Vigor Air Hot Air Fryer

£ 186.99
Original price: £ 202.99 -7%
(incl. VAT)
  • Hot air fryer
  • Black
  • 1800 watt
Product number: 10039940
Vigor Air Hot Air Fryer
£ 186.99
Original price: £ 202.99 -7%
(incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 167.99
    Original price: £ 186.99
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • Dual cooking: convenient combination of programmes for perfect results

  • Easy operation: clear touch display and rotary knob control

  • 18 selectable programmes: for a wide variety of dishes

Product description

Large cooking space for delicious variety: With the Vigor Air hot air fryer from Klarstein, you can prepare countless dishes for yourself and your family.

Frying, baking, grilling or roasting - all of these functions are no problem for the Vigor Air thanks to the two heating elements (top and bottom heat). With 18 preset programmes and a clear touch panel, you can enjoy a wide range of delicious dishes easily and conveniently. Thanks to a volume of 30 litres, the stylish appliance is very spacious and particularly suitable for families or large households. Special functions such as dual cooking and a comprehensive set of accessories leave nothing to be desired.

More than just hot air: the Klarstein Vigor Air hot air fryer impresses with powerful performance, plenty of space and numerous programmes.


  • Power: 1800 watts
  • Filling capacity: 30 litres (ideal for families and large households)
  • Digital control panel with touch screen
  • Top and bottom heat incl. convection fan
  • Temperature: 30 to 230°C
  • 18 selectable programmes plus manual cooking time and temperature setting
  • Dual cooking: combination of different programmes
  • Front flap with panorama window
  • Easy front loader opening
  • Large inspection windows
  • Double layer of tempered glass
  • Accessory set: grill rack, frying basket, baking tray, rotisserie and rotisserie handle
  • Heat-resistant stainless steel housing
  • Four support feet
Product number: 10039940

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 46 x 43.4 x 37.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Interior dimensions: approx. 36 x 34.7 x 23.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Power supply unit: approx. 85 cm
  • Weight: approx. 9.5 kg
  • Power supply: 220-240 V~ | 50/60 Hz

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x hot air fryer
  • 1 x grill grate
  • 1 x frying basket
  • 1 x baking tray
  • 1 x rotary spit
  • 1 x rotary spit lifter
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
13 Ratings

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Molto capiente e questo permette di cucinare naturalmente pietanze abbondanti. L'unica cosa che devo aggiungere qualche minuto in più per avere il cibo a cottura perfetta. Molto soddisfatto.

Very capacious and this allows you to naturally cook abundant dishes. The only thing I have to add a few more minutes to have the food perfectly cooked. Very satisfied.


Produkt zatiaľ dlho nemám. Kúpu som zrealizoval na základe recenzií na webe predajcu ako alternatívu mikrovlnnej rúry, ktorú som sa rozhodol už nepoužívať. Po prvých skúsenostiach s výrobkom môžem vyjadriť spokojnosť. Je trochu obtiažne sa zorientovať v jej používaní aj na základe návodu, ktorý je možné v slovenskom jazyku stiahnuť na webe predajcu, nakoľko balenie návod v slovenskom jazyku neobsahuje. Je pravdou, že fritéza má predinštalované programy, avšak tieto je určite treba dotvarovať podľa potreby v súlade s pripravovanými potravinami v rúre, čo treba vychytať len praxou a jej používaním. Škoda, že neexistuje orientačný návod na nastavenie teplôt a času na prípravu rôznych pokrmov v návode, aby sa človek mohol ľahšie zorientovať pri jej používaní. Iná alternatíva sú už iba recepty, kde sú uvedené časy a teploty. Fritéza je esteticky spracovaná, má kompaktné rozmery, hodí sa aj do menších kuchýň alebo priestorov na prípravu jedla. Má dostatočné príslušenstvo. Zaskočený som ostal hádam iba tým, že už po prvom použití ostali v plechu tmavé škvrnky, čo je zapríčinené zrejme reakciou tekutín z potravín pri pečení. Povrchová štruktúra plechu tak bola porušená, ale vplyv to možno na jeho ďalšie používanie nemá. Verím, že príprava stravy v tejto forme má budúcnosť a výrobok tak bude preferovaný viac ako mikrovlnné rúry. Výrobok odporúčam.

I haven't had the product for a long time. I made the purchase based on reviews on the seller's website as an alternative to a microwave oven that I decided not to use anymore. After the first experiences with the product, I can express my satisfaction. It is a bit difficult to find your way around using it even on the basis of the manual, which can be downloaded in Slovak from the seller's website, as the packaging does not contain instructions in Slovak. It is true that the deep fryer has pre-installed programs, but these must certainly be shaped as needed in accordance with the food being prepared in the oven, which can only be learned through practice and use. It's a pity that there is no guideline for setting the temperatures and time for preparing various dishes in the manual, so that people can more easily orient themselves when using it. Another alternative is only recipes where times and temperatures are indicated. The fryer is aesthetically designed, has compact dimensions, and is also suitable for smaller kitchens or areas for food preparation. It has enough accessories. I was only surprised by the fact that even after the first use, dark spots remained in the sheet, which is probably caused by the reaction of liquids from food during baking. The surface structure of the sheet was broken, but this may not affect its further use. I believe that food preparation in this form has a future and the product will thus be preferred more than microwave ovens. I recommend the product.


Ho aspettato a recensire perchè volevo provarla e scrivere cose veritiere,
devo dire che mi trovo molto bene ha molto spazio e si possono cuocere cibi di grandi dimensioni, faccio il pane e ci sta una bella pagnotta. facile da pulire e molto intuitiva.
molto soddisfatta.

I waited to review because I wanted to try it and write truthful things, I must say that I like it very much, it has a lot of space and you can cook large foods, I make bread and it fits a nice loaf. easy to clean and very intuitive. very satisfied.


Die Lieferung erfolgte innerhalb von 3 Werktagen. Mit der Bedienung muss man sich erst einmal vertraut machen. Leider finde ich keine 2. passendes Backblech beim Zubehör. Ich finde der Lüfter ist etwas laut. da er 4 Minuten nachläuft wenn das Gerät schon aus ist. Ist aber normal, da die Hitze ja irgendwo hin muss. Ob das Gerät nun vorheizt oder nicht wird in der Anleitung nicht richtig erklärt und man muss etwas testen. Sonst ist das Gerät aber gut und tut genau das was es soll. Also Daumen hoch.

The delivery was within 3 working days. You have to get used to how it works. Unfortunately I can't find a second suitable baking tray in the accessories. I think the fan is a bit loud, as it runs for 4 minutes after the device has been switched off. But that's normal, as the heat has to go somewhere. Whether the device preheats or not isn't explained properly in the instructions and you have to test it out a bit. Otherwise the device is good and does exactly what it's supposed to. So thumbs up.


Macht was es soll- super.

Does what it's supposed to - great.


Gutes Gerät, würde ich wieder kaufen. Aber es wäre schön, wenn es für dieses Gerät auch einen dazugehörigen Drehkorb geben würde. Ich habe den Drehkorb von einem anderen Gerät (Klarstein AeroVital Cube Chef) gekauft. Zwecks für Pommes. Aber weil es für mein Gerät kein Zubehör gibt, habe ich nach langem suchen, das oben genannte Zubehörteil gefunden. Vielleicht kann man es verlinken?

Good device, I would buy it again. But it would be nice if there was also a rotating basket for this device. I bought the rotating basket from another device (Klarstein AeroVital Cube Chef). For fries. But because there are no accessories for my device, after a long search I found the above-mentioned accessory. Perhaps you can link it?


Wollte eine großen Garraum. Ist perfekt für mich. Ist auch im Vergleich zu anderen Heißluftöfen etwas leiser. Ich bin wirklich zufrieden. War für mich eine gute Anschaffung.

I wanted a large cooking space. It's perfect for me. It's also a bit quieter than other convection ovens. I'm really happy with it. It was a good purchase for me.


The most important ting is to know/understand how to combine the needed temperature and time for any menu position and how to combine programs for dual coocking. Eccellent HELPER in the kitchen. Highly recommend !

The most important ting is to know/understand how to combine the needed temperature and time for any menu position and how to combine programs for dual coocking. Eccellent HELPER in the kitchen. Highly recommend !


habe bis jetzt Fritten und Hähnchen fettfrei gegrillt und bin bis jetzt äußerst zufrieden.

I have grilled fries and chicken without fat and am extremely satisfied so far.


Bereits seit einigen Jahren bin ich begeisterter Nutzer von Heißluftfritteusen. Bisher habe ich immer eine Fritteuse mit Korb, wie man diese handelsüblich kennt, benutzt. Da diese recht klein war, hatten wir immer noch einen kleinen Offen für größere Gerichte. Da dieser kaputt war musste was neues her. Ich habe mich für die Heißluftfritteuse entschieden, da diese ein deutlich höheres Volumen als übliche Geräte aufweist. Wir sind sehr begeistert, es funktioniert super als Ofenersatz. Habe bereits in den ersten Tagen Pizza und Brot gebacken. Weiterhin natürlich Fritteusen typische Produkte wie Pommes. Man hat eine Vielzahl an Einstellmöglichkeiten. Temperatur und Timmer lässt sich einstellen. Schön finden wir das man eine Lampe in der Fritteuse zuschalten kann um den Garzustand zu beurteilen. Zudem gibt es die Funktion des Vorheißens, welche eigentlich fast nicht notwendig ist da das Gerät sehr schnell aufgeheizt ist. Insgesamt sind wir sehr zufrieden und das weiße Modell sieht auch noch optisch gut aus und macht einen hochwertigen Eindruck. Ein Hinweis für Käufer: Nach Ablauf des Timers bzw ausschalten des Geräts tut dies noch einige Zeit weiter lüften um sich abzukühlen. Die ersten Male war dies ungewöhnlich.

I have been an enthusiastic user of hot air fryers for several years now. Up until now, I have always used a fryer with a basket, as you would find commercially. As this was quite small, we still had a small oven for larger dishes. As this was broken, we needed something new. I opted for the hot air fryer because it has a much larger volume than usual devices. We are very impressed, it works great as an oven replacement. I have already baked pizza and bread in the first few days. And of course, typical deep fryer products like chips. There are a variety of setting options. The temperature and timer can be set. We like the fact that you can switch on a lamp in the fryer to judge how cooked it is. There is also a preheating function, which is actually almost unnecessary as the device heats up very quickly. Overall, we are very satisfied and the white model also looks good and makes a high-quality impression. A note for buyers: After the timer has expired or the device has been switched off, it continues to ventilate for a while to cool down. The first few times this was unusual.


Wir haben uns für diese Heißluftfritteusen und Backofen Kombi entschieden da wir nicht nur möglichst fettfrei Pommes zubereiten wollten sondern auch eine stromsparende Backofenalternative gesucht haben. Wir nutzen das Kombigerätdaher nicht nur für Pommes sondern vor allem zur Zubereitung div Kleinigkeiten für den wir dann nicht den großen Ofen anheizen müssen. Zudem gefällt uns auch der Drehspieß für Hähnchen bei dem wir uns noch einen weiteren Adapter für mehre kleine Spieße besorgt haben. Bezüglich der Bedienung mussten wir uns anfangs erst mal etwas zurechtfinden aber insbesondere die Pommes und Spieße die wir in dem Gerät zubereiten haben mir und der Familie gut geschmeckt.

We decided on this hot air fryer and oven combo because we not only wanted to prepare fries with as little fat as possible, but were also looking for an energy-saving oven alternative. We therefore use the combo device not only for fries, but above all for preparing various small things for which we don't have to heat up the large oven. We also like the rotisserie for chicken, for which we also got an additional adapter for several small skewers. In terms of operation, we had to find our way around a bit at first, but the fries and skewers that we prepared in the device tasted particularly good to me and the family.


Dieser Heissluftofen ist echt super. Die Größe ist hervorragend, da man sehr großen Sachen darin zubereiten kann. Es gibt für jede Art sein eigenes Programm, was die Zubereitung sehr einfach macht. Dazu geht das zubereiten echt schnell. Der Ofen ist direkt startklar ohne vorheizen. Bei manchen Gerichten muss man allerdings vorheizen. Das Gerät ist sehr hochwertig verarbeitet. Passt super in unsere Küche. Preisleistung bin voll und ganz mit zufrieden.

This convection oven is really great. The size is excellent because you can prepare very large things in it. There is a separate program for each type of food, which makes preparation very easy. Preparation is also really quick. The oven is ready to use straight away without preheating. However, you do have to preheat for some dishes. The device is very high quality. Fits perfectly in our kitchen. I am completely satisfied with the price/performance ratio.


Ich habe nach einen Kombi Gerät gesucht. Meine 5-köpfige Familie sollte gleichzeitig fettfreie Speisen essen können. Und ich bin hiermit fündig geworden. Frittieren, Backen, Grillen oder Rösten alle Funktionen sind top. Die zwei Heizelemente (Ober-und Unterhitze) ähneln einen Mini-Backofen sowie die Größe und Form erinnert daran. Der Drehspieß ist für uns ein Highlight Zubehör. Generell ist das umfangreiche, enthaltene Zubehörset ebenso praktisch wie hochwertig verarbeitet, wie das Gerät selbst. Die Frontlader-Öffnung mit großen Sichtfenster ist leichtgängig. Auch die 4 Einschübe sind für mehrere Personen im Haushalt sehr praktisch. Die Beschreibung entspricht dem Produkt. Wir sind sehr zufrieden und empfehlen es gerne weiter.

I was looking for a combination device. My family of five should be able to eat fat-free food at the same time. And I found what I was looking for here. Frying, baking, grilling or roasting - all functions are top-notch. The two heating elements (top and bottom heat) resemble a mini oven and the size and shape are reminiscent of one. The rotisserie is a highlight accessory for us. In general, the extensive set of accessories included is just as practical and of high quality as the device itself. The front loader opening with a large viewing window is smooth. The 4 slots are also very practical for several people in the household. The description matches the product. We are very satisfied and would happily recommend it.