DryFy Connect 50 dehumidifier

£ 449.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Dehumidifier
  • Anthracite
Product number: 10045541
DryFy Connect 50 dehumidifier
£ 449.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 5 - 7 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Ideal humidity: 50 litres / 24 h dehumidification capacity

  • Long runtime: Large 7-litre water tank

  • Safe: Alarm function and automatic switch-off when the container is full

Product description

Feel much more comfortable with the right humidity: The Klarstein DryFy Connect 50 dehumidifier eliminates humid air in no time at all, enables you to breathe freely in the kitchen, bathroom or bedroom and allows you to dry areas quickly after construction or renovation work. With an air circulation of 360 m³ per hour, it removes up to 50 litres of moisture per day from the air - this makes the Klarstein DryFy Connect 50 dehumidifier ideal for rooms from 45 to 55 m². A large 7 litre tank collects the water that accumulates. Thanks to a WiFi interface, you can control the device via the Klarstein app and easily programme it using the timer function.

It's easier than ever to achieve perfect humidity. The Klarstein DryFy Connect 50dehumidifier ensures the best breathing air.


  • On/off switch on the display on the top
  • Auto dehumidification: unit starts working when humidity is 5% above set value
  • Drying mode: unit operates permanently regardless of the set target humidity
  • adjustable target air humidity in 5% steps from 30 to 80 percent
  • WiFi interface for easy control via Klarstein app
  • timer adjustable by the hour up to 24 h (switch-on timer in standby mode / switch-off timer during operation)
  • Oscillation mode: ventilation flap open to 90° or 45° or oscillating
  • Ambient temperatures: 5 - 35 °C
  • Max. dehumidification capacity at 30 °C and 80% relative humidity
  • Beep and auto stop when water tank is full
  • Pumping out the collected water at the touch of a button
  • Display of the current air humidity
  • internal drying mode prevents mould in the appliance
  • Carrying handle and floor castors for easy relocation
  • Possibility to install a permanent water drainage hose
  • Water tank removable
  • Coolant: R290
  • Power supply: 220-240 V~ | 50/60 Hz
Product number: 10045541

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 37 x 61.5 x 26 cm (WxHxD)
  • Length power cable: approx. 180 cm
  • Weight: approx. 18.5 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • 1 x water drain hose
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 5 - 7 days

Customer reviews
75 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Très content, livraison rapide et efficacité de l'appareil

Very happy, fast delivery and efficiency of the device


Ein sehr guter Luftentfeuchter, der jede Menge Wasser aus der Luft holt.
Einziges Manko ist das fummelige Rausnehmen und Einsetzen des Auffangbehälters, sonst hätte es 5 Sterne gegeben.

A very good dehumidifier that removes a lot of water from the air. The only drawback is the fiddly task of removing and inserting the collection container, otherwise it would have received 5 stars.


Excellent appareil, très puissant, et largement suffisant pour une cave de 70 m2, environ 150 m3. Le must est que cette machine possède une pompe intégrée, ce qui permet l'évaluation de l'eau sur un évier. Je recommande vivement.

Excellent device, very powerful, and more than sufficient for a cellar of 70 m2, approximately 150 m3. The best thing is that this machine has a built-in pump, which allows the evaluation of water on a sink. I highly recommend.


Einfach in der Handhabung, übersichtliches Bedienfeld, großes Wasserreservoir. Funktioniert einwandfrei

Easy to use, clear control panel, large water reservoir. Works perfectly


Funziona una meraviglia con il wifi ancora meglio

Works great with wifi even better


Efficace ! Mais bruyant !! Dommage ! Des difficultés à la connecter en wifi

Effective ! But noisy!! Damage ! Difficulty connecting to wifi


Lo he comprado a un precio más bajo a deshumidificadores similares, estoy muy muy contento funciona perfectamente

I bought it at a lower price than similar dehumidifiers, I am very very happy it works perfectly


Als Luftentfeuchter.

As a dehumidifier.


Sinceramente i soldi meglio spesi dell'anno. Stavo sprecando 10-;15 euro alla volta con gli assorbiumidità, per carità ottimi per una settimana. Ma questo deumidificatore mi sta salvando da infiltrazioni che stavano creando muffa e rovinando vestiti, borse, tessili..... Il consumo è accettabile, permette anche di asciugare la biancheria... Ora crea un bel tepore, in estate sarà una salvezza per il caldo.... Inoltre il servizio clienti di questa marca è ottimo. Io lo consiglio vivamente,

Honestly the best money spent of the year. I was wasting 10-15 euros at a time with humidity absorbers, which are excellent for a week. But this dehumidifier is saving me from infiltrations that were creating mold and ruining clothes, bags, textiles..... The consumption is acceptable, it also allows you to dry the laundry... Now it creates a nice warmth, in the summer it will be a salvation for the heat.... In addition, the customer service of this brand is excellent. I highly recommend it,


Funziona benissimo e abbassa velocemente il livello di umidità. Facile da usare anche con la sua App WI-FI per regolarlo nelle funzioni e per non alzarsi a spegnerlo/accenderlo. Non è certo silenzioso, soprattutto alla massima potenza, per poterlo usare nelle ore notturne. La qualità è ottima, e per come funziona bene, tornassi indietro prenderei lo stesso oggetto ma con potenza minore a 20/lt, solo per consumare un po' meno.

It works very well and quickly lowers the humidity level. Easy to use also with its WI-FI App to adjust its functions and to not get up to turn it off/on. It is certainly not silent, especially at maximum power, to be able to use it at night. The quality is excellent, and for how well it works, if I went back I would take the same object but with a lower power of 20/lt, just to consume a little less.


Deumidifica tantissimo, in un locale seminterrato non arriva ai valori indicati nell'inserzione ma a 20 litri al giorno li fa. Molto rumoroso, io lo uso in un locale in cui viviamo poco ma non sarebbe assolutamente accettabile per una camera da letto o simili. Ho letto nei commenti che molti utenti non riescono a configurare il wifi, è necessario attivare la funzione accoppiamento premendo più volte il terzo tasto da sinistra (impostazione della deumidificazione) il led wifi inizia a lampeggiare e sull'app appare il deumidificatore. (non documentato nel manuale di istruzioni)

It dehumidifies a lot, in a basement it does not reach the values indicated in the advert but at 20 litres per day it does. Very noisy, I use it in a room where we live a little but it would not be absolutely acceptable for a bedroom or similar. I read in the comments that many users cannot configure the wifi, it is necessary to activate the pairing function by pressing the third button from the left several times (dehumidification setting) the wifi LED starts to flash and the dehumidifier appears on the app. (not documented in the instruction manual)


robust, leistungsfähig, nicht leise... Wertiges Gerät, top verarbeitet, macht, was es soll. Holt beachtliche Mengen Wasser aus der Umgebungsluft. Zwei Einschränkungen gibt es leider: 1. Eher laut, also lieber im Nachbarraum und bei geschlossener Tür laufen lassen. 2. Die Anleitung ist etwas unklar, insbesondere dei Kopplung mit der App ist falsch beschrieben. Das Tutorial in der App verweist auf eine Reset-Taste, die es aber nicht gibt. Hier die Auflösung: die Kopplung klappt über die Prozent-Taste auf dem Entfeuchter!

Robust, powerful, not quiet... High-quality device, top quality workmanship, does what it's supposed to. Extracts considerable amounts of water from the ambient air. Unfortunately, there are two limitations: 1. Quite loud, so better to run it in the next room with the door closed. 2. The instructions are a bit unclear, especially the connection to the app is incorrectly described. The tutorial in the app refers to a reset button, but there isn't one. Here's the solution: the connection works via the percent button on the dehumidifier!


Wertiges Gerät, top verarbeitet, macht, was es soll. Holt beachtliche Mengen Wasser aus der Umgebungsluft. Zwei Einschränkungen gibt es leider: 1. Eher laut, also lieber im Nachbarraum und bei geschlossener Tür laufen lassen. 2. Die Anleitung ist etwas unklar, insbesondere dei Kopplung mit der App ist falsch beschrieben. Das Tutorial in der App verweist auf eine Reset-Taste, die es aber nicht gibt. Hier die Auflösung: die Kopplung klappt über die Prozent-Taste auf dem Entfeuchter!

High-quality device, top quality workmanship, does what it's supposed to. Extracts considerable amounts of water from the ambient air. Unfortunately, there are two limitations: 1. Quite loud, so it's better to run it in the next room with the door closed. 2. The instructions are a bit unclear, especially the connection to the app is described incorrectly. The tutorial in the app refers to a reset button, but there isn't one. Here's the solution: the connection works via the percent button on the dehumidifier!


Bruyant mais fait son travail

Noisy but does its job


Der Luftentfeuchter hat mich voll und ganz überzeugt. Es ist immer wieder erstaunlich, wie viel Wasser nach nur kurzer Zeit im Behälter ist. Leider hat die Verbindung zum Handy noch nicht ganz funktioniert. Aber das probiere ich noch mal. Ansonsten ist die Bedienung recht einfach. Ich kann das Gerät absolut weiter empfehlen.

The dehumidifier completely convinced me. It's always amazing how much water is in the container after just a short time. Unfortunately, the connection to the cell phone didn't quite work yet. But I'll try that again. Otherwise the operation is quite simple. I can absolutely recommend the device.


Qualità costruttiva eccellente, svolge il suo lavoro ehrehiamente,tira tanta umidità in poco tempo e riscalda l'ambiente. Contenitore capiente ,ruote e maniglie per un facile trasporto. La striscia a led con la colorazione in base alla percentuale di umidità e la connessione wifi con app dedicate due chicche. Non conoscevo questo brand ma penso in futuro prenderò altre cose. Consigliatissimo.

Excellent build quality, does its job ehrehialy, pulls a lot of humidity in a short time and heats the environment. Large container, wheels and handles for easy transport. The LED strip with the color based on the percentage of humidity and the wifi connection with dedicated apps are two gems. I didn't know this brand but I think in the future I will buy other things. Highly recommended.


Leider fehlt in der Bedienungsanleitung die Beschreibung wie das Gerät in den Pairing Modus versetzt werden kann.

Unfortunately, the user manual does not contain a description of how the device can be put into pairing mode.


Der Luftentfeuchter ist sensationell.
Alle Einstellungen, auch die Feuchtigkeit sind perfekt und ganz einfach zu regulieren.

The dehumidifier is sensational. All settings, including the humidity, are perfect and easy to regulate.


Sehr guter Luftentfeuchter. Von meiner Seite gibt es nur zwei Punkte zu bemängeln. Die ermittelte Feuchtigkeit, ist leider zu hoch als sie wirklich ist und man kann nur 5% Schritte einstellen bei gewünschten Entfeuchtung.

Very good dehumidifier. From my side there are only two points to complain about. Unfortunately, the determined humidity is too high than it actually is and you can only set 5% steps for the desired dehumidification.


Muito satisfeito com o produto

Very satisfied with the product


Je ne trouve pas qu'il soit rapide à deshumidifier quand il y a du linge humide a sécher dans la pièce mais il fait quand même le job.

I don't find that it is quick to dehumidify when there are damp laundry to dry in the room but it still does the job.





tres bon produit , je recommande

very good product, I recommend


Ottimo! Funziona benissimo, molto silenzioso. Sto pensando di acquistare un’altro

Great! Works great, very quiet. I'm thinking of buying another one


Super déshumidificateur très efficace, App au top Je recommande.

Super very effective dehumidifier, top app I recommend.


Bon produit, simple et facile d'utilisation. Un peu bruyant pour une pièce de vie par contre.

Good product, simple and easy to use. A little noisy for a living room though.


Bon produit, simple et facile d'utilisation. Un peu bruyant pour une pièce de vie par contre.

Good product, simple and easy to use. A little noisy for a living room though.


Das Gerät ist nicht günstig, macht aber was es soll. Es zieht wirklich problemlos viel Feuchtigkeit aus dem Raum. Die Verbindung mit der App wollte aber einfach nicht klappen. Ist für meine Zwecke jetzt auch nicht unbedingt nötig aber dennoch etwas schade.

The device isn't cheap, but it does what it's supposed to. It really does remove a lot of moisture from the room without any problem. The connection to the app just wouldn't work. It's not really necessary for my purposes, but it's a shame nonetheless.


Semble très efficace

Seems very effective


Semble très efficace

Seems very effective


Semble très efficace

Seems very effective


Semble très efficace

Seems very effective


Semble très efficace

Seems very effective


Semble très efficace

Seems very effective


Semble très efficace

Seems very effective


Semble très efficace

Seems very effective


Semble très efficace

Seems very effective


Facile à mettre en route, fonction oscillante très pratique, évacuation par tuyau fourni, très bien

Easy to get started, very practical oscillating function, evacuation via hose provided, very good


Boa qualidade facil de funcionar. Potente a retirar humidade

Good quality, easy to operate. Powerful at removing moisture


J avais deja confiance dans la marque pour ses ventilateurs, et ce produit n a fait que confirmer ma vision. Ayant remplace 2 deshumidificateurs plus petits, et non pilotables a distance. Il tient parfaitement son job, permet des remontes d informations et donc le pilotage par application sous wifi. D une facilite exemplaire. Le seul bemol etant le renvoi d air chaud, mais c est le mode de fonctionnement d une pompe a chaleur. Mon sous sol est maintenant a humidite surveillee et parfaitement controlee.

I already had confidence in the brand for its fans, and this product only confirmed my vision. Having replaced 2 smaller dehumidifiers, which cannot be controlled remotely. It does its job perfectly, allows information feedback and therefore control by application under wifi. Exemplarily easy. The only downside is the return of hot air, but it is the mode of operation of a heat pump. My basement now has monitored and perfectly controlled humidity.


Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo, un pò rumoroso ma per il volume di aria trattata e abbastanza normale. Utile lo scarico in continuo con pompa

Excellent value for money, a little noisy but for the volume of air treated and quite normal. Useful continuous drain with pump


Bon produit, enlève bien l’humidité pour une maison de 130 m3

Good product, removes humidity well for a 130 m3 house


Lieferung 4 Tage früher als erwartet. Ist mein Erster, deshalb kein Vergleich möglich. In unserer Wohnung wurde der Boden ca 22 m2 mit Baumaterial begossen, welcher nur schlecht trocknete. Haben uns statt eines Bautrockners für den Klarstein 40 Liter entschieden. Hervorragende Leistung: Bei 29Grad in Stufe "Low" innerhalb von 15 min ca eine halbe Tasse Wasser der Luft entzogen, in einer halben Stunde etwa eine ganze Tasse. Kam leider beschädigt an, siehe Bild. Umverpackung ist unbeschädigt, deshalb ist er entweder gebraucht oder im Werk beschädigt worden- schade für das Geld. Da er sofort gebraucht wird, meinerseits keine Rücksendung möglich. Allerdings ein Grund für mich, bei weiteren Käufen andere Firmen vorzuziehen. Feuchtigkeitsanzeige stimmt nicht mit meinen Hygrometern überein- deshalb ist das Anzeigelicht auch überflüssig. Auch die obere Lüftungsklappe sollte entweder weit geöffnet oder vollständig geschlossen sein- sie war zwischendurch nur halb geöffnet. Das Handbuch ist leider sehr bescheiden für einen Laien geschrieben- ich habe das Gerät durch ausprobieren kennengelernt. Das Kabel könnte auch länger sein. Die Rollen sind praktisch.

Delivery 4 days earlier than expected. This is my first one, so no comparison possible. In our apartment, the floor of around 22 m2 was covered with building material, which dried poorly. We opted for the Klarstein 40 litres instead of a construction dryer. Excellent performance: at 29 degrees on the "Low" setting, around half a cup of water was removed from the air in 15 minutes, and around a whole cup in half an hour. Unfortunately, it arrived damaged, see picture. The outer packaging is undamaged, so it is either used or damaged in the factory - a shame for the money. As it is needed immediately, I cannot return it. However, this is a reason for me to prefer other companies for future purchases. The humidity display does not match my hygrometers - which is why the display light is superfluous. The upper ventilation flap should also be either wide open or completely closed - it was only half open at times. Unfortunately, the manual is very poorly written for a layman - I got to know the device by trying it out. The cable could also be longer. The wheels are practical.


Ich brauchte einen weiteren Luftentfeuchter, diesmal mit Ablaufschlauch inklusive und möglichst mit Steuerung über die App. Er sollte im Keller aufgestellt werden und der vorhandene eines anderen Herstellers im Obergeschoss einen neuen Platz finden. So muss ich mir bei Abwesenheit keinen Kopf machen und habe die Kontrolle über die Luftfeuchtigkeit im alten Keller. Der Klarstein DryFy Connect Luftentfeuchter kam gut verpackt bei mir an und wurde gleich nach dem Durchlesen der Bedienungsanleitung in Betrieb genommen. Die gewünschten Einstellungen waren schnell gemacht. Vor dem Anschließen des Ablaufschlauches testete ich den Luftentfeuchter erst einmal 2 Tage. Das Gerät macht was es soll, nämlich zuverlässig den Raum entfeuchten. Dann habe ich den Ablaufschlauch installiert und bin begeistert darüber, dass alles wie erwartet funktioniert und die Luftentfeuchtung nicht unterbrochen wird, weil der Wassertank voll ist. Bei manchen Rezensionen las ich, dass alle Einstellungen weg seien, sobald der Klarstein Luftentfeuchter abgeschaltet würde. Das ist nicht so. Die Voreinstellung bleibt zumindest bei diesem Gerät bestehen. Auch das Licht kann abgeschaltet werden. Außerdem schaltet das Gebläse im AUTO-Modus bei Erreichen der gewählten Zielfeuchtigkeit ab. Die Steuerung mit dem Smartphone über die Klarstein-App habe ich noch nicht eingerichtet, was ich auf jeden Fall noch machen werde. Ich bin mit der Qualität, Funktion und Leistung sehr zufrieden. Der klare Vorteil des Klarstein Luftentfeuchters im Vergleich zum Comfee DG-30Power ist die Bedienbarkeit über WLAN, die beliebige Zielfeuchtigkeit von 30 - 80 in der AUTO-Funktion (bei Comfee nur 45 - 55 % voreingestellt möglich) und die Serviceleistung, dass der Ablaufschlauch in reichlicher Länge einfach dazu gehört. Ich empfehle den Klarstein DryFy Connect 40 Luftentfeuchter weiter mit 5 von 5 Sternen

I needed another dehumidifier, this time with a drain hose included and, if possible, with control via the app. It was to be set up in the basement and the existing one from another manufacturer was to find a new place on the upper floor. This way I don't have to worry about it when I'm away and I have control over the humidity in the old basement. The Klarstein DryFy Connect dehumidifier arrived well packaged and was put into operation immediately after reading the operating instructions. The desired settings were quickly made. Before connecting the drain hose, I tested the dehumidifier for 2 days. The device does what it's supposed to, which is to reliably dehumidify the room. Then I installed the drain hose and am delighted that everything works as expected and the dehumidification is not interrupted because the water tank is full. In some reviews I read that all settings are gone as soon as the Klarstein dehumidifier is switched off. That is not the case. The default setting remains the same, at least with this device. The light can also be switched off. In addition, the fan switches off in AUTO mode when the selected target humidity is reached. I haven't yet set up the control with my smartphone using the Klarstein app, but I will definitely do that. I am very satisfied with the quality, function and performance. The clear advantage of the Klarstein dehumidifier compared to the Comfee DG-30Power is that it can be operated via WiFi, the target humidity of 30 - 80 in the AUTO function (with Comfee only 45 - 55% preset possible) and the service that the drain hose is a long enough length that is simply included. I recommend the Klarstein DryFy Connect 40 dehumidifier with 5 out of 5 stars.


Il prodotto è buono ma pensavo fosse più silenzioso.

The product is good but I thought it would be quieter.


Très performant ! Nous l'utilisons dans une buanderie en sous sol pour faire sécher le linge, notamment en hiver lorsque la température tombe jusqu'à 12°c et c'est tout simplement parfait. En 3h environ le linge est sec. L'appareil absorbe l'humidité de la pièce (environ 25m2) en un temps très faible. On passe facilement de 70% d'humidité à 45% en 1h environ.

High performance ! We use it in a basement laundry room to dry laundry, especially in winter when the temperature drops to 12°C and it's simply perfect. In approximately 3 hours the laundry is dry. The device absorbs the humidity of the room (approximately 25m2) in a very short time. We easily go from 70% humidity to 45% in about 1 hour.


Raggiunge a rirare tanta acqua, il risultato dopo solo un ora è pazzesco. Riesce in poco tempo a portare l'umidità di una stanza 6x5 da 80% a 55%. Lunico problema è che perde acqua. Trovo spesso tanta acqua a terra

It manages to remove a lot of water, the result after only one hour is crazy. It can quickly bring the humidity of a 6x5 room from 80% to 55%. The only problem is that it leaks water. I often find a lot of water on the floor


très heureux de cet achat. Je maitrise enfin l'hygrométrie de ma pièce dans la cave. Simple d'utilisation je le mets en mode automatique et il s'enclenche en fonction de l'hygrométrie choisie.

very happy with this purchase. I finally control the humidity in my room in the cellar. Easy to use, I put it in automatic mode and it switches on depending on the humidity chosen.


Deshumidificador elegante, robusto y potente, reduce rápidamente la humedad. Ayuda a secar la ropa y elimina malos olores, contribuyendo a mejorar significativamente el ambiente interior. Debería ser posible desactivar el bip que se escucha al seleccionar las opciones, u ajustar el volumen. La app de la marca funciona muy bien, sin embargo no se conecta con ningún asistente virtual. El empaque podría mejorarse, inicialmente recibí un aparato roto y no estoy seguro si era completamente nuevo. Le di al vendedor, que al principio no parecía entender la situación, la oportunidad de resolverlo. Entonces terminaron dándome las instrucciones para devolver el dispositivo. Aproximadamente un mes después recibí un deshumidificador nuevo, aunque viniera embalado exactamente igual al anterior, llegó en buenas condiciones. Si el aparato és nuevo y llega sin daños sin duda que vale la pena.

Stylish, robust and powerful dehumidifier, it quickly reduces humidity. It helps dry clothes and eliminates bad odours, contributing to significantly improving the indoor environment. It should be possible to turn off the beep that is heard when selecting options, or adjust the volume. The brand's app works very well, however it does not connect to any virtual assistant. The packaging could be improved, I initially received a broken device and I am not sure if it was completely new. I gave the seller, who at first did not seem to understand the situation, a chance to resolve it. Then they ended up giving me instructions on how to return the device. About a month later I received a new dehumidifier, although it was packed exactly the same as the old one, it arrived in good condition. If the device is new and arrives undamaged it is definitely worth it.


Acquistato per deumidificare a distanza una seconda casa vuota per 11 mesi l'anno, avevo bisogno di un deumidificatore WI-Fi che potessi quindi controllare da remoto. un pò rumoroso, rende praticamente impossibile stare nella stessa stanza, per piu di 20 minuti senza infastidirsi, andrebbe acceso quando nessuno è in casa. Devo dire che svolge il suo lavoro in maniera egregia, ho monitorato nei primi 2 giorni di utilizzo e ha tirato via 20 litri di acqua, considerando che avevo lasciato le finestre completamente chiuse, premetto che la casa è molto umida, essendo in pietra in un borgo medievale. Quindi 5 stelle alla potenza di deumidificazione. 3 stelle alle istruzioni in italiano, veramente scarne, , che comunque, facendo delle prove ho capito che: - in modalità deumidificazione, l'acqua, circa 250ml, viene trattenuta in un ''preserbatoio'' interno, poi a seconda della scelta può: - in modalita normale, finisce nel serbatoio estraibile con sensore di pieno che a 7.5 litri spegne l'apparecchio - in modalità ''pompa'' ( PUMP ) , una volta raggiunti i 250 ml, vengono pompati attraverso il tubo da collegare verso uno scarico, NB: essendo una pompa lo scarico PUo' nel modello specifico , essere ad un livello piu alto rispetto al deumidificatore. ATTENZIONE , SE LASCIATE IL TUBO DI SCARICO COLLEGATO, E DISATTIVATE LA VERSIONE ''PUMP'', ASPETTANDOVI CHE L'ACQUA VADA NELLA TANICA INTERNA, SE IL FINALE DEL TUBO è AL DI SOTTO DELL'UGELLO DI USCITA, L'ACQUA USCIRà COMUNQUE DAL TUBO, PER IL PRINCIPIO DEI VASI COMUNICANTI E ALLAGHERà CASA... QUINDI: - SE NON USO PUMP, MI ASSICURO CHE IL TUBICINO VENGA RIMOSSO, E CHIUSO IL TAPPO, O CHE COMUNQUE IL FINALE DEL TUBO SIA AD UN LIVELLO PIù ALTO DEL DEUMIDIFICATORE. - SE USO PUMP INSERISCO IL TUBICINO IN UN WC, LAVANDINO ETC ( NON IN UNA TANICA, ALTRIMENTI PRIMA O POI FUORIUSCIREBBE ) spero sia stato utile

Purchased to remotely dehumidify a second home that is empty for 11 months a year, I needed a WI-Fi dehumidifier that I could control remotely. A bit noisy, makes it practically impossible to stay in the same room for more than 20 minutes without getting annoyed, should be turned on when no one is home. I must say that it does its job very well, I monitored it in the first 2 days of use and it removed 20 liters of water, considering that I had left the windows completely closed, I should point out that the house is very humid, being made of stone in a medieval village. So 5 stars for the dehumidification power. 3 stars for the instructions in Italian, really sparse, which however, by doing some tests I understood that: - in dehumidification mode, the water, about 250ml, is retained in an internal ''pre-tank'', then depending on the choice it can: - in normal mode, it ends up in the removable tank with a full sensor which turns the appliance off at 7.5 litres - in ''pump'' mode (PUMP), once 250ml is reached, it is pumped through the tube to be connected to a drain, NB: being a pump the drain CAN in the specific model, be at a higher level than the dehumidifier. ATTENTION , IF YOU LEAVE THE DRAIN PIPE CONNECTED, AND DEACTIVATE THE ''PUMP'' VERSION, EXPECTING THE WATER TO GO INTO THE INTERNAL TANK, IF THE END OF THE PIPE IS BELOW THE OUTLET NOZZLE, THE WATER WILL STILL COME OUT OF THE PIPE, DUE TO THE PRINCIPLE OF COMMUNICATING VESSELS AND WILL FLOOD THE HOUSE... SO: - IF I DO NOT USE PUMP, I MAKE SURE THAT THE PIPE IS REMOVED, AND THE CAP IS CLOSED, OR IN ANY CASE THAT THE END OF THE PIPE IS AT A HIGHER LEVEL THAN THE DEHUMIDIFIER. - IF I USE PUMP I INSERT THE PIPE INTO A TOILET, SINK ETC (NOT INTO A TANK, OTHERWISE IT WOULD LEAK OUT SOONER OR LATER) I hope this was helpful


Acquistato la versione più grande dei vari e messo subito in opera, in circa tre quattro ore di funzionamento ha raccolto ben 7 litri di acqua, un intero serbatoio. Si è reso necessario per abbassare la soglia di eccessiva umidità in casa, in particolare nella camera da letto, fa davvero un lavoro eccellente. L'aria cambia notevolmente rendendola molto più salubre, con un grande beneficio per la respirazione durante la notte e la salute. La rumorosità, comunque sopportabile, è forse l'unico piccolo neo di questo meraviglioso apparecchio ma, utilizzato in orari prima di andare a dormire, non si rende necessario doverlo tenere acceso tutta la notte. In poco tempo è in grado di fare abbassare tra il 15-20% di umidità di una stanza di circa 30 mq. Molto consigliato.

Purchased the largest version of the various and immediately put it to use, in about three or four hours of operation it collected 7 liters of water, an entire tank. It was necessary to lower the threshold of excessive humidity in the house, especially in the bedroom, it really does an excellent job. The air changes significantly making it much healthier, with a great benefit for breathing during the night and health. The noise, however bearable, is perhaps the only small flaw of this wonderful device but, used at times before going to sleep, it is not necessary to have to keep it on all night. In a short time it is able to lower between 15-20% of humidity in a room of about 30 square meters. Highly recommended.


È rumoroso ma fa bene il suo lavoro. In inverno lo utilizzo spesso, perché emana aria tiepida eliminando l'umidità. In estate non va bene , aumenta la temperatura di 2 gradi.

It is noisy but it does its job well. In winter I use it often, because it emits warm air eliminating humidity. In summer it is not good, it increases the temperature by 2 degrees.


- déshumidifier tout mon fra de Chaussee (80m2 enviro) alors qu’il est positionné dans la douche à l’extrémité de la surface - parametrage et commande à distance via internet ultra simple et très efficace (plus efficace et fiable que tout ce que j’ai à la maison : netatmo, HomeKit,..) : allumage à partir dunkerque autre ville, modification de la cible d’humidité, de la puissance de souffle - relativement peu bruyant vue la puissance - plus petit qu’un climatiseur qui pourrait avoir la même fonction de déshumidification (mais ne rafraichit pas, et chauffe légèrement l’air ambiant) - indicateur d’humidité relativement fiable (mesure confirmée par une station météo netatmo)

- dehumidify my entire Chaussee fra (approximately 80m2) while it is positioned in the shower at the end of the surface - configuration and remote control via the internet, ultra simple and very effective (more efficient and reliable than anything I I have at home: netatmo, HomeKit, etc.): ignition from Dunkirk in another city, modification of the humidity target, the blowing power - relatively quiet given the power - smaller than an air conditioner which could have the same dehumidification function (but does not cool, and slightly heats the ambient air) - relatively reliable humidity indicator (measurement confirmed by a netatmo weather station)


Vorab, das Gerät macht was es soll. Es entfeuchtet meinen Keller nach dem Jahrhundertregen vor zwei Monaten. Ich hatte erst zwei Geräte von der Fa. Boels (15L / 24h) im Einsatz und bin nach zwei Wochen auf das eigene Gerät umgestiegen, da die Mietkosten höher wurden als eine eigene Anschaffung und wir keine Elementarversicherung hatten (nun schon). Positiv: Das Gerät macht einen wertigen Eindruck Das Gerät zieht bei mir ca. 7L in 12-15h aus der Luft (Wäschekeller) bei angezeigten 50-55% Luftfeuchtigkeit, dann ist der Tank voll und das Gerät wird abgeschaltet (incl. Lüfter) Über den Tank lief das Gerät nur in der Testphase, nun ist es über den mitgelieferten Schlauch am Kanal angeschlossen und schaltet natürlich daher nicht mehr ab. Lautstärke voll und ganz ok (läuft bei mir nur in Stufe low) im Keller, da stört es eh niemanden. Das Gerät kann über eine externe Spannungsaufschaltung ein und ausgeschaltet werden (Zeitschaltuhr), es läuft im letzten gewählten Modus wieder an. Bei mir wird es über eine WLAN-Steckdose gesteuert, welche mit der Solaranlage vom Haus kommuniziert (Edimax SP2100V2). Damit halte ich die Kosten mit Hilfe der Sonne gering. Das Gerät zieht immerhin folgdende Leistungen: Lüfter Stufe low 26W Lüfter stufe high 35W Trocknung Stufe low 460W Trocknung Stufe high nicht gemessen, da Modus nicht genutzt wird. Jedem sollte klar sein, das das Gerät in 24h bei 460W 11,4kwh (also in etwa 3,10€) an Strom verbraucht. Neutral: Die Appsteuerung (WLAN) habe ich nicht getestet, da ich das Controlling ja extern betreibe. Macht aber sicher für Leute ohne Homematic bzw. Solaranlage Sinn. Negativ: Das Gerät ist mittlerweile (nach 2 Monaten) zwei mal seitens des Prozessors abgestürzt (alle LED's an, keine Funktion mehr anwählbar). Nach Stecker raus und rein war alles wieder gut. Dieses habe ich auch in mehreren Rezensionen gelesen, scheint daher wohl ein nicht unbkanntes Problem zu sein. Alles in Allem bin ich mit dem Preis- Leistungsverhältnis des Gerätes gut zu frieden.

First of all, the device does what it's supposed to. It dehumidified my basement after the rain of the century two months ago. I had only used two devices from Boels (15L / 24h) and after two weeks I switched to my own device because the rental costs were higher than buying it myself and we didn't have natural hazard insurance (we do now). Positive: The device makes a high-quality impression. The device extracts around 7L from the air in 12-15 hours (laundry room) with 50-55% humidity displayed, then the tank is full and the device switches off (including fan). The device only ran on the tank during the test phase, now it is connected to the drain via the supplied hose and of course no longer switches off. Volume is completely fine (I only run on the low setting) in the basement, where it doesn't bother anyone anyway. The device can be switched on and off via an external voltage connection (timer), and it starts again in the last selected mode. In my case, it is controlled via a WiFi socket that communicates with the solar system in the house (Edimax SP2100V2). This way, I keep costs low with the help of the sun. The device draws the following power: Fan level low 26W Fan level high 35W Drying level low 460W Drying level high not measured because mode is not used. Everyone should be aware that the device consumes 11.4kwh (i.e. around €3.10) of power in 24 hours at 460W. Neutral: I have not tested the app control (WiFi) because I operate the controls externally. But it certainly makes sense for people without Homematic or a solar system. Negative: The device has now crashed twice (after 2 months) on the processor side (all LEDs on, no function can be selected). After unplugging and plugging in everything was fine again. I have also read this in several reviews, so it seems to be a not unknown problem. All in all, I am very satisfied with the price-performance ratio of the device.


sirve para en 5 o 6 horas secar una cama, sabanas y protector. baja hasta un 30% la humedad de una habitacion cerrada. cuando mi madre por culpa del covid a tenido un deterioro cognitivo y a veces bueno... cuando llegas a una edad eso puede causar perdidas de orina. y este deshumidificador mientras la llevo a fisioterapia seca las sabanas y hasta el colchon asi no tengo que ponerle pañales si una vez a mes pierde el control la limpio, seco, visto y dejo el deshumidificador hacer su trabajo. y si le cambio las sabanas pero hay un limite de sabanas en la lavadora a veces he tenido que limpiar 7 camisones. no me quedaban mas. asi que este deshumidificador me permitio secar rapido uno... asi de potente es. pero a veces hace ruido. no me importa... no estoy en la habitacion mientras seca el colchon. (si atraviesa el protector que lleva encima). para gente que tiene que acelerar el secado de ropa, sabanas etc. este es su producto. repito baja la humedad de la habitacion a un 30%. y eso en galicia empezando por un 80-85% es importante.

It is used to dry a bed, sheets and protector in 5 or 6 hours. It reduces the humidity of a closed room by up to 30%. When my mother has had cognitive decline due to covid and sometimes well... when you reach a certain age that can cause urine loss. And this dehumidifier while I take her to physical therapy dries the sheets and even the mattress so I don't have to put diapers on her if once a month she loses control I clean, dry, dress her and let the dehumidifier do its job. And I do change the sheets but there is a limit of sheets in the washing machine sometimes I have had to clean 7 nightgowns. I had no more left. So this dehumidifier allowed me to quickly dry one... that's how powerful it is. But sometimes it makes noise. I don't care... I'm not in the room while the mattress dries. (if it goes through the protector on top). For people who have to speed up the drying of clothes, sheets, etc. this is your product. I repeat, lower the humidity in the room to 30%. In Galicia, starting at 80-85% is important.


Un gran invento, trniamos muchisima humedad y nos soluciono el problema

A great invention, we had a lot of humidity and it solved our problem.


Funciona muy bien, tiene mucha potencia. Aunque es ruidoso. Podrían hacerlo compatible con IFTTT o google assistant

It works very well, it has a lot of power. Although it is noisy. They could make it compatible with IFTTT or google assistant


Ce deshumificateur fonctionne très bien. Je l'utilise dans mon séjour (40m²) et principalement dans mon sous-sol (60m²), le réservoir de 7L est facilement rempli en moins d'une journée et son effet sur l'humidité ambiante est sensible. L'application est assez bien faite et permet de le piloter sans problème à distance, personnellement je m'y retrouve plus facilement avec l'application qu'avec les boutons sur l'appareil. Il dispose de pas mal d'options de fonctionnement (minuteur, programmation à intervalles réguliers, force du ventilateur, taux d'humidité cible, etc...) Quelques petits défauts, pas forcément rédhibitoires mais qu'il faut avoir en tête : - cet appareil est assez bruyant. Le compresseur lui-même ne fait pas plus de bruit qu'un frigo, mais le ventilateur souffle relativement fort et en permanence (i.e. même quand le taux d'humidité est bas et que le compresseur ne fonctionne pas), ce qui crée un bruit de fond désagréable. Personnellement je ne l'utilise plus dans les pièces à vivre à cause de ça. - il y a des coupures régulières de l'application qui font que l'on ne peut plus contrôler l'appareil à distance. Tous les 2 ou 3 jours environ, je suis obligé de débrancher et rebrancher le deshumidificateur pour le reconnecter à l'application et en reprendre le contrôle. Globalement je recommande, mais avec un bémol sur le bruit. Si vous prévoyez de l'utiliser dans une pièce de vie, faites-le fonctionner en votre absence, ou préférez un modèle moins bruyant.

This dehumifier works very well. I use it in my living room (40m²) and mainly in my basement (60m²), the 7L tank is easily filled in less than a day and its effect on ambient humidity is noticeable. The application is quite well done and allows you to control it remotely without any problem; personally I find it easier with the application than with the buttons on the device. It has quite a few operating options (timer, programming at regular intervals, fan strength, target humidity level, etc...) A few small flaws, not necessarily prohibitive but which must be kept in mind: - This device is quite noisy. The compressor itself does not make any more noise than a fridge, but the fan blows relatively loudly and constantly (ie even when the humidity level is low and the compressor is not working), which creates a noise unpleasant background. Personally I no longer use it in living rooms because of that. - there are regular outages in the application which mean that you can no longer control the device remotely. Approximately every 2 or 3 days, I have to unplug and reconnect the dehumidifier to reconnect it to the application and regain control. Overall I recommend, but with a downside on the noise. If you plan to use it in a living room, operate it in your absence, or prefer a less noisy model.


Programar encendido y apagado

Schedule on and off


Je viens de le recevoir, et ce que je peux vous dire c'est qu'il fonctionne très bien. Je suis passé de 55% à 41% de taux d'humidité en moin de 2h sur une pièce de 28m2. La machine ne prend pas beaucoup de place et envoie un air un peu chaud. J'ai acheté cette machine afin de rendre l'air de mon appartement moin humide pour éviter une sur consomation des radiateurs. Ça à l'air de marcher et l'air est plus agréable. L'application est complete et permet de mettre en place des routines.

I just received it, and what I can tell you is that it works very well. I went from 55% to 41% humidity level in less than 2 hours in a 28m2 room. The machine does not take up much space and emits slightly warm air. I bought this machine to make the air in my apartment less humid to avoid overconsumption of radiators. It seems to be working and the air is nicer. The application is complete and allows you to set up routines.


Appareil très performant mon salon de 25m2 est littéralement asséché en 20 minutes. Seul point négatif, en mode automatique une fois que le taux d'humidité cible est atteint, le compresseur s'éteint mais pas le ventilateur. Il est assez silencieux, quand le ventilateur est en basse vitesse. Le contrôle par smartphone en WiFi est très pratique.

Very efficient device, my 25m2 living room is literally dried out in 20 minutes. The only negative point is that in automatic mode once the target humidity level is reached, the compressor turns off but not the fan. It is quite quiet when the fan is on low speed. Control by smartphone via WiFi is very practical.


El aparato tiene buena pinta,por el momento ,ya que solo llevo 4 días con el.para mi parecer mete bastante ruido pero absorbe mucha humedad.No se bien por que el ventilador funciona continuamente en vez de pararse cuando alcanza el nivel de humedad programado.En general me da buenas sensaciones

The device looks good, for the moment, since I've only had it for 4 days. In my opinion, it makes a lot of noise but absorbs a lot of humidity. I don't know why the fan runs continuously instead of stopping when it reaches the programmed humidity level. In general, it gives me a good feeling.


pour déshumidifier la buanderie en sous sol. après 2 jours d'utilisation résultat visible. le linge est sec en moins d' 1/2 journée. A voir dans le temps. Seul bémol une fois le degré désiré d'humidité atteint cela ne s arrête pas complètement. J'ai réussi à le mettre sur le wifi ce qui est top pour le commander à distance. je recommande ce produit pour une surface de 60 m2

to dehumidify the laundry room in the basement. after 2 days of use visible result. the laundry is dry in less than 1/2 day. To see over time. The only downside is that once the desired humidity level is reached, it does not stop completely. I managed to put it on wifi which is great for controlling it remotely. I recommend this product for a surface area of 60 m2


Muy eficiente. Extrae mucha más agua que mis otros dos deshumificadores y la gestión a través del wifi de suy cómoda y práctica. Suficiente aparato para un espacio superior al recomendado, lo he utilizado en local diáfano de 50 m y en otro de dos plantas de 70 m. Y va bien

Very efficient. It extracts much more water than my other two dehumidifiers and the management via Wi-Fi is convenient and practical. It is enough for a space larger than recommended. I have used it in an open-plan room of 50 m and in another two-storey room of 70 m. And it works well.


C'est le moins bruyant des 3 déshumidificateurs ( de marque différente que j'ai ) mais il fait moins bien que le vieux Supra 200 qui lui s’arrête complètement ( ventilation comprise ) et ne redémarre que quand le taux d’humidité remonte sinon le Klarstein a l'avantage d'avoir un réservoir de 7 litres contre 5 litres pour le vieux Supra dommage que la ventilation ne se coupe pas aussi... c'est le point négatif du Klarstein

It is the least noisy of the 3 dehumidifiers (different brands that I have) but it does less well than the old Supra 200 which stops completely (ventilation included) and only restarts when the humidity level rises otherwise the Klarstein has the advantage of having a 7 liter tank compared to 5 liters for the old Supra, too bad the ventilation doesn't turn off too... that's the negative point of the Klarstein


MI equipo es de 30 l. me llegó hace 2 semanas: * Excelente calidad "alemana" * Ruido es normal en un equipo que lleva "un compresor" como cualquier otro, hay quien no entiende esto, evidentemente para dormir al lado es molesto. * Funciones excelentes y sobre todo usando la aplicación desde el móvil teniendo interner. Se puede programar a gusto y a distancia, día a día y escoger hora de encendido y de apagado para cualquier día y solo actuará. Ideal para una vivienda de veraneo donde no estaremos en invierno. Única pega, las instrucciones en Inglés o Alemán aunque una vez te descargas la aplicación en el móvil, la tendras en castellano y es muy sencilla e intuitiva. Otra pega, es que aum no me he enterado como desagua por la goma al estar lleno el deposito.. pues me "pita" aparece en el displei "Fallo" pero no me dessgua , aun no lo tengo controlsdo ede pubto. Casa 3 años posterior, ya lo tengo más que probado. La goma de desagüe ( un macarrón transparente y flexible de 0.6mm de diámetro se conecta al tapón de desagüe del equipo y lo llevas a la bañera y otro desagüe. Así una vez que programo con la app ( cada hora de cada día cuando me interese, por ejemplo tres encendidos al día de unos 15/20 min. cada encendido, repartido a las horas más baratas de energía) así que en la vivienda de playa , aunque no vaya en semanas, tengo la tranquilidad de que está sin humedad no mohos. 100% RECOMENDABLE.

My equipment is 30 l. I received it 2 weeks ago: * Excellent "German" quality * Noise is normal in an equipment that has "a compressor" like any other, there are those who do not understand this, obviously sleeping next to it is annoying. * Excellent functions and above all using the application from the mobile phone having internet. You can program it as you like and remotely, day by day and choose the time to turn on and off for any day and it will act alone. Ideal for a summer house where we will not be in winter. Only drawback, the instructions in English or German although once you download the application on your mobile, you will have it in Spanish and it is very simple and intuitive. Another drawback is that I still have not found out how it drains through the rubber when the tank is full.. because it "beeps" and "Fault" appears on the display but it does not drain, I still do not have it under control from the public. House 3 years later, I have already tested it more than enough. The drain plug (a transparent and flexible macaroni of 0.6mm diameter is connected to the drain plug of the equipment and you take it to the bathtub and another drain. So once I program it with the app (every hour of every day when it interests me, for example three ignitions a day of about 15/20 min. each ignition, distributed to the cheapest hours of energy) so in the beach house, even if I don't go for weeks, I have the peace of mind that it is free of humidity and no mold. 100% RECOMMENDED.


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Ha un buon funzionamento. L'acqua viene drenata nel serbatoio con efficienza. Ha delle buone funzioni di programmazione e con l'app può essere comandato da remoto. Però quando entra in funzione ad alto regime (spesso) il rumore è molto forte accompagnato da vibrazioni ed assolutamente non può essere tenuto in camera da letto e dove si soggiorna. Non so se é un difetto della macchina che mi hanno inviato o del modello in sé. Comunque non ho provveduto a restituirla sperando che sparisse il rumore ed adesso la tengo perché comunque non la uso in camera. EDIT 26/10/2020: Dopo circa 1 anno di utilizzo, ho riscontrato delle perdite di acqua copiose e ho deciso di mandare in garanzia il macchinario. Il reso è totalmente gratuito con l'etichetta fornita dal venditore con corriere Poste Italiane, ma purtroppo non viene organizzato un ritiro a domicilio e non è possibile richiederlo di nostra iniziativa. Quindi bisogna armarsi di pazienza, imballare per bene il tutto e portarlo fino all'ufficio postale con auto o altro, essendo abbastanza pesante (c'è tempo 90 giorni per utilizzare l'etichetta, quindi è un po' scomodo ma alla fine ci si organizza e si fa). Nel giro di una decina di giorni mi è stato recapitato un macchinario nuovo di zecca: adesso il rumore si è notevolmente ridotto e le vibrazioni meccaniche che erano state presenti fin dal primo momento nel modello iniziale, adesso sono assenti. Questo fa pensare che il mio prodotto presentasse effettivamente qualche difetto meccanico grave all'interno. Ringrazio Klarstein per il servizio in garanzia, non tutti i venditori si comportano così bene coi prodotti difettosi. Allego video che documenta l'attuale rumorosità del deumidificatore a pieno regime, adesso assolutamente accettabile. Modifico da 3 a 5 stelle sia per il servizio di garanzia che per le effettive prestazioni riscontrate adesso che ho un macchinario correttamente funzionante.

Unable to load media. It works well. The water is drained into the tank efficiently. It has good programming functions and can be controlled remotely with the app. However, when it starts working at high speed (often) the noise is very loud accompanied by vibrations and it absolutely cannot be kept in the bedroom or where you stay. I don't know if it is a defect of the machine they sent me or of the model itself. However, I did not return it hoping that the noise would disappear and now I keep it because I don't use it in the bedroom anyway. EDIT 10/26/2020: After about 1 year of use, I found copious water leaks and decided to send the machine under warranty. The return is completely free with the label provided by the seller with Poste Italiane courier, but unfortunately a home collection is not organized and it is not possible to request it on our own initiative. So you have to be patient, pack everything well and take it to the post office by car or other means, since it is quite heavy (you have 90 days to use the label, so it is a bit inconvenient but in the end you get organized and do it). Within about ten days I received a brand new machine: now the noise has significantly reduced and the mechanical vibrations that had been present since the first moment in the initial model are now absent. This makes me think that my product actually had some serious mechanical defect inside. I thank Klarstein for the warranty service, not all sellers behave so well with defective products. I attach a video that documents the current noise of the dehumidifier at full capacity, now absolutely acceptable. I change from 3 to 5 stars both for the warranty service and for the actual performance found now that I have a correctly functioning machine.





Funciona de maravilla. Un poco ruidoso, pero debe de ser normal por lo que he leído. Baja la humedad de forma muy notable. La máquina es un poco grande pero es lo que tiene si necesitas algo potente. Buena compra

It works like a charm. A bit noisy, but that must be normal from what I've read. It lowers the humidity very noticeably. The machine is a bit big but that's what it has if you need something powerful. Good buy


Lo uso en un dúplex, y se nota mucho en que planta se encuentra. Me ha bajado mucho la humedad del ambiente. Todos los días tengo que vaciar el depósito. El nivel sonoro puede ser molesto en la misma habitación, pero en una colindante, no molesta en absoluto.

I use it in a duplex, and it is very noticeable which floor it is on. The humidity in the environment has dropped considerably. I have to empty the tank every day. The noise level can be bothersome in the same room, but in an adjoining room, it is not bothersome at all.


Lo bueno de este aparato es su facilidad de uso, y su gran deposito, que permite una gran autonomía de funcionamiento. También está muy bien el diseño, y la función de mover el aire para que haga una especie de abanico y no esté siempre orientado hacia el mismo sitio. Otra cosa muy buena es que cuando se apaga, se cierra la tapa, lo cual impide que se pueda caer cosa dentro del ventilador. Lo que no me ha gustado es las luces que lleva para indicar el nivel de humedad, lucen demasiado y no se pueden desactivar desde la app, hay que hacerlo desde los botones y cuando lo apagas y lo vuelves a encender se activan de nuevo. Yo he tenido que devolverlo, ya que precisamente esas luces han comenzado a fallar y se encendían de forma muy tenue incluso cuando estaba apagado, por lo que era muy molesto para dormir con el en la habitación.

The good thing about this device is its ease of use, and its large tank, which allows for a great autonomy of operation. The design is also very good, and the function of moving the air so that it makes a kind of fan and is not always facing the same place. Another very good thing is that when it is turned off, the cover closes, which prevents anything from falling into the fan. What I did not like is the lights that it has to indicate the humidity level, they are too bright and cannot be deactivated from the app, you have to do it from the buttons and when you turn it off and on again they are activated again. I have had to return it, since precisely those lights have started to fail and they turned on very dimly even when it was off, so it was very annoying to sleep with it in the room.


Le déshumidificateur est efficace, la quantité d'eau récupérée est satisfaisante. Le rendement fait que son rapport qualité-prix est très bon. Sa puissance est de 750 watt, indiquée nulle part au moment de l'achat, c'est une consommation non négligeable. Un point faible, sa pompe d'évacuation n'est pas assez puissante pour que l'eau soit évacuée dans un évier ou un WC. Seule solution pour cela, placer le déshumidificateur en hauteur. Un autre point faible, il est plutôt bruyant. En fait, les volets en plastique font plus de bruit que le compresseur et le ventilateur réunis, du fait des vibrations car ils n'ont aucun joint pour amortir. Il est possible de réduire ces bruits en plaçant des gomettes en caoutchouc entre les volets et la coque en plastique, mais c'est bien dommage que ces joints ne soient pas d'origine. Il faut bien lire la notice pour apprendre à utiliser le déshumidificateur, notamment pour sa petite pompe d'évacuation. Une fois la notice bien comprise, son utilisation devient logique. Mais plus de convivialité aurait été possible.

The dehumidifier is efficient, the quantity of water recovered is satisfactory. The performance means that its quality-price ratio is very good. Its power is 750 watts, indicated nowhere at the time of purchase, this is a significant consumption. A weak point, its drain pump is not powerful enough for the water to be drained into a sink or toilet. The only solution for this is to place the dehumidifier up high. Another weak point, it is rather noisy. In fact, plastic shutters make more noise than the compressor and fan combined, due to vibration because they have no seal to cushion. It is possible to reduce these noises by placing rubber seals between the flaps and the plastic shell, but it is a shame that these seals are not original. You must read the instructions carefully to learn how to use the dehumidifier, especially for its small evacuation pump. Once the instructions are well understood, their use becomes logical. But more conviviality would have been possible.


De momento el aparato funciona bien, en solo dos horas en una habitación, ha salido mas de medio litro de agua, aunque hace bastante ruido.

At the moment the device works well, in just two hours in a room, it has produced more than half a litre of water, although it is quite noisy.


Es un buen aparato, muy potente. La marca aunque desconocida en España, es una referencia en Alemania, calidad garantizada. Único inconveniente es que no es silenciosa, recomendable usarla mientras no estas en la habitación.

It is a good device, very powerful. The brand, although unknown in Spain, is a reference in Germany, quality guaranteed. The only drawback is that it is not silent, it is advisable to use it when you are not in the room.


Vivo en una zona de España en la que hay mucha humedad en el ambiente, y para más humedad todavía, en una plata bajá y ya sabemos que eso conlleva más humedad extra. Desde que tengo instalado esté deshumidificador lo he notado un montón, todos los días tengo que vaciar el depósito que lleva para recoger la humedad. Me sirve de calefactor ya que además tira mucho aíre caliente. Lo puedes manejar desdé el teléfono móvil mediante una aplicación, lo que lo hace más cómodo todavía, ya que no te tienes ni que mover pará utilizarlo. Lo puedes programar para encender o apagar y el nivel de humedad que quieres para tu casa. El diseño es espectacular y su uso más. Me encanta

I live in an area of Spain where there is a lot of humidity in the environment, and to make things even more humid, on a low floor and we already know that this brings more extra humidity. Since I have installed this dehumidifier I have noticed it a lot, every day I have to empty the tank that it has to collect the humidity. It serves as a heater since it also throws out a lot of hot air. You can control it from your mobile phone using an application, which makes it even more comfortable, since you don't even have to move to use it. You can program it to turn on or off and the level of humidity you want for your house. The design is spectacular and its use even more. I love it.