[Returns: -35%] 30 Infrared Heater

£ 76.99 (incl. VAT)
Product number: 53032813
30 Infrared Heater
£ 76.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 100.99
  • £ 119.99
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Powerful performance: rapid infrared heat

  • Efficient: converts 95 % of the supplied energy into radiant heat

  • As pleasant as the sun: IR ComfortHeat warms you, your furniture and walls


  • Power: 300 Watt
  • Impact area: up to 6 m²
  • Effective range: approx. 5 m
  • no warm-up phase, generates heat immediately
  • with overheating protection
  • can be combined with other panels to heat larger rooms
  • Power supply: 220 - 240 V~ | 50/60 Hz
Product number: 53032813

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 30 x 100 x 4 cm (HxWxD)
  • Cable length: approx. 140 cm
  • Weight: approx. 2.4 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x infrared heater
  • 1 x assembly material
  • multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
85 Ratings

Worthless, also customer service is beyond abysmal. Totally regret using the company.
Still waiting for the refund weeks on.


Ottimo, pratico e funzionale, esattamente come ce lo aspettavamo

Excellent, practical and functional, exactly as we expected.


Wurde noch nicht geliefert. Daher kann ich das Produkt nicht bewerten.

Hasn't been delivered yet. Therefore I can't rate the product.


Convient parfaitement à mon utilisation et a mon environnement

Perfectly suited to my use and my environment


Muy útil para una habitación pequeña

Very useful for a small room





Goed geïnformeerd over verzend traject en bezorgtijd. Vlot ontvangen. Goed verpakt.
Makkelijke installatie en bediening.
Voldoet aan verwachting.

Well informed about shipping route and delivery time. Received quickly. Well packed. Easy installation and operation. Meets expectations.


devo dire che è fa bene il servizio percui l'ho comprato, l'ho messo sul muro sotto la scrivania, avendo il pavimento gelido mi da il giusto tepore alle gambe che poi non mi fa sentire il freddo quando faccio smart e i caloriferi sono spenti

I have to say that it does the job well, that's why I bought it. I put it on the wall under the desk. Since the floor is freezing, it gives my legs the right amount of warmth which then stops me feeling cold when I'm on smart and the radiators are off.


Pour la pièce de 12 m2 va très bien

For the 12 m2 room is very good


No conocía este sistema de calor, pero me alegro de haber hecho caso a las reseñas. No es el calor tradicional, es decir, cuando entras en la habitación no se nota haga calor, como con los radiadores o la estufa, pero, al cabo de un par de minutos, la sensación de frío que pudieses tener desaparece. El calor que se siente es como cuando te pones la ropa que has dejado sobre un radiador. Lo tenemos en una salita pequeña, de unos 10 metros cuadrados, y ahí va muy bien, para espacios más grandes creo que se perdería mucho la sensación de calor. En cuanto al consumo, mucho menor que cualquier otro calefactor eléctrico, prácticamente no se ha notado cambio en la factura de la luz.

I didn't know about this heating system, but I'm glad I listened to the reviews. It's not traditional heat, that is, when you enter the room you don't notice it's hot, like with radiators or a stove, but after a couple of minutes, the feeling of cold that you might have had disappears. The heat you feel is like when you put on clothes that you've left on a radiator. We have it in a small living room, about 10 square meters, and it works very well there; for larger spaces I think the feeling of heat would be greatly lost. As for consumption, much lower than any other electric heater, there has been practically no change in the electricity bill.


Pour la pièce de 12 m2 va très bien

For the 12 m2 room is very good


Pour le chauffage d’une petite pièce, fait très bien l’affaire. Installation rapide, facilité d’utilisation grâce à la télécommande programmable. Bon produit que je recommande

For heating a small room, it does the job very well. Quick installation, ease of use thanks to the programmable remote control. Good product that I recommend


Este producto si me satisface. y colma mis expectativas .

This product does satisfy me and meets my expectations.


Uso da poco il pannello in un ambiente non ben isolato termicamente, ho constatato che in un'oretta e mezza fa passare la temperatura da 17 a 19 gradi. Per il dimensionamento del pannello ho seguito la tabella dei metri quadri/watt che forniscono. Per ora ritengo sia un buon metodo di riscaldamento, vivo comunque in Puglia dove le temperature sono bassa molto raramente. Vedremo quando arriverà la bolletta quanto incide

I have recently used the panel in a poorly insulated environment, I found that in an hour and a half it makes the temperature go from 17 to 19 degrees. For the sizing of the panel I followed the table of square meters/watts that they provide. For now I think it is a good heating method, however I live in Puglia where temperatures are very rarely low. We will see when the bill arrives how much it affects


Conforme a la description.

Conforms to the description.


Chauffe cibler .

Target heating.


Chauffe cibler .

Target heating.


J'ai acheté le modèle 60 x 60 => 360 W Pour mes toilettes de 2 m2 avec hauteur sous plafond de 3 m. Le confort de chauffage est parfait. Je suis globalement contente de cet achat après 1 jour de fonctionnement. Sur la livraison : Reçu 4 jours après la commande. Colis en bon état. Sur le produit reçu : J'ai commandé le Wonderwall 36 radiateur infrarouge. Sur les visuels internet, le cadre du radiateur semble avoir une couleur argentée. Le mien est métallique mais blanc (photo). La télécommande devait être reliée par un fil de 50 cm. Elle est en fait sans fil (photo). Le descriptif annonce une profondeur de 4 cm et un montage mural. La profondeur était importante pour moi car le radiateur était destiné à être installé dans des toilettes très étroits. Or une fois fixé au mur, avec les pattes de fixation fournies, la profondeur est de 6,3 cm (photo). 4 cm, c'est la profondeur du radiateur non installé. Ca n'a aucun sens car il faut le fixer au mur. Les finitions sont moyennes. Le cadre métallique ne jointe pas correctement dans un angle (photo). Sur l'installation : Très facile pour un bricoleur. Cependant, le radiateur est à fixer avec 4 pattes de fixation (photo de la notice jointe). J'en ai reçu 3 dans un sens (point A à droite et point B à gauche) et une dans l'autre sens ((point B à droite et point A à gauche). Evidemment, ça ne peut pas coulisser. Heureusement j'ai une pince coupante à la maison qui m'a permis de modifier la patte de fixation inappropriée. La mise en place a quand même été moins aisée que si j'avais reçu 4 pattes de fixation identiques ! Sur l'utilisation / programmation : Le modèle reçu permet deux types d'utilisations. La première est une utilisation en mode normal où on définit une température souhaitée. Le radiateur se déclanche automatiquement dès qu'il constate une température de la pièce inférieure de 2 degrés à celle attendue. La deuxième utilisation (minuterie) permet de programmer 4 différentes tranches horaires pour chaque jour de la semaine. Ces tranches peuvent être différentes chaque jour. J'ai tout programmé. C'est un peu fastidieux mais pas compliqué (patience!). Et là, grosse déception ! Le radiateur fonctionne pendant les heures programmées mais ne tient pas du tout compte de la température ambiante. Je souhaiterais par exemple qu'il maintienne la température au dessus de 18° de 18h à 23h quand nous sommes à la maison. Et bien non, il peut soit maintenir au dessus de 18°C, 24h /24 (mode d'utilisation normal) ou fonctionner à fond de 18h à 23h (minuterie). Sur le confort de chauffage : Compte tenu de la taille de mes toilettes, je suis proche du radiateur. Donc c'est parfait. Je ne peux pas me prononcer sur une distance et une pièce plus grandes. Bilan : Pour mon utilisation, c'est satisfaisant en terme d'esthétique, de confort, de rapport / qualité prix. J'ai enlevé 1 étoile pour les désagréments évoqués ci-dessus.

I bought the 60 x 60 model => 360 W For my 2 m2 toilet with 3 m ceiling height. Heating comfort is perfect. I am overall happy with this purchase after 1 day of operation. On delivery: Received 4 days after ordering. Package in good condition. On the product received: I ordered the Wonderwall 36 infrared heater. On the internet visuals, the radiator frame appears to have a silver color. Mine is metallic but white (photo). The remote control had to be connected by a 50 cm wire. It is actually wireless (photo). The description announces a depth of 4 cm and wall mounting. The depth was important to me because the heater was intended to be installed in a very narrow toilet. However, once fixed to the wall, with the mounting brackets provided, the depth is 6.3 cm (photo). 4 cm is the depth of the uninstalled radiator. It doesn't make sense because you have to attach it to the wall. The finishes are average. The metal frame does not join correctly in one corner (photo). On installation: Very easy for a DIYer. However, the radiator must be fixed with 4 fixing brackets (photo of the attached instructions). I received 3 in one direction (point A on the right and point B on the left) and one in the other direction ((point B on the right and point A on the left). Obviously, it can't slide. Fortunately I I have a cutting pliers at home which allowed me to modify the inappropriate fixing bracket. The installation was still less easy than if I had received 4 identical fixing brackets. The model received allows two types of use. The first is use in normal mode where a desired temperature is defined. The radiator turns on automatically as soon as it detects a room temperature 2 degrees lower than expected. use (timer) allows you to program 4 different time slots for each day of the week. These slots can be different each day. It's a bit tedious but not complicated (patience!). disappointment! The heater works during the programmed hours but does not take into account the ambient temperature at all. For example, I would like it to keep the temperature above 18° from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. when we are at home. Well no, it can either maintain above 18°C, 24 hours a day (normal use mode) or run at full speed from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. (timer). On heating comfort: Given the size of my toilet, I am close to the radiator. So it's perfect. I can't comment on a larger distance and room. Summary: For my use, it is satisfactory in terms of aesthetics, comfort, value for money. I removed 1 star for the inconveniences mentioned above.


J'ai acheté le modèle 60 x 60 => 360 W Pour mes toilettes de 2 m2 avec hauteur sous plafond de 3 m. Le confort de chauffage est parfait. Je suis globalement contente de cet achat après 1 jour de fonctionnement. Sur la livraison : Reçu 4 jours après la commande. Colis en bon état. Sur le produit reçu : J'ai commandé le Wonderwall 36 radiateur infrarouge. Sur les visuels internet, le cadre du radiateur semble avoir une couleur argentée. Le mien est métallique mais blanc (photo). La télécommande devait être reliée par un fil de 50 cm. Elle est en fait sans fil (photo). Le descriptif annonce une profondeur de 4 cm et un montage mural. La profondeur était importante pour moi car le radiateur était destiné à être installé dans des toilettes très étroits. Or une fois fixé au mur, avec les pattes de fixation fournies, la profondeur est de 6,3 cm (photo). 4 cm, c'est la profondeur du radiateur non installé. Ca n'a aucun sens car il faut le fixer au mur. Les finitions sont moyennes. Le cadre métallique ne jointe pas correctement dans un angle (photo). Sur l'installation : Très facile pour un bricoleur. Cependant, le radiateur est à fixer avec 4 pattes de fixation (photo de la notice jointe). J'en ai reçu 3 dans un sens (point A à droite et point B à gauche) et une dans l'autre sens ((point B à droite et point A à gauche). Evidemment, ça ne peut pas coulisser. Heureusement j'ai une pince coupante à la maison qui m'a permis de modifier la patte de fixation inappropriée. La mise en place a quand même été moins aisée que si j'avais reçu 4 pattes de fixation identiques ! Sur l'utilisation / programmation : Le modèle reçu permet deux types d'utilisations. La première est une utilisation en mode normal où on définit une température souhaitée. Le radiateur se déclanche automatiquement dès qu'il constate une température de la pièce inférieure de 2 degrés à celle attendue. La deuxième utilisation (minuterie) permet de programmer 4 différentes tranches horaires pour chaque jour de la semaine. Ces tranches peuvent être différentes chaque jour. J'ai tout programmé. C'est un peu fastidieux mais pas compliqué (patience!). Et là, grosse déception ! Le radiateur fonctionne pendant les heures programmées mais ne tient pas du tout compte de la température ambiante. Je souhaiterais par exemple qu'il maintienne la température au dessus de 18° de 18h à 23h quand nous sommes à la maison. Et bien non, il peut soit maintenir au dessus de 18°C, 24h /24 (mode d'utilisation normal) ou fonctionner à fond de 18h à 23h (minuterie). Sur le confort de chauffage : Compte tenu de la taille de mes toilettes, je suis proche du radiateur. Donc c'est parfait. Je ne peux pas me prononcer sur une distance et une pièce plus grandes. Bilan : Pour mon utilisation, c'est satisfaisant en terme d'esthétique, de confort, de rapport / qualité prix. J'ai enlevé 1 étoile pour les désagréments évoqués ci-dessus.

I bought the 60 x 60 model => 360 W For my 2 m2 toilet with 3 m ceiling height. Heating comfort is perfect. I am overall happy with this purchase after 1 day of operation. On delivery: Received 4 days after ordering. Package in good condition. On the product received: I ordered the Wonderwall 36 infrared heater. On the internet visuals, the radiator frame appears to have a silver color. Mine is metallic but white (photo). The remote control had to be connected by a 50 cm wire. It is actually wireless (photo). The description announces a depth of 4 cm and wall mounting. The depth was important to me because the heater was intended to be installed in a very narrow toilet. However, once fixed to the wall, with the mounting brackets provided, the depth is 6.3 cm (photo). 4 cm is the depth of the uninstalled radiator. It doesn't make sense because you have to attach it to the wall. The finishes are average. The metal frame does not join correctly in one corner (photo). On installation: Very easy for a DIYer. However, the radiator must be fixed with 4 fixing brackets (photo of the attached instructions). I received 3 in one direction (point A on the right and point B on the left) and one in the other direction ((point B on the right and point A on the left). Obviously, it can't slide. Fortunately I I have a cutting pliers at home which allowed me to modify the inappropriate fixing bracket. The installation was still less easy than if I had received 4 identical fixing brackets. The model received allows two types of use. The first is use in normal mode where a desired temperature is defined. The radiator turns on automatically as soon as it detects a room temperature 2 degrees lower than expected. use (timer) allows you to program 4 different time slots for each day of the week. These slots can be different each day. It's a bit tedious but not complicated (patience!). disappointment! The heater works during the programmed hours but does not take into account the ambient temperature at all. For example, I would like it to keep the temperature above 18° from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. when we are at home. Well no, it can either maintain above 18°C, 24 hours a day (normal use mode) or run at full speed from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. (timer). On heating comfort: Given the size of my toilet, I am close to the radiator. So it's perfect. I can't comment on a larger distance and room. Summary: For my use, it is satisfactory in terms of aesthetics, comfort, value for money. I removed 1 star for the inconveniences mentioned above.


Ottimo prodotto, è il secondo che acquisto e mi trovo veramente bene. Poco ingombrante, minimo impegno per l'installazione e, per le mie esigenze, da il calore necessario. Ottima anche l'assistenza post vendita. Consigliatissimo.

Excellent product, it's the second one I've purchased and I really like it. It takes up little space, requires minimal installation effort and, for my needs, provides the necessary heat. After-sales assistance is also excellent. Highly recommended.


Es muy adecuado para colgar en la pared opuesta al armario de ropa y ropa blanca para proteger contra la humedad.

It is very suitable for hanging on the wall opposite the clothes and linen closet to protect against moisture.


Le radiateur fait en sorte, après contrôle de sa consommation via une prise électrique connectée, que la température de ma grande pièce monte de quelques degrés. La température max de la pièce plafonne à 22 degrés, mais c'est normal pour avoir pris le simple 120*60 750W. Ca fonctionne très bien pour une consommation limitée. Par contre, le seul hic, c'est qu'il n'y pas cette impression de rayon du soleil qui chauffe, ça m'a tout l'air d'être juste une plaque chauffante comme une plancha mise à la verticale :) A mon sens c'est très efficient et permet de se chauffer sans trop faire gaffe pour un prix assez controlé.

The radiator ensures, after controlling its consumption via a connected electrical outlet, that the temperature of my large room rises by a few degrees. The maximum temperature of the room caps at 22 degrees, but this is normal for having taken the simple 120*60 750W. It works very well for limited consumption. On the other hand, the only problem is that there is no impression of the sun's ray heating up, it seems to me to just be a hot plate like a plancha placed vertically :) In my opinion it is very efficient and allows you to heat without worrying too much for a fairly controlled price.


Le radiateur fait en sorte, après contrôle de sa consommation via une prise électrique connectée, que la température de ma grande pièce monte de quelques degrés. La température max de la pièce plafonne à 22 degrés, mais c'est normal pour avoir pris le simple 120*60 750W. Ca fonctionne très bien pour une consommation limitée. Par contre, le seul hic, c'est qu'il n'y pas cette impression de rayon du soleil qui chauffe, ça m'a tout l'air d'être juste une plaque chauffante comme une plancha mise à la verticale :) A mon sens c'est très efficient et permet de se chauffer sans trop faire gaffe pour un prix assez controlé.

The radiator ensures, after controlling its consumption via a connected electrical outlet, that the temperature of my large room rises by a few degrees. The maximum temperature of the room caps at 22 degrees, but this is normal for having taken the simple 120*60 750W. It works very well for limited consumption. On the other hand, the only problem is that there is no impression of the sun's ray heating up, it seems to me to just be a hot plate like a plancha placed vertically :) In my opinion it is very efficient and allows you to heat without worrying too much for a fairly controlled price.


Gutes Produkt, angenehme Wärme, super.
Schade, dass ihr es nicht schafft, für uns als Firma eine rechtskonforme Rechnung zu erstellen.

Good product, pleasant warmth, great. It's a shame that you can't create a legally compliant invoice for us as a company.


bien emballé, facile d'utilisation, nous l'avons installer dans une caravane qui est alimentée en panneaux solaires aucuns problèmes

well packaged, easy to use, we installed it in a caravan which is powered by solar panels, no problems


il sert à chauffer un atelier au lieu d'un radiateur de 2 kW

it is used to heat a workshop instead of a 2 kW radiator


il sert à chauffer un atelier au lieu d'un radiateur de 2 kW

it is used to heat a workshop instead of a 2 kW radiator


Me ha gustado mucho este calefactor, es muy plano y no parece un calefactor, calienta mucho

I really liked this heater, it is very flat and does not look like a heater, it heats a lot





Chauffe vite en manuel mais programmation difficile voire impossible

Heats up quickly in manual but difficult or impossible programming


Chauffe vite en manuel mais programmation difficile voire impossible

Heats up quickly in manual but difficult or even impossible programming


Qualité ok

Quality ok


Qualité ok

Quality ok


Qualité ok

Quality ok


Ce chauffage infrarouge est rapide, silencieux, il fonctionne bien et est peu gourmand en énergie. Je recommande ce système.

This infrared heater is fast, quiet, works well and consumes little energy. I recommend this system.


Devia trazer suporte para quem não quiser colocar fixo na parede, e não traz It should have physical support in case someone does not want to fix it in the wall.

It should have physical support in case someone does not want to fix it in the wall, and it does not. It should have physical support in case someone does not want to fix it in the wall.


Ce chauffage infrarouge est rapide, silencieux, il fonctionne bien et est peu gourmand en énergie. Je recommande ce système.

This infrared heater is fast, quiet, works well and consumes little energy. I recommend this system.


Ca chauffe bien de façon horizontale au niveau du sol là où je l'ai placé.

It heats well horizontally at ground level where I placed it.


Ca chauffe bien de façon horizontale au niveau du sol là où je l'ai placé.

It heats well horizontally at ground level where I placed it.


When will Klarstein either supply to the uk with 3 pin plugs or supply with the correct euro adaptor, for the second time they at least put an adaptor in but not for the euro plug! please make this clear on amazon or at least a link to the correct adaptor. apart from this the product works well but is very important you check what size of heater you need for your room size.

When will Klarstein either supply to the uk with 3 pin plugs or supply with the correct euro adaptor, for the second time they at least put an adaptor in but not for the euro plug! please make this clear on amazon or at least a link to the correct adaptor. apart from this the product works well but is very important you check what size of heater you need for your room size.


Ottimo pannello radiante. Scalda subito e bene. Detto onestamente, da solo non può scaldare una stanza ma usato insieme al riscaldamento tradizionale fa il suo lavoro. Io lo uso per scaldare gli angoli più lontani della casa per evitare o combattere le muffe da condensa. Scalda bene anche l'aria circostante ma ripeto, solo nella zona di installazione. Posso dire, perché testato, che passa da 16 a 21 gradi (nella zona in cui è) in circa 30 minuti. Confermo perché ho contattato call center e ricevuto risposta via mail, che la carta azzurra o pellicola posteriore è solo di protezione e va rimossa (per toglierla bene ci vuole pazienza, tempo -pannello 60x120 ho impiegato 1 ora- e bisogna con delicatezza tirare la carta mentre si preme il pannello). Ho il pannello con il filo comando, ho confuso i prodotti perché volevo il comando separato ma va bene così sarà per il prossimo. Ormai per me questo marchio è garanzia di qualità e assistenza: ho acquistato anche macchina caffè/cappuccino e friggitrice ad aria e sono soddisfattissima

Excellent radiant panel. Heats up quickly and well. Honestly, it cannot heat a room on its own but when used together with traditional heating it does its job. I use it to heat the most distant corners of the house to avoid or combat condensation mold. It also heats the surrounding air well but I repeat, only in the installation area. I can say, because I tested it, that it goes from 16 to 21 degrees (in the area where it is) in about 30 minutes. I confirm because I contacted the call center and received a response via email, that the blue paper or rear film is only for protection and must be removed (to remove it properly requires patience, time - 60x120 panel took me 1 hour - and you must delicately pull the paper while pressing the panel). I have the panel with the control wire, I confused the products because I wanted the separate control but that's fine, it will be for the next one. By now for me this brand is a guarantee of quality and assistance: I also purchased a coffee/cappuccino machine and an air fryer and I am very satisfied


Correggo il precedente giudizio negativo. Avevo collocato questa piastra bianca verticalmente a metà parete e a 50 cm di distanza il poco calore prodotto era appena percettibile, infatti questo, se ne va sempre verso l'alto (e lo sapevo bene) e pertanto risultava inutile. L'ho riposizionata orizzontalmente a 70 cm circa dal suolo: il tepore, gradevole, si sente sempre a breve distanza (la potenza è piccola) ma come se lì ci fosse un braciere. Nessun rumore di ventola, nessun candelotto incandescente, nessun ingombro a terra, nessun cavo strisciante a pavimento, ottimo: sta in camera da letto, di fianco al letto, appunto. Tepore da braciere antico, senza consumo d'aria né produzione CO2, né tantomeno CO, e nemmeno odori di bruciato ecc. Semplicemente fantastico. Questo è il suo compito. La potenza è piccola, non può riscaldare tutta la stanza: basta riscaldare lì dove si sta. Perfetta. Una cosa non serve: il controllo remoto, basta l'interruttore. Anche controllo temperatura e timer sono inutili. Si accende solo quando si è a letto. Consuma solo 0,3 kwh ogni ora. Perfetta per la notte.

I correct the previous negative opinion. I had placed this white plate vertically in the middle of the wall and at 50 cm of distance the little heat produced was barely perceptible, in fact this, always goes upwards (and I knew it well) and therefore was useless. I repositioned it horizontally at about 70 cm from the ground: the warmth, pleasant, is always felt at a short distance (the power is small) but as if there were a brazier there. No fan noise, no glowing spark plugs, no clutter on the floor, no cables dragging on the floor, excellent: it is in the bedroom, next to the bed, in fact. Warmth from an old brazier, without air consumption or CO2 production, nor even CO, and not even burning smells etc. Simply fantastic. This is its job. The power is small, it cannot heat the whole room: it is enough to heat where you are. Perfect. One thing is not needed: the remote control, the switch is enough. Even the temperature control and timer are useless. It only turns on when you are in bed. It consumes only 0.3 kwh per hour. Perfect for the night.


Ben fatto, arrivato puntuale, molto semplice da applicare ed usare. Chiaramente con 360 w non puoi aspettarti che scaldi una stanza, tuttavia è perfettamente conforme a quanto descritto dal costruttore, che ne precisa esattamente le possibilità. Quindi, se vi ci sedete accanto, scalda piacevolmente ed è gradevolissimo. Non pensiate di scaldarci una camera perché non lo farà mai, del resto non è per questo che è realizzato. Secondo me, è ottimo per un piccolo bagno. In ogni modo è un buon prodotto, dal quale mi aspettavo esattamente queste prestazioni.

Well made, arrived on time, very simple to apply and use. Obviously with 360 w you can't expect it to heat a room, however it is perfectly compliant with what the manufacturer describes, which specifies exactly what it can do. So, if you sit next to it, it warms up pleasantly and is very pleasant. Don't think of heating a room with it because it will never do that, after all that is not what it is made for. In my opinion, it is excellent for a small bathroom. In any case it is a good product, from which I expected exactly this performance.


Ein schönes, flaches Heizpaneel. Mit praktischer Fernbedienung, leicht verständlich. Es wird schnell warm. Kann ich empfehlen für kleine Räume bis 10 qm.

A nice, flat heating panel. With practical remote control, easy to understand. It gets warm quickly. I can recommend for small rooms up to 10 square meters.


Super Heizung mit wenig Stromverbrauch. Bedienteil (Thermostat) könnte das Kabel etwas länger sein. Hatten mal für die selbe Heizung 100,-€ bezahlt. Mittlerweile wird ja alles teurer. Trotzdem lohnt sich der Kauf, gegenüber anderen Herstellern.

Super heater with little power consumption. Control panel (thermostat), the cable could be a little longer. Had once for the same heater 100, - € paid. Everything is getting more expensive now. Nevertheless, the purchase is worthwhile compared to other manufacturers.


Pro: Ja, funktioniert. Wärme spürt man ca. in 3 Metern Entfernung innerhalb von 2 Min. Contra: Verarbeitungsqualität des Frames.... Hat das ein Praktikant gemacht? Schonmal was von QS gehört? Das Gerät kam Orginalverpackt ungeöffnet unbeschädigt an. Das wurde Also in der Fertigung so als Okay abgenickt. Da schaut doch normalerweise jemand vor der Verpackung nochmal drauf. Wenn ihr das nicht könnt, gibt es da vorproduzierte Ecken die man drauf machen kann. Das kann man sich doch nicht an die Wandhängen.... Da fragt doch jeder Besucher, ist das schonmal runtergefallen. Da dachte ich, kauf keine Chinaware die sieht immer schlimm aus. Darum ist die Preis Leistung nicht gut. 2/5 funktioniert, aber nicht für Räume die man Gästen offen hält. Funktion 5 / 5 schaut halt nur Kacke aus! 2 von 5 Sternen Abzug

Pros: Yes, works. Heat can be felt at a distance of approx. 3 meters within 2 minutes Cons: Processing quality of the frame.... Did an intern do it? Ever heard of QS? The device arrived undamaged in the original packaging. So that was nodded off in production as OK. Usually someone checks it again before the packaging. If you can't do that, there are pre-made corners you can put on it. You can't hang that on the wall... Every visitor asks, has it ever fallen down? So I thought, don't buy any Chinese goods, they always look bad. That's why the price-performance ratio is not good. 2/5 works, but not for rooms that are left open to guests. Function 5 / 5 just looks like shit! 2 out of 5 stars deduction


Preiswert u. für kleine Räume geeignet

Inexpensive and suitable for small rooms


Alles in allem ok. Heizung mit 300w reicht aus für unseren Windfang mit ca 2qm. Wird schnell warm und das Thermostat geht auch gut. Oberfläche wird heiß aber keine verbrennungsgefahr. Warum nur 3 Sterne…-> die Verarbeitungsqualität der gesamten Anlage sieht eher aus wie nur 1/3 des Preises den man zahlt. Auch die Wandhalterung ist ausbaufähig. Und die mitgelieferten Dübel würde ich auch nicht nutzen. Aber wer keinen großen Wert auf optik legt für kleine Keller , Garage, hobbyraum usw ist sie gut.

All in all ok. Heating with 300w is sufficient for our vestibule with approx. 2sqm. It heats up quickly and the thermostat works well too. Surface gets hot but no risk of burns. Why only 3 stars... -> the processing quality of the entire system looks more like only 1/3 of the price you pay. The wall bracket is also expandable. And I wouldn't use the plugs that came with it either. But if you don't attach great importance to optics, it's good for small basements, garages, hobby rooms, etc.


Fernbedienung reagiert nur sehr langsam oder nach mehrmaligem drücken

The remote control only reacts very slowly or after several presses


Wurde auf Anhieb warm und hat auch Wärme im Raum verbreitet, war aber leider zu klein für den Raum. Statt dem Arbeitszimmer wird jetzt der 6m² Flur damit leicht erwärmt. Das Thermostat ist an einem sehr kurzem Kabel befestigt, was die Positionierung sehr einschränkt. Hier wäre eine kabellose Kopplung besser. Die Bedienung ist total einfach und alle Einstellung sind schnell erledigt ... fast alle Einstellungen ... die Uhr kann man leider nur Stellen, wenn das Panel gerade eingeschaltet ist und heizt. Da das Gerät ohne Bedienungsanleitung ankam, musste ich diese beim Hersteller herunterladen, was kein Problem war. Dort habe ich dann auch den Trick mit der Uhr erst nachlesen müssen.

Was warm right away and also spread warmth in the room, but unfortunately it was too small for the room. Instead of the study, the 6m² hallway is now slightly heated with it. The thermostat is attached to a very short cable, which greatly limits positioning. A wireless connection would be better here. The operation is totally simple and all settings are done quickly ... almost all settings ... unfortunately the clock can only be set when the panel is currently switched on and heating up. Since the device arrived without a manual, I had to download it from the manufacturer, which was not a problem. There I had to look up the trick with the clock.


Hallo an allen vier Ecken bestoßen. Auf der Rückseite hängt die blaue Folie an herunter. Überall hässliche schwarze Fingerabdrücke die sich kaum ent— Fernen lassen. Funktion ist in Ordnung.

Hello bumped on all four corners. On the back the blue foil hangs down. Ugly black fingerprints everywhere that can hardly be removed. function is ok.


Schnell geliefert. Die 300 Watt heizen das Bad (10qm) zwar nicht richtig auf, aber sorgen für eine angenehme Temperatur. Grauenhaft ist die Fernbedienung. Das Einstellen der Wochenheizzeiten wird zur Tortour. Schlecht am Display ablesbar und auch schwierig einzugeben! Die Bedienanleitung ist ebenfalls sehr spartanisch, schlecht formuliert und einige Dinge fehlen auch (Muss die Folie hinten entfernt werden? Kann man den Heizkörper auch "kopfüber" installieren"? u.s.w.) Fazit: erfüllt seinen Zweck, aber bis dahin kostet das Gerät viel Nerven!

Delivered quickly. The 300 watts don't really heat up the bathroom (10 square meters), but they ensure a comfortable temperature. The remote control is awful. Setting the weekly heating times becomes torture. Difficult to read on the display and difficult to enter! The operating instructions are also very spartan, poorly worded and some things are missing (does the film have to be removed at the back? Can the radiator also be installed "upside down"? etc.) Conclusion: serves its purpose, but until then the device is a lot of nerves!


War schwierig die Heizung aus der Folie zu befreien. Der Rahmen mit großen Schrauben verschraubt. Sieht billig aus. Fernbedienung leider mit einem sehr kurzen Kabel verbunden. Heizt sehr schnell hoch. Der große Test steht noch aus. Der Winter kommt erst noch. Ich habe sie im 1,85 hohen Kellerraum. Im ersten Versuch war ich zufrieden.

Was difficult to free the heater from the foil. The frame is screwed with large screws. looks cheap Remote control unfortunately connected with a very short cable. Heats up very quickly. The big test is yet to come. Winter is yet to come. I have them in the 1.85 high basement room. I was satisfied on the first try.


Lieferung schnell. Alles ok. Nur die rückseitige Folie hing an einer Ecke ab. Habe ich aber selbst wieder in den Rahmen klemmen können. Der Rahmen hat leichte Kratzspuren. Macht den Eindruck von B Ware. Ansonsten Preis und Funktion sehr gut.

delivery fast. Everything OK. Only the back foil was hanging off at one corner. But I was able to clamp it back into the frame myself. The frame has light scratch marks. Makes the impression of B goods. Otherwise price and function very good.


Great as it mounts flat in the wall. Outputs enough heat for my home office.

Great as it mounts flat in the wall. Outputs enough heat for my home office.


Dem Sohn gefällt es und bringt eine sehr angenehme Strahlungswärme

The son likes it and brings a very pleasant radiant heat


Sieht für mich gut aus in der Größe 100x30cm. Die Funktion ließ sich bei der Hitze schlecht prüfen, die Heizung wurde schnell heiß. Die Fernbedienung ist mit einem Kabel an der Heizung verbunden welches recht kurz ist. Da meine Heizung recht hoch hängt, hätte ich es mir ein bisschen länger gewünscht.

Looks good to me in the size 100x30cm. The function was difficult to test in the heat, the heating quickly got hot. The remote control is connected to the heater with a cable which is quite short. Since my heating is quite high, I would have liked it to be a bit longer.


Die Infrarotheizung ist super,nur ein kleines mango, die Leitung für die Fernbedienung könnte etwas länger sein !

The infrared heating is great, just a small mango, the cable for the remote control could be a little longer!


Die Wärmestrahlung der Infrarotheizung empfinde ich als sehr angenehm. Der Bereich ist allerdings etwas eingegrenzt, d.h. zu nah und zu weit weg ist dann nicht optimal. Bei einer Entfernung von ca. 1,5 m ist die Strahlung deutlich spürbar. Man muss jedoch die moderate Leistung von nur 300 W bei der Bewertung berücksichtigen.

I find the thermal radiation of the infrared heater to be very pleasant. However, the range is somewhat limited, ie too close and too far away is not ideal. At a distance of approx. 1.5 m, the radiation can be clearly felt. However, one must take into account the moderate output of only 300 W in the evaluation.


Pedí un calefactor de 600w llego de 300, no lo devuelvo porque tarde un par de semanas en ir a instalarlo y me di cuenta tarde, la App para controlar desde el móvil inexistente, apenas calienta y a veces se para sin explicación.

I ordered a 600w heater, it arrived at 300, I am not returning it because it took me a couple of weeks to install it and I realized too late, the app to control it from the mobile phone does not exist, it barely heats up and sometimes it stops without explanation.


non e' una stufa , non ha la potenza di una stufa a legno , ma i 600w che spara nell'ambiente si sentono. io lo uso a roma , ho 15 gradi nella stanza e se accendo il pannello riesco a stare seduto abbastanza bene al computer. se accendo il climatizzatore e il pannello insieme allora dopo 30 minuti sto proprio al caldo19/20 gradi. sicuramente non ha la forza di un termosifone ma 1 non puzza, 2 da una sensazione di calore se ci stai a pochi metri di distanza 3 e' bello e facile da spostare. non l'ho fissato al muro, lo appoggio per terra accanto un mobile. buono in posti dove non fa molto freddo ottimo se usato in ausilio ad un altro sistema di riscaldamento . me lo sono portato in montagna e acceso con la stufa economica e' ottimo per scaldare la casa rapidamente. sono entrato con 5 gradi ho acceso stufa e pannello . garazie alla stufa sono arrivato a 15 gradi grazie al pannello ho cenato senza soffrire il freddo. il pannello da solo non fa salire rapidamente la temperature , ma diffonde una sensazione di tepore che mi permette di stare in ambienti con temperature relativamente basse che altrimenti non tollererei. i piedini in plastica e' meglio non prenderli. questo .

it's not a stove, it doesn't have the power of a wood stove, but the 600w it shoots into the room can be felt. I use it in Rome, I have 15 degrees in the room and if I turn on the panel I can sit pretty comfortably at the computer. if I turn on the air conditioning and the panel together then after 30 minutes I'm really warm 19/20 degrees. it certainly doesn't have the strength of a radiator but 1 it doesn't stink, 2 it gives a sensation of heat if you're a few meters away 3 it's nice and easy to move. I didn't fix it to the wall, I put it on the floor next to a piece of furniture. good in places where it's not very cold excellent if used in support of another heating system. I took it to the mountains and turned it on with the economic stove and it's excellent for heating the house quickly. I entered with 5 degrees I turned on the stove and panel. with the guarantee of the stove I got to 15 degrees thanks to the panel I had dinner without suffering from the cold. the panel alone does not make the temperature rise quickly, but it spreads a feeling of warmth that allows me to stay in environments with relatively low temperatures that I would not otherwise tolerate. It is better not to buy the plastic feet. this.


Es una placa blanca con un marco de metal, no parece un radiador. Viene con un cable y el termostato para regular la temperatura. Es moderno y sencillo.

It is a white plate with a metal frame, it does not look like a radiator. It comes with a cable and the thermostat to regulate the temperature. It is modern and simple.


Arrivato fortunatamente ben imballato, poiché c’era un buco nel cartone esterno. Il prodotto é esattamente come da descrizione, senza fronzoli. Leggerissimo anche da montare, con le istruzioni presenti nel libretto multilingua. Al momento non l’ho fissato a muro, ma appoggiato su un mobiletto a un metro di distanza dal tavolo di cucina, dove per abitudine e comfort svolgo telelavoro. Ammetto che ci voglia un po’ prima di sentire la temperatura adeguata, ma zero rumore, zero polveri e zero impatto sull’ambiente come colori o pacchianata sono impagabili. Ovvio che inciderà sul consumo elettrico, ma compenso con l’accensione ritardata del riscaldamento che già normalmente é a fine novembre per mia scelta. L’unica cosa è che non rileva l’apertura finestra. L’ho comprato in sconto e sinceramente il prezzo era già un pelo troppo alto rispetto a materiale e componentistica: questo è il motivo del mio 4 stelle. La stanza dove l’ho posizionato é di circa 14 mq e l’escursione termica tra una stanza e l’altra adiacente dove non c’è alcun riscaldamento extra, si percepisce. Il calore é uniforme e non fastidioso. Se appoggio sulla sedia a pochi metri di distanza dal pannello, la biancheria ancora umida, dopo poche ore é pronta per essere riposta. Lo consiglio e valuterò di comprarne altri, stavolta Wi-Fi per organizzare meglio il tutto

Fortunately, it arrived well packaged, as there was a hole in the outer carton. The product is exactly as described, without frills. Very light to assemble, with the instructions in the multilingual booklet. At the moment I have not fixed it to the wall, but placed it on a cabinet a meter away from the kitchen table, where I telework out of habit and comfort. I admit that it takes a while before you feel the right temperature, but zero noise, zero dust and zero impact on the environment as colors or tackiness are priceless. Obviously it will affect electricity consumption, but I compensate with the delayed start of the heating which is normally already at the end of November by choice. The only thing is that it does not detect the opening of the window. I bought it on sale and honestly the price was already a little too high compared to the material and components: this is the reason for my 4 stars. The room where I placed it is about 14 square meters and the temperature range between one room and the adjacent one where there is no extra heating, is perceptible. The heat is uniform and not annoying. If I put the still damp laundry on the chair a few meters away from the panel, after a few hours it is ready to be put away. I recommend it and I will consider buying others, this time Wi-Fi to better organize everything


Reçu en avance pour se préparer pour un bel hiver, ce radiateur est tout simplement super. Il est léger, s'accroche facilement, il est facile d'utilisation. Le design se fond au décors. La puissance est bien réglable, pour un 75 m carré c'est idéal je recommande fortement. Jamais déçu par cette boutique

Received in advance to prepare for a beautiful winter, this radiator is simply great. It is light, hangs easily, and is easy to use. The design blends into the decor. The power is well adjustable, for a 75 m square it is ideal I highly recommend. Never disappointed with this store


Reçu en avance pour se préparer pour un bel hiver, ce radiateur est tout simplement super. Il est léger, s'accroche facilement, il est facile d'utilisation. Le design se fond au décors. La puissance est bien réglable, pour un 75 m carré c'est idéal je recommande fortement. Jamais déçu par cette boutique

Received in advance to prepare for a beautiful winter, this radiator is simply great. It is light, hangs easily, and is easy to use. The design blends into the decor. The power is well adjustable, for a 75 m square it is ideal I highly recommend. Never disappointed with this store


Tenemos un bebé en casa así que lo hemos instalado en la pared a una altura en la que no lo pueda alcanzar.Fácil montaje,el calor que emite es bastante agradable y al tener la pared también de blanco,pasa desapercibido.Nosotros lo utilizamos con el termostato y todo bien.Gasta mucho menos que mi radiador de aceite y se nota en la factura de luz.

We have a baby at home so we have installed it on the wall at a height where he cannot reach it. Easy to install, the heat it emits is quite pleasant and as the wall is also white, it goes unnoticed. We use it with the thermostat and everything is fine. It uses much less than my oil radiator and it shows on the electricity bill.


Después de buscar y buscar, nos hemos decantado por este panel radiante por su acabado sencillo y a la vez elegante. Cumple con todas nuestras necesidades, ya que proporciona un calor muy agradable y mantiene la temperatura de una forma eficaz y silenciosa. Gracias a su termostato, temporizador semanal y función de pagado automático, es cómodo y seguro sin tener que preocuparte de nada. Lo hemos instalado sin ningún tipo de inconveniente, ya que su montaje es fácil y rápido. Ahora solo queda esperar que llegue el frío para poder disfrutar de esta gran compra con la que estamos muy satisfechos. Repetiremos sin duda alguna.

After searching and searching, we have opted for this radiant panel for its simple yet elegant finish. It meets all our needs, as it provides a very pleasant heat and maintains the temperature in an efficient and silent way. Thanks to its thermostat, weekly timer and automatic payment function, it is comfortable and safe without having to worry about anything. We have installed it without any inconvenience, as its assembly is easy and fast. Now we just have to wait for the cold to arrive so we can enjoy this great purchase with which we are very satisfied. We will repeat without a doubt.


Je suis très heureux de mon achat. Le radiateur est très discret, malgré sa grande taille. Sa très grande dimension me permet de n'en avoir qu'un par pièce, ce qui est très économique. C'est également très agréable de pouvoir contrôler mon radiateur directement depuis mon téléphone ou sur la télécommande (attention, les piles ne sont pas fournies) La chaleur qu'il dégage est très agréable dans mon petit appartement. Le montage est très intuitif, seulement 4 trous à percer, et le tour est joué. Je recommande ce produit sans hésiter.

I am very happy with my purchase. The radiator is very discreet, despite its large size. Its very large size allows me to only have one per room, which is very economical. It's also very nice to be able to control my radiator directly from my phone or on the remote control (note, batteries are not included) The heat it gives off is very pleasant in my small apartment. The assembly is very intuitive, only 4 holes to drill, and that's it. I recommend this product without hesitation.


Je suis très heureux de mon achat. Le radiateur est très discret, malgré sa grande taille. Sa très grande dimension me permet de n'en avoir qu'un par pièce, ce qui est très économique. C'est également très agréable de pouvoir contrôler mon radiateur directement depuis mon téléphone ou sur la télécommande (attention, les piles ne sont pas fournies) La chaleur qu'il dégage est très agréable dans mon petit appartement. Le montage est très intuitif, seulement 4 trous à percer, et le tour est joué. Je recommande ce produit sans hésiter.

I am very happy with my purchase. The radiator is very discreet, despite its large size. Its very large size allows me to only have one per room, which is very economical. It's also very nice to be able to control my radiator directly from my phone or on the remote control (note, batteries are not included) The heat it gives off is very pleasant in my small apartment. The assembly is very intuitive, only 4 holes to drill, and that's it. I recommend this product without hesitation.


Je suis très heureux de mon achat. Le radiateur est très discret, malgré sa grande taille. Sa très grande dimension me permet de n'en avoir qu'un par pièce, ce qui est très économique. C'est également très agréable de pouvoir contrôler mon radiateur directement depuis mon téléphone ou sur la télécommande (attention, les piles ne sont pas fournies) La chaleur qu'il dégage est très agréable dans mon petit appartement. Le montage est très intuitif, seulement 4 trous à percer, et le tour est joué. Je recommande ce produit sans hésiter.

I am very happy with my purchase. The radiator is very discreet, despite its large size. Its very large size allows me to only have one per room, which is very economical. It's also very nice to be able to control my radiator directly from my phone or on the remote control (note, batteries are not included) The heat it gives off is very pleasant in my small apartment. The assembly is very intuitive, only 4 holes to drill, and that's it. I recommend this product without hesitation.


Very good product if you buy right one for size of room. Would recommend at least 500 watts for most rooms. Brought 360 watts for room but is small. Heat is different than normal heater but works. Doesn't effect room if u get a gust of cold air like normal heater. Very cheap on electric & can be left on all day. Ideal for saving money...

Very good product if you buy right one for size of room. Would recommend at least 500 watts for most rooms. Brought 360 watts for room but is small. Heat is different than normal heater but works. Doesn't effect room if u get a gust of cold air like normal heater. Very cheap on electric & can be left on all day. Ideal for saving money...


Faltaba el material para colgarlo y tardo bastante en llegar.

The material to hang it was missing and it took a long time to arrive.


Ahora es el segundo calentador que compré. Estoy muy contento con los calentadores. Difunden una agradable calidez. Compraré uno más pequeño para mi sala de estar. El consumo de energía es incluso menor que antes con los calentadores eléctricos antiguos.

This is now the second heater I have purchased. I am very happy with the heaters. They spread a nice warmth. I will buy a smaller one for my living room. The power consumption is even lower than before with the old electric heaters.


Compré el calentador infrarrojo para instalarlo en la pared de mi vivienda para este invierno. He tenido algunos otros calefactores pero siempre están por el medio, con muchos cables y estorbando. Con este panel consigo mantener la habitación a una temperatura confortable sin tener cables ni otros productos por el suelo, además al tener diferentes opciones de textura combina perfectamente con la decoración. Es comodísimo ya que el mando a distancia hace que sea manejable desde cualquier lugar, además no hace nada de ruido, posiblemente compre otro calentador igual para otra habitación. Lo recomiendo.

I bought the infrared heater to install on the wall of my house for this winter. I have had some other heaters but they are always in the way, with lots of cables and getting in the way. With this panel I can keep the room at a comfortable temperature without having cables or other products on the floor, and since it has different texture options it blends perfectly with the decor. It is very convenient since the remote control makes it manageable from anywhere, and it does not make any noise, I will probably buy another heater like this for another room. I recommend it.


SALÓN CALENTITO DE MANERA RÁPIDA Y SIN POLVO este cacharro vale cada euro pagado por él, el diseño es súper elegante y muy estrechito, por lo que puede ser colocado en la pared sin apenas ocupar espacio. El calor es por infrarrojos, lo que hace que no solo sea eficiente si no que también calienta de manera rápida e inteligente, evitando el consumo de energía cuando hay ventanas abiertas. Cuenta con temporizador que permite elegir a qué hora del día se enciende y se apaga, aparte de eso se controla por wifi por lo cual si veo que las temperaturas bajan y quiero que me caliente el salón lo puedo encender desde el móvil. Lo dicho, vale cada euro pagado por él

WARM LIVING ROOM QUICKLY AND DUST-FREE This gadget is worth every euro paid for it, the design is super elegant and very narrow, so it can be placed on the wall without taking up much space. The heat is by infrared, which makes it not only efficient but also heats quickly and intelligently, avoiding energy consumption when windows are open. It has a timer that allows you to choose what time of day it turns on and off, apart from that it is controlled by wifi so if I see that the temperatures are dropping and I want it to warm up the living room I can turn it on from my mobile. As I said, it is worth every euro paid for it.


Con la entrega de mi casa ultimando detalles de que falta aunque estamos en verano tenía un gran pared en el salón y hemos decido yo y mi pareja de poner una placa calefactor. Soy amante de la tecnología y esto de poder manejar la placa con el móvil por medio de una aplicación y desde donde yo este es un punto muy a favor de está placa. La hemos instalado con mucha facilidad, sobre sale muy poco de la pared y da un gran calor como prácticamente si el sol estuviera pasando por un cristal. Viene con protección antisalpicadura por si se necesita poner en un cuarto de baño. Viene también para ponerlo en el techo, solo se necesita un enchufe para enchufar y listo.

With the delivery of my house, I am finishing off the details that are missing, although it is summer. I had a large wall in the living room and my partner and I have decided to put a heating plate. I am a lover of technology and being able to control the plate with my mobile phone using an application and from where I am is a very positive point for this plate. We have installed it very easily, it protrudes very little from the wall and gives off great heat as if the sun were practically passing through a glass. It comes with anti-splash protection in case it needs to be put in a bathroom. It also comes to put it on the ceiling, you just need a plug to plug it in and that's it.


Ce radiateur en plus d'être efficace est de toute beauté. Nous l'avons installé dans notre salon, mais convient également pour les salle de bain. Fin, beau et discret il se fond dans le décor. Ne fait pas de bruit donc idéal également pour une chambre. le radiateur est équipé d'un thermostat et de fonctions sophistiquées telles que l'extinction automatique et la Open Window Détection ce qui est un plus niveau confort d'utilisation Un programmateur nous permet même de régler les heures de chauffage pour chaque jour de la semaine. Et comme le Wonderwall fonctionne sans ventilateur, aucune poussière n'est accumulée, ce qui est pratique pour ma puce allergique aux acariens.

This radiator, in addition to being efficient, is beautiful. We installed it in our living room, but is also suitable for the bathroom. Fine, beautiful and discreet, it blends into the decor. Does not make noise so also ideal for a bedroom. the radiator is equipped with a thermostat and sophisticated functions such as automatic switch-off and Open Window Detection which is a plus level of comfort of use A programmer even allows us to set the heating times for each day of the week . And since the Wonderwall works without a fan, no dust is accumulated, which is convenient for my flea who is allergic to dust mites.


Excellent chauffage qui cible les personnes et fait que la chaleur ne se gaspille pas ailleurs que la où on lui demande. Son design ultra plat est super pour un gain de place . Peut s’utiliser dans n’importe quelle pièce, même la cuisine. Très facile à régler et silencieux Peut s’accrocher au plafond également. Le côté réglable est un plus non négligeable. Très bon chauffage d’appoint qui augmente la chaleur de la pièce de 5 degrés. Je recommande

Excellent heating that targets people and ensures that the heat is not wasted anywhere other than where it is needed. Its ultra-flat design is great for saving space. Can be used in any room, even the kitchen. Very easy to adjust and quiet. Can also be hung from the ceiling. The adjustable side is a significant plus. Very good auxiliary heating which increases the heat of the room by 5 degrees. I recommend


Excellent chauffage qui cible les personnes et fait que la chaleur ne se gaspille pas ailleurs que la où on lui demande. Son design ultra plat est super pour un gain de place . Peut s’utiliser dans n’importe quelle pièce, même la cuisine. Très facile à régler et silencieux Peut s’accrocher au plafond également. Le côté réglable est un plus non négligeable. Très bon chauffage d’appoint qui augmente la chaleur de la pièce de 5 degrés. Je recommande

Excellent heating that targets people and ensures that the heat is not wasted anywhere other than where it is needed. Its ultra-flat design is great for saving space. Can be used in any room, even the kitchen. Very easy to adjust and quiet. Can also be hung from the ceiling. The adjustable side is a significant plus. Very good auxiliary heating which increases the heat in the room by 5 degrees. I recommend


Excellent chauffage qui cible les personnes et fait que la chaleur ne se gaspille pas ailleurs que la où on lui demande. Son design ultra plat est super pour un gain de place . Peut s’utiliser dans n’importe quelle pièce, même la cuisine. Très facile à régler et silencieux Peut s’accrocher au plafond également. Le côté réglable est un plus non négligeable. Très bon chauffage d’appoint qui augmente la chaleur de la pièce de 5 degrés. Je recommande

Excellent heating that targets people and ensures that the heat is not wasted anywhere other than where it is needed. Its ultra-flat design is great for saving space. Can be used in any room, even the kitchen. Very easy to adjust and quiet. Can also be hung from the ceiling. The adjustable side is a significant plus. Very good auxiliary heating which increases the heat of the room by 5 degrees. I recommend


Bought this as an experiment after reading that National Trust are using infrared heating in some of their Scottish properties. The principle seems to work but this particular heater at 360 watts is only enough for a quite small room, unable to verify running costs but the warmth is very pleasant within a reasonable distance of it. OK in conservatory during the day, but because of the open window function when the temperature drops it appears to switch off, but since I have not spent the night in the conservatory I cannot be sure exactly what is happening. Overall I think if you get the right wattage these heaters are quite good, no good for bedrooms though because of the red light on the thermostat, unless you don’t mind a light at night.

Bought this as an experiment after reading that National Trust are using infrared heating in some of their Scottish properties. The principle seems to work but this particular heater at 360 watts is only enough for a quite small room, unable to verify running costs but the warmth is very pleasant within a reasonable distance of it. OK in conservatory during the day, but because of the open window function when the temperature drops it appears to switch off, but since I have not spent the night in the conservatory I cannot be sure exactly what is happening. Overall I think if you get the right wattage these heaters are quite good, no good for bedrooms though because of the red light on the thermostat, unless you don’t mind a light at night.


Ayant acheté 2 radiateurs de ce type pour des chambres de 12 M², ce modèle suffit à maintenir une chaleur douce de 20/21 degrés. pour une surface plus importante, choisissez impérativement un modèle plus puissant. Pour le montage à l'horizontale, veillez à le fixer avec le bouton marche/arrêt en dessous, de façon à ce que la télécommande se trouve en dessous du panneau ou en bas et à côté. Le thermostat étant dans la télécommande, si celle-ci est au dessus, la température devient incontrolable. A noter que sur le deuxième radiateur reçu, le cable de la télécommande est un peu plus long. (enfin!)

Having purchased 2 radiators of this type for rooms of 12 M², this model is sufficient to maintain a gentle heat of 20/21 degrees. for a larger surface area, definitely choose a more powerful model. For horizontal mounting, be sure to secure it with the on/off button underneath, so the remote is below the panel or down and to the side. The thermostat being in the remote control, if it is above, the temperature becomes uncontrollable. Note that on the second radiator received, the remote control cable is a little longer. (Finally!)


Ayant acheté 2 radiateurs de ce type pour des chambres de 12 M², ce modèle suffit à maintenir une chaleur douce de 20/21 degrés. pour une surface plus importante, choisissez impérativement un modèle plus puissant. Pour le montage à l'horizontale, veillez à le fixer avec le bouton marche/arrêt en dessous, de façon à ce que la télécommande se trouve en dessous du panneau ou en bas et à côté. Le thermostat étant dans la télécommande, si celle-ci est au dessus, la température devient incontrolable. A noter que sur le deuxième radiateur reçu, le cable de la télécommande est un peu plus long. (enfin!)

Having purchased 2 radiators of this type for rooms of 12 M², this model is sufficient to maintain a gentle heat of 20/21 degrees. for a larger surface area, definitely choose a more powerful model. For horizontal mounting, be sure to secure it with the on/off button underneath, so the remote is below the panel or down and to the side. The thermostat being in the remote control, if it is above, the temperature becomes uncontrollable. Note that on the second radiator received, the remote control cable is a little longer. (Finally!)


Ayant acheté 2 radiateurs de ce type pour des chambres de 12 M², ce modèle suffit à maintenir une chaleur douce de 20/21 degrés. pour une surface plus importante, choisissez impérativement un modèle plus puissant. Pour le montage à l'horizontale, veillez à le fixer avec le bouton marche/arrêt en dessous, de façon à ce que la télécommande se trouve en dessous du panneau ou en bas et à côté. Le thermostat étant dans la télécommande, si celle-ci est au dessus, la température devient incontrolable. A noter que sur le deuxième radiateur reçu, le cable de la télécommande est un peu plus long. (enfin!)

Having purchased 2 radiators of this type for rooms of 12 M², this model is sufficient to maintain a gentle heat of 20/21 degrees. for a larger surface area, definitely choose a more powerful model. For horizontal mounting, be sure to secure it with the on/off button underneath, so the remote is below the panel or down and to the side. The thermostat being in the remote control, if it is above, the temperature becomes uncontrollable. Note that on the second radiator received, the remote control cable is a little longer. (Finally!)


Bought this as an experiment after reading that National Trust are using infrared heating in some of their Scottish properties. The principle seems to work but this particular heater at 360 watts is only enough for a quite small room, unable to verify running costs but the warmth is very pleasant within a reasonable distance of it. OK in conservatory during the day, but because of the open window function when the temperature drops it appears to switch off, but since I have not spent the night in the conservatory I cannot be sure exactly what is happening. Overall I think if you get the right wattage these heaters are quite good, no good for bedrooms though because of the red light on the thermostat, unless you don’t mind a light at night.

Bought this as an experiment after reading that National Trust are using infrared heating in some of their Scottish properties. The principle seems to work but this particular heater at 360 watts is only enough for a quite small room, unable to verify running costs but the warmth is very pleasant within a reasonable distance of it. OK in conservatory during the day, but because of the open window function when the temperature drops it appears to switch off, but since I have not spent the night in the conservatory I cannot be sure exactly what is happening. Overall I think if you get the right wattage these heaters are quite good, no good for bedrooms though because of the red light on the thermostat, unless you don’t mind a light at night.