Cosmic Beam Smart 24 Infrared Radiant Heater

£ 265.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Infrared radiant heater
  • Black
  • 2400 watt
Product number: 10035258
Cosmic Beam Smart 24 Infrared Radiant Heater
£ 265.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 5 - 7 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • Smart Home: controllable via WiFi and Klarstein App Experience for Android or iPhone

  • Powerful warmth: efficient infrared radiant heater with 2400 Watt output for indoor and protected outdoor spaces

  • As pleasant as the sun: IR ComfortHeat warms you and your guests with healthy infrared rays even on cool days.

Product description

Smart heat in a simple design: The blumfeldt Cosmic Beam Smart 24 Infrared radiant heater reliably warms up seating areas on the terrace, in the party cellar or on the balcony and fits perfectly into terrace or balcony seating areas owing to wall or ceiling installation.

The lightweight blumfeldt Cosmic Beam Smart 24 electric radiant heater is simply mounted on the wall or ceiling. This way, it stays out of the way while emitting long-wave infrared light quickly and efficiently with 2400 W of power. The IR ComfortHeat technology makes use of the principle of solar heat. Targeted heating of illuminated objects and people without the diversions via air heating. Owing to its design, the Cosmic Beam Smart 24 belongs to the group of dark radiators. It emits only heat and no light. In addition, it operates completely silently and does not stir up dust - perfect conditions for noise-sensitive areas and allergy sufferers.

Now even smarter: The new blumfeldt Cosmic Beam Smart 24 infrared radiant heaters can be connected to the local WiFi network and can then be controlled from anywhere with your smartphone or tablet via blumfeldt App Experience. With the practical remote control or the integrated control panel with display on the unit, the electric heater can also be conveniently controlled directly. Plan dinners and garage parties without worrying about temperatures, the blumfeldt Cosmic Beam Smart 24 electric heater makes it possible. The sturdy, powder-coated aluminium housing is weatherproof owing to protection class IP44. The supplied mounting material enables uncomplicated installation on the ceiling or wall.

Party late into the night or enjoy a romantic evening with wine and candlelight on the terrace until the stars twinkle in the sky. Owing to the blumfeldt Cosmic Beam Smart 24 patio heater, it stays cosy and warm right to the end.

Please note that the radiant heater is intended for indoor and sheltered outdoor use only. In unprotected outdoor areas, the heat output can decrease considerably.


  • On/off switch on the appliance
  • Power: 2400 watts
  • Effective range: up to 15 m²
  • Range: approx. 5 m
  • Temperature range: 5 - 45 ° C
  • weatherproof housing with powder coating
  • Remote control for convenient on/off switching
  • Protection class: IP44
  • includes mounting material
  • IR Comfort Heat technology: targeted heat emission to people and objects and not the environment
  • Klarstein App Experience: easy control via Klarstein App for Android or iPhone via WiFi connection
  • OpenWindow Detection detects open windows and switches off the appliance automatically
  • Dark radiator: no light emission, does not attract mosquitoes
  • only suitable for protected outdoor areas: covered terraces with side protection, etc.
  • Power supply remote control: 1 x CR2032 battery (included)
  • Power supply: 220-240 V~ | 50/60 Hz
Product number: 10035258

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 157.5 x 15 x 19 cm (WxHxD)
  • Cable: approx. 150 cm
  • Weight: approx. 9.2 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x Infrared radiant heater
  • 1 x remote control incl. CR2032 battery
  • 1 x fixing material
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 5 - 7 days

Customer reviews
24 Ratings

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Ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für meinen Mann. Er ist begeistert von diesem Heizgerät. Macht eine gute Wärme, leichte Bedienung. Vollends zufrieden

A birthday present for my husband. He is delighted with this heater. It gives off good heat and is easy to use. Completely satisfied


Dieser Heizstrahler, erwärmt unser Wintergarten für den Bereich wo er montiert ist. Er ist super leicht zu bedienen, sogar über die Alex, kann man die Heizung ein- oder ausschalten. Zusätzlich gibt es die Fernbedienung die das steuern der Temperatur erleichtert.

This heater warms up our conservatory for the area where it is installed. It is super easy to use, you can even switch the heater on or off using the Alexa. There is also a remote control that makes controlling the temperature easier.


Deze heater werkt goed .En de app is heel makkelijk te bedienen

This heater works well. And the app is very easy to use.


Utilisé dans une veranda, un peu long pour chauffer mais après c’est top et joli

Used in a veranda, a little long to heat but afterwards it's great and pretty


Como sistema de calefacción pérgola,funciona bien,da una temperatura de confort

As a pergola heating system, it works well, giving a comfortable temperature.


Está muy bien!

It's very nice!


English diese mal:
My riverstone house in Tuscany with walls even to 70 cm, can keep the warmth AND the cold. I have waterradiators all over (GPL) and Wood stove with ventilation, Pellet ovens, wow, I am 70 and have to close certain rooms or second bathroom because of the heating costs.
Then (already experienced with InfraRed in my workshop=instant heat whereever I as goldsmith need to be), I tried this 50% Rabat offer for the closed system (no red light, so loss of energy input). But it worked with this brilliant thermostat inside, the wifi 2 G is a laugh. But easy boost to the MAX 2400 Watt, while I keep it 1200 Watt normally. I bought 9!!! everywhere in the house for basic temperature (15 to 18), staircase as well, and now I am living like it were Summer, all room open, whole house (135 meter) warm from 17 till 22° Celsius. = So: a 10 kiloWatt Contatore, 10 mmq wire to 3 different Centralinas (380 in 3 times 220 volt) . 2 for 8 kW water heaters and 1 for the old house system of 16 Ampere (2,5 wire), but it handles much more, so all 8 radiators at 1200 watt (never start all together), I will divert two on top of the watewrheaters that can handle all. I will spend after 1 month trying, some € 1500/year, while old system with gas (yes also induction) and pellets and wood was costing me € 2200 in a cold house. Alex very happy to carry 50 grams remote controls instead of tons of wood with 5 hernia.= Dutch in Tuscany, my company was called Arkimede, Thanks Blumfeldt, Klarstein and all the other names you're using, I bought where ever it worked, great comunication confusion, but HAPPY. 1953.

English diese mal: My riverstone house in Tuscany with walls even to 70 cm, can keep the warmth AND the cold. I have waterradiators all over (GPL) and Wood stove with ventilation, Pellet ovens, wow, I am 70 and have to close certain rooms or second bathroom because of the heating costs. Then (already experienced with InfraRed in my workshop=instant heat whereever I as goldsmith need to be), I tried this 50% Rabat offer for the closed system (no red light, so loss of energy input). But it worked with this brilliant thermostat inside, the wifi 2 G is a laugh. But easy boost to the MAX 2400 Watt, while I keep it 1200 Watt normally. I bought 9!!! everywhere in the house for basic temperature (15 to 18), staircase as well, and now I am living like it were Summer, all room open, whole house (135 meter) warm from 17 till 22° Celsius. = So: a 10 kiloWatt Contatore, 10 mmq wire to 3 different Centralinas (380 in 3 times 220 volt) . 2 for 8 kW water heaters and 1 for the old house system of 16 Ampere (2,5 wire), but it handles much more, so all 8 radiators at 1200 watt (never start all together), I will divert two on top of the watewrheaters that can handle all. I will spend after 1 month trying, some € 1500/year, while old system with gas (yes also induction) and pellets and wood was costing me € 2200 in a cold house. Alex very happy to carry 50 grams remote controls instead of tons of wood with 5 hernia.= Dutch in Tuscany, my company was called Arkimede, Thanks Blumfeldt, Klarstein and all the other names you're using, I bought where ever it worked, great comunication confusion, but HAPPY. 1953.


Das beste an diesem Produkt ist das kein unnötiges Licht entsteht. Die heitzleistung ist ausreichend aber es dauert länger als bei einer normalen infrarotheizung. Ich bin froh diesen dunkelstrahler Erworben zu haben. Eingesetzt ist er bei mir auf einer Terrasse dreieinhalb Seiten verkleidet 6×3 Meter.

The best thing about this product is that there is no unnecessary light. The heat output is sufficient but it takes longer than normal infrared heating. I'm glad I bought this dark heater. It is used with me on a terrace with three and a half sides covered 6×3 meters.


Ich benutze die Heizung im Innenbereich. Heizleistung sehr gut. Einstellungen sehr gut. Wlan Verbindung, etwas kompliziert, aber funktioniert. Optik sehr gut. Ich kann das Produkt nur empfehlen.

I use the heater indoors. Heat output very good. settings very good. WiFi connection, a bit complicated, but works. Optics very good. I can highly recommend this product.


Das Teil sieht gut aus und es waren hochwertige Dübel mit dabei. Leider ungeeignet für meine Rigipswand. Der Strahler ist schwer. 2 Personen wären für die Montage gut. Ich habe es alleine geschafft. Superleichte Einbindung mit der Klarstein App ins WLAN. Übersichtliche Bedienung per Handy. Fernbedienung ist ebenfalls bei. Ich habe die 3000 Watt Version. Wird schnell sehr heiß. Höhe und Abstände empfehle ich daher einzuhalten. Gut lesbare Anzeige in Farbe. Man kann den Wärmestrahler von der Decke hängen lassen, aber das Zubehör dafür fehlt und muss separat gekauft werden.

The part looks good and there were high-quality dowels included. Unfortunately unsuitable for my plasterboard wall. The radiator is heavy. 2 people would be good for assembly. I made it on my own Super easy integration into the WLAN with the Klarstein app. Clear operation via mobile phone. Remote control is also included. I have the 3000 watt version. Gets very hot quickly. I therefore recommend observing height and distances. Easy-to-read color display. The radiant heater can be hung from the ceiling, but the accessories for this are missing and must be purchased separately.


Verkäufer hat mein Problem schnell lösen können

Seller was able to solve my problem quickly


Der Strahler ist super. Nach einiger Aufheizzeit bringt er eine angenehme Wärme. Ich nutze ihn in einem geschlossenen Kaltwintergarten (Schiebetüren). Unter offenen Überdachungen wird die Wärmeleistung nur unser Optimalen Bedingungen als ausreichend empfunden werden.

The spotlight is great. After some heating time it brings a pleasant warmth. I use it in a closed cold conservatory (sliding doors). Under open canopies, the heat output will only be perceived as sufficient under our optimal conditions.


Ich habe die Heizung für meine Garage mit ca. 65m² gekauft. Sie bringt eine super Leistung.

I bought the heater for my garage with about 65m². She does a great job.


Super Verpackung und optische plus Leistung alles gut. Ist weiter zu empfehlen

Super packaging and optical plus performance all good. Is to be recommended


Optik Design sehr schön

Optical design very nice


Das Gerät ist gut und empfehlenswert. Nur der Service von Klarstein absolut miserabel. Unser Hund hat leider die Fernbedienung demoliert und ich habe Klarstein angeschrieben wo es Ersatz gibt, keine Reaktion. Jetzt kann ich nur noch über App steuern. Sollte es mal das WLAN verlieren bin ich aufgeschmissen, denn zur neuen Verbindung braucht man die Fernbedienung. Evtl. kann mir jemand sagen wo es Ersatz gibt.

The device is good and I recommend it. Only the service from Klarstein was absolutely miserable. Unfortunately, our dog demolished the remote control and I wrote to Klarstein for a replacement, no response. Now I can only control via app. If it ever loses the WLAN, I'm in a fix, because you need the remote control for the new connection. Maybe someone can tell me where there is a replacement.


Leider hat der Heizstrahler nicht richtig funktioniert. Bei der Firma Klarstein angerufen, sehr freundlicher Herr am Telefon. Das Gerät wird anstandslos getauscht. Ein ja sehr guter Service

Unfortunately the heater didn't work properly. Called the Klarstein company, very friendly gentleman on the phone. The device will be exchanged without hesitation. A very good service


Sehr schöner u. stylischer Heizstrahler, die Wärmeleistung ist leider enttäuschend wenn der Strahler auf dem offenen Balkon genutzt wird.

Very nice and stylish radiant heater, unfortunately the heat output is disappointing when the heater is used on the open balcony.


Einfach anzubringen&solide Leistung

Easy to install & solid performance





Installation der App ist dürftig. Die Funktion der Temperatursteuerung ist hervorragend

Installation of the app is poor. The temperature control function is excellent





Ich habe die Infrarot Heizung für meinen Balkon bestellt und bin somit bestens vorbereitet fürs kommendes Winter. Die Bedienung und vor allem die WiFi Verbindung waren für mich ein wenig kompliziert, aber am Ende funktionierte es doch noch. Da es sich um eine Infrarot Heizung handelt, verteilt sich die Wäre gleichmäßig und angenehm.

I ordered the infrared heater for my balcony and I am well prepared for the coming winter. The operation and especially the WiFi connection were a bit complicated for me, but it still worked in the end. Since it is an infrared heater, the heat is distributed evenly and pleasantly.


in unserer Kleingartenkolonie haben wir in diesem besonderen Jahr alle viel an unseren Gärten & Häuschen gebastelt. Um die lauen Sommerabende noch etwas nach hinten herauszögern zu können, haben wir lange nach einer smarten Heizlösung für unseren Wintergarten gesucht. Ein Nachbar hat uns den Comic Beam empfohlen und was sollen wir sagen? Wir sind begeistert! Im Handumdrehen aufgebaut und montiert. Mir gefällt besonders, dass er unauffällig an der Decke verschwindet und für gleichmäßige Wärme sorgt, mein Mann schwärmt von der dahintersteckenden innovativen Technologie (lautlos, geräuschlos usw.) + Steuerung über eine App vom Handy aus. Einfach Klasse!

In our allotment garden colony we all did a lot of handicrafts on our gardens and houses in this special year. In order to be able to delay the mild summer evenings a little longer, we have been looking for a smart heating solution for our conservatory for a long time. A neighbor recommended Comic Beam to us and what can we say? We are excited! Set up and assembled in no time. I particularly like that it disappears inconspicuously into the ceiling and ensures even heat, my husband raves about the innovative technology behind it (silent, noiseless, etc.) + control via an app from the cell phone. Simply class!