Macondo Fire Bowl

£ 399.99 (incl. VAT)
  • 0
  • 55 cm
  • Fire pit
Product number: 10034163
Macondo Fire Bowl
£ 399.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Flickering firelight: decorative fire pit with secure FireView grating for garden or patio

  • Robust: construction made of sheet steel for heat storage and heat output

  • Fuel: 20 cm high wooden compartment in the base for safe and clean storage of firewood

Product description

The fascination of fire: bright blazing and flickering or mysteriously glowing heat source - the Blumfeldt Macondo hearth lets the flames blaze. Whether as a warming campfire in a sociable round or as a flickering spectacle at the next party, the garden fireplace knows how to heat up any mood.

With a removable fire bowl of 35 x 35 cm, the Blumfeldt Macondo garden fireplace offers plenty of space to hold a hearty campfire made of logs or charcoal in its interior. Thanks to the FireView principle, the 119 cm high decorative construction in the form of an antique lantern gives the flickering inferno even more impression: the closed fireplace has four large, steel mesh surfaces that allow a constant view of the flames while at the same time making the warmth available to all campfire guests. The lockable firing door on the front allows you to refill any fuel at any time or to ignite the fire with the included poker. So that enough fuel is always at hand, the Macondo has a 20 cm high storage space in the base, logs can be stored to wait dryly and safely for their use. Burnt down material falls into the removable ash pan and can be easily disposed of.

Whether with or without flickering flames, the Blumfeldt Macondo garden fireplace is a decorative highlight in the garden, in the yard or on the patio. Completely made of steel, it rests on four stable feet, which are crowned by the fireplace in lantern shape. The closed roof ends in a flue, also barred against sparks, which serves as a smoke outlet. The entire fireplace is made of steel, which gives it the rustic charm without burdening the relocation of the fireplace by heavy weight.

Whether for romantic hours for two, convivial get-togethers with friends or as the blazing focal point of the garden party, the Blumfeldt Macondo fireplace always provides the right atmosphere.

Please note that the fireplace is supplied as a mounting kit. The assembly can be accomplished in about 20 minutes, depending on technical skill.


  • Completely enclosed construction of steel mesh grid for spark catch
  • Closed roof with barred smoke exhaust
  • For use with charcoal or firewood
  • Complete with ashtray and box for clean burning
  • Includes poker for lighting the fire
Product number: 10034163

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: 55 x 119 x 55 cm (WxHxD)
  • Fire bowl: 35 x 35 cm
  • Weight: approx. 19.0 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x garden fireplace (assembly kit)
  • 1 x ash grate
  • 1 x ash box
  • 1 x poker
  • English manual (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
19 Ratings

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pas de manuel en Français, manque quelque vis mais au final cela fait sont effet.

no manual in French, some screws missing but in the end it does its job.


Das Montagediagramm der Struktur ist sehr klein. Es ist nicht klar, wie man die Struktur Schritt für Schritt zusammenbaut.

The assembly diagram of the structure is very small. It is not clear how to assemble the structure step by step.


Super beau

Super beautiful


Das war das beste Geburtstagsgeschenk seit 45 Jahren!!!!!

That was the best birthday present in 45 years!!!!!


pour un peu de chaleur dans les nuits fraiches

for a little warmth on chilly nights


Aussehen gut

Look good


An sich super Teil, nur kam etwas verbogen an, was etwas mühselig war zum zusammenbauen (hab ihn alleine aufgebaut)… etwas Rost an einigen Stellen… also ich hätte etwas mehr erwartet für das Geld

A great piece in itself, but it arrived a bit bent, which was a bit difficult to put together (I built it myself)... a bit rusty in some places... so I would have expected a bit more for the money


Abwicklung und Lieferung waren zufriedenstellend. Beim Aufbau gab es aufgrund mangelhafter Verarbeitung einige Nachbesserungen vorzunehmen. Für den Preis aber sicher alles im Rahmen und trotzdem empfehlenswert.

Processing and delivery were satisfactory. During assembly, some improvements had to be made due to poor workmanship. But for the price, everything was definitely within reason and still recommended.


Schnelle Lieferung, schöne Optik und für den Preis absolut zufriedenstellend. Der Aufbau war durch leichte Verarbeitungsmängel/ leichte Transportschäden etwas schwierig, Material war leicht verzogen. Ansonsten, wie gesagt, für den Preis völlig ok.

Fast delivery, nice appearance and absolutely satisfactory for the price. Assembly was a little difficult due to minor processing defects/minor transport damage, the material was slightly warped. Otherwise, as I said, completely OK for the price.


Nachdem meine Frau meinte, so n Teil kaufen zu wollen und wir uns dann trotz der durchwachsenen Rezensionen für diesen Gartenkamin entschieden haben, möchte ich jetzt auch mal meinen Senf dazu geben: Zunächst: ich habe den Kamin für 150 Euro im Angebot auf Amazon gekauft, 200 € wäre er mir vermutlich nicht wert. Verpackt war der Kamin in seinen Einzelteilen ordentlich geschützt im Karton mit genügend Styropor. Die Anleitung ist ein Witz, das wurde ja schon häufiger beschrieben. Aber selbst als Nichthandwerker oder jemand der nicht nur Singen und Klatschen in der Schule hatte, sollte das Teil mit ein bisschen Hirn alleine aufzubauen sein. -Soviel zur Theorie- In der Praxis sieht es aber so aus, dass so manches Teil mal hier n Millimeter und da n Mü verzogen ist, sodass es manchmal hilfreich wäre, wenn ein zweiter biegt, während der andere schraubt. Wenn das Ding dann Mal steht und man sich nicht an den leicht unsauber verarbeiteten Stellen die Flossen aufgerissen hat, freut man sich zumindest mal an der Optik von diesem Teilchen. Und sind wir ehrlich, darauf kommt's doch an. Jetzt steht er da und wartet auf seinen ersten Einsatz. Die 5 Mal im Jahr, wo das Ding brennt, wird's das allemal tun. Meine Frau meint: Is schon hübsch

After my wife said she wanted to buy one of these things and we decided on this garden fireplace despite the mixed reviews, I would now like to put my two cents in: First of all: I bought the fireplace for 150 euros on offer on Amazon, it probably wouldn't be worth 200 euros to me. The fireplace was packed in its individual parts, properly protected in a box with enough styrofoam. The instructions are a joke, as has been described many times before. But even if you're not a craftsman or someone who didn't just sing and clap at school, you should be able to put the thing together yourself with a bit of brainpower. -So much for the theory- In practice, however, it looks like some parts are a millimeter here and a millimeter there, so it would sometimes be helpful if a second person bent it while the other one screwed it together. Once the thing is up and you haven't torn your fins on the slightly poorly finished parts, you can at least enjoy the look of this thing. And let's be honest, that's what matters. Now it's standing there waiting for its first use. The five times a year when the thing burns, it will definitely do the job. My wife says: It's pretty


Also was soll ich sagen… es sieht wirklich toll aus Material optisch gut Aber lieber Hersteller eine vernünftige aufbauanleitung wäre super Es reicht leider nicht nur ein Mini Bild an dem man abschätzen soll was zu tun ist Da wäre ne Anleitung alla Ikea nett wo man Schritt für Schritt gezeigt bekommt was man am besten in welcher Reihenfolge aufbaut Aber wie gesagt wenn er einmal steht sieht er gut aus Jedoch setzt er sehr leicht flugrost an und das sieht echt nich gut aus Außerdem finde ich bei einem Kamin der für außenbereiche gemacht wurde sollte dies nicht so sein

Well what can I say... it looks really great, the material looks good but better manufacturer, a proper assembly manual would be great unfortunately just a mini picture isn't enough to help you estimate what to do it would be nice to have instructions like Ikea where you get step by step instructions on how to assemble it and in what order but as I said once it's up it looks good however it gets rusty very easily and that doesn't look good I also think that this shouldn't be the case with a fireplace that was made for outdoor use



Der Ofen wurde zeitnah geliefert, ausgepackt und aufgebaut. Mit Logik und Vorstellungsvermögen dauerte der Aufbau eine knappe Stunde. Ja, auch bei mir passte das letzte Loch nicht. Ich hätte es vielleicht durch lösen aller bisherigen Schraubverbindungen passend bekommen, aber eine größere Unterlegscheibe, die diese letzte Ecke verkeilte, tat es auch. Der Ofen ist stabil und biete angeheizt ein schönes Ambiente auf unserer überdachten Holzterrasse und dafür verdient er die fünf Punkte. Damit er nicht pur auf dem Terrassenholz steht, fand ich noch ein Edelstahlblech 1100X600X2mm in meiner Garage, welches jetzt endlich auch seine Bestimmung fand.

The stove was delivered, unpacked and assembled promptly. Using logic and imagination, assembly took just under an hour. Yes, the last hole didn't fit in my case either. I might have been able to get it to fit by loosening all the previous screw connections, but a larger washer that wedged this last corner did the trick. The stove is stable and, when heated, creates a lovely ambience on our covered wooden terrace, and for that it deserves five points. So that it doesn't just stand on the terrace wood, I found a 1100X600X2mm stainless steel sheet in my garage, which has now finally found its purpose.


Davvero una ottima opzione per riscaldare e creare atmosfera in sicurezza nel giardino di casa. Un caldo tepore e lo scoppiettio della legna che brucia, gli amici tutt'intorno, una serata con gli amici, impagabile! Delle dimensioni giuste, né troppo piccolo né esageratamente grande. C'è un minimo di assemblaggio da fare ma nulla di così complicato. Buon materiale, robusto. Comodo il raccogli cenere, per pulire senza difficoltà dopo ogni falò. Ottima scelta!

Truly a great option for heating and creating atmosphere safely in your garden. A warm warmth and the crackling of burning wood, friends all around, an evening with friends, priceless! Just the right size, not too small nor excessively large. There is a minimum of assembly to do but nothing too complicated. Good material, sturdy. Convenient ash collector, to clean without difficulty after each bonfire. Excellent choice!


Per il mio giardino ho deciso di acquistare questo caminetto perché oltre che decorare il giardino, mi permette anche nelle serate dove fa un po' freddo, di stare fuori all’aperto in compagnia. Il caminetto esteticamente è bello e le dimensioni per il mio bisogno sono ideali. Ha un braciere capiente e funziona sia con la legna che a carbonella, ha anche un raccoglitore di cenere per maggiore facilità nel pulirlo. Il camino inoltre è molto sicuro in presenza di bambini, perché è chiuso e dotato di uno sportello. Il braciere viene consegnato smontato, ma vi assicuro che è facile da montare in poco tempo.

For my garden I decided to buy this fireplace because in addition to decorating the garden, it also allows me to stay outside in company on cold evenings. The fireplace is aesthetically beautiful and the dimensions for my needs are ideal. It has a large brazier and works with both wood and charcoal, it also has an ash collector for easier cleaning. The fireplace is also very safe in the presence of children, because it is closed and equipped with a door. The brazier is delivered disassembled, but I assure you that it is easy to assemble in a short time.


Il braciere è molto carino non tanto grande ma secondo me il suo lavoro lo fare, visto che lo preso per il giardino di inverno, ho approfittato di questo per anticipare i rincari di inverno. L'articolo come dicevo molto bello e non ingombrante con un stile moderno tutto nero e con il posto per la legna da ardere e arrivato in anticipo alla data stabilita e imballato molto bene senza nessuna ammaccatura. E anche molto facile da montare.

The brazier is very nice, not too big but in my opinion it will do its job, since I bought it for the winter garden, I took advantage of this to anticipate the winter increases. The article as I said very nice and not bulky with a modern style all black and with the place for the firewood and arrived early on the established date and packaged very well without any dents. And also very easy to assemble.


Preis- Leistung passt. Sieht sehr schön aus. Aufbau war etwas knifflig aber gut machbar. Funktioniert Bauch einwandfrei. Uns war ein Ofen wichtig, der rundherum geschlossen ist, die Kinder nicht direkt ins Feuer fassen oder fallen können. Daher voll zufrieden!

Price-performance ratio is good. Looks very nice. Assembly was a bit tricky but doable. Works perfectly. It was important to us to have an oven that was closed all the way around so that children couldn't reach into the fire or fall into it. So we're completely satisfied!


Für unseren Garten haben wir uns diesen Gartenkamin zugelegt. Der Zusammenbau ging dank Hilfe von meinem Sohnemann einigermaßen reibungslos ab. Für den Zusammenbau diente ein Bild in der Anleitung. An ein paar Stellen gab es zwar die ein oder andere Ungenauigkeit, aber das hat mich nicht gestört. Die Verarbeitung geht für den Preis meiner Meinung nach noch in Ordnung. Die Lackierung ist matt und der ein oder andere Kratzer wird sich dann mit der Zeit verewigen, aber der Kamin erfüllt seine Zwecke ohne Problem. Durch den Kamin ist auch ein schöne Durchzug da und dank der Schublade lässt sich dann die Asche einfach entnehmen. Über die Haltbarkeit kann ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt allerdings noch keine Angaben machen.

We bought this garden fireplace for our garden. Thanks to the help of my son, the assembly went fairly smoothly. A picture in the instructions helped with the assembly. There were a few inaccuracies in a few places, but that didn't bother me. In my opinion, the workmanship is still OK for the price. The paint is matte and the odd scratch will become permanent over time, but the fireplace serves its purpose without a problem. The chimney also allows for a nice draft and the drawer makes it easy to remove the ash. However, I can't say anything about the durability at this point.