Highrise 3-in-1 Air Cooler

£ 129.99 (incl. VAT)
  • White
  • Air cooler
  • 35 watt
  • 530 m³/h
Product number: 10029404
Highrise 3-in-1 Air Cooler
£ 129.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 83.99
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 109.99
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • 3-in-1 power: air cooler, fan & humidifier

  • Varied: 3 power levels and 3 ventilation modes

  • Breathe easy: switchable humidification and cleaning function

Product description

Pure refreshment: The Klarstein Highrise 3-in-1 air conditioner with space-saving tower design provides a cool dream climate on hot summer days. The air cooler has 3 power levels, 3 different modes and an integrated fan - thanks to the switchable oscillation function, you can adjust the air flow perfectly. In addition, the refreshing effect is wonderfully enhanced by the air humidification function. Fresh air to breathe on hot days: The air cooler Highrise cools and purifies the room air. You can conveniently programme it with a timer or control it from the couch via remote control.

Fresh air in every room: The mobile air cooler Highrise 3-in-1 from Klarstein gives you a relaxing climate on hot days with many clever functions!

Please note that the unit is not an air conditioner in the conventional sense, but an air cooler. Cooling of the fan air is achieved by evaporation of water from the unit's 2.5 litre water tank.


  • Power levels: low, medium, high
  • maximum air circulation: 530 m³/h
  • Operating modes: Normal, night mode, nature mode
  • Night mode: reduction of the speed until shut-off
  • Nature mode: increasing and decreasing ventilation speed
  • Timer: adjustable between 1 and 7 hours
  • touch-sensitive touch control section
  • Air flow adjustable by aligning the louvres
  • Operating noise max.: 53 dB
  • Status LEDs
  • Water level indicator
  • Draining the Water
  • removable air filter
  • Carrying trough
  • Remote control depot
  • Anti-slip rubber pads
  • Power consumption: 35 W
  • Remote control power supply: 1 x CR 2025 battery (included with delivery)
  • Power supply: 220-240 V~ | 50/60 Hz
Product number: 10029404

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Height: 90 cm
  • Stand diameter: 24 cm (Ø)
  • Cable length: 1.6 cm
  • Weight: approx. 4.3 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • 1 x ice pack
  • 1 x remote control
  • German operating instructions (other languages: English)

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
58 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Un excellent ventilateur rafraîchisseur d'air. Bien pensé et robuste (attention, ce n'est pas une climatisation). Bon rapport qualité prix.

An excellent air cooler fan. Well thought out and robust (be careful, this is not air conditioning). Good value for money.


Ottimo come ventilatore nella camera della bambina. Camera sprovvista di aria condizionata e utilizzando l'oggetto con acqua ghiacciata si sente un po più di refrigerio anche se per poco tempo... non equiparabile ovviamente all'aria condizionata ma solo poco più del ventilatore

Excellent as a fan in the child's room. Room without air conditioning and using the object with ice water you feel a little more refreshment even if for a short time... obviously not comparable to air conditioning but only a little more than a fan


J' ai profité de cette période ( début septembre 2023 ) pour ressortir ce climatiseur . Certes il faut l'employer en local, jusqu'a 5 m , pour profiter de ses bien faits mais cela est suffisant pour un appareil de cette taille que j'ai emmené chez mes hôtes .

I took advantage of this period (early September 2023) to bring out this air conditioner. Of course, you have to use it locally, up to 5 m, to benefit from its benefits, but this is sufficient for a device of this size that I took to my hosts.


J'ai acheté ce produit pour faire face à la canicule.
Hélas vraiment peu efficace par très fortes chaleurs même dans une petite chambre 12m2.
Par contre il est élégant et qualitatif et peu bruyant, il se montre plus efficace sur des températures modérées.

I bought this product to cope with the heat wave. Alas really inefficient in very hot weather even in a small 12m2 room. On the other hand, it is elegant and qualitative and not very noisy, it is more effective at moderate temperatures.


Pas très puissant en ventilateur mais excellent en rafraichisseur d'air

Not very powerful as a fan but excellent as an air cooler


È ok

It's ok


Rinfresca senza rendere l'aria di casa troppo fredda...

Cools without making the air in your home too cold...


Secondo me va molto bene per locali fino a 130 m3, oltre l'efficacia cala se non si mantiene sempre l'acqua fredda

In my opinion it is very good for rooms up to 130 m3, beyond that the effectiveness decreases if the water is not always kept cold


Pour rafraîchir mon séjour et ma chambre , super produit facile à utiliser

To refresh my living room and my bedroom, great product easy to use


Buon prodotto, ma è come un ventilatore, non riesce a tener fredda una stanza

Good product, but it's like a fan, it can't keep a room cold


pas encore trop sollicité car chez moi pas de canicule ... ( côté ouest...) mais testé pour voir et fair de l air . Semble solide ( a voir a l usage ) . Fonction brumisateur pas zncore teste mais pas de raison que ca ne fonctionne pas ! Emballage soigné arrive avant la date indiqué !

not yet overly used because there is no heatwave at home... (west side...) but tested to see and get some air. Seems solid (see usage). Mist function not yet tested but no reason why it shouldn't work! Careful packaging arrives before the indicated date!


Sehr leise und effektiv zusätzliche Kühlfunktion noch nicht getestet aufgrund Wetter‍️

Very quiet and effective additional cooling function not yet tested due to weather‍️


Venditore gentile e didponibile

Kind and helpful seller


Wir haben mit Eiswürfel im Wasser getestet, ich kann nur sagen, einfach Toll.

We tested it with ice cubes in the water and all I can say is, it's simply great.


plus silencieux et un 'air frais et agréable

quieter and fresh, pleasant air





L'ho appena acquistato e provato, raffresca molto bene. Manovrabilità e vomodo nell'usare.

I just bought it and tried it, it cools very well. Maneuverability and ease of use.


Dieser Turmventilator kühlt mit Wasser gut bis ca 25qm Raumgröße. Der Ventilator kann nicht mit einer Klimaanlage verglichen werden. Aber um einen 28Grad warmen Raum auf ca. 22 Grad herunter zu kühlen ist er hervorragend geeignet. Der beiliegende Kühlakku hilft. Der Geräuschpegel ist nicht zu hoch, und die Luft wird oszillierend verteilt.

This tower fan uses water to cool rooms up to 25 square meters. The fan cannot be compared to an air conditioner. But it is excellent for cooling a room that is 28 degrees down to around 22 degrees. The included cooling pack helps. The noise level is not too high and the air is distributed in an oscillating manner.


il me permet de dormir tout en fonctionnant . très silencieux. quand il fait vraiment chaud la clim est nécessaire mais permet de travailler lorsque la température extérieur est à 30°.(il permet d’avoir la baie vitrée ouverte

it allows me to sleep while functioning. very quiet. when it's really hot the air conditioning is necessary but allows you to work when the outside temperature is 30°. (it allows you to have the bay window open


Appareil idéal pour rafraîchir une pièce. Mieux qu'une climatisation mobile ou le tuyau est encombrant et obligation d'ouvrir une fenêtre. L'appareil est peu bruyant. Par contre il n'est fourni qu'avec un seul pain de glace

Ideal device for cooling a room. Better than a mobile air conditioning where the pipe is bulky and requires opening a window. The device is not very noisy. However, it only comes with one ice pack.


Enfin nous respirons normalement ! Je me demande pourquoi j'ai autant attendu pour acheter cet équipement vu la canicule que nous avons eu à Toulouse. Nous sommes très satisfaits et en profitons au maximum, maintenant il peut faire chaud la fraîcheur règne dans notre appartement !

Finally we are breathing normally! I wonder why I waited so long to buy this equipment given the heatwave we had in Toulouse. We are very satisfied and are making the most of it, now it can be hot and cool in our apartment!


bon produit dans l'ensemble. Ne fait pas de bruit, seulement le niveau de ventilation reste faible meme au maximum

good product overall. Does not make any noise, only the ventilation level remains low even at maximum


Je commence par les points négatifs du produit : - comme il a déjà été dis par tout le monde un seul pain de glace est livré avec l'appareil, donc publicité erronée - pas de roulettes sur ce modèle bien que mentionné dans la publicité.. - au niveau du réserver il est difficile de juger si on l'a rempli suffisamment ou pas mais je pense que peut être c'est une question d'habitude. pour le problème des roulettes comme je compte bien déplacer mon précieux appareil j'ai acheté un socle à roulettes spécial plantes pour résoudre le problème. enfin le vrai positif OUI cet appareil raffraichit vraiment (eau froide + glaçons) et il est hyper silencieux c'est un vrai bonheur. Je suis très contente de mon achat je suis juste vraiment déçue qu'il n'ait pas de roulettes

I'll start with the negative points of the product: - as everyone has already said, only one ice pack is delivered with the device, therefore incorrect advertising - no wheels on this model although mentioned in the advertising.. - at the reservation level it is difficult to judge whether we have filled it sufficiently or not but I think that perhaps it is a question of habit. for the problem of the casters as I intend to move my precious device I bought a special plant caster base to solve the problem. finally the real positive YES this device really cools (cold water + ice cubes) and it is super quiet, it's a real pleasure. I'm very happy with my purchase, I'm just really disappointed that it doesn't have wheels.


Ottimo se lo consideriamo come un ventilatore. Con i siberini fa un po' più di fresco ma non cambia certamente la temperatura di una stanza. Un ventilatore più che un raffrescatore, non certo un condizionatore; poi dipende da cosa ci si aspetta.

Excellent if we consider it as a fan. With the ice packs it is a little cooler but it certainly does not change the temperature of a room. A fan more than a cooler, certainly not an air conditioner; then it depends on what you expect.


Buona la funzione in raffrescamento, anche il rumore di fondo è buono, nella funzione solo ventilatore con la pompa accesa risulta appena fastidioso.

The cooling function is good, the background noise is also good, in the fan only function with the pump on it is just annoying.





Die kleine Klimaanlage besticht durch das schlanke Design, sowie auch durch die relative arme Geräusch Kulisse. Man kann aber nicht erwarten das die kleine Klimaanlage Wunder bewirkt. Bringt aber doch eine gute Kühlung in kleineren Räumen hin, durch die Zugabe des Coldpacks das vorher 24h im Tiefkühler gelegt werden muss ist eine Runterkühlung der entsprechenden Raumgrösse möglich. An ganz heissen Tagen kann man noch zusätzlich einen Teil des Wassers durch Eiswürfel ersetzen was den kühl Effekt nochmals deutlich verstärkt. Finde Preis-leistungsverhältnis fair, tolles modernes Design, super einfache Installation und Bedienung.

The small air conditioning unit impresses with its slim design and its relatively quiet background noise. However, you can't expect the small air conditioning unit to work miracles. But it does provide good cooling in smaller rooms. By adding the cold pack, which has to be placed in the freezer for 24 hours beforehand, it is possible to cool down the corresponding room size. On very hot days, you can also replace some of the water with ice cubes, which significantly increases the cooling effect. I think the price-performance ratio is fair, great modern design, super easy to install and use.


Descrivendo il prodotto si può dire che essendo a colonna e abbastanza alto è comodo perché lo posizioni a terra e nei punti che si desidera, ha il telecomando, tre velocità di ventilazione, un tasto "MODE" ne riduce la rumorosità, molto comodo il tasto TIMER che imposta l'utilizzo a scalare di un'ora, il problema nasce quando si accende l'opzione per rinfrescare, bisogna mettere nell'apposito serbatoio acqua e una tavoletta da frizer (in dotazione), azionandolo purtroppo escono tante goccioline dalla ventilazione e nell'immediate vicinanze si crea del bagnato a terra che direi pericoloso, comunque rinfresca discretamente la stanza. L'imballo è ben fatto e protegge il prodotto durante la spedizione

Describing the product, we can say that being a column and quite tall, it is convenient because you can place it on the floor and in the places you want, it has a remote control, three ventilation speeds, a "MODE" button reduces the noise, the TIMER button is very convenient, which sets the use to scale by one hour, the problem arises when you turn on the option to cool, you have to put water and a freezer tablet (supplied) in the appropriate tank, when you turn it on, unfortunately, many droplets come out from the ventilation and in the immediate vicinity, wetness is created on the floor which I would say is dangerous, however it cools the room discreetly. The packaging is well made and protects the product during shipping


Bin soweit zufrieden. „Klima“ (Air Cooler) habe ich noch nicht getestet, weil das Gerät in der Nähe andere elektronischer Geräte steht und die Funktion „Air Cooler“ Wasser benötigt. Bei meinem Talent, habe ich die Befürchtung, dass ich beim Befüllen versehentlich etwas Wasser daneben gieße ^^ Eine Kleinigkeit hat dann doch einen Punktabzug bewirkt: bei den Bildern steht „INKLUSIVE 2 Kühlakkus“, es war aber nur ein Kühlakku im Lieferumfang.

I'm happy so far. I haven't tested the "air cooler" yet because the device is near other electronic devices and the "air cooler" function requires water. Given my talent, I'm worried that I might accidentally spill some water when filling it ^^ One small thing did result in a point deduction: the pictures say "INCLUDES 2 ice packs", but only one ice pack was included.


Excellent appareil qui fait dans un silence remarquable son juste travail. Ce n'est certes pas un climatiseur mais un très bon rafraichisseur d'un prix correct. Je le recommande

Excellent device which does its job in remarkable silence. It is certainly not an air conditioner but a very good cooler at a fair price. I recommand it


L'apparecchio è piacevole e utile, bisogna accontentarsi delle sue prestazioni. Riempire la vasca con acqua fresca e ghiaccio, e si può rinfrescare pochino una stanza. Ottimi anche il timer e l'oscillazione. Gran bella cosa pure che la pompa dell'acqua si spegne da sola quando questa rimane in secca, questo è segno di un ottimo prodotto. Se poi parliamo che consuma solo 40 watt! è fantastico

The device is nice and useful, you have to be satisfied with its performance. Fill the tub with fresh water and ice, and you can cool a room a little. The timer and oscillation are also excellent. A great thing is that the water pump turns off by itself when the water runs dry, this is a sign of an excellent product. If we then talk about the fact that it only consumes 40 watts! it's fantastic


Salle de séjour. Bonne apparence et bonne efficacite.

Living room. Good appearance and good efficiency.


Prodotto arrivato nei tempi stabiliti, ottimo prodotto comodo ed efficiente siamo molto soddisfatti

Product arrived on time, excellent product, comfortable and efficient, we are very satisfied


Ventilateur pris pour la chambre car moins encombrant, télécommande depuis le lit c'est utile :) le bruit est très correct la puissance n'est pas excellente mais correct pour une chambre il se place très bien ds le coin de la pièce tactile sur le dessus système avec réservoir visible ce qui permet de vérifier, poignée arrière qui permet de le déplacer et il n'est pas lourd même plutôt léger À voir dans le temps, je ferai un retour après une utilisation plus longue

Fan taken for the bedroom because it is less bulky, remote control from the bed is useful :) the noise is very correct the power is not excellent but correct for a bedroom it is placed very well in the corner of the room touch on the system top with visible tank which allows you to check, rear handle which allows you to move it and it is not heavy even rather light To see in time, I will make a return after longer use


Envoi très rapide du rafraîchisseur d’air. Très bien emballé dans deux cartons. La prise en main est facile. La notice est en français. Le rafraîchisseur est muni d’une télécommande (dont les piles sont fournies) qui reprend les mêmes fonctions que les commandes sur l’appareil. D’ailleurs un rangement pour la télécommande est prévu à l’arrière de l’appareil. Un pack réfrigérant est fourni et celui-ci permet d’être introduit dans le réservoir d’eau afin de rafraichir davantage. Le bac est facile d’accès et se rempli facilement. Il existe plusieurs fonctions, on peut choisir la vitesse, oscillant, mode naturel, nuit et surtout un timer allant jusqu’à 7h. Ce rafraîchisseur d’air n’a pas de roulette mais il est très léger et surtout agréablement silencieux. Grâce à sa forme il prend peu de place. Sa hauteur est idéale pour être au niveau de notre lit. Très bon rapport qualité prix, nous sommes satisfaits.

Very fast delivery of the air cooler. Very well packaged in two boxes. Getting started is easy. The instructions are in French. The cooler is equipped with a remote control (batteries are included) which has the same functions as the controls on the device. Moreover, storage for the remote control is provided at the back of the device. A refrigerant pack is provided and this can be introduced into the water tank for further cooling. The bin is easy to access and fills easily. There are several functions, you can choose the speed, oscillating, natural mode, night and above all a timer of up to 7 hours. This air cooler does not have wheels but it is very light and above all pleasantly silent. Thanks to its shape it takes up little space. Its height is ideal to be at the level of our bed. Very good value for money, we are satisfied.


Zufrieden Und kühlt vernünftig zwar nicht wie ne Klima. Für meine Zwecke ausreichend

Satisfied And cools well, although not like an air conditioner. Sufficient for my purposes


Und kühlt vernünftig zwar nicht wie ne Klima. Für meine Zwecke ausreichend

And it cools properly, although not like an air conditioner. For my purposes it is sufficient


Die Fernbedienung ist optimal. Leider kühlt der Lüfter nicht wie erwartet. Der Geräuschpegel könnte niedriger sein. Aber wir sind zu frieden.

The remote control is perfect. Unfortunately, the fan does not cool as expected. The noise level could be lower. But we are satisfied.


Der Luftkühler- Ventilator hat sich bereits bestens bewährt. Er ist leise, kühlt gut und der Luftstrom ist angenehm. Dank der Drehautomatik wird die Luft schön im Raum verteilt, obwohl ich nur die 1.Stufe des Gebläses benutz habe. Habe ihn bei Grosser Hitze auch nicht immer laufen, sondern nur stundenweise, daß langt vollkommen, Gerät kann ich wärmstens empfehlen.

The air cooler fan has already proven itself to be very useful. It is quiet, cools well and the air flow is pleasant. Thanks to the automatic rotation, the air is distributed nicely in the room, even though I only used the first level of the fan. I don't have it running all the time when it's very hot, just for a few hours, and that's more than enough. I can highly recommend the device.


Ich bin sehr zufrieden, Fernbedienung funktioniert tadellos.

I am very satisfied, the remote control works perfectly.


Sehr gutes Gerät,macht einen wertigen Eindruck und hat Leistung,es ist auch nicht zu laut,zur Kühleistung muss ich erst die nächste Hitze abwarten.

Very good device, makes a high-quality impression and has power, it is not too loud either, I will have to wait for the next heat wave to see how it cools.


Sehr schnelle Lieferung, Super Verpackung, Super Leistung, Gerne wieder

Very fast delivery, super packaging, super service, gladly again


Hat meine Erwartungen noch übertroffen

Exceeded my expectations


das Gerät ist extrem leise und kühlt fantastisch

the device is extremely quiet and cools fantastically


Ich habe ein Dachbodenzimmer und da Staut sich die Hitze Durch diesen Ventilator habe ich eine angenehme Raumtemperatur.

I have an attic room and the heat builds up there. This fan gives me a comfortable room temperature.


Un po' rumoroso per la notte, ottimo come ventilatore meno come rinfrescatori o comunque l'ho usato poco con tale finalità.

A little noisy at night, great as a fan less as a cooler or in any case I have used it little for this purpose.


Il raffrescatore fa la sua parte, ma è non è proprio silenzioso: va bene se non è utilizzato nelle ore notturne in camera da letto. Poco pratico per gli spostamenti (non è provvisto di rotelle).

The cooler does its part, but it is not exactly silent: it is fine if it is not used during the night hours in the bedroom. Not very practical for moving (it does not have wheels).


Buon prodotto. Lo consiglio

Good product. I recommend it.


non disturba nell'arredamento. rumoroso. non raffredda poi così come viene descritto.. non consuma molta acqua

It doesn't disturb the decor. It's noisy. It doesn't cool as well as it's described. It doesn't consume much water.


Molto silenzioso davvero! Il flusso d'aria non è molto forte invece, mi aspettavo qualcosa di più.

Very quiet indeed! The airflow is not very strong though, I expected something more.


Veramente gradevole, inizialmente non sentivo tutto quel vento dei ventilatori, devo dire che è un vantaggio perché non infastidisce. Usato con il siberino ed acqua fresca garantisce una gradevolissima sensazione e lo sostituisco volentieri al condizionatore che soprattutto di notte mi colpisce come una lama sulla nuca.Se proprio volessi trovare un difetto direi lo sportello per inserire l'acqua poteva essere collegato con una piccola cerniera anziché completamente removibile. Ma è proprio una cosa su cui si può sorvolare. Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo, ottimo servizio clienti, mi hanno chiamato per chiedere consigli per migliorarlo ulteriormente e inviato tutti i numeri dell'assistenza e garanzia di due anni.Consigliatissimo

Really nice, initially I didn't feel all that wind from the fans, I have to say that it's an advantage because it doesn't bother. Used with the ice pack and fresh water it guarantees a very pleasant sensation and I gladly replace it with the air conditioner that especially at night hits me like a blade on the back of the neck. If I really wanted to find a fault I would say the door to insert the water could have been connected with a small hinge instead of completely removable. But it's really something that can be overlooked. Excellent value for money, excellent customer service, they called me to ask for advice on how to improve it further and sent all the numbers for assistance and a two-year warranty. Highly recommended


Acquistato durante il lockdown...in previsione del caldo, arrivato in tempi brevissimi, nonostante i mille ritardi di ogni cosa! Il ventilatore a Torre molto silenzioso e fa girare aria in tutta la sala, bel design, comodo e pratico si può mettere in ogni angolo senza occupare molto spazio. Non ho ancora provato la modalità con rinfrescatore....aggiornerò il commento appena lo farò...per ora prodotto ok

Purchased during the lockdown... in anticipation of the heat, arrived very quickly, despite the thousand delays of everything! The tower fan is very quiet and circulates air throughout the room, beautiful design, comfortable and practical, it can be placed in every corner without taking up much space. I have not yet tried the cooler mode.... I will update the comment as soon as I do... for now the product is ok


Devo ancora valutare la funzione raffreddante, ma già il solo ventilatore è molto efficace. Ingombro minimo, aspetto elegante e minima rumorosità: sono pienamente soddisfatta! Ho anche apprezzato la cortesissima richiesta di feedback post-acquisto da parte dell'azienda, evidentemente l'obiettivo è realizzare il prodotto migliore possibile.

I still have to evaluate the cooling function, but the fan alone is very effective. Minimum size, elegant appearance and minimal noise: I am completely satisfied! I also appreciated the very kind request for post-purchase feedback from the company, evidently the goal is to create the best possible product.


ventilateur au design sympa, il prend pas trop de place ce qui est pratique, je vais pouvoir le laisser dans un angle de l'appartement sans gêne. le ventilateur possède 3 positions de ventilation, je trouve que la ventilation est bonne et n'est pas trop bruyant ce qui est agréable. l'oscillation du ventilateur est très pratique. j’apprécie aussi la fonction rafraichissant, il y a un pack de glace fourni, le remplissage du bac d'eau est assez simple, et on sent bien que l'air du ventilateur est plus frais, ce qui sera agréable avec la chaleur qui va arriver. une télécommande est aussi fourni, ce qui permet de le contrôler a distance sans problème. un achat qui me sera bien pratique dans quelques semaine.

fan with a nice design, it doesn't take up too much space which is practical, I will be able to leave it in a corner of the apartment without discomfort. the fan has 3 ventilation positions, I find that the ventilation is good and is not too noisy which is pleasant. the oscillation of the fan is very practical. I also like the cooling function, there is an ice pack provided, filling the water tank is quite simple, and you can feel that the air from the fan is cooler, which will be pleasant with the heat that will happen. A remote control is also provided, which allows you to control it from a distance without problem. a purchase that will come in handy in a few weeks.


Très bon ventilateur , qui fait très bien sont travail , il rafraîchi meme les grande pièces . Je suis très contente car il consomme très peu d'énergie. Et avec sont systèmes de bac deau froid Ou ont peu y rajouter des bloc de glace est génial. Je n'est vue sa nul par ailleurs. La télécommande a distance est vraiment super ! Le dysagn de colonne peux très bien aller avec n'importe quelle décoration . Vraiment qualités rapport prix excellent . Le beau temps est de retour ce ventilateur est vraiment super . Je le recommande vraiment . J'en suis très satisfaite.

Very good fan, which does its job very well, it cools even large rooms. I am very happy because it consumes very little energy. And with its cold water tank systems Or adding blocks of ice is great. I don't see it as bad otherwise. The remote control is really great! The column dysagn can go very well with any decoration. Really excellent value for money. The good weather is back, this fan is really great. I really recommend it. I am very satisfied with it.


- Livraison très rapide en pleine période de confinement ! - Notice (succincte) en français; plus d’infos sur le site de vente. - Appareil discret au look plutôt agréable et soigné. - Très léger, sans roulette. - L’appareil est constitué principalement de 2 parties solidaires: une base intégrant un bac à eau inamovible et, au dessus, une tourelle oscillant latéralement, laquelle intègre le filtre/évaporateur et la turbine/ventilateur. - L’orientation du flux vertical se règle manuellement. - Le bouchon de vidange du bac (env. 3,8 l ), est situé au ras du sol. - Caractéristiques du pack réfrigérant livré, env. 150 ml - 120 x 76 x 28 mm, taille maximum à respecter si vous en prévoyez d’autres (ouverture de la trappe limitée). - La télécommande (pile fournie) - opérationnelle sur 360° et intégrant toutes les fonctions - est doublée d’un tableau de commandes à touches sensitives sur le plateau supérieur de la tourelle. - Contrairement à ce qu’indique l’écran de contrôle, peu lisible, la durée de fonctionnement de la temporisation est bien de 7 h et non de 4 h. - Compte tenu que la tourelle oscille sur sa base, il serait prudent d’éviter au maximum le déplacement d’un appareil chargé d’eau. - La vitesse d’oscillation reste constante, donc indépendante de celle du ventilateur,. - Lorsque la fonction Cool est sélectionnée, 6 bips sonores, après un petit grognement normal de la pompe, indiquent la fin du rafraîchissement par manque d’eau ; sans, pour autant, arrêter la ventilation. - Appareil plutôt silencieux. Peu de vibrations, même sur un plancher bois flottant. - Un rafraîchisseur n’est pas une clim. Patienter avant un effet rafraîchissant sensible. - Toujours anticiper les pics de chaleur. - Appareil destiné à une petite pièce. - Le rapport qualité/prix me semble correct.

- Very fast delivery during the confinement period! - Instructions (brief) in French; more information on the sales site. - Discreet device with a rather pleasant and neat look. - Very light, without wheels. - The device is mainly made up of 2 integral parts: a base incorporating a non-removable water tank and, above, a laterally oscillating turret, which integrates the filter/evaporator and the turbine/fan. - The orientation of the vertical flow is adjusted manually. - The tank drain plug (approx. 3.8 l) is located at ground level. - Characteristics of the delivered refrigerant pack, approx. 150 ml - 120 x 76 x 28 mm, maximum size to respect if you plan others (limited opening of the hatch). - The remote control (battery supplied) - operational over 360° and integrating all the functions - is coupled with a control panel with sensitive buttons on the upper plate of the turret. - Contrary to what the control screen indicates, which is difficult to read, the operating time of the timer is 7 hours and not 4 hours. - Given that the turret oscillates on its base, it would be prudent to avoid moving a device loaded with water as much as possible. - The oscillation speed remains constant, therefore independent of that of the fan. - When the Cool function is selected, 6 beeps, after a small normal growl from the pump, indicate the end of cooling due to lack of water; without, however, stopping ventilation. - Rather quiet device. Little vibration, even on a floating wood floor. - A cooler is not an air conditioner. Wait for a noticeable refreshing effect. - Always anticipate heat peaks. - Device intended for a small room. - The quality/price ratio seems correct to me.


L'estate si avvicina ed è meglio attrezzarsi in tempo per non trovarsi impreparati. Non avendo i climatizzatori ho dovuto, per forza di cose provvedere con dei ventilatori. Cercavo qualcosa di elegante, che si abbinasse anche all'arredamento di casa, in stile moderno e dall'aspetto minimalista. Dopo una serie di ricerche ho trovato questo prodotto e leggendo le sue caratteristiche e visionando il suo aspetto ho deciso che era proprio quello che cercavo. Non ha la spedizione prime ma il prodotto è arrivato nei tempi previsti, anzi anche prima. Può essere utilizzato come semplice ventilatore o come umidificatore. Per ottenere una temperatura più fredda occorre riempire il serbatoio di acqua da 2.5 litri e utilizzare, se si vuole , anche il siberino in dotazione. In questo modo la temperatura è abbastanza fresca. Il ventilatore ha un'altezza di 90 cm e non è ingombrante. Le varie funzioni possono essere impostate attraverso il pannello presente sul prodotto oppure si può utilizzare il telecomando. Tre velocità, timer fino a 7 ore, oscillazione. In definitiva un prodotto molto ben realizzato, con funzionamento semplice, elegante, raffinato, poco ingombrante, efficace nel rifrescare l'ambiente. Prezzo impegnativo anche se la qualità ripagano dell'investimento fatto.

Summer is approaching and it is better to equip yourself in time to not be unprepared. Not having air conditioners I had to, by necessity, provide some fans. I was looking for something elegant, that would also match the home furnishings, in a modern style and with a minimalist appearance. After a series of searches I found this product and reading its features and looking at its appearance I decided that it was exactly what I was looking for. It does not have prime shipping but the product arrived on schedule, in fact even earlier. It can be used as a simple fan or as a humidifier. To obtain a colder temperature you need to fill the 2.5 liter water tank and use, if you want, also the supplied ice pack. In this way the temperature is quite cool. The fan is 90 cm high and is not bulky. The various functions can be set through the panel on the product or you can use the remote control. Three speeds, timer up to 7 hours, oscillation. Ultimately a very well made product, with simple, elegant, refined operation, not bulky, effective in refreshing the environment. Challenging price even if the quality repays the investment made.


Excellent ventilateur, design avec sa télécommande qui permet de le commander a distance. Il est silencieux, 3 positions de soufflerie. Il a une option ou la soufflerie se gère +ou- fort. Il a aussi une option rafraichissant car il y a un bac à eau ou on peut mettre un bloc de glace. Une fois le bac d’eau remplie et le bloc de glace mis en place, on ressent bien l’air frais c’est vraiment génial je recommande attention ce n’est pas non plus une clim mais fait très bien son travail. On y trouve au-dessus du Ventilo le panneau de commande tactile. Il est stable et on trouve à l’arrière un petit renfoncement pour pouvoir ranger la télécommande si on veux au top !

Excellent fan, design with its remote control which allows it to be controlled remotely. It is silent, 3 blower positions. It has an option where the blower is controlled + or - loudly. It also has a cooling option because there is a water tray where you can put a block of ice. Once the water tank is filled and the ice block is in place, you can feel the fresh air, it's really great, I recommend, be careful, it's not an air conditioning either, but it does its job very well. Above the Ventilo we find the touch control panel. It is stable and there is a small recess at the back to be able to store the remote control if you want on top!