HeatPal Marble Infrared Heater

£ 139.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Infrared radiant heater
  • White / Silver Metallic
Product number: 10032022
HeatPal Marble Infrared Heater
£ 139.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 117.99
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Just like sun rays: IR ComfortHeat heats you directly with healthy infrared radiation

  • Economical heat storage: integrated marble plate for continuous heat emission even without power supply

  • Efficient infrared heat wave technology: Room heating with 1300 watts

Product description

The mobile heat accumulator for chilly days! The Klarstein HeatPal Marble is a compact, easy-to-use electric heater that uses a highly efficient heat accumulator to keep heating even when it has long been switched off. The 1300 watt infrared heating element can be infinitely adjusted in its temperature output. The IR ComfortHeat technology makes use of the principle of solar heat. Targeted heating of illuminated objects and people without the diversions via air heating. And the whole thing without a fan: so operation is quiet and no dust is stirred up.

Efficient and economical thanks to its long-lasting heat storage function: The Klarstein HeatPal Marble floor heater caresses you with cosy warmth.


  • Only suitable for well-insulated rooms or for occasional use
  • Power: 1300 watts
  • Effective area: up to 26 m²
  • Effective range: approx. 5 m
  • No warm-up phase, generates heat immediately
  • On / off switch on the back of the device
  • Low-noise heating through infrared technology
  • Anti-frost function
  • Automatic temperature regulation: switches off when the set temperature is reached and on again when the temperature falls below 3 ° C
  • Stable stance thanks to wide feet
  • Stepless temperature controller
  • Freestanding device
  • Natural stone: real marble from Mongolia (not polished)
  • Power supply: 220 - 240 V ~ | 50/60 Hz
Product number: 10032022

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions (including base): about 48 x 67 x 25 cm (WxHxD)
  • Length power cable: about 180 cm
  • Weight: about 11.3 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x heating device
  • 1 x stand base
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
67 Ratings

Received HeatPal Marble Blackline Infrared Heater. With UK 3 pin plug adapter. On first use there was an electrical shorting noise from adapter, followed by a burning smell. On opening UK 3 pin adapter there was evidence of electrical shorting at connection with EU 2 pin plug, with evidence of melting! There was also evidence of electrical shorting on one of 2 pins, and melting of plug itself. Feel a 1300W domestic electrical item should not be sold with such a dangerous adapter!!


This panel is capable of heating quite a large space, by heating people and objects in line with it. Also, the panel itself gets hot so is giving off heat directly. Sitting in line with it is a bit like sitting in the sun’s rays. I bought it to heat someone working from home when I didn’t want to heat the whole house. A bonus is that it’s portable. An excellent product.


It's a great addition to warming up my apartment.
It provides consistent heat whilst on, and even when it is switched off, the marble slab continues to emit heat for a while afterwards.


The heater is great. It takes about 30 to 45 min to fully heat, but when heated, it's great and produces a lot of heat. I would say that when fully heated the room feels like it does when central heating is on. The heater is heavy but quality made. I would recommend this heater.

The heater is great. It takes about 30 to 45 min to fully heat, but when heated, it's great and produces a lot of heat. I would say that when fully heated the room feels like it does when central heating is on. The heater is heavy but quality made. I would recommend this heater.


This is a great unit, I was braced for the 'bad smell' when first switching it on (as mentioned in many reviews) but to be honest there was just the usual slight 'new' smell you get with many products, but nothing more than that. This product was recommended by a friend and I won't be hesitating to recommend it to my friends or family.

This is a great unit, I was braced for the 'bad smell' when first switching it on (as mentioned in many reviews) but to be honest there was just the usual slight 'new' smell you get with many products, but nothing more than that. This product was recommended by a friend and I won't be hesitating to recommend it to my friends or family.


Gekocht als bijverwarming. Voldoet prima, de stralingswarmte is zeer aangenaam. Ziet er ook fraai uit. Degelijke constructie. Aanrader.

Bought as additional heating. Works well, the radiant heat is very pleasant. Looks nice too. Solid construction. Recommended.


Na twee keer pech met de marmeren plaat (een barst door het vervoer waarschijnlijk ) in de kachel, heb ik na uitstekend contact met de klantenservice twee replacement kachels gekregen die een behaaglijke warmte afgeven en hopelijk de energie rekening laag zullen houden. Ik ben zeer tevreden.

After two bad luck with the marble slab (probably a crack due to transport) in the heater, after excellent contact with customer service I received two replacement heaters that emit a comfortable heat and will hopefully keep the energy bill low. I am very satisfied.


Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil.

Ich kenne einige Infrarot Heizungen, die sind alle mittelmäßig. Dieser hier ist volle 5 Sterne wert.

Der Marmorstein riecht muffig beim ersten Gebrauch, dies liegt an der darin gespeicherten Feuchtigkeit. Rauchmelder? Sicher nicht.

Das Gerät ist nicht für Nassräume geeignet, also würde ich den nicht in's Bad stellen, weil dann ja auch Gefahr besteht daß der Marmor nass/feucht wird. Dafür gibts ja Wandpanele.

Sehr solide verarbeitet. Ersetzt jede Heizung, auch wenn's draußen 10 Grad Minus hat.

Ist super sparsam, dank Abschaltautomatik.

Falls der mal kaputt geht (so in 20 Jahren vielleicht), hoffe ich Klarstein gibts noch, jederzeit wieder.

Anyone who can read has a clear advantage. I know a few infrared heaters, they are all mediocre. This one is worth a full 5 stars. The marble stone smells musty when first used, this is due to the moisture stored in it. Smoke detector? Certainly not. The device is not suitable for wet rooms, so I wouldn't put it in the bathroom because then there is a risk that the marble will get wet/damp. That's what wall panels are for. Very solidly made. Replaces any heating system, even if it's 10 degrees below zero outside. It's super economical thanks to the automatic switch-off. If it ever breaks (perhaps in 20 years), I hope Klarstein will still be around at any time.


Voor dit moment zijn wij zeer content met de aanschaf van deze warmte bron

For the moment we are very pleased with the purchase of this heat source


Stufa eccezzionale. Scalda bene , ottima per ambienti di 25mq. circa. Necessita di qualche minuto per rilasciare il calore pre impostato. Nessun odore o rumore, ma solo un picevole tepore. Consiglio l’acquisto.

Exceptional stove. Heats well, excellent for 25m2 rooms. about. It takes a few minutes to release the pre-set heat. No smell or noise, just a pleasant warmth. I recommend the purchase.


Stufa eccezzionale. Scalda bene , ottima per ambienti di 25mq. circa. Necessita di qualche minuto per rilasciare il calore pre impostato. Nessun odore o rumore, ma solo un picevole tepore. Consiglio l’acquisto.

Exceptional stove. Heats well, excellent for 25m2 rooms. about. It takes a few minutes to release the pre-set heat. No smell or noise, just a pleasant warmth. I recommend the purchase.


Ottimo prodotto e con consumi ridotti, riscalda anche ambienti di 25 mq (una stanza) un paio d'ore.

Excellent product and with low consumption, it heats even 25 m2 rooms (one room) for a couple of hours.


Top Gerät, beheizt den Raum innerhalb kürzester Zeit - ganz klare Kaufempfehlung!

Top device, heats the room in no time - definitely recommend buying!


This heater is absolutely marvelous! It heats up a room of about 30 square meters in about 30 minutes to a very comfortable temperature. After that use the thermostat to save energy - the marble will keep the heat and the heater only switches on when the temperature drops. It produces a very nice atmosphere in the room and is completely silent. It is much better than a conventional heating system.

This heater is absolutely marvelous! It heats up a room of about 30 square meters in about 30 minutes to a very comfortable temperature. After that use the thermostat to save energy - the marble will keep the heat and the heater only switches on when the temperature drops. It produces a very nice atmosphere in the room and is completely silent. It is much better than a conventional heating system.


We have been using heater in our tv room for last 3 years. Really cozy room in 30 minutes. Heat lasts another hour or so even when you switch it off. Initially smell went away with first few use and not an issue anymore. Portable solid built.

We have been using heater in our tv room for last 3 years. Really cozy room in 30 minutes. Heat lasts another hour or so even when you switch it off. Initially smell went away with first few use and not an issue anymore. Portable solid built.


wie schon einige erwähnt haben ( auch bei anderen Modellen), stinkt anfangs wie Hölle und beinahe hätte ein Rauchmelder ausgelöst. Gerät wurde vorher im Freien erhitzt. Hat auch schon gut gequalmt, aber im Raum hat er dann trotzdem nochmal übel gequalmt. Liegt evtl. an der Feuchtigkeit im Stein? Keine Ahnung. Hat schon genervt, aber jetzt absolut brauchbar!

As some have already mentioned (also with other models), it stinks like hell at first and a smoke detector almost went off. Device was previously heated outdoors. He was already smoking a lot, but then he was smoking badly again in the room. Is it possibly due to the moisture in the stone? No idea. Was annoying, but now absolutely useful!


Scalda bene, anche se manca la sensazione i caldodiretto tipica delle stufe

It heats well, although it lacks the sensation of direct heat typical of stoves.


Excelente producto con un calor no inmediato pero tan agradable como una chimenea ! Gran rendimiento ara su consumo sobretodo en estancias sin grandes espacios abiertos ya q calienta las paredes.

Excellent product with a heat that is not immediate but as pleasant as a fireplace! Great performance for consumption, especially in rooms without large open spaces since it heats the walls.


Es el segundo año que los utilizo y este año juntos a un interruptor inteligencia. Funciona bien. Suficiente por tener caliente mi casita. Ya he comprado otro para la otra habitación.

This is the second year I've used them and this year together with a smart switch. It works well. Enough to keep my little house warm. I've already bought another one for the other room.


This has been great for working from home- don’t need to put the heating on in the whole house Don’t know yet what the cost is - suggested 13p an hour if that’s correct it will only cost me about £10 a month

This has been great for working from home- don’t need to put the heating on in the whole house Don’t know yet what the cost is - suggested 13p an hour if that’s correct it will only cost me about £10 a month


No necessario a/c es perfecto en sala largo muy bueno y silencio, no Luce

No need for a/c, it's perfect in the long, very good and quiet room, it doesn't look good


Articolo arrivato nei tempi previsti. Non è la classica stufetta, il calore viene trasmesso per irraggiamento e essendo composta da una pietra con resistenze elettriche la sconsiglio per uso bagno. La stufetta è un po pesante. Una volta in temperatura grazie al termostato da una piacevole sensazione di tepore. Il consumo grazie alla pietra è limitato.

Item arrived on time. It is not the classic heater, the heat is transmitted by radiation and since it is made of a stone with electrical resistances I do not recommend it for bathroom use. The heater is a bit heavy. Once at temperature thanks to the thermostat it gives a pleasant sensation of warmth. Consumption thanks to the stone is limited.


Articolo arrivato nei tempi previsti. Non è la classica stufetta, il calore viene trasmesso per irraggiamento e essendo composta da una pietra con resistenze elettriche la sconsiglio per uso bagno. La stufetta è un po pesante. Una volta in temperatura grazie al termostato da una piacevole sensazione di tepore. Il consumo grazie alla pietra è limitato.

Item arrived on time. It is not the classic heater, the heat is transmitted by radiation and since it is made of a stone with electrical resistances I do not recommend it for bathroom use. The heater is a bit heavy. Once at temperature thanks to the thermostat it gives a pleasant sensation of warmth. Consumption thanks to the stone is limited.


Diese Infrarot-Heizung hat mir sehr gut gefallen und entspricht voll meinen Vorstellungen. Es ergibt eine richtig schöne Kachelofenwärme und für mich als Allergiker, ohne Staubschleuder, wunderbar. Vor allem gefällt mir, das es ein deutsches Produkt ist. Jedenfalls habe ich keine andere Aufschrift gefunden. Ich kann es mit gutem Gewissen weiterempfehlen.

I really liked this infrared heater and it fully meets my expectations. It gives a really nice tiled stove warmth and for me as an allergy sufferer, without a dust extractor, wonderful. Above all, I like that it is a German product. In any case, I couldn't find any other inscription. I can recommend it with a clear conscience.


Producto mucho más eficiente que un ventilador. Calienta rápidamente un espacio de 15-20 m2 y solo con el termostato al 25% (0.325 Kw) por la inercia térmica de la piedra que acumula temperatura (mientras el termostato se apaga automaticamente) en lugar de expulsarla criando masas de aire como en el caso del ventilador.

A much more efficient product than a fan. It quickly heats a space of 15-20 m2 and only with the thermostat at 25% (0.325 Kw) due to the thermal inertia of the stone that accumulates temperature (while the thermostat automatically turns off) instead of expelling it by creating air masses as in the case of the fan.


ist klein paßt in jedes bad aber es dauert lange bevor es richtig warm wird

is small fits in every bathroom but it takes a long time before it gets really warm


Die Heizung steht bei uns im Flur . da der Raum keine Heizung hat da für ist die Heizung berfeck.

We have the heater in the hallway. as the room has no heating there for the heating is bermeck.


Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit diesem Wärmeofen. Er benötigt etwas Anlaufzeit, bis er richtig warm wird - etwa 30Minuten. Ich benutze ihn in meinem Massageraum. Er sieht optisch superschön aus und bereitet eine äußerst angenehme Wärme. Kein Vergleich zu meinem vorherigen Konvektor-Ofen. Beim ersten Benutzen haben wir den Ofen 2Stunden auf voller Höhe laufen lassen, damit sich der Stein "einbrennt" ähnlich wie beim Holzofen mit den Schamott-steinen. Da gibt es dann einen natürlichen "Anfangsgeruch" und der Stein hat alle Feuchtigkeit ausgeschwitzt. Wir mussten den Raum gut lüften danach. Ab dem 2.mal gab es keinen Geruch mehr und der Ofen heizt seitdem wunderbar. Ich bin super zufrieden und würde den Ofen sofort wieder kaufen.

We are very happy with this heater. It needs some warm-up time to get really warm - about 30 minutes. I use it in my massage room. It looks super nice and provides an extremely pleasant warmth. No comparison to my previous convector oven. When we used it for the first time, we let the stove run at full capacity for 2 hours so that the stone "burned in" similar to a wood-burning stove with fireclay bricks. There is then a natural "initial smell" and the stone has sweated out all the moisture. We had to ventilate the room well afterwards. From the 2nd time there was no more smell and the stove has been heating up wonderfully ever since. I am very satisfied and would buy the oven again in a heartbeat.


I can't say how economical this will be in comparison with other plug-in portable heating types, thought it ought to be cheap to run as it has a thermostat and turns itself off when things are warm enough. I've bought a second with a week of my wife buying our first, so we definitely like them. They seem to warm the room up without the hideously drying effect of a fan header or bar-fire (yep, we still have some). Silent. Thermostat seems to work well, and you can set it to just take the chill off or get things toasty. Has a frost-protection setting I haven't been in a position to try. Some reviews complain of a smell when first using - there is a bit of a 'manufacturer's oil' whiff for the first two goes, but this rapidly goes and it shouldn't put you off. Not had them long, but already like them a lot.

I can't say how economical this will be in comparison with other plug-in portable heating types, thought it ought to be cheap to run as it has a thermostat and turns itself off when things are warm enough. I've bought a second with a week of my wife buying our first, so we definitely like them. They seem to warm the room up without the hideously drying effect of a fan header or bar-fire (yep, we still have some). Silent. Thermostat seems to work well, and you can set it to just take the chill off or get things toasty. Has a frost-protection setting I haven't been in a position to try. Some reviews complain of a smell when first using - there is a bit of a 'manufacturer's oil' whiff for the first two goes, but this rapidly goes and it shouldn't put you off. Not had them long, but already like them a lot.


I ordered 13 heaters for a full house kit out from this company, this was the only one that arrived with a UK plug. It is a good solid product, well made, works well and no issue with it. However the hassle of trying to get UK adaptors for the other 12 heaters has taken the shine off otherwise this would have been a 5 star review.

I ordered 13 heaters for a full house kit out from this company, this was the only one that arrived with a UK plug. It is a good solid product, well made, works well and no issue with it. However the hassle of trying to get UK adaptors for the other 12 heaters has taken the shine off otherwise this would have been a 5 star review.


On our tariff this heater costs about 3pence per hour to run on full blast. It gives out a really nice heat (unlike fan heaters) and can heat small to medium sized room sufficiently. The form factor is slim and stylish. It's very quiet, usually silent. We've hooked it up to a smart plug so we can control it remotely. The only warning is that on first use it gives off a lot of steam/smoke as the marble slap dries out (the earthy smell is not unpleasant or lingering but you will want to open a window). After the first hour or so of use it never smokes again. The heater is reassuringly weighty but it may be tricky for some people to carry up stairs etc.

On our tariff this heater costs about 3pence per hour to run on full blast. It gives out a really nice heat (unlike fan heaters) and can heat small to medium sized room sufficiently. The form factor is slim and stylish. It's very quiet, usually silent. We've hooked it up to a smart plug so we can control it remotely. The only warning is that on first use it gives off a lot of steam/smoke as the marble slap dries out (the earthy smell is not unpleasant or lingering but you will want to open a window). After the first hour or so of use it never smokes again. The heater is reassuringly weighty but it may be tricky for some people to carry up stairs etc.


Sehr angenehme, gemütliche Wärme und wertiges Gerät. Richtig schön warm. Wir haben den Stein für unsere unbeheizte, kleine Toilette gekauft. Die Wärme ist super angenehm. Nach dem anfänglichen Ausdampfen des Steins. (Wir haben die Heizung zwei mal bei offenem Fenster beheizt) ist es jetzt einfach super. Auf der mittleren Stufe ist die Toilette in 20Minuten warm. (Außentemperatur 10Grad) Ausgeschaltet wärmt der Stein nochmal so lange nach. Der Griff wird wirklich warm. Aber mit Handschuhen tragen wir das Teil noch ins Wohnzimmer, um davor zu sitzen, was wir vor dem Kauf gar nicht vor hatten. Aber die Wärme ist wirklich einfach sehr angenehm. Sehr gemütlich. Wirklich ein guter, wertiger Kauf.

Very pleasant, cozy warmth and a high-quality device. Really nice and warm. We bought the stone for our unheated, small toilet. The warmth is super pleasant. After the stone initially evaporated (we heated the heater twice with the window open), it is now just great. On the medium setting, the toilet is warm in 20 minutes. (Outside temperature 10 degrees). When switched off, the stone takes just as long to warm up. The handle gets really warm. But we still carry the thing into the living room with gloves on so we can sit in front of it, which we hadn't planned to do before buying it. But the warmth is really just very pleasant. Very cozy. A really good, high-quality purchase.


Richtig schön warm. Wir haben den Stein für unsere unbeheizte, kleine Toilette gekauft. Die Wärme ist super angenehm. Nach dem anfänglichen Ausdampfen des Steins. (Wir haben die Heizung zwei mal bei offenem Fenster beheizt) ist es jetzt einfach super. Auf der mittleren Stufe ist die Toilette in 20Minuten warm. (Außentemperatur 10Grad) Ausgeschaltet wärmt der Stein nochmal so lange nach. Der Griff wird wirklich warm. Aber mit Handschuhen tragen wir das Teil noch ins Wohnzimmer, um davor zu sitzen, was wir vor dem Kauf gar nicht vor hatten. Aber die Wärme ist wirklich einfach sehr angenehm. Sehr gemütlich. Wirklich ein guter, wertiger Kauf.

Really nice and warm. We bought the stone for our unheated, small toilet. The heat is super comfortable. After the initial evaporation of the stone. (We heated the heater twice with the window open) it's just great now. On the medium setting, the toilet will be warm in 20 minutes. (Outside temperature 10 degrees) When switched off, the stone warms up again for as long. The grip gets really warm. But with gloves on, we still carry the part into the living room to sit in front of it, which we didn't intend to do before we bought it. But the heat is really just very pleasant. Very cozy. Really good value buy.


Superiore alle mie aspettative. Produce un calore piacevole, che si mantiene anche dopo spenta, grazie alla pietra che lo rilascia lentamente. Nessun rumore, nessuna luce, a parte la piccola spia dell’interruttore. Perfetta anche di notte.

Exceeded my expectations. It produces a pleasant heat, which is maintained even after switching off, thanks to the stone that releases it slowly. No noise, no light, apart from the small switch light. Perfect even at night.


Das Gerät heizt ziemlich rasch auf und strahlt eine sehr angenehme Wärme ab. Genial ist die Marmorplatte, die nach abschalten noch einen Zeitraum wie ein Kachelofen Wärme abgibt. Das Gerät ist solide gebaut und auch formschön. Funktionell mit Tragegriff zum verändern der Position. Summa Summarum ein ausgezeichneter Kauf, den ich wieder tätigen würde

The device heats up fairly quickly and emits a very pleasant heat. The marble slab is ingenious, as it emits heat for a period of time like a tiled stove after it has been switched off. The device is solidly built and also shapely. Functional with carrying handle to change the position. All in all an excellent purchase that I would make again


Super tolles Gerät, top Wärmeleistung, am Gerät auch regulierbar, sodass eine konstante Wärme beibehalten wird - auch durch die Durchsichtigkeit oder wie soll ich es erklären? gibt das Gerät sofort die Wärme weiter. Auch beim Ausschalten hält das Gerät noch lange durch die integrierte Steinplatte. Ich überlege mir noch weitere Geräte zuzulegen, da ich es gerne schnell und (durch die Steinplatte) auch lange gerne warm habe. Und ! Es ist eine schöne Wärme, gleich eines Kaminofens, die man direkt bis in die Knochen wohlfühlend spüren kann. 10 von 10 Punkten

Super great device, top heat output, can also be regulated on the device, so that constant heat is maintained - also due to the transparency or how should I explain it? the device immediately transmits the heat. Even when switched off, the device lasts for a long time thanks to the integrated stone plate. I'm considering getting more devices because I like it to be warm quickly and (due to the stone slab) for a long time. And ! It's a nice warmth, like a fireplace, that you can feel right down to your bones. 10 out of 10 points


Wir haben ein riesen Vorzelt von 9 x 2,70. Normalerweise wurde dieses mit einer ca 7kw Aussenwandheizung geheizt. Da diese kaputt ist, haben wir nach einer Alternative gesucht. Am Anfang war ich sehr skeptisch, aber jetzt voll begeistert. Sie brauch ca eine Stunde um den Stein zu erhitzen und im Raum abzugeben, ist das aber erfogt, ist es richtig warm und man kann sie auf kleinste Temp laufen lassen. Die erste Stunde hat diese bestialisch gestunken, das Einbrennen ging nur mit offenem Zelt, danach war alles bestens. Kann ich nur empfehlen.

We have a huge awning of 9 x 2.70. Normally this was heated with an approx. 7kw external wall heater. Since this is broken, we looked for an alternative. I was very skeptical at first, but now I'm really excited. It takes about an hour to heat up the stone and release it into the room, but once that's done it's really warm and you can run it down to the lowest temp. The first hour it stank like hell, the burning in was only possible with the tent open, after that everything was fine. I can only recommend.


L ho solo provato, dato che è estate, e devo dire che il calore di irradiazione era notevole anche quando l ho spento.... Lo proverò questo inverno in una casa senza riscaldamento vedremo come si comporta..

I just tried it, since it's summer, and I have to say that the heat radiation was remarkable even when I turned it off.... I'll try it this winter in a house without heating and see how it behaves..


Este es mi tercero. Excelente, económico y rápido calentador.

This is my third one. Excellent, inexpensive and fast heater.


Nach anfänglicher wirklich extremer Rauchentwicklung , wie schon öfter beschrieben worden , nun doch sehr zufrieden. Keine störenden Geräusche -war für mich ausschlaggebend für den Kauf. Er steht in einem 32 m2 großen Wintergarten und wärmt auf eine angenehme Tempeatur auf. Schönes Teil wirkt nicht störend und wird mit einer Zeitschaltuhr betrieben. Auf jeden Fall zum Entfehlen.

After the initial, really extreme development of smoke, as has often been described, now very satisfied. No disturbing noises - was the decisive factor for me in the purchase. It stands in a 32 m2 winter garden and warms up to a comfortable temperature. Beautiful part is not disturbing and is operated with a timer. Definitely to be missed.


Imballo arrivato integro. In 15 minuti ho installato la stufa. Alla prima accensione, dopo 30 minuti di funzionamento ha iniziato a inondare la l'ambiente di vapore questo è andato avanti per qualche ora ( ho dovuto arieggiare la stanza ) il giorno seguente alla seconda accensione non ha più dato problemi di vapore. La stufa non scalda immediatamente, ci vogliono circa 30 minuti perché raggiunga una buona temperatura e inizi a riscaldare , il calore che emana è molto gradevole. Riscaldo sufficientemente a una temperatura di 20° una stanza di 35 mq . Non adatta a stanze troppo grandi. sono molto soddisfatto dell'Acquisto.

The package arrived intact. I installed the stove in 15 minutes. When I turned it on for the first time, after 30 minutes of operation it started to flood the room with steam. This went on for a few hours (I had to air the room). The next day, when I turned it on for the second time, it no longer gave any problems with steam. The stove does not heat up immediately. It takes about 30 minutes for it to reach a good temperature and start heating. The heat it gives off is very pleasant. I heat a 35 m2 room sufficiently at a temperature of 20°. Not suitable for rooms that are too large. I am very satisfied with the purchase.


Wir haben uns die Infrarotheizung für eine kühle, etwas feuchte Gartenhütte gekauft. Der Raum wird absolut geräuschlos und total gleichmäßig erwärmt. Super stabiles Qualitätsprodukt! Am Anfang habe ich mich mal kurz gefragt, ob das Gerät vielleicht doch kaputt ist - weil es eine 1/2 Std. zum "anwärmen" benötigte, aber nein - dieses Gerät braucht einfach nur länger und hat dann nur Vorteile! Ja- das Gerät habe ich zuerst einmal auf der Terrasse ca. 2 Std. laufen lassen, damit sich mal alles einheizen kann und der Feinstaub mal weg wärmt! Jetzt riecht auch nichts mehr! Preis/ Leistung finde ich klasse. Das Produkt ist schon hochwertig verarbeitet. Kleines Mini-Minus: die Heiz/Steinplatte hätte ich gerne noch sauber gemacht, ist aber zu stabil ummantelt. Lg

We bought the infrared heater for a cool, slightly damp garden shed. The room is heated absolutely silently and totally evenly. Super stable quality product! At the beginning I asked myself whether the device might be broken - because it needed 1/2 hour to "warm up", but no - this device just needs longer and then only has advantages! Yes - I first let the device run on the terrace for about 2 hours so that everything can heat up and the fine dust can be warmed away! Nothing smells anymore! I think value for money is great. The product is of high quality. Small minus: I would have liked to have cleaned the heating/stone plate, but the sheathing is too stable. LG


Imballo arrivato integro. In 15 minuti ho installato la stufa. Alla prima accensione, dopo 30 minuti di funzionamento ha iniziato a inondare la l'ambiente di vapore questo è andato avanti per qualche ora ( ho dovuto arieggiare la stanza ) il giorno seguente alla seconda accensione non ha più dato problemi di vapore. La stufa non scalda immediatamente, ci vogliono circa 30 minuti perché raggiunga una buona temperatura e inizi a riscaldare , il calore che emana è molto gradevole. Riscaldo sufficientemente a una temperatura di 20° una stanza di 35 mq . Non adatta a stanze troppo grandi. sono molto soddisfatto dell'Acquisto.

The package arrived intact. I installed the stove in 15 minutes. When I turned it on for the first time, after 30 minutes of operation it started to flood the room with steam. This went on for a few hours (I had to air the room). The next day, when I turned it on for the second time, it no longer gave any problems with steam. The stove does not heat up immediately. It takes about 30 minutes for it to reach a good temperature and start heating. The heat it gives off is very pleasant. I heat a 35 m2 room sufficiently at a temperature of 20°. Not suitable for rooms that are too large. I am very satisfied with the purchase.


Buon prodotto fatto bene mantiene il calore nessun riferimento al consumo.

Good product, well made, keeps heat, no reference to consumption.


Ich habe mir die Heizung für meine Partyscheune gekauft, in der es, sobald die Temperaturen sinken sehr kalt wird. Dies hat vor allem immer die weiblichen Gäste gestört. Allerdings wollte ich keine große klobige Elektroheizung, sondern etwas kleines schickes was trotzdem sehr warm macht. Mit diesen Vorgaben bin ich auf die Klarstein Infrarotheizung gekommen und wurde nicht enttäuscht. Gut gefällt mir, dass die Heizung stufenlos den individuellen Wünschen angepasst werden kann und durch die edle Marmorplatte die Wärme noch einige Zeit gespeichert wird, auch wenn die Heizung bereits ausgeschaltet ist. Auf höchster Stufe gibt die Heizung Vollgas und es wird in kurzer Zeit kuschelig warm.

I bought the heater for my party barn, which gets very cold as soon as the temperature drops. This always bothered the female guests in particular. However, I didn't want a big bulky electric heater, but something small and chic that still makes you very warm. With these specifications, I came across the Klarstein infrared heater and was not disappointed. I like the fact that the heating can be steplessly adjusted to individual requirements and that the heat is stored for some time thanks to the elegant marble top, even when the heating is already switched off. At the highest level, the heating goes full throttle and it quickly becomes cozy and warm.


Erster Eindruck nach wenigen Tagen: Heizung: Ich liebe die Verwendung von Naturmarmor und sparsames Heizen, anstatt intensiv mit dem warmen Wind zu heizen. Es funktioniert gut. Ich kann fühlen, dass der Raum wärmer wird und ich fühle den heißen Wind nicht. Ich liebe die Idee des sparsamen Heizens. Gute Alternative für Zentralheizung in kleinen Räumen. aber temporär denke ich. Ich mag das Design sehr, es sieht ein bisschen retro aus, weil es innen aus sichtbarem Stein besteht. Beine könnten vielleicht etwas stabiler sein. Einfach zu verwenden, die gesamte Heizung kam in einem Teil Ich behalte es.

First impression after a few days: Heating: I love the use of natural marble and economical heating instead of heating intensively with the warm wind. It works well. I can feel the room getting warmer and I don't feel the hot wind. I love the idea of economical heating. Good alternative for central heating in small rooms. but temporarily I think. I really like the design, it looks a bit retro because it has visible stone inside. Legs could be a bit more stable. Easy to use, the entire heater came in one piece I'm keeping it.


Wir haben uns diese Heizung für den Wintergarten gekauft und uns war Sicherheit und Energieeffizienz bei der Kaufentscheidung sehr wichtig. Überraschend schnell heizt sich das Gerät auf und dank des Wärmespeichers geht die Energie nicht verloren und wird gleichmäßig abgegeben. Das spart Geld und schont die Umwelt. Die Heizung sieht hochwertig aus und ist solide gebaut. Die Infrarottechnik und die flüsterleise Betriebslautstärke überzeugen. Man könnte das Gerät problemlos im Schlafzimmer nutzen. Preis/Leistung ist sehr gut. Wir sind bereits jetzt sehr zufrieden und hoffen, dass wir noch lange was davon haben werden.

We bought this heater for the conservatory and safety and energy efficiency were very important to us when making the purchase decision. The device heats up surprisingly quickly and thanks to the heat accumulator, the energy is not lost and is released evenly. This saves money and protects the environment. The heater looks high quality and is solidly built. The infrared technology and the whisper-quiet operating volume are convincing. You could easily use the device in the bedroom. Value for money is very good. We are already very satisfied and hope that we will benefit from it for a long time to come.


At last a decent free standing infrared heater. I've spent years messing about with cheap halogen and convector heaters - both have problems; halogen heaters are infra-red but a constant source of light so useless for night heating a bedsitting room and tube failure is frequent and replacement is a pain or impossible. Convector heaters wether fan assisted or not cook the air, blow dust about and always end up heating the area were you're not actually sitting. I've long understood that infrared is a better and more natural source of heating for us humans the problem is delivering it in a suitable way. This heater is really well built and fairly weighty, it has an adjustable thermostat so can be set to just maintain a comfortable warmth or cranked up full blast to provide a decent and well distributed heat in a room approx' 15' 15' with a 7' ceiling height. The ceramic tile means it will store heat and continue to distribute it even when off for some time.

At last a decent free standing infrared heater. I've spent years messing about with cheap halogen and convector heaters - both have problems; halogen heaters are infra-red but a constant source of light so useless for night heating a bedsitting room and tube failure is frequent and replacement is a pain or impossible. Convector heaters wether fan assisted or not cook the air, blow dust about and always end up heating the area were you're not actually sitting. I've long understood that infrared is a better and more natural source of heating for us humans the problem is delivering it in a suitable way. This heater is really well built and fairly weighty, it has an adjustable thermostat so can be set to just maintain a comfortable warmth or cranked up full blast to provide a decent and well distributed heat in a room approx' 15' 15' with a 7' ceiling height. The ceramic tile means it will store heat and continue to distribute it even when off for some time.


Diese Infrarotheizung habe ich als zusätzliche Heizmöglichkeit für unser Wohnzimmer gekauft. Die schwere Marmorplatte sorgt für eine gleichmäßige Wärmeabgabe im Raum. Nicht nur vor der Heizung wird es warm, sondern im gesamten Raum. Zum Hin- und Herräumen wären Räder angenehm, denn sie ist mit mehr als 11kg schon sehr schwer. Gewöhnungsbedürftig ist auch die ganz unten befindliche Bedienung des Ofens. Ansonsten bin ich aber sehr zufrieden.

I bought this infrared heater as an additional heating option for our living room. The heavy marble slab ensures an even heat distribution in the room. It doesn't just get warm in front of the heating, but in the entire room. Wheels would be nice for moving back and forth, because it is already very heavy at more than 11kg. The operation of the oven, which is located at the very bottom, also takes some getting used to. Otherwise I am very satisfied.


Erstmal zum Aufbau der Heizung. Im Lieferumfang sind zwei Metallfüße und vier dafür vorgesehene Schrauben mit denen die Füße im Plastikgestell verschraubt werden. Der Aufbau ist dementsprechend sehr simple. Wir haben das Gerät in unserem schlecht gedämmten Wintergarten im Einsatz, der ca 20 qm2. Nach zwei Stunden war es dort angenehm warm. Der Verbrauch lag bei 1200 Watt. Unmittelbar vor dem Gerät erschien es uns, als ob wir eine Fußbodenheizung hätten Der einzige Minusstern ist das Gewicht der Heizung, die ist halt recht schwer, wie wir finden. Ansonsten sind wir voll zufrieden.

First to set up the heater. The scope of delivery includes two metal feet and four screws provided for this purpose, with which the feet are screwed into the plastic frame. The construction is therefore very simple. We use the device in our poorly insulated winter garden, which is about 20 square meters. After two hours it was pleasantly warm there. The consumption was 1200 watts. Immediately in front of the device, it seemed to us as if we had underfloor heating. The only minus star is the weight of the heating, which we think is quite heavy. Otherwise we are completely satisfied.


Die Heizung ist gut, und warmt macht gut unser Wohnzimmer warm. Beim ersten Lauf erschrekt man sich, weil er so stinkt. Da haben wir einfach das Fenster ein paar Stunden aufgelassen. Danach war der Geruch weg. Man würde nur hoffen, dass der Geruch unschädlich ist. Die Heizung ist aber generel eine gute Heizung. Auch für großere Räume geeignet. Bei uns war es vorher immer warm auf eine Seite wo die Wandheizung war, aber auf die andere Seite beim Fenster war es immer kalt. Jetzt schalten wir den hier einfach an und innerhalb 15 Minuten fühlte sich man warm. Super!

The heating is good and warms well warms our living room. The first run scares you because it stinks. We just left the window open for a few hours. After that the smell was gone. One would only hope that the smell is harmless. The heater is generally a good heater. Also suitable for larger rooms. With us it was always warm on one side where the wall heating was, but on the other side by the window it was always cold. Now we just turn this on and within 15 minutes you felt warm. Excellent!


Works really well. This was my only source of heating in my small flat (about 500sq ft) this winter and it was enough. I felt warm. Only issue is that the handle gets very hot when it's on high and you can't have it too close to walls and where it is plugged in as the wall will get very hot. It's a good size and looks nice. It's quite heavy but I am still able to pick it up and move it around fine.

Works really well. This was my only source of heating in my small flat (about 500sq ft) this winter and it was enough. I felt warm. Only issue is that the handle gets very hot when it's on high and you can't have it too close to walls and where it is plugged in as the wall will get very hot. It's a good size and looks nice. It's quite heavy but I am still able to pick it up and move it around fine.


Sencillo y sin termostato digital, pero lo importante de verdad es que no produce ningún olor, cero, nada. lo utilizamos en habitación de 16 m2 a algo mas de media potencia, zona de montaña.

Simple and without a digital thermostat, but the most important thing is that it does not produce any smell, zero, nothing. We used it in a 16 m2 room at a little over half power, in a mountain area.


Bin sehr zufrieden. Würde die Heizung sofort wieder kaufen. Ich habe sie für meinen Wintergarten gekauft. Es gibt dort auch eine Fußbodenheizung, aber durch die Glaswände hatte man immer ein leichtes Kältegefühl, was jetzt durch die zusätzliche Infrarotheizung nicht mehr der Fall ist. Ich habe mir zusätzlich eine Zeitschaltuhr ohne Thermostat (Thermostat braucht man nicht, weil die Infrarotheizung eines eingebaut hat) gekauft, damit die Einschalt- und Ausschaltzeit automatisch geregelt wird. Anfangs beim Heizen eine Geruchsbelästigung, die aber nach mehrmaligem Heizen bereits verschwunden ist. In Summe für meinen Zweck ist es ein Spitzengerät.

I am very satisfied. I would buy the heater again immediately. I bought it for my conservatory. There is also underfloor heating there, but the glass walls always made it feel slightly cold, which is no longer the case with the additional infrared heating. I also bought a timer without a thermostat (you don't need a thermostat because the infrared heating has one built in) so that the switch-on and switch-off times are regulated automatically. There was an unpleasant smell when heating at first, but this disappeared after heating several times. All in all, it is a top-notch device for my purposes.


Tragbare Infrarotheizung Bin sehr zufrieden. Würde die Heizung sofort wieder kaufen. Ich habe sie für meinen Wintergarten gekauft. Es gibt dort auch eine Fußbodenheizung, aber durch die Glaswände hatte man immer ein leichtes Kältegefühl, was jetzt durch die zusätzliche Infrarotheizung nicht mehr der Fall ist. Ich habe mir zusätzlich eine Zeitschaltuhr ohne Thermostat (Thermostat braucht man nicht, weil die Infrarotheizung eines eingebaut hat) gekauft, damit die Einschalt- und Ausschaltzeit automatisch geregelt wird. Anfangs beim Heizen eine Geruchsbelästigung, die aber nach mehrmaligem Heizen bereits verschwunden ist. In Summe für meinen Zweck ist es ein Spitzengerät.

Portable infrared heater I am very satisfied. I would buy the heater again immediately. I bought it for my conservatory. There is also underfloor heating there, but the glass walls always made it feel a little cold, which is no longer the case with the additional infrared heater. I also bought a timer without a thermostat (you don't need a thermostat because the infrared heater has one built in) so that the switch-on and switch-off times are regulated automatically. There was an unpleasant smell when heating at first, but this disappeared after heating it several times. All in all, it is a top-notch device for my purposes.


Wie ein Kachelofen, nur modern, handlich und dezent. Wir haben endlich die schnelle Wärme, die wir uns in unserer AltbauWohnung gewünscht haben. Wir haben nicht in allen Zimmern einen Ofen, so dass wir in der kalten Jahreszeit doch immer wieder eine zusätzliche Heizung benötigen. Bisher hatten wir das mit einem klassischen Radiator oder Heizlüfter gemacht. Diese waren aber kaputt gegangen und hatten immer viel Staub aufgewirbelt. Mit dem Klarstein MarmorPanel ist die Wärme nun so wohltuend, dass wir sie mittlerweile auch in alle anderen Räume mitnehmen und anstelle der Öfen einsetzen.

Like a tiled stove, only modern, handy and discreet. We finally have the quick heat that we wanted in our old building apartment. We don't have a stove in every room, so we always need additional heating in the cold season. Up until now we had done this with a classic radiator or fan heater. But these had broken and always kicked up a lot of dust. With the Klarstein Marble Panel, the heat is now so pleasant that we now take it with us to all the other rooms and use it instead of the stoves.


Me parece un producto muy práctico ya que no es muy grande (lo que hace que sea fácil de mover y colocar en cualquier parte de la casa) pero a la vez tiene mucha potencia y transmite mucho calor. También me gusta su estética, y va perfecto en mi salón. Un acierto!

I find it to be a very practical product as it is not very large (which makes it easy to move and place anywhere in the house) but at the same time it is very powerful and transmits a lot of heat. I also like its aesthetics, and it fits perfectly in my living room. A success!


Cumple las perspectivas.

Meets expectations.


Fino ad oggi ho usato una stufa a lampade alogene quindi posso usare quelle come termine di paragone. La differenza sostanziale è che le lempade si scaldano praticamente istantaneamente a differenza di questa che necessità di qualche minuto per raggiungere la temperatura selezionata. Ciò che però la rende vincente è che in questa, si scalda la lastra quadrata che si trova di fronte, di conseguenza, una volta raggiunta la temperatura, entra in 'standby' e pur emanando ancora calore, non consuma più, a differenza di quella con le lampade che una volta spenta, lascia spazio al freddo istantaneamente. Il calore emanato inoltre scalda tutta la stanza, a differenza di quella a lampade che scalda solo nella direzione in cui è puntata! E' una valida alternativa al termosifone! Soddisfatta!

Up until now I have used a halogen lamp heater so I can use those as a point of comparison. The main difference is that the lamps heat up practically instantly unlike this one which needs a few minutes to reach the selected temperature. What makes it a winner, however, is that in this one, the square plate in front of it heats up, consequently, once the temperature is reached, it goes into 'standby' and although it still emits heat, it no longer consumes, unlike the one with lamps which, once turned off, gives way to cold instantly. The heat emitted also heats the whole room, unlike the one with lamps which only heats in the direction it is pointed! It is a valid alternative to the radiator! Satisfied!


Fino ad oggi ho usato una stufa a lampade alogene quindi posso usare quelle come termine di paragone. La differenza sostanziale è che le lempade si scaldano praticamente istantaneamente a differenza di questa che necessità di qualche minuto per raggiungere la temperatura selezionata. Ciò che però la rende vincente è che in questa, si scalda la lastra quadrata che si trova di fronte, di conseguenza, una volta raggiunta la temperatura, entra in 'standby' e pur emanando ancora calore, non consuma più, a differenza di quella con le lampade che una volta spenta, lascia spazio al freddo istantaneamente. Il calore emanato inoltre scalda tutta la stanza, a differenza di quella a lampade che scalda solo nella direzione in cui è puntata! E' una valida alternativa al termosifone! Soddisfatta!

Up until now I have used a halogen lamp heater so I can use those as a point of comparison. The main difference is that the lamps heat up practically instantly unlike this one which needs a few minutes to reach the selected temperature. What makes it a winner, however, is that in this one, the square plate in front of it heats up, consequently, once the temperature is reached, it goes into 'standby' and although it still emits heat, it no longer consumes, unlike the one with lamps which, once turned off, gives way to cold instantly. The heat emitted also heats the whole room, unlike the one with lamps which only heats in the direction it is pointed! It is a valid alternative to the radiator! Satisfied!


Sorprendente calentador que utiliza la capacidad de las piedras de mantener el calor más tiempo una vez calentadas. Tiene un aspecto sólido, muy bien acabado, muy "alemán", consume exactamente lo que dice, y es verdad como comentan algunos que los 2 primeros días emite el olor típico del primer uso, como a "tierra caliente". Sin embargo, no le doy las 5 estrellas porque tanto el interruptor como el termostato están en la parte trasera inferior. Si bien estéticamente es correcto, lo hace algo incómodo ya que hay que agacharse al máximo para encenderlo o apagarlo, y para graduar el termostato hay que saber para qué lado se sube la temperatura, salvo que se mueva, se agache uno y mire, lo cual no es práctico en un producto que pesa bastante (creo que 11 kg) por el peso de la propia piedra. Dicho lo cual, a quien no le importe agacharse, le aconsejo la compra de este producto, porque funciona perfectamente para lo que está diseñado, y por lo que he comprobado hasta ahora parece eficiente energéticamente a pesar de los 1200W por el hecho de que la piedra aguanta una vez apagado el calefactor.

Amazing heater that uses the ability of stones to keep the heat longer once heated. It has a solid appearance, very well finished, very "German", it consumes exactly what it says, and it is true as some comment that the first 2 days it emits the typical smell of the first use, like "hot earth". However, I do not give it 5 stars because both the switch and the thermostat are in the lower back part. Although it is aesthetically correct, it makes it somewhat uncomfortable since you have to bend down as much as possible to turn it on or off, and to adjust the thermostat you have to know which way to turn the temperature, unless you move it, bend down and look, which is not practical in a product that weighs quite a lot (I think 11 kg) due to the weight of the stone itself. That said, for anyone who doesn't mind bending over, I would recommend purchasing this product, as it works perfectly for what it is designed for, and from what I have seen so far it seems to be energy efficient despite the 1200W due to the fact that the stone lasts even after the heater is turned off.


Estupendo calentador con un diseño que lo hace muy cómodo de usar. Tarda poco en calentar y no consume demasiado. El único inconveniente que tiene es que, al tener la piedra, esta se agrieta un poco (es un problema habitual en piedras con los cambios de temperatura). Espero que estas grietas no vayan a más con el uso. En el primer invierno la usamos mucho y estamos muy contentos con esta compra de ahí las cinco estrellas.

Great heater with a design that makes it very easy to use. It takes little time to heat up and does not consume too much. The only drawback is that, as it has a stone, it cracks a little (this is a common problem with stones with changes in temperature). I hope that these cracks do not get worse with use. We used it a lot in the first winter and we are very happy with this purchase, hence the five stars.


Rasche Lieferung, gut Verpackt, entspricht der Beschreibung, leider waren keine Schrauben für die Füße beigepackt :-( , konnte mit "Hausmittel" behoben werden !! Beim ersten Aufheizen etstömt eine Art Wasserdampf und Geruch, verschwindt aber nach ca. 1 Stunde komplett ! Seit dem keine Geruchsentwicklung mehr, sehr gute Steuerung über Thermostat und verteilt eine angenehme Wärme im Raum. Absolut "empfehlenswert".

Fast delivery, well packaged, corresponds to the description, unfortunately no screws for the feet were included :-(, could be fixed with "home remedies"!! When heating up for the first time, a kind of steam and smell comes out, but disappears completely after about 1 hour! Since then, no more smell, very good control via thermostat and distributes a pleasant warmth in the room. Absolutely "recommendable".


Hola a todos. Compré este calefactor para el cumpleaños de mi madre, ya que se había hecho una reforma en su casa y ahora que estamos en invierno estaba buscando un calefactor. Es perfecto, ya que tiene contratado unos 3300W y este calefactor, a diferencia de otros que gastan entre 2000 y 2500W, este tan solo 1300w. Otra ventaja que le veo es que no hace nada de ruido, no poco o casi ni se nota, no, nada de ruido, es genial en eso. Tarda unos 30 minutos en calentarse, el calor en el ambiente es genial, e incluso se puede regular. Luego, como tiene una piedra natural, mantiene el calor bastante tiempo. El producto viene con unas patitas que son muy sencillas de colocar y es bastante fino y elegante para su nuevo salón, le ha encantado. Lo dicho, no veo de momento puntos negativos para este producto y lo recomiendo a todas, todas.

Hello everyone. I bought this heater for my mother's birthday, as she had done some renovations in her house and now that we are in winter I was looking for a heater. It is perfect, as she has contracted about 3300W and this heater, unlike others that use between 2000 and 2500W, this one only uses 1300W. Another advantage that I see is that it doesn't make any noise, not a little or almost not noticeable, no, no noise at all, it is great at that. It takes about 30 minutes to heat up, the heat in the environment is great, and you can even regulate it. Then, as it has natural stone, it keeps the heat for quite a long time. The product comes with some legs that are very easy to put on and it is quite fine and elegant for her new living room, she loved it. As I said, I don't see any negative points for this product at the moment and I recommend it to everyone.


Ich besitze bereits ein Wärmewellengerät (DeLonghi HMP 2000 Wärmewelle), zudem einen Konvektor (DeLonghi HCX 3120FS). Beide verrichten gute Arbeit im mobilen Einsatz, wobei ich die Wärmewelle doch bevorzuge (die "Art der Wärme" ist einfach angenehmer). Das Gerät von Klarstein weist kein "Made in China"-Schild auf, was schon sehr erfreulich ist! Das Gerät wirkt sehr hochwertig und stabil (und ist zudem auch noch sehr formschön). Das Gerät wiegt exakt 10,60 Kilo, ist also kein Plastikschrott (trotzdem ergonomisch sehr gut und leicht zu transportieren). Zum Glück hatte ich vor der Lieferung in irgendeinem Forum gelesen, dass solche Geräte erst nach mehrmaliger Verwendung richtig funktionieren. Nach dem ersten Einschalten tat sich nämlich ein paar Minuten lang rein gar nichts - ich wollte das Teil schon zurückschicken. Doch nach und nach kam es in die Gänge. Es entsteht ein Geruch nach Naturstein (im Gegensatz zum unerträglichen Kunstoffgeruch anderer Hersteller), der aber schnell nachlässt/verschwindet. Beim zweiten Mal heizt es schon wesentlich schneller auf. Nicht zu vergessen: Der Versand verlief schnell und reibunglos, das Gerät ist ausreichend & sicher verpackt (im Überkarton), was in der heutigen Zeit leider keine Selbstverständlichkeit mehr ist. Update: Das Gerät heizt ein 20 m² (60 m³) großes Zimmer in einem 100 Jahre alten, schlecht gedämmten Haus bei einer Außentemperatur von Null Grad (und starkem Wind) in 2 Stunden von 14 auf 16 Grad, mehr schafft es nicht. Die Wärmewelle von DeLonghi schafft das locker in 25 Minuten, allerdings auf der 2000-Watt-Stufe (die heizt dann noch auf über 18 Grad auf, in weniger als 2 Stunden). Die Klarstein wird sehr heiß (auch die Rückwand), die DeLonghi wird nur sehr warm. Für mich ist die Klarstein ein ideales "Beistell-Heizgerät", da man die Hitze sehr wohlwollend wahrnimmt, wenn man sich unmittelbar daneben aufhält (1 - 2 Meter Abstand). Die Steinplatte bleibt nach dem Abdrehen noch eine zeitlang warm, von einem stundenlangen Nachheiz-Effekt zu sprechen, wäre vermessen (das wäre ob der geringen Größe der Platte rein physikalisch gar nicht möglich). Bei der Klarstein dauert es (gemessene) 9 Minuten, bis das Gitter an der Front warm wird (bis sich der Stein erwärmt dauert es dann noch zusätzlich einige Minuten). Die DeLonghi (2000 Watt) wird wirklich innerhalb einer Minute warm, auch beim Konvektor geht das blitzschnell. Die Klarstein und die Wärmewelle von DeLonghi heizen wirklich völlig geräuschlos, der Konvektor neigt zu einem leichten Brummen. Also für ein schnelles aufheizen und flächiges Beheizen großer (bis max. 60 m³ großer) Räume/Altbau (und wenn man viel Platz für ein größeres Gerät hat / stehend oder Wandmontage) würde ich persönlich die DeLonghi HMP2000 empfehlen, für Räume bis ca. 12 m² (Altbau) und vor allem als "Beisteller" die sehr kopmpakte Klarstein. Allerdings ist die Wärme, die die Klarstein nach ca. 2 Stunden Betrieb abstrahlt, wirklich "bombastisch" gut. Das ist einem Kachelofen durchaus ebenbürtig. Generell gilt für Infrarotheizungen, dass es (auch) die Wände und die Gegenstände im Raum erwärmt und diese dann wiederum Wärme in den Raum abstrahlen. Um diesen Effekt wirklich zu erreichen, müssten die Geräte aber mindestens 48-72 Stunden durchgehend auf hoher Stufe laufen und danach auf die gewünschte (dauerhafte) Temperatur eingestellt werden. Die Strahlungsweite (Wärmeabgabe) bei Infrarotgeräten generell ist auf ca. 3-4 Meter begrenzt, das sollte man berücksichtigen. Konvektoren wiederum wärmen die Raumluft, dürfen aber nicht auf Teppichen oder Teppichböden augestellt werden (es wird die kalte Luft von unten angesaugt und wenn diese staubig ist, kann das Gerät dadurch Schaden nehmen / verstopfen). Konvektoren wirken in undichten oder sehr zugigen Räumen besser, da hierbei die erwärmte Luft verteilt wird. Bei Wärmewellengeräten würde unter diesen Umständen die Strahlungswärme einfach "verpuffen". Über die Wirkung(en) in einem gut isoliertem Neubau kann ich leider nichts sagen ...

I already own a heat wave device (DeLonghi HMP 2000 heat wave) and a convector (DeLonghi HCX 3120FS). Both do a good job in mobile use, although I prefer the heat wave (the "heat kind" is just more comfortable). The Klarstein device does not have a "Made in China" sign, which is very gratifying! The device looks very high-quality and stable (and is also very elegant). The device weighs exactly 10.60 kilos, so it's not plastic waste (nevertheless, it's ergonomically very good and easy to transport). Fortunately, I had read in some forum before delivery that such devices only work properly after repeated use. After switching it on for the first time, nothing happened for a few minutes - I wanted to send the part back. But little by little it got going. There is a smell of natural stone (in contrast to the unbearable smell of plastic from other manufacturers), but this quickly subsides/disappears. The second time it heats up much faster. Not to forget: The shipping was quick and smooth, the device is adequately & securely packed (in the outer box), which is unfortunately no longer a matter of course these days. Update: The device heats a 20 m² (60 m³) room in a 100-year-old, poorly insulated house at an outside temperature of zero degrees (and strong wind) from 14 to 16 degrees in 2 hours, more is not possible. The heat wave from DeLonghi easily manages this in 25 minutes, but at the 2000 watt level (which then heats up to over 18 degrees in less than 2 hours). The Klarstein gets very hot (including the back wall), the DeLonghi only gets very warm. For me, the Klarstein is an ideal "side heater" because you perceive the heat very benevolently when you are right next to it (1 - 2 meters away). The stone slab stays warm for a while after turning, to speak of an after-heating effect lasting hours would be presumptuous (that would not be physically possible due to the small size of the slab). With the Klarstein, it takes (measured) 9 minutes for the grid on the front to warm up (it then takes a few more minutes for the stone to warm up). The DeLonghi (2000 watts) really heats up within a minute, and the convector is also lightning fast. The Klarstein and the DeLonghi heat wave really heat completely silently, the convector tends to hum slightly. So for quick heating and large-area heating of large (up to max. 60 m³) rooms/old buildings (and if you have a lot of space for a larger device / standing or wall mounting), I would personally recommend the DeLonghi HMP2000, for rooms up to approx. 12 m² (old building) and above all as an "accessory" the very compact Klarstein. However, the heat that the Klarstein radiates after about 2 hours of operation is really "bombastic". This is quite on a par with a tiled stove. In general, infrared heaters (also) heat up the walls and objects in the room, which in turn radiate heat into the room. In order to really achieve this effect, the devices would have to run at a high level for at least 48-72 hours and then be set to the desired (permanent) temperature. The range of radiation (heat emission) from infrared devices is generally limited to approx. 3-4 meters, which should be taken into account. Convectors, on the other hand, warm the air in the room, but must not be placed on carpets or carpeted floors (cold air is sucked in from below and if it is dusty, the device can be damaged / clogged). Convectors work better in leaky or very drafty rooms, since the heated air is distributed here. In the case of heat wave devices, the radiant heat would simply "flip up" under these circumstances. Unfortunately, I can't say anything about the effect(s) in a well-insulated new building...


Diese Heizung habe ich gekauft, weil ich meine Heizung in der Wohnstube kaputt gegangen ist und der Handwerker keine Zeit dafür hat... Also musste eine Lösung her! Mein Vater schwärmte schon immer von Infrarot, denn es ist wohl eine ganz tolle Wärme. Und das kann ich bestätigen. Die Wärme ist wirklich klasse! Durch die Marmorplatte vorn drauf wird die Wärme auch wirklich toll gespeichert, sodass es schön lange nachwärmt. Außerdem gibt es eine Abschaltautomatik. Das finde ich wirklich gut, denn so kann man wirklich einiges an Energie sparen! Diese Heizung wird nach der Reparatur in den Party-Keller wandern und uns dort Wärme spenden.

I bought this heater because my heater in the living room broke and the repairman didn't have time to fix it... So a solution was needed! My father always raved about infrared because it's supposed to be a great source of heat. And I can confirm that. The heat is really great! The marble plate on the front stores the heat really well so that it stays warm for a long time. There's also an automatic switch-off. I think that's really good because it really saves a lot of energy! After the repair, this heater will go into the party cellar and provide us with heat there.


Wow....ich bin total begeistert!!!! Also erstens, das Heizgerät sieht sehr edel aus und ist sehr gut verarbeitet. Passt sehr gut in meine Wohnung. Es ist mobil und ich kann es an verschieden Plätzen in meiner Wohnung hinstellen. Sehr praktisch! Zweitens.....die Heizleistung ist optimal für meine 35 qm große Wohnung reicht diese allemal. Drittens...das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis ist unschlagbar. Viertens: das Gerät hört man überhaupt nicht. Und die Luft wird auch nicht trocken im Raum....so ein bisschen wie Sonnenenergie! Das Gerät riecht nicht, auch noch ein Vorteil !Und noch etwas: Total gut, wenn jemand Probleme mit den Gelenken hat, gerade bei dem nasskalten Wetter, habe keine Knieschmerzen mehr!!! Last not least: Klare Kaufempfehlung von mir! Volle 5 Punkte für das KLARSTEIN Modell Heat Pal Marble !!!!

Wow....I'm totally thrilled!!!! First of all, the heater looks very classy and is very well made. Fits very well in my apartment. It's mobile and I can put it in different places in my apartment. Very convenient! Secondly.....the heating output is optimal for my 35 square meter apartment, this is always sufficient. Third...the value for money can't be beat. Fourth: the device cannot be heard at all. And the air doesn't get dry in the room either....a bit like solar energy! The device doesn't smell, which is another advantage! And one more thing: Totally good, if someone has problems with their joints, especially in the cold, wet weather, I no longer have knee pain!!! Last but not least: clear purchase recommendation from me! Full 5 points for the KLARSTEIN model Heat Pal Marble !!!!