Hot Spot Crystal Flow

£ 179.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Heating panel
  • Mirrored Glass
Product number: 10035036
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Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 115.99
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 151.99
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  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Hot combination: 1800 Watt PTC heater and 200 Watt infrared element

  • Towels ready to hand: 2 integrated stainless steel towel rails

  • 5 to 40 °C: Adjustable via touch panel with large LED display

Product description

Feel-good warmth for pure relaxation: The Klarstein Hot Spot Crystal Flow heating panel brings pleasant warmth to your bathroom in a highly efficient and space-saving way. At the same time, it always provides you with cosy warm, dry towels. The Klarstein Hot Spot Crystal Flow wall heater revolutionises heating with a modern combination of PTC and infrared technology. While the PTC heater with two output levels at 1100 or 1800 Watt heats the air in the bathroom, a 200-watt infrared heating element ensures cosy preheated towels and a pleasantly warm feeling on the skin. But the Klarstein Hot Spot Crystal Flow radiant heater not only impresses in terms of technology, it also knows how to convince with its stylish design. Its rounded surface is completely covered with a heat-resistant mirror surface that adds a touch of luxury to any bathroom.

The Klarstein Hot Spot Crystal Flow heating panel provides relaxing warmth in the bathroom every day and ensures cosy warm towels.


  • PTC heater power: 1100 / 1800 Watt
  • Infrared towel warmer power: 200 Watt
  • suitable for all rooms up to 36 m²
  • Protection class: IPX4
  • Operating mode: convection (PTC heater) / radiant heat (infrared towel warmer)
  • can be combined to heat larger rooms
  • automatic operation with two operating levels (low / high heating power)
  • high heating power: if room is more than 4 °C below desired temperature
  • low heating power: if room is more than 2 °C below desired temperature
  • Min. mounting distance: 25 cm to walls and 60 cm to floor
  • Power supply: 220 - 240 V~ | 50/60 Hz
Product number: 10035036

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 45 x 82 x 19 cm (WxHxD)
  • Distance between towel rail and radiator: approx. 4.8 / 8 cm
  • Cable length: approx. 150 cm
  • Weight: approx. 9.2 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x heating panel
  • 2 x towel rails
  • 1 x assembly material
  • multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

This item is not in stock and must be reordered.

Customer reviews
49 Ratings

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J’ai trouvé le même en remplacement d’une autre marque Je suis satisfait bien très content

I found the same one as a replacement for another brand I am satisfied very very happy


Sieht sehr gut aus mal ein Heizkörper der nicht wie ein Heizkörper aussieht. Musste ihn leider zurück schicken da er für unser Bad zu klein war.

Looks very good, a radiator that doesn't look like a radiator. Unfortunately I had to send it back because it was too small for our bathroom.


programmieren nicht so einfach ein Video dazu wäre hilfreich. Ansonsten hält das Gerät das was versprochen wird

programming is not so easy, a video would be helpful. Otherwise the device does what it promises


Très déçu de cet appareil qui fait trop de bruit quand la ventilation se met en route et l'odeur est insupportable.
Il n'y a pas de télé commande et le panneau de cde qu'on ne voit pas sur la photo est mal placé pour y avoir accès.

Very disappointed with this device which makes too much noise when the ventilation starts and the smell is unbearable. There is no remote control and the control panel which cannot be seen in the photo is poorly placed for access.


Super radiateur très performant. Une étoile de moins pour l'absence notice de montage malgré le patron de pose très efficace !

Super high performance radiator. One star less for the absence of assembly instructions despite the very effective installation pattern!


Installé dans une salle de bain, il chauffe rapidement les 6m2 avec plafond haut, aidé par un ventilateur (un peu bruyant il est vrai, mais il s'arrête au bout d'un moment). Les 2 portants sèche serviette sont pratiques et à la bonne dimension, l'esthétique assez discrète mais classe nous convient tout à fait. Nous n'utilisons pas la programmation pour le moment, que j'ai trouvée assez peu intuitive et complexe, pas très claire.

Installed in a bathroom, it quickly heats the 6m2 with high ceiling, helped by a fan (a little noisy it is true, but it stops after a while). The 2 towel dryer racks are practical and the right size, the fairly discreet but classy aesthetic suits us perfectly. We don't use programming at the moment, which I found quite unintuitive and complex, not very clear.


Calienta muy bien

Heats up very well


Befestigungsmaterial absolut untauglich, Benutzeranleitung mangelhaft. Wer keine handwerklichen Vorkenntnisse hat tut sich bestimmt schwer.

The fastening material is completely unsuitable and the user manual is inadequate. Anyone who has no previous experience in DIY will definitely have a hard time.


Consegna nei tempi e senza problemi. Piastra riscaldante funzionale e molto piacevole da vedere. L'unico neo è il cavo di alimentazione senza il filo di terra.

Delivery on time and without problems. Functional heating plate and very pleasant to look at. The only flaw is the power cord without the ground wire.


Arivato prima di discrezione.Sodisfatto

Arrived before discretion. Satisfied


Salle de bain



Was nicht so gut ist, unser Gerät hat lange unangenehmer Geruch gehappt. (es hat lange nach verschmort gerochen)

What's not so good, our device has had an unpleasant odor for a long time. (it smelled like scorched for a long time)


Um OHNE Timer (Wochentage, etc.) dass Gerät ein und auszuschalten braucht es ein Studium bzw. Probieren von ca. 15 Minuten!! Hilfreich wäre eine einfache on off Schaltmoeglichkeit, da auch nicht Technikaffine..... Das Gerät bedienen können sollten......sonst schönes Gerät.

In order to switch the device on and off WITHOUT a timer (days of the week, etc.), you need to study or try out about 15 minutes!! A simple on-off switching option would be helpful, since those who are not technically savvy... should be able to operate the device... otherwise a nice device.


Colis bien reçu à la date indiquée, une chance que le produit est bien calfeutré car le carton était explosé en deux endroits, j'ai ouvert le colis avant de le réceptionner pour voir si la vitre n'était pas cassée. l'appareil est monté ce jour, petit reproche sur les fixations de sèche serviettes, des trous oblong en bas auraient été plus simple par la pose au mur, les pattes sont de piètre qualité, la visserie et des supports pour fixer les porte serviettes est également pas très solide, attention au guide de montage, celui-ci n'est pas à la dimension de l'appareil, il est plus petit. Sinon l'appareil fonction bien et il chauffe très vite.

Parcel well received on the date indicated, fortunately the product is well sealed because the cardboard was exploded in two places, I opened the parcel before receiving it to see if the window was not broken. the device is mounted today, small complaint about the towel dryer fixings, oblong holes at the bottom would have been simpler if installed on the wall, the legs are of poor quality, the screws and supports for fixing the towel racks are also not very solid, pay attention to the assembly guide, it does not match the size of the device, it is smaller. Otherwise the device works well and heats up very quickly.


Das Gerät ist sehr schick die Befestigungs Winkel sind schon aus sehr dünnen Blech per WLAN hat auch nicht geklappt und in der Bedienungsanleitung fehlt wie sie Programmiert wird habe das Hier in Bildern mal nachgereicht.

The device is very chic, the mounting brackets are made of very thin sheet metal. WLAN didn't work either and the operating instructions do not show how it is programmed. I submitted the pictures here later.


Passt optisch super..sehr Wertigkeit..

Fits optically great.. very valuable..


Preisleistung ist im Vergleich sehr gut.

Price performance is very good in comparison.


Update: Mittlerweile hat sich jemand gemeldet und das Problem gelöst ! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Lieferung erfolgte innerhalb von zwei Tagen. Der Karton hatte ein faustgroßes Loch, die Fernbedienung und Befestigungselement lost im riesigen Karton. Produkt ist scheinbar gebraucht, da die in der Anleitung aufgeführte Borschablone enthalten war und auf den Glasflächen die in der Anleitung erwähnte Schutzfolie nicht vorhanden war. Anfrage an Klarstein über Amazon-Kontakt hat mir zwar eine Ticketnummer gebracht, doch die Anfrage ist 5 Tage später immer noch nicht beantwortet.......traurig. Fazit: Produkt macht einen guten Eindruck, ich hoffe es hat keinen "unsichtbaren" Transportschaden. Kundenservice Klarstein hat viel Potential nach oben........

Update: In the meantime someone has reported and solved the problem! -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Delivery within two days. The box had a fist-sized hole, the remote control and fastener came loose in the huge box. The product appears to be used because the boron template listed in the instructions was included and the protective film mentioned in the instructions was not present on the glass surfaces. Request to Klarstein via Amazon contact brought me a ticket number, but the request has still not been answered 5 days later.......sad. Conclusion: product makes a good impression, I hope it has no "invisible" transport damage. Customer service Klarstein has a lot of potential up ........


ottimo prodotto, bello e funzionale, ottimo prezzo, non ha controllo remoto ma programmabile e sensore finestre aperte

excellent product, beautiful and functional, excellent price, it does not have remote control but programmable and open window sensor


Wir möchten uns einigen Rezensenten hier anschließen : Dieses Gerät hat ein sehr kryptisches / undurchsichtiges Bedien- und Anzeigefeld. Die sehr dünne Bedienanleitung hilft einem kein Stück weiter. Das Verbinden mit dem Heimnetzwerk war bisher nicht möglich, vermutlich weil Smartphone, Heizung und Router "möglichst nah beieinander stehen sollten." Aber wir schrauben das schwere Teil jetzt nicht wieder ab und stellen es neben den Router in den Flur ! Die Schablone zum Anzeichnen der Bohrlöcher fehlte auch. Keine Kaufempfehlung !

We'd like to echo some of the reviewers here: This device has a very cryptic/opaque control and display panel. The very thin operating instructions do not help you a bit. Up until now, connecting to the home network has not been possible, presumably because the smartphone, heater and router "should be as close together as possible." But we won't unscrew the heavy part again and put it next to the router in the hallway! The template for marking the drill holes was also missing. No purchase recommendation!


Gut verpackt , Heizung und Bedienung sind gut ! Was direkt auffällt ist das die Befestigungswinkel aus sehr minderwertigem Material sind, auch die Schraubenköpfe reißen schnell ab! Also direkt in die Tonne damit und selbst was Stabiles gebastelt! Bei 12kg Produktgewicht auf jeden Fall sicherer! Von daher nur 3 Sternchen !

Well packaged , heating and operation are good ! What is immediately noticeable is that the mounting brackets are made of very inferior material, and the screw heads also tear off quickly! So straight into the bin with it and made something stable yourself! Definitely safer with a product weight of 12kg! Hence only 3 stars!


Buon pannello radiante, esteticamente e funzionalmente ottimo. Comprato per riscaldare un bagno, lo fa in maniera egregia. Peccato che non sia presente un telecomando (ma è una cosa non indispensabile) ma per il resto sono soddisfatto dell'acquisto.

Good radiant panel, aesthetically and functionally excellent. Bought to heat a bathroom, it does it in an excellent way. Too bad there is no remote control (but it is not essential) but for the rest I am satisfied with the purchase.


Points positifs beau design chauffe vite Points négatifs bruyant et les attaches murales vraiment pas top du tout !

Positive points beautiful design heats up quickly Negative points noisy and the wall attachments really not great at all!


Bruyant au démarrage. On ne peut pas programmer le chauffage tôt le matin, ça reveille tout le monde. Mais très efficace.

Noisy at startup. We can't program the heating early in the morning, it wakes everyone up. But very effective.


La chaleur produite par le ventilateur est suffisante pour ma salle de bain de 6m2 La vitre chauffe bien la serviette Attention de ne pas oublier de l’éteindre !

The heat produced by the fan is sufficient for my 6m2 bathroom The window heats the towel well Be careful not to forget to turn it off!


Ich habe zu hause verschiedene Infrarotheizungen im Einsatz. Für meinen Bad habe ich mich für diese Heizung entschieden zum einen, weil es optisch gut passt und zum anderen mit dem Handtuchhalter noch funktional ist. Zu beachten ist, dass die Wärme nicht so gut gespeichert wird. Das ist auf den Glasköper zurückzuführen. Wenn jemand möchte, dass die Wärme länger gespeichert wird so muss er auf ein Produkt mit Naturstein zurückgreifen. Die Wärmeleistung ist in Ordnung. Mein Bad von ca. 6m² wird ohne Probleme geheizt. Trotz der hohen Leistungsangabe kann es nicht mit meinen anderen Infrarotheizungen mithalten. Dies ist eventuell auf das Glas zurückzuführen, da dies nicht so gut Wärme speichert. Für mich war aber auch die Optik sehr wichtig und hiermit kann Klarstein meiner Meinung nach glänzen. Es sieht schlicht und edel aus. Zudem ist die Verarbeitung ganz gut. Die Bedienung ist recht einfach. Entweder man nutzt die App, die Fernbedienung oder bedient die Heizung lokal direkt am Touchfeld. Ich fahre mit der App sehr gut. Fazit: Bei dem Preis denke ich, dass man hier nicht viel falsch machen kann, weshalb ich das Gerät Aufgrund der Funktionalität und Optik unbesorgt weiterempfehlen kann. + Optik + funktional + Bedienung - Leistung könnte mehr sein - Glas speichert keine Wärme

I have various infrared heaters in use at home. I chose this heater for my bathroom on the one hand because it looks good and on the other hand it is still functional with the towel rail. It should be noted that the heat is not stored so well. This is due to the glass body. If someone wants the heat to be stored longer, they have to use a product with natural stone. The heat output is okay. My bathroom of approx. 6m² is heated without any problems. Despite the high performance specification, it cannot keep up with my other infrared heaters. This may be due to the glass as it does not retain heat as well. For me, the optics were also very important and in my opinion Klarstein can shine with this. It looks simple and elegant. In addition, the processing is very good. The operation is quite simple. Either you use the app, the remote control or operate the heating locally directly on the touch panel. I drive very well with the app. Conclusion: At the price, I don't think you can do much wrong here, which is why I can recommend the device due to its functionality and appearance without any worries. + optics + functional + operation - performance could be better - glass does not store heat


La partie rayonnant chauffe uniquement la partie moitié supérieure et est brûlante. Elle ne peu être régulé ni par thermostat ,ni par le détecteur, uniquement sur la plage horaire donc pour ma part j' ai désactivé. Il fait un peu de bruit mais comme il chauffe rapidement puis s arrête c est pas trop gênant pour une petite salle de bain. Un bon point: les barres porte serviettes en profil alu. Montage un peu difficile : il faut enlever la peinture dans les trous de vis sinon vis cruciformes invissable et poubelle. Les chevilles de fixation fournie semblent ridicule au regard du poid.pour placo cheville molly obligé. PAS DE TÉLÉCOMMANDE comme annoncé

The radiant part only heats the upper half and is hot. It cannot be regulated either by thermostat or by the detector, only on the time range so for my part I have deactivated it. It makes a little noise but as it heats up quickly then stops it's not too bothersome for a small bathroom. A good point: the aluminum profile towel bars. A little difficult assembly: you have to remove the paint in the screw holes otherwise the cruciform screws are unscrewable and trash. The fixing dowels provided seem ridiculous considering the weight. For placo molly dowel obliged. NO REMOTE CONTROL as advertised


Heizkörper hat ein schönes Design und funktioniert super.Leider nicht wie im Angebot beschrieben mit Fernbedienung.Diese fehlte.Sehr schade!

Radiator has a nice design and works great. Unfortunately not as described in the offer with remote control. This was missing. It's a shame!


Da unsere Heizung im Bad zu schwach ist haben wir uns vor kurzem entschieden, zusätzlich das Heizpanel zu kaufen. Das Gerät sieht, obwohl es freistehend montiert ist deutlich besser aus als unsere herkömmliche Heizung und hat durch die montierbaren Halter auch Platz für Kleidungsstücke. Das Gerät wärmt schnell auf und ist kaum ohne Geräusche. Wir sind zufrieden mit dem Gerät und nutzen es sowohl im Bad als auch im Kinderzimmer. Die beiden Halterungen sind abnehmbar, wir nutzen diese jedoch für die Gegenstände die schnell trocknen sollen, außerdem können die Einstellungen direkt am Gerät vorgenommen werden.

Because our heating in the bathroom is too weak, we recently decided to buy the heating panel as well. The device looks much better than our conventional heater, even though it is free-standing, and the mountable holders also provide space for clothing. The device heats up quickly and is almost noiseless. We are happy with the device and use it both in the bathroom and in the children's room. The two holders are removable, but we use them for items that need to dry quickly, and the settings can be made directly on the device.


El aparato responde a lo que publicita. Trabaja correctamente, hace lo que se le pide y estéticamente está bien, pese a su tamaño. El único problema es que no he conseguido que me suministren el mando a distancia que las indicaciones del producto asegura que incluye y que, según su factura, pagué al comprarlo. Creí que era un error de embalaje y se lo solicité al fabricante. La respuesta fue que no había ninguna posibilidad de conseguirlo y solo se ofrecieron a devolver el aparato o sustituirlo por otro diferente. Me llama la atención que la marca siga ofreciendo el mismo producto con el dichoso mando a distancia.

The device is as advertised. It works correctly, does what is asked of it and is aesthetically fine, despite its size. The only problem is that I have not been able to get the remote control that the product information says is included and that, according to the invoice, I paid for when I bought it. I thought it was a packaging error and I asked the manufacturer for it. The answer was that there was no possibility of getting it and they only offered to return the device or replace it with a different one. It surprises me that the brand continues to offer the same product with the damn remote control.


El calefactor hace su trabajo perfectamente, calienta rapidísimo tanto las toallas como el baño (15m2). Por poner un pero, recomiendo no utilizar los tornillos que vienen de serie. Se partieron dentro del taco teniendo que rehacer los agujeros y dejando vistos los otros. Por lo demás recomendable.

The heater does its job perfectly, it heats both the towels and the bathroom (15m2) very quickly. The only drawback is that I recommend not using the screws that come as standard. They broke inside the plug, so the holes had to be re-made, leaving the others exposed. Otherwise, it is recommended.


Die Heizung an sich macht ein wertigen Eindruck, was gar nicht geht, ist das Befestigungsmaterial. Die Haltewinkel sind so schwach ausgelegt, daß man sie im angeschraubten Zustand hin und her biegen kann. Desweiteren ist mir der erste Schraubenkopf beim Anschrauben abgerissen, obwohl noch 5mm bis fest gefehlt haben. Die mitgelieferten Schrauben und Muttern lieber gleich in die Mülltonne werfen. Ansonsten heizt die Heizung.

The heater itself makes a valuable impression, what is not possible is the fastening material. The brackets are designed to be so weak that they can be bent back and forth when they are screwed on. Furthermore, the first screw head broke off when I was screwing it on, although I was still missing 5mm. It is better to throw the supplied nuts and bolts in the dustbin right away. Otherwise the heater heats up.


Queda bonito instalado, cálido y fácil de instalar. Funciona perfectamente. En mi caso no traía mando a distancia

It looks nice installed, warm and easy to install. It works perfectly. In my case it did not come with a remote control.


Un peu bruyant, la fonction sèche serviette est à améliorer (pas de régulation, trop de chauffe)

A little noisy, the towel dryer function needs improvement (no regulation, too much heating)


El toallero es lo que anuncian, calienta el baño enseguida. Todo es ok, excepto el programador, es complicado de usar, poco personalizable, si programas el encendido a una hora y temperatura previamente seleccionadas, estará activo durante una hora entera, no puedes programar menos tiempo. Si eso le sumas lo complicado que es acabas por no usarlo.

The towel rail is what they advertise, it heats the bathroom immediately. Everything is ok, except the programmer, it is complicated to use, not very customizable, if you program it to turn on at a previously selected time and temperature, it will be active for a whole hour, you cannot program it for less time. If you add to that how complicated it is, you end up not using it.


Schlicht aber trotzdem gelungene Optik. Ordentliche Verarbeitung. Angenehme Wärmeabgabe. Mit der Fernsteuerung einfach zu regulieren. Mit Hilfe der App sind auch unterschiedliche Zeiträume, nur etwas zu umständlich, zu programmieren. Insgesamt aus meiner Sicht eine gute Wahl.

Simple but still successful optics. Neat processing. Pleasant heat emission. Easy to regulate with the remote control. With the help of the app, different periods of time can be programmed, just a bit too cumbersome. Overall a good choice in my opinion.


Lieferung pünktlich, Verpackung und aussehen wie beschrieben, da die Ware gebraucht war. Die Mängel waren schlimmer beschrieben als vorhanden. Ich bin mit dem Zustand voll kommen zufrieden. Gut die Wandhalter sind lächerlich aber sie halten. Handy-App von Klarstein heruntergeladen und funktioniert. Hoffe das, dass Gerät lange im Einsatz bleibt. Für den Preis auf jedenfall, weiter zu empfehlen.

Delivery on time, packaging and appearance as described as the goods were used. The defects were described as worse than they existed. I am completely satisfied with the condition. Well the wall brackets are ridiculous but they hold up. Downloaded the Klarstein mobile app and it works. Hope the device stays in use for a long time. Definitely recommend for the price.


Aparato estupendo, apenas consume y calienta muy bien.

Great device, it hardly consumes anything and heats very well.


Calienta el baño enseguida (tengo unos 8 m2 de baño). Es sencillo de instalar siguiendo las instrucciones. Muy fácil de usar. Lo recomiendo.

It heats up the bathroom quickly (I have about 8m2 of bathroom). It is easy to install following the instructions. Very easy to use. I recommend it.


Ich kann noch nicht viel zum Dauerbetrieb sagen, da nur als Zusatzheizung in der Übergangszeit genutzt werden soll. Die Verarbeitung ist ausgezeichnet, sieht sehr edel aus. Die Lieferung erfolgte schnell und in einer sicheren Verpackung mit ausreichend Schaumauskleidung. Funktioniert mit Touchtasten und Fernbedienung gleichermaßen, die Funktion über App haben wir noch nicht ausprobiert. Ansonsten steigt die Temperaturanzeige im Betrieb schnell an und erwärmt das Bad (14qm) schnell. Zwei Heizstufen, Temperaturvorwahl und Timerfunktion machen die Bedienung einfach. Die Handtuchstange lässt sich, wenn nicht benötigt, einfach nach oben einklappen. Das Display schaltet sich nach einiger Zeit ab, durch erneutes Drücken einer Touchtaste erscheint die Anzeige wieder. Die Montage ist recht simple, die vier Befestigungspunkte bieten sicheren Halt. Der Abstand zur Wand ist ausreichend um dahinter die Fliesen ab und an auch noch mal abzuwischen. Wir können die Infrarotheizung nur weiterempfehlen.

I can't say much about continuous operation yet, as it should only be used as additional heating in the transitional period. The processing is excellent, looks very noble. Delivery was quick and in secure packaging with adequate foam lining. Works with touch buttons and remote control alike, we haven't tried the app function yet. Otherwise, the temperature display increases quickly during operation and heats up the bathroom (14 square meters) quickly. Two heating levels, temperature preselection and timer function make operation easy. When not in use, the towel rail can simply be folded up. The display switches off after a while, pressing a touch button again reappears the display. The assembly is quite simple, the four attachment points offer a secure hold. The distance to the wall is sufficient to wipe the tiles behind it from time to time. We can only recommend the infrared heater.


Très facile à installer et chauffe rapidement, Esthetique a la hauteur de ce que j’attendais.

Very easy to install and heats up quickly, Esthetique lived up to what I expected.


Muy bueno me llegó todo ok y compre dos este y uno de espejo uno de regalo a una amiga y está encantada calienta súper rápido y las toallas es un placer salir de la ducha y tenerla calentita lo recomiendo

Very good, everything arrived ok and I bought two of these and one with a mirror, one as a gift for a friend and she is delighted, it heats up super fast and the towels are a pleasure to get out of the shower and have it warm, I recommend it


On se rends pas compte de la qualité de finition sur les images une fois reçue j'ai été agréablement surpris par la finition et le design tout d'abord , INSTALLATION rapide fixation fournis et pouvoir contrôler son chauffage via wifi vraiment très agréable et une qualité de chauffe vraiment top je ne regrette pas mon achat je conseille vivement cette article

We don't realize the quality of finish in the images once received I was pleasantly surprised by the finish and the design first of all, quick INSTALLATION fixing provided and being able to control your heating via wifi really very pleasant and quality really great heater I don't regret my purchase I highly recommend this item


Me ha encantado el nuevo calefactor! Tiene mucha potencia, haciendo que se caliente el cuarto de baño en un momento, y ademas permite calentar las toallas, por lo que lo hace muy práctico. Es muy bonito, y queda genial en la casa. Un acierto total!

I loved the new heater! It has a lot of power, making the bathroom warm in no time, and it also allows you to heat towels, which makes it very practical. It is very pretty, and looks great in the house. A total success!


Mas que contentos con esta compra. Se trata de un producto increíble, no solo te seca las toallas, también calienta el ambiente de tu cuarto de baño. Gracias al mando que trae y al panel táctil se configura de manera muy sencilla para poder indicar la temperatura que se desea, ojo que no consume tanto ya que dispone de un autorregulador de potencia y termostato y al llegar a la deseada, se para. Además tiene un diseño súper bonito y limpio, todo un acierto.

We are more than happy with this purchase. It is an incredible product, not only does it dry your towels, it also heats the environment of your bathroom. Thanks to the remote control and the touch panel, it is very easy to configure to indicate the desired temperature. Note that it does not consume much since it has a power and thermostat self-regulator and when it reaches the desired temperature, it stops. It also has a super nice and clean design, a real success.


Ho acquistato questo prodotto per la possibilità di utilizzarlo sia da scaldasalviette elettrico che da radiatore a infrarossi. Riscalda velocemente, quindi per fare il bagno non bisogna aspettare chissà quanto. Ha due livelli di riscaldamento che permettono di regolare il calore e anche il consumo elettrico. Molto comodo il timer che permette di programmare l'accensione e lo spegnimento anche su base settimanale. Soddisfatto dell'acquisto!

I bought this product because it can be used as both an electric towel warmer and an infrared radiator. It heats up quickly, so you don't have to wait too long to take a bath. It has two heating levels that allow you to adjust the heat and also the electricity consumption. The timer that allows you to program the switch on and off even on a weekly basis is very convenient. Satisfied with the purchase!


Il pacco è arrivato per perfettamente impacchettato e protetto al suo interno in maniera ottimale. A prima vista il prodotto si presenta molto bene e fatto di materiali piacevoli sia al tatto che alla vista. Montaggio è stato facile, l'unica cosa che ho usato i stopper più grandi per stare sicuri che reggono il peso del prodotto. Quando si accende il display in basso a sinistra si illumina e indica tutte le funzioni possibili. Il riscaldamento dell'ambiente tramite la ventola è molto efficace grazie alla scelta della potenza di riscaldamento. Si può attivare la funzione di riscaldamento per irraggiamento e molto comoda per asciugare l'asciugamano in maniera veloce, si può impostare il timer di spegnemento o accensione programmata. Finalmente ho trovato un prodotto che fa il suo dovere in maniera perfetta e soprattutto occupando uno spazio non eccessivo.

The package arrived perfectly packaged and protected inside in an optimal way. At first glance the product looks very good and made of materials that are pleasant to the touch and to the eye. Assembly was easy, the only thing I used were the larger stoppers to make sure they could hold the weight of the product. When you turn on the display at the bottom left lights up and indicates all the possible functions. Heating the room via the fan is very effective thanks to the choice of heating power. You can activate the radiant heating function and it is very convenient for drying the towel quickly, you can set the timer for switching off or switching on programmed. Finally I found a product that does its job perfectly and above all without taking up too much space.


un super achat étant en pleine rénovation de ma maison j'ai eu dut mal a me décider mais j'avoue être ravi un design top qui s'adapte a toute type de décoration un chaleur agréable est le côté 2 en 1 est top

a great purchase being in the middle of renovating my house I had a hard time deciding but I admit to being delighted a top design which adapts to any type of decoration a pleasant warmth is the 2 in 1 side is top


Hab mir die Heizung für meine Dusche im Keller geholt, da bei 3 Mädels im Haus das Badezimmer quasi immer belegt ist und im Keller ohne Heizung Duschen ne schlechte Idee ist, Ist die Heizung genau das richtige, Platz ,stromsparend (Max 750w 2stufen) und per App steuerbar 6:00 warm 9:00 kalt ect. Zur Not aber auch direkt am Gerät oder per Fernbedienung .Optisch ist sie gut gearbeitet, die Löcher für die wandhalterungen sind in einem Abstand von 450mm x 1000mm (BxH) in die Wand zu bohren , Abstand zum Boden 550mm für die Montage werden die mitgelieferten bolzenanker in die Wand geschlagen und darauf mit Plastik verkleidung die Heizung installiert. Die handtuchstange lässt sich bei Bedarf nach oben klappen. An der Seite befindet sich noch ein netzschalter falls man sie mal ganz ausschalten möchte.

I got the heating for my shower in the basement, because with 3 girls in the house the bathroom is almost always occupied and showering in the basement without heating is a bad idea, is the heating just right, space, energy-saving (max 750w 2 stages) and controllable via app 6:00 a.m. warm 9:00 a.m. cold ect. If necessary, also directly on the device or by remote control. It looks good, the holes for the wall brackets are to be drilled in the wall at a distance of 450mm x 1000mm (WxH), distance to the floor 550mm for the installation are the supplied bolt anchors hammered into the wall and the heating installed on it with plastic cladding. The towel rail can be folded up if required. There is a power switch on the side if you want to turn it off completely.