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Bei meinen Eltern gibts des öfteren Raclette un ich esser das super gerne . So hab ich mir nun überlegt auch mal eines anzuschaffen und mich hier für den Party Grill Naturstein Raclette entschiedne .

- für 8 'Personen
- mit Grillspießen
- Natursteinplatte
- 8 Schälchen in die man seine Kreationen füllen kan
- einem Blech das reste auffängt
- man kann die Pfännchen sowohl aufs Blech als auch unten einlegen

Mein Fazit:
Das Raclette heizt unheimlich schnell auf. Praktisch sind die Metallspieße die mitgeliefert werden so das man auch Spieße fertig stellen und darauf garen kann.
Das Fleisch ist ruck zuck gar
und seine eigenen Kreationen zu machen bringt wirklich ne Menge Spaß

Ich hab mich mal für folgendes Rezept entschieden
Kartoffeln mit Chorizo und Raclette Käse
400 g festkochende Kartoffeln
4 Brat-Chorizo-Würste (à ca. 100 g)
175 g Raclette-Käse in Scheiben

50 Minuten

Kartoffeln gründlich waschen, in kochendem Wasser ca. 20 Minuten garen. Kartoffeln abgießen, pellen und in Scheiben schneiden
Wurst aus der Pelle lösen und in Scheiben schneiden. Vom Käse die Rinde abschneiden
Wurst auf der Bratenplatte des Raclette-Gerätes 4–6 Minuten braun braten, herunternehmen, mit Kartoffeln und Käse in Raclette-Pfännchen schichten. Unter dem Grill des Raclette-Gerätes 4–5 Minuten braun überbacken

Mein Fazit:
Das Gerät lässt sich super leicht reinigen ist Antihaftbeschichtet und das Wasser perlt richtig ab.
Ruck zuck hat man es wieder sauber ebenso wie die Pfännchen und das Backblech.

Was mir nicht so gut gefällt ist das der Naturstein das Fett oder Öl vom Fleisch aufnimmt und so leicht verfärbt ich habe es zwar sofort gereinigt nach dem abkühlen dennoch ist eine leichte Verfärbung zu sehen was ich irgendwie finde was nicht so toll aussieht dennoch ist das bei Natursteinen aber oft so und mindert nicht die Qualität etc.

My parents often have raclette and I really like it. So I've now considered buying one and decided on the Party Grill Naturstein Raclette. - for 8 people - with grill skewers - natural stone plate - 8 bowls in which you can fill your creations - a tray that catches the rest - you can put the pans on the tray or below My conclusion: the raclette heats up incredibly quickly. The metal skewers that are included are practical so that you can also finish and cook skewers on them. The meat is cooked in no time and making your own creations is really a lot of fun I decided on the following recipe Potatoes with chorizo and raclette cheese For 4 people 400 g waxy potatoes 4 fried chorizo sausages (approx. 100 g each ) 175 g sliced raclette cheese Preparation 50 minutes 1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly, cook in boiling water for approx. 20 minutes. Drain, peel and slice the potatoes 2. Remove the skin from the sausage and cut into slices. Cut the rind off the cheese 3. Fry the sausage on the raclette grill for 4-6 minutes until brown, remove, layer in raclette pans with the potatoes and cheese. Brown under the grill of the raclette device for 4-5 minutes. My conclusion: the device is super easy to clean, has a non-stick coating and the water runs off really well. It's clean again in no time, as are the pans and the baking sheet. What I don't like so much is that the natural stone absorbs the fat or oil from the meat and discolours so easily. I cleaned it immediately after it had cooled down, but you can see a slight discoloration, which I somehow think doesn't look so great, but that's it natural stones but often like this and does not reduce the quality etc.


Era da tempo che volevo acquistare una griglia. Ho iniziato la mia ricerca on line e alla fine sono ricaduto su uno dei prodotti Klarstein. I migliori dal mio punto di vista.
La prossima settimana ho organizzato una cena a casa mia e volevo fare qualcosa di diverso, per questo ho pensato alla griglia multifunzionale Raclette della Klarstein.

Questa fantastica griglia offre spazio a 8 padelle Raclette sia da un lato che dall’altro e potete aggiungere: formaggio, verdure, funghi o qualsiasi altra cosa vogliate. Sotto lo spazio Raclette invece c’è un altro piano che serve a mantenere caldo o a cuocere con poco calore qualsiasi portata di vostro gradimento.

Sopra la piastra invece ci sono due griglie differenti: Una piastra in granito e l’altra invece è una piastra antiaderente dove poter cuocere: carne, pesce, verdure etc.

Grazie alla potenza della piastra i cibi si riscaldano in pochissimi minuti e grazie al rivestimento antiaderente i cibi mantengono le vitamine e le proteine più importanti.

La griglia multifunzionale Raclette della Klarstein permette di rimuovere entrambe le piastre e fare degli spiedini di carne marinata o arrostita oppure di pesce.
Infatti all’interno dell’imballaggio, troverete 8 spiedi di metallo e una volta preparati si possono inserire nell’incavo presente.

Ovviamente trasportare la griglia da un posto all’altro non è un problema, anche quando le piastre sono ben calde, questo grazie alle maniglie laterali di legno che permettono lo spostamento in modo semplice e senza il rischio di scottarsi.

Una volta smessa di utilizzare la piastra, potete lavare tutti i piani e le piastre senza nessun problema e grazie al rivestimento antiaderente, i residui di cibo verranno lavati via con facilità.

La spedizione è avvenuta in modo rapido e all’interno dell’imballaggio ho trovato:

- Dispositivo
- 1 griglia in granito
- 1 piastra cottura
- 1 piastra intermedia
- 8 padelle raclette
- 8 spiedi di metallo
- Manuale di istruzioni

Ovviamente sono molto soddisfatto. Come sempre rapporto qualità/prezzo davvero stupefacente.

I've been wanting to buy a grill for a long time. I started my search online and finally fell back on one of the Klarstein products. The best from my point of view. Next week I had a dinner party at my house and wanted to do something different, so I thought of the multifunctional Raclette grill from Klarstein. This fantastic grill offers space for 8 Raclette pans on both sides and you can add: cheese, vegetables, mushrooms or whatever you like. Under the Raclette space, on the other hand, there is another level that serves to keep any course of your liking warm or to cook with little heat. On the other hand, above the plate there are two different grills: One plate in granite and the other instead is a non-stick plate where you can cook: meat, fish, vegetables, etc. Thanks to the power of the plate, the food heats up in just a few minutes and thanks to the non-stick coating, the food retains the most important vitamins and proteins. The multifunctional Klarstein Raclette grill allows you to remove both plates and make marinated or roasted meat or fish kebabs. In fact, inside the packaging, you will find 8 metal skewers and once prepared they can be inserted into the present recess. Obviously transporting the grill from one place to another is not a problem, even when the plates are hot, thanks to the side wooden handles that allow you to move it easily and without the risk of burning yourself. Once you stop using the plate, you can wash all the surfaces and plates without any problem and thanks to the non-stick coating, food residues will be washed away easily. The shipment went quickly and inside the packaging I found: - Device - 1 granite grill - 1 cooking plate - 1 intermediate plate - 8 raclette pans - 8 metal skewers - Instruction manual Of course I am very satisfied. As always, amazing value for money.


Ottimo metodo alternativo per cucinare nei posti giù disparati dove manca cucina o gas, questo comodo fornello può essere trasportato e utilizzato ovunque ci sia una presa di corrente.
Nella confezione oltre al fornello troverete anche una piastra per cottura, una griglia in granito, una piastra intermedia, spiedini e padelle.
Il funzionamento è semplicissimo, c’è solo una manopola che regola la quantità di calore che vogliamo poi tocca a noi scegliere se cucinare sulla piastra o con gli spiedini.
La piastra e il granito, come tutti gli altri accessori sono rimovibili e facilmente lavabili.
Riesce a cucinare per bene anche carne molto spessa grazie alla distribuzione uniforme del calore,
la resistenza posta sotto i fornelli fornisce abbastanza energia per cucinare tutti i cibi.
I tempi di cottura non sono rapidissimi, ma il risultato è ottimo, poichè la piastra fa cucinare per bene gli alimenti all’interno non facendoli bruciare all’esterno.

An excellent alternative method for cooking in disparate places where there is no kitchen or gas, this handy stove can be transported and used wherever there is a power outlet. In addition to the stove, you will also find a cooking plate, a granite grill, an intermediate plate, skewers and pans in the box contents. Operation is very simple, there is only one knob that regulates the amount of heat we want, then it's up to us to choose whether to cook on the plate or with skewers. The plate and the granite, like all the other accessories, are removable and easily washable. It manages to cook even very thick meat well thanks to the uniform distribution of heat, the resistance placed under the stove provides enough energy to cook all foods. Cooking times are not very fast, but the result is excellent, as the plate cooks the food well inside, not letting it burn on the outside.


Non si può dire altro se non che si tratta di un oggetto splendido, capace quando posizionato al centro di una tavola di rendere un pranzo o una cena estremamente piacevole invitando i commensali a cuocervi direttamente sopra carni, verdure, formaggi mentre nella parte inferiore saranno posizionati 8 perfetti piccoli vassoi a forma di padellina per far scogliere il formaggio destinato alla raclette.

Levando le 2 piastra soprastanti una in metallo ed una in granito, adattissime per la cottura delle carni e delle verdure o funghi, troverete una struttura con incavi pronti per posizionarci fino a 8 spiedini in acciaio forniti in dotazione che cuoceranno rapidamente essendo quasi a contatto con la serpentina rovente e facendo così scende l’eventuale grasso in accesso nel ripiano estraibile che faceva da supporto alle padelline da raclette.

L’accezione è effenntata tramite l’interrottore posto sul lato, subito a fiancoo del pratico regolatore di temperatura che vi permetterà di gestire al meglio le varie preparazioni e mantenerle per più tmpo così com i cibi potranno essere mantenuti tiepidi posizionandoli nell’ultimo ripiano inferir sotto la raclette dove grazi ad un residuo di irradiazione termica rimarranno in temperatura ideale.

La piastre antiaderenti possono essere pulite e lavate semplicemente risciacquandole, così come l padellino che è comunque meglio trattarle con detersivi per stoviglie piuttosto delicati onde non rovinarne il trattamento superficiale. veniali residui di grasso che invece possono rimanere sulle serpentine durante la cottura degli spiedini potranno essere ripuliti a freddo semplicemente utilizzando carta lievemente inumidita (io ho fatto così e sono rimaste perfette).

Nutrivo alcune perplessità sulle maniglie il legno, belle perfette per portare la piastra in tavola e maneggiarla quando ancora calda, ma temevo si macchiassero con eventuali schizzi di cottura, ma così non è stato grazi al trattamento impregnate che hanno subito prima del montaggio.

E’ piacevole cuocere il cibo in compagnia, una mia collega me la aveva suggerita dicendo che in pochi minuti riuscivi a risolvere una cena semplicemente acquistando i prodotti da cuocere e presentandoli in vassoi già affettati in tavola o il formaggio preparato in fette dello spessore di circa un centimetro.
Per quanto riguarda gli spiedini sono anche essi di veloce cottura e se proprio volete evitare odori sgradevoli basterà mettere un dito di acqua nel vassoio sottostante e il grasso che colerà dalla carne in cottura si dissolverà in essa e non sporcherà nulla.

Se avete una casa ampia che vi permette di riporre questo elettrodomestico agevolmente, non dovete lasciarvelo mancar in quanto è una assicurazione per piacevoli cene con amici e ovviamente altrettanto piacevoli piatti sicuramente gustosi.

We cannot say anything other than that it is a splendid object, capable when positioned in the center of a table of making a lunch or dinner extremely pleasant by inviting the diners to cook meat, vegetables, cheeses directly on it while in the lower part they will be positioned 8 perfect little trays in the shape of a frying pan to melt the cheese intended for raclette. Removing the 2 plates above, one in metal and one in granite, very suitable for cooking meat and vegetables or mushrooms, you will find a structure with recesses ready to place up to 8 steel skewers supplied which will cook quickly as they are almost in contact with the red-hot coil and in doing so, any excess fat descends into the removable shelf that served as a support for the raclette pans. The meaning is effenntata through the switch placed on the side, immediately next to the practical temperature regulator which will allow you to better manage the various preparations and keep them for longer as well as the foods can be kept warm by placing them on the last lower shelf. under the raclette where thanks to a residual thermal radiation they will remain at the ideal temperature. The non-stick plates can be cleaned and washed by simply rinsing them, as can the frying pan which is in any case better treated with rather delicate dishwashing detergents so as not to damage the surface treatment. venial fat residues that can remain on the coils while cooking the skewers can be cleaned cold simply using slightly moistened paper (I did this and they remained perfect). I had some doubts about the wooden handles, beautiful and perfect for bringing the plate to the table and handling it when it was still hot, but I was afraid they would get stained with any cooking splashes, but this was not the case thanks to the impregnated treatment they underwent before assembly. It is pleasant to cook food in company, a colleague of mine had suggested it to me saying that in a few minutes you could solve a dinner simply by buying the products to be cooked and presenting them on trays already sliced on the table or the cheese prepared in slices about one centimetre. As for the skewers, they are also quick to cook and if you really want to avoid unpleasant smells, just put a drop of water in the tray below and the fat that will drip from the cooking meat will dissolve in it and won't dirty anything. If you have a large house that allows you to store this appliance easily, you must not miss it as it is an insurance for pleasant dinners with friends and obviously equally pleasant, certainly tasty dishes.


A chi non piace gustare un'ottima grigliata con spiedini e verdure miste ? magari accompagnata da un'ottima bruschetta ? E cosa c'è di meglio per prepararla di questa meravigliosa e multifunzionale Raclette della Klarstein Chateaubriand?
E' perfetta per gustose cene in compagnia di parenti ed amici.
E' una griglia multifunzionale con potenza di 1200W che ci permettere cuocere riscaldare e grigliare contemporaneamente carne, verdure , e tostare il pane per gustose bruschette , dotata anche di 8 spiedini in metallo
Grazie alle raclette con superficie di cottura anti aderente possiamo preparare anche ottimi toast per 8 persone
Questa griglia della Klarstein offre diverse funzioni di cottura alla griglia: 8 padelle Raclette, 8 spedi alla griglia.
La parte superiore invece dispone di due differenti griglie, una in granito (24x18cm) e una piastra antiaderente, (24x18cm) che si adattano al meglio alla cottura di tutti gli alimenti: pesce, carne, verdura, funghi e molti altri.
Si riscaldano in pochi minuti e mantengono, grazie al rivestimeno antiaderente, i cibi cotti alla griglia privi di grassi mantenendo così le proteine e le vitamine più importanti.
Sotto questa doppia griglia abbiamo lo spazio per 8 padelle Raclette fornite con la consegna che possono essere inserite su entrambi i lati. Ha spazio a sufficienza per aggiungere formaggio, verdura, funghi ed altri ingredienti. Sotto allo scomparto Raclette è presente uno spazio per cuocere con poco calore o semplicemente per mantenere in caldo i cibi
Tutte e due le piastre si possono anche rimuovere facilmente così da avere lo spazio per cuocere dei gustosi spiedini di carne o di pesce.
La piastra è dotata di un termostato regolabile che va da un minimo massimo basta inserire spina che ha bisogno di adattatore schuko nella presa di corrente e regolare la manopola a seconda del il grado di cottura che ci occorre
Utilizzando le apposite maniglie in legno laterali potrete trasportarla in sicurezza anche quando è ancora calda
Per la pulizia potrete rimuovere facilmente sia la griglia di cottura che l'intercapedine. Grazie al rivestimento antiaderente il risciacquo della superficie si effettua in maniera molto semplice.
Appena mi è arrivata la griglia ho subito voluto metterla alla prova e mi sono preparata un bel panino con salsiccia e un ottimo toast visto che quel giorno ero sola in casa... devo dire che inizialmente temevo che si producesse molto fumo invece non è stato affatto cosi ho posizionato la griglia sulla credenza vicino alla finestra e messo a scaldare il pane sulla piastra in pietra mentre sulla Raclette ho messo il pancarrè con una sottiletta si è cotto tutto in pochi minuti alla perfezione,ma quello che mi ha stupito di più e stata la durata del calore della pietra anche a piastra spenta il che ci permette di risparmiare corrente perchè la pietra di marmo rimane calda molto a lungo, questo ci permette di portare la griglia direttamente sulla tavola in attesa di servire tutti i commensali il cibo rimarrà comunque caldo
Ho trovato questo un ottimo articolo utilissimo e multifunzionale ottimo per preparare gustose grigliate in famiglia un acquisto che consiglio

Who doesn't like enjoying an excellent grilled with skewers and mixed vegetables? perhaps accompanied by an excellent bruschetta? And what could be better to prepare it than this wonderful and multifunctional Raclette from Klarstein Chateaubriand? It is perfect for tasty dinners in the company of relatives and friends. It is a multifunctional grill with a power of 1200W that allows us to cook, heat and grill meat, vegetables, and toast bread for tasty bruschetta at the same time, also equipped with 8 metal skewers Thanks to the raclettes with non-stick cooking surface we can also prepare excellent toasts for 8 people This grill from Klarstein offers various grilling functions: 8 Raclette pans, 8 grill pans. The upper part instead has two different grids, one in granite (24x18cm) and a non-stick plate (24x18cm) which are best suited to cooking all foods: fish, meat, vegetables, mushrooms and many others. They heat up in a few minutes and, thanks to the non-stick coating, keep grilled foods free of fat, thus maintaining the most important proteins and vitamins. Under this double grill we have space for 8 raclette pans supplied with the delivery which can be inserted on both sides. It has enough space to add cheese, vegetables, mushrooms and other ingredients. Under the Raclette compartment there is a space to cook with little heat or simply to keep food warm. Both plates can also be easily removed so as to have space to cook tasty meat or fish skewers. The plate is equipped with an adjustable thermostat that goes from a minimum to a maximum, just insert the plug that needs a schuko adapter into the socket and adjust the knob according to the degree of cooking we need. Using the special side wooden handles, you can carry it safely even when it is still hot For cleaning you can easily remove both the cooking grate and the cavity. Thanks to the non-stick coating, rinsing the surface is very simple. As soon as the grill arrived I immediately wanted to put it to the test and I made myself a nice sandwich with sausage and an excellent toast since I was alone in the house that day... I must say that initially I was afraid that a lot of smoke would be produced, however it was not not at all so I placed the grill on the sideboard near the window and started heating the bread on the stone plate while on the Raclette I put the sandwich bread with a thin slice everything was cooked to perfection in a few minutes, but what amazed me the most is was the duration of the heat of the stone even with the plate off which allows us to save electricity because the marble stone remains hot for a very long time, this allows us to bring the grill directly to the table waiting to serve all the diners the food will still remain hot I found this an excellent, very useful and multifunctional article, excellent for preparing tasty family barbecues, a purchase that I recommend


Ich bin schon lange ein raclettefan. vor allem zu silvester. dieses hier ist einfach super. nicht nur der naturstein macht super schnelles leckeres essen, sondern auch die spießfunktion zaubert ruckzuck tolles essen. einfach klasse

I've been a raclette fan for a long time. especially on New Year's Eve. this one is just great. not only the natural stone makes delicious food super fast, but also the skewer function conjures up great food in no time at all. just great


Das weihnachtliche Reclette-Essen steht nun nichts im Wege. Haben wir den Grill letzte Woche bestellt und nach 3 Tagen direkt erhalten. Haben selbstverständlich das alles auf Herz und Nieren gestern getestet. Die Antihaftbeschichtung bei den Pfännchen und der Oberfläche des Hauptgerätes funktioniert tadelos. Sehr gut gelungen finde ich auch das schlichte Design und meiner Meinung nach ist auch die regelbare Hitze passend gewählt. Für meinen 8 Personen Abend gestern hat das Gerät völlig ausgereicht und alle sind gut satt geworden. Klasse Gerät!

Nothing stands in the way of the Christmas reclette meal. We ordered the grill last week and received it directly after 3 days. Of course we put everything through its paces yesterday. The non-stick coating on the pans and the surface of the main device works perfectly. I also think the simple design is very successful and in my opinion the adjustable heat is also chosen appropriately. For my 8 person evening yesterday, the device was completely sufficient and everyone was well fed. Great device!


Geliefert wurde uns das raclette mit 8 Pfännchen. Diese sind Beschichtet und werden durch den Heizstab von oben gegrillt. Die Heizplatt ist komplett aus Stein und bleibt noch lange warm. Sehr praktisch wenn alle satt sind und man nur noch den Rest vor sich hin durchgaren möchte. Leider muss man aber auch länger warten bis man es reinigen kann. Der Platz ist großzügig gehalten, so das auch wirklich jeder genug Platz zum Braten hat. Die Pfännchen haben Auch eine angenehme größe. Da man beim raclette eh langsamer und gesitteter isst, wird man von einem pfännchen nicht satt. Aber es geht ja auch ums gemütliche beisammen sitzen und essen. Das Kabel ist mit einem Meter auch zu kurz. Ich sage extra „auch“, weil ich noch nie ein Raclette Grill besessen oder gesehen habe wo ein längeres Kabel vorhanden ist. Die Verpackung ist recht stabil, wodurch man das ganze immer wieder in diesen verstauen kann. Die Steinplatte lässt sich sehr einfach reinigen und die Pfännchen nach einer Einweichungszeit auch. Ich habe den jetzt schon ein paar mal benutzt und bin immer noch zufrieden mit dem Grill. Wenn er jetzt noch die Jahre hält, dann ist er perfekt. Aber einfach aus Protest, das es immer nur so kurze Kabel gibt, gebe ich nur 4 Sterne.

The raclette was delivered to us with 8 pans. These are coated and are grilled from above by the heating element. The heating plate is made entirely of stone and stays warm for a long time. Very practical when everyone is full and you just want to cook the rest. Unfortunately, you have to wait longer before you can clean it. The space is generous, so that everyone really has enough space to roast. The pans are also a good size. Since you eat slower and more orderly with raclette anyway, you won't get full from a pan. But it's also about sitting comfortably together and eating. The cable is also too short at one meter. I say "also" because I have never owned a raclette grill or seen where there is a longer cable. The packaging is quite stable, so you can stow the whole thing in it again and again. The stone plate is very easy to clean and so are the pans after a soaking period. I've used it a few times now and I'm still happy with the grill. If it lasts the years, then it's perfect. But simply as a protest that there are only such short cables, I only give 4 stars.


Für meinen Geburtstag hatten wir uns mal einen Raclette Grill von bekannten geliehen. Das hat uns so gut gefallen das wir uns unbedingt einen eigenen zulegen mussten. Dabei haben wir uns für den von klarstein mit Naturstein entschieden, weil wir denken das die Reinigung um einiges einfacher geht und man sich die Platte nicht zerkratzt. Das Anheizen dauert nicht länger als bei dem geliehenen, aber wenn der stein erstmal heiss ist, brutzelt er alles was man rauf legt. Auf die Seite mit stein legen wir alle sachen die eingelegt sind und daher schneller anbraten, auf die normale Seite packen wir alles andere rauf. Mit dabei sind 8 schön große Schälchen die genug Spielraum zum belegen bieten. Die Reinigung verläuft so wie gedacht. Der Stein geht gleich zu reinigen und es lässt sich alles leicht lösen. Die Metallseite muss über Nacht eingeweicht werden. Aber das liegt nicht am Gerät, das ist bei allen so. Also wir wurden mit dem raclette nicht enttäuscht und können ihn nur jedem empfehlen. Wird wahrscheinlich nicht unser letztes Gerät von klarstein sein. Mal gucken was es ncoh so schönes zum brutzeln gibt.

For my birthday we had borrowed a raclette grill from friends. We liked it so much that we had to get our own. We opted for the clear stone with natural stone because we think cleaning is a lot easier and you don't scratch the plate. It doesn't take any longer to heat up than the rented one, but once the stone is hot it sizzles everything you put on it. On the side with the stone we put all the things that are inlaid and therefore fry faster, on the normal side we put everything else. There are 8 nice big bowls that offer enough space to fill. The cleaning is going as expected. The stone is easy to clean and everything can be easily detached. The metal side needs to be soaked overnight. But that's not due to the device, it's the same for everyone. So we were not disappointed with the raclette and can only recommend it to everyone. It probably won't be our last Klarstein device. Let's see what else is so nice to sizzle.

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