[Returns: -35%] Smart 450 Infrared Heating Panel

£ 76.99 (incl. VAT)
Product number: 53032783
Smart 450 Infrared Heating Panel
£ 76.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 100.99
  • £ 119.99
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Smart home: Conveniently controlled via the Klarstein app, fully compatible with Alexa


  • required WiFi connection: SSID on 2.4 GHz band
  • Power: 450 Watt
  • Impact area: up to 9 m²
  • Effective range: approx. 2 - 4 m
  • Protection class: IP24
  • No warm-up phase, generates heat instantly
  • Temperature range: 0 - 37 °C
  • Infrared heat: heats up objects that are exposed to it, not the air
  • Surface temperature of the heating panel: 85 to 95 °C
  • With overheating protection
  • Can be combined with other panels to heat larger rooms
  • Easy installation
  • Power supply: 220 - 240 V~ | 50 Hz
Product number: 53032783

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 50 x 90 (WxH)
  • Cable: approx. 145 cm
  • Weight: approx. 3.8 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x infrared heater
  • 1 x assembly material
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
25 Ratings

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Hervorragendes Teil, tut genau was es soll, einfach zu bedienen.

Excellent piece, does exactly what it's supposed to, easy to use.


El producto me parece de buena calidad, la conexión al app es rápida y sencilla. El app s funcional y te permite una buena configuración de toda tu casa por espacios etc.
El problema qu tuve s que pon qu es para uso en pared o techo, y en el techo que es dónde quería colocarlo el termostato se calienta con la placa dando una temperatura que no se corresponde con la de la habitación (mucho más alta) cortando el calentamiento y por tanto no llegando a caldear el cuarto. Pienso que este modelo es adecuado para una pared, no para el techo.

The product seems to be of good quality, the connection to the app is quick and easy. The app is functional and allows you to configure your entire house well by spaces, etc. The problem I had is that it says it is for use on a wall or ceiling, and on the ceiling, which is where I wanted to place it, the thermostat heats up with the plate, giving a temperature that does not correspond to that of the room (much higher), cutting off the heating and therefore not heating the room. I think this model is suitable for a wall, not for the ceiling.


Usei -o por um dia e parece ser muito funcional e aquece muito rápido. Mas o facto é que é um pouco grande de mais e a chapa aquece demasiado e para o bebé não é seguro

I used it for a day and it seems to be very functional and heats up very quickly. But the fact is that it is a little too big and the plate heats up too much and it is not safe for the baby.


Premetto che ho una batteria al litio da 150A ed un inverter da 2000W. In inverno non è facile riuscire a dormire se fa freddo come tutti ben sanno. Soprattutto se si vive in camper non collegati a colonnine ed in camping attrezzati. Allora sto provando ad attrezzarmi con una coperta termica sul materasso della Imetec da 150W e di fronte a me ho piazzato il pannello ad infrarossi da 300W. Accendo la coperta e il pannello con il motore acceso ed una volta scaldato il letto chiudo tendine e lascio andare solo il pannello spegnendo il motore. Imposto il comodissimo timer di spegnimento, spengo il motore e vado a dormire. Al mattino imposto la stufa a gas con accensione automatica per un'ora prima del risveglio e così risolvo quasi completamente in libera i problemi.

I would like to point out that I have a 150A lithium battery and a 2000W inverter. In winter it is not easy to sleep if it is cold as everyone knows. Especially if you live in a camper not connected to columns and in equipped campsites. So I am trying to equip myself with a thermal blanket on the Imetec 150W mattress and in front of me I have placed the 300W infrared panel. I turn on the blanket and the panel with the engine on and once the bed is warm I close the curtains and let only the panel go by turning off the engine. I set the very convenient shutdown timer, turn off the engine and go to sleep. In the morning I set the gas stove with automatic ignition for an hour before waking up and so I solve the problems almost completely in freedom.


Per il mio utilizzo sotto la scrivania di lavoro, gambe vicine al pannello regolata a 25 °G riscalda bene senza bruciare

For my use under the work desk, legs close to the panel set to 25 °G heats well without burning


Per il mio utilizzo sotto la scrivania di lavoro, gambe vicine al pannello regolata a 25 °G riscalda bene senza bruciare

For my use under the work desk, legs close to the panel set to 25 °G heats well without burning


la leggerezza e la semplicità sono gradite avrei preferito che il quadro elettrico fosse stato reso spostabile su di un lato lungo in quanto ho dovuto installare il pannello in verticale...

the lightness and simplicity are appreciated, I would have preferred that the electrical panel had been made movable on a long side as I had to install the panel vertically...


Me ha gustado mucho este calefactor, es muy plano y no parece un calefactor, calienta mucho

I really liked this heater, it is very flat and does not look like a heater, it heats a lot


Bel pannello, poco ingombrante che scalda piacevolmente la zona di fronte a dove viene installato, consuma poco e si comanda facilmente da remoto, se ti riesce sistemare l'applicazione per tutti i partecipanti di casa ... Le indicazioni su come sballarlo e montarlo non ci sono, il sistema di ancoraggio al muro è stato progettato da qualcuno che non ha mai provato ad appenderlo, buona fortuna. Dopo l'aggiornamento dell'app dei primi di febbraio è più facile fare una programmazione.

Nice panel, not bulky, it pleasantly heats the area in front of where it is installed, it consumes little and is easily controlled remotely, if you can set up the application for all the participants in the house ... There are no instructions on how to unpack and mount it, the wall anchoring system was designed by someone who has never tried to hang it, good luck. After the app update in early February, it is easier to program.


Ben fatto, arrivato puntuale, molto semplice da applicare ed usare. Chiaramente con 360 w non puoi aspettarti che scaldi una stanza, tuttavia è perfettamente conforme a quanto descritto dal costruttore, che ne precisa esattamente le possibilità. Quindi, se vi ci sedete accanto, scalda piacevolmente ed è gradevolissimo. Non pensiate di scaldarci una camera perché non lo farà mai, del resto non è per questo che è realizzato. Secondo me, è ottimo per un piccolo bagno. In ogni modo è un buon prodotto, dal quale mi aspettavo esattamente queste prestazioni.

Well made, arrived on time, very simple to apply and use. Obviously with 360 w you can't expect it to heat a room, however it is perfectly compliant with what the manufacturer describes, which specifies exactly what it can do. So, if you sit next to it, it warms up pleasantly and is very pleasant. Don't think of heating a room with it because it will never do that, after all that is not what it is made for. In my opinion, it is excellent for a small bathroom. In any case it is a good product, from which I expected exactly this performance.


J'ai utilisé ce radiateur pour un appoint de chauffage dans une pièce légèrement humide.

I used this radiator for additional heating in a slightly humid room.


Pedí un calefactor de 600w llego de 300, no lo devuelvo porque tarde un par de semanas en ir a instalarlo y me di cuenta tarde, la App para controlar desde el móvil inexistente, apenas calienta y a veces se para sin explicación.

I ordered a 600w heater and it cost 300. I'm not returning it because it took me a couple of weeks to install it and I realized too late. The app to control it from my cell phone doesn't exist, it barely heats up and sometimes it stops without explanation.


Pour chauffer. Ma chambre. Pour 350 watts Bonne chaleur. Très légé à déplacer. Pas de regrets je le conseille sans restriction

To heat. My room. For 350 watts Good heat. Very light to move. No regrets I recommend it without restriction


Prévu pour chauffer une pièce petite 1.5m2, des wc pour être précis, j'ai choisi la plus faible puissance proposée 360w. le fonctionnement correspond à mes attentes. Le contrôle à distance est pratique et fonctionne bien, le seul reproche est qu'il me semble impossible de pouvoir le commander avec google home c'est dommage. Mais l'application est simple claire précise avec l'indication de la température mesurée dans la pièce et la température souhaitée. Satisfait de mon achat

Intended to heat a small room 1.5m2, toilets to be precise, I chose the lowest power offered 360w. The operation corresponds to my expectations. The remote control is practical and works well, the only criticism is that it seems impossible to me to be able to control it with google home it's a shame. But the application is simple clear precise with the indication of the temperature measured in the room and the desired temperature. Satisfied with my purchase





Tenemos un bebé en casa así que lo hemos instalado en la pared a una altura en la que no lo pueda alcanzar.Fácil montaje,el calor que emite es bastante agradable y al tener la pared también de blanco,pasa desapercibido.Nosotros lo utilizamos con el termostato y todo bien.Gasta mucho menos que mi radiador de aceite y se nota en la factura de luz.

We have a baby at home so we have installed it on the wall at a height where he cannot reach it. Easy to install, the heat it emits is quite pleasant and as the wall is also white, it goes unnoticed. We use it with the thermostat and everything is fine. It uses much less than my oil radiator and it shows on the electricity bill.


Después de buscar y buscar, nos hemos decantado por este panel radiante por su acabado sencillo y a la vez elegante. Cumple con todas nuestras necesidades, ya que proporciona un calor muy agradable y mantiene la temperatura de una forma eficaz y silenciosa. Gracias a su termostato, temporizador semanal y función de pagado automático, es cómodo y seguro sin tener que preocuparte de nada. Lo hemos instalado sin ningún tipo de inconveniente, ya que su montaje es fácil y rápido. Ahora solo queda esperar que llegue el frío para poder disfrutar de esta gran compra con la que estamos muy satisfechos. Repetiremos sin duda alguna.

After searching and searching, we have opted for this radiant panel for its simple yet elegant finish. It meets all our needs, as it provides a very pleasant heat and maintains the temperature in an efficient and silent way. Thanks to its thermostat, weekly timer and automatic payment function, it is comfortable and safe without having to worry about anything. We have installed it without any inconvenience, as its assembly is easy and fast. Now we just have to wait for the cold to arrive so we can enjoy this great purchase with which we are very satisfied. We will repeat without a doubt.


Jai acheté ce chauffage pour l'installer en décembre dans une maison de montagne au Portugal, mais avec le froid qu'il a fait ces derniers temps je l'ai testé chez moi, et je suis ravi de mon achat. Il est silencieux et très efficace, super rapport qualité prix. C'est mon premier chauffage à accroche murale, et c'est fantastique au niveau du gain de place et de la diffusion de la chaleur.. Je le recommande.

I bought this heater to install in December in a mountain house in Portugal, but with the cold weather lately I tested it at home, and I am delighted with my purchase. It is quiet and very efficient, great value for money. This is my first wall-mounted heater, and it is fantastic in terms of space saving and heat diffusion. I recommend it.


Nous avons choisi ce modèle afin de compléter notre chauffage en prévision de cet hiver pour son côté invisible (décoration murale plutôt que radiateur encombrant) concernant la chambre de nos fils. C’est un produit de qualité qu’on peut gérer à distance et c’est exactement ce qu’on recherchait ! Je recommande les yeux fermés !

We chose this model to complement our heating in anticipation of this winter for its invisible side (wall decoration rather than bulky radiator) concerning our sons' room. It is a quality product that can be managed remotely and that is exactly what we were looking for! I recommend it with my eyes closed!


Compré el calentador infrarrojo para instalarlo en la pared de mi vivienda para este invierno. He tenido algunos otros calefactores pero siempre están por el medio, con muchos cables y estorbando. Con este panel consigo mantener la habitación a una temperatura confortable sin tener cables ni otros productos por el suelo, además al tener diferentes opciones de textura combina perfectamente con la decoración. Es comodísimo ya que el mando a distancia hace que sea manejable desde cualquier lugar, además no hace nada de ruido, posiblemente compre otro calentador igual para otra habitación. Lo recomiendo.

I bought the infrared heater to install on the wall of my house for this winter. I have had some other heaters but they are always in the way, with lots of cables and getting in the way. With this panel I can keep the room at a comfortable temperature without having cables or other products on the floor, and since it has different texture options it blends perfectly with the decor. It is very convenient since the remote control makes it manageable from anywhere, and it does not make any noise, I will probably buy another heater like this for another room. I recommend it.


SALÓN CALENTITO DE MANERA RÁPIDA Y SIN POLVO este cacharro vale cada euro pagado por él, el diseño es súper elegante y muy estrechito, por lo que puede ser colocado en la pared sin apenas ocupar espacio. El calor es por infrarrojos, lo que hace que no solo sea eficiente si no que también calienta de manera rápida e inteligente, evitando el consumo de energía cuando hay ventanas abiertas. Cuenta con temporizador que permite elegir a qué hora del día se enciende y se apaga, aparte de eso se controla por wifi por lo cual si veo que las temperaturas bajan y quiero que me caliente el salón lo puedo encender desde el móvil. Lo dicho, vale cada euro pagado por él

WARM LIVING ROOM QUICKLY AND DUST-FREE This gadget is worth every euro paid for it, the design is super elegant and very narrow, so it can be placed on the wall without taking up much space. The heat is by infrared, which makes it not only efficient but also heats quickly and intelligently, avoiding energy consumption when windows are open. It has a timer that allows you to choose what time of day it turns on and off, apart from that it is controlled by wifi so if I see that the temperatures are dropping and I want it to warm up the living room I can turn it on from my mobile. As I said, it is worth every euro paid for it.


Con la entrega de mi casa ultimando detalles de que falta aunque estamos en verano tenía un gran pared en el salón y hemos decido yo y mi pareja de poner una placa calefactor. Soy amante de la tecnología y esto de poder manejar la placa con el móvil por medio de una aplicación y desde donde yo este es un punto muy a favor de está placa. La hemos instalado con mucha facilidad, sobre sale muy poco de la pared y da un gran calor como prácticamente si el sol estuviera pasando por un cristal. Viene con protección antisalpicadura por si se necesita poner en un cuarto de baño. Viene también para ponerlo en el techo, solo se necesita un enchufe para enchufar y listo.

With the delivery of my house, I am finishing off the details that are missing, although it is summer. I had a large wall in the living room and my partner and I have decided to put a heating plate. I am a lover of technology and being able to control the plate with my mobile phone using an application and from where I am is a very positive point for this plate. We have installed it very easily, it protrudes very little from the wall and gives off great heat as if the sun were practically passing through a glass. It comes with anti-splash protection in case it needs to be put in a bathroom. It also comes to put it on the ceiling, you just need a plug to plug it in and that's it.


Acheter pour chauffer (et décorer) une chambre à l'étage qui n'est pas suffisamment chauffée par le poêle à granules, je suis très satisfait de ce produit qui est très joli (plat, design) et qui est pratique avec l'application qui permets l'utilisation Wifi et donc de faire les réglages facilement. Je recommande

Bought to heat (and decorate) a room upstairs that is not sufficiently heated by the pellet stove, I am very satisfied with this product which is very pretty (flat, design) and which is practical with the application which allows the use of Wifi and therefore to make the settings easily. I recommend


Tant esthétiquement que fonctionnellement c'est exactement le produit que je recherchais pour notre salle de bain. Livraison rapide et soignée. Rien à redire je recommande !

Both aesthetically and functionally it is exactly the product I was looking for for our bathroom. Fast and careful delivery. Nothing to complain about I recommend!


Pratique, diffuse une chaleur douce, agréable. Attention, ne pas utiliser ce modèle (300W) dans une pièce de plus de 6 m²

Practical, diffuses a gentle, pleasant heat. Caution, do not use this model (300W) in a room larger than 6 m²