Arctic Porter Ice Cube Machine

£ 135.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Ice cube machine
  • Black
  • 10-12 kg
Product number: 10035553
Arctic Porter Ice Cube Machine
£ 135.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 87.99
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Drinks in style: powerful countertop ice cube machine with stainless steel housing and large viewing window

  • Mobile refreshment: large handle for easy transport - ideal for parties in the garden

  • Large production capacity: makes 9 bullet ice cubes in 8 minutes with up to 12 kg of ice per day

Product description

Whether for a family celebration, a flat share party or to supply ice to bars and restaurants professionally: with the Klarstein Arctic Porter ice cube machine as a cool star guest, all drinks can be perfectly prepared and refreshingly cooled.

The powerful Arctic Porter ice cube machine produces up to 12 kg of bullet ice per day and is ideal for use at all parties as well as in restaurants or bars. The Arctic Porter is also a real asset for normal home use: with it, fresh ice cubes are always available at home to cool drinks. Depending on which size is set - S or L - 9 ice cubes are provided in a cycle of 8 minutes. In the event of an empty water tank or a full ice cube container, control lights on the clear touch control panel of the ice cube maker provide reliable information. And if you want to keep an eye on everything, you can always see the fill level through the large viewing window without opening the cooling container. The large handle conveniently transforms the ice cube maker into a mobile appliance, making it especially practical. After use, the Arctic Porter is easy to clean thanks to its self-cleaning function and smooth stainless steel housing. The elegant finish fits perfectly into any ambience.

Ice-cold refreshment: with the Arctic Porter ice cube machine from Klarstein, you can prepare delicious and refreshing drinks for parties, restaurants and bars in no time at all.


  • Power: 120 watts
  • For making bullet ice
  • Water tank: 2 litres
  • Production volume: approx. 12 kg / 24h
  • Ice cubes per cycle: 9
  • Ice cube size: small & large
  • Ice cube compartment capacity: 0.8 kg
  • Touch control panel
  • Self-cleaning function
  • Housing made of stainless steel
  • Refrigerant: R600a (23g)
  • Compression cooling
  • Power supply: 220-240 V ~ | 50 Hz
Product number: 10035553

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 24 x 33 x 30 cm (WxHxD)
  • Power cord length: 180 cm
  • Weight: approx. 7.2 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x ice cube machine
  • 1 x ice cube tray
  • 1 x ice scoop
  • Multilingual instruction manual

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
33 Ratings

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Excelent! Exact ce trebuie pentru utilizare personala!

Excellent! Exactly what you need for personal use!


Pretty easy to use, clean, and storage. It has a cleaning mode so you don’t need to worry about it. Typically these ice makers are loud. I don’t mean crazy loud but I can’t put it in kitchen or wherever I drink my iced coffee etc. Perfect with the handle.

Pretty easy to use, clean, and storage. It has a cleaning mode so you don’t need to worry about it. Typically these ice makers are loud. I don’t mean crazy loud but I can’t put it in kitchen or wherever I drink my iced coffee etc. Perfect with the handle.


Gute Qualität, macht schöne Eiswürfel nur in der Dimension groß sind sie von der Größe her wie normale Eiswürfel.

Good quality, makes nice ice cubes but in terms of size they are like normal ice cubes.


Prima Eiswürfelbereiter , schnelle Zubereitung, zwei Sorten Würfel , nicht zu laut

Great ice cube maker, quick preparation, two types of cubes, not too loud


Klarstein Eiswürfelmachine Ich bin sehr zufrieden. Die Würfel haben für mich die richtige Größe. Leicht zu bedienen. Alles bestens.

Klarstein ice cube machine I am very satisfied. The cubes are the right size for me. Easy to use. Everything is perfect.


Ich bin sehr zufrieden. Die Würfel haben für mich die richtige Größe. Leicht zu bedienen. Alles bestens.

I am very satisfied. The cubes are the right size for me. Easy to use. Everything is perfect.


Wir wollen diese Maschine nicht mehr missen. Nehmen Sie gerne auf den Campingplatz mit und alle Leute staunen, wie schnell und gut sie funktioniert

We don't want to be without this machine anymore. Feel free to take it with you to the campsite and everyone will be amazed at how quickly and well it works


Eiswuerfel Box Geraet tut was es soll. Perfekt

Ice cube box device does what it should. Perfect


Geraet tut was es soll. Perfekt

Device does what it should. Perfect


Beste Anschaffung des Jahres Super Teil. Schnell in der Herstellung und robust. Bei uns läuft das Gerät täglich und wir wollen sie nicht mehr hergeben.

Best purchase of the year. Great product. Quick to manufacture and robust. We use the device every day and don't want to give it up.


Super Teil. Schnell in der Herstellung und robust. Bei uns läuft das Gerät täglich und wir wollen sie nicht mehr hergeben.

Great product. Quick to manufacture and robust. We use the device every day and we don't want to give it up.


Beste IDee zum Festival. Hat beim 40 Grad auch gut gedient, Eiswürfel immer dabei zu haben es ist ja mega. Würde ich jedenfall wieder kaufen.

Best idea for the festival. It was also useful when it was 40 degrees, always having ice cubes with you is amazing. I would definitely buy it again.


Nach langem hin und her vergleichen habe ich mich für dieses Gerät von Klarstein entschieden und bin nicht enttäuscht worden. Das Gerät ist logischerweise hörbar durch die Kühlung und das Fallen der Eiswürfel, was uns selbst im Wohnzimmer nicht stört. Die Eiswürfel werden in der angegebenen Zeit produziert und in den Auffangbehälter geschoben. Die unterschiedlichen Größen der Eiswürfel unterscheiden sich in der Wanddicke des Eiswürfels. Das Gerät läuft bei uns oft Stunden lang, auch um Eiswürfel einzufrieren. Von mir eine klare Kaufempfehlung!

After much back and forth comparison, I decided on this device from Klarstein and was not disappointed. The device is obviously audible due to the cooling and the falling of the ice cubes, which doesn't bother us even in the living room. The ice cubes are produced in the specified time and pushed into the collecting container. The different sizes of the ice cubes differ in the thickness of the ice cube walls. We often run the device for hours, also to freeze ice cubes. I would definitely recommend buying it!


Correspond à mes attentes. Bien emballée et arrivée rapidement. Je voulais une machine petite et transportable. Fait le job.

Meets my expectations. Well packaged and arrived quickly. I wanted a small and portable machine. Does the job.





Ottima per i cocktail casalinghi

Great for home cocktails


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Comprata x un regalo di Natale, e molto gradito. Fa 8 cubetti in 8 minuti. Non la trovo rumorosa. Facile da usare e soprattutto da pulire. Ottimo acquisto

Unable to load media. Bought for a Christmas present, and very much appreciated. Makes 8 cubes in 8 minutes. I don't find it noisy. Easy to use and especially to clean. Excellent purchase


Das Gerät macht was es soll, den Lüfter hört man, aber ist jetzt aber auch nicht unangenehm laut. Ich finde aber das die Eiswürfel direkt nach der Produktion relativ schnell auftauen, daher ist es ratsam ein paar auf Vorrat im Gefrierschrank aufzubewahren.

The device does what it's supposed to do, you can hear the fan, but it's not unpleasantly loud. However, I find that the ice cubes thaw relatively quickly immediately after production, so it's advisable to keep a few in the freezer.


Facile da usare ,ottima per uso casalingho,bella e ottima qualità, lo trovata interessante .

Easy to use, excellent for home use, beautiful and excellent quality, I found it interesting.


Hab‘s für meine Mama gekauft absolut begeistert, sie hat so eine Freude daran, ist nicht zu laut, einfache Bedienung! Preis Leistung top! Farbe Pastell blau ( schöne Farbe) war günstiger als ,, sieber schwarz‘‘

I bought it for my mum, she absolutely loves it, it's not too loud, easy to use! Great value for money! Pastel blue colour (nice colour) was cheaper than "silver black"


Die Maschine macht sehr schnell und viele Eiswürfel. War zuerst etwas enttäuscht, da ich der Meinung war, dass die Eiswürfel in Größe L klein ausfallen, das stört aber nicht, dann tut man halt einen mehr ins Getränk. Ich hab die Eiswürfel immer gleich aus dem Vorratsbehälter genommen und ins Gefrierfach getan, sonst wären sie wieder geschmolzen und der Vorratsbehälter wäre übergelaufen bei der Menge die ich gemacht habe. Bis jetzt klare Kaufempfehlung.

The machine makes a lot of ice cubes very quickly. I was a little disappointed at first because I thought the size L ice cubes would be small, but that doesn't matter, you just put one more in your drink. I always took the ice cubes straight out of the storage container and put them in the freezer, otherwise they would have melted again and the storage container would have overflowed with the amount I made. So far, I would definitely recommend buying it.


Fácil de usar y haza muy práctica que pocos llevan.

Easy to use and very practical feat that few carry.


An sich ist die Eismaschine wirklich super und auch echt leise aber die Eiswürfel sind ein bisschen klein

The ice machine itself is really great and also really quiet but the ice cubes are a bit small


Perfetta per un uso familiare. Sono veramente soddisfatto!

Perfect for family use. I am really satisfied!


Perfetta per un uso familiare. Sono veramente soddisfatto!

Perfect for family use. I am really satisfied!


Ho comprato questa macchina per il ghiaccio come regalo ed è stato un successo! Compatta ed esteticamente piacevole, di colore nero lucido con una pratica maniglia bianca per portarla dove si vuole, basta che ci sia energia elettrica. Si riempie il serbatoio con l'acqua e si lascia lavorare la macchina che nel giro di 15 minuti circa produrrà 9 pezzi di ghiaccio spesso (opzione large) a forma di pallottola cava (7 minuti circa se si sceglie l'opzione small, ma lo spessore sarà decisamente inferiore). Quando i pezzi di ghiaccio sono pronti, la macchina automaticamente li spinge nel cestello estraibile, attinge al serbatoio prelevando l'acqua e continua la produzione di ghiaccio, mantenendo freddo quello già prodotto. I pezzi di ghiaccio possono essere estratti facilmente grazie alla paletta in dotazione e, con un minimo di organizzazione, si riesce ad avere ghiaccio appena fatto per tutto il tempo di accensione. La macchina consuma poco e non è rumorosa. Davvero un ottimo acquisto che consiglio.

I bought this ice maker as a gift and it was a success! Compact and aesthetically pleasing, glossy black with a practical white handle to carry it wherever you want, as long as there is electricity. Fill the tank with water and let the machine work, which in about 15 minutes will produce 9 pieces of thick ice (large option) in the shape of a hollow bullet (about 7 minutes if you choose the small option, but the thickness will be much less). When the ice pieces are ready, the machine automatically pushes them into the removable basket, draws water from the tank and continues producing ice, keeping the ice already produced cold. The ice pieces can be easily removed thanks to the supplied shovel and, with a little organization, you can have freshly made ice for the entire time it is turned on. The machine consumes little and is not noisy. Truly an excellent purchase that I recommend.


Apparecchio molto efficiente come da descrizione.Lo consiglio .

Very efficient device as described. I recommend it.


Moin, kurz und knapp: Ist eine Eismaschine, macht schnell und zuverlässig Eis, die Lautstärke ist völlig ok. Etwas ausführlicher: Ich hatte keine Lust mehr auf ein vereistes Eisfach dank undichter Eiswürfelformen, das nächstbeste ist eine Eismaschine. Kurz vorweg, die Verpackung war sehr gut, zwei Umkartons plus Styropor. Anschließend ausgepackt, 2h stehengelassen (damit sich das Kühlmittelabsetzen kann, s. Anleitung) und los gehts. Die angegebene Produktionszeit kommt ganz gut hin, in den Eiswürfelkorb passen ca. 600g Eis von den großen Eiswürfeln (siehe Bild) und es dauert etwa 2h von Stecker rein bis zum vollen Eiskorb, so als Planung für eventuelle Partys. An das leichte, konstante Brummen des Kompressors/Lüftergeräusch gewöhnt man sich schnell, die Lautstärke ist für so ein günstiges und kleines Gerät völlig ok, denn irgendwie muss die Wärme ja auch raus. Als kleines "Manko" würde ich sagen ist die Größenumstellung ziemlich überflüssig, die Eiswürfel sind annährend gleich groß, bloß etwas dünnwandiger. Ich bin mir noch nicht ganz sicher, inwiefern das hilfreich sein könnte, also werde ich sie weiterhin einfach große Eiswürfel machen lassen.

Hi, in short: It's an ice machine, makes ice quickly and reliably, the volume is completely OK. In a little more detail: I was fed up with an iced-up ice compartment thanks to leaky ice cube molds, the next best thing is an ice machine. First of all, the packaging was very good, two outer boxes plus Styrofoam. Then unpacked, left to stand for 2 hours (so that the coolant can settle, see instructions) and off you go. The stated production time is quite accurate, around 600g of ice from the large ice cubes fit into the ice cube basket (see picture) and it takes around 2 hours from plugging in to the ice basket being full, so planning for possible parties. You quickly get used to the light, constant hum of the compressor/fan noise, the volume is completely OK for such a cheap and small device, because the heat has to get out somehow. As a small "drawback" I would say the size change is pretty unnecessary, the ice cubes are almost the same size, just a little thinner-walled. I'm not sure how this would help yet, so I'll just keep having them make big ice cubes.


Très belle machine à glaçons on peut la transporter où l'on veut grâce à sa poignée et à son format moyen elle fabrique des glaçons très rapidement je recommande vraiment le top à vos boissons fraîches.

Very nice ice maker, you can carry it wherever you want thanks to its handle and its medium size, it makes ice cubes very quickly. I really recommend it for your cold drinks.


Cette machine est juste géniale, j'en avais des pénuries de glaçons moi qui adorent boire très frais je suis servie, les 2 possibilités de taille cest génial quand on lance la machine il ne faut pas attendre des heures pour que la production se lance, machine silencieuse, se nettoie facilement !

This machine is just great, I had shortages of ice cubes I love to drink very cold I am served, the 2 size possibilities it's great when you start the machine you don't have to wait hours for the production to start, silent machine, easy to clean!


L'acquisto giusto per gli amanti degli aperitivi homemade! è uno di quegli oggetti che una volta acquistato ti chiedi "ma come facevo prima?!" la macchina impiega una decina di minuti per espellere i primi ghiaccetti (di dimensione impostabile) e continua in automatico il ciclo. Il serbatoio è adeguato e ci mette almeno un paio di ore a finire l'acqua. Io sono molto contento e anche se non credo di sfruttarlo molto in inverno, lo consiglio.

The right purchase for lovers of homemade aperitifs! It is one of those objects that once purchased you ask yourself "but how did I do it before?!" The machine takes about ten minutes to expel the first ice (of adjustable size) and automatically continues the cycle. The tank is adequate and takes at least a couple of hours to finish the water. I am very happy and even if I don't think I will use it much in winter, I recommend it.


Cuántas veces nos habrá pasado de olvidarnos de comprar hielos en alguna fiesta en casa y tener que ir a comprar a última hora para hacer cubatas... por esta razón y también para poder llevarla en la furgoneta y poder enfriar la bebida cuando estamos de viaje, pillamos esta máquina de hielo. Tiene para dos tamaños de hacer hielo más pequeño (como un dedal) y un poco más grande (tamaño parecido a los de los moldes de congelador). Va sacando el hielo por fases. Dura como 7 minutos entre tanda y tanda de hielo. Lo deposita en una bandejita de plástico en la parte superior. Avisa cuando se acaba el agua en el depósito y es fácil de limpiar aunque siendo agua no se ensucia mucho claro.

How many times have we forgotten to buy ice for a party at home and had to go shopping at the last minute to make cocktails... for this reason and also so we could take it in the van and cool the drink when we are travelling, we bought this ice machine. It has two sizes for making ice, smaller (like a thimble) and a little bigger (size similar to freezer moulds). It makes ice in stages. It takes about 7 minutes between batches of ice. It deposits it in a plastic tray on top. It warns when the water in the tank runs out and it is easy to clean although it is water and does not get very dirty.


Ich habe bereits seit längerem einen Eiswürfelbereiter von Klarstein in Edelstahloptik, der aber Sommer für Sommer von meinem Sohn "entführt" wird. Deshalb habe ich diesen ihm endgültig überlassen und mit für die nächste Saison einen neuen, den schwarzen (passt sowieso besser zu meiner Einrichtung) Arctic Porter gekauft. Das Gerät stellt wie schon sein Vorgänger für uns perfekte Eiswürfel schnell und in großer Menge her, ist dabei wunderbar leise. Die Reinigung geht dank des Wasserauslasses sogar noch einfacher als bisher. Sohn und Mutter sind also beide zufrieden und nun muss nur noch besseres Wetter kommen, damit wir eisgekühlte Cocktails auf dem Balkon genießen können.

I have had a stainless steel Klarstein ice cube maker for a while now, but my son "kidnaps" it every summer. So I've given it to him for good and bought a new one for next season, the black Arctic Porter (it matches my decor better anyway). Like its predecessor, the device makes perfect ice cubes for us quickly and in large quantities, and is wonderfully quiet. Cleaning is even easier than before thanks to the water outlet. So son and mother are both happy and now we just need better weather so we can enjoy ice-cold cocktails on the balcony.