FXL Electric Fireplace
- Electrical fireplace
- Black
- 2000 watt
- Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Cosy romance: electric fireplace insert
Snug and warm: switchable heat function with 1000 or 2000 watts
Clean: no soot, no ash - easy to clean
Product description
Romantic fireside atmosphere every evening at any time of year! The Klarstein Kamini FXL Electric Fireplace works at the touch of a button entirely without an open fire. It can be used not only in existing, unused fireplaces, but can also stand freely in any room. The soft light in the coals comes from an economical 2 W LED and its movements deceptively imitate glowing logs. The switchable heating function works with either 1000 or 2000 watts, and the fireplace also has a fan function. By selecting the lighting option only you can even enjoy a beautiful fire in summer!
- Fireplace insert with lighting and switchable heating function
- Glowing logs with no ash or soot
- Heating function optionally 1000 or 2000 W
- Also possible with lighting only
- Rated power: 2000 W
- Lighting: 2 W LED
- Power supply: 220-240 V~ | 50 Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions: approx. 65 x 22 x 23 cm (WxHxD)
- Power cable length: approx. 145 cm
- Weight: approx. 4.4 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x fireplace insert
- Multilingual user manual
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
No review available for this item.
Me ha gustado mucho como ha quedado, perfecto.
I really liked how it turned out, perfect.
Einfache Bedienung und sehr schönes Lichtflackern. Sieht wirklich echt aus.
Easy to use and very nice flickering light. Looks really real.
Wertige Ausführung und total echter Kamineffekt von brennendem Holz....zusätzliche Heizmöglichkeit funktioniert auch gut
High-quality design and totally real fireplace effect of burning wood....additional heating option also works well
J’ai posé cet appareil dans ma cheminéeChauffe bien et l’illusion des flammes est parfaite
I put this device in my fireplace. It heats well and the illusion of flames is perfect.
Très content de cet achat, l’effet est satisfaisant et donne l’illusion :-)
Very happy with this purchase, the effect is satisfactory and gives the illusion :-)
Muy contenta, es muy real, hasta hace con luz como llamadas por la pared de la chimenea, a ver cuanto traga con el modo calefacción
Very happy, it is very real, it even makes calls with light on the wall of the fireplace, let's see how much it consumes with the heating mode
Livraison rapide, emballage parfait, produit correspondant parfaitement au descriptif. Très bel effet dans cheminée ancienne. L’effet scintillant des bûches est magnifique. Les deux programmes de chauffe semblent efficaces. Très bel objet décoratif.
Fast delivery, perfect packaging, product perfectly matching the description. Very nice effect in old fireplace. The sparkling effect of the logs is magnificent. The two heating programs seem effective. Very beautiful decorative object.
Een Prachtig product !!!
Sfeervol en geeft veel warmte !
A beautiful product!!! Atmospheric and gives a lot of warmth!
Wir haben dieses ‚falsche’ Kaminfeuer mehr aus Witz gekauft, weil der Kamin im alten Landhaus noch nicht funktioniert.Gar nicht übel, sieht überraschenderweise ganz passabel aus.
We bought this 'fake' fireplace more as a joke, because the fireplace in the old country house doesn't work yet. Not bad at all, surprisingly it looks quite decent.
Tutto OK
Everything OK
Bon produit
Good product
Objet de belle qualité, bel effet
Beautiful quality object, beautiful effect
Diese Kaminfeuerimitation schafft gerade in der Winterzeit eine behagliche Atmosphäre. Die Verarbeitung ist gut und die Größe ausreichend. Allerdings gibt es auch zwei Kritikpunkte. Die Welle/Motor im Inneren erzeugen Laufgeräusche. Zwar nicht laut,aber vernehmbar. Und der zweite Punkt: Der Flammeneffekt der an die Rüchwand projiziert wird,ist von der Beschaffenheit der Wand abhängig. Ein angepasstes schwarzes Blech ,hat den Effekt komplett geschluckt. Bei einem polierten Blech sieht es etwas besser aus.Aber ansonsten ein gutes Gerät.
This imitation fireplace creates a cozy atmosphere, especially in winter. The workmanship is good and the size is sufficient. However, there are two points of criticism. The shaft/motor inside makes running noises. Not loud, but audible. And the second point: the flame effect that is projected onto the rear wall depends on the quality of the wall. A customized black sheet completely swallowed up the effect. It looks a little better with a polished sheet. But otherwise a good device.
J’ai pris un modèle chauffant uniquement en dépannage étant donné la faible différence de prix avec le modèle sans. J’ai pris le modèle sans flamme aux vues des commentaires plus que réservés sur cette fonction d’une part et d’autre par sur le fait que cet aspect flamme ne doit pouvoir être intéressant que sur une cheminée avec un fond proche du foyer pour refléter les flammes, ce qui n’est pas mon cas. L’aspect est bien rendu et de l’arrière un dispositif permet même de voir une animation interne rappelant des braises en train de brûler. l’inconvénient est qu’il faut trouver un moyen de cacher le fil d’alimentation ...
I took a heating model only as a stopgap given the small price difference with the model without. I took the flameless model in view of the more than reserved comments on this function on the one hand and on the other by the fact that this flame aspect should only be interesting on a fireplace with a background close to the hearth to reflect the flames, which is not my case. The aspect is well rendered and from the back a device even allows you to see an internal animation reminiscent of embers burning. The disadvantage is that you have to find a way to hide the power wire ...
It fits perfectly in our fireplace, and I have the light on all the time. I have only used the heat function on it once as I don’t live in a cold climate. It was partially broken upon arrival, but I think the delivery person broke it when throwing it over our fence. Nothing a little glue can’t fix.
It fits perfectly in our fireplace, and I have the light on all the time. I have only used the heat function on it once as I don’t live in a cold climate. It was partially broken upon arrival, but I think the delivery person broke it when throwing it over our fence. Nothing a little glue can’t fix.
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Spero sia anche durevole perché l’effetto è la funzionalità è veramente ottima.
Unable to load media. I hope it is also durable because the effect and functionality is really great.
Wenn man nicht unbedingt wirklich die Warmluftzufuhr benötigt, ist dieser Einsatz für den Kamin eine super Lösung
If you don't really need the warm air supply, this insert for the fireplace is a great solution
E’ esattamente come l’aspettavo. L’ho inserito nel mio camino. Fa effetto realistico.
It is exactly as I expected. I put it in my fireplace. It looks realistic.
Sehr gute Erfindung, passt perfekt in unseren Kamineinsatz und sieht recht echt aus.
Very good invention, fits perfectly into our fireplace insert and looks quite real.
Materiale di ottima fattura. Arrivato anche in anticipo L’unica pecca manca il telecomando che ho ovviato prendendo una presa smart.Al momento sono molto contento sperando che duri nel tempo.
Excellent quality material. Arrived early too. The only flaw is missing the remote control that I remedied by getting a smart plug. At the moment I'm very happy hoping it lasts over time.
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Bellissimo esteticamente e anche funzionale!
Unable to load media content. Beautiful aesthetically and also functional!
Davvero un bel regalo! Solida allegra calda e confortevole! Felicissima. Appena la sistemo nel caminetto aggiungo una foto. Sono davvero soddisfatta ne vale davvero la pena
What a beautiful gift! Solid, cheerful, warm and comfortable! Very happy. As soon as I put it in the fireplace I will add a photo. I am really satisfied, it is really worth it
Vermittelt gute Effekte und ein angenehmes Wohngefühl. Einfache Bedienung. Kommt in unserer Wohnung gut zur Geltung
Gives good effects and a pleasant feeling of living. Easy to use. Looks good in our apartment
Vermittelt behagliches Wohngefühl, einfach zu bedienen, Ist zu empfehlen, sehr schönen Herbst und Winter. *****
Gives a comfortable feeling, easy to use, is recommended, very nice autumn and winter. *****
décoratif et fait bien illusion
decorative and creates a good illusion
l'effet cheminée est parfait; Plus d'une personne ont cru que j'avais fait du feu dans ma cheminée. Je n'utilise pas la fonction chauffage, mais elle fonctionne.
the fireplace effect is perfect; More than one person thought I had made a fire in my fireplace. I don't use the heating function, but it works.
L'effet est garantie, dans une cheminée, par contre le bruit du ventilateur lors de l'allumage de la partie chauffante est insupportable.
The effect is guaranteed, in a fireplace, however the noise of the fan when switching on the heating part is unbearable.
Bellissimo e scalda l’ambiente. Ottimo!!
Beautiful and warms the room. Excellent!!
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Ho preso questo camino elettrico per aiutare la mia mamma perché lei non riesce più a gestire la legna, a pulire la cenere ma adora l'atmosfera del caminetto acceso. Questo apparecchio è fantastico perché, oltre la parte estetica, davvero piacevole, è praticissimo accendendosi con un click di un interruttore posto lateralmente, si può scegliere poi se attivare solo la luce per l'effetto fuoco o anche la parte di riscaldamento, con due intensità di calore, calore che esce sul davanti (ed è per questo che non bisogna ostruire la grata sottostante). L'effetto è come speravo, mi piace tantissimo. Punti di attenzione: - abbiamo cercato il modo per posizionare al meglio il cavo di alimentazione, per farlo vedere il meno possibile; - la modalità riscaldamento fa un pochino di rumore, non molto ma lo segnalo. Complessivamente ne sono molto contenta, anche per il prezzo, 118€ al momento del mio acquisto. La versione scelta è quella da 65 cm che a noi prende quasi interamente tutta la lunghezza del camino (lo abbiamo preso apposta con questa dimensione). Lascio quindi 5 stelle, qualche foto e un breve video per mostrare l'effetto che fa e il suo aspetto, spento e acceso. Spero sia di aiuto. Ciao!
Unable to load media. I bought this electric fireplace to help my mom because she can't handle the wood or clean the ash anymore but she loves the atmosphere of the fireplace. This appliance is fantastic because, in addition to the aesthetic part, which is really nice, it is very practical, turning on with a click of a switch on the side, you can then choose whether to activate only the light for the fire effect or also the heating part, with two heat intensities, heat that comes out on the front (and that's why you don't have to obstruct the grate underneath). The effect is as I hoped, I like it a lot. Points of attention: - we looked for the best way to position the power cable, to make it visible as little as possible; - the heating mode makes a little noise, not much but I'll point it out. Overall I'm very happy with it, also for the price, €118 at the time of my purchase. The version chosen is the 65 cm one which for us takes up almost the entire length of the fireplace (we bought it with this size on purpose). So I leave 5 stars, some photos and a short video to show the effect it has and what it looks like, off and on. I hope this helps. Ciao!
No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. Perfecto como adorno,el efecto de fuego muy bien conseguido
The media could not be loaded. Perfect as an ornament, the fire effect is very well achieved.
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. So che l'estetica non favorisce la percezione del caldo, ma il piacere di stare davanti ad un (finto) braciere come quelli di una volta mi riscalda il cuore...e anche il corpo anche se non è paragonabile a un termosifone
Unable to load media. I know that aesthetics do not favor the perception of heat, but the pleasure of standing in front of a (fake) brazier like those of the past warms my heart... and also my body even if it is not comparable to a radiator
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Come hanno scritto altri utenti, non usando il camino con la legna nella casa in campagna, questa è stata la soluzione definitiva. La scenografia è garantita, non è molto rumoroso e riscalda discretamente l'ambiente. Per comodità, ho abbinato una presa intelligente per il controllo remoto (accessorio mancante).
Unable to load media. As other users have written, not using the fireplace with wood in the country house, this was the definitive solution. The scenography is guaranteed, it is not very noisy and heats the room discreetly. For convenience, I combined a smart socket for remote control (missing accessory).
Ich bin mit der Atmosphäre die dieser Artikel hergibt sehr zufrieden. Wärme habe ich nicht ausprobiert.
I am very happy with the atmosphere this product creates. I have not tried the heat.
Efecto llama está bien, pero los adornos de plástico no.
Flame effect is nice, but plastic decorations are not.
Quick delivery. Easy to install and use right away. Doesn't look like real fire but give a beautiful atmospheric light. Would buy again.
Quick delivery. Easy to install and use right away. Doesn't look like real fire but give a beautiful atmospheric light. Would buy again.
Pas de télécommande livrée avec ce produit pourtant bien signalée dans le descriptif P Beaupied
No remote control delivered with this product although clearly indicated in the description P Beaupied
Tut was es soll. Lüftung hört man, benutze ich aber nicht. Sieht gut aus. Super für den Preis.
Does what it's supposed to. You can hear the ventilation, but I don't use it. Looks good. Great for the price.
Incastonato all interno del Camino in sala... bellissimo esteticamente,scalda a dovere e tiene compagnia.... buonissimo prodotto,lo consiglio!!
Nestled inside the fireplace in the living room... beautiful aesthetically, heats properly and keeps company.... very good product, I recommend it!!
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. L'oggetto raffigura perfettamente il fuoco all'interno del camino. Come descritto ha 5 effetti di fuoco, un valore, loro dicono fino a 30 gradi, ma a me non arriva più di 23. Dietro c'è il sensore di calore che non può essere spostato, molto probabilmente all'interno del camino sente una temperatura più alta e all'esterno non arriva più di questi gradi. Fa comunque molto calore ed è a risparmio energetico, non consuma molto. Ho aspettato per fare recensione per capire meglio. Sono soddisfatta, ma preferivo arrivasse a più valore. Per il resto vorrei dare 5 stars. Per ora grazie al venditore
Unable to load media. The object perfectly depicts the fire inside the fireplace. As described it has 5 fire effects, a value, they say up to 30 degrees, but it doesn't reach more than 23 for me. Behind there is the heat sensor that cannot be moved, most likely inside the fireplace it feels a higher temperature and outside it doesn't reach more than these degrees. It still makes a lot of heat and is energy saving, it doesn't consume much. I waited to write a review to understand better. I'm satisfied, but I would have preferred it to reach a higher value. For the rest I would like to give 5 stars. For now thanks to the seller
creee une ambiance
create an atmosphere
Dieser Kamineinsatz ist sein Geld wirklich wert. Unser Kamin wurde vor vielen Jahren stillgelegt und ist daher als klassischer Kamin nicht mehr zu benutzen. Da ich es aber so schade fand und das Kamin feeling sehr genieße musste jetzt eine Lösung gefunden werden. Dieser Kamineinsatz macht wirklich was her. An der Rückwand sieht man sogar das Flackern der Flammen und es passt haargenau in unseren alten Kamin. Die Wärme Funktion schalte ich nur selten ein, ist aber für kalte Tage und mal kurz zum aufwärmen genau richtig. Ich kann es nur jedem empfehlen, der seinen alten Kamin ohne echtes Feuer wieder nutzten möchte.
This fireplace insert is really worth the money. Our fireplace was shut down many years ago and can no longer be used as a traditional fireplace. But I thought it was such a shame and I really enjoy the fireplace feeling, so a solution had to be found. This fireplace insert really looks great. You can even see the flickering flames on the back wall and it fits perfectly into our old fireplace. I rarely switch on the heat function, but it's perfect for cold days and for a quick warm-up. I can only recommend it to anyone who wants to use their old fireplace again without a real fire.
Très réaliste fidèle à la photo Niveau sonore n'est pas du tout gênant Je recommande Le seul bémol dommage qu'on ne peut pas la commander à distance
Very realistic, faithful to the photo Noise level is not at all annoying I recommend The only downside is too bad that you can't control it remotely
nous l'avons mit dans notre insert . L'effect est bien et ca chauffe correctement , sans grand bruit . ce n'est pas in vrai feu mais .ca resemble beaucoup .
we put it in our insert. The effect is good and it heats correctly, without much noise. It's not in real fire but it looks a lot like it.
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Nous ne nous servons pas du radiateur juste pour l’effet lumineux et c’est parfait !
The media product could not be loaded. We don't use the radiator just for the lighting effect and that's perfect!
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Le colis a été tout de suite envoyé mais le transport avait dû l oublier car il a fallu que j écrive au vendeur, résultat : 12 jours pour être livrée. Notre vieille cheminée ne sert plus et ce faux foyer lui redonne vie. Au départ l effet flamme ne se voyait pas trop car tout le fond de la cheminée est noir. J ai fabriqué un faux mur en carton plume et vynile adhésif du coup ça rends super bien. Même le chat apprécie. Quand je l utilise juste en mode flammes sans mettre le chauffage, je mets un cache noir devant la grille. Bien l enlever si vous chauffez et devant il faut laisser 1 mètre de vide pour ne pas mettre le feu. La chaleur sort devant. En chauffage c'est 1000 ou 2000 watts, juste les braises c'est moins de 5 watts. Bruit de ventilo en mode chauffage. Pas de télécommande. Cordon branchement un peu court. Si vous avez un petit budget j ai vu après achat un tuto pour faire un faux feu en prenant des vraies bûches et une ampoule effet flammes avec giroscope ;) moitié moins cher je pense mais ne chauffera pas
The media product could not be loaded. The package was sent immediately but the transport must have forgotten it because I had to write to the seller, result: 12 days to be delivered. Our old fireplace is no longer useful and this false fireplace brings it back to life. At first the flame effect was not really visible because the entire bottom of the chimney was black. I made a fake wall out of featherboard and adhesive vinyl so it looks really good. Even the cat likes it. When I use it just in flame mode without turning on the heating, I put a black cover in front of the grill. Remove it carefully if you heat it and leave 1 meter of space in front so as not to start a fire. The heat comes out in front. In heating it is 1000 or 2000 watts, just the embers it is less than 5 watts. Fan noise in heating mode. No remote control. Connection cord a little short. If you have a small budget I saw after purchase a tutorial for making a fake fire using real logs and a flame effect bulb with gyroscope ;) half the price I think but won't heat up
Efeito muito bonito, aquecimento eficaz.
Very nice effect, effective heating.
Just sublime !
Just sublime !
Un articolo che ne ha trascinati altri due…uno per mio marito, nella sua casetta laboratorio ed un altro lo ho regalato ad una donna che mi fa stare bene…
An article that led to two more… one for my husband, in his little laboratory house and another I gave as a gift to a woman who makes me feel good…
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Non usando il camino con la legna nella casa in montagna questa è stata una soluzione sorprendente. Fa una bella figura, crea atmosfera e aiuta il riscaldamento con caloriferi a scaldare l'ambiente.
Unable to load media. Not using a fireplace with wood in the mountain house this was a surprising solution. It makes a good impression, creates atmosphere and helps the heating with radiators to warm the room.
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Sono rimasta molto contenta, un tocco in più per la magia delle feste di Natale! E il prodotto è arrivato anche in anticipo! Grazie e buone feste!
Unable to load media. I was very happy, an extra touch for the magic of the Christmas holidays! And the product arrived early too! Thank you and happy holidays!
El producte m'ha agradat molt. L'he posat dins una ximenea cassete que no utilitzava i queda molt bé. L'única cosa que no me va agradar va ésser l'entrega. Va arribar abans del dia previst i sense telefonar ni res deixaren el paquet davant el portal. Quan vàrem arribar el trobàrem per sort. D'haver estat un dia que no haguéssim arribat aviat ben segur que algú se'n hauria duit el paquet. L'endemà vàrem rebre un e-mail de la companyia repartidora que deia que l'havien entregat. Massa tard, per cert.
I really liked the product. I put it in a cassette chimney that I didn't use and it looks great. The only thing I didn't like was the delivery. It arrived before the expected day and without calling or anything they left the package in front of the portal. When we arrived we found him by luck. If it had been a day that we hadn't arrived early, surely someone would have taken the package. The next day we received an e-mail from the delivery company saying that they had delivered it. Too late, by the way.
Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden.
The media could not be loaded.
This little fire fits almost perfectly into the small hearth I rarely use. It is sturdy and exactly as described. It came well packed via UPS toUK from Germany. The logs look very nice and there is only the slightest sound from the little rotating fan thing that causes the light to flicker. The heater works fast and efficiently. That makes more of a noise as there is a fan pushing the heat out. All in all a good product well worth the money.
This little fire fits almost perfectly into the small hearth I rarely use. It is sturdy and exactly as described. It came well packed via UPS toUK from Germany. The logs look very nice and there is only the slightest sound from the little rotating fan thing that causes the light to flicker. The heater works fast and efficiently. That makes more of a noise as there is a fan pushing the heat out. All in all a good product well worth the money.
Die Optik ist sehr gut. Der Kamin wärmt tatsächlich richtig. Der Ventilator läuft etwas zu laut und eine Fernbedienung ist leider nicht erhältlich (nicht bei diesem Angebot.
The look is very good. The fireplace actually heats up properly. The fan is a bit too loud and unfortunately a remote control is not available (not with this offer).
E' favoloso l'effetto di luce di fiamma simulata che si riflette sul posteriore del prodotto.
The simulated flame light effect that reflects on the back of the product is fabulous.
Bello, me lo aspettavo più piccolo, scalda abbastanza al mattino una sala molto grande ( da 19 gradi a 22) in mezz'ora. La ventola non è silenziosissima ma va bene per non dimenticarlo acceso. Collocato in un camino è perfetto. Per me la sua funzione di relax con l'aggiunta di un crepitio tramite un app, supera la reale esigenza di riscaldamento, in quelle giornate o serate invernali.
Nice, I expected it to be smaller, it heats up a very large room enough in the morning (from 19 degrees to 22) in half an hour. The fan is not very silent but it is good so as not to forget it on. Placed in a fireplace it is perfect. For me its relaxation function with the addition of a crackling sound via an app, exceeds the real need for heating, on those winter days or evenings.
Ich war anfangs skeptisch, aber er sieht wirklich schön aus und macht ein angenehmes Licht. Die Heizfunktion samt Gebläse hört man natürlich aber mit Musik/TV ist das Geräusch nicht mehr hörbar. Stört auch per se nicht.
I was skeptical at first, but it looks really nice and gives off a pleasant light. You can of course hear the heating function and the fan, but with music/TV on the noise is no longer audible. It's not annoying per se.
Me ha gustado el servicio y el articulo
I liked the service and the article.
Gutes Produkt Da ich aus gesundheitlichen Gründen kein offenes Feuer verwenden kann,(Rauchentwicklung) habe ich nach einer Alternative gesucht und mit diesem Kaminfeuer gefunden. Habe es in den vorhandenen Kamin eingesetzt und es sieht sehr gut aus. Die Simulation der Flammen sehen wirklich echt aus ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Good product Since I can't use an open fire for health reasons (smoke development) I looked for an alternative and found it with this fireplace. I put it in the existing fireplace and it looks very good. The simulation of the flames really looks real ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Da ich aus gesundheitlichen Gründen kein offenes Feuer verwenden kann,(Rauchentwicklung) habe ich nach einer Alternative gesucht und mit diesem Kaminfeuer gefunden. Habe es in den vorhandenen Kamin eingesetzt und es sieht sehr gut aus. Die Simulation der Flammen sehen wirklich echt aus ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Since I can't use an open fire for health reasons (smoke development), I looked for an alternative and found this fireplace. I put it in the existing fireplace and it looks very good. The simulation of the flames really looks real ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Sieht gut aus, die Geräusche, die den Brennvorgang simulieren sollen, stören auf Dauer und können wohl auch nicht abgestellt werden
Looks good, the noises that are supposed to simulate the burning process are annoying in the long run and probably can't be turned off
We wanted a flickering light source to create the effect of a functional fireplace.It is very subtle for our location where the mock flames can ‘flicker’ on our existing brickwork .
We wanted a flickering light source to create the effect of a functional fireplace.It is very subtle for our location where the mock flames can ‘flicker’ on our existing brickwork .
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. On dirait vraiment du bois allumé petit bémol les flamme on le vois pas beaucoup c'est dommage en tout cas tres bon produit très réaliste
The media product could not be loaded. It really looks like lit wood, a small downside is the flame, we don't see it much, it's a shame in any case, very good product, very realistic.
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Ho comprato questo camino per creare un' atmosfera natalizia in realtà oltre a essere bello esteticamente è anche caldo e rilassante e anche i miei amici cani godono di questo tepore. Sono contenta di questo acquisto e lonsiglio
Unable to load media. I bought this fireplace to create a Christmas atmosphere. In fact, in addition to being beautiful aesthetically, it is also warm and relaxing and even my dog friends enjoy this warmth. I am happy with this purchase and I recommend it
Rendu très sympa, j’ai installé dans ancien cheminée. Chauffage fait un petit bruit car c’est un ventilateur mais ça dérange pas beaucoup. Juste dommage que pour la taille 45cm il n y a pas télécommande. Je recommande
Made very nice, I installed it in an old fireplace. Heating makes a little noise because it's a fan but it doesn't bother much. Just a shame that for the 45cm size there is no remote control. I recommend
Compre esta estufa que imita una chimenea , la puse dentro de mi chimenea existente y realmente la imita como si estuviera quemando madera. Tiene varias posiciones de calor con lo que he conseguido calentar la estancia adecuadamente. No me gusta el sonido del calefactor
I bought this fireplace stove, I put it inside my existing fireplace and it really does imitate burning wood. It has several heat settings so I've managed to heat the room adequately. I don't like the sound of the heater.
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Je viens de la rececoir et direct testée !! Je l ai commandé pour la mettre dans une petite cheminée faite en bois en décoration de noel.. je suis super contente!!! L effet flamme est magnifique !!!! Je ne regrette pas mon achat!!! Je recommande vivement !!!!!
The media product could not be loaded. I just received it and directly tested it!! I ordered it to put it in a small fireplace made of wood as a Christmas decoration.. I'm super happy!!! The flame effect is magnificent!!!! I do not regret my purchase!!! I highly recommend !!!!!
Excellent produit, rendu magnifique et intensité réglable de la chaleur , on peut laisser juste la lumière si on le souhaite. Vraiment ravie de cet achat !
Excellent product, magnificent rendering and adjustable heat intensity, you can leave just the light on if you wish. Really delighted with this purchase!
Todo perfecto,
Everything is perfect,
Zwar ein fake vom Feuer, aber ziemlich realistisch, die Heizung ist ein bisschen laut, aber mich stört das nicht.
It's a fake fire, but pretty realistic, the heater is a bit loud, but that doesn't bother me.
Einfach schön Zwar ein fake vom Feuer, aber ziemlich realistisch, die Heizung ist ein bisschen laut, aber mich stört das nicht.
Simply beautiful. It's a fake fire, but pretty realistic. The heater is a bit loud, but that doesn't bother me.
Dieser Elektrokamin ist echt zu empfehlen, er sieht schön aus, macht ein schönes Ambiente und wärmt/heizt wirklich gut (unser Wohnzimmer ist ca. 50qm). Super
This electric fireplace is really recommended, it looks nice, creates a nice ambience and warms/heats really well (our living room is about 50 square meters). Super
Posé dans un insert, flammes très réalistes, ventilateur un peu bruyant mais acceptable, livraison dans les délais et bien emballé.
Placed in an insert, very realistic flames, fan a little noisy but acceptable, delivery on time and well packaged.
Glutbild in Farbe (zu gelblich) und Bewegungsmuster nicht sehr realitätsnah. Einsatz (bei Nichtbefeuerung des Kaminofens) jedoch stimmungsvoll.
The color of the embers (too yellow) and the movement pattern are not very realistic. However, when used (when the stove is not lit) it creates a pleasant atmosphere.
Perfect fit for my fireplace and used only for it appearance when lit. I could not have wished for anything better
Perfect fit for my fireplace and used only for it appearance when lit. I could not have wished for anything better
Perfect fit for my fireplace and used only for it appearance when lit. I could not have wished for anything better
Perfect fit for my fireplace and used only for it appearance when lit. I could not have wished for anything better
Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Schnelle Lieferung. Stecker eingesteckt und schon gings los. Wie lange es ohne Fehler läuft kann ich noch nichts sagen, aber momentan bin ich sehr zufrieden
The media could not be loaded. Fast delivery. Plugged in the power cable and off we went. I can't say how long it will run without errors, but at the moment I am very satisfied
Da amante dell'atmosfera natalizia, e non avendo un caminetto vero, non potevo comunque rinunciare a fare a prendere i miei figli le calze di fronte al fuoco.l'oggetto in sé e perse nient'altro è che un rullo all'interno di un caminetto artificiale che proietta una diede luce contro la parete posteriore dando l'effetto di una fiamma. Per quanto riguarda invece la brace ardente devo dire che l'effetto è particolarmente bello.inutile dire che per essere apprezzato deve essere inserito in un contesto valido. Può essere utilizzato anche come stufa, cosa che sinceramente non ho fatto anche se facendo un tentativo il calore che emette si sente.
As a lover of the Christmas atmosphere, and not having a real fireplace, I could not give up doing to take my children's stockings in front of the fire. The object itself and nothing else is that a roller inside an artificial fireplace that projects a light against the back wall giving the effect of a flame. As for the burning embers, I must say that the effect is particularly beautiful. Needless to say, to be appreciated it must be inserted in a valid context. It can also be used as a stove, which I honestly have not done even if making an attempt the heat it emits is felt.
Non male do 4 stelle e non 5 solo per quella ammaccatura sulla griglia posteriore nel complesso funziona tutto e fa il suo effetto anche il riscaldamento non male certo non aspettatevi molto.
Not bad I give 4 stars and not 5 only for that dent on the rear grill overall everything works and does its job even the heating is not bad certainly don't expect much.
Amazing value, highly recommended.
Amazing value, highly recommended.
Regalé para colocar en un hueco de chimenea real..queda muy bonita, da calor al ser calefactor y regulable.
I gave it as a gift to place in a real fireplace...it looks very pretty, it gives off heat as it is a heater and is adjustable.
Les bûches sont assez réalistes mais les flammes sont un peu trop discrètes à mon goût. Même en le positionnant bien dans la cheminée avec en fond la plaque en fonte noire. Sinon il chauffe bien et ça réchauffe la pièce rien qu'avec la vue de ces bûches rougeoyantes.
The logs are quite realistic but the flames are a little too discreet for my taste. Even by positioning it well in the fireplace with the black cast iron plate in the background. Otherwise it heats well and it warms the room just with the sight of these glowing logs.
This product lived up to its billing and was exactly what we needed for the space intended
This product lived up to its billing and was exactly what we needed for the space intended
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Questo caminetto è esteticamente ben fatto e veramente bello, l'ho acquistato per una nicchia che riveste il vecchio camino. Esteticamente bellissimo Buona qualità dei materiali Acquistato con una prezzo in offerta, dunque ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo Funzione solo luce, o luce e riscaldamento Aspetto suggestivo, ricorda davvero una vero caminetto Non ha controllo remoto, peccato! Una cosa che a parer mio manca e che mi sarebbe piaciuto avere, è l'effetto sonoro, sembrerebbe proprio una camino a tutti gli effetti nel complesso davvero un bel prodotto, acquistato ad una ottimo prezzo!
Unable to load media. This fireplace is aesthetically well made and really beautiful, I bought it for a niche that covers the old fireplace. Aesthetically beautiful Good quality of materials Purchased with a price on offer, therefore excellent value for money Light only function, or light and heating Suggestive appearance, really reminds of a real fireplace It does not have remote control, too bad! One thing that in my opinion is missing and that I would have liked to have, is the sound effect, it would really seem like a fireplace in all respects overall a really nice product, purchased at an excellent price!
Love this fire it looks lovely with the flickering flames. Heater is really good , a bit noisy but Iv got used to it.
Love this fire it looks lovely with the flickering flames. Heater is really good , a bit noisy but Iv got used to it.
schnelle Lieferung, angenehme Wärme, problemlose Handhabung, netter Flammeneffekt
fast delivery, pleasant warmth, easy handling, nice flame effect
Nice looking well built fire but supplied with a two pin European style plug which is no good for the U.K.
Nice looking well built fire but supplied with a two pin European style plug which is no good for the U.K.
Richtig gemütliches Flair verbreitet der Kamin im Wohnzimmer. Bis jetzt kann ich nichts negatives zu dem Kamin sagen.
The fireplace in the living room creates a really cozy atmosphere. So far I have nothing negative to say about the fireplace.
De valse haard is ideaal voor het meubel that hierbij hoort van dezelfde fabrikant. De afwerking is mooi genoeg. Het effect van de lamp is gezellig 's avonds, maar maakt een klein beetje ruis achtig lawaai, omdat er binnenin een rad draait om het licht dit haardvuur effect te geven, maar dit stoort niet. De lamp die bijgeleverd wordt is echter compleet waardeloos, die heeft welgeteld 4 seconden gebrand en was dan volledig verbrand en ook gloeiend heet. Ik dacht eerst dat het ganse ding kapot was, maar heb dan de lamp vervangen met een LED lamp en deze ging mee voor enkele avonden... dan ook kapot gegaan. Nu zit er een prijzige Phillips LED lamp in en ik zet deze niet te veel aan omdat ik bang ben dat die weeral snel kapot zal gaan... Omdat het zo dubbel is geef ik 3 sterren, had de lamp deze problemen niet, ik zou 5 sterren geven maar deze lampen vervangen is ook vrij kostelijk.
The false fireplace is ideal for the furniture that belongs to it from the same manufacturer. The finish is nice enough. The effect of the lamp is cozy in the evening, but makes a little noise-like noise, because a wheel turns inside to give the light this fire effect, but this is not disturbing. However, the lamp that comes with it is completely worthless, it burned for exactly 4 seconds and was then completely burnt and also glowing hot. At first I thought that the whole thing was broken, but then I replaced the lamp with an LED lamp and it lasted for a few evenings ... then also broke. Now there is a pricey Phillips LED lamp in it and I do not turn it on too much because I am afraid that it will break again soon ... Because it is so double I give 3 stars, the lamp did not have these problems, I would Giving 5 stars but replacing these lamps is also quite expensive.
Es funktioniert mehr gibt es nicht zu sagen
It works, nothing more to say
Great little fire, does just what it says on the tin! Only issue was the courier claimed they tried to deliver, although we were in...when chased the supplier that said it was delivered...eventually tracked it down to the local co-OP, and had to collect it, but very pleased with the fire.
Great little fire, does just what it says on the tin! Only issue was the courier claimed they tried to deliver, although we were in...when chased the supplier that said it was delivered...eventually tracked it down to the local co-OP, and had to collect it, but very pleased with the fire.
Eine LED Lampe wäre besser
An LED lamp would be better
Funktionell und mit absolut echter Wirkung. Die Heizung ist auf jeden Fall wirksam.
Functional and with an absolutely real effect. The heating is definitely effective.
It both give a warm feeling but gives off heat as well. We use it on a fireplace to make the room look cosy.
It both give a warm feeling but gives off heat as well. We use it on a fireplace to make the room look cosy.
Passt wie angegossen in unseren Kamin, das Licht ist angenehm, aber der Geräuschpegel ist zu hoch. Musste das Gerät auf extra Gummifüssen lagern, jetzt geht's!
Fits our fireplace like a glove, the light is nice but the noise level is too high. Had to put the device on extra rubber feet, now it works!
Es bonita, incluso con un pequeño efecto de llamas bastante conseguido. Solo le falta el sonido del crepitar de la leña. Hace bastante ruido el ventilador cuando se enciende la calefacción pero tampoco es insoportable. Cumple su función pero no llega ni mucho menos a la sensación acogedora de una chimenea real, más bien es como una bonita lámpara.
It's pretty, even with a small flame effect that's quite well done. The only thing missing is the sound of the crackling wood. The fan is quite loud when the heating is on, but it's not unbearable. It does its job, but it doesn't come close to the cozy feeling of a real fireplace, it's more like a nice lamp.
J'ai reçu la cheminée décorative et je l'ai trouvée très bruyante, le bruit normal d'un ventilateur avec en plus un bruit du à des vibrations. J'ai un peu dévissé les deux vis qui retiennent l'élément décoratif. Juste un petit tour de vis pour désolidariser le l'élément décoratif du corps du ventilateur. Ensuite j'ai mis des feutres sous les pieds du ventilateur. Dans mon cas le sol de l'ancienne cheminée n'est pas plan et j'ai du compenser en utilisant des cales. Le bruit de la vibration a disparu et je n'ai aue le bruit normal de la turbine très supportable
I received the decorative fireplace and found it very noisy, the normal noise of a fan with the addition of noise due to vibrations. I unscrewed the two screws that hold the decorative element a little. Just a small turn of the screw to separate the decorative element from the fan body. Then I put felt pens under the feet of the fan. In my case the floor of the old fireplace is not level and I had to compensate by using wedges. The vibration noise has disappeared and I only have the normal noise of the turbine which is very bearable
Es ist ein schöner Dekoartikel . Der Preis ist ok. Der Geräuschpegel ist akzeptabel. Eine Fernbedienung wäre gut gewesen. Ich habe eine Zeitschaltuhr zwischengeschaltet. Insgesamt 4 Sterne.
It is a beautiful decorative item. The price is OK. The noise level is acceptable. A remote control would have been good. I put a timer in between. Overall 4 stars.
Compre esta chimenea eléctrica para el piso que tengo en la montaña, como no tengo chimenea pensé en algo así, que simule unos troncos quemándose, para dar un aspecto mas hogareño. Realmente puedo decir que acerté con la decisión, simula muy bien unos troncos quemándose y el efecto que hacen las llamas es muy realista. El funcionamiento es muy sencillo, lleva controles en el mismo aparato, desde el cual puedes subir o bajar la temperatura, la intensidad de luz, temporizador y apagarla. Además viene con un mando a distancia desde el cual se puede manejar todas las funciones cómodamente. La tengo puesta en el salón de unos 20m2 y calienta bastante rápido gracias al ventilador que lleva en el interior, distribuye el aire caliente rápidamente.
I bought this electric fireplace for my apartment in the mountains. As I don't have a fireplace, I thought of something like this, that simulates burning logs, to give it a more homely look. I can really say that I made the right decision. It simulates burning logs very well and the effect of the flames is very realistic. It is very easy to use, it has controls on the device itself, from which you can raise or lower the temperature, the light intensity, timer and turn it off. It also comes with a remote control from which you can easily control all the functions. I have it in the living room of about 20m2 and it heats up quite quickly thanks to the fan inside, distributing the hot air quickly.
Sehr gutes Produkt. Wenn es gut integriert ist merkt man anfänglich kaum einen Unterschied. Dieses Produkt ist mit Heizfunktion. Funktioniert wie ein Heizlüfter mit Ventilator. Integriert ist auch eine Art Glasrolle die im Hintergrund (Wand) das lodern der Flammen nachahmt.
Very good product. If it is well integrated, you hardly notice a difference at first. This product is with heating function. Works like a fan heater. Also integrated is a kind of glass roll that imitates the blazing of the flames in the background (wall).
Bello a vista ma, toccandolo, non dà una sensazione di durevole nel tempo. Auguro di sbagliarmi anche perché, non costa poco. Per quanto riguarda l'assistenza, invece, nulla dire. Professionali e cortesi. Ho avuto una inconvenienza con la prima spedizione (arrivato danneggiato) e abbiamo subito organizzato il reso per sostituzione del prodotto. Tranne i tempi, un po' lunghi, il resto tutto OK. Il prodotto funziona bene ma non do 5 stelle per il motivo citato all'inizio e per il prezzo un po' eccessivo.
Beautiful to look at but, touching it, it does not give a feeling of durability over time. I hope I'm wrong also because, it is not cheap. As for the assistance, however, nothing to say. Professional and courteous. I had an inconvenience with the first shipment (arrived damaged) and we immediately organized the return for replacement of the product. Except for the times, a bit long, the rest all OK. The product works well but I do not give 5 stars for the reason mentioned at the beginning and for the price a bit excessive.
Buena calidad-precio
Good value for money
Knistereffekt funktioniert sehr gut. Die Hintergrundbeleuchtung wirkt sehr echt, könnte aber noch etwas kräftiger (leuchtender) sein. Bei diesem Preis darf man da aber wahrscheinlich auch nicht zu viel erwarten.
Crackle effect works very well. The backlight looks very real, but could be a bit stronger (brighter). But at this price you probably shouldn't expect too much.
adorna la chimenea que parece real y ademas calienta el salon, muy contento con la compra
It decorates the fireplace and looks real, and also warms up the living room. I am very happy with the purchase.
Leider keine Fernbedienung. Ansonsten o.k.
Unfortunately no remote control. Otherwise ok
Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Lange gesucht, verglichen und dann richtig entschieden. Unser Kamin, den wir seit Jahren nicht mehr als Bioethanolofen nutzen können, gefällt uns jetzt mit dem Einsatz wieder sehr gut. Das Feuer sieht aus etwas Entfernung ziemlich echt aus. Überraschend war, dass die Holzscheite richtig lodern, sogar kleine Flammen züngeln und werfen ein Flackern an die Rückwand des Kamins. Kein Stinken, kein Qualm, keine Rückstände...super. Allerdings brummt der Motor schon etwas. Kann man aber wenn Musik spielt überhören. Die Heizstufen haben wir noch nicht ausprobiert, darum kann ich die Heizleistung noch nicht bewerten. Rein optisch würden wir den Kamin wieder kaufen .
The media could not be loaded. Searched for a long time, compared and then made the right decision. We really like our fireplace, which we haven't been able to use as a bioethanol stove for years, with the insert. The fire looks pretty real from a distance. What was surprising was that the logs were really blazing, even small flames licking up and throwing a flicker on the back wall of the fireplace. No smell, no smoke, no residue...great. However, the engine hums a bit. But you can overhear it when music is playing. We haven't tried the heating levels yet, so I can't rate the heat output yet. From a purely visual point of view, we would buy the fireplace again.
Insgesamt für den Preis wirklich gut. Schön anzusehen, leichtes Flammenspiel im Hintergrund. Leider ist die zuschaltbare Heizung sehr laut.
Overall really good for the price. Beautiful to look at, light play of flames in the background. Unfortunately, the switchable heating is very noisy.
Ich wollte gern einen gemütlichen Kamin im Wohnzimmer, war aber skeptisch ob es auch mit einem elektrischen Kamin gemütlich wird. Aber dieser Kamin ist wirklich top. Er sieht schön aus und macht ein tolles Flackern an der Wand. Ich bin begeistert!
I wanted a cozy fireplace in the living room, but I was skeptical about an electric fireplace. But this fireplace is really great. It looks beautiful and makes a great flicker on the wall. I'm excited!
Passt perfekt in meinen Fernsehunterschrank und sieht sehr schön und anheimelnd aus, wenn er in Betrieb ist. Allerdings erzeugt er bei laufendem Betrieb unangenehme leise Geräusche, die für mich manchmal störend sind. Sollte es eine Animation darstellen, so wäre ein leichtes Knistern angenehmer. Nicht in Funktion wirkt der EKamin sehr trist und düster. Habe mich entschlossen, ihn trotzdem zu behalten, weil die Jahreszeit passend ist und die dunkleren Monate länger als die Sommermonate sind.
Fits perfectly in my TV stand and looks very nice and homely when in use. However, it produces unpleasant, quiet noises during operation, which are sometimes annoying for me. If it is an animation, a light crackle would be more pleasant. When not in use, the EKamin looks very dreary and gloomy. Decided to keep it anyway because the time of year is appropriate and the darker months are longer than the summer months.
Simulación perfecta y calienta!!! Todo muy bien.
Perfect simulation and heats up!!! Everything is fine.
I bought this fire for the log effect as I wanted something that would fit in a small space that would brighten up the lounge and it was just the right size. The fire arrived a few days early and was well packed and undamaged and worked well right out of the box apart from an annoying click every few seconds that after removing the ‘logs’ turned out to be one of the flame effect vanes catching on a screw which was easily rectified. The fire was solid and well made with a number of coloured LED lamps and a revolving bar that had multiple silver vanes wrapped round it that created the flame effect on the wall behind the fire and that was the problem as the space that I bought it for did not have a ‘wall’ and there was very little flicker on the actual coals. Reluctantly, I decided to return it to the maker in Germany which was approved almost immediately without charge for a full refund.
I bought this fire for the log effect as I wanted something that would fit in a small space that would brighten up the lounge and it was just the right size. The fire arrived a few days early and was well packed and undamaged and worked well right out of the box apart from an annoying click every few seconds that after removing the ‘logs’ turned out to be one of the flame effect vanes catching on a screw which was easily rectified. The fire was solid and well made with a number of coloured LED lamps and a revolving bar that had multiple silver vanes wrapped round it that created the flame effect on the wall behind the fire and that was the problem as the space that I bought it for did not have a ‘wall’ and there was very little flicker on the actual coals. Reluctantly, I decided to return it to the maker in Germany which was approved almost immediately without charge for a full refund.
value for money
value for money
Excelente producto
Excellent product
Looks fantastic in unused fire place love it
Looks fantastic in unused fire place love it
No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. La he puesto en una chimenea abierta y de vez en cuando la podré quitar y usarla con leña. Queda muy bien da mucha calidez y si enciendes el radiador, proporciona bastante calor
The media could not be loaded. I have placed it in an open fireplace and from time to time I can take it out and use it with wood. It looks very nice and gives a lot of warmth and if you turn on the radiator, it provides quite a bit of heat.
Me sorprendió muchísimo ya que no esperaba que estuviera y funcionara tan bien.
I was very surprised as I did not expect it to be there and work so well.
La estética inmejorable para lo que yo buscaba y el efecto fuego está muy conseguido. Ideal para colocar en una chimenea como adorno si no la usamos con leña o para sustituir la leña cuando no se usa esta. La eficiencia energética con los precios que tiene la electricidad es un inconveniente al ser mucho más económico el uso de leña pero es más limpia y muy bonita.
The aesthetics are unbeatable for what I was looking for and the fire effect is very well achieved. Ideal to place in a fireplace as an ornament if we do not use it with firewood or to replace the firewood when it is not used. Energy efficiency with the prices of electricity is a drawback as it is much cheaper to use firewood but it is cleaner and very pretty.
Está muy bonita dentro de la chimenea, la luz trasera imita muy bien las llamas. Como calentador, es igual que otros calefactores de aire, sirven para espacios pequeños y consumen mucho. Todo esto ya lo sabía cuando lo pedí y no me arrepiento de la compra.
It looks very nice inside the fireplace, the back light imitates the flames very well. As a heater, it is the same as other air heaters, they are used for small spaces and consume a lot. I already knew all this when I ordered it and I do not regret the purchase.
Perfect... I was fed up continually buying candles and this is so much better. I don't use it for heating but as a quick warm up if needed it is good.
Perfect... I was fed up continually buying candles and this is so much better. I don't use it for heating but as a quick warm up if needed it is good.
Esta muy bien estoy contenta, solamente la llama casi no se aprecia, por el resto da el pego muy bien,
It's very good, I'm happy, only the flame is barely noticeable, for the rest it looks great,
Love it very impressive it looks the part in my fire place flickering flame affects great very pleased
Love it very impressive it looks the part in my fire place flickering flame affects great very pleased
Muy bonita
Very pretty
Lo recomiendo 100x100 es muy bonito queda súper bien en la chinenea
I recommend it 100x100, it is very pretty and looks great on the chinenea.
Me dan una sensación de calor sin pulsando el boton por califación. Y mira muy bien en el espacio de la chimenea. Estoy contento con mi compra.
They give me a warm feeling without having to press the button for heating. And they look very good in the fireplace space. I am happy with my purchase.
Muy bonita, queda estupenda en el hueco de la chimenea, me encanta. La verdad es que hace un poco de ruido, si te molestan los ruidos lo tendría en cuenta.
Very pretty, it looks great in the fireplace, I love it. The truth is that it makes a bit of noise, if noise bothers you I would take it into account.
La verdad que es muy realista, el efecto está muy bien conseguido, realmente parece que las brasas estén ardiendo e incluso la luz que proyecta a la pared se mueve como si de fuego se tratase. Con el diseño que tiene esta estufa basta con arrimarla a una pared y enchufarla, a simple vista queda como si fuera de obra, pero sin serlo. En el lateral tiene los controles para selecciona la potencia que queremos, 1000 ó 2000W, otro para encender la iluminación de la chimenea y una ruleta con la que podemos apagar o encender y subir la intensidad del calor que desprende. Queda muy bien en cualquier parte de la casa, únicamente necesitas un enchufe disponible y no hace humo, hollín ni ningún otro residuo desagradable.
The truth is that it is very realistic, the effect is very well achieved, it really seems that the embers are burning and even the light that projects onto the wall moves as if it were a fire. With the design of this stove, you just have to put it up against a wall and plug it in, at first glance it looks like it is built, but it is not. On the side there are controls to select the power that we want, 1000 or 2000W, another to turn on the lighting of the fireplace and a wheel with which we can turn on or off and increase the intensity of the heat it gives off. It looks great anywhere in the house, you only need an available plug and it does not produce smoke, soot or any other unpleasant residue.
Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Der Kamin sieht im ausgeschalteten Zustand sehr gut aus! Wenn er an ist, leuchtet das ganze Ding, aber es flackert lediglich ein kleiner Teil! Manchmal fängt das Ding auch leicht zum summen an (hört man im Video auch, aber kann auch der Grund sein, weil er auf einem Blech steht)! Ich habe ihn dennoch behalten!
The media could not be loaded. The fireplace looks very good when switched off! When it's on, the whole thing glows, but only a small part flickers! Sometimes the thing also starts to hum slightly (you can hear it in the video too, but it can also be because it's standing on a sheet of metal)! I kept it anyway!
II wanted an electric fire for a newly refurbished fire place Just to use on chilly days to take the chill off the room and to have the glow of a fire!! I’ve put some small logs on top to make it look realistic and is the only one I could find after looking very thoroughly apart from one at the other end of the price scale at £1000!!! Wouldn’t have minded paying more for a realistic look but there’s nothing out there!! This is a lovely fire and easy to just put in and switch on
II wanted an electric fire for a newly refurbished fire place Just to use on chilly days to take the chill off the room and to have the glow of a fire!! I’ve put some small logs on top to make it look realistic and is the only one I could find after looking very thoroughly apart from one at the other end of the price scale at £1000!!! Wouldn’t have minded paying more for a realistic look but there’s nothing out there!! This is a lovely fire and easy to just put in and switch on
Bien logrado la simulación leña, a la hora de dormir el calor hay que quitarlo pues molesta el ruido aunque no es muy alto, con tv encendida no molesta, pero es normal, todo dos los calefactores bien por ruido motor o salida de aire hace un poco de ruido... lo calificaría precio y forma justificable
The wood simulation is well done. When it's time to sleep, the heat has to be turned off because the noise is annoying, although it's not very loud. With the TV on, it doesn't bother you, but that's normal. All heaters are good because of the noise of the motor or the air outlet. I would rate it as justifiable in terms of price and form.
No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. Me gusta como queda pero tengo dudas del consumó de la bombilla de Decoracion me gustaría saberlo él consumó gracias
The media could not be loaded. I like how it looks but I have doubts about the consumption of the Decoracion bulb. I would like to know what it consumed. Thank you.
For my tenanted property lounge
For my tenanted property lounge
A reallly nice flickering electric fire. It looks good and gives out a good heat. Hpowever, the fan is a little noisy.
A reallly nice flickering electric fire. It looks good and gives out a good heat. Hpowever, the fan is a little noisy.
Poco que añadir al resto de opiniones sobre este producto. la imagen es perfecta, en mi caso el reflejo de llamas posterior no se ve demasiado, porque la tengo puesta en una chimenea con azulejos de arcilla y no contrasta, pero en otros entornos destacaría mejor. Por poner una pega, es que proyecta un reflejo por detrás de luz clara poco estético. Cuando se pone en función calor, es como un calefactor más, y hace subir un par de grados inmediatamente.
There is little to add to the other opinions about this product. The image is perfect, in my case the reflection of the flames behind is not very visible, because I have it placed in a fireplace with clay tiles and it does not contrast, but in other environments it would stand out better. To put a drawback, it is that it projects a clear light reflection behind it that is not very aesthetic. When it is put in heat mode, it is like another heater, and it immediately raises the temperature a couple of degrees.
Yo lo he puesto dentro de una chimenea grande que tengo en el salón y que este invierno no hemos podido encender. Parecía de plástico cutre, pero cuando lo colocas en la chimenea y lo enciendes se produce la magia. Hace el efecto de brasas perfecto!!! También va con calor pero yo no lo uso. Muy contenta la verdad. Cuando viene alguien cree que tenemos la chimenea encendida!
I have put it inside a large fireplace that I have in the living room and that we have not been able to light this winter. It looked like cheap plastic, but when you put it in the fireplace and light it, magic happens. It has the perfect ember effect!!! It also works with heat but I don't use it. I am very happy with it, really. When someone comes over, they think we have the fireplace on!
Love it perfect for use adds something to and old fireplace Quite high but we have a fire iron in front and shortish flex not that noisy
Love it perfect for use adds something to and old fireplace Quite high but we have a fire iron in front and shortish flex not that noisy
Very good a lovely feature to the old wood burner flickering flames and a good heater
Very good a lovely feature to the old wood burner flickering flames and a good heater
Se trata de un aparato que simula las llamas de una chimenea. Es ideal para colocar en el propio hueco de la chimenea, o sobre cualquier mueble. Su función es imitar los troncos ardiendo. En la oscuridad, los resultados son muy buenos, ya que se proyecta una luz que simula las llamas, con bastante similitud, generando un ambiente cálido y agradable. el problema es cuando hay luz, ya que el aspecto visual no es muy allá. Como extra, incluye una función de calefactor por aire, con dos grados de temperatura y opción de ventilador encendido o apagado. Esto, unido al efecto de las llamas, dota al aparato de buena parte de realismo, evitando los desagradables inconvenientes de la leña tradicional, suprimiendo así el polvo y el ollin. La conclusión final es que si no te importa la apariencia (y a oscuras no vas a verlo) , el resultado que vas a tener es muy satisfactorio y agradable.
This is a device that simulates the flames of a fireplace. It is ideal for placing in the fireplace itself, or on any piece of furniture. Its function is to imitate burning logs. In the dark, the results are very good, as a light is projected that simulates the flames, quite similarly, generating a warm and pleasant atmosphere. The problem is when there is light, as the visual aspect is not very good. As an extra, it includes an air heater function, with two temperature levels and the option of turning the fan on or off. This, together with the effect of the flames, gives the device a good deal of realism, avoiding the unpleasant inconveniences of traditional firewood, thus eliminating dust and soot. The final conclusion is that if you do not care about the appearance (you will not see it when it is dark), the result you will have is very satisfactory and pleasant.
El efecto de brasas para chimenea está muy bien conseguido, es ideal para tenerlo en una chimenea de casa, cuando has dejado de usarla por no ensuciar con la leña y las cenizas, pero todavía quieres tener el efecto cálido que da ver las brasas de leña encendidas. Tiene opción para conectar solo el efecto lumínico de las brasas, o efecto lumínico más calefacción. Esto me parece un acierto total, pues seguro que hay ocasiones que no necesitas la calefacción. La calefacción ofrece muchas combinaciones para regularla, tiene dos resistencias independientes (se puede conectar una o ambas) y un regulador de potencia. Además también puede conectarse un pequeño ventilador interno para difundir más el calor. La chimenea no pesa demasiado. Los apliques superiores son de plásticos, pero bien acabados, da una buena sensación. Las instrucciones vienen en castellano, aunque el uso es tan sencillo que realmente no hacen falta.
The ember effect for the fireplace is very well achieved, it is ideal to have it in a fireplace at home, when you have stopped using it because you do not want to dirty it with firewood and ashes, but you still want to have the warm effect that comes from seeing the embers lit. It has the option to connect only the light effect of the embers, or the light effect plus heating. This seems to me to be a total success, because there are surely times when you do not need the heating. The heating offers many combinations to regulate it, it has two independent resistors (you can connect one or both) and a power regulator. In addition, a small internal fan can also be connected to spread the heat more. The fireplace does not weigh too much. The upper appliqués are made of plastic, but well finished, it gives a good feeling. The instructions come in Spanish, although the use is so simple that they are not really necessary.
A compact little fire with a background glow. Would recommend this item, the only downside is that it is a bit noisy but we soon got use to it
A compact little fire with a background glow. Would recommend this item, the only downside is that it is a bit noisy but we soon got use to it
I am delighted with the fire basket. Very strong, sturdy appliance. It is really lovely. Thank you. The only comment I have is that the web page did not have the dimensions and I had to guess. Fortunately, it is a good fit. I would really recommend this product for the likes of my cottage. Well done to the manufacturer. JR
I am delighted with the fire basket. Very strong, sturdy appliance. It is really lovely. Thank you. The only comment I have is that the web page did not have the dimensions and I had to guess. Fortunately, it is a good fit. I would really recommend this product for the likes of my cottage. Well done to the manufacturer. JR
Wir habe in unserer Kellerbar einen offenen Kamin, der vor Jahren stillgelegt wurde. Ich habe diesen " Dekokamin" inkl. Heizfunktion gekauft um A: Dem Toten Kamin etwas optisch aufzuwerten. B: um im Bedarfsfall die Bar etwas aufwärmen zu können. Der Kamin sieht gut verarbeitet aus und macht auch optisch einen sehr guten Eindruck. Nach dem ersten einschalten war ich überrascht!!!! Das Farbenspiel der Glut wirkt täuschend echt! Über einen Kleinen Schlitz an der Rückseite des Geräts wird ein Flackernder Lichtschein an die Rückwand des Eigendlichen Feuerraums geworfen der ein täuschend echtes Flammenspiel simuliert. Bin vom optischen Effekt mehr als begeistert. Die Heizfunktion ist auch ordendlich und verbreitet eine wohlige Wärme. Bei allem Lob muss ich aber leider auch einen kleinen Kritikpunkt vergeben..... Der Lüfter, den man optional zuschalten kann ist etwas laut und stört dann doch die sonst so schön geschaffene Stimmung des Kaminfeuers. Deswegen Leider 1Punkt Abzug Aber sonst kann ich dieses Produkt "wärmstens" empfehlen.
We have an open fireplace in our basement bar that was shut down years ago. I bought this "deco fireplace" incl. heating function to A: visually enhance the dead fireplace. B: to be able to warm up the bar a little if necessary. The fireplace looks well made and also makes a very good visual impression. After the first switch on I was surprised!!!! The play of colors of the embers looks deceptively real! A flickering light is thrown onto the back wall of the actual firebox via a small slot on the back of the device, simulating a deceptively real play of flames. I am more than enthusiastic about the optical effect. The heating function is also neat and spreads a cozy warmth. With all the praise, I unfortunately have to give a small point of criticism..... The fan, which you can optionally switch on, is a bit loud and then disturbs the otherwise so beautifully created atmosphere of the open fire. That's why unfortunately 1 point deduction But otherwise I can "warmly" recommend this product.
El aparato funciona bien y es como aparece en el anuncio. Evidentemente no se puede comparar con otros similares de precios mucho mayores pero este por su precio está bien. Cosas que avisar: 1) El ventilador hace bastante ruido por lo que la función calentar no la voy a usar nunca. 2) La luz es demasiado floja y dentro de una chimenea casette casi no se ve. Pero tiene solución! Abierto, he visto que tiene 2 conectores para la tira de led que usa, y solo hay ocupada una. Por lo tanto se puede doblar esa luz. Espero que lo hagan para mejorar y yo ahora pido un repuesto al proveedor. Toque de aviso: EL manual impreso dice que lleva bombilla G9 NO es asi! lleva tira de led. No pasa nada pero hay que actualizar los manuales ;-)
The device works well and is as it appears in the advertisement. Obviously it cannot be compared with other similar ones at much higher prices but this one is fine for its price. Things to warn about: 1) The fan is quite noisy so I will never use the heating function. 2) The light is too weak and inside a cassette fireplace you can hardly see it. But there is a solution! When opened, I saw that it has 2 connectors for the LED strip that it uses, and only one is occupied. Therefore, that light can be bent. I hope they do something to improve it and I will now ask the supplier for a replacement. A warning: The printed manual says that it has a G9 bulb, this is not the case! It has a LED strip. It doesn't matter but the manuals need to be updated ;-)
Great fire insert. Heats the room really well although it's a little noisy but not enough to be annoying :) gives a lovely warm glow creating a cozy atmosphere. Well worth the money.
Great fire insert. Heats the room really well although it's a little noisy but not enough to be annoying :) gives a lovely warm glow creating a cozy atmosphere. Well worth the money.
Von einer Flammenillusion kann wirklich keine Rede sein. Es handelt sich hier nur um eine Glut die auch nicht besonders echt aussieht, da sie permanent leuchtet. Nur im oberen Bereich gibt es ein wenig Bewegung durch ein kleines Lochmaskenrad. Dennoch entsteht eine gemütliche und wohlige Kamin-Atmosphäre. Ich habe das Gerät hinter Glas in ein Schauschrank gestellt. Die Rückwand mit roten Ziegelsteinen (aus Styropor) nachgebildet. Sieht im Gesamtkontext relativ echt aus. Mit ein wenig Bastlergeschick könnte man den Effekt noch verstärken. Den relativ hohen Preis finde ich gerechtfertigt, da die Verarbeitung einen hochwertigen Eindruck macht. Die elektrische Verkabelung sieht sorgfältig und solide aus. Ich habe aber ein Stern abgezogen weil der nette Effekt nicht ganz im Verhältnis zum Preis steht. Anders gesagt, das Gerät ist Top, aber der Effekt ist eher etwas dürftig.
There can really be no talk of a flame illusion. This is just an ember that doesn't look particularly real either, as it is permanently lit. Only in the upper area there is a little movement due to a small shadow mask wheel. Nevertheless, a cozy and cozy fireplace atmosphere is created. I put the device behind glass in a display cabinet. The back wall is reproduced with red bricks (made of styrofoam). Looks relatively real in the overall context. With a little hobbyist skill, the effect could be enhanced. I think the relatively high price is justified, as the workmanship makes a high-quality impression. The electrical wiring looks careful and solid. But I deducted a star because the nice effect is not quite in relation to the price. In other words, the device is top, but the effect is rather poor.
works well, a little noise but not too noticeable, quick delivery.
works well, a little noise but not too noticeable, quick delivery.
Es sencillamente preciosa, robusta, alucinante, la voy a poner en la chimenea de mi casa. Pesa mucho, lo mejor es que no sólo se iluminan los troncos sino que de la parte trasera superior sale luz que ilumina toda la pared como si fueran llamas, un efecto precioso y alucinante que no esperaba. Los troncos parecen reales, estoy encantadisima. Quito una estrella porque hace bastante ruido con el ventilador de calor, pero merece la pena muchísimo. Te acostumbras rápido.
It is simply beautiful, robust, amazing, I am going to put it in the fireplace in my house. It is very heavy, the best thing is that not only do the logs light up but the light comes out from the upper back part that illuminates the whole wall as if they were flames, a beautiful and amazing effect that I did not expect. The logs look real, I am delighted. I am taking off one star because it makes quite a lot of noise with the heat fan, but it is very worthwhile. You get used to it quickly.