[Returns: -15%] Entrecôte 2-in-1 Raclette Grill & Fondue

£ 79.99 (incl. VAT)
Product number: 52022268
Entrecôte 2-in-1 Raclette Grill & Fondue
£ 79.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 60.99
  • £ 94.99
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Party fun: raclette grill & fondue pot for up to 8 people

  • 2-in-1: grill plate for use with natural stone or fondue pot

  • Easy operation: infinitely variable thermostat


  • Raclette grill with fondue pot
  • For up to 8 people
  • Round natural stone slab made of granite
  • Stepless temperature control knob with pilot light
  • Non-stick coating
  • 4 non-slip rubber feet
  • Cool-touch handles on pans and forks
Product number: 52022268

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Overall dimensions: approx. 40 x 20 x 28 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions (without fondue attachment): approx. 40 x 14 x 27 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions (fondue pot): approx. 19 x 9.5 cm (ØxH)
  • Dimensions (pan): approx. 9 x 3 x 18 cm (WxHxD)
  • Cable length: approx. 100 cm
  • Total weight: approx. 4.3 kg
  • Weight (one pan): approx. 58 g
  • Weight (one fondue fork): approx. 14 g
  • Power supply: 220 - 240 V~ | 50/60 Hz
  • Power: 1100 watts

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x raclette grill
  • 1 x grill attachment
  • 1 x natural stone slab
  • 8 x raclette pans
  • 1 x fondue pot with lid
  • 6 x fondue forks
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
79 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Très complet, de bonne qualité, pratique à table, cuisson nickel, facile à nettoyer, multifonction. Bord coupant, faire attention. Toujours encombrant.

Very complete, good quality, practical at the table, perfect cooking, easy to clean, multifunction. Sharp edge, be careful. Still cumbersome.


Ottimo per passare belle serate

Great for spending nice evenings


Comoda è perfetta per serate con amici. Sia per raclette, fonduta, cioccolato e frutta, carne e verdure

Convenient and perfect for evenings with friends. Whether for raclette, fondue, chocolate and fruit, meat and vegetables


Il prodotto sembra valido come materiale...devo ancora usarlo

The product seems valid as material...I have yet to use it


Conforme à la description Parfait

Conforms to the description Perfect


Efficace bonne présentation

Effective good presentation


tres pratique

very convenient


Produit conforme et aucun soucis parfait

Compliant product and no worries perfect


Tres bon produit

Very good product


L'appareil fait bien son, ou plutôt ses jobs !

The device does its job, or rather its job, well!


Très contente de mon achat

Very happy with my purchase


Super produit complet et efficace on c’est régalé à l’utilisation.

Great product, complete and effective, we enjoyed using it.


Acheté en remplacement d'une ancienne raclette qui a rendu l'âme, cet appareil me parait de très bonne facture. Il est également accompagné de tout un tas d'accessoires. De plus, le service clientèle de la marque est au top ! Super !!!

Bought to replace an old raclette which gave up the ghost, this device seems to me to be very well made. It also comes with a whole bunch of accessories. In addition, the brand's customer service is top notch! Great !!!


Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Je conseille ce vendeur bon relationnel j'ai eu un souci presque avant la fin de la garantie ils m'ont renvoyé à notre appareil gracieusement produit très très bien emballé je manquerai pas de racheter chez eux

The media product could not be loaded. I recommend this seller, good relationship, I had a problem almost before the end of the warranty, they sent me back to our device free of charge, very very well packaged product, I will definitely buy from them again


Funzionale, compatto con tutti gli accessori. Prezzo valido

Functional, compact with all accessories. Valid price


Die Maschine ist gut und wir benutzen sie jedes Jahr. Aber nach einer Weile ist die Beschichtung der Schüssel abgeplatzt und ich wollte einen Ersatz besorgen. Aber der Kundendienst ist nutzlos und fragt nur immer wieder nach meiner Bestellnummer, obwohl ich erklärt habe, dass dies ein Hochzeitsgeschenk vor Jahren war, ihnen verschiedene Informationen davon geschickt habe, und bereit war, eine Ersatzschüssel zu KAUFEN und sie nicht nur umzutauschen. Jetzt benutze ich stattdessen einen normalen Topf, und der funktioniert prima.

The machine is good and we use it every year. But after a while the coating on the bowl chipped off and I wanted to get a replacement. But customer service is useless and just keeps asking for my order number even though I explained that this was a wedding gift years ago, sent them various information about it, and was willing to BUY a replacement bowl and not just exchange it. Now I use a regular pot instead and it works great.


C,est pour offrir à ma fille et quand je lui ai dit que je lui avais commandée elle était très heureuse

It's to give to my daughter and when I told her that I had ordered her she was very happy


Carina per passare una serata tra amici , funziona bene

Nice for spending an evening with friends, works well


Esta muy bien muy bonita y cumple con su trabajo. Contento con la compra ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

It is very good, very pretty and does its job. Happy with the purchase ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Famille hyper ravi de leur cadeau. Parfait pour des moments convivial. Facil d'utilisation, nettoyage rapide et efficac. Tiens dans le temps

Family super delighted with their gift. Perfect for friendly moments. Easy to use, quick and effective cleaning. Hold on in time


Cadeau reussi

Successful gift


Acquistato per un regalo e chi l'ha ricevuto è rimasto tanto entusiasta. Consigliatissimo!

Purchased as a gift and the recipient was very excited. Highly recommended!


La placa un poco pequeña, cocina bien y muy versátil.

The plate is a bit small, but it cooks well and is very versatile.


Très bel appareil et très pratique pour raclette et raclette

Very nice device and very practical for raclette and raclette


Leggera, pratica e di facile utilizzo. Set raclette utile e completo. Unica pecca il filo della corrente: troppo corto dal momento che deve essere posto a centro tavola: era da immaginare che per essere attaccata alla presa fosse necessario un filo più lungo.

Light, practical and easy to use. Useful and complete raclette set. The only flaw is the power cord: too short since it has to be placed in the center of the table: it was to be imagined that to be connected to the socket a longer cord would be necessary.


Buen producto

Good product


Perfetta per 5 persone. Riscalda presto.

Perfect for 5 people. Heats up quickly.


Commandée pour une soirée où nous n'arrivions pas à se décider si on faisait raclette ou fondue. Ca a convenu à tout le monde. Je recommande ++++

Ordered for an evening where we couldn't decide whether to make raclette or fondue. It suited everyone. I recommend ++++


Regalato a mia moglie per Natale. La stiamo consumando da quanto la usiamo! Ho preso 2 kg e puzzo perennemente di formaggio!

Gave it to my wife for Christmas. We've been using it for as long as we've been using it! I gained 2kg and I constantly smell like cheese!


Impeccable pour des soirées multi thèmes comme raclettes et fondus pour les indécis ! Passe au lave vaisselle , facile à nettoyer . Matériaux solides et esthétique. Parfait !

Impeccable for multi-theme evenings like raclettes and fondues for the undecided! Dishwasher safe, easy to clean. Solid materials and aesthetics. Perfect !


Para nossa familia que somo em quatro pessoas é perfeito, amamos, usamos no natal, ano novo e essa semana novamente. uma beleza.

For our family of four, it's perfect. We love it, we used it at Christmas, New Year's and again this week. It's beautiful.


Bien pratique

Very practical


Faltaría que la fondue fuese para 8,ya que el resto ya lo es

It would be a shame if the fondue was for 8, since the rest already are.


Bien reçu. Hélas ! Le livreur ne s’est pas donné la peine de sonner chez moi et l’ livré plus loin, sans me prévenir. Faute grave car j’aurais bien pu dire n pas l’avoir reçu

Well received. Alas! The delivery man didn't bother to ring my doorbell and delivered it further, without warning me. Serious fault because I could well have said I did not receive it


Un ottima idea unire tre modi di cottura. Molto facile l'utilizzo, mantiene il calore grazie al termostato che si può regolare.

A great idea to combine three ways of cooking. Very easy to use, it keeps the heat thanks to the thermostat that can be adjusted.


Soddisfatta perché ha fatto il suo dovere . Nessuna nota negativa

Satisfied because it did its job. No negative notes


Sehr schönes und praktisches Gerät.

Very nice and practical device.


Alles in einem … sehr gut

All in one... very good


Soddisfatto, ne ho prese due.

Satisfied, I took two.


Complessivamente bello, unica pecca lo strato antiaderente non proprio ottimo.. Però lo consiglio.

Overall nice, the only flaw is the non-stick layer which isn't exactly great. But I recommend it.


Buon prodotto ci mette un po' a scaldare l'olio nel pentolino ma poi si può friggere di tutto e comodo aver degli spazi ai lati per usarli come piastra anche se in miniatura..ottima per max 4 persone che non hanno fretta di cucinare ma passare una serata tranquilla...la vedo dura usarla d'estate perché scalda un botto visto che usa una resistenza per scaldare

Good product, it takes a while to heat the oil in the saucepan but then you can fry everything and it's convenient to have spaces on the sides to use them as a plate even if miniature.. excellent for max 4 people who are not in a hurry to cook but want to spend a quiet evening... I see it hard to use it in the summer because it heats up a lot since it uses a resistance to heat


Sehr gute Qualität

Very good quality


Per noi che ci troviamo spesso a fare cene in compagnia sia di raclette che bourghignonne questa è la soluzione ottimale! Basta dover cercare alcool, cotone sperando che non finisca nel momento migliore della cena! Si attacca la spina e si è sicuri di non fermarsi fino a fine cena!

For us who often find ourselves having dinners with both raclette and bourguignonne, this is the perfect solution! No more having to look for alcohol, cotton, hoping that it doesn't run out at the best moment of the dinner! You plug it in and you're sure not to stop until the end of the dinner!


Es ist gut.. Lässt sich auch gut sauber machen.

It's good.. Cleans up easily too.


Guten Qualität, leicht zu bedienen und einfach zu reinigen.

Good quality, easy to use and easy to clean.


Top. Sehr zu empfehlen. Perfekt für Weihnachten oder Silvester.. !

Top. We recommend. Perfect for Christmas or New Years Eve.. !


Fondue in Verbindung mit Raclette und heißem Stein optimal Man ist flexibel und kann kurzfristig sich umentscheiden, was man essen will. Top

Fondue in combination with raclette and hot stone optimal You are flexible and can change your mind at short notice what you want to eat. Top


Klasse Produkt es wärmt perfekt und es ist sehr gut verarbeitet. Die Pfannchen werden auch schnell warm und es ist sehr schön zwei Produkte in einem zu haben.

Great product, it warms perfectly and it is very well made. The pans also heat up quickly and it's nice to have two products in one.


Top Gerät - perfekte Temperatur- das richtige Fritiröl und das perfekte Fleisch und Garnelen Käse Kartoffeln und sonstige Beilagen in die Pfännchen und los gehts - Tolle Gäste mit Zeit - Einem wunderschönen kulinarischen Abend steht nichts mehr im Wege……

Top device - perfect temperature - the right frying oil and the perfect meat and shrimp cheese potatoes and other side dishes in the pans and off you go - great guests with time - nothing stands in the way of a wonderful culinary evening......


Es muy completo

It is very complete


Super raclette, fonduta e grill in un unico oggetto. Fantastico per le cene invernali

Super raclette, fondue and grill in one. Fantastic for winter dinners


Gekauft wurde das 2in1Gerät besonders für Silvester und andere größere Anlässe. Bisher haben wir nur das Raclette benutzt. Die Leistung entspricht voll und ganz unseren Erwartungen. Man braucht jedoch noch ein Verlängerungskabel, denn das Kabel ist bei uns auf dem Esstisch zu kurz. Außerdem haben wir im Vorhinein noch kleine Holz-Pfannenwender für die Pfännchen separat gekauft. Aufbau und Benutzung ist sehr leicht. Bei der ersten Benutzung raucht es etwas, ist jedoch laut Anleitung ganz normal. Grillqualität ist schön und die Pfännchen werden gleichmäßig heiß. Geschmacklich werden die Zutaten schnell gut durch. Der Stein in der Mitte ist sehr gut, auch weil er beim Ausschalten des Geräts noch länger heiß bleibt, falls der kleine Hunger nochmal kommt. Die Reinigung ist recht einfach mit einem Schwamm, einer Bürste und etwas Spülmittel. Durch die Beschichtung geht alles sehr leicht ab, es darf aber dadurch auch nichts in die Spülmaschine. Das ist jedoch auch für mich als Dauernutzerin einer SpM. kein Problem und recht schnell erledigt. Mit der Möglichkeit zusätzlich noch Fondue anzubieten ist es auf jeden Fall ein Hingucker. Preis-Leistung stimmt und ich würde es auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen.

The 2-in-1 device was bought especially for New Year's Eve and other larger occasions. So far we have only used the raclette. The performance fully meets our expectations. However, you still need an extension cable, because the cable is too short for us on the dining table. We also bought small wooden spatulas for the pans separately in advance. Setup and use is very easy. It smokes a bit the first time you use it, but that's normal according to the instructions. Grill quality is nice and the pans get evenly hot. The ingredients taste good through quickly. The stone in the middle is very good, also because it stays hot longer when you switch off the device in case you get hungry again. Cleaning is quite easy with a sponge, a brush and some washing-up liquid. Thanks to the coating, everything comes off very easily, but it also means that nothing can be put in the dishwasher. However, this is also for me as a permanent user of an SpM. no problem and done pretty quickly. With the option of also offering fondue, it is definitely an eye-catcher. Value for money and I would definitely recommend it.


nicht mehr passend für meinen Bedarf, steht daher noch ungenutzt, muss noch den Stein ausprobieren, oder verschenke es als reines Raclette-Fondue, wo man ja kleine Happen tunkt oder knuspert,daher Sterne allein für diese Funktion revidiert bzw gegeben

no longer suitable for my needs, is therefore still unused, still have to try the stone, or give it away as a pure raclette fondue, where you dip or crunch small bites, therefore revised or given stars solely for this function


Pratica, non sporca, cuoce bene! molto comodo avere raclette, bourgUignonne e griglia in contemporanea!

Practical, not dirty, cooks well! very convenient to have raclette, bourguignonne and grill at the same time!


Un producto para un regalo y están contentos

A product for a gift and they are happy


Ottimo prodotto, realizzato con materiali di buona qualità. Mi hanno sostituito anche velocemente la pietra arrivata scheggiata. Unica pecca, il pentolino non ha manici e per questo è un po scomodo.

Excellent product, made with good quality materials. They also quickly replaced the stone that arrived chipped. The only flaw is that the pot has no handles and is therefore a bit uncomfortable.


Mejor que esperado. Super fácil para limpiar

Better than expected. Super easy to clean.


Sehr zufrieden. Eine tolle Kombination aus Fondue und Raclette!

Very satisfied. A great combination of fondue and raclette!


Buen producto para cocina informal o con amigos. Para disfrutar en familia. Ha sido un regalo y ha gustado mucho.

Good product for casual cooking or with friends. To enjoy with family. It was a gift and was very popular.


Muy buen producto. Me ha sorprendido gratamente. Quizás el precio un poco elevado pero vale la pena pagar x el.

Very good product. I was pleasantly surprised. Maybe the price is a little high but it is worth paying for it.


Raclette fácil de montar, limpiar y desmontar, calienta bastante rápido, el único pero es que al ser el mismo circuito la founde y la plancha, si quieres combinarlo en poco tiempo lo que está en la founde se empieza a pegar y quemar por debajo. Si bajas la potencia para que no se queme, entonces la plancha o lo que haya en las minisartenes tarda más en calentar...

Raclette is easy to assemble, clean and disassemble, it heats up quite quickly, the only downside is that since the griddle and the plate are the same circuit, if you want to combine them in a short time, what is in the griddle starts to stick and burn underneath. If you lower the power so that it doesn't burn, then the plate or whatever is in the mini pans takes longer to heat up...


rapporto qualità/prezzo buono, questa raclette è riuscita molto bene, si può utilizzare contemporaneamente la bourguignonne quindi svolge la funzione di 2 in uno, non è molto grande, io consiglio da 4 ad un massimo di 6 commensali anche se le palette per il formaggio sono 8. ha una parte in piastra e la parte sotto il pentolino in pietra, si possono quindi effettuare 3 tipologie di cottura. consegna rapida. sono rimasta soddisfatta e la consiglio

good quality/price ratio, this raclette turned out very well, you can use the bourguignonne at the same time so it performs the function of 2 in one, it is not very big, I recommend 4 to a maximum of 6 diners even if the cheese paddles are 8. it has a part on the plate and the part under the stone pan, you can therefore do 3 types of cooking. fast delivery. I was satisfied and I recommend it


Cette appareil à raclette-fondue est juste parfait! La partie fondue marche du feu de dieu et la raclette pour 8 personnes avec la plaque en pierre pour la viande est génial et le tout juste dans un seul appareil! Vive l'hiver et vive le fromage! On va pouvoir manger chaud pendant les 6 prochains mois! La machine chauffe très rapidement et comme il y a une molette pour régler la température, on n’a jamais le problème de faire brûler le fromage ou la bouteille de vin juste à côté. De plus, c’est vraiment très simple de passer de la raclette à la fondue. Il y a juste à enlever la pierre et à y mettre le bol à la place. Pour le moment je suis conquis mais je n’ai pas encore essayer la raclette et la fondue en même temps… vivement le weekend prochain !

This raclette-fondue machine is just perfect! The fondue part works from the fire of God and the raclette for 8 people with the stone plate for the meat is great and all in one device! Long live winter and long live cheese! We will be able to eat hot food for the next 6 months! The machine heats up very quickly and as there is a dial to adjust the temperature, you never have the problem of burning the cheese or the bottle of wine right next to it. Plus, it's really easy to switch from raclette to fondue. All you have to do is remove the stone and put the bowl in its place. For the moment I'm won over but I haven't yet tried raclette and fondue at the same time... looking forward to next weekend!


Calienta muy rápido el queso y tiene gran potencia. Lo único malo es que la parrilla de arriba a veces tarda un poco en hacer la carne, pero luego va muy bien, y es una fondue muy completa

It heats the cheese very quickly and has great power. The only bad thing is that the top grill sometimes takes a while to cook the meat, but then it works very well, and it is a very complete fondue.


Excelente, la he usado varias veces y cumple con creces las expectativas. Sin duda lo volvería a comprar

Excellent, I have used it several times and it more than meets expectations. I would definitely buy it again.


Es exactamente lo que quería. Viene con todo lo que necesitas y es bastante cómoda. Solo que la cuerda para enchufarla es un poco corta así que lo utilizamos con una extensión.

It's exactly what I wanted. It comes with everything you need and is quite convenient. The cord to plug it in is just a bit short so we used an extension cord.


funciona sin problemas

works without problems


Es genial para usar con invitados en medio de la mesa y en el jardín. Contentísima con ella. Fácil de usar, fácil de limpiar.

It's great to use with guests in the middle of the table and in the garden. So happy with it. Easy to use, easy to clean.


El cable es demasiado corto y se necesita un alargador para enchufarlo, pero por lo demás, es una fondue de muy buena calidad.

The cable is too short and you need an extension cord to plug it in, but otherwise it is a very good quality fondue.


Muy completa y bien de precio Tiene todo integrado i fàcil de limpiar Muy recomendable Materiales buenos a a a

Very complete and well priced. It has everything integrated and is easy to clean. Highly recommended. Good materials aaa


Indispensable en dias donde no te apetece liarte en la cocia! Rápido de usar y lo más importante, de limpiar. Tamaño ideal para 4 personas. La piedra tarda un poco en cojer temperatura, pero cuando está al punto, aguanta fenomenal!

Essential for days when you don't feel like messing around in the kitchen! Quick to use and most importantly, easy to clean. Ideal size for 4 people. The stone takes a little while to heat up, but when it's ready, it holds up great!


He probado hacer una "fondue" y salió perfecta. Funcionó perfectamente. La raclete, pienso que será aun mejor. Lo único que temo es que para hacer carne, la plancha quede un poco pequeña.

I have tried making fondue and it turned out perfectly. It worked perfectly. I think the raclette will be even better. The only thing I fear is that for cooking meat, the grill will be a bit small.


Für den Preis eigentlich ein Topprodukt, was mir sehr wichtig war, war die Fonduefunktion, welche alle meine Anforderungen erfüllt. Man muss den Käse auch nicht vorher auf dem Herd schmelzen. Das einzige was mich daran stört, ist das man nicht oben und unten z.B. Regeln kann. Wenn man Raclette vollgas gibt, brennt einem das Fondue an.

Actually a top product for the price, which was very important to me was the fondue function, which meets all my requirements. You don't have to melt the cheese on the stove first either. The only thing that bothers me about it is that you can't, for example, regulate the top and bottom. If you give raclette full throttle, your fondue will burn.


Arrivato celermente e ben impacchettato, si presenta molto bene ed ha la caratteristica unica (per quanto ne so) di poter avere al centro la piastra in pietra o la pentola per la fondue. Si presta bene per prolungati momenti conviviali in cui si mangiucchiano le carni e le verdure che ciascuno si cuoce sulle piastre, dopo aver spento la prima fame con il formaggio fuso nella paletta sotto il grill, versato sulle patate lesse, schiacciate nel piatto. Ottimo attrezzo ad un ottimo prezzo.

Arrived quickly and well packaged, it looks very nice and has the unique feature (as far as I know) of being able to have the stone plate or fondue pot in the center. It is well suited for prolonged convivial moments in which you nibble on the meat and vegetables that each person cooks on the plates, after having quenched the first hunger with the melted cheese in the spatula under the grill, poured on the boiled potatoes, mashed on the plate. Excellent tool at a great price.


Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit meinem erworbenen Klarstein Gerät. Hat eine super Qualität und hält was er verspricht :) Kann ihn definitiv weiter empfehlen!

I am very satisfied with my purchased Klarstein device. Has a great quality and keeps what it promises :) Can definitely recommend it!


Das Gerät ist wirklich klasse für die, die nicht soviell Platz auf dem Tisch haben aber trotzdem beides essen wollen. Leicht in der Handhabung und geht wirklich schnell was die Temperatur angeht mit dem Fondue. Empfehle ich wirklich jedem der mehr haben möchte in kurzer Zeit.

The device is really great for those who don't have that much space on the table but still want to eat both. Easy to use and really fast when it comes to the temperature with the fondue. I really recommend it to anyone who wants more in a short amount of time.


Schon beim auspacken konnte man die gute Qualität erkennen. Und auch das erste Testessen war perfekt. Also hier stimmt alles. Das Ladekabel könnte etwas länger sein aber es gibt ja Verlängerungskabel.

As soon as you unpacked you could see the good quality. And the first test meal was also perfect. So everything is correct here. The charging cable could be a bit longer but there are extension cables.


Wir haben es mit in den Urlaub genommen und waren total zufrieden! Die Kombi aus beiden ist super praktisch! Kann ich nur empfehlen.

We took it with us on vacation and were totally satisfied! The combination of both is super practical! I can only recommend.


Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit diesem Raclettgrill. Den ersten Test hat das Gerät gut bestanden. Die Kombination aus Raclett und Fondue ist perfekt. Das Gerät nimmt nicht viel Platz weg.

I am very satisfied with this raclette grill. The device passed the first test well. The combination of raclette and fondue is perfect. The device does not take up much space.