Speyer Cascade Fountain
- 305 cm
- Garden fountains
- 2.4 kg
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- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Power of the sun: garden fountain with SunRiver Technology for off-grid solar operation
Bubbling oasis: charming cascade water feature for the garden, the terrace or in the living room
Pure relaxation: 4 fountain levels with cascading waterfalls
Product description
At the fountain in front of the gate: the Blumfeldt Speyer solar cascade fountain lets the water flow between its four steps with the power of the sun and helps to slow the world down with its sparkling water play. The deceptively real-looking fountain is extremely decorative and an ornament for every garden, balcony or living room.
The Sunriver Technology of the Blumfeldt Speyer cascade fountain with a 9 V / 2.8 W solar panel and the integrated Li-ion battery ensures that the fountain works completely independently of the power supply. Thanks to the power storage in the battery, night operation is even possible for up to 5 hours. Relax and enjoy: gently splashing, the water pours down the four steps of the fountain in a constant gush. And thanks to the working principle in the LoopFlow Concept, no water connection or refilling is necessary: once filled, the powerful mini-pump keeps the water in constant circulation. This ensures a water lift of up to 100 cm and transports up to 200 litres of water per hour.
A splendor even in the dark: as soon as night falls, the integrated LED lighting begins to provide the water in the Blumfeldt Speyer garden fountain with glittering accents and illuminates the garden or terrace in an atmospheric way. Thanks to the production of polyresin, the fountain is not only a visual highlight, it is also frost-resistant, sturdy and comparatively light.
No electricity costs and ideal for continuous operation: the Speyer cascade fountain from Blumfeldt.
- Maximum water flow: 200 l / h
- Maximum water lift: 100 cm
- Power solar module: 2.8 W
- Protection class pump: IP68
- Protection class control unit: IP44
- Power supply: 7.6 V / 1500 mA Li battery
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions fountain: approx. 30 x 58 x 29 cm (WxHxD)
- Diameter bowl below: approx. 23 cm (Ø)
- Diameter bowl in the middle below: approx. 8.5 cm (Ø)
- Diameter bowl in the middle above: approx. 9 cm (Ø)
- Diameter bowl: approx. 9 cm (Ø)
- Dimensions solar panel: approx. 16 x 19.4 x 3 cm (WxHxD)
- Height of solar panel with earth peg: approx. 41 cm
- Length of connection cable solar panel: 300 cm
- Weight: approx. 2.4 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x fountain
- 1 x solar panel
- 1 x 3-piece earth peg set
- Multilingual instruction manual
Delivery & shipment
No review available for this item.
Würde ich immer wieder verschenken.
I would give it away again and again.
Die Lieferung hat perfekt geklappt.. Der Aufbau simpel und selbsterklärend...Der Brunnen sieht genauso gut aus wie beschrieben und arbeitet perfekt.. kann ich nur empfehlen
The delivery worked perfectly. The assembly was simple and self-explanatory. The fountain looks just as good as described and works perfectly. I can only recommend it
ein sehr schönes produkt und nutze ich nutze es seit jahren zur dekoration und es macht viel spass.....gerne wieder
a very nice product and I have been using it for years for decoration and it is a lot of fun..... gladly again
Gute Qualität
Good quality
Optisch sehr schön. Habe ihn etwas erhöht gestellt, so kommt er von allen Seiten gut zur Geltung. Trotz wenig Sonne plätschert er munter vor sich hin. Sehr zu empfehlen
It looks very nice. I placed it a little higher up so it looks good from all sides. Despite the lack of sun, it splashes along happily. Highly recommended
Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Eigentlich ganz schön. Leider ist von Anfang an ein Licht kaputt. Trotz Angebot einer Erstattung ist bis heute noch nichts eingegangen.
The media could not be loaded. Actually quite nice. Unfortunately, one light broke from the start. Despite an offer of a refund, nothing has been received to date.
Lieferung prompt und okay; Springbrunnen steht auf meinem Dachgarten und plätschert, wenn ich da bin, fröhlich vor sich hin, das ist sehr entspannend. Hoffe, dass der Springbrunnen eine lange Haltbarkeit aufweist.
Delivery prompt and ok; There is a fountain on my roof garden and when I'm there it splashes happily, it's very relaxing. Hope the fountain has a long shelf life.
Très jolie bon rapport qualité prix, elle n’est pas très haute
Very pretty, good value for money, it is not very high
Optik sehr ansprechend und Solarpumpe funktioniert auch einwandfrei. Super Produkt.
Looks very appealing and the solar pump also works perfectly. Great product.
Ensemble très beau, content du résultat.
Very beautiful set, happy with the result.
Sehr früher als vorangekündigt angekommen. Sehr schön und bereitet viel Freude. Dankeschön
Arrived much earlier than announced. Very beautiful and a lot of fun. Thank you very much
Sieht toll im Garten aus. Ab und zu unterbrochene Wasserkreislauf, aber stört nicht
Looks great in the garden. From time to time interrupted water cycle, but does not bother
Sobald die Sonne strahlt legt die pumpe los, Der Anblick ist schön und sieht nicht billig aus. Nach zwei Monaten Dauerbetrieb bilden sich mittlerweile Algen werde Algazid verwenden bin gespannt wie das mit Ersatzteilen aussieht wenn die pumpe schlapp macht
As soon as the sun shines, the pump starts. The sight is beautiful and doesn't look cheap. After two months of continuous operation, algae are now forming. I'll use Algazid. I'm curious to see what it looks like with spare parts when the pump gives up
Wer auf Dekoration auf Terrassen steht, Liebhaber von Wasserspielen ist, dem ist dieser entzückende Solar- Kaskaden- Brunnen sehr zu empfehlen. Das Produkt entspricht exakt den Angaben im Angebot. Ein klitzekleiner Mangel, das Solar- Panel war bei Lieferung nicht mit einer Schutzfolie versehen und ein kleiner Kratzer darauf war. Dennoch bin ich sehr zufrieden, weil diese Dekoration ausgesprochen hübsch ist und der Anblick mich erfreut.
This delightful solar cascade fountain is highly recommended for anyone who likes decoration on terraces or loves water features. The product corresponds exactly to the information in the offer. A tiny defect, the solar panel was not provided with a protective film when delivered and there was a small scratch on it. Nevertheless, I am very satisfied because this decoration is extremely pretty and I am pleased to see it.
Der Gartenbrunnen paßt sehr gut auf unsere Terrasse. Er plätschert leise vor sich hin. Nur der on/off Schalter klemmt ein wenig. Er hat mit Wasser gefüllt sogar nachts aufgetretene Minusgrade unbeschadet überstanden.
The garden fountain fits very well on our terrace. He murmurs quietly to himself. Only the on/off switch is a bit stuck. Filled with water, it even survived sub-zero temperatures at night without damage.
Der Brunnen wurde sehr schnell geliefert. Der Aufbau war selbsterklärend und einfach. Damit konnte er ruckzuck in Betrieb genommen werden. Er ist sehr wertig und massiv gebaut. Für diese Preisklasse übertrifft er bei weitem meine persönlichen Erwartungen. Nachdem das Solarpanel wohl noch etwas geladen war, die Sonne schien, entfaltete er auch direkt komplett sein können auf meiner Terrasse. Das sanfte Plätschern wirkt sehr beruhigend und entspannend. Auch wenn der Brunnen ausgeschaltet ist, die Sonne scheint, beginnt er sofort wieder Dank Solarspeicher, mit seiner Arbeit, so dass man sich eigentlich nur um das rechtzeitige Nachfüllen des Wasserstandes kümmern muss. Hier rate ich auf jeden Fall, wie auch vom Hersteller empfohlen, nur destilliertes Wasser zu verwenden, um die Lebensdauer der Pumpe nicht zu beeinträchtigen. Bei mir hat der Brunnen auf jeden Fall seinen Sonnenplatz auf meiner Terrasse gefunden und von meiner Seite gibt es eine ganz klare Kaufempfehlung!
The fountain was delivered very quickly. The setup was self-explanatory and easy. So it could be put into operation in no time. It is very valuable and solidly built. For this price range, it far exceeds my personal expectations. After the solar panel was probably still charged a little, the sun was shining, it also unfolded completely on my terrace. The gentle splashing has a very calming and relaxing effect. Even if the fountain is switched off and the sun is shining, it starts working again immediately thanks to the solar storage tank, so that you only have to worry about refilling the water level in good time. In any case, I advise, as recommended by the manufacturer, to only use distilled water so as not to affect the life of the pump. In my case, the fountain has definitely found its place in the sun on my terrace and from my side there is a very clear purchase recommendation!
L'oggetto è molto carino e si addice particolarmente nelle piccole aiuole; per le dimensioni fa praticamente al mio caso. Esteticamente gradevole, montaggio assolutamente rapido e facilissimo, può essere posizionata ovunque. Ovviamente, funzionando con un pannello solare, è implicito che debba essere collocata in modo che possa beneficiare il più possibile della luce solare. Il pannello può funzionare sia in modalità solo solare e sia in modalità solare con batterie in aiuto quando il sole non c'è più. Qualche pecca? A mio avviso le luci a led che illuminano la fontana sono un pò debolucce e il pannello per funzionare deve essere esposto in pieno sole, già con un minimo di attenuazione della luce solare si interrompe. Ad ogni modo, nel complesso un giudizio molto positivo.
The object is very nice and is particularly suitable for small flower beds; for its size it is practically perfect for me. Aesthetically pleasing, assembly is absolutely quick and easy, it can be positioned anywhere. Obviously, since it works with a solar panel, it is implicit that it must be positioned so that it can benefit as much as possible from sunlight. The panel can work both in solar-only mode and in solar mode with batteries to help when the sun is no longer there. Any flaws? In my opinion, the LED lights that illuminate the fountain are a bit weak and the panel must be exposed to full sun to work, even with a minimum attenuation of sunlight it stops. In any case, overall a very positive judgment.
Der Brunnen ist super schnell aufgebaut und kaum hat das Panel Sonne, plätschert es schon wunderschön im Garten oder auf dem Balkon. Alles läuft ohne Strom, Steckdose etc. Der Brunnen hat eine rustikale Optik, ist aber recht leicht aus unzerstörbarem Material, Polyresin. Klare Kaufempfehlung!
The fountain is super quick to set up and as soon as the panel has sun, it is already splashing beautifully in the garden or on the balcony. Everything runs without electricity, sockets, etc. The fountain has a rustic look, but is quite light and made of indestructible material, polyresin. Clear purchase recommendation!
Rustikaler Hingucker Der Brunnen ist super schnell aufgebaut und kaum hat das Panel Sonne, plätschert es schon wunderschön im Garten oder auf dem Balkon. Alles läuft ohne Strom, Steckdose etc. Der Brunnen hat eine rustikale Optik, ist aber recht leicht aus unzerstörbarem Material, Polyresin. Klare Kaufempfehlung!
Rustic eye-catcher The fountain is super quick to set up and as soon as the panel gets sun, it starts splashing beautifully in the garden or on the balcony. Everything runs without electricity, sockets, etc. The fountain has a rustic look, but is quite light and made of indestructible material, polyresin. Clearly recommended to buy!
Der Brunnen ist ein Hingucker auf dem Balkon für die Nachbarschaft. Tolles Produkt. Das plätschern des Wassers ist sehr beruhigend.
The fountain is an eye-catcher on the balcony for the neighborhood. great product The rippling of the water is very soothing.
Leider war der erste kaputt, sei es obs am Solarpaneel oder an der Pumpe lag, Aber wir bekamen prompt und problemlos einen neuen Brunnen von der Firma . Der ist jetzt in unserem ZEN-Garten ein wahrer Hingucker. Die Bienen erfreuen sich am fließenden Wasser und lassen uns in Ruhe und es plätschert echt angenehm.
Unfortunately, the first one broke down, whether it was the solar panel or the pump. But we got a new fountain from the company promptly and without any problems. It is now a real eye-catcher in our ZEN garden. The bees enjoy the flowing water and leave us alone and it's really pleasant to splash.
Bonita queda muy bien mi terraza.Agradable sonido.
My terrace looks very nice. Pleasant sound.
Per chi desidera aggiungere un tocco di serenità, questa affascinante fontana è l'ideale! Ascoltare il suono delicato dell'acqua che casca dai suoi 4 livelli, aggiunge quel senso di tranquillità che io adoro. Il design è molto bello, scenografico ed il materiale utilizzato da l'impressione di riprodurre perfettamente l'aspetto del legno autentico. E direi anche che è stata veramente realizzata per resistere agli urti e al gelo, ma su questo solo il tempo darà una risposta certa. Ha 4 luci a LED posizionate nel fondo del pozzo e quindi dell'acqua che di sera, nel buio, enfatizzano la bellezza del suo design. L’Installazione è veloce e davvero semplice. La fontana essendo alimentata ad energia solare, non utilizza corrente elettrica e quindi non è necessario posizionarla vicino ad una presa elettrica e/o sotterrare cavi per alimentarla. Basterà posizionare il pannello solare alla luce del sole e spostare il tasto dietro allo stesso su ON per farla funzionare o su OFF per interromperla. Ho anche apprezzato il fatto che I connettori a spinotto dell’alimentazione che vanno dal pannello solare alla pompa ad immersione sono a tenuta, grazie all'utilizzo di un O-ring su ogni connettore. Confermo che viene accumulata energia, così da poter utilizzare la fontana per qualche ora, anche quando il sole non batte più sul pannello: per godersi ancora un po' il fruscio dell’acqua che scorre. Per la gestione dell'ordine spedizione veloce e imballo perfetto.
For those who want to add a touch of serenity, this charming fountain is ideal! Listening to the delicate sound of the water falling from its 4 levels adds that sense of tranquility that I love. The design is very beautiful, scenic and the material used gives the impression of perfectly reproducing the appearance of real wood. And I would also say that it was truly made to resist shock and frost, but only time will give a certain answer on this. It has 4 LED lights positioned at the bottom of the well and therefore of the water that in the evening, in the darkness, emphasize the beauty of its design. Installation is quick and really simple. The fountain is solar powered, it does not use electricity and therefore it is not necessary to place it near an electrical outlet and/or bury cables to power it. Just place the solar panel in the sunlight and move the button behind it to ON to make it work or to OFF to stop it. I also appreciated the fact that the power connectors that go from the solar panel to the submersible pump are sealed, thanks to the use of an O-ring on each connector. I confirm that energy is accumulated, so that you can use the fountain for a few hours, even when the sun no longer shines on the panel: to enjoy the sound of the flowing water for a while longer. For the order management, fast shipping and perfect packaging.
Es de un tamaño mediano es y por su material, se puede usar tanto dentro como fuera de casa. Tiene su propio motor para mover el agua, y se alimenta por su placa solar que puede almacenar energía para 5 horas y viene con un cable de 10 m asi que puedo ponerlo en la terraza. Visualmente tiene dos niveles y de cada uno surgen chorros de agua que terminan en el pozo y se repite el circuito. Relaja no solo el sonido del agua puede crea una mini atmosfera en casa.
It is medium-sized and because of its material, it can be used both inside and outside the home. It has its own motor to move the water, and it is powered by its solar panel that can store energy for 5 hours and it comes with a 10 m cable so I can put it on the terrace. Visually it has two levels and from each one emerge jets of water that end up in the well and the circuit is repeated. It is relaxing not only the sound of the water but also creates a mini atmosphere at home.
Es ist ein super schöner Brunnen der sich sogar einschaltet wenn die Sonnenstrahlen nicht durchkommen,,und wenn der Akku sich aufgeladen hat,,läuft er auch im Dunkeln
It's a super pretty fountain that turns on even when the sun's rays aren't shining through, and once the battery has charged, it runs in the dark too
Schöner Deko Brunnen, schnelle Lieferung und einfache Inbetriebnahme. Läuft direkt und sieht auf der Terasse toll aus.
Beautiful decorative fountain, fast delivery and easy to set up. Runs straight and looks great on the patio.
Sehr schöner Brunnen, läuft super und ist ein Blickfang in meinem Garten. Lieferung war schnell und sehr gut verpackt.
Very nice fountain, runs great and is an eye-catcher in my garden. Delivery was quick and very well packaged.