QuickPro XXL 3000 Deep Fryer

£ 94.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Silver Metallic
  • Hot air fryer
  • 3000 watt
  • 5 Ltr
Product number: 10029073
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  • 14 day cooling off period
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Top features

  • Comfortable and large fryer for home or semiprofessional use, particularly suitable for large families, shared flats, catering or bars

  • Infinitely adjustable 3000W power for temperatures up to 190 ° C

  • Inner bowl with 5 litres for up to 1.5kg fried goods

Product description

With the QuickPro XXL 3000, Klarstein presents a comfortable home fryer that meets all of your needs when it comes to cooking in hot oil. With powerful, infinitely adjustable 3000 watts, the deep fryer transforms boring potato sticks into crispy fresh fries or cold fish pieces into crispy hot fish sticks. The 5-litre large fryer is particularly suitable for preparing large amounts of crispy fried food. Up to 1.5kg of food can be fried in one pass, which comes in handy for large families, in shared student flats or for use in catering or snack stations in bars. This is further supported by the QuickPro XXL 3000’s different baskets: choose between one large of two smaller baskets, perfect for preparing either large quantities or two different dishes at once.

Two simple knobs serve the operation of the Klarstein deep fryer: via one knob, select the temperature to a maximum of 190° C. Via the second knob, you may set a timer up to 30 minutes so that every ingredient is fried with exactly the right heat and amount of time. The fryer also uses a professional cold zone heating system, which prevents any food that may fall from one of the baskets from baking onto the floor of the fryer. An attachable cover with window prevents the spouting of hot oil during frying while still allowing you to keep the food in view.

Once your work is done, the fryer may be completely disassembled and easily cleaned. With the lid in place, the frying oil remain in the device during storage. A cable compartment in the back of the heating element facilitates cable storage, preventing the hassle of cables lying around. The brushed stainless steel case of the Klarstein QuickPro XXL 3000 fryer makes for a stylish addition to any kitchen.


  • Cold zone heating system: no baking on of fallen-out food
  • Cover with window as a splash guard
  • Stainless steel case
  • Includes 3 baskets: 1 large and 2 small
  • Temperature and operating control lamp
  • Adjustable timer to 30 minutes
  • Cable tray
  • Power supply: 220-240 V ~ / 50-60 Hz
Product number: 10029073

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions (composite device): 35 x 26.5 x 34 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions (heating element): ca. 23 x 20 x 28 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions (oil pan): 32 x 16 x 25.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions (housing): 35 x 18.5 x 25 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions (lid): 32 x 7 x 26.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions (large basket): 29 x 10 x 18.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions (small basket): 14.5 x 8.5 x 19.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Cable length: 90 cm
  • Weight (unit): about 3.3 kg
  • Weight (heating element): about 1.0 kg
  • Weight (oil pan): about 1.1 kg
  • Weight (housing): about 0.7 kg
  • Weight (lid): about 0.5 kg
  • Weight (large basket): about 220 g
  • Weight (small basket): about 140 kg
  • Weight (handle): 75 g

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x housing
  • 1 x oil pan
  • 1 x heating element
  • 1 x cover
  • 1 x large frying basket
  • 2 x small frying baskets
  • 3 x handles
  • 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

This item is not in stock and must be reordered.

Customer reviews
43 Ratings

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Fonctionne trés bien

Works very well


Dommage que le couvercle ne puisse pas être fermé, avec les paniers en position égouttage. Sinon parfaite pour mon usage

Too bad the lid cannot be closed, with the baskets in the draining position. Otherwise perfect for my use


Man kann super 2 verschiedene Gerichte aufeinmal fritieren.

You can fry 2 different dishes at once.





Die Friteuse ist nur mit der Zeitschaltuhr benutzbar. Ohne Uhr geht gar nichts. Somit muss man die Erhitzungszeit mit eingerechnen. Was sich aber extrem schwierig gestaltet. Somit ist die Uhr völlig nutzlos. Sollte sie mal kaputt sein ist die ganze Friteuse nicht mehr nutzbar. Eine Zeitschaltuhr als Zeitangabe wie lang das Bratgut dauert wäre ok. So war es beim Kauf auch gedacht. Leider nicht vom Hersteller.

The fryer can only be used with the timer. Nothing works without a clock. So you have to factor in the heating time. But that turns out to be extremely difficult. So the watch is completely useless. If it ever breaks, the whole deep fryer can no longer be used. A timer as a time indication of how long the fried food lasts would be ok. That's what I thought when I bought it. Unfortunately not from the manufacturer.


Bonne friteuse de bonne capacité. Toujours utilisé en extérieur

Good fryer with good capacity. Always used outdoors


Leicht zu reinigen einfach mega

Easy to clean just great


Toll zu reinigen, leichte Handhabung , einfache Funktion.

Easy to clean, easy to use, simple function.


Chauffe très vite. Le boîtier de commande du minuteur et de la température semble fragile

Heats up very quickly. The timer and temperature control box seems fragile


Ein Fach super das Ding

One compartment great thing


Alles top

Everything great


Fait son travail... Rien a dire

Does its job... Nothing to say


Délai de livraison très bien. friteuse très fonctionnelle, avec une grande capacité et 3 paniers. Son entretien est facile. Je recommande

Delivery time very good. very functional fryer, with large capacity and 3 baskets. Its maintenance is easy. I recommend


Très agréable de pouvoir faire une grosse quantité de frites en une fois ! Surtout à un prix aussi abordable. Simple et pratique.

Very nice to be able to make a large quantity of fries at once! Especially at such an affordable price. Simple and practical.


Friteuse traditionnelle de grande capacité mais modulable grâce à ses paniers de taille différente. Friteuse robuste. Une bonne marge entre le niveau d'huile maxi et le bord de la cuve ce qui évite tout débordement même quand on plonge les frites. Grande puissance pour la chauffe.

Traditional large capacity fryer but modular thanks to its baskets of different sizes. Robust fryer. A good margin between the maximum oil level and the edge of the tank which prevents any overflow even when you immerse the fries. Great power for heating.


satisfaite de cet achat réception colis tres bien livraison rapide vraiment tres bien friteuse entièrement démontable ce qui facilite le nettoyage entretien facile tres bien bravo Merci.

satisfied with this purchase receipt of package very good fast delivery really very good fryer completely removable which makes cleaning easy maintenance very good well done Thank you.


utilisé 1 fois pour le moment. Satisfait de la cuisson, fait le job. Voyants non allumés dommage.

used 1 time so far. Satisfied with the cooking, does the job. Too bad the lights are not lit.


Satisfait de notre achat, bon rapport qualité, prix.

Satisfied with our purchase, good value for money.


Problème de court circuit rencontré après une dizaine d'utilisation. Produit retourné. Produit neuf renvoyé dans la foulée.

Short circuit problem encountered after ten uses. Returned product. New product returned immediately.


pour la famille

for the family


etwas unstabile ausführung, deckel schließt nicht ganz, soweit ganz i.o., mal schaun wie lange sie geht

a little unstable design, the lid does not close completely, so far it's ok, let's see how long it lasts


War bislang wie erwartet. Geschmacklich gut. Bitte nur geeignetes Fett oder Oel benutzen (Wie bei den meisten Friteusen). Halte dich and die Gebrauchsanweisung.

Was as expected so far. Taste good. Please only use suitable fat or oil (as with most fryers). Follow the instructions for use.


J'aime beaucoup rapide à installer ,chauffe très vite et se nettoie facilement .Cependant concernant les odeurs c'est toujours pareil ...

I really like it, it's quick to install, heats up very quickly and is easy to clean. However, regarding odors it's always the same...


La friteuse est très bien. Elle monte rapidement en température et surtout ce qui m’a le plus étonné, mais je ne suis pas un professionnel, c’est que l’huile ne reste pas sur les frites ou même les calamars à la romaine que j’ai frits. Du coup le seul regret est de ne pas avoir 2 compartiments, un pour les frites et un pour le poisson. Mais c’est de ma faute, je pensais ne faire que des frites et finalement, j’ai voulu faire du poisson.

The fryer is very good. It heats up quickly and what surprised me the most, but I'm not a professional, is that the oil does not stay on the fries or even the Roman-style squid that I fried. So the only regret is not having 2 compartments, one for fries and one for fish. But it's my fault, I thought I would only make fries and ultimately, I wanted to make fish.


der Fritteuse war ein Geschenk für einen absoluten Burger-Fan. Er hat sich sehr darüber gefreut und benutzt sie regelmäßig zum Anrichten für Pommes. Vielleicht jetzt nichts für jeden Tag , aber ein wahrer Hingucker wenn man Gäste hat. Ich würde sie wieder kaufen.

the fryer was a gift for an absolute burger fan. He was very happy about it and uses it regularly to serve fries. Maybe not for every day, but a real eye-catcher when you have guests. I would buy them again.


belle taille, facile a nettoyer, atteint bien le température demander, timer qui éteint automatiquement l'element chauffant, satisfait de mon achat

nice size, easy to clean, reaches the requested temperature well, timer which automatically turns off the heating element, satisfied with my purchase


je suis vraiment satisfait de cette achat ,je retrouve le gout des bonnes frites , toutes ma famille était aux anges ,d'utilisation pratique simple a nettoyé!

I am really satisfied with this purchase, I found the taste of good fries again, my whole family was in heaven, practical to use, easy to clean!


Chauffe assez vite,3 paniers de friture fourni. 1 grand et 2 petits (qui peuvent se mettre côte à côte dans le bain d'huile). Les 2 petits sont pratiques pour préparer un flux constant , 1 pour pré-cuire l'autre pour faire la deuxieme cuisson , utile dans les snack,kermess,.... Je recommande :)

Heats up quite quickly, 3 frying baskets provided. 1 large and 2 small (which can be placed side by side in the oil bath). The 2 small ones are practical for preparing a constant flow, 1 for pre-cooking the other for the second cooking, useful in snacks, fairs, etc. I recommend :)


En été j’organise pas mal d’apéro avec les amis, et j’aime bien faire des tapas. Je cherchais une friteuse qui me permettrait de faire frire rapidement des accras, des beignets ou des frites. La cuve amovible de 5L se nettoie facilement au lave-vaisselle, ainsi que les 3 paniers et leurs poignées. La minuterie est pratique, elle coupe l’alimentation quand elle s’arrête. Un petit bémol: le câble d’alimentation est assez court (1m), il nécessite souvent l’emploi d’une rallonge surtout en plein air. La résistance chauffe vite et l’huile monte vite en température. A ce tarif, je ne regrette pas mon achat.

In summer I organize a lot of aperitifs with friends, and I like making tapas. I was looking for a fryer that would allow me to quickly fry accra, donuts or fries. The removable 5L bowl is easily cleaned in the dishwasher, as are the 3 baskets and their handles. The timer is practical, it cuts off the power when it stops. A small downside: the power cable is quite short (1m), it often requires the use of an extension cord, especially outdoors. The resistance heats up quickly and the oil quickly rises in temperature. At this price, I do not regret my purchase.


Reçu en temps et en heure. Très facile d'utilisation avec ses molettes qui regle température et temps. Elle dispose d'un grand panier et de deux plus petit. Je recommande

Received on time. Very easy to use with its dials which adjust temperature and time. It has one large basket and two smaller ones. I recommend





Top Verarbeitung, super Material. In diese Fritteuse passt echt eine Menge rein, damit ist sie vor allem für Familien und gute Esser geeignet :P Leider konnten wir sie noch nicht ausprobieren aber vom ersten Eindruck erwarte ich nur das beste. Deshalb bleibt nur zu sagen, bei Erneutem Bedarf gerne wieder

Top workmanship, great material. A lot fits into this deep fryer, so it's particularly suitable for families and good eaters :P Unfortunately we haven't been able to try it out yet, but I only expect the best from the first impression. So all that can be said is that if you need it again, we'll be back


Sehr schnelle Lieferung. Alles wie beschrieben. Aktuell noch nicht getestet. Verarbeitung sieht gut aus. Nächste Woche werden wir sie in betrieb nehmen mal schauen wie die Pommes werden.

Very fast delivery. Everything as described. Currently not tested yet. Processing looks good. Next week we will put them into operation and see how the fries are.


Hatte voher eine Moulinex Friteuse die auch top war . aber nach 15 jahren dachte ich es wäre mal Zeit für eine neue Friteuse . Die Klarstein Friteuse gefällt mir sehr . Die Pommes schmecken sehr gut aus der Friteuse. Und die Friteuse sieht zudem auch noch gut aus . Sie erfüllt ihren zweck . Das einzige was man bemängeln könnte -wäre das man den deckel nicht ganz schließen kann -und das die Scheibe vom Deckel -bisschen anläuft . Aber ehrlich jetzt : das wäre maulen auf hohem Niveau sage ich mal xd. Eine große Friteuse zu einen guten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis ihn meinen Augen .

Previously had a Moulinex deep fryer that was also great. but after 15 years i thought it was time for a new fryer. I really like the Klarstein fryer. The fries taste very good straight out of the deep fryer. And the deep fryer also looks good . It fulfills its purpose. The only thing you could complain about - would be that you can't close the lid completely - and that the disc from the lid starts up a bit. But honestly now: that would be moaning at a high level, I would say xd. A great value for money fryer in my eyes.


Die Friteuse macht richtig Spaß! Es ist sehr einfach zum reinigen aber das wichtigste ist die frittierten Zuspeisen schmecken köstlich. Insgesamt eine sehr gute Investition!

The fryer is really fun! It is very easy to clean but most importantly the fried food tastes delicious. Overall a very good investment!


Producto cedido para análisis objetivo. Comentario imparcial y sin compromiso sobre muestra gratuita.

Freidora de 5 litro, grande, grandísima.

De acero inoxidable, muy fácil de limpiar, se desmonta totalmente. Tiene dos asas para moverla fácilmente.

El funcionamiento es sencillo, tiene dos ruedas para su uso, con una se selecciona el tiempo y con la otra la temperatura. Muy simple.
Se puede usar las bandejas que queramos, o bien dos bandejas pequeñas o bien una grande.
La tapadera también está muy bien y tiene respiración.

Mi conclusión es que es una freidora casi profesional (incluido el diseño), que funciona muy bien y tiene mucha capacidad.
Sin duda la recomiendo.

Product assigned for objective analysis. Impartial and non-binding comment on free sample. 5 liter fryer, large, very large. Made of stainless steel, very easy to clean, it can be completely disassembled. It has two handles to move it easily. The operation is simple, it has two wheels for its use, with one the time is selected and with the other the temperature. Very simple. You can use the trays you want, either two small trays or one large one. The cover is also very good and has breath. My conclusion is that it is an almost professional fryer (including the design), that works very well and has a lot of capacity. I definitely recommend it.


Es una freidora de tamaño grande concretamente para 5 litros de aceite y consigue temperaturas de hasta 190º, tiene dos ruedas una que selecciona la temperatura y la otra temporizador, lo que ayuda bastante a freir cada alimento el tiempo necesario a la temperatura que deseemos.

Diseño de acero inoxidable de facil montaje, desmosntaje y por tanto limpieza y su aspecto es el de cocina propesional, Incluye 3 cubetas: 1 grandes y 2 pequeñas.

Incorpora el sistema de Zonas frias que lo que vale es para que si se sale algo de la cesta y cae al fondo no se cocine hasta quemarse, eso evita que si te pasa, tengas que desmontar todo para seguir usandola por miedo a sabores quemados.

En definitiva se trata de una freidora semi profesional digna de cualquier cocina, no muestro como frie, porque quiero hacer un regalo y no me gustaria ensuciarle antes.

It is a large fryer specifically for 5 liters of oil and achieves temperatures of up to 190º, it has two wheels, one that selects the temperature and the other a timer, which helps a lot to fry each food for the necessary time at the temperature we want. Stainless steel design for easy assembly, disassembly and therefore cleaning and its appearance is that of a professional kitchen. It includes 3 buckets: 1 large and 2 small. It incorporates the Cold Zones system, which is useful so that if something falls out of the basket and falls to the bottom, it does not cook until it burns, this prevents you from having to disassemble everything to continue using it if it happens to you for fear of burnt flavors. In short, it is a semi-professional fryer worthy of any kitchen, I do not show how it fries, because I want to make a gift and I would not like to dirty it first.


Friggitrice in acciaio inox, con tre cestelli e due manopole,una per la temperatura fino a 190° e l'altra il timer fino a 30 minuti.Ottima perché da la possibilità e permette di friggere la quantità desiderata o anche di preparare due pietanze differenti contemporaneamente, grazie ai tre cestelli, il più grande potete friggere fino a 1,5kg, , mentre con gli altri due meni alimenti, ma cibi differenti.Quando abbiamo finito di friggere la friggitrice si smonta completamente, così si può pulire facilmente e comodamente, se invece volete lasciare l'olio nella friggitrice c'è il coperchio che va posizionato sopra e ripara l'olio, anche se vi consiglio di toglierlo e buttarlo oppure riporlo per usi successivi, ma mi raccomando toglierlo quando è freddo. Davvero eccezionale .La friggitrice QuickPro XXL di Klarstein bellissima , moderna è fa una bellissima figura in ogni cucina, oltre per la sua bellezza, mi è piaciuta per la sua efficienza, praticità e comodità.
Stupenda davvero, ha un prezzo piccolo per una macchina di grande valore e con tanta professionalità, la consiglio a tutti avendo i tre cestelli, ma anche a chi ha un'attività, utilissima e praticissima!

Stainless steel fryer, with three baskets and two knobs, one for the temperature up to 190° and the other for the timer up to 30 minutes. Excellent because it gives the possibility and allows you to fry the desired quantity or even to prepare two different dishes at the same time, thanks to the three baskets, the largest one can fry up to 1.5 kg, while with the other two less food, but different foods. When we have finished frying, the fryer can be completely dismantled, so it can be cleaned easily and comfortably if, on the other hand, you want to leave the oil in the fryer, there is a lid that must be placed on top and protects the oil, although I advise you to remove it and throw it away or store it for later use, but I recommend removing it when it is cold. Truly exceptional. The beautiful, modern Klarstein QuickPro XXL fryer makes a great figure in any kitchen, in addition to its beauty, I liked it for its efficiency, practicality and comfort. Really wonderful, it has a small price for a machine of great value and with such professionalism, I recommend it to everyone having the three baskets, but also to those who have a business, very useful and very practical!


UNA COMODISSIMA FRIGGITRICE, FACILISSIMA DA PULIRE - in acciaio inox inossidabile e plastica ABS nera ...anche elegante... QUASI SEMI PROFESSIONALE nonostate sia venduta per uso casalingo... PER FRIGGERE SINO A 1,5 CHILI DI ROBETTE , DENTRO UNA VASCHETTA CHE RAGGIUNGE I 5 LITRI DI VOLUME (con un indicatore dei livelli minimo e massimo di riempimento dell'olio... due semplici tacchette visibili all'interno... dove si faranno entrare i cestelli ...che sono tre... uno grande e due più piccoli, con relativi manici ad incastro per alzarli e riporli affondandoli nell'olio caldo ...rimangono fermi, ma non aspettatevi tenuta salda, un po' si muovono) ... E' WOW ! Utilissima pure per gli arancini siciliani, i pidoni e le braciole messinesi, i supplì alla romana, i fiori di zucca in pastella, la crema fritta marchigiana, la polenta fritta, il fritto di mare, i sofficini col resto della findus, la mozzarella in carrozza, le polpette, i polpettoni... ecc.ecc.ecc.... le patatine a bastoncini e le crocchette inutile specificarlo, son la prima cosa ^_^). Pesa sul tre etti e rotti (non arriva ai tre etti e mezzo) misura 35 centrimetri di lunghezza per 34 centimetri di profondità e 26,5 centimetri di altezza.

LA COMODITA' STA NEL SUO POTER ESSERE REGOLATA DI POTENZA, senza spaziature d'intervalli, SINO A UN CONSUMO MASSIMO DI 3000 WATT CON ALTERNANZA DI TEMPERATURE FINO A 190°C .... LA PRATICITA E' NEL SUO POTER VENIR SMONTATA PER UNA PULIZIA PIU' AGEVOLE (optate per il lavaggio a mano di tutto quanto, è meglio, anche dei cestelli che potrebbero andare in lavastoviglie...) ... infatti, dopo l'uso tornerà sempre come nuova, l'alloggiamento è in acciaio e non presenta anfratti dove lo sporco possa rimanere o insinuarsi, è liscio, garantisce una perfetta igiene in totale sicurezza... ha un sistema riscaldante a zone fredde, che tra l'altro impedisce che continuinino a cuocere i resti di cibo eventualmente caduti dal cestello di frittura...in più un coperchio dotato di una sorta di finestrina, dentro cui poter guardare senza il pericolo di scottarsi, essendo a tutti gli effetti un validissimo paraspruzzi (occhio, invece, al vapore che fuoriesce dalla grata, scotta eccome!). FACILE UTILIZZO, HA SOLO DUE MANOPOLINE... UNA PER IMPOSTARE LA TEMPERATURA, UNA PER REGOLARE IL TIMER (attivabile per non più di 30 minuti). Due spie di controllo, con il cavo (lungo poco meno di un metro) che si ripone nel suo apposito scompartimento sul retro (dove troviamo pure il tasto "restart", quello da premere nel caso in cui la macchina per x motivi di surriscaldamento decidesse autonomamente di spegnersi ...è il classico tastino che esiste nei modem, bisogna inserire all'interno del forellino uno spilletto, così da premerlo e permettere all'apparecchio di ripartire).

LIMITATEVI NELLA FRITTURA :-) E FATE IN MODO CHE SIA "SANA" ... purtroppo... le alte temperature raggiunte alterano la struttura molecolare dei grassi producendo dei residui tossici per il nostro organismo.

A VERY CONVENIENT FRYER, VERY EASY TO CLEAN - in stainless steel and black ABS plastic ...also elegant... ALMOST SEMI-PROFESSIONAL although it is sold for home use... TO FRY UP TO 1,5 KILOS OF ROBETTE, IN A PAN WHICH REACHES 5 LITERS OF VOLUME (with an indicator of the minimum and maximum oil filling levels ... two simple notches visible inside ... where the baskets will be inserted ... which are three ... one large and two smaller ones, with relative interlocking handles to lift them and put them back by sinking them in hot oil ... they stay put, but don't expect a firm hold, they move a bit) ... It's WOW! Also very useful for Sicilian arancini, Messina pidoni and chops, Roman supplì, zucchini flowers in batter, fried cream from the Marches, fried polenta, fried seafood, sofficini with the rest of the findus, mozzarella in carrozza, meatballs, meatloaf...etc.etc.etc.... chips and croquettes needless to specify, they are the first thing ^_^). It weighs three and a half ounces (it does not reach three and a half ounces) and measures 35 centimeters in length by 34 centimeters in depth and 26.5 centimeters in height. THE CONVENIENCE IS IN ITS CAPACITY TO BE REGULATED IN POWER, without spacing of intervals, UP TO A MAXIMUM CONSUMPTION OF 3000 WATTS WITH ALTERNATING TEMPERATURES UP TO 190°C .... PRACTICALITY IS IN ITS BEING ABLE TO BE DISASSEMBLED FOR ONE EASIER CLEANING (opt for hand washing everything, it's better, even the baskets that could go in the dishwasher...) ... in fact, after use it will always come back as new, the housing is made of steel and has no crevices where dirt can remain or creep in, it is smooth, guarantees perfect hygiene in total safety... it has a heating system with cold zones, which among other things prevents food remains from continuing to cook that may have fallen out of the frying basket... plus a lid equipped with a sort of window, into which you can look without the danger of burning yourself, being in all respects a very valid splash guard (watch out, however, for the steam that comes out of the grate, it's very hot! ). EASY TO USE, IT HAS ONLY TWO KNOBS... ONE TO SET THE TEMPERATURE, ONE TO ADJUST THE TIMER (can be activated for no more than 30 minutes). Two control lights, with the cable (just under a meter long) which is stored in its special compartment on the back (where we also find the "restart" button, the one to press in the event that the machine for reasons of overheating decides autonomously to turn off ... it's the classic key that exists in modems, you have to insert a pin inside the hole, so as to press it and allow the device to restart). LIMIT YOURSELF IN THE FRIED :-) AND MAKE SURE IT IS "HEALTHY" ... unfortunately ... the high temperatures reached alter the molecular structure of fats producing toxic residues for our body.


>>>>> PREMESSA <<<<<
In casa mia non si frigge molto. Un po' perchè è pesante, un po' perchè è poco sano, un po' ancora perchè è difficile far raggiungere e mantenere la giusta temperatura all'olio, un po' perchè.... non ho la friggitrice! Ecco la soluzione!

>>>>> CONFEZIONE <<<<<

La friggitrice la pasta arriva contenuta dentro una scatola di cartone la quale è a sua volta contenuta dentro un'altra robusta scatola di cartone.

>>>>> CONTENUTO <<<<<

La scatola contiene:

> la friggitrice
> un cestello grande
> due cestelli piccoli
> tre manici
> un libretto di istruzioni illustrato anche in italiano!!


La prima impressione davvero, davvero ottima. La friggitrice è in acciaio ed è bella pesante, solida stabile.

>>>>> PROVA SU STRADA <<<<<

L'utilizzo di una friggitrice è abbastanza intuitiva.
A freddo si riempie di olio, al massimo cinque litri.
Quindi, in base all'alimento da friggere, si seleziona la temperatura desiderata con la manopola di destra. Quando la temperatura è raggiunta, si immerge il cestello (o i due cestelli più piccoli se abbiamo due alimenti con tempi di frittura diversi) e si seleziona sulla manopola di sinistra il tempo.
Quindi si estrae il cestello, si asciugano gli alimenti con carta assorbente e si mangia!
Nel libretto di istruzioni, oltre ad alcuni preziosi consigli per l'utilizzo, la pulizia e la mnautenzione, sono presenti le temperature necessarie per la giusta frittura:

> Patatine (rosolate): 170 °C
> Patatine (fritte): 190 °C
> Fonduta di formaggio: 170 °C
> Crocchette di formaggio: 170 °C
> Crocchette di carne/pesce/patate: 190 °C
> Pesce: 170 °C
> Bastoncini di pesce: 180 °C
> Biscotti al formaggio (sic!): 180 °C
> Ciambelle: 190 °C
> Pollame: 160 °C
> Scampi impanati: 180 °C

… e chi più ne ha, più ne metta!

Qui non siamo a spiegare il funzionamento dell'apparecchio, ma a valutarne la qualità.
Come sempre i prodotti klarstein.it sono di fascia elevata. La friggitrice è solida, quasi professionale oserei dire. Frigge bene, mantiene la temperatura (ho verificato con un termometro da cucina), e anche la pulizia (elemento non secondario!) è ragionevolmente agevole.
Unico vero difetto (comune, però, a tutte le friggitrici) è la potenza consumata: si arriva fino a 3KW!

>>>>> CONCLUDENDO <<<<<

Un ottimo apparecchio, di qualità, con grande attenzione ai dettagli: basti notare che il cavo dell'alimentazione è retrattile.
Quindi un valido elettrodomestico a un prezzo (come al solito) del tutto competitivo.

>>>>> INTRODUCTION <<<<< In my house we don't fry much. Partly because it's heavy, partly because it's unhealthy, partly because it's difficult to get the oil to reach and maintain the right temperature, partly because.... I don't have a fryer! Here is the solution! >>>>> PACKAGING <<<<< The fryer the pasta arrives contained in a cardboard box which is in turn contained in another sturdy cardboard box. >>>>> CONTENTS <<<<< The box contains: > the fryer > a large basket > two small baskets > three handles > an illustrated instruction booklet also in Italian!! >>>>> FIRST IMPRESSION <<<<< First impressions are really, really great. The fryer is made of steel and is quite heavy, solid and stable. >>>>> ROAD TEST <<<<< Using a fryer is quite intuitive. When cold, it is filled with oil, a maximum of five liters. Then, based on the food to be fried, select the desired temperature with the right knob. When the temperature is reached, immerse the basket (or the two smaller baskets if we have two foods with different frying times) and select the time on the left knob. Then you take out the basket, dry the food with paper towels and eat! In addition to some valuable advice for use, cleaning and maintenance, the instruction booklet contains the temperatures necessary for correct frying: > Chips (browned): 170 °C > Chips (fries): 190 °C > Cheese fondue: 170 °C > Cheese croquettes: 170 °C > Meat/fish/potato croquettes: 190 °C > Fish: 170 °C > Fish sticks: 180 °C > Cheese biscuits (sic!): 180 °C > Donuts: 190 °C > Poultry: 160 °C > Breaded scampi: 180 °C … and so on and so forth! We are not here to explain how the device works, but to evaluate its quality. As always, klarstein.it products are high-end. The fryer is solid, almost professional I dare say. It fries well, maintains the temperature (I checked with a kitchen thermometer), and also cleaning (not a minor element!) is reasonably easy. The only real flaw (common, however, to all fryers) is the power consumed: it reaches up to 3KW! >>>>> CONCLUDING <<<<< An excellent device, quality, with great attention to detail: just note that the power cable is retractable. So a valid appliance at a very competitive price (as usual). Unmissable!


Ho provato la friggitrice ma premetto che non avevo mai fritto prima. Di conseguenza dopo qualche tentativo ho elaborato la giusta strategia soprattutto per le patatine. Ma veniamo al prodotto. La friggitrice è costituita da elementi in lamiera, il modulo delle resistenze, i cestelli e il coperchio. La vaschetta contenete l'olio ha l'interno trattato per essere maggiormente resistente è separabile per agevolare il lavaggio e una volta inserita lascia un'intercapedine rispetto al carter esterno per ridurre il calore trasmesso. La lamiera esterna e il coperchio sono di acciaio inossidabile. Il modulo resistenze è separabile per il lavaggio ed è dotato di sensori di temperatura. Ci sono 3 cestelli, uno grande circa 30x20 e altri 2 15x20 per fritture separate. Dall'esperienza il coperchio è utile durante il riscaldamento dell'olio ma poi va tolto durante la frittura per evitare che la condensa ricada nel cestello. Per le patatine senza dubbio va impostata temperatura di 190°. La spia verde sul modulo resistenze avvisa il raggiungimento della temperatura e via a friggere. In 5 minuti la frittura è completa. Il manuale consiglia le quantità di 100 g per litro di olio e va tenuto in conto che per raggiungere il livello minimo vanno messi 4 litri.

I tried the deep fryer but I've never fried before. Consequently, after a few attempts, I worked out the right strategy especially for the fries. But let's get to the product. The fryer is made up of sheet metal elements, the resistance module, the baskets and the lid. The tray containing the oil has the inside treated to be more resistant, it can be separated to facilitate washing and once inserted, it leaves a gap with respect to the external casing to reduce the heat transmitted. The outer sheet and the lid are made of stainless steel. The resistance module can be separated for washing and is equipped with temperature sensors. There are 3 baskets, one large about 30x20 and the other 2 15x20 for separate frying. From experience, the lid is useful when heating the oil but then it must be removed during frying to prevent the condensation from falling back into the basket. Without a doubt, a temperature of 190° should be set for the fries. The green light on the resistance module warns that the temperature has been reached and you can start frying. In 5 minutes the frying is complete. The manual recommends quantities of 100 g per liter of oil and it must be taken into account that 4 liters must be added to reach the minimum level.


Jahrelang hat mir meine kleine Fritteuse einen guten Dienst erwiesen, ich habe mich allerdings ständig darüber geärgert, das ich Pommes zum Beispiel zig mal machen musste, da in den kleinen Korb immer nur eine Handvoll rein passte und für vier Personen etliche Ladungen gemacht werden mussten. Nun bekam ich zum testen die Klarstein QuickPro XXL 3000 Fritteuse 5l und da sieht das ganze doch schon sehr viel besser aus. Die Fritteuse kostet derzeit auf Amazon 53,90 Euro.

Schon als der Karton hier ankam sah man auf den ersten Blick, das die Fritteuse doch schon eine Ordentliche Größe hat. Mit dabei ist neben der Fritteuse selbst ein großer Frittierkorb und zwei kleinere sowie drei Griffe, die man später an den Körben anbringen kann. Die Frittierwanne hat ein Volumen von 5 Litern und es passen 1,5 Kilo Pommes oder anderes Fritiergut dort hinein. Sie ist komplett aus Edelstahl gehalten und sieht richtig edel aus. Schon auf den ersten Blick macht sie einen hochwertigen Eindruck, was sich nach einigen Tagen und Wochen auch bestätigt hat. Auf der Rückseite hat sie sogar ein Kabelfach. Hier kann man das 90 cm lange Kabel richtig gut verstauen, so dass es nicht im Wege rumliegt, wenn man die Fritteuse mal nicht benötigt. Oben hat man das Bedienelement angebracht. Hier habe ich zwei Drehregler. An dem einen kann ich die Temperatur einstellen und an dem anderen den Timer. Den Timer finde ich richtig Klasse. So kann ich die Zeit einstellen und muss nicht immer nachschauen, ob die Sachen schon fertig sind.

Vor dem ersten Gebrauch habe ich die Fritteuse mit einem feuchten Tuch ausgewischt. Als es wieder komplett trocken war konnte es losgehen. Natürlich sollte man vorher das ganze Zubehör aus der Fritteuse nehmen vorher. Der Deckel hat in der Mitte einen großen Griff, mit dem ich diesen ganz leicht abnehmen kann. Dieser wird auch nicht heiß und man kann ihn bedenkenlos jederzeit anfassen. Es gibt auch ein kleines Sichtfenster durch das man schauen kann wie weit die Sachen schon sind.

Als erstes fülle ich das Öl in die Fritteuse und zwar bis zur Markierung. An der Seite befindet sich die Markierung anhand zwei Strichen und der Aufschrift Min und Max. Bei Maximum ist ungefähr die halbe Ölwanne voll mit Öl, also ca. 2,5 Liter. Natürlich sollte man auch nicht verschiedene Ölsorten verwenden, sondern bei einer bleiben. Bevor man loslegen kann sollte man das Öl vorwärmen. Hat man dies getan kann man den Frittierkorb einsetzen. Je nachdem was ich machen möchte entweder den großen zum Beispiel für Pommes oder wenn ich zwei verschiedene Sachen frittieren möchte kann ich auch die beiden kleinen nebeneinander setzen. Nun die Lebensmittel in den Korb geben und in das Öl senken. Bei Pommes stelle ich immer den Timer, denn auf den Tüten steht ja immer wie lange diese brauchen. Nachdem die Zeit abgelaufen ist hebe ich den Korb aus dem Öl, schüttel das Öl ein wenig ab und gebe die Pommes in eine Schüssel. Nun noch den Stecker raus ziehen und die Fritteuse wieder abkühlen lassen.

Der Korb hat auch eine ausreichende Größe, so dass man nicht zig mal erneut Pommes nachschmeißen muss, ehe alle versorgt sind. Das Ergebnis ist auf jeden Fall super. Man bekommt sehr leckere, krosse Pommes, genauso wie ich es mag. Die schmecken wenigstens und sind nicht so pappig wie aus dem Backofen. Sie sind wirklich von allen Seiten gleichmäßig gebräunt und schmecken richtig Lecker.

Die Reinigung einer Fritteuse ist ja normalerweise das schlimmste was es gibt. Bei meiner alten konnte ich nur den Deckel abnehmen und das wars. Das sauber machen war jedes mal eine Qual und das Fett wechseln erst recht. Bei dieser Fritteuse ist das ganze ein Kinderspiel, da man sie fast komplett auseinander nehmen kann.

Um diese Fritteuse zu säubern kann ich den Edelstahl-Ölbehälter und das darunter befindliche Heizelement komplett entfernen, sprich herausnehmen, was das ganze erheblich einfacher macht. Hat man diese Teile herausgenommen, lässt sich das Öl schnell und einfach auskippen und auch die Reinigung selbst geht recht zügig. Man kommt überall dran ohne sich die Finger zu brechen und mit einem feuchten Tuch ist alles im nu sauber. Auch der Zusammenbau geht schnell und ist Kinderleicht. Da benötigt man keine Anleitung für. So einfach und besonders gerne, habe ich bei einer Fritteuse noch nie das Öl gewechselt, bzw. sie sauber gemacht. Herrlich und das gefällt mir doch mal und schon alleine aus diesem Grund hat sie fünf Sterne verdient.

Ich finde diese Fritteuse richtig Klasse. Zum einen das edle Design, was ja schon mal Optisch richtig genial ist. Dazu kommt die Kinderleichte Reinigung der Fritteuse. So einfach und schnell habe ich noch bei keiner Fritteuse das Fett gewechselt oder sie sauber gemacht. Einfach nur genial. Aber sie leistet natürlich auch gute Arbeit. Das frittieren geht sehr schnell, die Pommes werden richtig schön kross und und sie sind, Dank des geringen Fettverbrauchs, nicht so fettig wie bei anderen Fritteusen. Die Qualität kann auch auch sehen lassen und auch der Preis und von mir gibt es fünf dicke Sternchen dafür.

My little deep fryer has served me well for years, but I was constantly annoyed that I had to make fries umpteen times, for example, because only a handful fit in the small basket and quite a few loads had to be made for four people. Now I got the Klarstein QuickPro XXL 3000 deep fryer 5l to test and the whole thing looks a lot better. The fryer currently costs 53.90 euros on Amazon. When the box arrived, you could see at first glance that the fryer was a decent size. In addition to the fryer itself, there is a large frying basket and two smaller ones as well as three handles that can be attached to the baskets later. The frying pan has a volume of 5 liters and 1.5 kilos of fries or other fried food fit in there. It is made entirely of stainless steel and looks really classy. Even at first glance, it makes a high-quality impression, which was confirmed after a few days and weeks. It even has a cable compartment on the back. Here you can stow the 90 cm long cable really well, so that it doesn't get in the way when you don't need the fryer. The control element has been attached at the top. Here I have two knobs. I can set the temperature on one and the timer on the other. I really like the timer. This way I can set the time and don't have to keep checking to see if things are ready. Before using it for the first time, I wiped the fryer clean with a damp cloth. When it was completely dry again we could start. Of course, you should first remove all the accessories from the fryer beforehand. The lid has a large handle in the middle with which I can easily remove it. It doesn't get hot either and you can touch it at any time without hesitation. There is also a small viewing window through which you can see how far things are. First, I fill the oil in the fryer up to the mark. There is a marking on the side with two lines and the inscription Min and Max. At maximum, about half the oil pan is full of oil, i.e. about 2.5 liters. Of course you should not use different types of oil, but stick to one. Before you start, you should preheat the oil. Once you have done this, you can use the frying basket. Depending on what I want to do, either the big one for fries, for example, or if I want to fry two different things, I can also put the two small ones next to each other. Now put the food in the basket and lower it into the oil. I always set the timer for fries, because the bags always say how long they need. After the time is up I lift the basket out of the oil, shake off the oil a little and put the fries in a bowl. Now pull out the plug and let the fryer cool down again. The basket is also big enough so that you don't have to throw in fries umpteen times before everyone is taken care of. The result is definitely great. You get very tasty, crispy fries, just the way I like it. At least they taste good and are not as sticky as when they came out of the oven. They are really browned evenly on all sides and taste really delicious. Cleaning a fryer is usually the worst thing there is. With my old one I could only remove the lid and that was it. Cleaning was torture every time and changing the grease was even more so. With this fryer, the whole thing is child's play because you can almost completely disassemble it. In order to clean this deep fryer, I can completely remove the stainless steel oil container and the heating element underneath, which makes the whole thing much easier. Once these parts have been removed, the oil can be poured out quickly and easily and the cleaning itself is also quite quick. You can get anywhere without breaking your fingers and everything is clean in no time with a damp cloth. Assembly is also quick and easy. You don't need instructions for that. I have never changed the oil in a fryer or cleaned it so easily and particularly with pleasure. Wonderful and I like that and for this reason alone it deserves five stars. I think this fryer is really great. On the one hand the noble design, which is optically really ingenious. In addition, the deep fryer is very easy to clean. I have never changed the fat in a fryer or cleaned it so easily and quickly. Just genius. But of course she does a good job. Frying is very quick, the fries are really nice and crispy and, thanks to the low fat consumption, they are not as greasy as with other fryers. The quality is also impressive and the price and I give it five big stars for it.


Questa friggitrice con 5 litri di capacità e 3000 watt di potenza massima è di ottima qualità, sia a livello di materiali che di resa - frigge benissimo e in pochi minuti posso godermi gamberi, crocchette di patate, patatine fritte, totani, anelli e calamaretti come fossi al ristorante.
Arriva in una scatola imballata benissimo che contiene, oltre alla friggitrice, un coperchio con una grata-sfiatatoio per il vapore, tre cestelli (uno bello grande e due più piccoli ma pur sempre capienti) e tre manici da infilare nei cestelli per evitare di scottarsi. Peccato solo per questi ultimi, una volta infilati non rimangono ben fissi, cosa che sarebbe tornata comoda quando bisogna smuovere un po’ il cestello per una frittura più omogenea.
Sopra il pannello posteriore del corpo centrale ci sono due manopole per regolare la temperatura dell’olio e il timer. Questo blocco è collegato alle serpentine che si trovano nella vasca dove si mette l’olio, serpentine che possono arrivare a riscaldare l’olio fino a 190 gradi.
Dopo aver pulito e lavato la vasca prima del primo utilizzo, si versa l’olio, si collega il cavo d’alimentazione alla corrente, si gira la manopola fino ai gradi desiderati, si aspetta che l’olio sia caldo e si introduce il cestello con gli alimenti (oppure se uno vuole ce li mette quando già il cestello è immerso). A quel punto si ricopre col coperchio e si dà un’occhiata ogni tanto dallo sportello di vetro per vedere lo stato di cottura. Il manuale raccomanda di non versare troppo olio nella vaschetta, di non superare la tacca MAX ma nemmeno di metterne troppo poco, stando sotto la tacca MIN.
Il manualetto di istruzioni in cinque lingue (anche italiano) contiene una tabella coi suggerimenti sulle temperature a cui friggere alcuni alimenti, come le patatine surgelate o quelle fresche, le crocchette di pollo o le ciambelle/bomboloni, etc. Durante la frittura, si noterà il vapore fuoriuscire dalla grata sul coperchio e consiglio di stare ben attenti a non scottarsi quando si va ad alzare il coperchio.
In caso di surriscaldamento, la friggitrice si spegnerà automaticamente grazie a un dispositivo di autoprotezione. Per riattivarla, bisogna andare a cercare il tasto RESTART che si trova nell’alloggiamento sul retro dove si può arrotolare il cavo d’alimentazione. Va pigiato con qualcosa di appuntito, tipo un ago o la punta di una penna.
L’olio usato la prima volta si può usare ovviamente anche le volte successive, anche fino a una decina, ma appena ci si accorge che diventa scuro ed emana un odore sgradevole, va buttato e cambiato, dopo aver preventivamente pulito e lavato la friggitrice (ovviamente solo i cestelli possono andare in lavastoviglie, la vasca va pulita e lavata a mano).
Una friggitrice che si sta rivelando una manna dal cielo, soprattutto ora che si avvicina il natale e voglio abbuffarmi di frittura di pesce.
Consigliata anche per l’ottimo prezzo.

This fryer with 5 liter capacity and 3000 watts of maximum power is of excellent quality, both in terms of materials and yield - it fries very well and in a few minutes I can enjoy prawns, potato croquettes, french fries, squid, rings and baby squid like I was at the restaurant. It arrives in a beautifully packaged box which contains, in addition to the fryer, a lid with a grate-vent for the steam, three baskets (one quite large and two smaller ones but still roomy) and three handles to insert into the baskets to avoid burning yourself . It's a pity only for the latter, once inserted they don't remain fixed, which would have come in handy when you need to move the basket a little for more homogeneous frying. Above the rear panel of the central body there are two knobs for regulating the oil temperature and the timer. This block is connected to the coils found in the tank where the oil is placed, coils that can heat the oil up to 190 degrees. After having cleaned and washed the bowl before using it for the first time, pour the oil, connect the power cord to the current, turn the knob to the desired degree, wait for the oil to be hot and introduce the basket with food (or if one wants to put them in when the basket is already immersed). At that point you cover it with the lid and you take a look from time to time through the glass door to see the cooking status. The manual recommends not to pour too much oil into the tank, not to exceed the MAX notch, nor to add too little, staying below the MIN notch. The instruction manual in five languages (including Italian) contains a table with suggestions on the temperatures at which to fry some foods, such as frozen or fresh chips, chicken nuggets or donuts/donuts, etc. During frying, you will notice the steam coming out of the grate on the lid and I advise you to be very careful not to burn yourself when you go to lift the lid. In the event of overheating, the fryer will switch off automatically thanks to a self-protection device. To reactivate it, you have to look for the RESTART button located in the slot on the back where you can roll up the power cord. It must be pressed with something sharp, such as a needle or the tip of a pen. The oil used for the first time can obviously also be used the following times, even up to a dozen, but as soon as you notice that it becomes dark and gives off an unpleasant smell, it must be thrown away and changed, after having first cleaned and washed the fryer ( obviously only the baskets can go in the dishwasher, the tank must be cleaned and washed by hand). A fryer that is proving to be a godsend, especially now that Christmas is approaching and I want to gorge myself on fried fish. Also recommended for the excellent price.