[Returns: -35%] Bella Elegance food processor

£ 76.99 (incl. VAT)
Product number: 53034364
Bella Elegance food processor
£ 76.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 100.99
  • £ 119.99
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
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Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • 1800 watts in 6 steps: High performance for any task

  • Copper or silver: stylish design with shiny applications

  • 3 tool attachments: for mixing, kneading and whipping


  • Power levels: 6
  • Pulse function
  • maximum quantity of dough: 2 litres
  • 3 stirring elements: dough hook / stirring hook / whisk
  • Die-cast mixing hook - even mixing of larger quantities of dough
  • Die-cast dough hook - for heavy doughs, such as yeast or bread doughs
  • Whisk for fluffy mixtures, such as beaten egg whites or sponge cake batter
  • Release mechanism for multifunction arm - folds up for easy attachment and bowl handling
  • Special gearbox
  • secure stand owing to suction feet
  • Please note: The stirring elements are not suitable for cleaning in the dishwasher - this may cause discolouration of the material.
Product number: 53034364

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 22.5 x 38 x 34 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: approx. 6.2 kg
  • Power: 1800 Watt / 2.7 HP
  • Mixing bowl capacity: 5.2 litres
  • Material stirring elements: Die-cast aluminium
  • Material bowl: stainless steel
  • Material splash guard: plastic (BPA-free)
  • Material housing: plastic
  • Power supply: 220 - 240 V~ | 50/60 Hz

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x food processor
  • 1 x stainless steel bowl
  • 1 x dough hook
  • 1 x stirring hook
  • 1 x whisk
  • 1 x splash guard
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
112 Ratings

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problèmes mélangeurs a perdu le cote inox après un passage en machine a lave

mixer problems lost the stainless steel side after a wash in the washing machine


Für den Preis echt brauchbar und gut. Die Montage des Spritzschutz geht echt schwer habe das aber selbst nachgearbeitet und meine Frau ist mit dem Ergebnis sehr zufrieden.

Really good and usable for the price. Installing the splash guard is really difficult, but I did it myself and my wife is very happy with the result.


wir haben das gerät zum teig herstellen benutzt

we used the device to make dough


Habe die Maschine erst einmal genutzt. Geräuschpegel entsprechend der Maschine. Maschine kraftvoll. Habe schweren Brotteig geknetet Schafte die Maschine problemlos. Teig blieb geringfügig am Schüsselrand kleben. Entsprechend des Teiges aber als normal eingestuft.

I have only used the machine once. Noise level is appropriate for the machine. Machine is powerful. I kneaded heavy bread dough. The machine handled it without any problems. Dough stuck slightly to the edge of the bowl. But according to the dough it was classified as normal.


günstiger Preis Wie vom Hersteller beschrieben. Super Teil und Preis und Leistung passt.

Good price, as described by the manufacturer. Great part and good value for money.


Wie vom Hersteller beschrieben. Super Teil und Preis und Leistung passt.

As described by the manufacturer. Great part and good value for money.


sehr schönes Design - leichte Handhabung, sehr zufrieden

very nice design - easy to use, very satisfied


Dieses Gerät wurde mit 2000 Watt beworben was leider nicht der Wahrheit entspricht. Habe aber als Entschädigung von der Firma klarstein einen Rabatt erhalten trotzdem ist das Gerät mit einer Stärke von 1800 Watt eine sehr gute Küchenmaschine die fast täglich in Gebrauch ist

This device was advertised with 2000 watts, which is unfortunately not true. However, I received a discount from Klarstein as compensation, but the device with a power of 1800 watts is still a very good food processor that is used almost every day.


Küchenmaschine Dieses Gerät wurde mit 2000 Watt beworben was leider nicht der Wahrheit entspricht. Habe aber als Entschädigung von der Firma klarstein einen Rabatt erhalten trotzdem ist das Gerät mit einer Stärke von 1800 Watt eine sehr gute Küchenmaschine die fast täglich in Gebrauch ist

Food processor This device was advertised with 2000 watts, which is unfortunately not true. However, I received a discount from Klarstein as compensation, but the device with a power of 1800 watts is still a very good food processor that is used almost every day


Trovato in offerta, preso per Natale. È stato un regalo ottimo! Molto apprezzato ed ho visto con occhi che il motore funziona bene ed è molto performante. In fondo la qualità si paga, consiglio l'acquisto.

Found on sale, bought for Christmas. It was a great gift! Much appreciated and I saw with my own eyes that the engine works well and is very high-performance. After all, quality is paid for, I recommend buying it.


Die Maschine knetet einwandfrei und in Stufe 3 bei zähen Teigen ist auch das Geräuschniveau akzeptabel. Bin sehr zufrieden und mein Brot war noch nie so fluffig wie je zuvor.

The machine kneads perfectly and the noise level is acceptable at level 3 for tough dough. I am very satisfied and my bread has never been as fluffy as it has ever been before.


Fonctionne très bien pour le moment

Works very well at the moment


Die Knetmaschine kam unbeschädigt an. Am meisten überzeugt mich das frische Design und die intensive Farbe. Die Handhabung ist etwas Gewöhnungsbedurftig, aber wenn man einmal die Gebrauchsanweisung gelesen hat und die Maschine ein paar mal auseinander gebaut hat, gewöhnt man sich schnell dran. Die ersten Kuchen wurden schon gebacken. Im großen und ganzen Top!

The kneading machine arrived undamaged. What impressed me most was the fresh design and the intense color. It takes a little getting used to, but once you've read the instructions and taken the machine apart a few times, you'll quickly get used to it. The first cakes have already been baked. All in all, great!


Sehr gute und preiswerte Küchenmaschine.

Very good and inexpensive food processor.


Schönes Gerät, etwas laut, aber ok für meine Zwecke und das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis stimmt.

Nice device, a bit loud, but ok for my purposes and the price-performance ratio is right.


Parfait, je l'ai utilisé pour faire la galette algérienne et franchement je suis très satisfaite. J'espère le garder encore pour bien longtemps.

Perfect, I used it to make the Algerian pancake and frankly I am very satisfied. I hope to keep it for a long time.


ist gut

is good


machine facile à utiliser et pratique.

easy to use and practical machine.


C'était un cadeau. La personne en est très satisfaite.

It was a gift. The person is very satisfied with it.


Gutes Gerät, Preis Leistung passt. Super wäre wenn eine zweite Rührschüssel dabei wäre. Es gibt diese zwar einzeln zum nachkaufen aber für meine Begriffe viel zu teuer

Good device, good value for money. It would be great if it came with a second mixing bowl. You can buy these separately but they are far too expensive in my opinion


Robot très puissant

Very powerful robot


Die teigmaschine ist super gut macht tolle teige und auch sonst alles sehr cremig

The dough machine is super good, makes great dough and everything else is very creamy


je suis contente de mon achat très jolie fonctionne bien un peu bruyant mais c'est juste quelques secondes le seul reproche pas de poignet au grand bol 5l c'est lourd mème moins. livraison rapide et le prix est abordable

I am happy with my purchase very pretty works well a little noisy but it's just a few seconds the only complaint no wrist to the large 5l bowl it's heavy even less. fast delivery and the price is affordable


Gutes Produkt! Es macht meine Arbeit viel einfacher. Dank seiner Leistung von 2000 W gelingt die Teigzubereitung schnell und problemlos. Darüber hinaus ist die Qualität des Produkts hervorragend und ermöglicht eine lange Nutzungsdauer. Ich kann es empfehlen!

Good product! It makes my work much easier. Thanks to its 2000 W power, dough preparation is quick and easy. In addition, the quality of the product is excellent and allows for a long time of use. I recommend it!


Buongiorno, nonostante un serio problema da parte del corriere GLS per aver simulato la consegna dell'articolo, Amazon ha risolto in maniera eccellente come sempre il problema in corso, ancora grazie per tutto...

Good morning, despite a serious problem from the GLS courier for simulating the delivery of the item, Amazon has solved the ongoing problem in an excellent way as always, thanks again for everything...


ottimi rapporto prezzo qualità, potente, rumorosa (ma è normale)

excellent value for money, powerful, noisy (but that's normal)


Diese Maschine ist sehr gut, besonders zum Brot backen

This machine is very good, especially for baking bread


Ich bin sehr zufrieden

I'm very satisfied


Für meine Ansprüche voll kommen ausreichen. Somit hat der Handmixer ausgedient.

Completely sufficient for my needs. So the hand mixer is no longer needed.


Bin sehr zufrieden mit dieser maschine. Klein aber fein! Sieht auch gut aus, maßt in meine Küche. Weiterempfehlzng!!

I am very happy with this machine. Small but nice! Looks good too, fits in my kitchen. Would recommend!!


Completamente soddisfatto di questo acquisto. Ottimo prodotto a buon prezzo .

Completely satisfied with this purchase. Great product at a good price.


Au top mais vraiment très bruyant

At the top but really very noisy


Das Gerät ist zwar laut aber für den Preis hat sie eine super Leistung

The device is loud but for the price it has a great performance


Sieht schön aus und tut was sie tun soll

Looks nice and does what it's supposed to do


Mein Schneebesen war kaputt. Ersatz kostet 40€. Habe dann ein paar Euro draufgelegt und diese Maschine gekauft. Bisher sehr zufrieden, macht soliden Eindruck und ist nicht allzu laut. Mehr kann ich momentan noch nicht sagen, hoffe aber, es bleibt so.

My whisk was broken. Replacement costs €40. I then added a few euros and bought this machine. Very satisfied so far, makes a solid impression and is not too loud. I can't say more at the moment, but I hope it stays that way.


War , gut . Farbe und alles.

Was good . color and everything.


Die Maschine ist für etwas festere Brotteige gedacht. Die ist allerdings ziemlich laut und schwankt auch während sie knetet. Man neigt dazu, sie festzuhalten und habe mich noch nicht getraut, den Regler auf die höchste Stufe zu stellen. Ausserdem habe ich bisher leider den Spritzschutz noch nicht lösen können (Gewalt möchte ich ungern anwenden!).

The machine is intended for slightly firmer bread dough. However, it is quite loud and also fluctuates while kneading. You tend to hold onto them and I haven't dared to turn the dial to the highest level yet. In addition, I have unfortunately not yet been able to detach the splash guard (I would not like to use violence!).


Hatte zwei gekauft Bei der ersten war die Plastik Abdeckung kaputt und sie hatte noch dazu relativ große lackkratzer Die hatte ist zurück geschickt in der Hoffnung das die zweite besser wird denn es kann ja immer mal passieren. Ja die Hoffnung war schnell dahin die zweite kam ebenfalls mit daumen großen lackkratzer und abplatzungen.

Bought two. The plastic cover on the first one was broken and it also had relatively large scratches on the paintwork. It was sent back in the hope that the second one would be better because it can always happen. Yes, the hope was quickly gone, the second one also came with thumb-sized paint scratches and flaking.


Kann in der Produktion mit viel teureren Geräte mithalten. Allerdings etwas laut

Can compete in production with much more expensive devices. A bit noisy though





First i thought it was a great buy when i first did a couple of simple cake recipes Then when i decided to make cookies, the paddle broke and a small part got stuck inside the whole where it is fitted. The machine couldn’t handle the 4l mixture although it is a 5l machine The machine is useless at low speeds Update The supplier sent me a replacement for the paddle that was broken and i added a star for that

First i thought it was a great buy when i first did a couple of simple cake recipes Then when i decided to make cookies, the paddle broke and a small part got stuck inside the whole where it is fitted. The machine couldn’t handle the 4l mixture although it is a 5l machine The machine is useless at low speeds Update The supplier sent me a replacement for the paddle that was broken and i added a star for that


Beautiful looking mixer. Easy to operate. Suctions to work surface exceptionally well ensuring very sturdy working area. Really happy with. Easy to clean and change mixing blades.

Beautiful looking mixer. Easy to operate. Suctions to work surface exceptionally well ensuring very sturdy working area. Really happy with. Easy to clean and change mixing blades.


Da die Maschine nicht stundenlang läuft, stört mich auch die Lautstärke nicht.

Since the machine doesn't run for hours, the volume doesn't bother me either.


Da ich meine alte Maschine den Geist aufgegeben hat, musste eine neue her, ich habe mich für das gleiche Modell entschieden, da ich mit dem Vorgänger sehr zufrieden war. Der Versand erfolgte wie nicht anders erwartet sehr schnell, leider hatte die Maschine einen Defekt, aber der Umtausch lief sehr schnell und unkompliziert. Ich bin mit dem Preis-Leistung Verhältnis sehr zufrieden. Die Maschine ist zwar ganz schön laut, stört mich persönlich jedoch weniger, Für Biskuit und Cremes hervorragend geeignet, mit Pizza Teig kommt sie auch wunderbar zu Recht. Klar das bei dem Preis auch die Qualität dementsprechend ist, (Viel Plastik) Aber sie tut was sie soll. Kann ich wärmstens empfehlen.

Since I gave up my old machine, I had to get a new one. I opted for the same model because I was very satisfied with the previous one. As expected, the shipment was very quick, unfortunately the machine had a defect, but the exchange was very quick and uncomplicated. I am very satisfied with the price-performance ratio. The machine is quite loud, but it doesn't bother me that much personally. It's excellent for biscuits and creams, and it also works wonderfully with pizza dough. Of course, for the price, the quality is accordingly, (a lot of plastic) but it does what it is supposed to. I would highly recommend.


He usado el producto para hacer pan y brownie, ningún problema con ninguno de sus accesorios.

I have used the product to make bread and brownie, no problems with any of its accessories.


Très beau robot et très serviable rapidité de préparation

Very nice robot and very helpful speed of preparation


Pratique pour pétrir les pâtes

Practical for kneading dough





Trabaja muy bien aunque para mi gusto no lleva bien a los lados y hay que ayudarla. Lo que me molesta es que cuando pones la velocidad 3, es súper ruidosa. Parece que va a despegar un avión.

It works very well, although for my taste it doesn't go well to the sides and you have to help it. What bothers me is that when you put it on speed 3, it's super loud. It sounds like a plane is about to take off.


Die Maschine reicht für meine Bedürfnisse aus. Da ich mir ein neues Hobby zugelegt habe und nun gerne vermehrt Brot, Kuchen und andere Teige zubereiten und backen will, habe ich mich nach langem hin und her für eine Küchenmaschine entschieden. Da ich Anfänger bin, wollte ich nicht direkt tausende von Euro ausgeben und habe nach einigen Testberichten, welche die Klarstein Bella als positiv bewertet haben, mich für dieses Modell entschieden. Von der Lautstärke ist sie jetzt nicht unbedingt leise und bei voller Leistung muss man schonmal die Fenster zur Straße schließen, damit man die Nachbarn nicht verärgert. Im ernst, der Geräuschepegel ist unter Last schon enorm, aber das wird bei anderen Maschinen vermutlich nicht anders sein. Der Knethaken hat mich leider etwas enttäuscht, da er den Teig für Brot zwar knetet aber dieser oft am Rand der Schüssel haften bleibt und nicht mitgeknetet wird, weswegen ich die Maschine oft zwischenzeitlich ausschalten muss und den Teig dann zur Mitte schieben muss. Die Schüsselgröße ist sehr gut bemessen und reicht für meine Verhältnisse aus. Bei größeren und schweren Teigen merkt man allerdings, dass die Maschine an ihre Grenzen stößt. Mit den anderen beiden Anbauteilen bin ich soweit zufrieden. Kuchen- und Keksteig lässt sich perfekt damit vermengen und kneten. Ich finde das Preis- Leistungsverhältnis passt soweit und die Testberichte im Internet und Videos zu dieser Maschine, decken sich mit meinen Erfahrungen die ich in der letzten Zeit bei der Benutzung der Maschine sammeln konnte. Für Anfänger geeignet, Profis sollten jedoch höherpreisige Alternativen bevorzugen.

The machine is sufficient for my needs. Since I've got a new hobby and now I'd like to prepare and bake more bread, cakes and other dough, I decided after a long time to get a food processor. Since I'm a beginner, I didn't want to spend thousands of euros right away and decided on this model after a few test reports that rated the Klarstein Bella as positive. In terms of volume, it's not necessarily quiet and at full power you sometimes have to close the windows facing the street so that you don't annoy the neighbors. Seriously, the noise level is enormous under load, but that probably won't be any different with other machines. Unfortunately, the kneading hook disappointed me a bit, because it kneads the dough for bread, but it often sticks to the edge of the bowl and is not kneaded, which is why I often have to switch off the machine in the meantime and then push the dough to the middle. The bowl size is very good and is sufficient for my standards. With larger and heavier dough, however, you notice that the machine is reaching its limits. I'm happy with the other two attachments so far. Cake and biscuit dough can be perfectly mixed and kneaded with it. I think the price-performance ratio is right so far and the test reports on the internet and videos about this machine match my experiences that I have been able to gather using the machine recently. Suitable for beginners, but professionals should prefer higher-priced alternatives.


Das Rühr-Knetergebnis ist beeindruckend. Die Bedienbarkeit praktikabel. Das Leistungspotential ausreichend für schwere Knetteige.

The mixing and kneading results are impressive. It is easy to use. The performance potential is sufficient for heavy kneaded dough.


Me encanta!! Funciona perfectamente

I love it!! It works perfectly


Funciona muy bien, Buenos acabados. El ruido es un poquito elevado pero soportable. Relación calidad precio muy buena

It works very well, good finishes. The noise is a little high but bearable. Very good quality-price ratio.


Während des Umzugs habe ich meine erste leider nicht mehr gefunden weshalb eine zweite her musste. Wenn man diese mit z.B. einem Thermomix vergleicht dann kann man es lassen denn ich vergleiche auch kein Fahrrad mit einem Düsenjet. Wer kochen und backen kann und dazu eine etwas größere Maschine haben will die alle grundlegenden Aufgaben erfüllt ist hier richtig, ok die Lautstärke ist nicht gerade als leise zu bezeichnen aber man Backt ja auch nicht in einer öffentlichen Bibliothek und deshalb darf es in der Küche ruhig auch mal lauter sein. Die Verarbeitung ist ausreichen, habe bei meiner ersten einen kleinen Sprung im Plastik am Boden der Maschine aber das tut der Funktionalität keinen Abbruch und dafür ist sie ja auch regelmäßig im Einsatz. 3Kg Teig schafft sie eigentlich recht gut und gerade in der Vorweihnachtszeit muss sie sogar an einem Wochenende gut 40kg Teig überleben und ohne Probleme ist dies Möglich. Der Schaumquirl könnte ein klein wenig Stabiler konstruiert sein, habe meinen mal aus versehen geschrottet aber mit handwerklichem Geschick auch wieder repariert bekommen, die anderen Teile könnten ruhig Spühlmaschinenfest sein, leider sind sie das nur bedingt und die Beschichtung geht ab, für mich kein Problem aber könnte den ein oder anderen vielleicht stören.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find my first one during the move, which is why I had to get a second one. If you compare this with a Thermomix, for example, then you can leave it because I don't compare a bicycle with a jet plane either. If you can cook and bake and want to have a slightly larger machine that fulfills all the basic tasks, this is the place for you, ok, the volume can't exactly be described as quiet, but you don't bake in a public library either, so it's allowed to be quiet in the kitchen sometimes be louder. The workmanship is sufficient, I have a small crack in the plastic on the bottom of the machine with my first one, but that doesn't affect the functionality and that's what it's used for regularly. She actually manages 3 kg of dough quite well and especially in the run-up to Christmas she even has to survive a good 40 kg of dough on a weekend and this is possible without any problems. The foam whisk could be a little more stable, I accidentally broke mine but got it repaired with manual skill, the other parts could be dishwasher safe, unfortunately they are only partially and the coating comes off, but no problem for me might bother some people.


Buena relación calidad precio, bien es cierto que la compré en oferta

Good value for money, it is true that I bought it on sale


Non do 5 stelle per il fatto che dopo 5/7 minuti alla massima velocità si spegne da sola. Il gancio a foglia si è spezzato dopo 2 utilizzi essendo forse in plastica e ci è voluto un po' per tirare fuori il pezzo rimasto nel punto di aggancio. Preferivo fosse in acciaio come il gancio a spirale. Nonostante tutto fa davvero degli ottimi impasti e non è troppo rumorosa! La utilizzo soprattutto per la pizza e io risultato è fantastico! Ottimo acquisto!

I'm not giving 5 stars because after 5/7 minutes at maximum speed it turns off by itself. The leaf hook broke after 2 uses because it's probably made of plastic and it took a while to get the piece out that was left in the attachment point. I would have preferred it to be made of steel like the spiral hook. Despite everything, it really makes excellent dough and it's not too noisy! I use it mainly for pizza and the result is fantastic! Great purchase!


Buon rapporto qualità prezzo. Facile da usare

Good value for money. Easy to use.


Buon rapporto qualità prezzo. Facile da usare

Good value for money. Easy to use.


No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. Me fusta mucho la calidad precio la recomiendo 100% a todos lo que no nos podemos permitir una kitchenaid A mi me gusto mucho (estudie pastelería y tiene una calidad brutal) para casa más que de sobra. Ahora eso sí si lleva 20 minutos se apaga sola. Pero vuelves a encender y listo. Suena como cualquier otra y la estabilidad a la máxima ponencia insuperable gracias a las ventosas. Dicho todo esto si tenéis dudas Cómprala yo no me arrepiento.

The media could not be loaded. I really like the quality and price. I recommend it 100% to all of us who cannot afford a KitchenAid. I really liked it (I studied pastry making and it has brutal quality) and it is more than enough for home use. Now, if it has been running for 20 minutes, it turns off by itself. But you turn it back on and that's it. It sounds like any other and the stability at maximum power is unbeatable thanks to the suction cups. Having said all this, if you have any doubts, buy it. I won't regret it.


Great for making cakes

Great for making cakes


Il prodotto era valido purtroppo è arrivato ammaccato e ho dovuto restituirlo che mi è stato regolarmente rimborsato

The product was valid, unfortunately it arrived damaged and I had to return it, which I was regularly refunded.


La he usado para una masa de empanada, 500grs harina, si la masa es un poco dura sufre un poco. Imagino que para masas blandas irá bien. por relación calidad-precio está bien siempre que sea para uso no profesional.

I have used it for a pie dough, 500g of flour, if the dough is a bit hard it suffers a bit. I imagine that for soft doughs it will be fine. In terms of quality-price ratio it is fine as long as it is for non-professional use.


La planetaria nell’aspetto si presenta bene tuttavia Il pacco è arrivato aperto e mal imballato, il contenuto non presenta mancanza di pezzi, mi riservo un giudizio sul funzionamento.

The planetary mixer looks good, however the package arrived open and poorly packaged, the contents do not show any missing parts, I reserve my opinion on the functioning.


Very pleased in the main, good value looks great, does the job.

Very pleased in the main, good value looks great, does the job.


Nel complesso molto buona. Molti pregi e qualche difetto. - Dopo un ciclo di circa 20 minuti, si ferma da sola e non capisco perché. - Abbastanza rumorosa. - Il blocco superiore si muove mentre impasta e non so se può quindi durare molto tempo.

Overall very good. Many pros and cons. - After a cycle of about 20 minutes, it stops by itself and I don't understand why. - Quite noisy. - The upper block moves while kneading and I don't know if it can last a long time.


Nel complesso molto buona. Molti pregi e qualche difetto. - Dopo un ciclo di circa 20 minuti, si ferma da sola e non capisco perché. - Abbastanza rumorosa. - Il blocco superiore si muove mentre impasta e non so se può quindi durare molto tempo.

Overall very good. Many pros and cons. - After a cycle of about 20 minutes, it stops by itself and I don't understand why. - Quite noisy. - The upper block moves while kneading and I don't know if it can last a long time.


Per il momento tutto perfetto

For the moment everything is perfect


Es una máquina equilibrada si nos referimos a calidad-precio, material y acabado bueno y bonito. La hemos estrenado para hacer masa de pizza y ha movido sin problema un cantidad de un poco más de 500 gramos, no veo por qué no iba a poder con cualquier otra masa, aparentemente y ya usándola la vemos robusta y potente, estamos satisfechos con la compra y esperamos que aguante bien el trote! Trae un librito de instrucciones con su correspondiente apartado en castellano y una receta como ejemplo, no veo pega ya que enseguida te familiarizas con las velocidades y bueno, en la actualidad internet está saturado de recetas! Sin duda la recomiendo!

It is a well-balanced machine in terms of quality-price, material and good, nice finish. We have used it to make pizza dough and it has handled a quantity of a little over 500 grams without any problem. I don't see why it couldn't handle any other dough, apparently and after using it we see that it is robust and powerful. We are satisfied with the purchase and we hope that it will hold up well! It comes with an instruction booklet with its corresponding section in Spanish and a recipe as an example. I don't see any problem with it since you quickly become familiar with the speeds and well, nowadays the internet is saturated with recipes! I definitely recommend it!


Habe diese Küchenmaschine von Klarstein zu Weihnachten 2019 an meine Verlobte verschenkt. Sie wollte gerne eine haben und nach eingehender Produktrecherche meinerseits fiel die Wahl auf dieses Gerät. Das mit dem teils sehr lauten Betriebsgeräuschen war bereits im Vorfeld zu lesen und angesichts der überwiegenden Vorteile und dem unschlagbaren Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnisses zu verschmerzen, hat sich aber durchaus bestätigt. Davon ab bringt die Bella Elegance von Klarstein alles mit sich, was man von einer soliden Küchenmaschine für den Hausgebrauch erwarten darf, außer Lebensdauer und hier kommt der Abzug in der B-Note: 2 der 3 Zubehörteile, nämlich die mit Plastik sind nun kaputt. Der Schneebesenaufsatz und Rührer gebrochen. Reklamation läuft aktuell und die 2 Werktagefrist die von Klarstein definiert wurden, wurden schon mal nicht eingehalten...

I gave this Klarstein food processor to my fiancée for Christmas 2019. She wanted one and after extensive product research on my part, she chose this device. The fact that it can sometimes be very loud when operating was mentioned in advance and, given the overwhelming advantages and the unbeatable price-performance ratio, it was tolerable, but it was definitely confirmed. Apart from that, the Bella Elegance from Klarstein has everything you would expect from a solid food processor for home use, except for durability and this is where the B grade is deducted: 2 of the 3 accessories, namely the plastic ones, are now broken. The whisk attachment and stirrer are broken. A complaint is currently pending and the 2 working day deadline defined by Klarstein has not been met...


Dopo quasi 1 anno dal acquisto eccomi qui, a lasciare una recensione. Ho avuto modo di provare la planetaria e valutarla. La planetaria in per se, non e male. Pero neanche il massimo. Ho provato l'impasto per la pizza , panzerotti, focaccia. E fino a 1 kg di farina impasta bene, anche se si surriscalda tantissimo. E la planetaria va tenuta ferma, altrimenti si nuove tutto il mobile. Se arrivo a 1,5 kg farina sembra che sta per morire. Si sforza tantissimo ad impastare. Per quanto rigurda l impasto per la pasta fresca o crostata, a 500 grammi di farina, v bene. Oltre fa troppa fatica.

After almost 1 year from the purchase here I am, leaving a review. I had the opportunity to try the planetary mixer and evaluate it. The planetary mixer itself is not bad. But it is not the best either. I tried the dough for pizza, panzerotti, focaccia. And up to 1 kg of flour it kneads well, even if it overheats a lot. And the planetary mixer must be kept still, otherwise the whole cabinet will break. If I get to 1.5 kg of flour it seems like it is about to die. It tries so hard to knead. As for the dough for fresh pasta or tart, at 500 grams of flour, it is fine. Above that it struggles too much.


Tolles Gerät, würde ich für den Preis wieder kaufen. Einziges Manko, es ist sehr laut.

Great device, I would buy it again for the price. The only downside is that it is very loud.


Sie ist super, die Sahne ist sofort steif und auch mein Biskuit ist super locker geworden . Was ich toll finde dass es schneebesen, knethaken und rührhaken dabei gibt.Sie ist auf höchster Stufe nur etwas laut, aber es ist nicht Nennenswert.Die Qualität der Rührelemente macht einen sehr guten Eindruck und ich habe sie jetzt schon knapp 1 Jahr.Sie ist wirklich super zu dem Preis. Ich will sie nie mehr hergeben

It's great, the cream is stiff immediately and my sponge cake is also super fluffy. What I think is great is that it comes with a whisk, dough hook and stirring hook. It's a bit loud on the highest setting, but it's nothing to write home about. The quality of the stirring elements makes a very good impression and I've had it for almost a year now. It's really great for the price. I never want to give it up again


The device comes with a european type of plug which unsuitable for the UK.

The device comes with a european type of plug which unsuitable for the UK.


È un ottimo prodotto per uso casalingo

It is a great product for home use.


Bella e potente. Un po’ ingombrante ma Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Stabile anche con impasto “abbondante”... molto soddisfatta e venditore molto preciso. La consiglio!

Beautiful and powerful. A little bulky but excellent value for money. Stable even with "abundant" dough... very satisfied and very precise seller. I recommend it!


Per il prezzo pagato è un'ottima impastatrice, fa il suo lavoro egregiamente, ottima sia per i lievitati che per i dolci, un po' rumorosa, ma ci si può passare sopra. Ve la consiglio.

For the price paid it is an excellent mixer, it does its job very well, excellent for both leavened and sweet products, a little noisy, but you can get over it. I recommend it.


El pedido llegó antes de lo previsto, en excelente estado. Realmente no es que sea silenciosa, pero hace menos rudo de muchas otras. Pero para batir cantidades pequeñas ejemplo 1kg no me mezcla muy bien, la mezcla se dispersa en la paredes del bol.

The order arrived earlier than expected, in excellent condition. It's not exactly silent, but it's less noisy than many others. But when mixing small quantities, for example 1kg, it doesn't mix very well, the mixture disperses on the walls of the bowl.


Buon prodotto niente di eccezionale però funziona , ingranaggi in plastica ma per l'uso che ne devo fare va più che bene

Good product, nothing exceptional but it works, plastic gears but for the use I have to make of it it's more than fine


La adoro!!! Faccio dolci senza sporcare ed è comodissima. Consigliatissima.

I love it!!! I make sweets without making a mess and it is very comfortable. Highly recommended.


Esteticamente molto carina. Per ora ho provato la frusta k per i dolci ed è ottima. Per quanto riguarda invece gli impasti per pane e pizza non sono rimasta molto soddisfatta in quanto dopo 5 minuti di utilizzo a velocità sostenuta la macchina si è surriscaldata e si è spenta. Ho utilizzato altre impastatrici tenendole accese anche per più di 15 minuti e non solo non si sono spente ma neanche bruciate. Avevo deciso di acquistare questa per la capienza e la linea decisamente accattivante motivata dalle recensioni positive però non sono particolarmente colpita

Aesthetically very nice. For now I have tried the k whisk for desserts and it is excellent. As for bread and pizza dough, I was not very satisfied because after 5 minutes of use at high speed the machine overheated and turned off. I have used other mixers keeping them on for more than 15 minutes and not only did they not turn off but they did not even burn. I had decided to buy this one for its capacity and the decidedly attractive line motivated by the positive reviews but I am not particularly impressed


Für den Preis super! Funktioniert auch bei kleineren Mengen. Etwas laut aber noch ok. Ist absolut empfehlenswert, wenn man eine schöne, funktionale Küchenmaschine möchte ohne ein kleines Vermögen zahlen zu müssen

Great for the price! Works even with smaller quantities. A bit loud but still OK. Absolutely recommended if you want a nice, functional food processor without having to pay a small fortune


Elegante e funzionale questa impastatrice fa il suo dovere anche con impasti corposi. Unica pecca è la rumorosità importante. Cmq la consiglio.

Elegant and functional this mixer does its job even with thick dough. The only flaw is the significant noise. However I recommend it.


Preso per fare un regalo a mia sorella molto appassionata di cucina. Lei si dichiara molto soddisfatta per questo quindi cinque stelle

Bought as a gift for my sister who is very passionate about cooking. She says she is very satisfied with it so five stars


En lineas generales estoy bastante contento. Cumple perfectamente con su cometido. Mezcla sin problemas y se le ve con fuerza. Hace ruido la verdad pero que mas da si no se usa de madrugada. El pan queda perfecto y los bizcochos suben muy bien. Por sacarle alguna pega dire que yo la queria en rojo y no había y tuve que comprarla en negro y que el precio para mi es elevado pero quizás sea la mejor eleccion en ese rango. Ojala que dure.

Overall I'm quite happy with it. It does its job perfectly. It mixes without any problems and it looks powerful. It's noisy, to be honest, but what does it matter if you don't use it in the middle of the night? The bread turns out perfect and the cakes rise very well. To find a fault with it, I'll say that I wanted it in red and there wasn't any and I had to buy it in black and that the price is high for me, but it may be the best choice in that range. I hope it lasts.


Macchina funzionante... Testata più volte ha dato esito positivo... Siamo soddisfatti del prodotto e contenti di averla acquistata

Working machine... Tested several times with positive results... We are satisfied with the product and happy to have purchased it


Wir hatten keine Lust mehr, unsere Brotteige mit der Hand zu kneten. Also sollte eine Küchenmaschine her. Nach vielen lesen von Testberichten und anschauen von Youtube Videos entschieden wir uns für diese Klarstein. Sie hatte für uns das beste Preis Leistungs Verhältnis. Sie kam sehr gut verpackt und wie immer zügig zu uns. Ausgepackt, Knethaken rein und erster Test mit 1 kg Mehl plus Zubehör, so das wir bei einer Ausschlagsmenge von knapp 1,5 kg waren. Was soll ich sagen, die Machine verarbeitete es ohne zu murren. Ein wenig Mehl kam durch den geschlossenen Deckel zwar heraus, aber das ist nicht so schlimm. Der Teig klebte nicht an der Schüssel fest, er ließ sich super vom Haken lösen, es wurde alles ordentlich verknetet, nicht wie bei manchen Knetsystemen, wo der Teig sich nur am Haken hochzieht. Kuchenteige waren auch kein Problem bisher. Was uns ein wenig stört: Maschine ist nicht die leiseste, Knethaken sollte aus Edelstahl sein und nicht aus Aluguss. Dann könnte er nämlich auch in die Spülmaschine. Aber für das Geld erhält man ein robustes Arbeitstier, das nicht nach 3 Minuten ausgeht wegen Überhitzung

We were tired of kneading our bread dough by hand. So a food processor was needed. After reading a lot of test reports and watching YouTube videos, we decided on this Klarstein. It was the best value for money for us. It came very well packaged and, as always, quickly to us. Unpacked, put in the kneading hook and the first test with 1 kg of flour plus accessories, so that we were at a rash of almost 1.5 kg. What can I say, the machine processed it without grumbling. A little flour came out through the closed lid, but that's not so bad. The dough didn't stick to the bowl, it was easy to detach from the hook, everything was kneaded properly, unlike some kneading systems where the dough only pulls itself up on the hook. Cake batters have also not been a problem so far. What bothers us a little: the machine is not the quietest, the dough hook should be made of stainless steel and not cast aluminum. Then it could go in the dishwasher. But for the money you get a sturdy workhorse that won't die after 3 minutes from overheating


lavora bene, va vibra un po' , comunque un buon prodotto, imballato bene, consegna in tempi medi.

works well, vibrates a little, still a good product, well packaged, delivery in average times.


No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. Lo compré el lunes para un regalo y el jueves ya estaba en casa, a pesar de que su fecha de entrega era del 9-11 de mayo. Va muy bien, es bastante grande al tener también una capacidad de 5L. La única pega es que hace bastante ruido, no se si la demás hacen lo mismo porque no habíamos tenido ninguna anteriormente

The media could not be loaded. I bought it on Monday as a gift and it was already at home on Thursday, even though its delivery date was May 9-11. It works very well, it is quite large as it also has a capacity of 5L. The only drawback is that it makes quite a bit of noise, I don't know if the others do the same because we hadn't had any before.


Uso questa planetaria ormai da un paio di mesi. Forse non è potentissima al massimo della velocità (ci mette molto tempo ad esempio a montare a neve gli albumi), però per cucinare in casa a livello amatoriale, senza pretendere performance professionali, la trovo perfetta. Coperchio e contenitore sono lavabili in lavastoviglie, così come la frusta per montare e quella per mescolare. L’impastatrice invece non è adatta alla lavastoviglie. In generale, per un uso domestico e per cucinare per 4 persone, la consiglio. Esteticamente poi è molto gradevole, arreda deliziosamente la cucina!

I have been using this planetary mixer for a couple of months now. It may not be very powerful at maximum speed (it takes a long time to whip egg whites, for example), but for amateur home cooking, without expecting professional performance, I find it perfect. The lid and container are dishwasher safe, as are the whisk and the mixer. The mixer, however, is not dishwasher safe. In general, for home use and for cooking for 4 people, I recommend it. Aesthetically, it is also very pleasant, it decorates the kitchen delightfully!


etwas zu laut--sonst alles o.k.

a bit too loud--otherwise everything ok


Tolles Preis- Leistung- Verhältnis, aber sehr laut.... Ich denke die Nachbarn haben auch etwas davon.

Great value for money, but very loud.... I think the neighbors benefit from it too.


Dopo averlo usato per cinque volte mi ha dato un ottima impressione,sia come potenza e stabilità,per quanto riguarda la rumorosità e nella norma.

After using it five times it gave me an excellent impression, both in terms of power and stability, as regards the noise level which is normal.


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. acquistata a 79,9 a dic, 2019. Devo dire che avevo cercato tra diverse e piu' blasonate e costose marche, poi dato il prezzo che mi sembrava ottimo ho deciso in accordo con mia moglie di prendere questa. Ho messo foto vicino a una macchina caffe' per dare una idea della grandezza. Inoltre ho provato a caricare un video per far capire il livello di rumorisità che secondo me è piu' che accettabile e non credo crei problemi. Ero un po' preoccupato per la potenza del motore ma devo dire che con 800-1000 gr di farina la macchina non fa nessuna fatica o sforzo percio' i 1300 watt sono utili. Si fissa inoltre molto bene con le ventose e non si è mai mossa e risulta molto stabile. Ha sei velocità ed inoltre i ganci sono in alluminio pressofuso e la frusta in acciaio inox, percio' ottimi per atossicità e durata. Ho letto una recensione di un utente che diceva che da un gancio è saltata via la parte cromata, ma faro' una verifica in quanto mi sembra che un gancio è teflonato e non credo che l'altro sia in ferro con copertura cromo.. credo sia alluminio ma faro' una verifica con una calamita per capire se è ferro in quanto la casa li definisce in alluminio e l'azienda dal sito e dai forum letti sembra seria e con una buona assistenza. La ciottola si aggancia e si pulisce bene ed è in inox ed è dotata di un pratico paraspruzzi con foro per introdurre i vari componenti o aggiunte. Gli impasti per i dolci sono riusciti in maniera ottima, non abbiamo provato impasto pane anche perchè non di ns interesse questo utilizzo avendo già una macchina del pane. Sono rimasto sorpreso dall'eleganza e bellezza del colore anche se capisco che non sono fattori predominanti nella scelta, ma esteticamente in cucina essendo sempre a vista è molto elegante. Ora cerco di rispondere alla domanda che mi sono fatto io prima di acquistarla....... è affidabile??? Per ora dopo 15 gg circa (5 utilizzi) ha funzionato bene e dato il numero esiguo di utilizzi vi posso solo dire la mia percezione.. a me sembra una macchina molto affidabile, comunque se ci saranno problemi mi riservo di informare e modificare la recensione. Comunque credo sia stato un ottimo acquisto in quanto vedo ora che il prezzo sta salendo e questo indica un buon riscontro da parte dei clienti..

Unable to load media content. purchased at 79.9 in Dec, 2019. I must say that I had searched among different and more well-known and expensive brands, then given the price that seemed excellent to me I decided in agreement with my wife to take this one. I put photos next to a coffee machine to give an idea of the size. I also tried to upload a video to understand the level of noise which in my opinion is more than acceptable and I don't think it creates problems. I was a little worried about the power of the engine but I must say that with 800-1000 grams of flour the machine does not make any effort or strain so the 1300 watts are useful. It also fixes very well with the suction cups and has never moved and is very stable. It has six speeds and also the hooks are in die-cast aluminum and the whisk in stainless steel, therefore excellent for non-toxicity and durability. I read a review from a user who said that the chrome part came off a hook, but I'll check because it seems to me that one hook is Teflon coated and I don't think the other is made of iron with a chrome coating... I think it's aluminum but I'll check with a magnet to see if it's iron because the company defines them as aluminum and the company from the site and the forums I've read seems serious and has good customer service. The bowl hooks and cleans well and is made of stainless steel and is equipped with a practical splash guard with a hole to introduce the various components or additions. The dough for the cakes turned out very well, we didn't try bread dough also because we were not interested in this use as we already have a bread machine. I was surprised by the elegance and beauty of the color even if I understand that they are not predominant factors in the choice, but aesthetically in the kitchen being always on display it is very elegant. Now I'll try to answer the question I asked myself before buying it....... is it reliable??? For now after about 15 days (5 uses) it has worked well and given the small number of uses I can only tell you my perception.. to me it seems like a very reliable machine, however if there are problems I reserve the right to inform and modify the review. However I think it was an excellent purchase as I now see that the price is rising and this indicates a good response from customers..


Das Produkt ist sehr gut in der Verarbeitung aber sehr geräusch intensiv wenn es läuft.

The product is very well made but very noisy when running.


Ho acquistato questa planetaria per uso domestico, arrivata funzionante,con istruzioni in Italiano e nei tempi di spedizione previsti. Dotata, come specificato in descrizione, di 3 fruste: foglia in plastica e silicone, gancio per impasto in acciaio ( spero che non si ossidi, sicuramente non lavabile in lavastoviglie) e frusta in acciaio. Si presenta esteticamente molto robusta e con sei ventose nella parte sottostante in modo tale che all'accensione rimanga ferma e stabile, nella pratica è ancora da testare, non mancherà occasione di metterla alla prova visto che la utilizzerò maggiormente per impasti semi duri. Nella prova di accensione risulta un po' rumorosa anche nelle basse velocità.

I purchased this planetary mixer for home use, it arrived working, with instructions in Italian and within the expected shipping times. Equipped, as specified in the description, with 3 whisks: plastic and silicone leaf, steel dough hook (I hope it doesn't rust, definitely not dishwasher safe) and steel whisk. It looks very sturdy and has six suction cups on the bottom so that when turned on it remains firm and stable, in practice it still needs to be tested, I will not miss the opportunity to put it to the test since I will use it mostly for semi-hard doughs. In the start-up test it is a bit noisy even at low speeds.


Ho acquistato questa planetaria per uso domestico, arrivata funzionante,con istruzioni in Italiano e nei tempi di spedizione previsti. Dotata, come specificato in descrizione, di 3 fruste: foglia in plastica e silicone, gancio per impasto in acciaio ( spero che non si ossidi, sicuramente non lavabile in lavastoviglie) e frusta in acciaio. Si presenta esteticamente molto robusta e con sei ventose nella parte sottostante in modo tale che all'accensione rimanga ferma e stabile, nella pratica è ancora da testare, non mancherà occasione di metterla alla prova visto che la utilizzerò maggiormente per impasti semi duri. Nella prova di accensione risulta un po' rumorosa anche nelle basse velocità.

I purchased this planetary mixer for home use, it arrived working, with instructions in Italian and within the expected shipping times. Equipped, as specified in the description, with 3 whisks: plastic and silicone leaf, steel dough hook (I hope it doesn't rust, definitely not dishwasher safe) and steel whisk. It looks very sturdy and has six suction cups on the bottom so that when turned on it remains firm and stable, in practice it still needs to be tested, I will not miss the opportunity to put it to the test since I will use it mostly for semi-hard doughs. In the start-up test it is a bit noisy even at low speeds.


je viens de recevoir l'appareil "bella élégance" En effet, qu'est ce qu'il est beau noir avec des bandes or rose magnifique !!! Tout de suite je me suis mise à le nettoyer mais un problème est survenu pour moi, qui n ai plus beaucoup de force dans les mains ; impossible de démonter ce couvercle protecteur. D'après ce que j'ai pu lire sur le site du constructeur, je ne suis pas la première à me plaindre de ce problème. Si vous l''avez résolu merci de me faire part de la solution.

I have just received the “Bella Elegance” device. Indeed, it is beautiful black with magnificent rose gold bands!!! I immediately started to clean it but a problem arose for me, who no longer had much strength in my hands; Impossible to dismantle this protective cover. From what I have read on the manufacturer's website, I am not the first to complain about this problem. If you solved it, please let me know the solution.


It does the job . I had Kenwood before but wasn't fast as this one . It even look beautiful in the kitchen

It does the job . I had Kenwood before but wasn't fast as this one . It even look beautiful in the kitchen


J'ai fait un gâteau au yaourt pour le tester, monter des oeufs en neige, une pâte brisée, ce robot est puissant et rempli bien sa fonction bien que qq fois il ne prend pas tout l'appareil qui est dans le bol. Il est un peu bruyant mais ça va qd même... la petite molette sur le côté fait un peu facticemais au final est qd mêmesolide. J'ai eu beaucoup de mal à demonter la protection anti éclaboussures mais j'ai fini par y arriver et du coup ai pu changer le côté de son ouverture pour ajouter des ingrédientsen cours de préparation...

I made a yoghurt cake to test it, whipped eggs, shortcrust pastry, this robot is powerful and fulfills its function well although sometimes it does not take up all the equipment that is in the bowl. It's a little noisy but it's still okay... the little wheel on the side looks a little fake but in the end it's still solid. I had a lot of trouble dismantling the splash guard but I eventually managed to do it and was able to change the side of its opening to add ingredients during preparation...


Prodotto arrivato come sempre nei tempi stabiliti. L’ho acquistata in sostituzione alla mia che aveva lavorato onoratamente per oltre 10 anni, invogliata da un prezzo così competitivo. Facile e intuitivo l’utilizzo. Perfetto sia per impasti duri ( pasta all’uovo, pane integrale, pasta sfoglia con burro molto freddo) sia morbidi ( pasta bignè, frosten etc) ma con quantitativi sopra i 400gr. meglio ancora 500gr. complessivi. Se si devono fare lavorazioni complementari a bassi quantitativi ( es: due albumi per meringa 100gr o montare 200cc di panna) non c’e alcuna possibilità, la frusta non tocca l’alimemto per cui non lavora, oppure lavora solo il centrale e non riesce a pescare i laterali; d’altronde non si può pretendere di più da un prodotto così economico. Non si muove durante le lavorazioni e il rumore è nella media di altre planetarie. Affiancherò una planetaria più piccola

Product arrived as always on time. I bought it to replace mine that had worked honorably for over 10 years, encouraged by such a competitive price. Easy and intuitive to use. Perfect for both hard dough (egg pasta, wholemeal bread, puff pastry with very cold butter) and soft dough (puff pastry, frosten etc) but with quantities above 400g. better still 500g. total. If you have to do complementary processes with low quantities (eg: two egg whites for 100g meringue or whip 200cc of cream) there is no possibility, the whisk does not touch the food so it does not work, or it only works the central one and cannot catch the sides; on the other hand you cannot expect more from such a cheap product. It does not move during processing and the noise is average for other planetary mixers. I will use a smaller planetary mixer alongside it


E' la mia prima planetaria quindi prima di acquistarla ho valutato tante cose, sostanzialmente ho ponderato molto bene questo acquisto. L'ho provata in varie preparazioni di diverse consistenze così da provare anche i 3 diversi accessori, la Frusta per montare a neve 6 albumi, il Gancio per impastare 1 kg di Farina 00 per la pizza e la Foglia per impastare le Chiacchiere di carnevale e le Frittelle. Lo sforzo è stato minimo, si è comportata molto bene, devo dire che mi ha piacevolmente stupito sempre molto stabile. Sono molto contenta è il compromesso ideale per le mie esigenze. L'ho acquistata sopratutto per impasti duri o semi morbidi. Lati negativi: una cosa che non avevo considerato ma che ho capito usandola è che servirebbe una seconda ciotola nel momento in cui si vogliono lavorare i tuorli e gli albumi separatamente (si allungano troppo i tempi di preparazione di una torta). Non sono riuscita in nessun modo a togliere il paraschizzi nonostante ci siano le indicazioni per farlo. Inoltre per me il foro d'apertura per introdurre gli eventuali ingredienti durante la lavorazione è troppo piccolo entra un cucchiaio non colmo, quindi devo fermare la macchina aprirla e aggiungere. La pulizia è veloce e pratica. Gli accessori li lavo solo a mano come da istruzioni. Per quel che riguarda la rumorosità (che per me non è stata una discriminante) ritengo che sia nella norma. Ho ricevuto le istruzioni anche in italiano ma non sono indispensabili, l'utilizzo è intuitivo. Alla base presenta 4 ventose che la tengono ben salda. Le spedizioni (in Sardegna) velocissime 3 giorni prima dell'arrivo previsto, in tutto 6 gg compreso il weekend.

It's my first planetary mixer so before buying it I evaluated many things, basically I thought very carefully about this purchase. I tried it in various preparations of different consistencies so as to also try the 3 different accessories, the Whisk for whipping 6 egg whites, the Hook for kneading 1 kg of 00 flour for pizza and the Leaf for kneading Carnival Chiacchiere and Frittelle. The effort was minimal, it performed very well, I must say that it pleasantly surprised me, always very stable. I am very happy, it is the ideal compromise for my needs. I bought it mainly for hard or semi-soft dough. Negative aspects: one thing that I had not considered but that I understood by using it is that you would need a second bowl when you want to work the yolks and egg whites separately (it makes the preparation time of a cake too long). I was not able to remove the splash guard in any way even though there are instructions to do so. Also for me the opening hole to introduce any ingredients during processing is too small, a spoon that is not full enters, so I have to stop the machine, open it and add. Cleaning is quick and practical. I only wash the accessories by hand as per the instructions. As for the noise (which for me was not a discriminant) I think it is normal. I also received the instructions in Italian but they are not essential, the use is intuitive. At the base it has 4 suction cups that keep it firmly in place. Shipping (in Sardinia) very fast 3 days before the expected arrival, in total 6 days including the weekend.


Product well made & does a good job, only fault is that it’s described as quiet, it’s actually very noisy.

Product well made & does a good job, only fault is that it’s described as quiet, it’s actually very noisy.


Ich habe mich für diese Maschine entschieden, da die Rezessionen des Marktführers auf diesem Gebiet auch nicht wirklich bombe sind. ►Optik/Verarbeitung Als ich das Paket erhielt, war das Styropor in der Verpackung beschädigt, die Maschine jedoch optisch voll in Ordnung. Hier eine ganz klare aussage, wer diese Maschine als Dekoration in der Küche stellen will, muss mit sichtbaren Schrauben und offensichtlichen Kunststoffübergängen leben. Auch der gelieferte Knethaken weißt Kratzer im Material auf, welches sich aber nicht auf die Funktion auswirkt. Der Mixhaken ist aus Kunststoff scheint aber Stabil zu sein. Der Quirl hingegen macht auf mich den Eindruck, dass er bei häufigem Benutzen den Geist aufgeben wird. ►Lautstärke/Verhalten In vielen Bewertungen ist zu lesen, das die Lautstärke sehr fast unerträglich sei. Dies kann ich nicht bestätigen, auf Stufe 3/4 hat die Maschine die gleiche Lautstärke wie unser Kaffeevollautomat beim Mahlen der Kaffeebohnen. Immerhin will man am Ende ja auch einen vernünftigen Teig haben. Ich könnte mir jedoch vorstellen das es meine Nachbarn nicht toll finden wenn ich Nachts anfange einen Kuchen zu backen. Die Maschine sollte definitiv auf einem stabilen Untergrund stehen. Die Vibration von Maschine auf den Untergrund ist spürbar. Beim Kneten auf Stufe 4 bleibt Sie aber trotzig an Ihrem Platz stehen. ►Reinigung/Teigmenge Die Reinigung ist recht einfach, alle wichtigen Teile können sehr einfach durch drehen entnommen werden. In meinem Fall wird alles direkt nach der Benutzung mit heißem Wasser abgespült, über Spülmaschinen Eignung kann ich keine Auskunft geben. Teigmenge max 2kg laut Beschreibung. Für einen Kuchenteig mag dies stimmen, für einen Brotteig empfehle ich nicht mehr wie 1kg. ►Fazit Für jemand der keine 400+€ ausgeben möchte und dennoch eine Mittelklasse Maschine möchte dem kann ich die Maschine durchaus empfehlen. Für rund 100€ kann man die Lautstärke und kleine Schönheitsfehler verschmerzen. Was den Langzeittest angeht kann ich leider noch keine Auskunft geben. Bin aber zuversichtlich.

I chose this machine because the market leader's recessions in this area aren't exactly great either. ►Appearance/processing When I received the package, the styrofoam in the packaging was damaged, but the machine looked completely fine. Here's a very clear statement: if you want to place this machine as a decoration in the kitchen, you have to live with visible screws and obvious plastic transitions. The supplied dough hook also has scratches in the material, but this does not affect the function. The mixer hook is made of plastic but seems to be stable. The whisk, on the other hand, gives me the impression that it will give up the ghost if it is used frequently. ►Volume/behaviour In many reviews you can read that the volume is almost unbearable. I cannot confirm this, at level 3/4 the machine has the same volume as our fully automatic coffee machine when grinding the coffee beans. After all, you want to end up with a reasonable dough. However, I could imagine that my neighbors wouldn't like it if I started baking a cake at night. The machine should definitely stand on a stable surface. The vibration from the machine to the ground can be felt. When kneading at level 4, however, it defiantly remains in place. ►Cleaning/amount of dough Cleaning is quite easy, all important parts can be removed very easily by turning. In my case, everything is rinsed off with hot water immediately after use, I can't give any information about dishwasher suitability. Amount of dough max 2kg according to the description. This may be true for a cake dough, but for a bread dough I recommend no more than 1kg. ►Conclusion For someone who doesn't want to spend 400+€ and still wants a mid-range machine, I can definitely recommend the machine. You can get over the volume and small blemishes for around €100. Unfortunately, I can't give any information about the long-term test. But I'm confident.


brilliant machine, we love it

brilliant machine, we love it


works very well if a bit noisy

works very well if a bit noisy


I love this thing! I have friends who've had KitchenAid mixers for years and they've always raved about their quality and durability. Well, I finally went for it and I have absolutely no regrets. You want to talk about a solid piece of kitchen machinery? This is the epitome of what "Made in America" used to mean! Unlike all the cheapo mixers out there, I'm completely confident that this thing will even outlast ME! The only problem is now I'm wondering why I waited so long!

I love this thing! I have friends who've had KitchenAid mixers for years and they've always raved about their quality and durability. Well, I finally went for it and I have absolutely no regrets. You want to talk about a solid piece of kitchen machinery? This is the epitome of what "Made in America" used to mean! Unlike all the cheapo mixers out there, I'm completely confident that this thing will even outlast ME! The only problem is now I'm wondering why I waited so long!


►►VORBEMERKUNG◄◄ Interessenten der hier angebotenen Küchenmaschine von KLARSTEIN sollten sich darüber im Klaren sein, dass das Gerät nur zum Teig kneten, Mixen, Quirlen, Rühren, Sahne oder Milchschaum schlagen geeignet ist. Die Funktionen eines Thermomix oder sonstigen hochpreisigen multifunktionalen Küchenmaschinen bietet dieses Gerät aus dem Niedrigpreissegment nicht. ►VERPACKUNG / LIEFERUMFANG◄ Die Küchenmaschine wird sicher in einem Styroporrahmen und Folie verpackt, in einem ziemlich großen und stabilen Karton versendet. Neben dem Gerät gehören zum Lieferumfang: - eine Edelstahl-Schüssel mit 5,2 Liter Fassungsvermögen, - ein Schneebesen - ein Knethaken - ein Rührhaken und eine mehrsprachige Bedienungsanleitung (auch in Deutsch). ►►PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG◄◄ Nach dem Auspacken macht die robuste und ziemlich schwere Küchenmaschine einen vernünftigen Eindruck, was die Qualität und Verarbeitung betrifft. Trotz des hohen Gewichtes von weit über 7 kg wurde am Gehäuse zwar Kunststoff verbaut, was sich auf die Qualität der Maschine aber nicht negativ auswirkt. Die verbauten Materialien wirken solide und relativ langlebig. Auch bei genauerer Betrachtung finden sich keinerlei Verarbeitungsmängel wie überstehende Grate oder Produktionsrückstände an dem Gerät. Die Spaltmaße verlaufen gleichmäßig und die Edelstahlschüssel sowie die Rühr- und Knetwerkzeuge sind ziemlich massiv, um die künftigen Herausforderungen zu meistern. Das zeitlose Design ist eher schlicht, passt dadurch aber optisch in die meisten Küchen und neben den schon dort befindlichen Maschinen und Geräten. Da die Küchenmaschine nicht grad klein ist, nimmt sie einiges an Platz in Anspruch, was vor einem Kauf bedacht werden sollte. Die technischen Spezifikationen sind ähnlich wie bei den meisten anderen Küchenmaschinen in dieser Preisklasse auch. Der Rührmotor hat eine Leistung von max. 1.200 Watt und lässt sich in 6 Leistungsstufen einstellen. Die Bedienung ist sehr einfach gehalten und selbsterklärend. Es gibt nur einen Entriegelungshebel und ein Drehschalter für die Geschwindigkeitseinstellung. Über den Entriegelungshebel wird der Multifunktionsarm hochgeklappt. Je nach Vorhaben können dann die mitgelieferten Rührelemente eingedreht werden und die notwendigen Zutaten in die Rührschüssel gegeben werden. Der transparente Spritzschutzdeckel verhindert, dass es während des Betriebs spritzt. ►PRAXISTEST◄ Im Einsatz arbeitet das Gerät vernünftig und auch bei belastungsreichen Arbeiten wie dem Kneten von bis zu 2 kg Teig zeigt die Maschine keine Schwächen. Durch die sechs Saugnäpfe am Boden hat das Gerät einen festen Stand und rutscht nicht weg, auch wenn in den stark vibrierenden Stufen 5 und 6 gearbeitet wird, bei den die Maschine leicht wackelt. Was im Einsatz etwas jedoch negativ auffällt, ist die recht hohe Lautstärke in den hohen Stufen. Wer direkte Nachbarn hat, sollte das Gerät hierfür nach 21 Uhr nicht mehr nutzen. Beim Teigkneten bleibt auch immer etwas vom Teig am oberen Rand der Schüssel hängen, sodass man hier mit dem Schaber nachhelfen muss. ►REINIGUNG◄ Das Kunststoffgehäuse der Basis lässt sich gut mit einem feuchten Lappen abwischen, der Edelstahlbehälter und die anderen Teile sollten per Hand gewaschen werden. Für die Spülmaschine sind die Teile nicht geeignet. ►TECHNISCHE DATEN◄ - Leistung Rührmotor: max. 1.200 Watt / 6 Stufen - Volumen Edelstahl-Schüssel : 5,2 Liter - Kabellänge: 1,05 m ►SICHERHEIT◄ Die Küchenmaschine verfügt über eine CE-Kennzeichnung (kein Sicherheitsprüfsiegel, nur eine obligatorische Konformitätserklärung), die Mindestmaß an Sicherheit durch die Einhaltung von Qualitäts- und Normungsstandards gewährleistet. Kernaussage der CE-Kennzeichnung ist eine Erklärung des Herstellers, dass sein Produkt den Anforderungen der EU-Vorschriften entspricht. Nach der Angabe des Herstellers entspricht das Produkt folgenden europäischen Richtlinien: 2004/108/EG (EMV) 2006/95/EG (LVD) [Niederspannung] 2011/65/EU (RoHS) ►►FAZIT◄◄ Insgesamt eine vernünftige Küchenmaschine, die sich einfach bedienen lässt und einem in der Küche bei Knet-, Rühr- und Quirlarbeiten hilfreich zur Seite steht. Einziges Manko aus meiner Sicht, ist die recht hohe Lautstärke, die ein Einsatz in den Abendstunden nur bedingt möglich macht. ►ANMERKUNG◄ Mir wurde die Küchenmaschine Bella Argentea von KLARSTEIN zu Testzwecken kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt und ich habe mich bereit erklärt, eine unabhängige und objektive Rezensionen über das Gerät zu erstellen.

►►PREMARK◄◄ Anyone interested in the KLARSTEIN food processor offered here should be aware that the device is only suitable for kneading dough, mixing, whisking, stirring, whipping cream or milk foam. This device from the low-price segment does not offer the functions of a Thermomix or other high-priced multifunctional food processors. ►PACKAGING / SCOPE OF DELIVERY◄ The food processor is securely packed in a styrofoam frame and foil, shipped in a fairly large and sturdy box. In addition to the device, the scope of delivery includes: - a stainless steel bowl with a capacity of 5.2 liters, - a whisk - a dough hook - a stirring hook and a multilingual operating manual (also in German). ►►PRODUCT DESCRIPTION◄◄ After unpacking, the robust and fairly heavy food processor makes a reasonable impression in terms of quality and workmanship. Despite the high weight of well over 7 kg, plastic was used on the housing, but this does not have a negative effect on the quality of the machine. The built-in materials appear solid and relatively durable. Even on closer inspection, there are no processing defects such as protruding burrs or production residues on the device. The gap dimensions run evenly and the stainless steel bowl as well as the stirring and kneading tools are quite massive to master the future challenges. The timeless design is rather simple, but it fits visually into most kitchens and next to the machines and devices already there. Since the food processor is not exactly small, it takes up a lot of space, which should be considered before you buy it. The technical specifications are similar to most other food processors in this price range. The stirring motor has a maximum power of 1,200 watts and can be set to 6 power levels. Operation is very simple and self-explanatory. There is only one release lever and one dial for speed adjustment. The multifunction arm is folded up using the unlocking lever. Depending on the project, the supplied stirring elements can then be screwed in and the necessary ingredients added to the mixing bowl. The transparent anti-splash lid prevents it from splashing during operation. ►PRACTICE TEST◄ In use, the device works reasonably and even with heavy-duty work such as kneading up to 2 kg of dough, the machine shows no weaknesses. Thanks to the six suction cups on the floor, the device has a firm footing and does not slip away, even when working in the heavily vibrating levels 5 and 6, when the machine wobbles slightly. However, what is somewhat negative in use is the fairly high volume in the high levels. If you have direct neighbors, you should not use the device after 9 p.m. When kneading the dough, some of the dough always gets stuck on the upper edge of the bowl, so you have to help with the scraper. ►CLEANING◄ The plastic body of the base is easy to wipe with a damp cloth, the stainless steel container and the other parts should be hand washed. The parts are not suitable for the dishwasher. ►TECHNICAL DATA◄ - Stirring motor power: max. 1,200 watts / 6 levels - Stainless steel bowl volume: 5.2 liters - Cable length: 1.05 m ►SAFETY◄ The food processor has a CE mark (no safety test seal, only a mandatory one Declaration of Conformity) that guarantees a minimum level of safety through compliance with quality and standardization standards. The core message of the CE marking is a declaration by the manufacturer that his product meets the requirements of the EU regulations. According to the manufacturer, the product complies with the following European directives: 2004/108/EG (EMV) 2006/95/EG (LVD) [low voltage] 2011/65/EU (RoHS) ►►CONCLUSION◄◄ All in all, a reasonable food processor that is easy to use and is helpful in the kitchen with kneading, stirring and whisking work. The only drawback from my point of view is the quite high volume, which only makes use in the evening hours possible to a limited extent. ►NOTE◄ The Bella Argentea food processor from KLARSTEIN was made available to me free of charge for testing purposes and I have agreed to create an independent and objective review of the device.


Die Küchenmaschine wird schnell und sicher verpackt geliefert, sie kommt in wunderschönem Design, sie ist sehr hochwertig im Material und der Verarbeitung, mit 1200 Watt arbeitet sie kraftvoll, dabei aber leise. Für einen sicheren Stand sorgen Saugnäpfe auf der Unterseite, die Maschine steht fest und sicher auch bei sehr schwerem Teig. Mir sind hochwertig Küchengeräte sehr wichtig, die Verarbeitung, das Material und die Optik sind die wichtigsten Punkte auf die ich beim Kauf achte, ich möchte lange Freude daran haben und die best mögliche Unterstützung in der Küche haben. Geliefert wird sie mit drei verschiedenen Rührelementen - Schneebesen - Knethaken - Rührhaken für schwere Teige mit Silikonschutz. Das Wechseln der Haken ist mit dem Schnellspannfutter einfach, man setzt sie ein, mit leichtem anheben und einer kleinen Drehung sitzen die Rührelemente perfekt. Die Edelstahl-Schüssel fasst 5 Liter, dazu gehört ein Spritzschutz aus klarem Kunststoff mit Einfüllöffnung. Die Bedienung ist einfach, der Rührarm hebt sich in dem man den Hebel vorn am Gerät herunterdrückt, der Arm hebt sich langsam nach oben, er kann in verschiedene Positionen eingestellt werden. Das Senken des Armes geht durch das erneute Bedienen des Hebels, der Arm senkt sich von allein und ohne Druck. Die Maschine verfügt über 6 Geschwindigkeiten und einen Rückwärtsgang "P". Die Rührelemente sind in richtiger Höhe eingestellt, sie berühren den Boden der Schüssel nicht, rühren den Teig perfekt. Mit den Maßen 39 x 36 x 23 cm (BxHxT) ist die "Bella Morena" sehr kompakt, sie passt auf jede Arbeitsplatte und fügt sich perfekt in jede Küche ein. Die Farbe "Beige" gibt ihr den Retro-Look, die abgerundete Form gefällt mir sehr gut. Eischnee gelingt perfekt, sie gräbt sich mit Leichtigkeit durch den schweren Pizzateig und schlägt jeden Teig luftig auf. Für meinen Kuchenteig schlage ich die Eier immer 15 - 20 Minuten auf, bis sich die Eiermasse um die doppelte Menge aufgeschlagen hat, das gibt dem Teig seine Luftigkeit und mein Kuchen bekommt keine Dellen. Das Gerät erhitzt sich nicht, der Motor läuft ruhig und gleichmäßig. Die Schüssel, der Spritzschutz und die Rührelemente können in die Spülmaschine, das Gerät ist pflegeleicht mit einem feuchten Tusch zu reinigen. Mein Fazit Bella Morena Küchenmaschine von Klarstein bekommt eine ganz klare Empfehlung, das Gerät ist kompakt, leistungsstark und kraftvoll, sie nimmt es mit Leichtigkeit mit jedem Teig auf. Die Küchenmaschine ist sehr hochwertig und optisch sehr ansprechend. Der Preis ist gut, das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis ist stimmig. Das Gerät wurde kosten-bedingungslos zum Test gestellt, was keinen Einfluss auf meine ehrliche Bewertung hatte.

The food processor is delivered quickly and securely packaged, it comes in a beautiful design, it is of very high quality in terms of material and workmanship, with 1200 watts it works powerfully but quietly. Suction cups on the underside ensure a secure footing, the machine stands firmly and securely even with very heavy dough. High-quality kitchen appliances are very important to me, the workmanship, the material and the look are the most important points I pay attention to when buying, I want to be able to enjoy them for a long time and have the best possible support in the kitchen. It is supplied with three different mixing elements - whisk - dough hook - mixing hook for heavy dough with silicone protection. Changing the hooks is easy with the quick-release chuck, you insert them, with a slight lift and a small twist the stirring elements sit perfectly. The stainless steel bowl holds 5 liters and includes a splash guard made of clear plastic with a filling opening. The operation is simple, the mixing arm rises by pressing down the lever on the front of the device, the arm slowly rises, it can be adjusted to different positions. The arm is lowered by operating the lever again, the arm lowers by itself and without pressure. The machine has 6 speeds and a reverse gear "P". The stirring elements are set at the right height, they don't touch the bottom of the bowl, stirring the dough perfectly. Measuring 39 x 36 x 23 cm (WxHxD), the "Bella Morena" is very compact, it fits on any worktop and fits perfectly into any kitchen. The color "beige" gives it the retro look, I really like the rounded shape. Egg whites work perfectly, digging through the heavy pizza dough with ease and fluffing every dough. For my cake batter, I always beat the eggs for 15 - 20 minutes until the egg mixture has doubled in volume, which gives the batter its airiness and my cake doesn't get any dents. The device does not heat up, the motor runs quietly and evenly. The bowl, the splash guard and the stirring elements can be put in the dishwasher, the device is easy to clean with a damp cloth. My conclusion Bella Morena kitchen machine from Klarstein gets a very clear recommendation, the device is compact, powerful and powerful, it easily takes on any dough. The food processor is very high quality and visually very appealing. The price is good, the price-performance ratio is consistent. The device was put to the test free of charge, which had no influence on my honest evaluation.


### Lieferung und Verpackung Die Lieferung erfolgte in einer angemessenen Geschwindigkeit und es war alles sehr gut, sicher und dem Artikel entsprechend verpackt. ### Lieferumfang Neben der Maschine selbst finden sich noch - 1 x Bedienungsanleitung - 1 x Quirlhaken - 1 x Knethaken - 1 x Rührhaken - 1 x Rührschüssel (5L) ### Der erste Eindruck Zuerst fällt einem natürlich der 50er/60er Stil der Maschine, der zur Zeit in der Küche ja wieder seinen Einzug gehalten hat, auf. Nicht zuletzt auch wegen der grossen Rundungen wirkt die Maschine massiv und stabil. Die mitgelieferten Werkzeuge (Haken) wirken auf den ersten Blick sehr hochwertig, stellen sich jedoch schnell als legierte aus Druckguss-Aluminium hergestellte Teile heraus. ACHTUNG: Dies ist wichtig zu wissen, da diese Teile NICHT in die Geschirrspülmaschine dürfen sondern mit nur warmen Wasser und nicht ätzendem Reinigungsmittel gesäubert werden müssen. Diese Hinweis fehlte bei uns leider in der Bedienungsanleitung. Eine Reklamation beim Hersteller verlief super schnell und wir bekamen eine Ersatzlieferung der zerstörten Rührwerkzeuge: TOP! ### Test Mit Hilfe des Entriegelungshebels lässt sich der Werkzeugarm fast wie von alleine hochklappen und dann, mit nur einem Dreh und dank des Schnellspanmechanismus, Kinderleicht eines der mitgelieferten Werkzeuge einsetzen oder wechseln. Durch Ihren stabilen Stand, welchen sie durch ihre diversen (6) Saugnäpfe erreicht, bleibt die Maschine sowohl beim Werkzeugwechsel als auch bei der Arbeit sehr stabil und rutschfrei an ihrem Platz. Die grosse 5 Liter Rührschüssel hat für alle bisher mit der Maschine verarbeiteten Rezepte genau die richtige Größe und selbst massive Brot und schwere Kuchenteige hat die Maschine bis ca. 2KG souverän verarbeitet. Was uns etwas gestört aber nicht sonderlich negativ gestimmt hat ist die Tatsache, dass es beim Rührhaken oft dazu kam, dass Teig am oberen Rand der Schüssel verbleibt und man diesen mit einem Löffel oder Schaber nach unten befördern muss. Auch sollte man darauf achten, dass man nicht zu kleine Mengen verarbeitet, da z.B. der Quirlaufsatz bei zu kleinen Mengen das Rührgut nicht erreicht. Da die Maschine quasi 8ten rührt kommen die Werkzeuge in der Mitte der Schüssel nicht weit genug runter. Aber: alle handelsüblichen Rezepte ab 2 Personen machten KEINE Probleme. Die von anderen Käufern bemängelte Lautstärke können wir nur bedingt bestätigen. Bei Volllast ist sie natürlich laut, keine Frage, aber wie lange lässt man dies laufen. Für uns war es im akzeptablen Rahmen. ### Fazit Für diejenigen, die gelegentlich Brot, Kuchen, Kekse oder sonstige Backwaren herstellen und keine teure "Profi" Maschine benötigen ist die Klarstein Bella Argentea meiner Meinung nach super geeignet. Eine Einsteigermaschine halt. Die zur Zeit 80,06 Euro teure Maschine erhält von uns eine Kaufempfehlung, nicht zuletzt auch wegen dem Super Kundensupport im Reklamationsfall. ### Anmerkung Ich habe das Podukt im Rahmen eines Produkttests kostenfrei erhalten, was auf das Ergebnis meines Tests und die Rezension ausdrücklich keine Auswirkung hat. Wenn Sie fragen haben können Sie mir gerne via Kommentar oder per E-Mail (s. Profil > klick auf meinen Namen) schreiben. Ich hoffe meine Rezension konnte Ihnen bei einer möglichen Kaufentscheidung hilfreich sein.

### Delivery and Packaging Delivery was at a reasonable speed and everything was packaged very well, securely and appropriately for the item. ### Scope of delivery In addition to the machine itself, you will also find - 1 x operating instructions - 1 x mixing hook - 1 x dough hook - 1 x mixing hook - 1 x mixing bowl (5L) ### The first impression First, of course, is the 50s/60s style machine, which has recently found its way back into the kitchen. Not least because of the large curves, the machine appears solid and stable. The included tools (hooks) appear to be of very high quality at first glance, but quickly turn out to be alloy parts made from die-cast aluminium. ATTENTION: This is important to know as these parts must NOT be put in the dishwasher and must be cleaned with only warm water and non-caustic detergents. Unfortunately, we did not have this information in the operating instructions. A complaint to the manufacturer went very quickly and we received a replacement delivery of the destroyed mixing tools: TOP! ### Test With the help of the release lever, the tool arm can be folded up almost by itself and then, with just one turn and thanks to the quick-release mechanism, one of the tools supplied is child's play to insert or change. Due to its stable stand, which it achieves with its various (6) suction cups, the machine remains very stable and non-slip in its place both when changing tools and when working. The large 5 liter mixing bowl is just the right size for all the recipes previously processed with the machine, and the machine has mastered even massive bread and heavy cake dough up to approx. 2 kg. What bothered us a bit but didn't make us particularly negative is the fact that the mixing hook often left dough on the upper edge of the bowl and had to be used to move it down with a spoon or scraper. You should also make sure that you don't use too small a quantity, as, for example, the whisk attachment will not reach the mixture if the quantity is too small. Since the machine is basically stirring 8th, the tools in the middle of the bowl don't come down far enough. But: all commercially available recipes for 2 or more people caused NO problems. We can only conditionally confirm the volume that other buyers have complained about. Of course it is loud at full load, no question, but how long do you let it run. For us it was acceptable. ### Conclusion For those who occasionally make bread, cakes, biscuits or other baked goods and don't need an expensive "professional" machine, the Klarstein Bella Argentea is, in my opinion, super suitable. An entry-level machine. The machine, which currently costs 80.06 euros, receives a purchase recommendation from us, not least because of the excellent customer support in the event of a complaint. ### Note I received the product free of charge as part of a product test, which expressly has no effect on the result of my test and the review. If you have any questions, please feel free to write me a comment or email (see profile > click on my name). I hope my review was helpful to you in making a purchase decision.


Non voglio compromettere il voto generale di quasi 5 stelle. Non ho mai usato la planetaria, e il mio sogno era una Kenwood, solo che sono molto care e cucinare non è il mio lavoro, ma solo un hobby e quindi ho ripiegato su un modello poco costoso ma efficiente in termini di potenza (1200 W). Da vedere è bellissima e fa una bella figura sul piano cucina, ma appena si mette in moto si capisce che non è molto solida: a parte il rumore generale, si contorce sotto sforzo e il braccio impastatore sembra quasi voglia aprirsi, anche se non succede. La prima volta che l'ho aperta è saltato fuori un anello elastico (quelle rondelle aperte, circa 8 mm di diametro) uscito fuori da chissà dove. Il mio primo impasto è stato quello del pane con 1.2 Kg di farina e quasi 800 g di acqua (con una ciotola da 5.2 litri cosa sarà mai?). Ho messo in moto e versato lentamente l'acqua. La ricetta prevedeva un'impasto di almeno 20 minuti con la planetaria. In nemmeno 8 minuti con velocità al minimo tutto era già tutto perfettamente miscelato ma ho voluto aspettare. Pur essendo la velocità al minimo, questa aumentava e diminuiva di testa sua... L'impasto è salito fino al di sopra dell'anello paraschizzi fino all'interno dell'attacco del gancio impastatore, non mi sembra proprio una cosa normale, ma ripeto è la prima volta che la uso. Un ricettario, magari con le dosi massime e minime di ingredienti utilizzabili, sarebbe stato gradito. L'impasto era impeccabile, come mai sarei riuscito a farlo con le mani: era molto elastico e compatto. Continuerò ad utilizzarla e cambierò questa recensione se necessario.

I don't want to compromise the overall rating of almost 5 stars. I have never used a stand mixer, and my dream was a Kenwood, but they are very expensive and cooking is not my job, but just a hobby, so I settled for an inexpensive but efficient model in terms of power (1200 W). It is beautiful to look at and looks good on the kitchen counter, but as soon as it starts up you realize that it is not very solid: apart from the general noise, it twists under stress and the kneading arm almost seems to want to open, even if it doesn't happen. The first time I opened it, an elastic ring (those open washers, about 8 mm in diameter) popped out from who knows where. My first dough was bread dough with 1.2 kg of flour and almost 800 g of water (with a 5.2 litre bowl, what will that be?). I started it up and slowly poured in the water. The recipe called for kneading for at least 20 minutes with the stand mixer. In less than 8 minutes with the speed at minimum everything was already perfectly mixed but I wanted to wait. Even though the speed was at minimum, it increased and decreased on its own... The dough rose above the splash guard ring and into the attachment of the dough hook, it doesn't seem normal to me, but I repeat it's the first time I've used it. A recipe book, perhaps with the maximum and minimum doses of ingredients that can be used, would have been appreciated. The dough was impeccable, like I would never have been able to make it with my hands: it was very elastic and compact. I will continue to use it and will change this review if necessary.


Non voglio compromettere il voto generale di quasi 5 stelle. Non ho mai usato la planetaria, e il mio sogno era una Kenwood, solo che sono molto care e cucinare non è il mio lavoro, ma solo un hobby e quindi ho ripiegato su un modello poco costoso ma efficiente in termini di potenza (1200 W). Da vedere è bellissima e fa una bella figura sul piano cucina, ma appena si mette in moto si capisce che non è molto solida: a parte il rumore generale, si contorce sotto sforzo e il braccio impastatore sembra quasi voglia aprirsi, anche se non succede. La prima volta che l'ho aperta è saltato fuori un anello elastico (quelle rondelle aperte, circa 8 mm di diametro) uscito fuori da chissà dove. Il mio primo impasto è stato quello del pane con 1.2 Kg di farina e quasi 800 g di acqua (con una ciotola da 5.2 litri cosa sarà mai?). Ho messo in moto e versato lentamente l'acqua. La ricetta prevedeva un'impasto di almeno 20 minuti con la planetaria. In nemmeno 8 minuti con velocità al minimo tutto era già tutto perfettamente miscelato ma ho voluto aspettare. Pur essendo la velocità al minimo, questa aumentava e diminuiva di testa sua... L'impasto è salito fino al di sopra dell'anello paraschizzi fino all'interno dell'attacco del gancio impastatore, non mi sembra proprio una cosa normale, ma ripeto è la prima volta che la uso. Un ricettario, magari con le dosi massime e minime di ingredienti utilizzabili, sarebbe stato gradito. L'impasto era impeccabile, come mai sarei riuscito a farlo con le mani: era molto elastico e compatto. Continuerò ad utilizzarla e cambierò questa recensione se necessario.

I don't want to compromise the overall rating of almost 5 stars. I have never used a stand mixer, and my dream was a Kenwood, but they are very expensive and cooking is not my job, but just a hobby, so I settled for an inexpensive but efficient model in terms of power (1200 W). It is beautiful to look at and looks good on the kitchen counter, but as soon as it starts up you realize that it is not very solid: apart from the general noise, it twists under stress and the kneading arm almost seems to want to open, even if it doesn't happen. The first time I opened it, an elastic ring (those open washers, about 8 mm in diameter) popped out from who knows where. My first dough was bread dough with 1.2 kg of flour and almost 800 g of water (with a 5.2 litre bowl, what will that be?). I started it up and slowly poured in the water. The recipe called for kneading for at least 20 minutes with the stand mixer. In less than 8 minutes with the speed at minimum everything was already perfectly mixed but I wanted to wait. Even though the speed was at minimum, it increased and decreased on its own... The dough rose above the splash guard ring and into the attachment of the dough hook, it doesn't seem normal to me, but I repeat it's the first time I've used it. A recipe book, perhaps with the maximum and minimum doses of ingredients that can be used, would have been appreciated. The dough was impeccable, like I would never have been able to make it with my hands: it was very elastic and compact. I will continue to use it and will change this review if necessary.


Dopo tante riflessioni e letture di recensioni sui più svariati modelli di planetarie, la scelta per la nostra prima impastatrice è caduta su questo modello Klarstein e dopo averla testata si può dire che la soddisfazione è grande. Rapporto qualità/prezzo a mio parere più che vantaggioso, la macchina è di valida fattura e oltre che essere piacevole alla vista si distingue per fare ottimamente il suo lavoro. Funzionamento essenziale ed estremamente intuitivo, il "rumore" spesse volte citato è relativo per lo più alle velocità più alte (utilizzate quando necessario) mentre in quelle basse è a mio parere accettabile, poi dipende da cosa ci si aspetta in termini di silenziosità. Testata sia per impasti salati (con il gancio) che per i dolci (con la "foglia"), ha fornito prestazioni degne di nota tanto nella qualità degli impasti prodotti quanto nella velocità dei tempi di lavorazione. E' infine di facilissima pulizia. Acquisto felice, imballo fantastico, consegna puntualissima: keep up the good work!

After much thought and reading of reviews on the most varied planetary models, the choice for our first mixer fell on this Klarstein model and after having tested it we can say that the satisfaction is great. In my opinion, the quality/price ratio is more than advantageous, the machine is of good workmanship and in addition to being pleasant to look at, it stands out for doing its job very well. Essential and extremely intuitive operation, the "noise" often cited is mostly related to the highest speeds (used when necessary) while in the low ones it is acceptable in my opinion, then it depends on what you expect in terms of silence. Tested both for savoury dough (with the hook) and for sweet dough (with the "leaf"), it provided noteworthy performances both in the quality of the dough produced and in the speed of the processing times. Finally, it is very easy to clean. Happy purchase, fantastic packaging, very punctual delivery: keep up the good work!