Insect hotel with a flat roof

£ 25.99 (incl. VAT)
  • insect house
  • Pine
Product number: 10038031
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Top features

  • The big crawl: insect hotel made of wood with various sections and a special hanging device

  • Robust & stylish: with a flat roof and decorative 'Bee House' lettering

  • Valuable habitat: for species protection, biological pest control and pollination in your own garden

Product description

Now your garden is finally coming to life! The insect house with flat roof from blumfeldt is handcrafted from wood and bamboo. With its various sections, the insect hotel offers shelter for bees, butterflies, wasps, beetles, flies and more. The bee hotel serves as a year-round habitat and breeding ground for all kinds of useful insects that benefit the environment.

Insects are very important for the well-being of nature! The small beneficial insects keep your garden and the environment in good condition, because: insects pollinate all kinds of useful and ornamental plants, provide an important food source for birds and, as larvae, exterminate annoying pests in the vegetable garden (biological pest control). Let it buzz and hum in the garden, field, forest and meadow!

Bees feel particularly comfortable in the insect house thanks to the many bamboo tubes. In addition, wasps, butterflies, ladybugs, earwigs, lacewings and other beneficial insects will nestle. In addition, the insect hotel is a great decoration in the garden and offers an interesting observation opportunity for families, children, hobby gardeners and nature lovers.

You should install the bee hotel from blumfeldt protected from the weather, e.g. on a house wall with a roof overhang. Install it near bushes, trees and flowers in the light sun and also provide a small bird bath. Leave the insect hotel outside all year round and protect it from curious cats.


  • Wooden bug hotel for bees, butterflies, beetles, wasps and flies
  • With flat roof and lettering 'Bee House'
  • Used for species protection, biological pest control and pollination in your own garden
  • Material: fir bark, bamboo, pine wood, plywood, wire mesh
  • With a special hanging device
Product number: 10038031

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 29.5 x 28.5 x 10 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: approx. 1.3 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x bug hotel

Delivery & shipment

This item is not in stock and must be reordered.

Customer reviews
101 Ratings

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Das Bienenhotel enthält offensichtlich die richtigen Bausteine, denn es wird sehr gut angenommen und ist mitlerweile "Ausgebucht". Klare Kaufempfehlung.

The bee hotel obviously contains the right components, because it has been very well received and is now fully booked. A clear recommendation to buy.


Vem embalado de uma forma muito agradável e está muito bem concebido. É um pouco caro, mas compreendo que o justifique, dada a boa qualidade. As abelhas não hesitam a utilizá-lo. Estou muito satisfeita por poder proporcionar-lhes esta preciosa ajuda na sua reprodução. Deve ser colocado num local abrigado da chuva.

It comes very nicely packaged and is very well designed. It is a little expensive, but I understand that it is worth it given the good quality. The bees do not hesitate to use it. I am very pleased to be able to provide them with this precious aid in their reproduction. It should be placed in a place sheltered from the rain.


Sehr schönes Insektenhotel Unser altes Insektenhotel ist in die Jahre gekommen und musste ersetzt werden. Ich habe mich dieses Mal für dieses entschieden und bin sehr zufrieden. Es ist schön groß, ist gut verarbeitet und ist ein schöner Blickfang. Einzig unsere Wildbienen müssen sich noch daran gewöhnen. Da das Alte noch zum Teil bewohnt war, haben wir es zur Überbrückung wo anders hingestellt und das Neue an den Platz des Alten gehängt. Die Bienen mochten Anfangs das Neue noch nicht und flogen weiter zu unserem Alten. Aber mittlerweile hat es Anklang gefunden und einige Zimmer sind schon belegt.

Very nice insect hotel Our old insect hotel is getting old and needed to be replaced. I decided on this one this time and I'm very happy with it. It's a nice size, well made and a lovely eye-catcher. Our wild bees just have to get used to it. As the old one was still partly occupied, we moved it somewhere else to bridge the gap and hung the new one in the place of the old one. The bees didn't like the new one at first and flew on to our old one. But now it's been well received and some rooms are already occupied.


Unser altes Insektenhotel ist in die Jahre gekommen und musste ersetzt werden. Ich habe mich dieses Mal für dieses entschieden und bin sehr zufrieden. Es ist schön groß, ist gut verarbeitet und ist ein schöner Blickfang. Einzig unsere Wildbienen müssen sich noch daran gewöhnen. Da das Alte noch zum Teil bewohnt war, haben wir es zur Überbrückung wo anders hingestellt und das Neue an den Platz des Alten gehängt. Die Bienen mochten Anfangs das Neue noch nicht und flogen weiter zu unserem Alten. Aber mittlerweile hat es Anklang gefunden und einige Zimmer sind schon belegt.

Our old insect hotel is getting old and needed to be replaced. I decided on this one this time and I'm very happy with it. It's a nice size, well made and a lovely eye-catcher. Our wild bees just have to get used to it. As the old one was still partly occupied, we moved it somewhere else to bridge the gap and hung the new one in the place of the old one. The bees didn't like the new one at first and flew on to our old one. But now it's been well received and some rooms are already occupied.


Die Wildbienen haben es sofort in Beschlag genommen!

The wild bees immediately took over!


Es gefällt mir sehr gut, und ist gut verarbeitet.

I like it very much and it is well made.


Magnifique. j'attends la fin de la pluie pour l'installer dehors car en ce moment des abeilles sauvages tentent de s'installer dans ma cuisine. Merci je suis ravie !

Gorgeous. I'm waiting for the rain to end to install it outside because at the moment wild bees are trying to settle in my kitchen. Thank you, I’m delighted!


Schnelle Lieferung und genau wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe. Es hängt bereits und wird von den ersten Wildbienen bereits bewohnt. Gerne wieder .

Fast delivery and exactly as I imagined it. It's already hanging and is already inhabited by the first wild bees. I'd be happy to do it again.


Gut verarbeitet, aber unbehandelt. Hängt zwar nicht direkt im Regen, habe es außen trotzdem gebeizt. Ist jetzt schon (nach 2 Wochen) teilbezogen.

Well made, but untreated. It doesn't hang directly in the rain, but I stained the outside anyway. It's already partially covered (after 2 weeks).


Gutes Preis Leistungsverhältnis Schnelle problemlose Lieferung, Bienenhotel macht optisch einen guten Eindruck. Über die Haltbarkeit kann ich leider noch nichts sagen.

Good value for money. Fast, problem-free delivery. The bee hotel looks good. Unfortunately, I can't say anything about its durability.


Schnelle problemlose Lieferung, Bienenhotel macht optisch einen guten Eindruck. Über die Haltbarkeit kann ich leider noch nichts sagen.

Fast, problem-free delivery, the bee hotel looks good. Unfortunately, I can't say anything about its durability yet.


Wetterfestigkeitstest liegt noch nicht vor, aber ich bin vom ersten Eindruck her sehr zufrieden. Habe mehrere Hotels im Einsatz, dieses hier ist hinsichtlich Preis/Leistung/Größe top!

Weather resistance tests are not yet available, but I am very satisfied with my first impression. I have used several hotels, and this one is top in terms of price/performance/size!


Wie viele andere Insektenhotels sind diese nicht für die Ewigkeit gebaut. Ich bin mal gespannt wie lange dieses hält. Das Dach ist leider ungeschützt und die dünne Rückwand steht hervor. Diese löst sich meiner Erfahrung nach als erstes auf. Ich werde noch ein Blechdach aufsetzen damit es eine Saison länger durchhält. Die Bambusröhrchen sind teilweise locker, muss daher noch mit Stöcken festgeklemmt werden.

Like many other insect hotels, these are not built to last forever. I am curious to see how long this one lasts. Unfortunately, the roof is unprotected and the thin back wall protrudes. In my experience, this is the first to fall apart. I will put a metal roof on top so that it lasts another season. The bamboo tubes are partly loose, so they still need to be clamped down with sticks.


Je l ai mis dans mon jardin pour avoir plus d insectes pour poleniser mes arbres

I put it in my garden to have more insects to pollinate my trees


Leider müssen Insektenhotels noch immer nachgearbeitet werden, die Hersteller versäumen es immer noch die Brutlöcher von Spänen und Holzsplittern zu befreien. Tödlich für die Insekten. Ansonsten ist dieses Insektenhotel sehr gut angenommen worden, ein gutes Zeichen für natürliche Herstellung ohne Chemie.

Unfortunately, insect hotels still need to be reworked, and manufacturers still fail to clear the breeding holes of chips and splinters. This is fatal for the insects. Otherwise, this insect hotel has been very well received, a good sign of natural production without chemicals.


Gute Verarbeitung - Bambus!

Good workmanship - bamboo!


Hallo, Zunächst möchte ich euch sagen, dass ich dieses Insektenhotel erst seit kurzer Zeit besitze. Es ist kaum verantwortbar, sich zum Wetterfest oder zur Haltbarkeit zu äußern. Mir gefallen die Form und die Größe, das Einzige, was ich geändert habe, sind die Pfosten, sie sind nicht hoch genug, um in den Boden gesteckt zu werden, und sie bleiben fest. Meiner Meinung nach sollten diese Stöcke separat und in unterschiedlichen Längen verkauft werden

Hello, First of all I would like to tell you that I have only had this insect hotel for a short time. It is hardly responsible to comment on its weatherproofness or durability. I like the shape and size, the only thing I have changed are the posts, they are not high enough to be stuck in the ground and they stay fixed. In my opinion these posts should be sold separately and in different lengths





Eins vorweg: Bitte kauft keine ganz billigen Häuser, denn sie sind oft mangelhaft verarbeitet und schädigen häufig die Flügel der Bienen, dann können sie nicht mehr fliegen. Das Bienenhotel wurde schnell geleifert und und genau so schnell zu den anderen beiden Bienenhotels gestellt. Es kann über eine Kodel aufgehängt werden, bei uns steht es allerdings. Die Verarbeitung ist gut. Die ein oder andere unschöne Verarbeitung konnte leicht korrigiert werden. Es hat circa eine Woche gedauert, bis es von den Bienen angenommen wurde, jetzt ist da aber richtig betrieb. Die anderen beiden Hotels sind nämlich schon fast ausgebucht. Alles in Allem gefällt mir das Hotel sehr gut. Es macht wirklich viel Freude den Tieren zuzusehen, wie sie einziehen :-) Daher von mir eine klare Kaufempfehlung.

First of all: please don't buy really cheap houses, because they are often poorly made and often damage the bees' wings, which means they can no longer fly. The bee hotel was delivered quickly and was placed just as quickly with the other two bee hotels. It can be hung over a hook, but ours is standing. The workmanship is good. One or two unsightly defects could easily be corrected. It took about a week for the bees to accept it, but now it's really busy. The other two hotels are almost fully booked. All in all, I really like the hotel. It's really fun to watch the animals move in :-) So I would definitely recommend buying it.


Das Insektenhotel ist super. Nur die Beine sind meiner Meinung nach zu kurz. Diese haben wir durch längere ersetzt, damit das Insektenhotel in Augenhöhe ist. Ist aber nur meine persönliche Meinung. Lieferung usw. hat alles bestens geklapppt.

The insect hotel is great. The only thing I think is that the legs are too short. We replaced them with longer ones so that the insect hotel is at eye level. But that's just my personal opinion. Delivery etc. all went well.


Das Insektenhotel wurde schnell geliefert und war gut verpackt. Die Qualität war auf den ersten Blick gut, lediglich die Bambushülsen vielen zum Teil heraus, konnten aber wieder angebracht werden. Das Hotel sieht gut aus und hat auch schon seine ersten Bewohner.

The insect hotel was delivered quickly and was well packaged. The quality was good at first glance, only the bamboo pods fell out a bit, but they could be put back on. The hotel looks good and already has its first residents.


bel prodotto spero che le api l'apprezzzino

nice product I hope the bees appreciate it


Schön zu sehen, dass die Bienen es annehmen!

Nice to see the bees are taking it!


Ware in einem guten Zustand,schnelle Lieferung,kann man weiter Empfehlen.Die ersten Bewohner sind schon Eingezogen.

Goods in good condition, fast delivery, can be recommended. The first residents have already moved in.


Das Bienhotel hängt bei mir auf dem Balkon. Es sind schon einige Bienen eingezogen.

The Bienhotel is hanging on my balcony. A few bees have already moved in.


Optisch sieht das Bienenhotel ganz gut aus und der Preis passt auch. Die Qualität der Bohrungen in den Bambusröhrchen sind nicht sauber gearbeitet und auch nicht entgratet. Ich habe das selbst gemacht, damit die Bienen sich nicht verletzen. Bis jetzt ist aber noch keine Biene eingezogen.

Visually, the bee hotel looks pretty good and the price is right too. The quality of the holes in the bamboo tubes are not clean and not deburred. I did this myself so the bees wouldn't hurt themselves. So far no bees have moved in.


Gute Verarbeitung, wurde sofort von den Bienen angenommen

Good workmanship, was immediately accepted by the bees


Sieht gut aus,Preis ist auch ok

Looks good, price is ok too


Das Insektenhotel wurde noch am gleichen Tag der Anbringung von den ersten Wildbienen angenommen. Es hängt jetzt eine Woche und es sind bereits 14 Bienen "eingezogen".

The insect hotel was accepted by the first wild bees on the same day it was installed. It's been hanging for a week now and 14 bees have already "moved in".


Es wurde sofort bezogen.

It was taken up immediately.


Ausführung stabil. Sollte aber doch geschützt aufgestellt werden, um lange Freude an diesem Insektenhotel zu haben.

Execution stable. But it should be set up in a protected place in order to enjoy this insect hotel for a long time.


Das Insektenhotel ist sehr schön und auch ganz gut verarbeitet. Verzeinzelt sind ein paar Röhren nicht ganz sauber geschnitten, aber das scheint den Bienen, Hummeln und sonstigen Insekten relativ egal zu sein. Schon nach wenigen Tagen waren einige der Röhren verschlossen. D.h. dass bereits einige Insekten Ihre Eier, Larven oder was auch immer, hineingebracht oder gelegt haben und die Röhren dann verschlossen haben. Ein sonniger Standort wo auch Blumen in der Nähe sind, ist sicher von Vorteil, da sind dann auch viele Bienen, Hummeln usw. die sich in der Nähe aufhalten. Ist auch nett zu beobachten, wie die Insekten die einzelnen Röhren begutachten. Würden wir wieder kaufen.

The insect hotel is very beautiful and also very well made. A few tubes are not cut very cleanly, but the bees, bumblebees and other insects don't seem to care. After just a few days, some of the tubes were closed. This means that some insects have already brought in or laid their eggs, larvae or whatever, and then closed the tubes. A sunny location with flowers nearby is certainly an advantage, as there are also many bees, bumblebees, etc. that are nearby. It's also nice to watch the insects examining the individual tubes. Would we buy again.


everybody deserves a good night sleep, even insect and bugs

everybody deserves a good night sleep, even insect and bugs


Habe es mir laut Foto besser vorgestellt

I imagined it better according to the photo


Ich bin mit dem Insektenhotel sehr zufrieden. Auch die die Wildbienen sind sofort eingezogen.

I am very satisfied with the insect hotel. The wild bees also moved in immediately.


Ich habe mir dieses Hotel gekauft, weil ich meinen schon vorhandenen Wildbienen Bestand erweitern wollte. Die beiden vorhandenen Hotels waren voll belegt, und leider sind dieses Jahr auch nicht alle geschlüpft, weshalb nun Platz fehlte, und schnell neuer her musste. Die Lieferung kam sehr schnell, und kaum das ich die Hotels aufgehängt hatte, wurden sie auch schon begutachtet, und für gut befunden. Sie arbeiten seitdem fleißig daran die Löcher zuzustopfen, und für den Bestand des nächsten Jahres zu sorgen. Über die Wetterfestigkeit kann ich leider noch nichts sagen, da ich sie ja erst aufgehängt habe. Sie hängen geschützt auf meinem Balkon, und kommen kaum bis nicht mit Wasser in Berührung. Insektenhotels gehören aber sowieso nicht auf die "Wetterseite" gehängt. Die Qualität ist gut, sonst hätten die Tierchen das nicht so schnell angenommen. Einziges Manko ist die Sägespäne. In diesem Bereich hätte ich mir noch mehr Bambusröllchen gewünscht.

I bought this hotel because I wanted to expand my existing wild bee population. The two existing hotels were fully occupied, and unfortunately not all of them hatched this year, which is why there was now a lack of space and a new one had to be found quickly. The delivery was very quick, and as soon as I had hung up the hotels, they were already inspected and found to be good. Since then they have been working diligently to patch up the holes and ensure the stock for the next year. Unfortunately, I can't say anything about the weather resistance yet, since I just hung it up. They hang protected on my balcony and hardly come into contact with water. Insect hotels don't belong on the "weather side" anyway. The quality is good, otherwise the animals would not have accepted it so quickly. The only downside is the sawdust. In this area I would have wished for more bamboo rolls.


Pour les insectes

For insects


Wir haben bereits zwei Insektenhotels,aber dieses gefiel uns und deshalb haben wir es auch gekauft.Leider waren wir von der Qualität für diesen stolzen Preis ziemlich enttäuscht. Die Rückseite ist aus sehr dünnem Sperrholz gemacht und an mehreren Stellen lößte sich diese auch schon vom Gehäuse ab.Desweiteren fielen uns einige derBambusröhrchen beim Auspacken entgegen.Zum Glück ist mein Mann handwerklich gut aufgestellt und hat es nach unseren Vorstellungen ausgebessert.Also unser vorhandenes Insektenhotel für 9,99€ ist nicht schlechter! Die Wildbienen freuen sich aber trotzdem!

We already have two insect hotels, but we liked this one and that's why we bought it. Unfortunately, we were quite disappointed with the quality for this high price. The back is made of very thin plywood and has already separated from the housing in several places. In addition, we encountered some of the bamboo tubes when unpacking. Luckily my husband is good at hand and has repaired it according to our ideas for €9.99 is no worse! The wild bees are happy anyway!


Muss Behandelt werden

Must be treated


Das Bienenhotel schien optisch zunächst einen guten Eindruck zu machen. Aufgehängt in sonnengefluteter sowie wind- und regengeschützter Stelle hat sich allerdings sich bereits nach kurzer Zeit sowohl am Dach als auch in der Vorderfront ein Teil verabschiedet. Qualitativ gibt es andere und bessere Bienenhotels. Aber die "Gäste" sind trotzdem gekommen.

The bee hotel initially seemed to make a good impression. Suspended in a sun-drenched, wind- and rain-protected spot, however, part of the roof and the front part came off after a short time. There are other and better bee hotels in terms of quality. But the "guests" came anyway.


Ein sehr hübsches Insektenhotel, gut verarbeitet, dekorativ und nützlich.

A very pretty insect hotel, well made, decorative and useful.


Ich habe das Hotel an passender Stelle angebracht und kann sagen, dass es jetzt wahrscheinlich "bewohnt" sein wird. Ohne eine ständige Beobachtung habe ich aber gelegentliche Flugbewegungen zum "Hotel" gesehen

I've put the hotel in the right spot and can say it's likely to be "inhabited" by now. Without constant observation, however, I saw occasional flight movements to the "hotel".


Wunderbar. Sieht gut aus und wird gut angenommen. Super

Wonderful. Looks good and is well received. Excellent


Wetterfest kann ich noch nicht sagen .. hängt noch nicht lange

I can't say weatherproof yet.. hasn't been hanging for long


Da dies ein Geschenk für meine Schwester war kann ich nur sagen dass sie es sehr mag. Das Insekten Hotel findet sie toll

As this was a present for my sister, I can only say that she really likes it. She thinks the insect hotel is great





Wurde nur 5 Minuten nach dem Aufhängen angenommen und schon bezogen , die Leute die meinen es wäre nicht gut etc haben es wahrscheinlich in Wetterrichtung aufgehangen oder generell fühlen sich die Bienen nicht in dem vorhergesehen Umfeld wohl . Dies ist jetzt unser 3. Bienenhotel wir hatten bisher 2 von einer anderen Marke aber von diesem bin ich auch absolut überzeugt . Ein paar Röhren musste ich nochmal reinigen aber ansonsten super. Einziger Manko ist die Aufhängung an der ich nochmal etwas nacharbeiten musste einfach die vorhergesehene Aufhängung an den Enden weiter vorne platziert und nun liegt das Hotel perfekt an der Wand an und wackelt nicht bei jeder Böe . Kann das Hotel nur empfehlen vor allem stimmt das Preis Leistungs Verhältnis. Top

Accepted and occupied only 5 minutes after hanging, the people who think it's not good etc probably hung it in the direction of the weather or generally the bees don't feel comfortable in the foreseen environment. This is now our 3rd bee hotel we have had 2 from another brand but I am absolutely convinced of this one too. I had to clean a few tubes again, but otherwise great. The only drawback is the suspension, which I had to rework a bit, simply placed the intended suspension at the ends further forward and now the hotel lies perfectly against the wall and does not wobble with every gust. I can only recommend the hotel, especially the value for money. Top


Schnelle Lieferung und für den Preis finde ich es vollkommen ok. Die ersten Insekten nisten sich schon ein, ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass es so viele Insekten begeistert. Einen Punkt Abzug da nicht alle Röhrchen offen waren.

Fast delivery and I think it's ok for the price. The first insects are already nesting, I would not have thought that so many insects would love it. One point deduction because not all tubes were open.


Ich bin mit dem Produkt sehr zufrieden. Es ist etwas teurer als andere Insektenhotels, aber das ist es wert. Die Lieferung ging superschnell, es wurde bereits einen Tag nach der Bestellung geliefert und die Verpackung bestand aus nachhaltigem Material, keinerlei Plastikteile. Ein paar wenige der Bambusstäbe mußte ich aufbohren, ging aber sehr schnell und leicht. Die Kanten der Stäbe waren alle sehr sauber und glatt, also keine Gefahr für Verletzungen für die Tiere. Das Insektenhotel wurde am gleichen Tag noch als ich es aufgehängt habe, von den Bienen angenommen. Das hat mich sehr gefreut. Zur Haltbarkeit/Wetterfestigkeit kann ich noch keine Aussage treffen, das wird sich zeigen. Ich würde auf jeden Fall wieder das gleiche Produkt kaufen.

I am very happy with the product. It's a bit more expensive than other insect hotels, but it's worth it. The delivery was super fast, it was delivered a day after ordering and the packaging was made of sustainable material, no plastic parts. I had to drill out a few of the bamboo poles, but it was quick and easy. The edges of the sticks were all very clean and smooth, so there was no risk of injury to the animals. The insect hotel was accepted by the bees the same day I hung it up. I really enjoyed that. I can't make any statements about the durability/weather resistance, that remains to be seen. I would definitely buy the same product again.


Sehr robust, sehr gut bin den Wildbienen angenommen....und zwar innerhalb von 1 std. Optisch auch sehr ansprechend und nicht zu grob, dass es auch gut an eine sonnige Balkonwand passt

Very robust, very well accepted by the wild bees....within 1 hour. Optically also very appealing and not too coarse that it also fits well on a sunny balcony wall


Llego muy rápido, es un regalo que le he hecho a mi padre. Bien presentado, llego en perfecto estado y es tal y como se describe, el único pero se lo debo poner a que cuando se abrió cayo mucha birruta en el suelo procedente de la parte superior. Lo recomiendo

It arrived very quickly, it was a gift I gave to my father. Well presented, it arrived in perfect condition and is exactly as described. The only thing I have to say is that when it was opened, a lot of dust fell onto the floor from the top. I recommend it.


L'ho appesa in terrazza per permettere agli insetti di impollinare le piante da frutto che ho.

I hung it on the terrace to allow insects to pollinate the fruit trees I have.


Das Objekt ist so schön wie beschrieben. Die Qualität und Effektivität kann ich erst bestätigen, wenn der Frühling kommt und die Insekten. Ich hoffe sehr, dass sie das Bienenhaus annehmen.

The object is as beautiful as described. I can only confirm the quality and effectiveness when spring comes and the insects. I really hope they accept the apiary.


Dieses kleine und praktische Insektenhotel kam gut verpackt und ohne Mängel bei uns daheim an. Beim Auspacken kommt einem ein frischer Pinienduft entgegen und nicht dieser eklige Plastikgeruch! Es hat einen guten Platz bei uns im Garten gefunden. Da dieser etwas größer ist, war die Wahl doch etwas schwerer. Umso besser ist das Insektenhotel aber durch seine praktische Form für kleinere Gärten oder Balkone geeignet. Beim Aufbau muss man etwas aufpassen. Das Insektenhotel dreht sich auf ein Metallgewinde, was bei uns zunächst im Erdspieß gesteckt hat. Bei unserem harten Boden musste man den Erdspieß mit einem Hammer in den Boden schlagen. Daher sollte das Metallgewinde vorher entfernt werden, damit man es nicht kaputt schlägt. Das Insektenhotel hat bereits einige starke Stürme und den ein oder anderen Schnee überstanden. Wir sind rundum zufrieden und freuen uns, wenn im Frühjahr die ersten Tiere einziehen! :)

This small and practical insect hotel arrived at our house well packaged and without any defects. When you unpack it, you are greeted by a fresh pine scent and not that disgusting plastic smell! It has found a good place in our garden. As it is a bit bigger, the choice was a bit more difficult. But the insect hotel's practical shape makes it all the more suitable for smaller gardens or balconies. You have to be a bit careful when setting it up. The insect hotel rotates on a metal thread, which in our case was initially stuck in the ground spike. With our hard ground, you had to hammer the ground spike into the ground. Therefore, the metal thread should be removed beforehand so that you don't break it. The insect hotel has already survived several strong storms and the odd snowfall. We are completely satisfied and look forward to the first animals moving in in spring! :)


Les abeilles l'ont bien adopté et j'attends avec impatience l'arrivée du printemps pour voir si les petits vont sortir.

The bees have adopted it well and I am impatiently awaiting the arrival of spring to see if the little ones will come out.


un bel hôtel à insectes ! à l'arrivée, il était en bon état. il suffisait de visser le pied à l'hôtel, puis de planter le pied (ou l'inverse comme j'ai fait : planter le pied pour utiliser un maillet a cote de la vis, puis visser par-dessus l'hôtel). je le trouve très complet, j'espère que de nombreux insectes viendront...

a beautiful insect hotel! upon arrival it was in good condition. it was enough to screw the foot to the hotel, then plant the foot (or the opposite as I did: plant the foot to use a mallet next to the screw, then screw over the hotel). I find it very complete, I hope that many insects will come...


Visuel un peu trompeur qui donne l'impression d'un grand "hôtel" . Il est en fait relativement haut mais assez étroit (~10 X ~10 x 80 cm). Le pied fait effectivement 80 cm d'où une hauteur totale de 160 cm. Je le note 5 étoiles car il bien conçu et l'ensemble est correct. Mais je ne suis pas très convaincu de l'efficacité de ce concept "hôtel à insectes". Je pense que c'est la mode écolo qui a vu l'éclosion de ce genre d'abri et permet au bobo de se donner une bonne conscience. A chaque fois que j'ai vu ce type d'hôtel en place, il était désespérément vide, de plus étant totalement aux intempéries, il se dégrade vite et se trouve de facto déserté par d'éventuels hôtes. Pour moi, le plus simple est, que si vous avez un bout de jardin, c'est d'en laisser 1 à 2 m² en jachère. Prix : 42 €

Slightly misleading visual which gives the impression of a large "hotel". It is actually relatively tall but quite narrow (~10 X ~10 x 80 cm). The foot is actually 80 cm, giving a total height of 160 cm. I rate it 5 stars because it is well designed and overall is correct. But I'm not very convinced of the effectiveness of this "insect hotel" concept. I think it is eco-fashion that has seen the emergence of this type of shelter and allows the bobo to have a clear conscience. Every time I saw this type of hotel in place, it was desperately empty, moreover being completely exposed to bad weather, it quickly deteriorates and is de facto deserted by possible guests. For me, the simplest thing is, if you have a piece of garden, it is to leave 1 to 2 m² fallow. Price: €42


L’Hôtel à insectes est réalisé dans des matériaux de qualité, en bois de pin non traité, il arrive prêt à poser, son large piquet (Hauteur de 80cm) est robuste et il est coupé en biseau du coup on arrive à le planter très facilement dans la terre. Tous les compartiments sont déjà aménagés, 7 étages au total remplis de divers matériaux naturels (pommes de pin, tubes de bambou, morceaux de bois) pour attirer différents types d'insectes (abeilles, papillons, coccinelles…). Au milieu de l’hôtel, se trouve plusieurs nichoirs, l’hôtel à insectes est très beau et il en impose (15cm x 11cm x 79cm), vivement qu’il y ai des petits locataires ! Attention à respecter quelques consignes afin que cet Hôtel ne soit pas déserté, il faudra choisir une orientation au Sud ou Sud-Est afin que les insectes bénéficient de la chaleur des rayons matinaux du soleil et le placer dos aux vents dominants. Un espace de vie pour les insectes, un geste pour l’environnement et une jolie décoration de jardin, je recommande.

The insect hotel is made of quality materials, untreated pine wood, it arrives ready to install, its large stake (height of 80cm) is robust and it is cut at an angle so you can plant it very easily into the ground. All the compartments are already arranged, 7 floors in total filled with various natural materials (pine cones, bamboo tubes, pieces of wood) to attract different types of insects (bees, butterflies, ladybugs, etc.). In the middle of the hotel, there are several nest boxes, the insect hotel is very beautiful and impressive (15cm x 11cm x 79cm), I hope there are small tenants! Be careful to follow a few instructions so that this Hotel is not deserted, you will need to choose a South or South-East orientation so that the insects benefit from the warmth of the morning rays of the sun and place it with its back to the prevailing winds. A living space for insects, a gesture for the environment and a pretty garden decoration, I recommend.


Cet hôtel à insecte est assez réussi, la réalisation de la boite elle-même est sérieuse et elle est vraiment du plus bel effet dans mon extérieur. Le seul point noir dans la fabrication c’est le mode de fixation de la boite sur son support, c’est vraiment léger et fragile, à voir dans le temps mais je pense que je vais devoir renforcer cette fixation rapidement. La taille en hauteur est vraiment parfaite mais en largeur c’est vraiment le minimum requis, elle aurait mérité de faire le double. A l’intérieur on retrouve des tubes de bambou, des pommes de pin et des morceaux de bois pour attirer plein d’insecte. J’ai hâte d’’être au printemps pour voir son efficacité, à moins que certains insectes y trouve refuge à l’automne !

This insect hotel is quite successful, the creation of the box itself is serious and it really looks great in my exterior. The only downside in the manufacturing is the method of fixing the box to its support, it's really light and fragile, we'll see over time but I think I'm going to have to reinforce this fixing quickly. The size in height is really perfect but in width it is really the minimum required, it would have deserved to be double. Inside we find bamboo tubes, pine cones and pieces of wood to attract lots of insects. I can't wait until spring to see how effective it is, unless some insects find refuge there in the fall!


Ce grand hôtel de 79cm de haut sans compter son piquet de 80cm est constitué de 7 étages d'aménagements différents pour diverses espèces d'insectes. Il est très bien construit avec un toit recouvert d'asphalte pour résister à la pluie. Il faut bien enterrer le piquet car vu la hauteur de l’hôtel il y aura de la prise au vent. Placer ce type de dispositif c'est faire du bien à l'environnement en aidant la biodiversité, et quel plaisir de pouvoir observer les insectes et les voir évoluer. Il faudra attendre le printemps prochain pour voir si les insectes accepte d'y venir.

This large hotel, 79cm high, not counting its 80cm stake, is made up of 7 floors of different arrangements for various species of insects. It is very well built with an asphalt covered roof to withstand rain. You have to bury the stake well because given the height of the hotel it will be exposed to the wind. Placing this type of device means doing good to the environment by helping biodiversity, and what a pleasure to be able to observe insects and see them evolve. We will have to wait until next spring to see if the insects agree to come there.


MAJ : Après quelques mois et quelques coups de vent, le pied ne tient plus... Impossible de fixer correctement, même avec de la colle. J'ai donc fixé au mur de ma maison, exposé sud-Est. C'est un mal pour un bien car l'hôtel est bien visité par des abeilles qui viennent y pondre. Etre fixé sur le mur cela évite aux oiseaux de venir picorer les pauvres larves d'abeilles. Il faut vérifier régulièrement qu'il n'y ait pas d'araignées car elle viennent y faire leur toile pour se nourrir facilement. =================================================================================== Splendide maison à insectes ! Hormis le côté biodiversité, je trouve que cet abri est magnifique. Il est du plus bel effet dans le jardin. Le fait d'avoir un poteau pour le fixer est vraiment bien, c'est stable et on peut l'installer même si on n'a pas de mur ou de tronc pour le fixer ( toujours avec des cordes, on ne perce pas le bois...) Il faudra bien enfoncer le poteau, c'est peut-être l plus fastidieux... Il faudra voir si les insectes adhèrent à cet hôtel, mais pourquoi ils ne le feraient pas ? Idéal pour la famille afin de sensibiliser à l'utilité de tous les êtres vivants, cela amènera les oiseaux, les insectes vont polléniser, etc...

UPDATE: After a few months and a few gusts of wind, the foot no longer holds... Impossible to attach correctly, even with glue. So I attached it to the wall of my house, facing southeast. This is a blessing in disguise because the hotel is visited by bees who come to lay their eggs there. Being fixed on the wall prevents birds from pecking at the poor bee larvae. It is necessary to check regularly that there are no spiders because they come to build their web there to feed easily. ==================================================== ================================== Splendid insect house! Aside from the biodiversity aspect, I find this shelter to be magnificent. It looks great in the garden. Having a post to attach it to is really good, it's stable and you can install it even if you don't have a wall or trunk to attach it to (always with ropes, you don't pierce the wood...) You will have to push the post in, it is perhaps the most tedious... We will have to see if the insects stick to this hotel, but why wouldn't they? Ideal for the family to raise awareness of the usefulness of all living beings, this will bring birds, insects will pollinate, etc...


Cabane particulièrement mignonne au vu du prix. Beaucoup plus esthétique que ses concurrentes et les finitions sont franchement correct même quand on regarde de prêt. Un cadeau pour ma mère dont je n’ai pas encore vu le résultat par contre donc je ne noterai as cette partie là cependant il y a assez d’avis positifs sur le sujet pour vous rassurer.

Particularly cute cabin considering the price. Much more aesthetic than its competitors and the finishes are frankly correct even when you look closely. A gift for my mother, the result of which I haven't yet seen, however, so I won't rate this part, however there are enough positive opinions on the subject to reassure you.


Ce cadeau a été très apprécié. Il a été vite installé dans le jardin. Pour le moment, les insectes se font attendre mais nous ne désespérons pas. Vous pouvez l'acheter sans problème cet hotel à insectes

This gift was very appreciated. It was quickly installed in the garden. For the moment, the insects are waiting but we do not despair. You can buy this insect hotel without any problem


j'ai un jardin et je souhaite aider pour la peotection des insectes

I have a garden and I want to help with insect protection


Das Bienenhotel wurde in einer umweltfreundlichen Verpackung geliefert. Es hat eine sehr gute Verarbeitung und wird schon nach kürzester Zeit sehr gut besucht. Man könnte sagen, die Zimmer sind fast alle ausgebucht :-) Es macht einen sehr hochwertigen Eindruck und die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut. Tolles Produkt zu einem guten Preis & man tut noch was gutes für die Umwelt.

The bee hotel was delivered in eco-friendly packaging. It has a very good workmanship and is very well attended after a very short time. You could say that the rooms are almost all fully booked :-) It makes a very high-quality impression and the workmanship is very good. Great product at a good price & you're doing something good for the environment.


Das Häuschen sieht toll aus und macht einen stabilen Eindruck. Einzig die Verbindung für die Aufhängung, hätte ich mir etwas solider vorgestellt. Das Ganze interessiert die Bienen natürlich überhaupt nicht. Hier sind die Größe der Löcher und Hohlräume entscheident. Diese scheinen in Ordnung zu sein, da bei mir direkt ein paar Wildbienen eingezogen sind. Natürlich ist die zweite Voraussetzung dafür, dass auch Wildbienen in der Nähe sind, die einziehen können. Allerdings könnte man auch in ein einfaches Kantholz aus dem Baumarkt ein paar Löcher bohren und die Bienen würden auch kommen. Sieht dann halt nur nicht so nett aus und wirkt als Geschenk vielleicht auch etwas seltsam.

The house looks great and makes a stable impression. Only the connection for the suspension, I would have imagined something more solid. Of course, the bees are not interested in all of this. Here the size of the holes and cavities are crucial. These seem to be fine, since a few wild bees moved in directly with me. Of course, the second requirement for this is that wild bees are also nearby that can move in. However, you could also drill a few holes in a simple squared timber from the hardware store and the bees would come too. It just doesn't look so nice and might look a bit strange as a gift.


Ich habe das Bienenhotel gekauft, um dem Insektensterben entgegenzuwirken. Es ist sehr gut verarbeitet und sieht wirklich schön aus, sodass es unseren Balkon auch optisch aufwertet. Die Bienen nutzen das Hotel schon jetzt sehr intensiv, obwohl es erst ein paar Tage hängt. Auch die Lieferung und Bestellung ging schnell und unkompliziert. Das Hotel hat mich so begeistert, dass ich es direkt nochmal als Geschenk für eine Verwandte bestellt habe.

I bought the bee hotel to counteract the insect die-off. It is very well made and looks really nice, so it also visually enhances our balcony. The bees are already using the hotel very intensively, although it's only been a few days. Delivery and ordering was also quick and easy. I was so impressed by the hotel that I immediately ordered it again as a gift for a relative.


dieses bienenhotel am 03.03 bestellt und gleich aufgehängt . da es jetzt wärmer wird hat sich dieses Bienenhotel schon rentiert ,den die ersten Bewohner sind eingezogen und es sind mittlerweile schon einige zimmer belegt . 1 punkt abzug gibt es von mir da der Lochdurchmesser einiger Röhren doch für die bienen zu eng sind und sie obwohl sie es versuchen nicht hineinkommen. zu empfehlen ist dieses hotel allemal abr ich werde mal schauen ob ich nicht noch ein anderes hotel finde wo die röhrendurchmesser etwas größer sind

ordered this bee hotel on 03.03 and hung it up right away. Since it is now getting warmer, this bee hotel has already paid off, as the first residents have moved in and some rooms are already occupied. I deduct 1 point because the hole diameter of some tubes is too narrow for the bees and they cannot get in even though they try. This hotel is definitely recommended, but I'll see if I can't find another hotel where the tube diameters are a little larger


Bonjour j'ai acheté cette produits pour les abeilles solitaire, c'est la deuxième, très content de mon achat j'ai recommandé

Hello I bought this product for solitary bees, it is the second, very happy with my purchase I recommended


Se lo he regalado a un amigo que tiene un huerto hermoso, y tras muchas lecturas que hace pues se niega a utilizar cualquier producto químico, resulta que el hotel de insectos ayuda a polinizar. A medida que se vayan instalando, se evitan algunas plagas y lucirá preciosa. Su diseño me parece muy original, cuidado al detalle, pequeño y vamos, que me encanta.

I gave it to a friend who has a beautiful garden, and after a lot of reading, as he refuses to use any chemical product, it turns out that the insect hotel helps pollinate. As they are installed, some pests will be avoided and it will look beautiful. I think its design is very original, careful to the detail, small and I love it.


Las casitas están muy bien construidas y la madera es de buena calidad. Pesan bastante. He pedido una de cada modelo y ambas son muy similares. Un punto a tener en cuenta es que no deben colocarse en sitios de paso o fácilmente accesibles, para que los insectos no sean molestados por los humanos, y que así no se puedan producir picaduras.

The little houses are very well built and the wood is of good quality. They are quite heavy. I have ordered one of each model and both are very similar. One point to bear in mind is that they should not be placed in places where people pass through or are easily accessible, so that the insects are not bothered by humans and so that bites cannot occur.


Las casitas están muy bien construidas y la madera es de buena calidad. Pesan bastante. He pedido una de cada modelo y ambas son muy similares. Un punto a tener en cuenta es que no deben colocarse en sitios de paso o fácilmente accesibles, para que los insectos no sean molestados por los humanos, y que así no se puedan producir picaduras. Especialmente para que los niños no molesten a los habitantes de las casitas.

The little houses are very well built and the wood is of good quality. They are quite heavy. I have ordered one of each model and both are very similar. One point to bear in mind is that they should not be placed in places where people walk or are easily accessible, so that the insects are not bothered by humans and so that bites cannot occur. Especially so that children do not bother the inhabitants of the little houses.


Cela fait un mois que cet hôtel à insectes est installé dans le jardin et soumis aux intempéries. Le bois, non traité, se teinte légèrement mais ce n'est absolument pas dommageable bien au contraire! Ce vieillissement donne un bel aspect au produit, et il s'intègre maintenant très bien sur l'arbre auquel il est suspendu. La cordre est robuste, les fixations également, rien ne bouge. Vivement l'été qu'il se colonise et fournisse un refuge aux insectes indispensables à notre écosystème !

This insect hotel has been installed in the garden and exposed to bad weather for a month. The wood, untreated, stains slightly but this is absolutely not damaging, on the contrary! This aging gives a beautiful appearance to the product, and it now fits very well on the tree from which it hangs. The rope is sturdy, as are the fixings, nothing moves. We can't wait for summer to colonize and provide a refuge for insects essential to our ecosystem!


En casa nos ha encantado, está colgada con otra más grande de la misma marca en la terraza y todos los días los niños comprueban si hay nuevos visitantes. Estas son las típicas que yo llamo “tonterías alemanas”, porque son elementos ornamentales que me encantan y que si viajas a Alemania las encuentras por todas partes, y no están en otro lugar, sólo allí las encuentras. Son especialistas en detalles decorativos con una utilidad práctica respetuosa con el medio ambiente. En este caso tenemos una casa para insectos, en el frontal encontramos las siglas “Hotel de abejas”, pero no solo les gustará a las abejas, sino también a cualquier insecto pequeño que entre y pruebe. Está indicado para colocarlo colgado en un jardín, terraza o zona exterior de una ventana, pero cuidado que con el viento podría caerse si lo colocas en un lugar que de a la calle. Las medidas son 20x10x40 aprox, con diversos pisos: la parte superior con serrín y una red metálica protectora para que no se salga, el resto con tronquitos de bambú huecos por dentro donde pueden vivir insectos, otro apartado con troncos con agujeros hechos y un apartamento con piñas secas. Genial. Ya digo que me ha encantado, tiene además una zona interior oscura con entrada alargada por la parte frontal, es verdaderamente un hotel para insectos. Ahora solo queda que se llene, al menos que venga algún insecto, ya que hasta la primavera hay pocos sueltos y no veremos resultados, así que a ver si cuando llegue vienen algunos. Eso sí, tendremos que tener cuidado vayan a venir avispas a vivir, que ya podría ser problemático... Lo único que mejoraría es proteger la zona del serrín para que no se salga durante el transporte, ya que venía toda la caja por dentro con el serrín fuera y tuve que meterlo todo...quizás un cartón o plástico delante genial. Es muy respetuoso con el medio ambiente ya que todo son materiales naturales (corteza de árbol, tronquitos de bambú, serrín, etc.) por lo que genial y muy natural, queda precioso. Y a los niños les encanta, pero a los mayores también. Tiene detrás una abertura para colgarlo con ayuda de un cáncamo o similar. Si te ha parecido útil mi opinión no olvides darle al botón de “útil” más abajo porfa...¡gracias! ;)

At home we loved it, it is hung with another larger one of the same brand on the terrace and every day the children check if there are new visitors. These are the typical ones that I call “German nonsense”, because they are ornamental elements that I love and that if you travel to Germany you find them everywhere, and they are not found anywhere else, only there. They are specialists in decorative details with a practical use that is respectful of the environment. In this case we have a house for insects, on the front we find the initials “Hotel de abejas”, but not only the bees will like it, but also any small insect that comes in and tries it. It is indicated to hang it in a garden, terrace or outside area of a window, but be careful because with the wind it could fall if you place it in a place that faces the street. The dimensions are 20x10x40 approx, with various floors: the upper part with sawdust and a protective metal net so that it doesn't come out, the rest with hollow bamboo trunks inside where insects can live, another section with trunks with holes made and an apartment with dried pine cones. Great. I already said that I loved it, it also has a dark interior area with an elongated entrance at the front, it really is a hotel for insects. Now all that remains is for it to be filled, unless some insects come, since until spring there are only a few loose and we won't see results, so let's see if some come when it arrives. Of course, we will have to be careful if wasps come to live, which could be problematic... The only thing I would improve is to protect the sawdust area so that it doesn't come out during transport, since the whole box came inside with the sawdust outside and I had to put it all in... perhaps a cardboard or plastic in front would be great. It is very environmentally friendly as it is made from natural materials (tree bark, bamboo trunks, sawdust, etc.) so it is great and very natural, it looks beautiful. And children love it, but adults do too. It has an opening at the back to hang it with the help of a ring or similar. If you found my review useful, don't forget to hit the "useful" button below please...thanks! ;)


Ich habe mich bewußt für dieses Insektenhotel entschieden da hier auf die überflüssigen Tannenzapfen und Backsteinfugen verzichtet wurde. Es kommt sehr sauber verpackt und gut verarbeitet. Ob man es nun an dem angebrachten Strick oder fest an einer Hauswand versraubt ist jedem selbst überlassen. Wir haben uns für die feste Anbringung an unserer Hauswand entschieden...Dank diverser Sturmtiefs auch die bessere Variante. Kleiner Gruß noch an die großen Baumarktgruppen die momentan keine Insektenhotel im Angebot haben....wie wollt ihr was verkaufen was ihr nicht im Verkauf bestitzt aber über den Onlinehandel schimpfen.

I deliberately chose this insect hotel because the superfluous pine cones and brick joints were dispensed with here. It comes very neatly packaged and well made. It is up to you whether you screw it to the attached cord or to a house wall. We decided to attach it to the wall of our house... Thanks to various storms, it's also the better option. A little greeting to the big hardware store groups who currently don't have an insect hotel on do you want to sell something that you don't have for sale but complain about online trading.


El acabado rustico natural, para utilizarlo de decoración, es genial. No veo que se utilizaran químicos, supongo para ayudar a los insectos a colonizarlo, el problema que tiene, es que no tiene protección para el exterior y en la zona de montaña donde vivo, que es muy húmeda, puede sufrir el hotel con el tiempo. Todavía esta por ver que a los insectos le guste este tipo de protección y que estando cerca del huerto, me ayuden a polinizarlo, con el tiempo veré los resultados. En cualquier caso, si llego a tener inquilinos, siempre me valdrán para practicar con la fotografía de insectos.

The natural rustic finish, for use as decoration, is great. I don't see that chemicals were used, I suppose to help insects colonize it, the problem is that it has no protection for the outside and in the mountain area where I live, which is very humid, the hotel can suffer over time. It remains to be seen whether insects like this type of protection and that being close to the orchard, they help me pollinate it, with time I will see the results. In any case, if I ever have tenants, they will always be useful for me to practice with insect photography.


No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. El acabado es genial, ya como pieza decorativa tiene un plus. Si es efectiva o no para que los insectos hagan sus nidos en ella, esta por ver con el tiempo. Si además esos insectos que aniden en ella, son beneficiosos para la polinización de mi huerto y soy capaz de darme cuenta, sera un acierto el tener estos hoteles para los bichos. La construcción artesanal, me gusta mucho, todo acabado natural(eso parece) imagino que para no utilizar químicos. El problema que tiene es que a la intemperie se estropeara, yo estoy en zona de montaña muy húmeda, veremos como de agradecida es con el tiempo. Aunque le buscare una ubicación definitiva con protección directa de los elementos.

The media could not be loaded. The finish is great, and as a decorative piece it has a plus. Whether or not it is effective for insects to nest in it remains to be seen over time. If, in addition, those insects that nest in it are beneficial for the pollination of my garden and I am able to notice, it will be a success to have these hotels for bugs. I really like the handmade construction, all natural finish (it seems so) I imagine so as not to use chemicals. The problem is that it will be damaged outdoors, I am in a very humid mountain area, we will see how grateful it is over time. Although I will look for a permanent location with direct protection from the elements.


Si tienes una buena terraza, patio trasero o tienes la suerte de poseer casa de campo este pequeño hotel de lujo para insectos (abejas, avispas, escarabajos, mariquitas, arañas...) adornará cualquier muro o árbol. Tiene varias estancias, habitaciones o salones con distintas “decoraciones”. Son tres secciones: la de arriba son virutas de madera, la central en inferior son tubos de bambú y madera perforada (arañas). Todo hecho a mano y en madera (bambú y pino). Sus dimensiones son: .... El único inconveniente es que es “madera viva”, no tiene ningún tratamiento para resistir el paso del tiempo o las inclemencias meteorológicas. Valoración general: Una auténtica pasada. Relación calidad-precio: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ MUY BUENA. Producto totalmente hecho a mano, hecho en madera de bambú y pino. Fácil de colocar: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Diseño/artesanía: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Longevidad: ⭐⭐⭐ Se puede deteriorar con el paso del tiempo o las humedades. ¿Lo compraría para mí, o lo recomendaría a un tercero?: Si, por supuesto. Perfecto incluso como objeto decorativo u ornamental. Compra y/o producto totalmente recomendado. Un saludo a tod@s ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If you have a nice terrace, backyard or are lucky enough to own a country house, this small luxury hotel for insects (bees, wasps, beetles, ladybugs, spiders ...) will decorate any wall or tree. It has several rooms, bedrooms or living rooms with different "decorations". There are three sections: the top one is made of wood shavings, the central one at the bottom is made of bamboo tubes and perforated wood (spiders). All handmade and in wood (bamboo and pine). Its dimensions are: .... The only drawback is that it is "living wood", it has no treatment to resist the passage of time or inclement weather. Overall rating: Really amazing. Value for money: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ VERY GOOD. Completely handmade product, made of bamboo and pine wood. Easy to install: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Design/craftsmanship: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Longevity: ⭐⭐⭐ It can deteriorate over time or with humidity. Would I buy it for myself, or would I recommend it to a third party?: Yes, of course. Perfect even as a decorative or ornamental object. Totally recommended purchase and/or product. Greetings to everyone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Si tienes una buena terraza, patio trasero o tienes la suerte de poseer casa de campo este pequeño hotel de lujo para insectos (abejas, avispas, escarabajos, mariquitas, arañas...) adornará cualquier muro o árbol. Además, estarás “cuidando” el planeta, sin las abejas no somos nada. Tiene varias estancias, habitaciones o salones con distintas “decoraciones”. Son tres secciones: la de arriba son virutas de madera, el central son tubos de bambú, y la parte de abajo son pequeñas piñas secas. Todo hecho a mano y en madera (bambú y pino). El único inconveniente es que es “madera viva”, no tiene ningún tratamiento para resistir el paso del tiempo o las inclemencias meteorológicas. Valoración general: Una auténtica pasada. Relación calidad-precio: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ MUY BUENA. Producto totalmente hecho a mano, hecho en madera de bambú y pino. Fácil de colocar: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Diseño/artesanía: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Han tenido incluso el detalle de perforar el orificio para colgarlo en la parte trasera, y en la frontal han dejado unja oquedad para ver como y donde lo estas colgando (ver fotos). Longevidad: ⭐⭐⭐ Se puede deteriorar con el paso del tiempo o las humedades. ¿Lo compraría para mí, o lo recomendaría a un tercero?: Si, por supuesto. Perfecto incluso como objeto decorativo u ornamental. Me he hecho con dos versiones, la casa alta, y lavivienda unifamiliar , uno de ellos lo hemos puesto en la cocina, y el segundo me lo he llevado para el pueblo, puede que lo cuelgue o bien de un árbol o en un portón viejo y grande. Compra y/o producto totalmente recomendado. Las puertas del Hotel Bug están abiertas, esperamos verlos muy pronto. Entrada libre, sin restricciones, precios populares Un saludo a tod@s ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If you have a nice terrace, backyard or are lucky enough to own a country house, this small luxury hotel for insects (bees, wasps, beetles, ladybugs, spiders...) will decorate any wall or tree. In addition, you will be "taking care" of the planet, without bees we are nothing. It has several rooms, bedrooms or living rooms with different "decorations". There are three sections: the top one is made of wood shavings, the middle one is made of bamboo tubes, and the bottom part is made of small dried pine cones. All handmade and made of wood (bamboo and pine). The only drawback is that it is "living wood", it has no treatment to resist the passage of time or inclement weather. General rating: Really amazing. Value for money: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ VERY GOOD. Product completely handmade, made of bamboo and pine wood. Easy to place: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Design/craftsmanship: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ They even had the detail of drilling the hole to hang it on the back, and on the front they have left a hole to see how and where you are hanging it (see photos). Longevity: ⭐⭐⭐ It can deteriorate over time or with humidity. Would I buy it for myself, or would I recommend it to a third party?: Yes, of course. Perfect even as a decorative or ornamental object. I have gotten two versions, the tall house, and the single-family home, one of them we have put in the kitchen, and the second I have taken to the town, I may hang it either from a tree or on a large old gate. Totally recommended purchase and/or product. The doors of the Hotel Bug are open, we hope to see you very soon. Free entry, no restrictions, popular prices Greetings to everyone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Si tienes una buena terraza, patio trasero o tienes la suerte de poseer casa de campo este pequeño hotel de lujo para insectos (abejas, avispas, escarabajos, mariquitas, arañas...) adornará cualquier muro o árbol. Tiene varias estancias, habitaciones o salones con distintas “decoraciones”. Son tres secciones: la de arriba son virutas de madera, la central en inferior son tubos de bambú y madera perforada (arañas). Todo hecho a mano y en madera (bambú y pino). Sus dimensiones son: .... El único inconveniente es que es “madera viva”, no tiene ningún tratamiento para resistir el paso del tiempo o las inclemencias meteorológicas. Valoración general: Una auténtica pasada. Relación calidad-precio: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ MUY BUENA. Producto totalmente hecho a mano, hecho en madera de bambú y pino. Fácil de colocar: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Diseño/artesanía: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Longevidad: ⭐⭐⭐ Se puede deteriorar con el paso del tiempo o las humedades. ¿Lo compraría para mí, o lo recomendaría a un tercero?: Si, por supuesto. Perfecto incluso como objeto decorativo u ornamental. Compra y/o producto totalmente recomendado. Un saludo a tod@s ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If you have a nice terrace, backyard or are lucky enough to own a country house, this small luxury hotel for insects (bees, wasps, beetles, ladybugs, spiders ...) will decorate any wall or tree. It has several rooms, bedrooms or living rooms with different "decorations". There are three sections: the top one is made of wood shavings, the central one at the bottom is made of bamboo tubes and perforated wood (spiders). All handmade and in wood (bamboo and pine). Its dimensions are: .... The only drawback is that it is "living wood", it has no treatment to resist the passage of time or inclement weather. Overall rating: Really amazing. Value for money: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ VERY GOOD. Completely handmade product, made of bamboo and pine wood. Easy to install: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Design/craftsmanship: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Longevity: ⭐⭐⭐ It can deteriorate over time or with humidity. Would I buy it for myself, or would I recommend it to a third party?: Yes, of course. Perfect even as a decorative or ornamental object. Totally recommended purchase and/or product. Greetings to everyone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Si tienes una buena terraza, patio trasero o tienes la suerte de poseer casa de campo este pequeño hotel de lujo para insectos (abejas, avispas, escarabajos, mariquitas, arañas...) adornará cualquier muro o árbol. Además, estarás “cuidando” el planeta, sin las abejas no somos nada. Tiene varias estancias, habitaciones o salones con distintas “decoraciones”. Son tres secciones: la de arriba son virutas de madera, el central son tubos de bambú, y la parte de abajo son pequeñas piñas secas. Todo hecho a mano y en madera (bambú y pino). El único inconveniente es que es “madera viva”, no tiene ningún tratamiento para resistir el paso del tiempo o las inclemencias meteorológicas. Valoración general: Una auténtica pasada. Relación calidad-precio: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ MUY BUENA. Producto totalmente hecho a mano, hecho en madera de bambú y pino. Fácil de colocar: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Diseño/artesanía: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Han tenido incluso el detalle de perforar el orificio para colgarlo en la parte trasera, y en la frontal han dejado unja oquedad para ver como y donde lo estas colgando (ver fotos). Longevidad: ⭐⭐⭐ Se puede deteriorar con el paso del tiempo o las humedades. ¿Lo compraría para mí, o lo recomendaría a un tercero?: Si, por supuesto. Perfecto incluso como objeto decorativo u ornamental. Me he hecho con dos versiones, la casa alta, y lavivienda unifamiliar , uno de ellos lo hemos puesto en la cocina, y el segundo me lo he llevado para el pueblo, puede que lo cuelgue o bien de un árbol o en un portón viejo y grande. Compra y/o producto totalmente recomendado. Las puertas del Hotel Bug están abiertas, esperamos verlos muy pronto. Entrada libre, sin restricciones, precios populares Un saludo a tod@s ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If you have a nice terrace, backyard or are lucky enough to own a country house, this small luxury hotel for insects (bees, wasps, beetles, ladybugs, spiders...) will decorate any wall or tree. In addition, you will be "taking care" of the planet, without bees we are nothing. It has several rooms, bedrooms or living rooms with different "decorations". There are three sections: the top one is made of wood shavings, the middle one is made of bamboo tubes, and the bottom part is made of small dried pine cones. All handmade and made of wood (bamboo and pine). The only drawback is that it is "living wood", it has no treatment to resist the passage of time or inclement weather. General rating: Really amazing. Value for money: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ VERY GOOD. Product completely handmade, made of bamboo and pine wood. Easy to place: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Design/craftsmanship: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ They even had the detail of drilling the hole to hang it on the back, and on the front they have left a hole to see how and where you are hanging it (see photos). Longevity: ⭐⭐⭐ It can deteriorate over time or with humidity. Would I buy it for myself, or would I recommend it to a third party?: Yes, of course. Perfect even as a decorative or ornamental object. I have gotten two versions, the tall house, and the single-family home, one of them we have put in the kitchen, and the second I have taken to the town, I may hang it either from a tree or on a large old gate. Totally recommended purchase and/or product. The doors of the Hotel Bug are open, we hope to see you very soon. Free entry, no restrictions, popular prices Greetings to everyone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Sinceramente, pensaba que era otra cosa cuándo lo pedí, pensaba que era esas "peceras" para meter por ejemplo hormigas y ver como se organizan, pero parece ser que es para abejas y demás para que aniden ahi. El caso es que también me costó ver en que consistía porque me llegó un poco estropeado, tiene una rejilla que sujeta una viruta y que venía suelta de los clavos, por lo que la viruta se salía por todos lados. A ver... para lo que es cumple, es un buen cacharro y es un trabajazo hacer esto para lo relativamente poco que cuesta, y pese a que no llegó en optimas condiciones, se arregla fácil. Por lo que le doy mi visto bueno. Eso si, yo al final lo que voy a hacer con él es convertirlo en una casa para pájaros.

Honestly, I thought it was something else when I ordered it, I thought it was one of those "fish tanks" to put ants in and see how they organize themselves, but it seems it's for bees and other things so they can nest there. The thing is that it was also hard for me to see what it consisted of because it arrived a little damaged, it has a grid that holds some shavings and it came loose from the nails, so the shavings came out everywhere. Let's see... for what it is, it does the job, it's a good gadget and it's a lot of work to make this for how little it costs, and despite the fact that it didn't arrive in optimal conditions, it's easy to fix. So I give it my approval. That said, in the end what I'm going to do with it is turn it into a birdhouse.


Gute Verarbeitung, saubere Bohrungen. Bienen würden hier allerdings nie einziehen, für ein Bienenvolk reicht die Größe nicht aus. Vielleicht gefällt es Wildbienen, die nicht als Volk leben. Etwas enttäuscht war ich wegen der Größe, die angegebene Breite von 28,5 cm ist incl. Dachüberstand gemessen, die effektive Breite ist nur 24 cm. (Effektive Höhe ca. 28 cm) Insgesamt wirkt das Teil doch etwas mickrig, deshalb einen Stern Abzug.

Good workmanship, clean bores. However, bees would never move here, the size is not big enough for a colony of bees. Maybe wild bees that don't live as a colony like it. I was a bit disappointed because of the size, the specified width of 28.5 cm is measured including the roof overhang, the effective width is only 24 cm. (Effective height approx. 28 cm) Overall, the part looks a bit puny, so a star deduction.


Cet hôtel pour insectes créé a partir d'éléments naturels est très joli, c'est une belle déco devant notre maison. C'est aussi bien utile pour accueillir les insectes. J'ai hâte que le printemps arrive pour voir l'hôtel habité. C'est écologique aussi car on fait quelque chose de bien pour la nature en permettant aux insectes de trouver refuge. L'idée me plaît bien. C'est également parfait pour mes petits enfants qui seront contents d'observer la nature de plus près. L.'hotel est livré dans un emballagel cartonné recyclable et il n'y a aucun plastique, l'effort est louable. ..Si mon commentaire vous a été utile vous pouvez faire un clic plus bas merci.

This hotel for insects created from natural elements is very pretty, it is a beautiful decoration in front of our house. It is also very useful for accommodating insects. I can't wait for spring to arrive to see the hotel inhabited. It's also ecological because we do something good for nature by allowing insects to find refuge. I like the idea. It's also perfect for my grandchildren who will be happy to observe nature more closely. The hotel is delivered in recyclable cardboard packaging and there is no plastic, the effort is commendable. ..If my comment was useful to you, you can click below, thank you.


Hotel de Abejas bambuswald Yo tengo árboles frutales (Cerezos, Albaricoques, Ciruelos y Perales) y ya había oído hablar de la utilidad de crear espacios donde los insectos polinizadores, en especial las abejas y avispas solitarias, pudieran anidar. Pero no sabía cómo había que hacer estos refugios de abejas, cuando vi este lo solicite de inmediato. Y la verdad que estoy encantado, es bonito y muy curioso, muy bien realizado y con materiales naturales. Ya lo tengo instalado cerca de los árboles ahora solo queda esperar la llegada de la primavera y que florezcan los árboles para que este "hotel de Abejas" se llene de huéspedes. Muy satisfecho con el producto (>‿◠)

Bee Hotel bambuswald I have fruit trees (cherry, apricot, plum and pear trees) and I had already heard about the usefulness of creating spaces where pollinating insects, especially solitary bees and wasps, could nest. But I didn't know how to make these bee shelters, when I saw this one I ordered it immediately. And the truth is that I am delighted, it is beautiful and very curious, very well made and with natural materials. I have already installed it near the trees now I just have to wait for spring to arrive and for the trees to bloom so that this "bee hotel" is filled with guests. Very satisfied with the product (>‿◠)


Hotel de Abejas bambuswald Yo tengo árboles frutales (Cerezos, Albaricoques, Ciruelos y Perales) y ya había oído hablar de la utilidad de crear espacios donde los insectos polinizadores, en especial las abejas y avispas solitarias, pudieran anidar. Pero no sabía cómo había que hacer estos refugios de abejas, cuando vi este lo solicite de inmediato. Y la verdad que estoy encantado, es bonito y muy curioso, muy bien realizado y con materiales naturales. Ya lo tengo instalado cerca de los árboles ahora solo queda esperar la llegada de la primavera y que florezcan los árboles para que este "hotel de Abejas" se llene de huéspedes. Muy satisfecho con el producto (>‿◠)

Bee Hotel bambuswald I have fruit trees (cherry, apricot, plum and pear trees) and I had already heard about the usefulness of creating spaces where pollinating insects, especially solitary bees and wasps, could nest. But I didn't know how to make these bee shelters, when I saw this one I ordered it immediately. And the truth is that I am delighted, it is beautiful and very curious, very well made and with natural materials. I have already installed it near the trees now I just have to wait for the arrival of spring and for the trees to bloom so that this "bee hotel" is filled with guests. Very satisfied with the product (>‿◠)


De toda la vida hemos tenido en el huerto o en el campo, el montón de leña y tablas viejas, donde se escondían y todos los insectos, pero ahora todo está super limpio de restos de leña y estos mini hoteles o criaderos de insectos son muy interesantes. En mi caso, tengo un jardín y mini huerto en casa, y me cuesta trabajo tener insectos que me mantengan a raya las plagas de pulgones y parecidos. Espero que esta casita para insectos me ayude a mantener mi jardín más limpio. La casita está bien fabricada, es sencilla y robusta. Además es muy bonita, se puede poner a la vista porque es decorativa. Es aconsejable ponerla un poco resguardada de la interperie. Tiene compartimentos para varias especies de insectos, abejas, avispas, mariquitas.... es cuestión de dejarlos que busquen su hueco, para poner los huevos o pasar los frios del invierno. Ahora en febrero, y ya la tengo puesta en una zona resguardada y cerca de la zona del huerto, a ver si llegan los invitados. En mi opinión es totalmente recomendable, porque tiene buena calidad y buen precio.

We have always had a pile of firewood and old boards in the garden or in the countryside, where all the insects hid, but now everything is super clean of firewood remains and these mini hotels or insect breeding grounds are very interesting. In my case, I have a garden and a mini orchard at home, and it is hard for me to have insects that keep the aphids and similar pests at bay. I hope that this insect house will help me keep my garden cleaner. The house is well made, simple and robust. It is also very pretty, it can be put on display because it is decorative. It is advisable to put it a little sheltered from the elements. It has compartments for various species of insects, bees, wasps, ladybirds... it is a matter of letting them find their niche, to lay their eggs or to spend the cold winter. Now in February, and I have it placed in a sheltered area and near the garden area, to see if the guests arrive. In my opinion it is totally recommendable, because it has good quality and good price.


Ya conocía este tipo de refugios por haberlos visto en algún libro y paginas Web, pero mientras esperaba a que me llegara me puse ha investigar mas sobre su “utilidad y beneficios”, si son útiles o solamente decorativas y con lo que he descubierto sobre ellas ahora esto encantado con este hotel para insectos de tal forma que si no tuviera este y otro mas grande que también pedí para evaluar los compraría sin la menor duda. Y es que son un nido ideal para abejas y avispas solitarias, que los utilizan para construir las celdas donde se poner sus huevos, cuando pensamos en abejas pensamos en las que producen miel pero existen mas de 25.000 especies diferentes de abejas, las abejas melíferas (Apis mellifera) es una de ellas que son las que viven en colmenas, pero del resto de las especies, la gran mayoría son abejas solitarias, estas abejas solitarias junto a las también solitarias avispas también polinizan ya que los adultos liban en flores en busca de los hidratos de carbono que ofrece el néctar Las avispas no acumulan polen o néctar para sus larvas ya que estas son carnívoras, por lo que cazan todo tipos de orugas para aprovisionar sus nidos, siendo unas grandes controladores de plagas. Ademas ambas, abejas y avispas solitarias, no son peligrosas como las que viven en colmenas o avisperos, y esto es porque a diferencia de las especias gregarias que tienen una hembra fértil protegida dentro de la colmena y muchas obreras estériles dispuestas a defender agresivamente la colmena o avispero, las solitarias ,que son las que van a usar estas casas, son independientes de forma que cada hembra debe cuidar de su descendencia que depende de ella para sobrevivir, por lo que evita ponerse en peligro atacando a personas o animales que puede matarla fácilmente, de hecho, si ponen sus huevos en nuestro hotel, podremos ver a las avispas buscando y llevado orugas a nuestro hotel, siendo muy pacificas, llegando a permitir que manipulemos el hotel sin que muestren indicios de agresividad En un entorno natural no alterado estas especies buscan galerías excavadas en la madera muerta, pero cuando esta escasea este tipo de hoteles son un sistema perfecto para compensar la falta de sitios naturales donde nidificar. El fabricante tiene otra mas grande por solo cinco euros mas, que si tienes espacia, sale mas a cuenta Este hotel en concreto esta fabricado con materiales 100% naturales y viene en un embalaje donde solo se ha usado cartón reciclado Esta muy bien construido, y para mi gusto, es muy decorativo No esta diseñada para ser puesta a la intemperie, ya que por materiales usados para su construcción se estropearía rápidamente, el propio fabricante lo aconseja “CONSEJO: Cuelgue la casa del insecto protegida de la intemperie, por ejemplo, en una pared de la casa con aleros. Colóquelo cerca de arbustos, árboles y flores a la luz del sol y también proporcione un pequeño baño para pájaros. Deje al aire libre durante todo el año y protéjase de los gatos curiosos.” Ya tengo el sitio ideal, bajo un alero, esperando sus primeros inquilinos. Cuando tenga el hotel en “temporada alta” le sacare fotos para actualizar esta opinión Me ha encantado el producto

I already knew about this type of shelter from having seen them in some books and on websites, but while I was waiting for it to arrive I started to investigate more about its “usefulness and benefits”, whether they are useful or just decorative, and with what I have discovered about them I am now delighted with this insect hotel, so much so that if I didn't have this one and another larger one that I also ordered to evaluate, I would buy them without the slightest doubt. And they are an ideal nest for solitary bees and wasps, who use them to build the cells where they lay their eggs. When we think of bees we think of those that produce honey, but there are more than 25,000 different species of bees, the honey bee (Apis mellifera) is one of them, which lives in hives, but of the rest of the species, the vast majority are solitary bees, these solitary bees along with the also solitary wasps also pollinate since the adults drink from flowers in search of the carbohydrates that the nectar offers. Wasps do not accumulate pollen or nectar for their larvae since they are carnivorous, so they hunt all types of caterpillars to supply their nests, being great pest controllers. In addition, both solitary bees and wasps are not dangerous like those that live in hives or wasp nests, and this is because unlike gregarious species that have a fertile female protected inside the hive and many sterile workers willing to aggressively defend the hive or wasp nest, solitary ones, which are the ones that are going to use these houses, are independent so that each female must take care of her offspring that depend on her to survive, so she avoids putting herself in danger by attacking people or animals that can easily kill her, in fact, if they lay their eggs in our hotel, we will be able to see the wasps looking for and taking caterpillars to our hotel, being very peaceful, even allowing us to manipulate the hotel without showing signs of aggressiveness. In an unaltered natural environment these species look for galleries excavated in dead wood, but when this is scarce this type of hotel is a perfect system to compensate for the lack of natural sites where to nest. The manufacturer has another larger one 2a1-489f-9b6f-3a21b432b8ad&pd_rd_w=qHkf8&pd_rd_wg=vvahk&pf_rd_p=c9c3a7b1-3296-448b-8896-83d19be1a624&pf_rd_r=5RR2A1ZFJBQ895R27KR1&ps c=1&refRID=5RR2A1ZFJBQ895R27KR1 For just five euros more, which if you have the space, is more worthwhile This particular hotel is made from 100% natural materials and comes in packaging where only recycled cardboard has been used It is very well built, and for my taste, it is very decorative It is not designed to be put outdoors, since due to the materials used for its construction it would quickly deteriorate, the manufacturer himself advises “TIP: Hang the insect house protected from the elements, for example, on a wall of the house with eaves. Place it near bushes, trees and flowers in the sunlight and also provide a small bird bath. Leave it outdoors all year round and protect yourself from curious cats.” I already have the ideal place, under an eave, waiting for its first tenants. When I have the hotel in “high season” I will take photos to update this opinion I loved the product


Cet hôtel à insectes est absolument splendide et réalisé avec beaucoup de soin et de minutie ! On pense souvent à installer dans son jardin des nichoirs pour les oiseaux du ciel ainsi que des garde-manger pour graines mais on oublie souvent des animaux essentiels pour l'écosystème : les insectes des jardins. Pour permettre aux insectes et aux arachnides de pouvoir survivre pendant l'hiver, ce type d'hôtel les protègera tout au long de l'hiver et quand les beaux jours seront de retour, il pourra servir de support de ponte ! Dans mon jardin, je suis à la recherche de biodiversité et je souhaite une bonne pollinisation de mes arbres fruitiers et légumes. Cet "hôtel" fait partie des solutions possibles pour attirer les insectes utiles au jardin. Il doit être orienté au sud ou au sud-ouest, de préférence face au soleil. Il doit tourner le dos aux vents dominants et être près d'un garde-manger (un parterre de fleurs par exemple) ...... Il doit être abrité des intempéries et à une hauteur minimum de 30 cm. Il peut trouver refuge sur un tronc d'arbre. Cet hôtel est essentiellement réalisé en pin et en bambou et dispose d'une cordelette pour le suspendre. Il dispose de différentes "niches" qui recevront les coccinelles, abeilles, papillons et autres insectes du jardin. Certaines sont remplies de bambous – plutôt destinés aux abeilles et aux guêpes, des rondins de bois percés toujours pour les abeilles et les guêpes, des plaquettes de bois pour les coccinelles ou les pince-oreilles (dernier étage de l'hôtel). L'abri à papillons est au centre de l'hôtel avec une entrée vertical. Par contre, dommage qu’il n’y ait pas de pomme de pin car c’est ce que préfèrent les coccinelles ! La période idéale pour son installation est le début de l'hiver mais je pense qu'on peut néanmoins l'installer tout au long de l'année. Je suis très heureuse d'installer cet hôtel pour nos amis. Il est vraiment temps de penser à eux ! Personnellement, je vous recommande d'en faire autant et ce modèle semble très bien convenir ...... Son design est super joli. :-))

This insect hotel is absolutely splendid and made with great care and attention to detail! We often think about installing nesting boxes for birds of the air in our garden as well as pantries for seeds, but we often forget animals essential to the ecosystem: garden insects. To allow insects and arachnids to survive during the winter, this type of hotel will protect them throughout the winter and when the sunny days return, it can serve as an egg-laying support! In my garden, I am looking for biodiversity and I want good pollination of my fruit and vegetable trees. This “hotel” is one of the possible solutions for attracting useful insects to the garden. It should face south or southwest, preferably facing the sun. It must turn its back to the prevailing winds and be near a pantry (a flower bed for example)... It must be sheltered from bad weather and at a minimum height of 30 cm. It can find refuge on a tree trunk. This hotel is essentially made of pine and bamboo and has a cord for hanging it. It has different “niches” which will accommodate ladybugs, bees, butterflies and other garden insects. Some are filled with bamboo – more intended for bees and wasps, pierced wooden logs always for bees and wasps, wooden blocks for ladybugs or earclips (top floor of the hotel). The butterfly shelter is in the center of the hotel with a vertical entrance. On the other hand, it's a shame that there are no pine cones because that's what the ladybugs prefer! The ideal time for its installation is the beginning of winter but I think it can nevertheless be installed throughout the year. I am very happy to set up this hotel for our friends. It’s really time to think about them! Personally, I recommend that you do the same and this model seems to suit very well...... Its design is super pretty. :-))


Un "hotel" para insectos hecho completamente en madera. No es muy grande pero es bastante espacioso. Este tipo de "accesorio" de jardín va muy bien para ponerlo cerca de un huerto y que tengamos la suerte de que vengan mariquitas, porque se comen a las plagas que invaden las plantas :D No sé si las abejas se verán atraídas por él... lo he puesto en el patio junto con el otro grande que tenemos y todavía no ha venido "nadie" :D será también por la temporada en la que estamos y que no estamos tampoco en medio del campo. No le pongo las 5 estrellas porque para estar en la intempérie no tiene ningún tipo de tratamiento, es decir, que con las lluvias y la humedad se va a echar a perder y quién quiere estar en un hotel lleno de humedades y medio derruído? :D

An "insect hotel" made entirely of wood. It's not very big but it's quite spacious. This type of garden "accessory" is very good to put it near a vegetable garden and we are lucky enough to have ladybugs come, because they eat the pests that invade the plants :D I don't know if the bees will be attracted to it... I've put it in the yard together with the other big one we have and "nobody" has come yet :D it must also be because of the season we are in and we are not in the middle of the countryside either. I don't give it 5 stars because it doesn't have any kind of treatment for being outdoors, that is, with the rain and humidity it will go bad and who wants to be in a hotel full of humidity and half ruined? :D


Un "hotel" para insectos hecho completamente en madera. Es bastante grande, por lo que caben bastantes "bichitos". Este tipo de "accesorio" de jardín va muy bien para ponerlo cerca de un huerto y que tengamos la suerte de que vengan mariquitas, porque se comen a las plagas que invaden las plantas :D No sé si las abejas se verán atraídas por él... lo he puesto en el patio y todavía no ha venido "nadie" :D será también por la temporada en la que estamos y que no estamos tampoco en medio del campo. No le pongo las 5 estrellas porque para estar en la intempérie no tiene ningún tipo de tratamiento, es decir, que con las lluvias y la humedad se va a echar a perder y quién quiere estar en un hotel lleno de humedades y medio derruído? :D

An "insect hotel" made entirely of wood. It is quite large, so it can hold quite a few "bugs". This type of garden "accessory" is very good to put near a vegetable garden and we are lucky enough to have ladybugs come, because they eat the pests that invade the plants :D I don't know if the bees will be attracted to it... I have put it in the patio and "nobody" has come yet :D it must also be because of the season we are in and we are not in the middle of the countryside either. I don't give it 5 stars because it doesn't have any kind of treatment for being outdoors, that is, with the rain and humidity it will go bad and who wants to be in a hotel full of humidity and half ruined? :D


Cuando vi que podía pedir para evaluar una casa o hotel para insectos lo pedí ya que tengo un hermoso jardín que da a la montaña. Ya conocía este tipo de refugios por haberlos visto en algún libro y paginas Web, pero mientras esperaba a que me llegara me puse ha investigar mas sobre su “utilidad y beneficios”, si son útiles o solamente decorativas y con lo que he descubierto sobre ellas ahora esto encantado con este hotel para insectos de tal forma que si no tuviera este y otro mas pequeño que también pedí para evaluar los compraría sin la menor duda. Y es que son un nido ideal para abejas y avispas solitarias, que los utilizan para construir las celdas donde se poner sus huevos, cuando pensamos en abejas pensamos en las que producen miel pero existen mas de 25.000 especies diferentes de abejas, las abejas melíferas (Apis mellifera) es una de ellas que son las que viven en colmenas, pero del resto de las especies, la gran mayoría son abejas solitarias, estas abejas solitarias junto a las también solitarias avispas también polinizan ya que los adultos liban en flores en busca de los hidratos de carbono que ofrece el néctar Las avispas no acumulan polen o néctar para sus larvas ya que estas son carnívoras, por lo que cazan todo tipos de orugas para aprovisionar sus nidos, siendo unas grandes controladores de plagas. Ademas ambas, abejas y avispas solitarias, no son peligrosas como las que viven en colmenas o avisperos, y esto es porque a diferencia de las especias gregarias que tienen una hembra fértil protegida dentro de la colmena y muchas obreras estériles dispuestas a defender agresivamente la colmena o avispero, las solitarias ,que son las que van a usar estas casas, son independientes de forma que cada hembra debe cuidar de su descendencia que depende de ella para sobrevivir, por lo que evita ponerse en peligro atacando a personas o animales que puede matarla fácilmente, de hecho, si ponen sus huevos en nuestro hotel, podremos ver a las avispas buscando y llevado orugas a nuestro hotel, siendo muy pacificas, llegando a permitir que manipulemos el hotel sin que muestren indicios de agresividad En un entorno natural no alterado estas especies buscan galerías excavadas en la madera muerta, pero cuando esta escasea este tipo de hoteles son un sistema perfecto para compensar la falta de sitios naturales donde nidificar. Este hotel en concreto esta fabricado con materiales 100% naturales y viene en un embalaje donde solo se ha usado cartón reciclado Esta muy bien construido, y para mi gusto, es muy decorativo Ahora toca buscarle una buena ubicación, protegida de la intemperie, y ver como llegan los inquilinos. Cuando tenga el hotel en “temporada alta” le sacare fotos para actualizar esta opinión Me ha encantado el producto

When I saw that I could request an insect hotel or house to evaluate, I did so because I have a beautiful garden that looks out onto the mountains. I already knew about this type of shelter from having seen them in some books and on websites, but while I was waiting for it to arrive, I started to investigate more about its “usefulness and benefits”, whether they are useful or just decorative, and with what I have discovered about them, I am now delighted with this insect hotel, so much so that if I didn’t have this one and another smaller one that I also requested to evaluate, I would buy them without the slightest doubt. And they are an ideal nest for solitary bees and wasps, who use them to build the cells where they lay their eggs. When we think of bees we think of those that produce honey, but there are more than 25,000 different species of bees, the honey bee (Apis mellifera) is one of them, which lives in hives, but of the rest of the species, the vast majority are solitary bees, these solitary bees along with the also solitary wasps also pollinate since the adults drink from flowers in search of the carbohydrates that the nectar offers. Wasps do not accumulate pollen or nectar for their larvae since they are carnivorous, so they hunt all types of caterpillars to supply their nests, being great pest controllers. In addition, both solitary bees and wasps are not dangerous like those that live in beehives or wasp nests, and this is because unlike gregarious species that have a fertile female protected inside the hive and many sterile workers willing to aggressively defend the hive or wasp nest, solitary ones, which are the ones that are going to use these houses, are independent so that each female must take care of her offspring that depend on her to survive, so she avoids putting herself in danger by attacking people or animals that can easily kill her, in fact, if they lay their eggs in our hotel, we can see the wasps searching for and taking caterpillars to our hotel, being very peaceful, even allowing us to manipulate the hotel without showing signs of aggressiveness. In an unaltered natural environment these species look for galleries excavated in dead wood, but when this is scarce these types of hotels are a perfect system to compensate for the lack of natural places to nest. This particular hotel is made from 100% natural materials and comes in packaging where only recycled cardboard has been used. It is very well built, and for my taste, it is very decorative. Now it is time to find a good location, protected from the elements, and see how the tenants arrive. When I have the hotel in "high season" I will take photos to update this review. I loved the product.


On ne se rend pas compte à quel point cet hôtel est important, notamment en matière de pollinisation. Il est surtout utile en hiver mais sera accrocher toute l'année. Préférez un endroit entretenu mais pas trop, où la nature à le temps de prendre soin d'elle seule. Nous, nous l'avons posé prêt du potager, sur un arbre à fruits. Le potager n'étant pas traiter avec des produits chimiques, se sera un bon emplacement. Maintenant, je suis un peu déçue, car le mien est arrivé cassé au niveau du toit. Le bois contenant un "noeud" il a fendu à cet endroit. C'est bien dommage, une meilleure utilisation du bois aurait été appréciée. Mais je le recommande à 100 %. Donnez un peu de vie à votre jardin mais aussi enseignez votre savoir aux plus jeunes.

We don't realize how important this hotel is, especially in terms of pollination. It is especially useful in winter but will hang all year round. Prefer a place that is maintained but not too much, where nature has time to take care of itself. We placed it near the vegetable garden, on a fruit tree. The vegetable garden not being treated with chemicals will be a good location. Now I'm a little disappointed, because mine arrived broken at the roof. The wood containing a “knot” split at this location. It's a shame, better use of wood would have been appreciated. But I recommend it 100%. Give a little life to your garden but also teach your knowledge to the youngest.


Simpático “hotel” para albergar insectos en el jardín, construido con diferentes tipos de madera clavadas con grandes grapas, parece resistente y tiene un aspecto muy bonito. Herramienta imprescindible para aumentar la población de abejas y mariposas, muy esquilmada en algunas zonas. PRESENTACIÓN: Viene completamente montada, dentro de una cajita de cartón. Es muy robusta, bien construida y con maderas más gruesas que otros modelos que podemos encontrar. Las medidas (en cm.) y las fotos indicadas en el anuncio son idénticas al producto que he recibido. Tiene cuatro zonas. En el medio en forma diagonal hay dos pequeños troncos de pino y varitas de bambú especialmente indicadas para avispas o abejas, este material esta apretujado, pero suelto, así que se puede reordenar si queremos. Por debajo hay un espacio con piñas pequeñas y por encima hay otra zona con lascas de madera de abeto, protegidas con una rejilla que evita la entrada de animales o pájaros. Bajo la cubierta hay dos orificios que permite anidar insectos más grandes como las mariposas… AVISO: No está indicado para usar a la intemperie, es algo que no me había fijado antes de recibirlo y me parece un ligero contratiempo, ya que según el fabricante debe instalarse bajo un alero o protegido… Nosotros teníamos pensado colgarlo en un muro, así que vamos tratar la madera por la parte trasera para que no se pudra y cubrir la parte superior con algún elemento resistente a la lluvia… Ya teníamos uno parecido construido por nosotros mismos, pero tocaba jubilarlo. Puedo asegurar que son muy eficaces si tienen las medidas y las maderas adecuadas, como es este caso, estoy muy contento en tenerlo y a mi hija le entusiasma porque sabe que podrá sacar fotos muy interesantes de la bulliciosa vida del “hotel”. Por otro lado, nuestros frutales lo agradecen, ya que permite mantener controlada la población de insectos y moscas, que no se acercan al hotel, poblado por abejas y mariquitillas… Si tienes un jardín de hasta unos 200 m² este modelo es una opción muy interesante para polinizar las plantas directamente con tus insectos, además si hay niñas y niños cerca, será una referencia importante para el aprendizaje del ciclo de la vida, el cuidado del medio ambiente y la simbiosis que debemos tener con la naturaleza. Saludos!!!

A nice “hotel” to house insects in the garden, built with different types of wood nailed with large staples, it seems resistant and has a very nice appearance. An essential tool to increase the population of bees and butterflies, which is very depleted in some areas. PRESENTATION: It comes fully assembled, inside a cardboard box. It is very robust, well built and with thicker wood than other models we can find. The measurements (in cm.) and the photos indicated in the advertisement are identical to the product I received. It has four areas. In the middle, diagonally, there are two small pine trunks and bamboo sticks especially indicated for wasps or bees. This material is packed tightly, but loosely, so it can be rearranged if we want. Below there is a space with small pine cones and above there is another area with fir wood chips, protected with a grid that prevents the entry of animals or birds. There are two holes under the cover that allow larger insects such as butterflies to nest… NOTICE: It is not suitable for outdoor use, this is something I had not noticed before receiving it and it seems to me to be a slight inconvenience, since according to the manufacturer it must be installed under an eave or protected… We were planning to hang it on a wall, so we are going to treat the wood on the back so that it does not rot and cover the top with something resistant to rain… We already had a similar one built by ourselves, but it was time to retire it. I can assure you that they are very effective if they are the right measurements and the right wood, as is the case here. I am very happy to have it and my daughter loves it because she knows that she will be able to take very interesting photos of the bustling life of the “hotel”. On the other hand, our fruit trees appreciate it, as it allows us to keep the population of insects and flies under control, so that they do not approach the hotel, which is populated by bees and ladybirds… If you have a garden of up to 200 m², this model is a very interesting option to pollinate the plants directly with your insects. Also, if there are children nearby, it will be an important reference for learning about the cycle of life, caring for the environment and the symbiosis that we should have with nature. Greetings!!!


Je connais bien ces petits abris pour en avoir plusieurs dans mon jardin. J’essaie de multiplier les abris pour insectes parce qu’il y a urgence à les protéger. Celui-ci a trouvé sa place non loin des autres mais il se distingue largement par son poids et ses dimensions supérieures. En effet, il mesure 37 cm de haut et il pèse deux kilos, il est imposant. Cet abri est composé principalement de tubes en bambou de divers diamètres et d’une fente pour les papillons. Quand j’observe le ballet des insectes dès le printemps, j’ai souvent vu des abeilles aménager dans les trous. Le bois ne m’a pas l’air traité mais rien n’est indiqué. Derrière, je vous conseille de donner un coup de vis supplémentaire aux vis déjà mises en place. J’ai personnellement doublé les deux nœuds pour être sûre qu’ils ne se déferont pas. C’est joli, j’aime beaucoup, c’est naturel et c’est pour la protection de nos insectes.

I know these little shelters well because I have several of them in my garden. I am trying to increase the number of shelters for insects because there is an urgent need to protect them. This one has found its place not far from the others but it is widely distinguished by its weight and its greater dimensions. Indeed, it measures 37 cm high and it weighs two kilos, it is imposing. This shelter is mainly made of bamboo tubes of various diameters and a slot for butterflies. When I observe the ballet of insects in spring, I have often seen bees living in the holes. The wood does not look treated to me but nothing is indicated. Behind, I advise you to give an additional screw to the screws already in place. I personally doubled both knots to make sure they wouldn't come undone. It's pretty, I really like it, it's natural and it's for the protection of our insects.


In unserem Garten finden Insekten glücklicherweise noch viele natürliche Nistmöglichkeiten. Dennoch habe ich mich dafür entschieden, dieses Insektenhotel von bambuswald auszuprobieren, um zu beobachten, welche der darin angebotenen Nisthilfen für welche Insekten am geeignetsten sind. Das Hotel ist stabil verarbeitet und gut mit Bambusröhren und Pinienholzstücken gefüllt, die fest eingesetzt sind, so dass nichts wackelt. Das mögen Insekten bei ihren Nistplätzen nämlich nicht so gerne. Aus diesem Grund würde ich auch empfehlen das Hotel nicht an der (übrigens sehr stabilen) Schnur aufzuhängen, sondern direkt an der Aufhängevorrichtung auf der Rückseite. Dann schwankt das Häuschen bei Wind nicht hin und her. Wichtig ist auch, dass die Schnittkanten der Hölzer nicht ausgefranst sind, sondern so glatt, wie es bei diesem Hotel der Fall ist. Denn wenn sich Insekten einmal ihre empfindlichen Flügel verletzt haben, können sie nicht mehr fliegen. Deshalb werde ich auch ein paar einzelne raue Bambusröhren innen nachträglich glätten und die wenigen verschlossenen aufbohren, damit auch alle Röhren verletzungsfrei genutzt werden können. Im Gesamten bin ich mit dem Insektenhotel zufrieden, auch wenn ich an der ein oder anderen Stelle noch nacharbeiten muss und sehe es zusätzlich zu seiner Bestimmung als dekoratives Element in meinem Garten.

Luckily, insects still find plenty of natural places to nest in our garden. Nevertheless, I decided to try out this insect hotel from bambuswald to observe which of the nesting aids it offers are most suitable for which insects. The hotel is solidly made and well filled with bamboo tubes and pine wood pieces that are firmly inserted so nothing wobbles. Insects don't like that very much at their nesting sites. For this reason, I would also recommend not hanging the hotel on the cord (which is very stable, by the way), but directly on the hanging device on the back. Then the house does not sway back and forth in the wind. It is also important that the cut edges of the wood are not frayed, but rather smooth, as is the case with this hotel. Because once insects have injured their sensitive wings, they can no longer fly. That's why I'll smooth out the inside of a few individual rough bamboo tubes afterwards and drill out the few closed ones so that all tubes can be used without injury. All in all, I am satisfied with the insect hotel, even if I still have to rework one or the other area and see it as a decorative element in my garden in addition to its purpose.


El producto llegó un poco dañado, pero inmediatamente me mandaron uno nuevo sin mayor problema. Servicio a cliente excelente. El producto precioso. Es un regalo para mi hijo y sé que le va a encantar. Volvería a comprar de este vendedor.

The product arrived a little damaged, but they immediately sent me a new one without any major problems. Excellent customer service. The product is beautiful. It is a gift for my son and I know he will love it. I would buy from this seller again.


Está muy bien, la he colgado en el patio de casa, espero que las abejas solitarias la encuentren rápidamente. El acabado está muy bien hecho, totalmente recomendable.

It's very nice, I've hung it in the backyard, I hope the solitary bees find it quickly. The finish is very well done, totally recommended.


Ich habe das Insektenhotel sehr schnell erhalten. Aufgrund kleinerer Probleme beim Versand mit DPD durfte ich auch den sehr kompetenten und hilfsbereiten Support kennenlernen. Das Insektenhotel war natürfreundlich verpackt und kam unversehrt bei mir an. Die Bambusröhrchen und andere Versteckmöglichkeiten sind sauber ausgearbeitet und für die Insekten (Bienen) ungefährlich zugänglich. Nach meinen vorangegangenen Recherchen ist die Aufteilung aus Bambusrohren, Holzlöchern und Holzspalten optimal für verschiedene Insekten - vor allem Bienen. Die Aufschrift "Bienenhotel - Zimmer frei" ist sehr süß und macht das Häuschen auf meiner Terasse ,neben seiner Nützlichkeit für unsere Insekten, auch zum Dekoobjekt. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und würde bei dem Hersteller jederzeit wieder bestellen. Zur schnelleren Besiedelung bestelle ich mir beim NaBu nun noch Wildbienenpuppen.

I received the insect hotel very quickly. Due to minor problems with shipping with DPD, I was also able to get to know the very competent and helpful support. The insect hotel was packaged in a nature-friendly manner and arrived undamaged. The bamboo tubes and other hiding places are well-designed and accessible to insects (bees) without any danger. According to my previous research, the division of bamboo canes, wooden holes and wooden columns is optimal for various insects - especially bees. The inscription "Bee hotel - rooms available" is very cute and makes the little house on my terrace, in addition to its usefulness for our insects, also a decorative object. I am very satisfied and would order from the manufacturer again at any time. For faster colonization, I now order wild bee puppets from NaBu.


Sieht toll aus und ist sehr stabil. Eine schöne Größe für den Balkon. Leider nicht ganz sorgfältig verarbeitet: viele Röhrchen waren verschlossen und mussten mit einem Handbohrer nachgebohrt werden - bei einigen war dies gar nicht möglich. Leider fehlten auch Röhrchen, so dass wir Bambusrohr nachgekauft haben, um die Lücken zu füllen.

Looks great and is very stable. A nice size for the balcony. Unfortunately not processed very carefully: many tubes were closed and had to be drilled with a hand drill - with some this was not possible at all. Unfortunately, tubes were also missing, so we bought bamboo canes to fill the gaps.


Der Umkarton war etwas überdimensioniert, was aber eher an Amazon liegt, und das Paket darin konnte sich frei bewegen. Trotz allem ist die Ware pünktlich und unversehrt angekommen. Positiv überrascht war ich davon, daß auch gleich eine Cordel zum aufhängen dabei war. Die Aufhängung musste ich zwar an der Seitenwand neu platzieren, damit der Schwerpunkt passt und das Insektenhotel senkrecht hängt, aber auch das war leicht möglich da diese geschraubt und nicht genagelt waren. Einzelne Bambusröhrchen mussten auch hier nachgebohrt werden, aber insgesamt ist es sehr gut verarbeitet.

The outer box was a bit oversized, but that's more due to Amazon, and the package inside was able to move freely. Despite everything, the goods arrived on time and undamaged. I was pleasantly surprised that there was also a cord to hang it up. I had to reposition the suspension on the side wall so that the center of gravity fits and the insect hotel hangs vertically, but that was also easily possible because they were screwed and not nailed. Individual bamboo tubes also had to be re-drilled here, but overall it is very well made.