[Returns: -15%] VariCook XL Double Induction Hot Plate

£ 112.99
Original price: £ 132.99 -15%
(incl. VAT)
Product number: 53012197
VariCook XL Double Induction Hot Plate
£ 112.99
Original price: £ 132.99 -15%
(incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 118.99
    Original price: £ 132.99
  • £ 132.99
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • 3100W strong 2-field induction hob -1300W, 1800W or max. performance

  • For cookware with a 12 - 26 cm diameter

  • 10 adjustable power and temperature levels


  • Power levels: 200W, 400W, 600W, 800W, 1000W, 1100W, 1200W, 1400W, 1600W, 1800W
  • Temperature setting: 60-240°C - in 20°C steps
  • Timer function for automatic shut-off - 0:01 to 3:00 hours
  • Automatic pan detection
  • Low heat dissipation at ambient
  • Overheating protection
  • Double-ventilation cooling
  • Acoustic signals
  • LED display
  • Non-slip rubber feet
  • Off switch
  • Power supply: 220-240V, 50/60Hz
Product number: 53012197

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • 60 x 7 x 36cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 5.6 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x Device
  • English manual (other language: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
47 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Prodotto buono, spedizione veloce.

Good product, fast shipping.


Schnell und einfach zu bedienen

Fast and easy to use


article corrspondant a mon attente

article corresponding to my expectations


schnell + wie erwartet.. Top :)

fast + as expected.. Top :)


Très bon rapport qualité prix pour cette plaque de cuisson verticale.Le seul petit bémol est le manque de précision entre le mode de fonctionnement "Température" et "Puissance".Il me semble que l’un des deux modes est fonctionnel à un instant T.De plus le mode "Température" n’est pas continu dans le temps, l’eau boue puis s’arrête de bouillir à 100°C. Je recommande d’utiliser le mode "Puissance".

Very good value for money for this vertical hob. The only small downside is the lack of precision between the "Temperature" and "Power" operating modes. It seems to me that one of the two modes is functional at a given time. In addition, the "Temperature" mode is not continuous over time, the water boils and then stops boiling at 100°C. I recommend using the "Power" mode.


Ottimo prodotto

Great product


Ho acquistato questa piastra a induzione. Ho avuto un problema con un fuoco che a un certo punto non ha piu' funzionato correttamente. Ho contatto la ditta produttrice Klarstein che lo produceva, e tramite amazon e tramite numero verde. Devo assolutamente premiare con cinque stelle il prodotto per la grande disponibilità della ditta che mi offriva o il cambio immediato o se avessi voluto una restituzione del 20% e avrei dovuto farlo riparare da me. Ho optato per la prima opzione. La ditta mi ha inviato per email gli adesivi da incollare al pacco e gratuitamente l'ho mandato in Germania. Dopo pochi giorni giorni mi è arrivata la nuova piastra che funziona perfettamente. Devo assolutamente apprezzare la cordialità la serietà e la puntalità di questa ditta e dei loro operatori telefonici

I purchased this induction hob. I had a problem with a burner that at a certain point no longer worked properly. I contacted the manufacturing company Klarstein that produced it, both through Amazon and through a toll-free number. I absolutely have to award the product with five stars for the great availability of the company that offered me either an immediate exchange or if I wanted a 20% refund and I would have had to have it repaired by myself. I opted for the first option. The company sent me the stickers to stick on the package by email and I sent it to Germany for free. After a few days the new hob arrived and it works perfectly. I absolutely have to appreciate the friendliness, seriousness and punctuality of this company and their telephone operators


Ciao, Acquistato per fare un regalo natalizio e ricevuto i complimenti. E' il secondo che acquisto di questo marchio, anche se il primo è a 4 zone, ma sempre al top anche se di dimensioni ridotte. Ottimo per qualità prezzo. Dax

Hello, Bought for a Christmas present and received compliments. It's the second purchase of this brand, even if the first is 4 zones, but still top notch even if smaller in size. Excellent for quality/price. Dax


Ottimo prodotto, venditore ok

Great product, ok seller


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Ho avuto un problema corriere leggermente in ritardo ma sotto le feste normale. Ho scritto al venditore mi ha risposto immediatamente. Prodotto poi arrivato perfetto imballaggio direi eccellente. La piastra è eccezionale! Rumore pari allo zero! Due fuochi indipendenti. Scalda immediatamente in pochi secondi e cuoce perfettamente. Nessun problema sotto poiché ha il piano di sostegno ed appoggio alto. Direi per ora sono estremamente soddisfatta. Avevo letto alcune recensioni non chiare invece sono proprio contenta! Grazie Amazon. Ottimo prezzo. Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo.

Unable to load media. I had a problem with the courier slightly late but normal during the holidays. I wrote to the seller and he replied immediately. The product then arrived perfect, the packaging I would say excellent. The plate is exceptional! Zero noise! Two independent burners. It heats up immediately in a few seconds and cooks perfectly. No problems underneath since it has a high support and support surface. I would say for now I am extremely satisfied. I had read some unclear reviews but I am really happy! Thanks Amazon. Excellent price. Excellent value for money.


Prodotto superiore alle aspettative, l' ho acquistato per prova prima di passare definitivamente all' induzione. Ma è validissimo e non ha nulla da invidiare ad un piano a induzione fisso. Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo

Product exceeded expectations, I bought it to test before switching definitively to induction. But it is very valid and has nothing to envy to a fixed induction hob. Excellent value for money


Piastra molto comoda e versatile utilizzo a casa ed in camper (un pò rumorosa)

Very comfortable and versatile plate for use at home and in campers (a little noisy)


Ho preso questa piastra, assieme ad un kit di pentole/padelle idonee (Deik, che vedo ora non vendono piú su Amazon), in attesa di cambiare tutto il piano cucina con uno ad induzione..... e ancora lo sto usando. Confermo le ottime recensioni... dopo 3 anni problemi zero e funziona come il primo giorno, l'unico "problema" é che ci vuole un pó ad abituarsi a questo sistema di cottura, per tutti quelli che vengono dal gas, ma una volta imparato, non tornerei mai indietro. Per dare un'idea a chi non ha mai utilizzato questo sistema, 600W sono sufficienti per cucinare fette di carne (fettine/petto di pollo), 800W li uso per i pancake, 1600W per far bollire l'acqua e 200W, una volta che l'acqua bolle, per cuocere la pasta (assieme ad un coperchio), 1600/1800W (il massimo su singolo fuoco) per le bistecche. Comodissima la funzione timer, che permette di spegnere il piano senza dover impostare timer su cellulari o dispositivi vari. Per la pulizia giornaliera vi consiglio detergente (Starwax) e panno in microfibra ad hoc (Impact a superfici differenziate) che potete tranquillamente trovare al Leroy

I bought this plate, along with a set of suitable pots/pans (Deik, which I see they no longer sell on Amazon), while waiting to change the entire kitchen top to an induction one..... and I'm still using it. I confirm the excellent reviews... after 3 years, zero problems and it works like the first day, the only "problem" is that it takes a while to get used to this cooking system, for all those who come from gas, but once you learn, I would never go back. To give an idea to those who have never used this system, 600W are enough to cook slices of meat (chicken slices/breast), I use 800W for pancakes, 1600W to boil water and 200W, once the water boils, to cook pasta (together with a lid), 1600/1800W (the maximum on a single burner) for steaks. The timer function is very convenient, allowing you to turn off the hob without having to set timers on cell phones or other devices. For daily cleaning I recommend a detergent (Starwax) and a special microfiber cloth (Impact with differentiated surfaces) that you can easily find at Leroy


DAs Gerät wurde schnell geliefert. Es sieht sehr wertig aus. Die Temperaturregelung liefert Anhaltspunkte. Die niedrigste Temperatur die einstellbar ist beträgt 60°C. Bei dieser Einstellung hat aber das erwärmte Medium (Wasser) mindestens 70°. Bei Einstellung 80°C erreicht die Mediums Temperatur locker über 100°C! Ist für mich aber nicht weiter störend, da wir eher die Leistungsstufen von 200-1800W verwenden und das Kochgut nicht unbeaufsichtigt lassen. Man kann entweder Temperatur vorwählen oder eben die Leistungsstufen. Eine Kombination ist leider nicht möglich. Der Geräuschpegel ist sehr gering und vernachlässigbar, da bei eingeschalteter Dunstabzugshaube das Lüftergeräusch nicht mehr hörbar ist. Alles in allem ein für uns brauchbares Gerät.

The device was delivered quickly. It looks very valuable. The temperature control provides clues. The lowest temperature that can be set is 60°C. With this setting, however, the heated medium (water) has at least 70°. With a setting of 80°C, the medium temperature easily reaches over 100°C! But it doesn't bother me because we tend to use the power levels of 200-1800W and don't leave the food unattended. You can either preselect the temperature or the power levels. A combination is unfortunately not possible. The noise level is very low and negligible, since the fan noise is no longer audible when the extractor hood is switched on. All in all, a useful device for us.


Die durchgehende Glasplatte ist hervorragend, die Einstellung von Power, Temperaturen und Timer sind einfach zu bedienen. Sehr zu empfehlen

The continuous glass plate is excellent, the setting of power, temperatures and timer are easy to use. We recommend


Die o.g. Kochplatte ( zwei Kochplatten) habe ich vor zwei Tagen erhalten und somit drei Mal in Benutzung gehabt. Beim ersten Abendessen, habe ich mich heran getastet um mit der neuen Kochtechnik und den Einstellungen mich vertraut gemacht. Die Espressokanne war so schnell erhitzt, das der Kaffee schneller zubereitet war, als es das ich es gewohnt war. 1. heranprobieren war also erste Klasse verlaufen. Beim ersten Frühstück habe ich mich an den Espresso und Frühstückseier heran getan - auch das verlief sehr zufriedenstellend. Das Mittagessen mit Gulasch und Kartoffeln war dann mit den Einstellungen und dem längeren köcheln des zuvor scharf angebratenem Fleisch, sehr genau variierbar (Temperatur/Zeit). Die Kartoffeln ließen sich so gut mit dem Simmern einstellen, das der Topf NICHT über gekocht hatte. Ich hoffe nun, das die Qualität sich auch in der Haltbarkeit zeigt, sodass sich der Preis - in Leistung und Qualität zum jetzigem Zeitpunkt - definitiv das wieder gibt was ich bekommen und erhalten habe ! Baden-Württemberg, 09.04.'22 15:57 Uhr

I received the above hotplate (two hotplates) two days ago and have used it three times. At the first dinner, I felt my way around to familiarize myself with the new cooking technique and settings. The espresso pot was heated so quickly that the coffee was prepared faster than I was used to. 1. trying it on was first class. At the first breakfast I tried the espresso and breakfast eggs - that was also very satisfactory. Lunch with goulash and potatoes could then be varied very precisely (temperature/time) with the settings and the longer simmering of the previously seared meat. The potatoes settled so well with the simmering that the pot had NOT over cooked. I now hope that the quality is also reflected in the durability, so that the price - in terms of performance and quality at this point in time - definitely reflects what I got and have received! Baden-Württemberg, April 9th, 2022, 3:57 p.m


schnelle Lieferung,tolles Gerät

fast delivery, great device


sehr schnell heiß...Wahnsinn man muss sich damitauseinander setzen...z.B. beim ersten mal war mein Rührei schneller fertig als das Toasti im Toaster...auch Kochen ist anders, Nudeln kochen geht sehr gut über die Leistung, aber nicht über die Temperatur...!

very quickly hot... madness you have to deal with it... e.g. the first time my scrambled eggs were ready faster than the toast in the toaster... cooking is also different, cooking pasta is very good about the power, but not about the Temperature...!


Update in 08/ 2023: — die grobe 5 minutenrasterung nervt sehr, ob ich 11 oder 14 minuten koche kann den unterschied machen. — — timerfunktion oft nicht nutzbar — die grobe temperatureinstellmoeglichkeit nervt ebenfalls sehr — — oft nicht moeglich das kochgut „simmern“ zu lassen — temperaturgenauigkeit/ hitzeerzeugung der kochfelder oefter x ungenau — — (als beispiel: 1) neulich gings ueber handwarm nicht hinaus obwohl beide platten vollen energieeintrag haben sollten. 2. oefter, eigentlich immer, der fall: ohne aeussere beeinflussung braet es nicht mehr, hitze muss nachgefuehrt werden) fuehr zu abwertung um 2 sterne weil das geraet unnuetz mehr aufmerksamkeit verlangt als noetig waere —. - - —. — - - —. —. - - —. —. - - — zuerstemal muss ich die lieferzeit seitens klarstein loben! - lieferung erfolgte ueber nacht. (nachts bestellt, mittag des folgetages platte vor ort) !mehr als eine funktionsprobe habe ich bisher nicht gemacht! ~ (wasser auf beiden herdplatten aufgesetzt, niedrigste energiestufe, 5minuten ueber timer) - alle funktionen sind gegeben - die hitzeentwicklung ist unglaublich schnell - die temperaturangaben, jedenfalls 60Grad haben mit der realitaet ueberhauptgarnichts zu tun - - bei 60grad-einstellung gibts blasenbildung des oels in der pfanne; ich denke das ist beweis das es erheblich mehr als 60Grad sind. warmhalten st also trotz angeblicher temperaturmoeglichkeit nicht moeglich (jedenfalls bei niedrigem fuellstand - - - by the way, gelegentlich wird die intervallaufheizung der induktionsplatte bemaengelt. das geht nichz anders, das liegt am prinzip innduktion - timer schaltet zuverlaessig - - timer ist nur in 5-minuten schritten schaltbar. wer kommt denn auf soo eine unpraktische idee?? - jedes feld hat ein eigenes display, die gewaehlten einstellungen werden im intervall abwechselnd angezeigt - - waehrend des kochvorganges sind ueber die + und - taste nur energie oder temperatur veraenderbar. die zeit/ der timer nicht!! will man dies, muss man wieder von vorne an einstellen. energie/ temperatur springen dazu wieder auf den jeweiligen hoechstweret. - - jedes display hat nen eigenen schalter, „funktion“, mit dem die einstellmoeglichkeit aktiviert wird - im bedienbereich des linken feldes gibt es einen zentralen „on/off“ schalter - in ausgeschaltetem zustand grinst mich permanent, 24/365!, „OFF“ an. - die herdplatte ist nicht aus einem stueck, die weissen striche auf dem produktbild sind die verbindungsdichtungen und sind fuehlbar - - duerfte zu folge haben dass einfach x drueberwischen so nicht funktioniert = hoeherer reinigungsaufwand - - - ob und wie lange ist das dicht? baldiges, feuchte geschuldetes, elektronikproblem?? (an anderer stelle, bei anderem geraet schon x gelesen) - die geraeuschentwicklung wuerde ich als moderat bezeichnen - - fluesterleise zum daneben schlummern ist nicht, aber auch deutlich!! leiser als ein staubsauger oder mancher handmixer - nach kochvorgang ist die platte sehr! heiss, anfassen ist definitiv nicht (ich weiss nicht wies bei der vorigen platte war, oh. daumen) - - in dem kochfeldzugehoerigen display erscheint so lange ein „H“ wie man tunlichst eine beruehrung vermeiden sollte - - - danach ist die platte noch handwarm - - - - dieser zustand wurde nach ~ 5minuten erreicht. - das bedienfeld ist ~ 20 - 30grad abgeschraegt - - das gefaellt mir besser als wenn es eine ebene mit dem kochfeld waere - - - (fehl-) bedienung mit einem - - - - verschobenen topf - - - - oder beim abwischen der kochfeldflaeche beim ueberlaufen des topfes - - - - - sollte so nicht vorkommen - unlogische sensortastenbelegung - - rechts ist -/down/ weniger, links ist +/ up/ mehr - - - analog uhrzeigersinn ist das nicht!; man muss also hinschauen - - - - - - - - - bei fast? allen produkten nervig: sich nicht legende, also keine weichen gummikabel, sondern formstabile plastekabel - aber das begreift ja kein hersteller der ein stromkabel als energieanschluss benoetigt. - - - - der kontakt mit fa. klarstein war freundlich u schnell. (verkaeufer und! versender, trackingnummer wurde mitgeteilt ) - der kontakt/ reaktion/ veraenderbarkeit der bestellung innerhalb des amazonsystems ist allerdings schneller ( ) - - - - so, nu bin ich mal gespannt. eine woche spaeter in obige bewertung eingebunden - ansprechverhalten - temperaturgenauigkeit - timereinstellmoeglichkeiten zwischenfazit: unglaublich wie weit entfernt von bedienungs-/ nutzungsfreundlichkeit die elektronischen faehigkeiten des geraetes sind. offenbar von leuten konzipiert die lieferdienste bevorzugen und selbst nix mit kochen zu tun haben. aus diesem grunde nehme ich 2 sterne weg. behalte aber das geraet weil ich den aufwand nicht mag es zu retournieren und auf das naechste teil mit anderen bugs zu warten. kochen kann man ja damit

Update in 08/ 2023: - the rough 5-minute increments are very annoying, whether I cook for 11 or 14 minutes can make the difference. - - timer function often cannot be used - the rough temperature setting option is also very annoying - - often not possible to let the food "simmer" - temperature accuracy / heat generation of the hobs is often x inaccurate - - (as an example: 1) the other day it didn't get any warmer than lukewarm even though both plates should have had full energy input. 2. more often, actually always, the case: without external influence it no longer cooks, heat has to be added) leads to a downgrade of 2 stars because the device unnecessarily demands more attention than is necessary -. - - -. - - -. -. - - -. -. - - - First of all, I have to praise Klarstein's delivery time! - Delivery was overnight. (Ordered at night, plate on site by midday the following day) !I have not done more than a test of functionality so far! ~ (put water on both hotplates, lowest power level, 5 minutes on timer) - all functions work - heat is generated incredibly quickly - the temperature information, at least 60 degrees, has absolutely nothing to do with reality - - when set to 60 degrees, the oil in the pan starts to bubble; I think that is proof that it is considerably more than 60 degrees. So keeping it warm is not possible despite the alleged temperature option (at least when the level is low - - - by the way, the interval heating of the induction plate is occasionally criticized. There is no other way, it is due to the principle of induction - timer switches reliably - - timer can only be switched in 5-minute increments. Who comes up with such an impractical idea?? - each field has its own display, the selected settings are displayed alternately in intervals - - during the cooking process only energy or temperature can be changed using the + and - buttons. The time/timer cannot!! If you want to do this, you have to set it again from the beginning. Energy/temperature jump back to the respective maximum value. - - each display has its own switch, "function", with which the setting option is activated - in the operating area of the left field there is a central "on/off" switch - when switched off, “OFF” is constantly grinning at me, 24/365! - the hotplate is not made from one piece, the white lines on the product image are the connecting seals and can be felt - - this will probably mean that simply wiping over it won't work = more cleaning work - - - is it watertight and for how long? Imminent electronics problem caused by moisture?? (I've read about this elsewhere, with another appliance) - I'd describe the noise level as moderate - - it's not whisper quiet enough to fall asleep next to, but it's definitely quieter than a vacuum cleaner or some hand mixers - after cooking, the hotplate is very! hot, definitely not to be touched (I don't know how it was with the previous plate, oh. fingers crossed) - - an "H" appears on the display for the hob for as long as you can, indicating that you should avoid touching it if possible - - - after that the plate is still lukewarm - - - - this state was reached after ~ 5 minutes. - the control panel is angled at ~ 20 - 30 degrees - - I like that better than if it were on the same level as the hob - - - (incorrect) operation with a - - - - shifted pan - - - - or when wiping the hob surface when the pan overflows - - - - - shouldn't happen like that - illogical sensor button assignment - - right is -/down/ less, left is +/up/ more - - - it's not analog clockwise!; you have to look - - - - - - - - - at almost? Annoying about all products: no legend, i.e. no soft rubber cables, but dimensionally stable plastic cables - but no manufacturer who needs a power cable as a power connection understands that. - - - - contact with Klarstein was friendly and quick. (seller and! sender, tracking number was provided) - contact/response/ability to change the order within the Amazon system is quicker though ( ) - - - - so, now I'm curious. a week later included in the above review - response behavior - temperature accuracy - timer setting options interim conclusion: unbelievable how far removed from operation/user friendliness the electronic capabilities of the device are. obviously designed by people who prefer delivery services and have nothing to do with cooking themselves. for this reason I'm taking away 2 stars. but I'm keeping the device because I don't want the hassle of returning it and waiting for the next one with other bugs. you can cook with it


Temperaturregelung ist nicht so gut justierbar.

Temperature control is not very adjustable.


Im Grunde gefällt mir diese Platte wirklich gut. Sie tut ihren Job. Ich habe nicht gemessen ob die Temperatur die eingestellt ist auch tatsächlich erreicht wird, aber ich habe das Gefühl, das eine Platte bei gleicher Einstellung mehr Leistung abgibt als die andere. Leider war das auch die wo der Lüfter von Anfang an unglaublich laut war. Wurde also nur genutzt wenn tatsächlich notwendig. Jetzt, nach nichtmal 3 Monaten, hat dieser Lüfter, nachdem er immer lauter geworden ist, auch gänzlich den Geist aufgegeben. Das gute daran ist, diese Platte ist jetzt angenehm leise. Nachteilig, die Platte überhitzt nach wenigen Minuten und stellt sich ab. Um noch etwas positives zu den Lüftern zu sagen, wenn sie richtig funktionieren hört man eigentlich nur das leise Klingeln der Induktionsplatte. Ich werde das Gerät jetzt tauschen und meine Rezession ggf. nochmal anpassen.

Basically, I really like this record. She's doing her job. I haven't measured whether the temperature that is set is actually reached, but I have the feeling that one plate gives off more power than the other at the same setting. Unfortunately, that was also the one where the fan was incredibly loud from the start. It was only used when actually necessary. Now, after not even 3 months, this fan has completely given up the ghost after it got louder and louder. The good thing is, this record is now pleasantly quiet. Disadvantageously, the disk overheats after a few minutes and turns itself off. To say something positive about the fans, if they work properly, you can actually only hear the soft ringing of the induction plate. I will now exchange the device and adjust my recession again if necessary.


LED Anzeige könnte heller sichtbar sein.

LED display could be brighter visible.


Betaalbare prijs bekent merk goede kwaliteit makkelijk in gebruik mooi design snel op temperatuur koelt snel af

Affordable price, brand, good quality, easy to use, beautiful design, heats up quickly, cools down quickly


Tolles Produkt, einzige Nachteil man kann nicht kleine Töpfe oder eine Kaffee Mocka benutzen.

Great product, only downside you can't use small pots or a coffee mocka.





Solidly constructed with superb performance. A winner!

Solidly constructed with superb performance. A winner!


Using it for few months now and we're happy with the purchase. We're using it at home, for daily cooking (family of 2, no kids). Took some time to switch to induction hob, but can highly recommend. It sits well on the surface (due to its weight), it's very easy to be cleaned. The only downside is the noise level (can't say if all induction hobs are having the same as this is our first one). Overall very satisfied. Works well and meets our needs.

Using it for few months now and we're happy with the purchase. We're using it at home, for daily cooking (family of 2, no kids). Took some time to switch to induction hob, but can highly recommend. It sits well on the surface (due to its weight), it's very easy to be cleaned. The only downside is the noise level (can't say if all induction hobs are having the same as this is our first one). Overall very satisfied. Works well and meets our needs.


This item seems to work well despite the scrunched in side. This was not noticed at first due to my poor eyesight, It didn't get opened for a few weeks as I have been waiting on someone to re-do the kitchen. By then all the packaging had been thrown away so it wasn't possible to send it back. BEWARE - CHECK ASAP

This item seems to work well despite the scrunched in side. This was not noticed at first due to my poor eyesight, It didn't get opened for a few weeks as I have been waiting on someone to re-do the kitchen. By then all the packaging had been thrown away so it wasn't possible to send it back. BEWARE - CHECK ASAP


Tolle Produkt! Mit Produkten aus dem Hause Klarstein kann man eigentlich nichts falsch machen! Qualität und Design für gutes Geld. Mehrwert vorhanden

Great product! You really can't go wrong with products from Klarstein! Quality and design for good money. added value available


Die Platte funktioniert ohne Mängel. Durch die ungeteilte Ceranplatte ist die Reinigung ein Kinderspiel. Die Regulierungen sind sehr gut, natürlich muß man die Umstellung auf Induktion vollziehen-lernen. Die Kochvorgäng sind extrem kürzer, toll. Der Geräuschpegel lässt allerdings zu wünschen übrig. In einer amerikanischen Küche für den Rest der Familie oder ev. Gästen bestimmt etwas laut. Aber bei der Kürze der Kochvorgäng auszuhalten. Die Lüftung ist bei den Temperaturen für die Technik auch zwingend notwendig!

The plate works without defects. Thanks to the undivided ceramic plate, cleaning is child's play. The controls are very good, of course you have to learn how to switch to induction. The cooking process is extremely shorter, great. However, the noise level leaves a lot to be desired. A bit noisy in an American kitchen for the rest of the family or possibly guests. But bearable given the brevity of the cooking process. The ventilation is also absolutely necessary at the temperatures for the technology!


Per sostituire il vecchio fornello (con bombola!) si è pensato ad un piano ad induzione con due piastre, comodissimo per un single ma non solo. Questo modello è molto stiloso, sembra quasi una console da DJ, e funziona molto bene dopo il primo periodo di pratica. la Klarstein fa prodotti eccellenti e questo XL è grande anche per padelle grandi, ed ha un consumo anche molto basso rispetto ad altri modelli e marchi. L'unica nota sono le istruzioni molto basiche per cui non è chiara la differenza tra "potenza" e "temperatura", ma con l'uso si capisce la differenza tra usare le piastre a 1300W o a 600W ... Forse sarebbe stata comoda anche una piccola guida all'uso con esempi chiari, per chi viene da una classica cucina a gas le differenze sono moltissime. E' vero che l'acqua bolle in pochi minuti, ma come "abbassare" la "fiamma" se bolle troppo, o straborda con la pasta dentro? Inoltre per chi è abituato a "spadellare" bisogna prenderci la mano visto che il calore arriva SOLO quando la padella è poggiata sulla piastra, anche se le padelle col fondo spesso come quelle per l'induzione mantengono comunque gran parte del calore. Se si poggia entro 40 secondi la piastra riprende a funzionare, e l'eventuale timer a scorrere il tempo. E' consigliabile una piccola prolunga con un interruttore (io l'ho trovata qui su Amazon!) per spegnerla del tutto quando non si usa, visto che NON ha un interruttore. Il fondo del piano cottura è molto alto e nasconde delle ventole non molto rumorose, in ogni caso per i primi tempi è consigliato un utilizzo "presenziato", tenendo d'occhio cosa succede in pentola o in padella. Dopo una settimana sono comunque riuscito a cuocere verdure a bassa cottura, dei tortellini in padella in 5 minuti, e persino dei sughi senza bruciare finalmente l'aglio o la cipolla. Ora non tornerei indietro mai... NB aggiornamento agosto 2022: pulito sempre e solo con acqua , a volte aceto (torna brillante) e dopo due anni sono ancora molto contento ! Ho visto che il prezzo è aumentato moltissimo nel frattempo rispetto al 2020, ma avendone visti altri simili direi che questo qui li vale tutti, comunque.

To replace the old stove (with gas cylinder!) we thought of an induction hob with two plates, very convenient for a single person but not only. This model is very stylish, it almost looks like a DJ console, and it works very well after the first period of practice. Klarstein makes excellent products and this XL is also large for large pans, and it also has a very low consumption compared to other models and brands. The only note is the very basic instructions for which the difference between "power" and "temperature" is not clear, but with use you understand the difference between using the plates at 1300W or 600W ... Perhaps a small user guide with clear examples would have been useful, for those who come from a classic gas stove the differences are many. It is true that water boils in a few minutes, but how do you "lower" the "flame" if it boils too much, or overflows with pasta inside? Also, for those who are used to "frying" you have to get used to it since the heat ONLY arrives when the pan is placed on the plate, even if pans with a thick bottom like those for induction still retain a lot of the heat. If you put it down within 40 seconds the plate starts working again, and the timer starts running. A small extension cord with a switch is recommended (I found it here on Amazon!) to turn it off completely when not in use, since it does NOT have a switch. The bottom of the hob is very high and hides some fans that are not very noisy, in any case for the first few times it is recommended to use it "attended", keeping an eye on what happens in the pot or pan. After a week I still managed to cook vegetables at a low temperature, some tortellini in a pan in 5 minutes, and even some sauces without finally burning the garlic or onion. Now I would never go back... NB update August 2022: always cleaned only with water, sometimes vinegar (it comes back shiny) and after two years I am still very happy! I've seen that the price has increased a lot in the meantime compared to 2020, but having seen other similar ones I'd say that this one is worth them all, anyway.


Nachdem ich mich an die Geschwindigkeit der Induktion gewöhnt habe, bin ich sehr zufrieden mit dem Kochfeld. Allerdings ist es wirklich relativ laut, was aber für mich nicht so störend ist.

After getting used to the speed of induction, I am very happy with the hob. However, it is really quite loud, which is not that annoying for me.


This is a fantastic double hob. It’s neat and simple and does the job perfectly. It’s definitely worth paying that bit more for. The hobs heat up very quickly and cool down quickly. My only slight gripe is that the rings on the hob will not clean up once marked.

This is a fantastic double hob. It’s neat and simple and does the job perfectly. It’s definitely worth paying that bit more for. The hobs heat up very quickly and cool down quickly. My only slight gripe is that the rings on the hob will not clean up once marked.


Das Kochfeld macht zunächst einen guten Eindruck, die Leistung ist okay. Ganz übel ist allerdings das überlaute und völlig überflüssige Gepiepe bei jedem Befehl der eingegeben wird. Alle Hersteller pflegen ja diesen unnötigen Blödsinn und er ist geeigenet dem Verbraucher das ganze Kochfeld zu verleiden.

The hob makes a good impression at first, the performance is okay. However, the excessively loud and completely unnecessary beeping with every command that is entered is really bad. All manufacturers maintain this unnecessary nonsense and it is suitable to spoil the whole hob for the consumer.


I like this a lot after using it a couple of times. It feels sturdy (it's quite heavy) and therefore feels stable and safe. I like that the surface is a single sheet of glass, it makes cleaning and maintenance much easier. I'm still getting used to the different settings, but it's pretty intuitive to use. So far very pleased.

I like this a lot after using it a couple of times. It feels sturdy (it's quite heavy) and therefore feels stable and safe. I like that the surface is a single sheet of glass, it makes cleaning and maintenance much easier. I'm still getting used to the different settings, but it's pretty intuitive to use. So far very pleased.


Das Klarstein VariCook XL Kochfeld sieht sehr wertig aus, in der Funktion sehr gut. Schade ist das es über 3000 Watt für beide Kochfelder bei Vollauslastung benötigt. Wir nutzen das Kochfeld im Wohnmobil und da wäre es besser gewesen wenn es unter 3000 Watt geblieben wäre. Leider gibt es aber keinen Hersteller der auch daran interessiert wäre knapp unter 3000 Watt zu bleiben. Und wenn, sind die Produkte völlig überteuert. Mal sehen wie sich die Doppel-Induktionskochplatten im Wohnmobil bewähren. Sollte es gut funktionieren empfehlen wir das Produkt gern weiter.

The Klarstein VariCook XL hob looks very valuable and is very functional. It is a pity that it requires over 3000 watts for both hobs at full capacity. We use the hob in the mobile home and it would have been better if it had stayed below 3000 watts. Unfortunately, there is no manufacturer who would be interested in staying just under 3000 watts. And if so, the products are completely overpriced. Let's see how the double induction hotplates prove themselves in the mobile home. If it works well, we would be happy to recommend the product to others.


Very good product, stylish and easy to use.

Very good product, stylish and easy to use.


Gerät ist sehr gut wir benutzen es draußen im garten wegen der Kochgerüche, ist aber recht laut durch die Lüftergeräusche

Device is very good, we use it outside in the garden because of the cooking smells, but it is quite loud due to the fan noise


Great value for money - makes cooking fun!

Great value for money - makes cooking fun!


Stavolta non resisto, lo devo recensire, magari se troverò delle 'pecche' aggiornerò la valutazione. Sono rimasta a bocca aperta! A parte la bellezza dell'oggetto che lascia senza fiato, tutto liscio, nero e lucido, tanto che avevo paura ad usarlo per non rovinarlo. Poi, seguendo le istruzioni e con l'aiuto di un praticissimo video che gira su YouTube, l'ho provato e sono rimasta letteralmente basita. Siamo su un altro pianeta! Fiamme e fornelli elettrici sono roba da uomini delle caverne. Questo è pura fantascienza. Scalda rapidissimamente, si regola la temperatura all'istante, perché tuttora che si abbassa la gradazione immediatamente la pentola risponde, non dopo un po', subito, per cui non è possibile bruciare il cibo. Ho sperimentato anche il comportamento con la pentola a pressione, che è partita bene e poi ho dovuto saggiare un po' di temperature per trovare il minimo ottimale, alla fine ho optato per un minimo un po' 'allegro'. Bisogna solo fare attenzione con le pentole, Ma è già stato detto e ridetto da tutti, perché anche alcune, che riportano la dicitura 'induzione' possono non funzionare. Vanno testate, anche durante l'acquisto, con una calamita proprio AL CENTRO del fondo, altrimenti, la piastra non li accetta. Imballaggio superaccurato, aveva tre scatole addirittura, e molto attenti i corrieri nell'appoggiarla. Bello e perfetto. Grazie.

This time I can't resist, I have to review it, maybe if I find some 'flaws' I'll update the rating. I was speechless! Apart from the beauty of the object that leaves you breathless, all smooth, black and shiny, so much so that I was afraid to use it so as not to ruin it. Then, following the instructions and with the help of a very practical video that is circulating on YouTube, I tried it and I was literally shocked. We are on another planet! Flames and electric burners are caveman stuff. This is pure science fiction. It heats up very quickly, the temperature is adjusted instantly, because even when you lower the temperature the pot responds immediately, not after a while, immediately, so it is not possible to burn the food. I also experimented with the behavior with the pressure cooker, which started well and then I had to test a few temperatures to find the optimal minimum, in the end I opted for a slightly 'happy' minimum. You just have to be careful with the pots, but it has already been said and repeated by everyone, because even some, which report the wording 'induction' may not work. They must be tested, even during purchase, with a magnet right IN THE CENTER of the bottom, otherwise, the plate does not accept them. Super careful packaging, it even had three boxes, and the couriers were very careful in placing it. Beautiful and perfect. Thank you.


It's great. Just what I wanted to replace my old cast iron hotplate and not needing to buy a full sized cooker. Heats up very quickly and cooks great. Recommended.

It's great. Just what I wanted to replace my old cast iron hotplate and not needing to buy a full sized cooker. Heats up very quickly and cooks great. Recommended.


5 1/2 years ago I wrote the review below. It has been in daily use so I am delighted with the durability. ---------------- March 2018: 3100W implies it will pull 13A running at full power, yet it ships with a 3A fuse which blows within minutes. I put a 5A replacement in (had it to hand, expected it to blow) and the hob is happily reporting it is cooking at 1800W when the fuse should blow at 1200W. However, it does the job of cooking very well. Easy to control, easy to clean; if it proves durable I'll be very happy indeed.

5 1/2 years ago I wrote the review below. It has been in daily use so I am delighted with the durability. ---------------- March 2018: 3100W implies it will pull 13A running at full power, yet it ships with a 3A fuse which blows within minutes. I put a 5A replacement in (had it to hand, expected it to blow) and the hob is happily reporting it is cooking at 1800W when the fuse should blow at 1200W. However, it does the job of cooking very well. Easy to control, easy to clean; if it proves durable I'll be very happy indeed.


Works brilliantly with theJML Copper Stone Frying Pan and also theProCook Gourmet Induction Non-Stick Strain & Pour Saucepan Set 4 Piece Had an issue where i managed to press the power button by accident and not noticing i'd done it, the zone i had been using was showing an "H" and nothing in the manual to say why, bascially means it might be hot and not to touch, to turn back on when it's displaying the "H" you need to press the on/off button and then the power setting before it clicks back into life, now you can press the temperature button to adjust. Pans heat up in a couple of minutes and the temperature control is great, cleaning is also a doddle. Wish i had found induction cooking sooner. Excellent device.

Works brilliantly with theJML Copper Stone Frying Pan and also theProCook Gourmet Induction Non-Stick Strain & Pour Saucepan Set 4 Piece Had an issue where i managed to press the power button by accident and not noticing i'd done it, the zone i had been using was showing an "H" and nothing in the manual to say why, bascially means it might be hot and not to touch, to turn back on when it's displaying the "H" you need to press the on/off button and then the power setting before it clicks back into life, now you can press the temperature button to adjust. Pans heat up in a couple of minutes and the temperature control is great, cleaning is also a doddle. Wish i had found induction cooking sooner. Excellent device.


good product

good product


sono gia in possesso della piastra a doppio piano di cottura ma non trovo piu le istruzioni per il corretto uso. chiedo gentilmente se c'è la possibilita' di mandarla via email. grazie

I already have the double hob plate but I can no longer find the instructions for its correct use. I kindly ask if there is the possibility to send it via email. Thank you


Funziona molto bene, è un ottimo prodotto, semplice da usare.
 E' un perfetto sostituto della bombola a gas. Da consigliare.

It works very well, it's a great product, simple to use. It is a perfect replacement for the gas cylinder. To be recommended.


Das Kochfeld hat mich wirklich sehr beeindruckt, wieviel Spaß man damit haben kann beim Kochen durch die einfache Bedienung. Bin echt Zufrieden gestellt worden und glücklich! Danke nochmal an den Hersteller!

I was really impressed by the hob, how much fun you can have cooking with it thanks to its simple operation. I've been really satisfied and happy! Thanks again to the manufacturer!