  • Integrated water filtering system
  • Side-mounted transport and pull handles
  • Dust filter integrated at the rear
  • 4 manoeuvrable floor rollers - no installation measures required
  • Cable rewind
  • Power consumption: 65 watts
  • Power supply: 220-240 V ~ | 50 Hz
Product number: 52029738

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: 36.5 x 71 x 23 cm (WxHxD)
  • Cable length: 1.8m
  • Weight: about 6 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • 1 x remote control
  • 2 x cold packs
  • 4 x floor rollers
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
74 Ratings

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Para el precio q tiene buen rendimiento. Hace algo de ruido y no puedes ponerlo muy lejos ( habitación mediana/ pequeña pero se puede dormir... Me salvo el verano en Sevilla y eso es de valorar. Ahora lo sacaré de nuevo a ver si aguanta otro achuchón

For the price it has good performance. It makes some noise and you can't put it very far away (medium/small room but you can sleep... It saved me the summer in Seville and that's worth it. Now I'll take it out again to see if it can withstand another push.


Ottimo vemtilazione e discreta aria fresca, bisogna mettere di spesso il ghiaccio altrimenti nn rinfresca

Excellent ventilation and decent fresh air, you have to put ice often otherwise it doesn't cool


Cette Clim gentille m’a bien dépanner ça reste comme un ventilo mais si on prévoit bien dès glaçon ça rafraîchit assez mais ça reste vraiment comme un ventillo

This nice air conditioning helped me out well, it remains like a fan but if you plan for ice cubes it cools down enough but it really remains like a fan


ergonomique, design, pratique, rafraîchissant, conforme à mes attentes je recommande

ergonomic, design, practical, refreshing, meets my expectations, I recommend





Los primeros días de verano que la calor no ahogaba se estaba súper bien con este aire, me tapaba incluso para dormir. Pero donde vivo hace muchísima humedad y era peor encenderlo, nos ahogabamos de la cantidad de humedad que se concentraba en la habitación, a nosotros no nos a ido bien por ese aspecto pero en zonas secas seguro q está genial

The first days of summer when the heat wasn't stifling, it was great with this air conditioner, I even covered myself up to sleep. But where I live there is a lot of humidity and it was worse to turn it on, we suffocated from the amount of humidity that concentrated in the room, it hasn't gone well for us in that aspect but in dry areas it's sure to be great.


He leido en algunas reseñas sobre las ruedas,si las apretais hacia dentro se fijan totalmente.En si el climatizador esta bastante bien.puedes añadir hielo ademas de los refrigeradores al agua para que salga mas fria.Pienso que cumple bien su funcion y el precio esta bien.

I have read in some reviews about the wheels, if you push them inwards they stay in place completely. The air conditioning itself is pretty good. You can add ice in addition to the coolers to the water to make it colder. I think it does its job well and the price is good.


Las instrucciones algo escasas.Hay que ponerle las ruedas,no vienen puestas.

The instructions are somewhat sparse. You have to put the wheels on, they don't come with them.





Fonctionne très bien Redescend la température de la pièce de 40 mètres carrés d environ. 4 à 5 degrés

Works very well Lowers the temperature of the room by approximately 40 square meters. 4 to 5 degrees


Valutazione positiva, eccellente per il supporto al benessere corporeo specie nelle nottate di luglio dove la temperatura dell'ambiente ai limiti della sopportazione. Criticai emissione di maleodore cagionato dal filtro, sufficiente asportarlo quando impianto spento per consentire asciugatura; oltretutto tale sensazione percepibile solo quando c'è mancanza di acqua nel serbatoio. Per finire: non è strumento per raffrescare la stanza ma perfetto per il proprio benessere!!! Nessun paragone con i normali ventilatori e, a mio modo di vedere, addirittura superiore al condizionamento (2000watt/ora) contro i 70 circa del medesimo. A dirlo una persona che patisce il caldo come pochi...

Positive evaluation, excellent for supporting physical well-being especially on July nights where the room temperature is at the limits of endurance. Critical emission of bad smell caused by the filter, just remove it when the system is off to allow drying; moreover this sensation is perceptible only when there is a lack of water in the tank. Finally: it is not a tool for cooling the room but perfect for your well-being!!! No comparison with normal fans and, in my opinion, even superior to air conditioning (2000 watts / hour) against the 70 approximately of the same. To say it as a person who suffers the heat like few others...


In uscita si riesce ad avere 2 gradi in meno alla temperatura base buono

On the way out you can have 2 degrees less than the base temperature, good


Refresca el ambiente.

Refreshes the environment.


Bon produit qui fait bien son travail après pour le bruit on ne peut pas appeler cela silencieux sinon très bien

Good product that does its job well after the noise we can't call it silent otherwise very good


Me gusta su diseño y lo practico que resulta, mucho mejor que un ventilador, no me ha gustado que las ruedas no se puedan poner fijas y he optado por no ponerlas , también hay que estar atento a los niveles de agua y los bloques enfriadores hay que ponerlos cada día en el congelador y volverlos a poner cuando se vaya a usar el aparato.

I like its design and how practical it is, much better than a fan. I didn't like that the wheels couldn't be fixed and I chose not to put them on. You also have to keep an eye on the water levels and the cooling blocks have to be put in the freezer every day and put back in when you are going to use the device.


El producto está bien. Es mejor que un ventilador pero no tira como un aire acondicionado. Al principio derramaba agua, era xq el filtro no estaba bien puesto, así que ojo ! Ah una cosa que no he logrado poner son las ruedas que trae, pero como el producto es chico y liviano… es fácil de transportar. Por lo demás estoy bastante satisfecha con la compra.

The product is fine. It is better than a fan but it does not blow like an air conditioner. At first it leaked water, it was because the filter was not properly installed, so be careful! Oh, one thing that I have not been able to install are the wheels that it has, but since the product is small and light… it is easy to transport. Otherwise I am quite satisfied with the purchase.


No es aire acondicionado, pero fresquea un poquito

It's not air conditioning, but it cools down a little bit.


Soucis au début il fuyait j avait demandé le retour mais après j ai regardé et c est le filtré de devant qui était deboite. Remis en place et fonctionne très bien. Rafraîchi bien

Problems at first it was leaking I had requested the return but then I looked and it was the front filter which was unboxed. Replaced and working great. Refreshed well


ottimo prodotto

great product


Excellent produit a recommander..top

Excellent product to recommend..top


La couleur est magnifique, pour la chambre je ne souhaitais pas y mettre un climatiseur, le rafraichisseur d'air est parfait pour s'endormir le soir quand il fait chaud..

The color is magnificent, for the bedroom I didn't want to put an air conditioner, the air cooler is perfect for falling asleep in the evening when it's hot..


Mando a distancia, purifica el aire, refrigera el ambiente

Remote control, purify the air, cool the environment





No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. No es un aire acondicionado. Es típico climatizador que funciona por evaporación de toda con un diseño bonito, compacto y movible. Si vives en un clima seco y caluroso como Córdoba te vendrá de maravilla para conciliar el sueño y para estar a gusto un día de verano que no supere los 37 o 38 grados. Obviamente no le puedes pedir la potencia refrigeradora de un A/C portátil pero refresca más que un ventilador con depósito de agua, tiene potencia para enfría una habitación de unos 18 metros cuadrados y solo consume 65W/. Tiene sus ruedas para poder desplazarlo cómodamente, su mando a distancia, sus dos botellas de enfriamiento e instrucciones en español. Una única pega le falta un poco altura pero al no pesar mucho lo puedes colocar en una silla. Si tenéis ocasión de poder adquirirlo por menos de 50 euros, os lo recomiendo .

The media could not be loaded. It is not an air conditioner. It is a typical evaporative air conditioner with a nice, compact and mobile design. If you live in a dry and hot climate like Córdoba, it will be great for you to fall asleep and to be comfortable on a summer day that does not exceed 37 or 38 degrees. Obviously you cannot ask for the cooling power of a portable A/C but it cools more than a fan with a water tank, it has the power to cool a room of about 18 square meters and only consumes 65W/. It has wheels to be able to move it comfortably, its remote control, its two cooling bottles and instructions in Spanish. The only drawback is that it lacks a bit of height but as it does not weigh much you can place it on a chair. If you have the chance to buy it for less than 50 euros, I recommend it.


Super clim au top marche super bien facile à utiliser l'une des meilleurs marque de clim je vous le conseille et pas cher en plus.

Super top air conditioning works super well easy to use one of the best brands of air conditioning I recommend it and not expensive too.


Muy bueno y fresco

Very good and fresh


Non immaginiamoci di avere comperato un condizionatore, si tratta di un raffrescatore che da un po' di sollievo soprattutto la notte e non produce rumore fastidioso.

Let's not imagine that we have bought an air conditioner, it is a cooler that gives a little relief especially at night and does not produce annoying noise.


Rafraîchit bien, niveau sonore assez élevé

Cools well, fairly high noise level


O modo sono fazer muito ruído, poderia ser mais silencioso!

Sleep mode makes a lot of noise, it could be quieter!


Funciona bien

It works well


Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé.

The media product could not be loaded.


Funziona bene, fa il suo dovere di rinfrescatore. Ma già come ventilatore è efficace. Con l'acqua migliora molto. Non è silenziosissimo, ce ne sono di meno rumorosi. È anche bello.

It works well, it does its job as a cooler. But as a fan it is already effective. With water it improves a lot. It is not very silent, there are less noisy ones. It is also beautiful.


El producto ha llegado en la fecha prevista por Amazon. Lo que me ha gustado es su reducido tamaño, aunque el ventilador parece potente. Las luces de los botones son algo molestas por la noche. El ruido del ventilador es normal comparado con otros modelos.

The product arrived on the date expected by Amazon. What I liked is its small size, although the fan seems powerful. The lights on the buttons are somewhat annoying at night. The noise of the fan is normal compared to other models.


Ist Okay, erfüllt seinen Zweck Macht das was es soll, einfach kühlen. Habe das Gerät vor 2 1/2 Jahren für mein Papillon Hündchen Wendy im Einzelhandel geholt, dort war es 20% teurer wie bei Amazon ( war Fehler ). Dann ist meine Wendy 2020 gestorben und das Teil stand sinnlos herum. Nun verwende ich es und ist eine klare Kaufempfehlung.

It's OK, serves its purpose. Does what it's supposed to, just cool. I bought the device 2 1/2 years ago for my Papillon dog Wendy in retail, where it was 20% more expensive than on Amazon (that was a mistake). Then my Wendy died in 2020 and the thing was just standing around pointlessly. Now I use it and I would definitely recommend buying it.


Macht das was es soll, einfach kühlen. Habe das Gerät vor 2 1/2 Jahren für mein Papillon Hündchen Wendy im Einzelhandel geholt, dort war es 20% teurer wie bei Amazon ( war Fehler ). Dann ist meine Wendy 2020 gestorben und das Teil stand sinnlos herum. Nun verwende ich es und ist eine klare Kaufempfehlung.

Does what it's supposed to, just cool. I bought the device 2 1/2 years ago for my Papillon dog Wendy in retail, where it was 20% more expensive than on Amazon (that was a mistake). Then my Wendy died in 2020 and the thing was just standing around pointlessly. Now I use it and I would definitely recommend buying it.


No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. Buen equipo algo ruidoso pero los he escuchado peores lo positivo que lo pude compaginar con mi controladores de la casa y ahora desde la tablet lo controlo me costo un rato pero lo pude hacer luchado

The multimedia content could not be loaded. Good equipment, a bit noisy but I have heard worse ones, the positive thing is that I was able to combine it with my home controllers and now I control it from the tablet. It took me a while but I was able to do it with some effort.


Pour voir si celui-ci fonctionné comme tout nouvel appareil nous avons été très satisfait de la fraîcheur, le niveau sonore et raisonnable. Très bon produit.

To see if this one worked like any new device we were very satisfied with the freshness, sound level and reasonable. Very good product.


In vista delle giornate più calde ho comprato questo rinfrescatore dal costo contenuto, per non affrontare la spesa molto più elevata di un condizionatore. Il design è molto carino e il materiale sembra molto compatto. Ci sono differenti funzioni (regolabili anche dal telecomando, che però è sprovvisto di pile nella confezione). Io lo utilizzo in ambienti anche leggermente grandi e devo dire che fa il suo dovere per adesso. Inoltre ho trovato davvero efficienti le pastiglie da congelare in freezer, che potenziano il fresco. Oltretutto non è particolarmente pesante, nè rumoroso. Lo consiglio!

In view of the hottest days I bought this cooler at a low cost, so as not to face the much higher cost of an air conditioner. The design is very nice and the material seems very compact. There are different functions (also adjustable from the remote control, which however does not have batteries in the package). I use it in slightly large environments and I must say that it does its job for now. I also found the tablets to be frozen in the freezer to be really efficient, which enhance the coolness. Furthermore, it is not particularly heavy, nor noisy. I recommend it!


Buena compra . Yo lo uso para enfriar una habitación de unos 15 m2. Muy practico ya que tiene ruedas y mando a distancia . Lo recomiendo si no dispones de aire condicionado

Good buy. I use it to cool a room of about 15 m2. Very practical as it has wheels and remote control. I recommend it if you do not have air conditioning.


Ich bin zufrieden mit dem Gerät. Für eine Abkühlung der Raumtemperatur ohne viel Staub aufzuwirbeln ist das eine Alternative.Das Gerät ist nicht lauter je höher man einstellt, aber das muss man ja nicht die ganze Zeit auf höchste Stufe laufen lassen. Für diesen Preis ist natürlich Wunder , mir reicht das vollkommen aus.

I am happy with the device. It is an alternative for cooling down the room temperature without stirring up a lot of dust. The device is not louder the higher you set it, but you don't have to run it on the highest setting all the time. For this price it is of course a miracle, it is completely sufficient for me.


Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Ich habe mich für das 3 in 1 Modell entschieden da mir zum einen wichtig war, dass nicht nur gelüftet und gekühlt sondern auch oszilliert wird, sondern auch nicht Tief in die Tasche greifen wollte. Der one Concept ist Hüfthoch, problemlos rollbar und durch seine Fernbedienung auch steuerbar ohne Fernbedienung. Der 6L Tank ist optimal damit nicht jede Stunde nachgefüllt werden muss und die Kühlakkus sind bereits dabei. Das Gerät ist sorgfältig verarbeitet und somit auch durch keine scharfen Kanten auch problemlos im Kinderzimmer stehbar.

The media could not be loaded. I chose the 3 in 1 model because it was important to me that it not only ventilated and cooled but also oscillated, but I also didn't want to spend a lot of money. The one Concept is waist-high, can be easily rolled and can be controlled without a remote control thanks to its remote control. The 6L tank is ideal so that it doesn't have to be refilled every hour and the cooling packs are already included. The device is carefully manufactured and can therefore easily be placed in a child's room as it has no sharp edges.


Le bruit et plus forte que un ventilateur simple. Le télécommande marche un fois sur deux. Par contre niveau de fraîcheur et humidificateur très bien.

The noise is louder than a simple fan. The remote control works every other time. On the other hand, level of freshness and humidifier very good.


Gute Alternative in einer kleinen Wohnung

Good alternative in a small apartment





Lautstärke OK, Macht was er machen soll. Habe schon einen zweiten bestellt.

Volume OK, does what it's supposed to do. I've already ordered a second one.


Gute Qualität und günstig im Warehouse Deal erstanden. Absolut neuwertig. Kühlt sehr gut und durch die Fernbedienung komfortabel bedienbar. Wer den Kick haben möchte, platziert die Kühlakkus im Wassertank. Daumen hoch!

Good quality and bought cheaply in a warehouse deal. Absolutely as good as new. Cools very well and is easy to operate with the remote control. If you want a kick, place the ice packs in the water tank. Thumbs up!


Also ich kann mich nicht über wasserverlust beschweren, es funktioniert einwandfrei nur ein bisschen laut ist er.

Well, I can't complain about water loss, it works perfectly, it's just a bit loud.


Acquisition faite pour installer dans un camping car ,hélas n'a pas convenu par manque de place. C'est un article très esthétique ,belle couleur immaculée ,de belles forme ,fait pour une pièce.

Acquisition made to install in a camper van, unfortunately not suitable due to lack of space. It is a very aesthetic item, beautiful immaculate color, beautiful shape, made for a room.


Correspond à ma demande, dommage que les roulettes ne soient pas assez fiables pour le déplacer.

Corresponds to my request, too bad the casters are not reliable enough to move it.


Rafraîchit bien une petite pièce. Bon ventilateur aussi. Seule bémol trop bruyant pour une chambre ! Service clients réceptif. Je recommande sauf dans une chambre

Cools down a small room well. Good fan too. The only downside is too noisy for a room! Responsive customer service. I recommend except in a room


El año pasado debido a la ola de calor probe varios de estos aparatos que no requieren instalación , devolvi todos y me quedo con este sin duda , gran caudal de aire con el minimo ruido. De hecho este es el segundo que compro para otra habitacion , espero que me salga tan bueno como el otro .

Last year, due to the heat wave, I tried several of these devices that do not require installation. I returned them all and this one is definitely the one that sticks with me. It has a great air flow with minimal noise. In fact, this is the second one I have bought for another room. I hope it turns out to be as good as the other one.


Lo mejor es que tu lo ves y no es como los enfriadores normales tiene un toque que queda en mi casa bastante chulo. Lo mejor de todo es que tiene hasta 2 depósitos para el agua fría, yo en este punto lo que suelo hacer además de poner los envases que te manda le pongo unos hielos para que se refresque antes. Los utilizo en el salón de mi casa que tiene 22 metros y pasados 30 minutos ya empieza a tener una temperatura fresca, y por la noche me lo llevo a la habitación (PUNTO A SU FAVOR TIENE RUEDAS) y con su temporizador de tiempo ya me duermo sin problema. He dejado atrás el famoso ventilador con rueda para el tiempo.

The best thing is that you see it and it is not like normal coolers, it has a touch that is quite cool in my house. The best thing of all is that it has up to 2 tanks for cold water, at this point what I usually do, in addition to putting the containers that you send me, is to put some ice in it so that it cools down sooner. I use them in the living room of my house that is 22 meters and after 30 minutes it already starts to have a cool temperature, and at night I take it to the bedroom (A POINT IN ITS FAVOR IS THAT IT HAS WHEELS) and with its time timer I can fall asleep without any problem. I have left behind the famous fan with a wheel for time.


Der Luftkühler kommt gut verpackt nach Hause, Wir haben schon ein ähnliches Gerät im gebrauch und wollten nun für den oberen Teil im Haus auch noch so einen Luftkühler haben. Wir nutzen das Gerät auch gerne im Winter um die trockene Heizungsluft ein wenig zu befeuchteten. Das ist schon ein Riesen unterschied finden wir. Die feuchte Luft ist viel angenehmer. Aber auch im Sommer oder in den Übergangs Monaten kann man das Gerät gut nutzen. Es kann überall einfach hin gerollt werden da die Rollen sich einfach drehen. Aber ganz wichtig ihr solltet hier kein Klimagerät erwarten, es ist ein Luftkühler und Befeuchter, kann aber auch als normaler Ventilator genutzt werden. Ein Klimagerät könnte man nie mit nur 65 Watt betreiben und das ist unser Hauptgrund, warum wir solche Geräte gerne nutzen. Der Verbrauch ist echt gering aber die Wirkung schon recht groß. Es ist ein Zwischending zw Klima und Ventilator. Nutzt man Ihn als Luftkühler bekommt man den Raum schon ein wenig kälter, lässt man sich aber davon direkt mit Luft beschießen merkt man natürlich durch die Feuchtigkeit mehr Kälte. Mit den Kühlakkus im Wasser bekommt das Wasser auch immer eine kalte Temperatur, ohne noch extra Energie für die Kühlung zu verbrauchen. Die Bedingung ist recht simpel, die Tasten sind alle beschriftet und auch die Anleitung ist leicht verständlich gestaltet, auch so die Fernbedienung. Man kann die Kühlung extra ein oder aus schalten den Modus, die Geschwindigkeit usw. Uns gefällt dieses rote Design auch gut und das passt super bei uns oben in den Flur der Kinder. Wir sind zufrieden und geben gerne 5 Sterne und wir hoffen wir konnten Ihnen ein wenig weiterhelfen.

The air cooler arrives well packaged. We already use a similar device and now we wanted to have an air cooler like this for the upper part of the house. We also like to use the device in winter to moisten the dry heating air a little. We think that's a huge difference. The moist air is much more pleasant. But the device can also be used well in summer or in the transition months. It can be easily rolled anywhere because the wheels simply rotate. But it's very important that you don't expect an air conditioning unit here. It's an air cooler and humidifier, but can also be used as a normal fan. You could never run an air conditioning unit with just 65 watts and that's our main reason why we like to use such devices. The consumption is really low but the effect is quite big. It's a cross between an air conditioner and a fan. If you use it as an air cooler, the room gets a little colder, but if you let it bombard you with air directly, you'll obviously notice more coldness due to the humidity. With the ice packs in the water, the water always stays cold without using any extra energy for cooling. The conditions are quite simple, the buttons are all labeled and the instructions are easy to understand, as is the remote control. You can switch the cooling on or off, change the mode, the speed, etc. We also like this red design and it fits perfectly in our children's hallway. We are satisfied and are happy to give 5 stars and we hope we were able to help you a little.


Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit der Klimaanlage. Es wird das geliefert, was versprochen ist. Die mitgelieferten Kühlakkus kühlen das Wasser im Wasserbecken und fördern so die Kühlung des Luftstroms. Die verschiedenen Ventilatorstärken sowie die unterschiedlichenModi (Normal, Schlaf Natural) machen das Gerät in jedem Raum einsetzbar, selbst im Schlafzimmer. Noch konnte ich die Performance nicht zu 100% testen, da die heißen Tage im Jahr noch anstehen, aber ich bin schon jetzt zuversichtlich, dass ich im Sommer deutlich weniger schlaflose Nächte haben werde. Die einzigen zwei Kleinigkeiten, die mir als Verbesserungspotential einfallen: Die Bedienungsanleitung scheint im Englischen deutlich detaillierter zu sein, als in der deutschen Sprache und es ist nicht das günstigste Gerät auf dem Markt, aber dennoch bin ich sehr zufrieden mit meinem Kauf.

I am very happy with the air conditioner. It delivers what it promises. The ice packs supplied cool the water in the basin and thus promote the cooling of the air flow. The different fan speeds and the different modes (Normal, Sleep Natural) mean that the device can be used in any room, even in the bedroom. I have not yet been able to test the performance 100% as the hot days of the year are still to come, but I am already confident that I will have significantly fewer sleepless nights in the summer. The only two small things that I can think of as potential for improvement: the operating instructions seem to be much more detailed in English than in German and it is not the cheapest device on the market, but I am still very happy with my purchase.


1A Preis- Leistungsverhältnis fur einen Luftkühler, haben es für den Kleidungstrocknungsraum, dafür gut geeignet :)

1A price-performance ratio for an air cooler, have it for the clothes drying room, well suited for that :)


conforme à ce qui est attendu, très efficace ! Et pour le bruit c'est largement correct Je recommande

as expected, very effective! And for the noise it is largely correct I recommend


Pas encore testé à long terme! mais parait conforme à la description.

Not yet tested in the long term! but appears consistent with the description.


Le produit est bon mais il y a un problème avec la roue qui ne peut pas être verrouillée sur la machine

The product is good but there is a problem with the wheel that cannot be locked onto the machine


Quest’affare è incredibile. Non è un ventilatore, non è un climatizzatore, non è un umidificatore, ma è tutto insieme, e costa molto meno di ogni cosa presa singolarmente. Funziona alla grande, riesce a raffreddare, anche in giornate molto calde in Sicilia dove abito, la mia cucina-soggiorno, della grandezza di 60mq più o meno. Grazie ai tre livelli di potenza e la grandiosa facilità con la quale puoi portartelo in giro, a differenza dei noiosi climatizzatori portatili tradizionali, puoi adattarlo alla stanza che vuoi raffreddare in base a grandezza e temperatura. Come il resto di questi apparecchi funziona con acqua e ghiaccio, ma a differenza degli altri ne consuma pochissimo. Così, quando sei sul divano e non hai voglia di alzarti, con l’aiuto del telecomando e il poco consumo del ghiaccio puoi goderti alla grande il tuo fresco pomeriggio di relax. Se dovessi anche godertela troppo rischiando di addormentarti, non ti preoccupare, c’è anche il timer. Io lo sto trovando veramente perfetto!

This thing is incredible. It is not a fan, it is not an air conditioner, it is not a humidifier, but it is all together, and it costs much less than each one taken individually. It works great, it can cool, even on very hot days in Sicily where I live, my kitchen-living room, which is about 60 square meters in size. Thanks to the three power levels and the great ease with which you can carry it around, unlike boring traditional portable air conditioners, you can adapt it to the room you want to cool based on size and temperature. Like the rest of these appliances, it works with water and ice, but unlike the others, it uses very little. So, when you are on the sofa and you don't feel like getting up, with the help of the remote control and the low consumption of ice you can enjoy your cool afternoon of relaxation to the fullest. If you should also enjoy it too much and risk falling asleep, don't worry, there is also a timer. I am finding it truly perfect!


Per chi cerca, per qualsiasi motivo, un'alternativa all'aria condizionata consiglio questo ottimo prodotto: di piccole dimensioni quindi ingombri ridotti, leggero e quindi maneggevole, semplice e facile da trasportare grazie alle comode 4 ruote girevoli. Il materiale plastico sembra di buona rigidità ed ha un bel design. La rumorosità è contenuta e comunque in linea con questa tipologia di articoli. Contenuti i consumi di elettricità, altro punto di forza di questi prodotti. Tre diverse modalità regolabili in 3 diverse velocità: ventilatore, umidificatore, raffreddatore aria. Si potrà quindi raffrescare l'aria grazie alla possibilità di mettere dei siberini di ghiaccio (tra l'altro 2 vengono forniti in dotazione) all'interno del contenitore dell'acqua o solamente deumidificare inserendo semplicemente dell'acqua normale. Incluso un telecomando per gestire il tutto senza necessariamente alzarsi ogni qual volta si desideri modificare un'impostazione. Istruzioni semplici e chiare anche in lingua italiana. Rimane solo da valutare come si comporterà quando il caldo sarà veramente opprimente ma le prime impressioni sono ottime.

For those looking for, for any reason, an alternative to air conditioning, I recommend this excellent product: small in size and therefore compact, light and therefore easy to handle, simple and easy to transport thanks to the convenient 4 swivel wheels. The plastic material seems to be of good rigidity and has a nice design. The noise is contained and in line with this type of item. Low electricity consumption, another strong point of these products. Three different modes adjustable in 3 different speeds: fan, humidifier, air cooler. You can therefore cool the air thanks to the possibility of placing ice packs (2 are also supplied) inside the water container or just dehumidify by simply inserting normal water. A remote control is included to manage everything without necessarily getting up every time you want to change a setting. Simple and clear instructions also in Italian. It only remains to evaluate how it will behave when the heat is truly oppressive but the first impressions are excellent.


Ho acquistato questo rinfrescatore multifunzione per rinfrescare una sala di circa 16 metri quadri, nella quale non ho la possibilità di montare un condizionatore split nè uno con unità esterna. Questo pratico condizionatore infatti non necessita di un’unità esterna in quanto l’aria fresca viene generata nel serbatoio precedentemente riempito d’acqua. Risulta quindi molto pratico e maneggevole anche da spostare da una stanza all’altra. L'articolo si presenta con una estetica elegante e di peso e dimensioni contenute. Possiede inoltre delle ruote, per rendere più agevoli gli spostamenti, ma lo si può sollevare tranquillamente con una mano. Lo si può usare in modalità ventilatore, umidificatore o per raffreddare l'aria grazie a dei ghiaccioli da riporre all'interno. Molto comoda e silenziosa la modalità notturna che consente di programmarne lo spegnimento a piacimento. Anche alla massima potenza non è molto rumoso. Sono complessivemnte soddisfatto.

I purchased this multifunctional air cooler to cool a room of about 16 square meters, in which I do not have the possibility of installing a split air conditioner or one with an external unit. This practical air conditioner does not require an external unit as the fresh air is generated in the tank previously filled with water. It is therefore very practical and easy to handle even when moved from one room to another. The article has an elegant aesthetic and is of compact weight and size. It also has wheels, to make it easier to move, but you can easily lift it with one hand. You can use it in fan mode, humidifier mode or to cool the air thanks to ice cubes to be stored inside. The night mode is very convenient and silent and allows you to program its shutdown at will. Even at maximum power it is not very noisy. I am overall satisfied.


Es macht wirklich einen guten Job, den Raum zu kühlen, und es geht auch ziemlich schnell! Es ist sehr intuitiv zu bedienen. Das Design ist in Ordnung, alles sieht praktisch aus und ist mit einem Staubsauger mit einer Bürste leicht zu reinigen. Es verfügt über eine Fernbedienung, die die Steuerung an faulen Tagen auf der Couch noch einfacher macht.

It really does a good job of cooling the room and it's pretty fast too! It's very intuitive to use. The design is fine, everything looks practical and it's easy to clean with a vacuum cleaner with a brush. It has a remote control which makes it even easier to control on lazy days on the couch.


Gute Wahl Das Produkt kam pünktlich. Alles ist sehr logisch und einfach zu bedienen. Die Fernbedienung ist ein großes Plus. Die Maschine ist ziemlich leise. Der Wassertank hält ziemlich lange. Alle Funktionen sind großartig. Es funktioniert wirklich gut für mein Büro mit sehr niedriger Luftfeuchtigkeit. Es ist leicht nachzufüllen. Der Filter scheint leicht zu reinigen zu sein ebenso wie der Wasserbehälter. Timer funktioniert richtig und die Geschwindigkeit fühlt sich gut an. Die Kunststoffqualität und das Gehäuse sind hart und solide. Ich denke, der Preis ist fair für das Produkt. Es war eine gute Wahl.

Good choice The product arrived on time. Everything is very logical and easy to use. The remote control is a big plus. The machine is pretty quiet. The water tank lasts quite a long time. All the features are great. It works really well for my office with very low humidity. It is easy to refill. The filter seems easy to clean as well as the water reservoir. Timer works properly and the speed feels good. The plastic quality and the casing are hard and solid. I think the price is fair for the product. It was a good choice.


Das Produkt kam pünktlich. Alles ist sehr logisch und einfach zu bedienen. Die Fernbedienung ist ein großes Plus. Die Maschine ist ziemlich leise. Der Wassertank hält ziemlich lange. Alle Funktionen sind großartig. Es funktioniert wirklich gut für mein Büro mit sehr niedriger Luftfeuchtigkeit. Es ist leicht nachzufüllen. Der Filter scheint leicht zu reinigen zu sein ebenso wie der Wasserbehälter. Timer funktioniert richtig und die Geschwindigkeit fühlt sich gut an. Die Kunststoffqualität und das Gehäuse sind hart und solide. Ich denke, der Preis ist fair für das Produkt. Es war eine gute Wahl.

The product arrived on time. Everything is very logical and easy to use. The remote control is a big plus. The machine is pretty quiet. The water tank lasts quite a long time. All the features are great. It works really well for my office with very low humidity. It is easy to refill. The filter seems easy to clean as well as the water reservoir. Timer works properly and the speed feels good. The plastic quality and the casing are hard and solid. I think the price is fair for the product. It was a good choice.


Das Klimagerät habe ich in meiner Wohnung stehen und ich muss sagen, es funktioniert gut und ist so einfach zu bedienen. In meiner kleinen 2 Raum Wohnung unterm Dach, wäre es sonst nicht auszuhalten. Ich habe 2 gekauft und Eines meiner Schwägerin geschänkt. Auch sie ist sehr glücklich und zufrieden, das sie dieses Klimagerät nun auch in ihrer Wohnung stehen hat. Dank, auch an den Herstellern.

I have the air conditioner in my apartment and I have to say, it works well and is so easy to use. Otherwise, it would be unbearable in my small 2-room apartment in the attic. I bought 2 and gave one to my sister-in-law. She is also very happy and satisfied that she now has this air conditioner in her apartment. Thanks also to the manufacturers.


Ich habe mir diesen Luftkühler für einen sehr stickigen und warmen Raum zugelegt. Das Klima dort ist so miserabel, weil dort viele "Kühlgeräte" in Betrieb und Fenster hier Magelware sind. Der Ventilator wird mit zwei Kühlakkus geliefert, welche man zusätzlich in den 6 Liter Wassertank geben kann, damit angenehme kühle Luft erzeugt wird. Der Ventilator erfüllt somit absolut seinen Zweck.

I bought this air cooler for a very stuffy and warm room. The climate there is so miserable because there are a lot of "cooling devices" in use and windows are a scarce commodity. The fan comes with two ice packs, which you can also put in the 6 liter water tank to create pleasantly cool air. The fan therefore absolutely serves its purpose.


Bis jetzt sind wir ganz zufrieden mit dem OneConcept Gerät. Die letzten Tage konnten wir uns von der guten Leistung überzeugen. Die Luftreinigung funktioniert auch ganz wunderbar. Den Luftbefeuchter haben wir noch nicht ausprobiert, aber der ist wohl eher für den Winter bei der trockenen Heizungsluft geeignet. Hauptnutzen ist für uns derzeit die Kühlfunktion. Man merkt das bereits nach kurzer Zeit, sobald man das Gerät eingeschaltet hat. Ein Mehrwert gegenüber normalen Ventilatoren ist auf jeden Fall da, so dass sich der Kauf für uns sehr gelohnt hat.

So far we are very happy with the OneConcept device. Over the last few days we have been able to convince ourselves of its good performance. The air purification also works wonderfully. We have not tried the humidifier yet, but it is probably more suitable for the winter with the dry heating air. The main benefit for us at the moment is the cooling function. You notice this after a short time as soon as you switch the device on. There is definitely added value compared to normal fans, so the purchase was well worth it for us.


Zufrieden Bis jetzt sind wir ganz zufrieden mit dem OneConcept Gerät. Die letzten Tage konnten wir uns von der guten Leistung überzeugen. Die Luftreinigung funktioniert auch ganz wunderbar. Den Luftbefeuchter haben wir noch nicht ausprobiert, aber der ist wohl eher für den Winter bei der trockenen Heizungsluft geeignet. Hauptnutzen ist für uns derzeit die Kühlfunktion. Man merkt das bereits nach kurzer Zeit, sobald man das Gerät eingeschaltet hat. Ein Mehrwert gegenüber normalen Ventilatoren ist auf jeden Fall da, so dass sich der Kauf für uns sehr gelohnt hat.

Satisfied So far we are very satisfied with the OneConcept device. Over the last few days we have been able to convince ourselves of its good performance. The air purification also works wonderfully. We have not tried the humidifier yet, but it is probably more suitable for the winter with the dry heating air. The main benefit for us at the moment is the cooling function. You notice this after a short time as soon as you switch the device on. There is definitely added value compared to normal fans, so the purchase was well worth it for us.


Da es in sommer in unseerer wohnung unerträglich ist haben wir uns den Luftkühler geholt. Ich finde Er ist sehr schnell betriebsbereit und die Anleitung ist sehr einfach erklärt durch seine verschiedenen Funktionen und stärken ist für jeden das richtige dabei. Das Highlight ist das man den Wassertank anstatt mit Wasser auch mit gefrorenen kühlpacks nutzen kann das verbessert den Effekt und ich finde es verbessert die Luft. Wir sind sehr zufrieden

Since it is unbearable in our apartment in summer, we got the air cooler. I think it is very quick to set up and the instructions are very easy to explain. With its various functions and strengths, there is something for everyone. The highlight is that you can use the water tank with frozen ice packs instead of water, which improves the effect and I think it improves the air. We are very satisfied.


Leider haben wir in der Sommerhitze letztes Jahr keinen vernünftigen Luftkühler mehr bekommen, bei dem auch das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis angemessen war. Daher habe ich mich dazu entschlossen, dieses Jahr rechtzeitig zu handeln. Meine Enkelin hat eine Weile recherchiert und ist dabei über dieses Modell gestolpert. Der Luftkühler kam schnell und sicher verpackt bei uns an. Außerdem ist er optisch wirklich schön und erbringt im Vergleich zu einem herkömmlichen Ventilator, um einiges mehr Leistung. Angenehm ist auch, dass das Gerät leise ist und auch für einen alten Menschen wie mich, gut zu bedienen ist. Auch die Bedienungsanleitung ist gut und verständlich geschrieben. Angenehm ist auch, dass der Kühler auf Rollen steht, so muss man ihn nicht durch die Gegend tragen. Die Rollen laufen auch auf Teppich erstaunlich gut. Nun sind wir gewappnet für den Sommer und freuen uns schon, ihn einsetzen zu können. Ich habe den Kühler bereits Freunden weiterempfohlen, welche auch sehr zufrieden mit ihm sind.

Unfortunately, in the summer heat last year, we were unable to get a decent air cooler that was also good value for money. So I decided to act in good time this year. My granddaughter did some research and came across this model. The air cooler arrived quickly and safely packaged. It also looks really nice and is much more powerful than a conventional fan. It is also nice that the device is quiet and easy to use, even for an elderly person like me. The operating instructions are also well written and easy to understand. It is also nice that the cooler is on wheels, so you don't have to carry it around. The wheels also run surprisingly well on carpet. Now we are ready for the summer and are looking forward to using it. I have already recommended the cooler to friends, who are also very happy with it.


Sehr kompakt und leicht, obwohl sehr kraftvoll und leise, mit vielen Optionen und Funktionen. Der Wasserspeicher hat eine wirklich gute Größe und wird mit 2 Eispackungen geliefert, die viel zur Kühlung der Luft beitragen. Die Räder sind perfekt, um das Stück mitzunehmen und das Design super sauber. Auch die Ionisatorfunktion ist sehr gut und trägt zur Verbesserung der Luftqualität bei.

Very compact and lightweight, although very powerful and quiet, with lots of options and features. The water reservoir is a really good size and comes with 2 ice packs which help a lot to cool the air. The wheels are perfect for taking the piece with you and the design super neat. Also the ionizer function is very good and helps improve the air quality.


Ich habe mir diese Klimaanlage bestellt, um mich diesen Sommer nicht wieder tot zu schwitzen in meiner Dachgeschosswohnung und muss sagen, dass ich super zufrieden mit diesem Produkt bin. Es lässt sich kinderleicht aufbauen und ist im Hand um drehen in den Betrieb genommen, die Anleitung ist sehr verständlich und alles ist leicht zu bedienen. Sie ist relativ klein und lässt sich durch ihre verbauten Rollen sehr gut verschieben, beziehungsweise aufstellen. Ich bin total begeistert von dieser Anlage und bin der Meinung, dass sie jeden Cent wert ist, da sie einen Raum sehr schnell auf die gewünschte Temperatur bringt.

I ordered this air conditioning unit so that I wouldn't sweat myself to death in my attic apartment again this summer and I have to say that I'm extremely happy with this product. It's very easy to set up and can be put into operation in no time at all. The instructions are very clear and everything is easy to use. It's relatively small and can be moved or set up very easily thanks to its built-in wheels. I'm totally thrilled with this system and think that it's worth every cent because it gets a room to the desired temperature very quickly.


Ich war hin- und hergerissen, ob ich dieses Gerät bestellen soll. Die Rezensionen sind ja durchaus zwiespältig. Aber nachdem in unserem Wohnzimmer wieder gefühlte 30°C herrschten und ich keine Klimaanlage mit Abluftschlauch möchte, habe ich mich doch für den Kauf entschieden. Ich bereue es nicht. Er kühlt den Raum wirklich merklich runter. Einen Stern abzug gibt es, weil ein Gitter verrutscht war und das Wasser ausgelaufen ist. Aber ansonsten: eine klare Kaufempfehlung!

I was torn about whether I should order this device. The reviews are quite mixed. But after it felt like 30°C in our living room again and I didn't want an air conditioner with an exhaust hose, I decided to buy it. I don't regret it. It really cools the room down noticeably. I'm deducting one star because a grate had slipped and the water was leaking out. But other than that: a clear recommendation to buy!


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. L'estate si avvicina, le prime belle giornate di sole sono già arrivate ed il caldo comincerà ben presto a farsi sentire, soprattutto per chi come me abita in città. I rimedi sono sempre gli stessi, ventilatori di tutte le dimensioni, climatizzatori e condizionatori; refrigerio sicuro ma anche bolletta elettrica ben più salata del normale. Bisogna trovare una soluzione che faccia star bene e che non alleggerisca troppo il portafoglio; una potrebbe essere utilizzare il ventilatore oneConcept Baltic Blue che ha solo 65 W di potenza e che ha una bella portata d'aria ideale per ambienti chiusi di media grandezza. Il ventilatore Blue Baltic è innanzitutto di dimensioni abbastanza contenute ed è facilmente trasportabile da una stanza all'altra grazie alle 4 ruote manovrabili. Il ventilatore ha 3 velocità (basso, medio, alto) e ha un sistema di umidificazione e purificazione dell'aria. Il getto di aria fresca è generato dall'evaporazione dell'acqua e del ghiaccio contenuti nel serbatoio situato posteriormente; il serbatoio ha una capacità di 6 litri ed ha un indicatore per verificare il livello dell'acqua. Oltre a raffreddare l'aria questo modello oneConcept Baltic Blue si contraddistingue dai ventilatori tradizionali per la capacità di umidificare e pulire l'aria per migliorare la qualità dell'aria, importante per il benessere della persona. Come già accennato, un grande vantaggio nell'utilizzo del Baltic Blue è il risparmio energetico rispetto ai condizionatori tradizionali; con un consumo elettrico di soli 65W questo dispositivo rinfresca in modo continuo e deciso ambienti di piccole e medie dimensioni fino ad una superficie di 50 m². E' dotato di un filtro antipolvere posteriore integrato. La direzione del getto d'aria può essere stabile oppure si può attivare la modalità di movimento oscillatorio delle lamelle per raggiungere ogni angolo(tasto vane) Altra funzione da rilevare è la presenza di un timer che può essere regolato da mezz'ora fino a sette ore e mezza(tasto timer). Con il tasto Mode si può impostare la funzionalità normale, notturna o naturale. Con il tasto Cool si ottiene un getto d'aria più freddo; l'aria viene espulsa con una velocità di 8 metri al secondo per un volume totale di 360 metri cubi all'ora. Con il tasto Anion si attiva la funzione di ionizzazione dell'aria, molto utile per generare cariche elettriche negative che fanno depositare la polvere anzichè farla rimanere nell'aria. Molto pratico è l'avvolgicavo che permette di non avere il filo in mezzo ai piedi quando si sposta o si mette via per l'inverno il ventilatore. Vengono forniti due siberini che messi in freezer qualche ora e successivamente nel serbatoio dell'acqua, contribuiscono a rendere l'aria più fresca. Viene fornito anche un pratico telecomando per poter azionare seduti comodamente tutte le funzioni del ventilatore. Questa estate con il Baltic Blue One Concept patirò di meno il caldo che in città sa essere davvero impietoso. Per le qualità del prodotto e per la sua efficienza energetica direi che è un prodotto che merita di essere acquistato. Il prodotto è distribuito da Electronic Star, marchio che ancora una volta si è rivelato all'altezza della situazione.

Unable to load media. Summer is approaching, the first beautiful sunny days have already arrived and the heat will soon begin to be felt, especially for those like me who live in the city. The remedies are always the same, fans of all sizes, air conditioners and conditioners; sure refreshment but also a much higher electricity bill than normal. You need to find a solution that makes you feel good and that doesn't lighten your wallet too much; one could be to use the oneConcept Baltic Blue fan which has only 65 W of power and which has a good air flow ideal for medium-sized closed environments. The Blue Baltic fan is first of all quite small in size and is easily transportable from one room to another thanks to the 4 maneuverable wheels. The fan has 3 speeds (low, medium, high) and has an air humidification and purification system. The jet of fresh air is generated by the evaporation of water and ice contained in the tank located at the rear; the tank has a capacity of 6 liters and has an indicator to check the water level. In addition to cooling the air, this oneConcept Baltic Blue model stands out from traditional fans for its ability to humidify and clean the air to improve air quality, which is important for personal well-being. As already mentioned, a great advantage in using the Baltic Blue is energy savings compared to traditional air conditioners; with an electrical consumption of only 65W, this device continuously and decisively cools small and medium-sized rooms up to a surface area of 50 m². It is equipped with an integrated rear dust filter. The direction of the air flow can be stable or you can activate the oscillating movement mode of the slats to reach every corner (vane button). Another function to note is the presence of a timer that can be adjusted from half an hour to seven and a half hours (timer button). With the Mode button you can set the normal, night or natural function. With the Cool button you get a colder air flow; English: the air is expelled at a speed of 8 meters per second for a total volume of 360 cubic meters per hour. The Anion button activates the air ionization function, very useful for generating negative electrical charges that cause dust to settle instead of remaining in the air. The cord reel is very practical, allowing you to not have the cord in the way when you move or put the fan away for the winter. Two ice packs are supplied, which, when placed in the freezer for a few hours and then in the water tank, help to make the air cooler. A practical remote control is also supplied so you can operate all the fan functions while sitting comfortably. This summer with the Baltic Blue One Concept I will suffer less from the heat that in the city can be truly merciless. For the quality of the product and its energy efficiency I would say that it is a product that deserves to be purchased. The product is distributed by Electronic Star, a brand that has once again proven to be up to the task.