[Returns: -35%] KR-140 Bluetooth Kitchen Radio

£ 41.99 (incl. VAT)
Product number: 53032852
KR-140 Bluetooth Kitchen Radio
£ 41.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Digital diversity: substructure kitchen radio with DAB + tuner

  • Backed up: DAB + / FM radio tuner with 40 station presets

  • Clever: space-saving installation of the kitchen radio under wall cabinets or shelves


  • BT specification: V 4.2
  • BT profiles: A2DP, AVRCP, HSP
  • BT range: up to 10 meters
  • BT performance: Class II
  • Station memory: 40 stations
  • Frequency range: 87.5 MHz - 108 MHz
  • Frequency range DAB / DAB +: 174.928 MHz - 239.2 MHz
  • Output power: 3 W RMS x 2 (4 ohms)
  • Frequency response: 80 Hz - 18,000 Hz
  • Power supply: 220-240V ~ | 50/60 Hz (5.9 volts, 1.5 amperes)
Product number: 53032852

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 27 x 5 x 11.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Length of power cable: approx. 150 cm
  • Weight: approx. 793 g

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • 1 x power supply
  • Mounting material
  • User manual in English (other languages: German, etc.)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
22 Ratings

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Impeccable envoye rapide bon produit

Impeccable, fast delivery, good product


Dommage que les boutons ne soit pas éclairé ce serait beaucoup mieux

Too bad the buttons aren't lit, it would be much better


Come descritto

As described


Cette radio de cuisine est parfaite .Facile à encastrer et fonctionnement trés satisfaisant . Je recommande cet achat

This kitchen radio is perfect. Easy to install and very satisfactory operation. I recommend this purchase


Produit bien emballé, Installation facile. Programmation qui nécessite de bien lire les explications du livre joint. Réception tout à fait correcte Je recommande.

Product well packaged, Easy installation. Programming that requires carefully reading the explanations in the attached book. Completely correct reception. I recommend.


Neat little radio for kitchen

Neat little radio for kitchen


Alles super

Everything great


Viel zu kleines Display, Arbeitsbeleuchtung geht nur bei eingeschaltetem Radio. Hätte es besser zurück geschickt.

The display is much too small, the working lights only work when the radio is switched on. Should have sent it back.


Als Unterbaugerät in der Küche Lieferung schneller als Angekündigt Keine Fernbedienung im Lieferumfang

As a built-under unit in the kitchen, delivery faster than announced. No remote control included


Macht was es soll und wie ich es mir vorstellte. Als Küchenradio optimal unter dem Hängeschrank zu montieren. Sendersuche problemlos.

Does what it should and how I imagined it. Ideal for mounting as a kitchen radio under the wall cupboard. Easy channel search.


Danke, immer wieder.

Thank you again and again.


Bedienung etwas Kompliziert.

Operation a bit complicated.


Bedientasten sehr klein und nicht hinterleuchtet. Bluetooth-Verbindung sehr leise. Sonst alles prima.

Control buttons very small and not backlit. Bluetooth connection very quiet. Otherwise everything fine.


J'aurais mieux trouver des entrées antenne séparées pour FM et DAB plutôt. Une antenne télescopique en cuisine ça n'a pas sa place.....

I would have been better off finding separate antenna inputs for FM and DAB instead. A telescopic antenna in the kitchen has no place.....


pour écouter la radio

to listen to the radio


Sarebbero 5 stelle .....ma .... c’è un ma . La programmazione è un po’ complessa ..... manca di una batteria anti black-out ..... l’audio è buono ed esteticamente è bella .

It would be 5 stars ..... but .... there is a but. The programming is a bit complex ..... it lacks an anti-blackout battery ..... the audio is good and aesthetically it is beautiful.


Buon prodotto peccato per le funzioni sul touch a cui manca la retroilluminazione e avendo lo sfondo nero si fa fatica a distinguere

Good product, shame about the touch functions which lack backlighting and having a black background it is difficult to distinguish


Quasi tutto ok, solo un particolare non mi è piaciuto, i pulsanti tach di comando sul display non sono retroilluminati

Almost everything is ok, only one detail I didn't like, the tach control buttons on the display are not backlit


Tutto ok oggetto corrispondente alla descrizione.

All ok, item corresponding to the description.


Ha i pulsanti che non sono illuminati, quindi su sfondo nero non si vedono tanto. Per il resto funziona bene. Anche se con il cell. Non riesco a collegarmi con il bluetooth, mentre con il tablet non c'è problema. Nel complesso un buon prodotto

It has buttons that are not illuminated, so on a black background they are not visible. For the rest it works well. Even if with the cell. I can not connect with bluetooth, while with the tablet there is no problem. Overall a good product


All'apertura del pacco sono rimasta un po' male, pensavo fosse più grande, ma questa era una mia idea che mi ero fatta sulla base della foto. Il prodotto è ottimo, arrivato con largo anticipo, avrebbe dovuto arrivare il 25 marzo, ma è arrivato il 18. Non ho seguito le indicazioni per metterlo in moto, sono andata d'istinto, mi piace scoprire da me, uso le info,solo se non riesco. Ottima radio, stereo Rsd e Dab, si collega anche con il telefono molto facilmente. Ha la luce per il piano di lavoro, ma io non la uso, ne ho una indipendente, si monta con facilità. Per ora sono soddisfatta del mio acquisto. Ora posso dirlo, sono pienamente soddisfatta di questa radio, per me va tutto bene, é comoda, é carina e si può installare dove si vuole. La si può sganciare da dove si era istallata e portarla anche all'aperto, come faccio io per sentire la musica. La consiglio anche per chi non ha tanto spazio! Buon ascolto! 5 stelle!

When I opened the package I was a little disappointed, I thought it was bigger, but this was my idea that I had made based on the photo. The product is excellent, arrived well in advance, it should have arrived on March 25, but it arrived on the 18th. I did not follow the instructions to start it, I went on instinct, I like to discover by myself, I use the info, only if I can't. Excellent radio, Rsd and Dab stereo, it also connects to the phone very easily. It has a light for the work surface, but I don't use it, I have a separate one, it is easy to assemble. For now I am satisfied with my purchase. Now I can say it, I am fully satisfied with this radio, for me everything is fine, it is comfortable, it is cute and you can install it wherever you want. You can unhook it from where it was installed and take it outside, as I do to listen to music. I also recommend it for those who do not have much space! Enjoy listening! 5 stars!


Il prodotto è arrivato con 2 giorni di anticipo rispetto al previsto. perfettamente imballato. ottimo prodotto, radio fm, DAB, possibilità di collegare via bluetooth un cellulare e rispondere alle chiamate, due allarmi/ sveglia il timer per cucina e la luce molto luminosa, etc. le cose che non mi sono piaciute di questo buon prodotto sono : - le scritte troppo piccole sui tasti di selezione ( sono veramente un pò troppo piccole ) - un pò macchinoso la programmazione dei canali (ma una volta capito la procedura non e un problema) - la luce si accende soltanto se la radio e accesa ( se era indipendente si poteva accendere la luce senza per forza accendere la radio. in fine il prodotto rispecchia le mie aspettative.

The product arrived 2 days earlier than expected. perfectly packaged. excellent product, FM radio, DAB, ability to connect a mobile phone via Bluetooth and answer calls, two alarms / alarm clock, kitchen timer and very bright light, etc. the things I didn't like about this good product are: - the writing on the selection buttons is too small (they are really a little too small) - the channel programming is a little cumbersome (but once you understand the procedure it is not a problem) - the light only turns on if the radio is on (if it was independent you could turn on the light without necessarily turning on the radio. in the end the product meets my expectations.