[Returns: -10%] ShirtButler Drying and Ironing Device
Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty£ 76.99Original price: £ 90.99 -
£ 90.99
- Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
- Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
Top features
2-in-1: automatic drying and ironing unit in one
Especially versatile: suitable for T-shirts, shirts, blouses, sweaters and trousers
Powerful: thanks to a safety heater with a power of 1250 watts
- Power 1250 watts
- Timer: 0-180 min. (30/60/90/120/150/180 min.)
- Material: oxford nylon
- LED indicator light
- Comfortable storage
- 4 clips for attaching the garments
- Power supply: 230 V ~ 50 Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions (with top in operation): approx. 172 x 110 x 41 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions (with lower part in operation): approx. 54 x 148 x 34 cm (WxHxD)
- Weight: approx. 2.2 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x shirt dryer
- 1 x balloon body top part
- 1 x balloon body lower part
- 4 x fastening clip
- 4 x clothespins
- 1 x English-speaking user manual (other languages: German, French, Spanish, Italian)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 6 - 8 days
No review available for this item.
Ho regalato questo prodotto... mi hanno riferito che è davvero molto utile .. usato per le camicie che devono essere ancora umide,fa un buonissimo lavoro...!!!
I gave this product as a gift... I was told that it is really very useful... used for shirts that must still be damp, it does a very good job...!!!
Molto soddisfatto dell’articolo.Stirare le camicie è diventato divertente .Consigliato
Very satisfied with the article. Ironing shirts has become fun. Recommended
Esta bien, pero el hinchable de las camisas, en la parte inferior, debería ser más ancho porque no plancha bien y las camisas quedan arrugadas abajo. El que tenía antes de otra marca, sí que a abarcaba toda la camisa al hincharse.Lo mejor es que es mucho más silencioso aunque tarda más tiempo en planchar.
It's fine, but the bottom part of the shirt inflator should be wider because it doesn't iron well and the shirts end up wrinkled at the bottom. The one I had before, from another brand, did cover the whole shirt when it inflated. The best thing is that it's much quieter, although it takes longer to iron.
Ottimo, peccato dopo un anno dava solo aria fredda, così ora non è più qui ma alla discarica
Great, too bad after a year it only gave cold air, so now it is no longer here but in the landfill
Perfecto buena relación calidad precio
Perfect good value for money
Il prodotto mi sembra fatto bene e solido.Ho messo 4 stelle perché lo devo ancora provare
The product seems well made and solid. I gave it 4 stars because I still have to try it.
Lavar, centrifugar a 1200 rotações e pendurá-las directamente na máquina, com todos os botões apertados, inclusive os punhos. A maior parte delas ao fim de 10 minutos fica perfeita. Muito prática. Recomendo. Voltaria a comprar.
Wash, spin at 1200 rpm and hang them directly in the machine, with all the buttons fastened, including the cuffs. Most of them are perfect after 10 minutes. Very practical. I recommend them. I would buy them again.
Ich nutze den ShirtButler jetzt schon seit fast 3 Jahren und trockne damit alles vom Poloshirt bis zum Businesshemd. Bin sehr zufrieden. Die Hemden werden super glatt auch an Stellen, die man mit dem Bügeleisen nur schwierig glätten kann. Tipp: nicht komplett mit dem Gerät durchtrocknen, sondern am besten schranktrocken aufhängen.
I have been using the ShirtButler for almost 3 years now and I use it to dry everything from polo shirts to business shirts. I am very satisfied. The shirts become super smooth, even in places that are difficult to iron. Tip: don't dry them completely with the device, but hang them up to dry in the cupboard.
Plancha mejor que otra marca que tuve. Y el precio es más barato que otras, así que calidad-precio muy bueno. Estira muy bien la ropa y deja las camisas y pantalones muy bien planchados. Estoy muy contento. Espero que me dure mucho tiempo.
It irons better than another brand I had. And the price is cheaper than others, so it's very good value for money. It stretches clothes very well and leaves shirts and pants very well ironed. I'm very happy. I hope it lasts a long time.
Ero un pò scettico, ma mi sono ricreduto usandolo, il consiglio è quello di usarlo su panni umidi e non appena usciti dalla lavatrice e poi usatelo in una stanza diversa da quella dove siete è troppo rumoroso sembra un aereo in fase di decollo.
I was a little skeptical, but I changed my mind after using it. The advice is to use it on damp clothes and immediately after they come out of the washing machine and then use it in a different room from the one you are in. It's too noisy, it sounds like a plane taking off.
In 6 minuti le camicie sono stirate. Ovvio, non è un ferro da stiro, non si esercita pressione, ma il caldo fa il suo dovere. Ho tentato di metterle appena uscite dalla lavatrice, dopo la centrifuga, e il risultato è stato ancora migliore! Altrimenti basta inumidirle prima di stirarle. Il manichino si adatta a tutte le misure, io stiro sia quelle mie (M) che quelle di mio marito (XL). Una sola pecca, forse, un po troppo rumoroso. Ma il servizio che offre vale tutto! Lo consiglio!
In 6 minutes the shirts are ironed. Of course, it is not an iron, you do not apply pressure, but the heat does its job. I tried to put them straight out of the washing machine, after the spin cycle, and the result was even better! Otherwise just dampen them before ironing. The mannequin adapts to all sizes, I iron both mine (M) and my husband's (XL). Only one flaw, perhaps, a little too noisy. But the service it offers is worth everything! I recommend it!
Alles Top super zufrieden
Everything was great, super satisfied
Absolutes Must-have für jeden der Hemden nicht bügeln mag!!!!!
An absolute must-have for anyone who doesn't like ironing shirts!!!!!
Buon prodotto
Good product
Wenn du es benötigst hol es dir
If you need it, get it
Für Männer das richtige. Dauert aber sehr lange wenn man mehrere Sachen hat. Aber ok.
It's right for men. But it takes a long time if you have a lot of things. But OK.
Ich kann ohne dieses Teil nicht mehr leben. Feuchtes Hemd drauf, 5 Minuten laufen lassen und schon hat man ein gebügeltes Hemd
I can't live without this thing anymore. Put a damp shirt on it, let it run for 5 minutes and you've got an ironed shirt
Ich liebe das Gerät. Bügeln leicht gemacht
I love the device. Ironing made easy
Sa fonctionne très bien Ma femme est très contente pour ces chemisier et met chemise.
It works very well. My wife is very happy with these blouses and wears a shirt.
Die unteren vier Haltebänder sind nicht so gut gelungen.Habe diese mit 5 Gewichtklammern ausgewechselt.Das Gerät ist sehr leise!
The bottom four straps are not that good. I replaced them with 5 weight clips. The device is very quiet!
40€ chez LIDL 1 mois après au lieu de 80€ sur Amazon, dégouté.
€40 at LIDL 1 month later instead of €80 on Amazon, disgusted.
Puse el Jersey recién salido de la lavadora y este es el resultado. Algo hace, pero no milagros.Después de varios usos he de decir que depende mucho de la tela de la prenda. Las camisetas de algodón las deja geniales, igual que las sudaderas gruesas.
I put the jersey in it straight out of the washing machine and this is the result. It does something, but no miracles. After several uses I have to say that it depends a lot on the fabric of the garment. Cotton t-shirts look great, as do thick sweatshirts.
Ottimo strumento per stirare in pochi minuti le camicie. Unica pecca è che polsini, collo e bottoni non sempre vengono stirati al meglio. Rimane però un prodotto molto comodo e versatile
Excellent tool for ironing shirts in a few minutes. The only flaw is that cuffs, collars and buttons are not always ironed well. However, it remains a very comfortable and versatile product
Bei feuchter Kleidung erfüllt es seinen Zweck, wenn das Hemd jedoch trocken ist bringt es leider gar nichts.
Es lässt sich nur die Zeit einstellen, es gibt keine Möglichkeit die Hitze einzustellen.
Es war leicht zum Aufbauen und lässt sich gut verstauen.
It serves its purpose when the clothing is wet, but if the shirt is dry, it is unfortunately useless. You can only set the time, there is no way to adjust the heat. It was easy to set up and can be stored away easily.
Machine à repasser très pratique.
Very practical ironing machine.
Un po’ scoraggiato dalle recensioni non altissime ho deciso di prenderlo lo stesso. E devo dire che il prodotto è una bomba. Facilissimo da montare ed il risultato è perfetto. Chiaro non ci si mette tre minuti. Ma il risultato è perfetto. Non fidatevi delle recensioni
A little discouraged by the not very high reviews I decided to get it anyway. And I have to say that the product is the bomb. Very easy to assemble and the result is perfect. Of course it doesn't take three minutes. But the result is perfect. Don't trust the reviews
C’est simple si il devait arriver à cramer je le reprendrai aussitôt Je sèche 5 chemises et 5 pantalons toutes les semaines avec Parfait rien à redire Gain de temps considérable et produit digne d’un repassage
It's simple if it were to burn I would take it back immediately I dry 5 shirts and 5 pants every week with Perfect, nothing to complain about Considerable time saving and a product worthy of ironing
Alles für den Preis OK
Everything OK for the price
Molto funzionale!
Very functional!
Muy buen producto, ya que deja la ropa bien planchada y seca. El único pero que le pongo es que es algo ruidosa.
Very good product, as it leaves clothes well ironed and dry. The only drawback I have is that it is somewhat noisy.
Avevo sempre le camice stropicciate, ottimo per dare la prima impostazione, bisogna rifinire con il ferro da stiro i polsini e il colletto, per avere il risultato ottimale bisogna mettere la camicia sul manichino appena tolta dalla lavatrice quindi umida.in 10 minuti praticamente è pronta da appendere e lasciare ultimare l’asciugatura. Unica cosa che cambierei sono le mollette per tenere in tensione il tessuto, hanno poca presa e sono molto deboli, io poi le ho sostituite con altre più resistenti
I always had wrinkled shirts, great for giving the first setting, you have to finish the cuffs and collar with the iron, to have the best result you have to put the shirt on the mannequin just taken out of the washing machine so damp. In 10 minutes it is practically ready to hang and let it dry. The only thing I would change are the clothes pegs to keep the fabric in tension, they have little grip and are very weak, I then replaced them with more resistant ones
Works fine ideally shirt should not be dry when using
Works fine ideally shirt should not be dry when using
Beste Bügelpuppe in diesem Preissegment Sehr leise und trotzdem größere Luftmenge als ähnliche Bügelpuppen mit höherer Wattzahl. Im Gegensatz zu meiner anderen Bügelpuppe immer noch kein Garantiefall. Ein Gerät beim dem ich bereits jetzt schon länger Freude daran habe. Das von mir genutzten Vorgängermodell aus China ist innerhalb der Garantiezeit dreimal getauscht und nach Ablauf der Garantie defekt.
Best ironing dummy in this price segment Very quiet and still has a larger air volume than similar ironing dummies with higher wattage. In contrast to my other ironing dummy, still no warranty claim. A device that I have been enjoying for a long time. The previous model from China that I used was replaced three times within the warranty period and was defective after the warranty expired.
Sehr leise und trotzdem größere Luftmenge als ähnliche Bügelpuppen mit höherer Wattzahl. Im Gegensatz zu meiner anderen Bügelpuppe immer noch kein Garantiefall. Ein Gerät beim dem ich bereits jetzt schon länger Freude daran habe. Das von mir genutzten Vorgängermodell aus China ist innerhalb der Garantiezeit dreimal getauscht und nach Ablauf der Garantie defekt.
Very quiet and still has a larger air volume than similar ironing dummies with higher wattage. In contrast to my other ironing dummy, it has still not been covered by the warranty. A device that I have been enjoying for a long time now. The previous model from China that I used was replaced three times within the warranty period and was defective after the warranty expired.
Das Gerät ist tatsächlich um einiges leiser als andere bekannte Marken. Hemden und Polishirts gehen ohne Probleme. Hosen brauchen ein bisschen länger. Würde ich wieder kaufen.
The device is actually a lot quieter than other well-known brands. Shirts and polyshirts work without any problems. Trousers take a little longer. I would buy it again.
Per ora pienamente soddisfatto
Fully satisfied for now
Il prodotto esegue con sufficiente precisione la stiratura. Non è molto potente e per stirare e asciugare una camicia ci vogliono circa 30 minuti. Per i pantaloni circa 60 minuti.
The product performs ironing with sufficient precision. It is not very powerful and it takes about 30 minutes to iron and dry a shirt. For trousers about 60 minutes.
Einfach in der Bedienung, funktioniert sehr gut. Einen Punkt Abzug dafür dass es von Anfang an keine genaue Regulierung hat. Wenn man den Regler betätigt für die Zeitdauer, so dreht man erstmal ins Leere. Man kann diesen dann zurückdrehen so dass sich die Zeit verkürzt. Die Lautstärke könnte auch geringer sein.
Easy to use, works very well. One point deducted because it doesn't have precise control from the start. When you turn the control for the time, you turn it into nothing. You can then turn it back so that the time is shortened. The volume could also be lower.
Ottimo, leggero e smontabile, si può riporre anche in un piccolo angolo. Asciuga le camice e i pantaloni senza pieghe e in tempi ragionevoli e nel frattempo riscalda anche casa! Per i più pignoli: i colletti, i polsini e alcuni punti spessi dei pantaloni rimangono un poco umidi ma basta lasciarli qualche minuto in più e sono asciutti.
Excellent, light and removable, it can be stored even in a small corner. It dries shirts and trousers without creases and in a reasonable time and in the meantime it also heats the house! For the more fussy: the collars, cuffs and some thick points of the trousers remain a little damp but just leave them a few minutes more and they are dry.
Estoy muy contenta con los resultados, deja las camisas y los pantalones bien planchados.
I am very happy with the results, it leaves shirts and pants well ironed.
ero scettica visto che non si tratta di un prodotto professionale invece dopo utilizzi posso ritenermi pienamente soddisfatta, adatto a camice da uomo , non a maglie cotone femminili perchè se non di taglia L xl le allargherebbe, per quanto riguarda le camicie io ho trovato la combinazione più soddisfacente mettendole sul manichino appena tolte dalla lavatrice, se stese bene e messe bene le mollette risultato più che soddisfacente senza toccare polsini e collo che secondo me se posizionati bene vengono meglio che con il ferro! la marca è tedesca ed è super affidabile , scelto questo manichino e non altri per questo motivo, consiglio ! non è tanto rumoroso ed è molto comodo
I was skeptical since it is not a professional product, but after using it I can consider myself fully satisfied, suitable for men's shirts, not for women's cotton shirts because if they are not size L xl it would make them wider, as for the shirts I found the most satisfying combination by putting them on the mannequin just taken out of the washing machine, if hung well and the clothes pegs placed well the result is more than satisfactory without touching the cuffs and collar which in my opinion if positioned well come out better than with the iron! the brand is German and is super reliable, I chose this mannequin and not others for this reason, I recommend it! it is not very noisy and is very comfortable
Comment faisait-on avant ?!
How did we do it before?!
Le résultat n’est pas comme le fer à repasser mais pour moi que je n’aime pas de tout de repasser ce n’est pas mal (voire photos avant et après). Je l’ai essayé sur des jeans et sur des vêtements en coton (t-shirts et chemises) c’est top. Sur des chemises en polyester ne marche pas de toute. Donc j’imagine que le type de matériel joue son rôle. Les résultats meilleurs sont quand les vêtements sont humides mais il y a des bonnes résultats mêmes sur des vêtements complètement secs. Il suffit 15 minutes par vêtement.
The result is not like ironing but for me, I don't like ironing at all, it's not bad (see before and after photos). I tried it on jeans and on cotton clothes (t-shirts and shirts) it's great. On polyester shirts does not work at all. So I guess the type of hardware plays its role. The best results are when clothes are damp but there are good results even on completely dry clothes. It only takes 15 minutes per garment.
Fa risparmiare molto tempo e fatica
It saves a lot of time and effort
Stira molto bene le camice
Irons shirts very well
Uma excelente ajuda, um pouco demorado em peças mais grossas
Excellent help, a little time consuming on thicker pieces
Il prodotto è molto soddisfacente ma a me pare di un materiale poco resistente…stira quasi alla perfezione le camicie bagnate, è silenzioso, poco ingombrante da chiuso ed abbastanza pratico da montare per essere utilizzato. Avevo un prodotto simile ma di altra marca che era molto più resistente e pratico da montare ma che si è fuso dopo qualche utilizzo… speriamo che questo duri più a lungo!
The product is very satisfactory but it seems to me to be made of a material that is not very resistant... it irons wet shirts almost perfectly, it is silent, does not take up much space when closed and is quite practical to assemble for use. I had a similar product but from another brand that was much more resistant and practical to assemble but which melted after a few uses... let's hope this one lasts longer!
apparecchio interessante, nel allestimento per i pantaloni, non si gonfia a sufficienza per tenere ben tesi i pantaloni.
interesting device, in the trouser configuration, it does not inflate enough to keep the trousers taut.
Pour repasser les costumes et les pantalons les vêtements de ma fille d 8 ans super
For ironing suits and pants, my 8 year old daughter's clothes, great
C’est pour offrir que j’ai fais cet achat, je l’ai testé et vraiment il fait son job et plus silencieusement que le modèle que je me suis offert il y 2 ans
It was as a gift that I made this purchase, I tested it and it really does its job and more silently than the model I bought myself 2 years ago
Évite de sortir la table a repasser et la centrale vapeur. Efficace sur linge légèrement humide ou utiliser un spray d eau.
Avoid taking out the ironing board and the steam generator. Effective on slightly damp laundry or use a water spray.
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Appena ricevuto sono rimasta piacevolmente sorpresa per la cura dell imballaggio. Chiarissime le spiegazioni per il montaggio oltretutto semplice. L ho provato subito sia con camicie che con maglie e jeans molto stropicciati e con stupore ho visto che in pochi secondi maglia e camicia erano stirati mentre x i jeans c’è voluto circa un minuto. Se attacchi il ferro da stiro aspetti che sia caldo apri l asse e ti metti a stirare ci vogliono almeno 20 minuti mentre con questo stupendo prodotto niente stanchezza e velocità di risultati. Anche le fodere dei cuscini li ho stirato così. Sono molto soddisfatta del mio acquisto che consiglio a tutti
Unable to load media. As soon as I received it I was pleasantly surprised by the care taken in the packaging. The explanations for assembly were very clear and also simple. I tried it immediately with both shirts and very wrinkled sweaters and jeans and I was amazed to see that in a few seconds the sweater and shirt were ironed while it took about a minute for the jeans. If you plug in the iron, wait for it to be hot, open the board and start ironing, it takes at least 20 minutes, while with this wonderful product there is no tiredness and fast results. I even ironed the cushion covers like this. I am very satisfied with my purchase that I recommend to everyone
Molto intuitivo, si "veste" il manichino con la camicia, si mettono le pinzette per tenderne il tessuto e si avvia. Il manichino si gonfierà con aria calda e questo permette di stirare il tessuto. Certo la stiratura non è perfetta su maniche e colletto. Ma per noi che non ricerchiamo la perfezione e sapendo che comunque una camicia indossata dura ben poco stirata perfetta è soluzione ottima!
Very intuitive, you "dress" the mannequin with the shirt, you put the tweezers to stretch the fabric and you start. The mannequin will inflate with hot air and this allows you to iron the fabric. Of course the ironing is not perfect on sleeves and collar. But for us who do not seek perfection and knowing that a worn shirt lasts very little when perfectly ironed, it is an excellent solution!
A mia moglie piace da impazzire, si elimina il 90% della fatica di stirare le camicie, restano solo da passare patta dei bottoni, colletto e polsini...unica accortezza i risultati migliori si ottengono con la camicia leggermente umida, ancora devo provare coi pantaloni, ma non è per quelli che l'abbiamo comprato...ancora non so cosa consumi come assorbimento energia elettrica, ma è davvero comodissimo. In poco tempo e senza fatica, se non quella di fissare la camicia all'attrezzo, viene stirata alla perfezione. Montaggio facile e intuitivo, rumore veramente basso, istruzioni chiare e dettagliate...unica pecca il prezzo di acquisto un pochino alto, considerato che è una sottospecie di phon con "impalcatura" per camicie o pantaloni...ma in questi casi paghi l'idea! E quindi alla fine chi l'ha ideato se lo merita...
My wife loves it, it eliminates 90% of the effort of ironing shirts, all that remains is to pass the button flap, collar and cuffs ... the only precaution is that the best results are obtained with the shirt slightly damp, I still have to try it with trousers, but it is not for those we bought it ... I still do not know what it consumes in terms of electricity absorption, but it is really very convenient. In a short time and without effort, other than that of fixing the shirt to the tool, it is ironed to perfection. Easy and intuitive assembly, really low noise, clear and detailed instructions ... the only flaw is the purchase price a little high, considering that it is a subspecies of hair dryer with "scaffolding" for shirts or trousers ... but in these cases you pay for the idea! And so in the end whoever designed it deserves it ...
Cercavo un apparecchio che stirasse le camicie senza dovermi cimentare con il ferro da stiro, devo riconoscere che questo fa ampiamente il proprio dovere . Non aspettatevi la stiratura del ferro , ma i risultati sono più che accettabili . Il prodotto è arrivato integro e ben confezionato ed è stato facile da montare . Giudizio conclusivo: buon prodotto che risponde alle mie esigenze.
I was looking for a device that irons shirts without having to deal with the iron, I must admit that this one does its job more than enough. Don't expect the ironing of the iron, but the results are more than acceptable. The product arrived intact and well packaged and was easy to assemble. Final judgment: good product that meets my needs.
Me a gustado él producto
I liked the product
Benutzen es aktiv für alle Arten von Oberteilen und erzielt auch gute Ergebnisse. Zeitsparend, da man sich nebenbei fertig machen kann und dann direkt das frische Oberteil anziehen kann.
I actively use it for all types of tops and it gets good results. It saves time because you can get ready at the same time and then put on the fresh top straight away.
Perfetto per le camicie - bè , lo uso anche per i maglioni , anche se è sconsigliato ;) Il primo uso è un pò complicato , ma ci si prende subito la mano. Meno semplice per i pantaloni, e le istruzioni non sono molto dettagliate , quindi bisogna usare un pò di ingegno . Per quanto riguarda i tempi ... indumenti appena usciti dall'asciugatrice ( ancora umidi , con programma per preparali per la stiratura ) impiegano circa 30 minuti ad asciugarsi e stirarsi per bene . Importante lasciare i colletti alzati e chiudere tutti i bottoni ( compresi quelli dei taschini ) , perché il flusso d'aria altrimenti non riesce ad asciugare questi dettagli. NOTA BENE : la stiratura è " a palloncino " , cioè gli indumenti non vengono schiacciati , ma bensì gonfiati , quindi non ci sono le pieghe .
Perfect for shirts - well, I also use it for sweaters, although it is not recommended ;) The first use is a bit complicated, but you quickly get the hang of it. Less simple for trousers, and the instructions are not very detailed, so you have to use a bit of ingenuity. As for the times... garments just out of the dryer (still damp, with the program to prepare them for ironing) take about 30 minutes to dry and iron properly. It is important to leave the collars up and close all the buttons (including those of the pockets), because otherwise the air flow is not able to dry these details. NOTE: the ironing is "balloon" ironing, that is, the garments are not squashed, but rather inflated, so there are no creases.
Estábamos un poco excepticos con esta compra, pero nos ha sorprendido para bien. Realmente cumple con su función, hemos planchado camisas, jerseys finos y pantalones, deja un planchado bastante bueno casi sin necesidad de hacer retoques.
We were a bit skeptical about this purchase, but we have been pleasantly surprised. It really does its job, we have ironed shirts, thin sweaters and pants, and it leaves a pretty good ironing with almost no need for touch-ups.
simplifie le repassage
simplifies ironing
È evidente che al prezzo a cui viene venduto non si può pretendere una stiratura professionale con le pieghe sulle maniche e i colletti e i polsini perfetti. Per le mie esigenze il prodotto è ottimo. Il capo va messo umido sul manichino dopo essere stato centrifugato, con i bottoni chiusi. Occorre fare attenzione che dal foro da dove esce l'aria calda non ne venga dispersa fuori dal sacchetto manichino, tirandolo bene verso il basso e fissandolo con le mollette in dotazione. Ho provato la stiratura con delle camicie, una dolce vita di cotone elasticizzato e un maglioncino di lana. I colletti non rimangono perfetti ma per chi è un po' più esigente di me basterà dare un veloce colpo di ferro a colletti e polsini. Non fa tanto rumore, è veloce, considerando che asciuga e stira contemporaneamente e ci da l'opportunità di svolgere altre mansioni durante l'utilizzo. Con i pantaloni non ho ancora provato.
It is clear that at the price it is sold at, you cannot expect professional ironing with pleats on the sleeves and perfect collars and cuffs. For my needs, the product is excellent. The garment must be placed damp on the mannequin after being spun, with the buttons closed. You must be careful that none of it is dispersed outside the mannequin bag from the hole where the hot air comes out, pulling it well downwards and securing it with the clips provided. I tried ironing with shirts, a stretch cotton Dolce Vita and a wool sweater. The collars do not remain perfect but for those who are a little more demanding than me, a quick iron stroke will be enough to the collars and cuffs. It does not make much noise, it is fast, considering that it dries and irons at the same time and gives us the opportunity to carry out other tasks during use. I have not tried with trousers yet.
plus de fatigue, repassage super, en tous cas pour moi. matériel léger et très facile à mettre en place. je recommande.
no more fatigue, great ironing, at least for me. lightweight material and very easy to set up. I recommend.
J’ai lu des tas de commentaires trop bruyant , ne fait pas son travail bin alors là c’est pas du tout le cas Il est top pas Bruyant et il fait très bien son job il suffit de mouiller le vêtement puis de démarrer la machine et c’est défroisser
I've read lots of comments too noisy, doesn't do its job well so that's not the case at all It's great, not noisy and it does its job very well, just wet the garment then start the machine and it's smoothing
Le rendu n est bien-sûr pas le même qu avec un fer à repasser mais le résultat est très correct et facile et rapide à utiliser...
The result is of course not the same as with an iron but the result is very correct and easy and quick to use...
Macht was es soll...
Does what it should...
Er bügelt die meisten Materialien gut, je weicher/dünner der Stoff jedoch ist, je schwerer lassen sich Falten entfernen. Leider ist er nach knapp 1 Jahr kaputt gegangen, lief nur noch heiß. Sehr schade.
It irons most materials well, but the softer/thinner the material, the harder it is to remove wrinkles. Unfortunately, it broke after about a year and only ran hot. What a shame.
Ich bereue den Kauf überhaupt nicht. Ein Stern Abzug erteile ich, weil das Gerät sehr laut ist und die Hosen darauf zu "bügeln" ist für mich persönlich zu umständlich. Und die XL und XXL T-shirts und Hemden von meinen Mann und Sohn muss ich unten herum leider nochmal Bach bügeln da das Gerät nicht hoch (lang) genug ist. Aber ansonsten ist es echt eine Leichterung
I don't regret the purchase at all. I'm deducting one star because the device is very loud and "ironing" trousers on it is too cumbersome for me personally. And unfortunately I have to iron the XL and XXL T-shirts and shirts of my husband and son again at the bottom because the device is not high (long) enough. But otherwise it really is a relief
Ich benutze es nur für die Hemde. Allerdings ist der Einsatz für die Hose auch mit dabei. Das Hemd kann man direkt nach dem Waschen aufhängen und ein paar Minuten später, hat man das perfekte Ergebnis, das gleich im Kleiderschrank versorgt werden kann. Unglaublich, praktisch, schnell und zeitsparend, was in meinem Fall, das wichtigste ist. Eine klare Weiterempfehlung!
I only use it for shirts. However, the insert for trousers is also included. You can hang up the shirt straight after washing and a few minutes later you have the perfect result that can be stored in the wardrobe straight away. Incredible, practical, quick and time-saving, which in my case is the most important thing. I would definitely recommend it!
Je vaporise avec de l'eau partout sur la chemise montée sur le buste gonflable et la machine repasse la chemise toute seule en une vingtaine de minutes. Je peux passer du temps à faire autre chose et je retrouve une chemise impeccable.
I spray water all over the shirt mounted on the inflatable bust and the machine irons the shirt by itself in about twenty minutes. I can spend time doing other things and I end up with a crisp shirt again.
Super pratique pour sécher à la dernière minute et pratiquement pas besoin de repasser cool
Super convenient for drying at the last minute and virtually no need for cool ironing
Cumple las expectativas de planchado, siempre que pongas la prenda algo húmeda o la humedezcas con agua de planchado y pulverizador. Plancha mejor que a mano, solo que no lo haces tú. En mi opinión, si tuviera incorporado en la parte baja un depósito con agua destilada y un difusor de vapor sería el TOP; así podrías poner la prenda en cualquier momento, aún totalmente seca, y te la dejaría niquel.
It meets the expectations of ironing, as long as you put the garment slightly damp or moisten it with ironing water and a spray bottle. It irons better than by hand, only you don't do it. In my opinion, if it had a tank with distilled water and a steam diffuser built into the bottom it would be the TOP; this way you could put the garment in at any time, even if it was completely dry, and it would leave it looking great.
Produit plus costaud que le cleanmax de lidl mais moins puissant... chaleur moins forte, repassage moins bien surtout en bas des chemises, haut moins ergonomique on verra dans le temps lequel dure plus...
Stronger product than Lidl's cleanmax but less powerful... lower heat, less ironing especially at the bottom of shirts, less ergonomic top, we'll see over time which one lasts longer...
Delivered intact and on time. Does the job very well for the body of the shirt, T-shirt, does not work well for a collar, but this is not surprising. Good value for money. Overall i would recommend this item.
Delivered intact and on time. Does the job very well for the body of the shirt, T-shirt, does not work well for a collar, but this is not surprising. Good value for money. Overall i would recommend this item.
Macht was es soll bin soweit zu Frieden da ich Bügeln echt hasse.
Does what it's supposed to and I'm happy with it as I really hate ironing.
Me ha solucionado el problema de planchar, en poco tiempo, genial deja muy bien las camisas sin arrugas me ha, encantado , la compra,
It has solved my ironing problem in a short time, great, it leaves the shirts very well without wrinkles, I loved the purchase,
Me ha encantado la ropa seca rociar con un expray de agua para humedecer un poco y queda muy bien, de lo mejor que he comprado en los últimos tiempos
I loved the dry clothes, spraying them with a spray of water to moisten them a little and it turns out very well, one of the best things I have bought in recent times.
tout est dans le titre.
everything is in the title.
Für alle – also auch für mich – die mit Wäsche bügeln, legen, trocknen und so weiter und so weiter nichts zu tun haben wollen. Das Ergebnis für Hemden, T-Shirts und Hosen reicht mir völlig. Ich habe nie gelernt, mit einem Bügeleisen umzugehen. Für mich ist das eine brauchbare Lösung. Das Gerät ist leise – zumindest nicht brüllend laut. Es ist gut auszuhalten, auch nach 22 Uhr. Die Verarbeitung des Motors und seinem Gehäuse schätze ich als gut ein. Das ist aber nur so ein Bauchgefühl. Die Ballons sind die gewohnte Qualität und Haptik, die auch allen anderen Verdächtigen ähnlicher Geräte anbieten. Gestänge, Befestigungsmaterialien, Kunststoffschrauben, Blindkappen … na ja. Ich würde sagen, gerade mal ausreichend. Wenn sich eine einmal gesetzte Blindkappe nicht mehr lösen könnte, wäre alles in Ordnung. Aber nein. Bei der Demontage des Gestänges verbleiben sie nicht an Ort und Stelle und dabei reißen die Widerhaken ab. Das ist ein wenig billig gelöst. Ich schlage vor, jede Blindkappe nach der Montage mit Sekundenkleber zu fixieren. Es gibt keinen Grund, die noch einmal zu entfernen. Der Aufbau und der gelegentliche Umbau (zum Hosenbügler) ist fummelig. Das wird sich mit der Zeit und etwas Übung bessern. Dabei fällt mir ein, dass ich noch nicht weiß, wo für die vier kleinen Klammern sind, die sich „von außen“ nicht erreichen lassen. Wenn die letztlich die Hosenbeine fixieren sollen, halte ich das Konstrukt für „gewagt“. :) Dabei könnte der Ballon beschädigt werden. In der beiliegenden Bedienungsanleitung finde ich nichts dazu. Ich habe gelesen, dass es Anwender gibt, die sich mit dem Hosenbügler etwas schwertun. Die Hose fädele ich auf. Dann schmeiße den Motor an und korrigiere den Sitz, sobald der Ballon aufgeblasen ist. Das geht recht gut und es braucht dafür auch keine vier Arme. :) Die Arbeitsleistung der Bügelhilfe halte ich für gut. Knopfleisten sprühe ich mit etwas Wasser ein. Die legen sich schon. :) Mit etwas Wasser vorweg lässt sich auch ein T-Shirt so trocknen, dass ich es über der Hose tragen kann. Für ein angemessenes Ergebnis braucht es neben Wasser eine auf das Kleidungsstück angepasste Höhe des Gestells – wer einen Shirt-Butler bereits hat oder sich einen zulegt – wird (dann) wissen, was gemeint ist. :) Diese Höhenverstellung ist bei montierten Ballon von außen möglich. Die seitlich am Ballon sitzenden Reißverschlüsse müssen für Kleidung ab schätzungsweise XL geöffnet werden. Und dann los! Hemd aufspannen. Alle Knöpfe schließen. Motor starten und kurz darauf die Spannklammern anbringen. Diese Klammern sind meiner Meinung nach am Leben vorbei konstruiert. Entweder verwendet man die Gewichte, die anderen Geräten beiliegen. Oder alternativ „Tischdeckengewichte“. Damit geht es auch. Ich bekomme ein Baumwollhemd der Größe L regelmäßig in 15 Minuten geglättet. Trocken ist es danach auch. T-Shirts benötigen eher etwas weniger Zeit. Hosen, je nach Stoffart, fünf, manchmal zehn Minuten länger. Ich habe mir angewöhnt, die Zeitschaltuhr langsam zu bedienen. Der Drehregler kommt mir stufenlos vor. Ich schalte erst den Motor ein und drei, vier Sekunden später stelle ich den Timer auf die gewünschte Zeit und tatsächlich schaltet der Klarstein pünktlich ab. :) Das habe ich nicht sofort vermutet, aber doch, ein Kurzzeitwecker hat die Funktion bestätigt. Für mich liegt der Klarstein preislich im Rahmen. Vor allem, wenn er robuster ist, als der Cleanmaxx. Weil ich nicht an ein Bügelbrett „gefesselt“ bin, stellt er einen Mehrwert für mich dar. Ich nutze die Zeit, um – keine Ahnung – Schuhe zu putzen oder zum Geschirr spülen. So was halt. Kaufempfehlung, soweit es mich betrifft. Ich habe das Gerät noch nicht so lange, nutze es aber zweimal die Woche und glätte damit zehn bis fünfzehn Wäschestücke. Die Laufzeit liegt also bei rund zweieinhalb Stunden, mit kurzen Pausen für das „Umrüsten“. Vier Sterne vergebe ich, weil der Hersteller nur eine sehr begrenzte Auswahl an Ersatzteilen anbietet. Der Hersteller ist, Stand heute, ebenfalls nicht auf die Idee gekommen, auf seinem Downloadbereich 3D-Druckdateien bereitzustellen. Ich denke da vor allem an die – meiner Meinung nach – unterdimensionierten Kunststoffschrauben und die Blinddeckel. Und die „Karabinerhaken“ für die kleinen Klammern machen auf mich auch keinen wirklich belastbaren Eindruck.
For everyone - including me - who doesn't want to have anything to do with ironing, folding, drying and so on and so forth. The result for shirts, T-shirts and trousers is more than enough for me. I never learned how to use an iron. For me, this is a usable solution. The device is quiet - at least not roaringly loud. It is bearable, even after 10 p.m. I rate the workmanship of the motor and its housing as good. But that's just a gut feeling. The balloons are of the usual quality and feel that all other suspects of similar devices offer. Rods, fastening materials, plastic screws, blind caps... well. I would say just about adequate. If a blind cap could not be removed once it was in place, everything would be fine. But no. When the rods are dismantled, they do not stay in place and the barbs tear off. That is a rather cheap solution. I suggest fixing each blind cap with superglue after assembly. There is no reason to remove them again. The assembly and the occasional conversion (to a trouser press) is fiddly. This will improve with time and a bit of practice. It occurs to me that I still don't know where the four small clips are that cannot be reached "from the outside". If they are ultimately supposed to fix the trouser legs, I think the construction is "daring". :) This could damage the balloon. I can't find anything about this in the enclosed operating instructions. I have read that there are users who have a bit of difficulty with the trouser press. I thread the trousers onto the trousers. Then start the motor and adjust the fit as soon as the balloon is inflated. This works quite well and you don't need four arms. :) I think the ironing aid works well. I spray button strips with a bit of water. They settle down. :) With a bit of water beforehand, you can also dry a T-shirt so that I can wear it over my trousers. For an appropriate result, you need water and a frame height that is adjusted to the garment - if you already have a shirt butler or are buying one, you will (then) know what I mean. :) This height adjustment is possible from the outside when the balloon is mounted. The zips on the side of the balloon must be opened for clothing that is approximately XL and larger. And then off you go! Stretch the shirt. Fasten all the buttons. Start the motor and then attach the clamps. In my opinion, these clamps are designed in a way that is not realistic. You can either use the weights that come with other devices. Or alternatively, "tablecloth weights". That works too. I can regularly iron a size L cotton shirt in 15 minutes. It is also dry afterwards. T-shirts tend to take a little less time. Trousers, depending on the type of fabric, take five, sometimes ten minutes longer. I have gotten into the habit of operating the timer slowly. The control knob seems infinitely variable to me. I first switch the motor on and three or four seconds later I set the timer to the desired time and the Klarstein actually switches off on time. :) I didn't suspect that straight away, but a short-term alarm clock confirmed the function. For me, the Klarstein is within the price range. Especially if it is more robust than the Cleanmaxx. Because I am not "tied" to an ironing board, it represents added value for me. I use the time to - I don't know - clean shoes or wash dishes. Things like that. I would recommend buying it, as far as I'm concerned. I haven't had the device for very long, but I use it twice a week and iron ten to fifteen items of laundry. So the running time is around two and a half hours, with short breaks for "conversions". I'm giving it four stars because the manufacturer only offers a very limited selection of spare parts. As of today, the manufacturer has also not come up with the idea of providing 3D printing files in its download area. I'm thinking in particular of the - in my opinion - undersized plastic screws and the blind covers. And the "carabiner hooks" for the small clips don't really seem sturdy to me either.
Assez simple à assembler, en mode chemise c'est tout aussi simple pour le séchage et défroissage. Par contre pour le mode pantalon, soyez patient pour insérer votre vêtement. Ça reste un objet très pratique pour les personnes qui souhaitent pas s'embêter avec la corvée du repassage.
Quite simple to assemble, in shirt mode it is just as simple for drying and removing wrinkles. On the other hand, for pants mode, be patient when inserting your garment. It remains a very practical item for people who don't want to bother with the chore of ironing.
Funktioniert eigentlich ganz gut. Schawchpunkt ist der untere Hemdteil. da funktioniert es bei manchen Hemden nicht, bei anderen schon. Hängt etwas von der Größe und Länge ab. Wenn man das Hemd aber eh in die Hose steckt, ist es egal. Bei den Ärmeln muss man unteren Ende ( wo die Handgelenke sind ) darauf achten, dass Sie richtig draufsitzen.
It actually works quite well. The weak point is the bottom part of the shirt. It doesn't work with some shirts, but with others it does. It depends a bit on the size and length. But if you tuck the shirt into your pants anyway, it doesn't matter. With the sleeves, you have to make sure that they sit properly at the bottom (where the wrists are).
Ravie de l achat.peu encombrant.peu bruyant(mon chat reste à côté alors qu il a peur de l aspirateur).Efficace bon rapport qualité prix.notice en français+accessoires complet dont le vêtement pantalon et les épingles au nombre de 8.Livraison en 48h. J ai fait un essai sur une chemise à moitié mouillée en moins de 10mn séchée et défroissée je suis bluffée. Je recommande ce produit qui pour le prix permet un gain de temps non négligeable.
Delighted with the purchase. Little bulky. Little noisy (my cat stays nearby even though he is afraid of the vacuum cleaner). Effective, good value for money. Instructions in French + complete accessories including the trouser suit and 8 pins. Delivery in 48 hours. I did a test on a half-wet shirt, dried and ironed in less than 10 minutes, I was amazed. I recommend this product which, for the price, saves significant time.
Relativement efficace et nettement moins bruyant que certains appareils concurrents. J'avais acheté le Cleanmaxx de Lidl (vendu aussi, mais plus cher, sur notre marketplace préférée ...) , il est tombé en panne au bout de 3-4 utilisations. Le Cleanmaxx était assez efficace, cela ne vaut peut-être pas un repassage pro, ce n'est pas parfait, mais pour moi, c'est tout de même assez satisfaisant, les chemises peuvent largement être portées après avoir été "repassée" avec ce type d'appareil. Compte tenu de la fiabilité douteuse du Cleanmaxx, j'ai donc décidé de racheter un appareil du même type, mais d'une autre marque. Le KLARSTEIN est moins puissant 1200W contre 1800w mais l'efficacité est similaire, peut être légèrement inférieure, mais il est nettement moins bruyant et semble de meilleure qualité. A voir dans la durée.
Relatively efficient and significantly less noisy than some competing devices. I bought the Cleanmaxx from Lidl (also sold, but more expensive, on our favorite marketplace...), it broke down after 3-4 uses. The Cleanmaxx was quite effective, it is perhaps not worth professional ironing, it is not perfect, but for me, it is still quite satisfactory, the shirts can largely be worn after having been "ironed" with this type of device. Given the questionable reliability of the Cleanmaxx, I decided to buy a device of the same type, but from another brand. The KLARSTEIN is less powerful 1200W compared to 1800w but the efficiency is similar, maybe slightly lower, but it is significantly less noisy and seems of better quality. To see over time.
Moins bruyant que les autres appareils mais un court pour les lo.gues chemises
Less noisy than other devices but a short one for shirt logs
Bei dünnen und wenig verknitterten (=bei niedriger Drehzahl geschleudert) feuchten Hemden erfüllt das Gerät seine Funktion gut. Von Hand gebügelt ist natürlich immer glatter. Für den ständigen Einsatz gut geeignet. Es könnte etwas leiser sein, aber die warme Luft muss ja irgendwie transportiert werden.
The device performs its function well for thin and slightly wrinkled (=spun at low speed) damp shirts. Ironing by hand is of course always smoother. Well suited for constant use. It could be a little quieter, but the warm air has to be transported somehow.
Bin sehr zufrieden. Besonders gut ist der Geräuschpegel ,nämlich sehr leise.
I am very pleased. The noise level is particularly good, namely very quiet.
Meine Hemden werden super und der Aufwand hält sich in Grenzen. Ich kann dieses Produkt gerne weiterempfehlen.
My shirts are great and the effort is limited. I can gladly recommend this product.
"Passa" bem o suficiente para tirar a maior parte das rugas. Tenho utilizado com roupa seca, que depois borrifo com água para passar a ferro. As camisas e calças ficam suficientemente boas para a sua utilização no dia-a-dia. Já recebi roupa em piores condições vindas de empresas que se dedicam a passar a ferro. Experimentei em t-shirts e pólos mas alarga essas peças, pelo que aconselho apenas para as calças e camisas. É uma "máquina" por isso, se é muito esquisito ou se passa a roupa mais rapidamente, passe a sua roupa manualmente. A mim posisbilita-me estar a passar lençóis com o ferro, ou estar no sofá a ver TV, enquanto ela passa camisas e calças. Só lamento que não traga duas formas para calças pois fazia falta uma forma de calças mais pequena, além da grande que traz.
It "iron" well enough to get most of the wrinkles out. I've been using it on dry clothes, which I then spray with water to iron. The shirts and pants come out good enough for everyday use. I've received clothes in worse condition from companies that specialize in ironing. I've tried it on t-shirts and polo shirts, but it stretches those items, so I recommend it only for pants and shirts. It's a "machine", so if it's too fussy or you want to iron clothes faster, iron your clothes by hand. It allows me to iron sheets with the iron, or sit on the couch watching TV, while it irons shirts and pants. My only regret is that it doesn't come with two pant forms, as I would need a smaller pant form in addition to the large one it comes with.
Das Produkt funktioniert einwandfrei. Natürlich macht es etwas Lärm und gibt Wärme ab. Aber wenn man es nicht grad im Wohn- oder Schlafzimmer benutzt, stellt das kein Problem dar. Einfach in einen Nebenraum, Tür zu und gut ist. Hemden sind nicht vollkommen knitterfrei, aber vollkommen ausreichend für Kleidung des täglichen Bedarfs. Bei Hemden für besondere Anlässe sollte man aber dann doch lieber zum Bügeleisen greifen.
The product works perfectly. Of course, it makes some noise and gives off heat. But if you're not using it in the living room or bedroom, that's not a problem. Just put it in an adjoining room, close the door and that's it. Shirts are not completely wrinkle-free, but they are perfectly adequate for everyday clothing. For shirts for special occasions, however, it is better to use an iron.
Ich bewerte selten Sachen, aber das gerät hat eine gute Bewertung einfach verdient! Angedacht ist das gerät um z.b. Hemden fertig zu trocknen und dabei zu bügeln, wobei dann die Heizleistung für den Bereich des Kragens etwas schwach ist, funktioniert, aber dauert etwas länger. Testweise habe ich meine Hemden lufttrocknen lassen und dann mit dem gerät bearbeitet, und das Ergebnis ist wirklich sehr gut. Innerhalb von 2-3 Minuten ist das Hemd perfekt geglättet. Anstatt ewig zu bügeln, ist man fertig, bevor das bügeleisen warm ist, was Zeit und Nerven spart. Das gerät ist sehr leicht, kann notfalls schnell zerlegt werden und macht seine Arbeit sehr gut, volle Punktzahl!
I rarely rate things, but this device deserves a good rating! The device is intended, for example, to finish drying shirts and iron them at the same time, in which case the heat output for the collar area is a bit weak, it works, but takes a little longer. As a test, I let my shirts air dry and then processed them with the device, and the result is really very good. Within 2-3 minutes the shirt is perfectly straightened. Instead of ironing forever, you're done before the iron is warm, which saves time and nerves. The device is very light, can be quickly dismantled if necessary and does its job very well, full marks!
Im Großen und Ganzen tut der Hemdenbügler, was man erwartet. Einen Stern ziehe ich ab, weil es im Detail hakt: - Die Arme sind so dick und das Gebläse so stark, dass die Manschetten knittern. - Der Sockel hat Klammern an Gummis, mit denen das Hemd befestigt werden soll. Die Klammern sind aber im Vergleich zum Gebläse zu schwach, bzw. lässt sich der Torso nicht ausreichend verschmälern. Er bläht sich unten so stark auf, dass immer die Klammern abspringen. Es sei denn, man lässt die Gummis so locker, dass es ohnehin keinen Unterschied macht.
Overall, the shirt press does what is expected. I'm taking off a star because it's the details: - The arms are so thick and the blower is so strong that the cuffs crease. - The base has clips on elastics that are designed to hold the shirt in place. However, the clamps are too weak compared to the blower, or the torso cannot be narrowed sufficiently. It swells up so much at the bottom that the brackets always pop off. Unless you leave the elastics so loose that it doesn't make a difference anyway.
Zur Arbeitserleichterung ist es prima. Mit dem Eisen ist man definitiv schneller. Allerdings während der Butler (man muss die Zeitschaltuhr schon auf 5-7 min stellen für ein Hemd) kann man halt andere Dinge erledigen. Ich sprüh die Hemden und Shirts leicht ein, zieh sie auf den Butler Knöpfe schließen und die Uhr anstellen. Selbst der Kragen wird glatt. Ist schon etwas laut, aber da es im Wäschekeller steht, kein Problem. Meine langen Shirts sind allerdings etwas problematisch da diese im unteren Bereich über den Butler quasi überhängen. Bin aber trotzdem angenehm und positiv überrascht.
It's great for making work easier. You're definitely faster with the iron. However, during the butler (you have to set the timer to 5-7 minutes for a shirt) you can do other things. I spray the shirts and shirts lightly, pull them on the butler, close the buttons and turn on the clock. Even the collar becomes smooth. It's a bit noisy, but since it's in the laundry room, it's not a problem. However, my long shirts are a bit problematic because they overhang the butler in the lower area. But I'm still pleasantly and positively surprised.
Der Geräuschpegel ist viel niedriger als bei meinem Vorgängergerät, leider ist der Hemdenhalter sehr instabil! Dennoch ein gut brauchbares Gerät!
The noise level is much lower than my previous device, unfortunately the shirt holder is very unstable! Still a useful device!
Kann mit dem ersten Fön von Cleanmaxx nicht mithalten da seine Halterung für die Hemden nur bedingt geeignet sind. Sie halten zwar, aber das ganze System steht schief und es bleiben leider Falten da sich der Sack nicht durchgängig unter dem ganzen Hemd aufbläst. Daher nur 3 Sterne.
Cannot keep up with the first Cleanmaxx hair dryer because its holder for the shirts is only suitable to a limited extent. They hold up, but the whole system is crooked and unfortunately creases remain because the sack does not inflate continuously under the entire shirt. Therefore only 3 stars.
Ich arbeite schon ein paar Jahre mit vergleichbaren Geräten, aber dieses ist bisher das Beste!
I've been using similar devices for a few years, but this is the best so far!
Der Preis zur Leistung ist spitze
The price for performance is great
Im Gegensatz zum cleanmaxx Gerät, welches bei mir nach einer Benutzung direkt vom Motor defekt war, wegen vermutlicher Überhitzung, ist dieses Gerät wirklich sehr zielführend, nicht so laut, einfach zu bedienen, kurzum einfach gut
In contrast to the cleanmaxx device, which was defective directly from the engine after one use, due to presumed overheating, this device is really very effective, not so loud, easy to use, in short simply good
Sehr leise! Super Leistung! Einfach Klasse!
Very quiet! Super performance! Simply great!
große Erleichterung bei der Hausarbeit
great relief in housework
Fonctionne bien sur du linge peu froissé. Dépanne bien mais ne vaut pas un bon fer à repasser ou centrale vapeur.
Works well on lightly wrinkled laundry. Helps out well but is not worth a good iron or steam generator.
Dauert etwas da Hemden nacheinander drauf müssen, aber: funktioniert.
It takes a while because shirts have to be put on one after the other, but: it works.
Manschettenbereich knittrig aber ansonsten top, mein Man krämpelt die Ärmel sowieso immer hoch.
Cuff area creased but otherwise great, my husband always rolls up his sleeves anyway.
Tut was man von ihm verlangt und wir üben noch.
Does what is asked of him and we're still practicing.
No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. Una compra excelente ya no tengo nada de ropa para planchar y las camisas mejor que con la plancha
The media could not be loaded. An excellent purchase. I no longer have any clothes to iron and the shirts are better than with the iron.
Gut um schnell was zu trocknen und zu glätten. Fällt aber ständig auseinander
Good for drying and smoothing something quickly. But keeps falling apart
Das Teil ist gewöhnungsbedürftig. Es wackelt sehr. Man braucht lange, bes es klappt mit dem Bügeln
That part takes getting used to. It wobbles a lot. It takes a long time before ironing works
funciona bastante bien en 10 minutos plancha las camisetas mas o menos
It works pretty well and irons the shirts in about 10 minutes.
Da ich nur ungern Hemden und Hosen bügle habe ich lange nach einer automatischen Hilfe gesucht. Mit dieser Bügelhilfe werden auch die schwierigen Hemden einwandfrei und einfach glatt. Zuerst hatte ich mir ein "billigeres" Konkurrenzprodukt gekauft. Dieses war extrem laut und ist schon nach 10 Hemden komplett abgebrannt. Im Vergleich dazu ist dieser ShirtButler um Größenordungen besser: die Lautstärke ist erträglich, Hosen und Hemden werden glatt, ohne dass ich mich mit dem Bügeleisen herumschlagen muss. Ich gebe nicht die volle Punktzahl, da ich mir eine elektronische Zeiteinstellung statt eines mechanischen Drehschalters gewünscht hätte (gibt's wohl auch, war aber gerade nicht lieferbar).
Since I don't like ironing shirts and pants, I've been looking for an automatic help for a long time. With this ironing aid, even the difficult shirts become flawless and simply smooth. At first I bought a "cheaper" competitor's product. This was extremely loud and burned down completely after 10 shirts. In comparison, this ShirtButler is orders of magnitude better: the volume is tolerable, trousers and shirts become smooth without me having to fiddle with the iron. I don't give full marks because I would have preferred an electronic time setting instead of a mechanical rotary switch (probably also exists, but wasn't available at the time).
Muy útil ya no plancho mas
Very useful, I don't iron anymore
Totalmente útil y nada aparatoso, pues ocupa poco espacio. Sencillo de usar y eficaz.
Totally useful and not bulky, as it takes up little space. Easy to use and effective.
Me gusta, muy cómodo, colocas la prenda, sigues haciendo cosas y cuando vuelves, a doblar y a guardar.
I like it, very comfortable, you put the garment away, continue doing things and when you come back, fold and put away.
No deja la ropa como con la plancha pero bastante aceptable rápido y cómodo de usar
It doesn't leave clothes as smooth as with the iron, but it's quite acceptable, fast and easy to use.
Nach dräter dritten Waschmaschinenladung Hemden bin ich fast(!) rundherum zufrieden mit dem Gerät. Wenn ich überlege, dass die Wäscherei 3Euro pro Hemd nimmt, bin ich bald im Plusbereich. Zum Gerät: Prima verpackt, leicht zusammen zu bauen. Macht einen stabilen Eindruck, dem es auch gerecht wird. Der Geräuschpegel ist im Betrieb akzeptabel, der Luftkörper unter dem Hemd wird gut und schnell warm. Eigentlich also DAS ideale Gerät, wenn .. jaa wennnnn nicht dieser total inakzeptable Timer nicht wäre. Exakte Zeiteinsteinstellung ist Glückssache, mal sind es 8 Minuten mal 16, das Klickern des mechanischen Uhrwerktimers erinnert an das Drehen eines Glückrades. So stabil und durchdacht das Gerät auch sonst aufgebaut ist, die Zeiteinstellung ist eine Katastrophe ... Kleine digitale und leicht einzustellende Timer kosten beim "Chinamann um die Ecke" kein Vermögen und würden das Gerät perfektionieren. Zum Schluß noch ein kleines Manko: Die Manschetten bei langärmligen Hemden und auch die Kragen werden nicht wirklich trocken, wenn das restliche Hemd schon prima "durchgegart" ist, aber sie trocknen auf dem Bügel nach. Daher nur 4 von 5 Sternchen.
After the third load of shirts in the washing machine, I am almost(!) completely satisfied with the machine. When I consider that the laundry charges 3 euros per shirt, I'm almost in the black. About the machine: Well packaged, easy to put together. It looks sturdy, which it lives up to. The noise level is acceptable when in use, the air under the shirt warms up quickly and easily. Actually, it's THE ideal machine, if... yes, if it weren't for this totally unacceptable timer. Setting the exact time is a matter of luck, sometimes it's 8 minutes, sometimes 16, the clicking of the mechanical clockwork timer is reminiscent of spinning a wheel of fortune. As sturdy and well thought out as the machine is otherwise, setting the time is a disaster... Small digital and easy-to-set timers don't cost a fortune from the "Chinese guy around the corner" and would perfect the machine. Finally, a small drawback: the cuffs of long-sleeved shirts and the collars don't really dry when the rest of the shirt is already perfectly "cooked", but they dry out on the hanger. Hence only 4 out of 5 stars.
Premetto che detesto stirare ma amo indossare le camicie, per cui da qualche anno stavo raccogliendo opinioni su questa tipologia di prodotto, trovando però molti pareri poco entusiasmanti. Poi ne ho visto in funzione alcuni modelli professionali e sono rimasto sbalordito dal loro lavoro e ho voluto provare questo, non aspettandomi però lo stesso risultato di quelli professionali: indubbiamente con una spesa di poco più di 100 € non si può pretendere il lavoro di uno da 5-6.000 €!! Dopo un paio di prove ho capito che il lavoro viene meglio se si posiziona correttamente la camicia o i pantaloni, per cui come, con tutti gli elettrodomestici nuovi, bisogna fare qualche tentativo. Risultati: le camicie vengono stirate molto bene, colletto e polsini vengono stesi bene ma non stirati, per cui per le puriste dello stiro sarà necessario attaccare il ferro, ma personalmente riscontro che dopo due minuti che hai addosso la camicia stirata, la perfezione conferita dal ferro è già sparita, per cui tanto vale affidarsi a questo manichino, che asciuga e stende bene i tessuti, senza lasciare pieghe. In 7 minuti una camicia è asciutta e senza pieghe, in 10-12 minuti anche i pantaloni invernali (più pesanti) e i jeans sono asciutti e ben distesi (non uso il termine "stirato" perchè l'effetto finale è leggermente diverso, ma io preferisco questo aspetto rispetto a quello del ferro da stiro). Inoltre il tessuto rimane più morbido rispetto a quello stirato. E mentre lui fa il suo lavoro voi potete fare altro o rilassarvi, guardare la tv, leggere un libro o giocare con i figli. Chiudo con due suggerimenti: mancando le istruzioni su come sistemare il capo, consiglio di sistemare la camicia abbottonando tutti i bottoni davanti e tutti quelli dei polsini, accendetelo e quando è bello gonfio, tirate le maniche della camicia in modo da tendere bene il tessuto e sollevate il colletto, asciugherà prima e resterà ben disteso. Stessa cosa per i pantaloni: una volta posizionati e acceso il manichino, tirate i pantaloni in modo da stendere bene la stoffa; una volta fatto, il capo non si sposta più. Aiutatevi anche con le utilissime mollette fornite. Non è affatto rumoroso: a una distanza di 50 cm il rumore misurato è di 63 decibel e nella stagione fredda oltre ad asciugare riscalda un po'... Sconsiglio di asciugare le T-shirt elasticizzate: dato che la temperatura non è regolabile, alcuni capi potrebbero essere danneggiati dal calore e vedreste dei segni nei punti di maggiore contatto che non vanno più via, essendosi fusa la fibra elasticizzata. Consigliatissimo a chi vuole un aiuto estremamente valido senza però pretendere la perfezione assoluta. Altrimenti perdeteci qualche ora, rovinatevi la schiena e maledite ogni volta che qualcuno in casa indossa una camicia
I must say that I hate ironing but I love wearing shirts, so for a few years I had been collecting opinions on this type of product, but I found many not very enthusiastic opinions. Then I saw some professional models in operation and I was amazed by their work and I wanted to try this one, but I didn't expect the same result as the professional ones: undoubtedly with an expense of just over €100 you can't expect the work of one costing €5-6,000!! After a couple of tests I understood that the job is better if you position the shirt or trousers correctly, so as with all new appliances, you have to make a few attempts. Results: the shirts are ironed very well, the collar and cuffs are laid out well but not ironed, so for ironing purists it will be necessary to attach the iron, but personally I find that after two minutes of having the ironed shirt on, the perfection conferred by the iron has already disappeared, so it is worth relying on this mannequin, which dries and lays out the fabrics well, without leaving creases. In 7 minutes a shirt is dry and wrinkle-free, in 10-12 minutes even winter trousers (heavier) and jeans are dry and well stretched (I don't use the term "ironed" because the final effect is slightly different, but I prefer this aspect to that of the iron). In addition, the fabric remains softer than the ironed one. And while it does its job you can do something else or relax, watch TV, read a book or play with the children. I'll close with two suggestions: since there are no instructions on how to arrange the garment, I recommend arranging the shirt by buttoning all the buttons on the front and all those on the cuffs, turn it on and when it is nice and puffy, pull the sleeves of the shirt so as to stretch the fabric well and lift the collar, it will dry faster and will stay well stretched. Same thing for the trousers: once the mannequin is positioned and turned on, pull the trousers so as to stretch the fabric well; once done, the garment will not move anymore. Also help yourself with the very useful clothes pegs provided. It is not noisy at all: at a distance of 50 cm the measured noise is 63 decibels and in the cold season in addition to drying it warms a little... I do not recommend drying stretch T-shirts: since the temperature is not adjustable, some items could be damaged by the heat and you would see marks in the points of greatest contact that will not go away, as the stretch fiber has melted. Highly recommended for those who want extremely valid help without expecting absolute perfection. Otherwise you will waste a few hours, ruin your back and curse every time someone in the house wears a shirt
Comodísimo! Hay que colocarlas con cuidado pero deja las camisas que pones recién lavadas secas y planchadas en 15-20 min. Personalmente odio planchar y esto es lo mejor que he encontrado. Lo único malo que ocupa un pelín de espacio pero merece la pena
Very convenient! You have to place them carefully but it leaves the freshly washed shirts dry and ironed in 15-20 minutes. Personally I hate ironing and this is the best thing I have found. The only bad thing is that it takes up a bit of space but it is worth it.
Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Nach Geduld mit 3 defekten cleanmaxx-Geräten mit hohem Stromverbrauch von 1.800 W und Flugzeuggeräuschen von 75 db sowie Hitzeverformungen und Burnout des Motors mit toller Abwicklung der Reklamationen über amazon endlich heute das Klarstein-Gerät in Betrieb genommen: Es trocknet genauso schnell, hat aber einen 4 x 6 cm-Öffnung für die heiße Luft oben mit einem Bügel darüber, der schützt. Die Ansaugluft kommt seriös wie bei einem Staubsauger aus einer großen Fläche an der Rückseite des Gerätes, wodurch Überhitzung vermieden wird. Die Aluschienen sind aus Rechteckrohren mit Kunststoffpfropfen, es steht durch die doppelten Halterungen und breiter Standfläche stabil und hält selbst Jeans gut oben. Damen-Blusen werden nach dem Schleudern in 10 min. trocken, Männerhemden aus Baumwolle benötigen ca.20 min., Homeclothes wie Kapuzenpullis ca.15 min. - das Oberteil ist breit genug, um die Schulterpartie gut auszufüllen und der Kragenüberstand ist super (Tip: Wäscheklammer). Beschweren mit Hängemagneten hilft zur besseren Form, mit ein paar Tricks wie beide Klemmen vorn an der Knopfleiste gehts auch. FAZIT: Mit nur 60db wesentlich leiseres, saubereres, angenehmeres & sicheres Arbeiten im Vgl. zur japanischen Konkurrenz. Der Preis war seitens amazon auf 103,- € reduziert, also 40,- € mehr als Vergleichsgeräte, die NUR einen Hemdenaufsatz haben und 20,- € für ein simples Hosenpolyestermodul extra verlangen! Inhaltlich je ein Punkt Abzug beim Hemdenaufsatz: Wechseln ist schwierig, der Gummizug ist so eng genäht, daß er oben kaum über den Aufsatz paßt, unten nur mit viel Kraft übers Gerät. Wie bei allen anderen Geräten muß man bei Business Blusen (bei Hemden teilweise) Knopfleiste, Kragen & Manschetten nochmals kurz überbügeln. Das geht aber viiiiel schneller, als das gesamte Material dampfzubügeln. TIP: Erst die Blusen, dann die Hemden, dann die Baumwollhemden und später die Hosen, da diese länger feucht bleiben und so schon besser vorgetrocknet sind auf dem Wäscheständer. Langzeittest ist in Arbeit....da hatte Klarsteins Weinkühlschrank leider versagt.
The media could not be loaded. After patience with 3 defective cleanmaxx devices with high power consumption of 1,800 W and airplane noise of 75 db as well as heat deformation and burnout of the engine with great handling of the complaints via Amazon, finally put the Klarstein device into operation today: It dries just as quickly, but has a 4 x 6 cm opening for the hot air at the top with a bracket above it that protects it. The intake air comes from a large area on the back of the device, just like with a vacuum cleaner, which prevents overheating. The aluminum rails are made of rectangular tubes with plastic plugs, it is stable thanks to the double brackets and wide base and even holds jeans up well. Women's blouses are dry in 10 minutes after spinning, men's cotton shirts need about 20 minutes, home clothes such as hoodies about 15 minutes - the top is wide enough to fill the shoulder area well and the collar overhang is great (tip: clothespin). Weighing it down with hanging magnets helps to improve the shape, and a few tricks like putting both clamps at the front of the button panel also work. CONCLUSION: At just 60db, work is much quieter, cleaner, more comfortable, and safer than the Japanese competition. Amazon reduced the price to €103, which is €40 more than comparable machines that ONLY have a shirt attachment and charge an extra €20 for a simple polyester trouser module! One point deducted for the shirt attachment: it is difficult to change, the elastic band is sewn so tightly that it barely fits over the attachment at the top, and only fits over the machine at the bottom with a lot of force. As with all other machines, with business blouses (and sometimes with shirts) you have to quickly iron the button panel, collar, and cuffs again. But this is much quicker than steam ironing the whole material. TIP: First the blouses, then the shirts, then the cotton shirts and later the trousers, as these stay damp for longer and are thus better pre-dried on the clothes rack. Long-term testing is in progress... unfortunately Klarstein's wine fridge failed.
Ha llegado perfectamente con todos los elementos indicados. Las pruebas realizadas con camisetas y camisas fenomenal, quizás la camisa necesite un poco más de tiempo para los cuellos y puños al tener doble tela. Las pinzas pequeñas no las he utilizado, pero entiendo que se trata de sujetar los pantalones, Para mi cumple con lo prometido y desde luego para camisas, camisetas y polos el resultado te permite olvidarte de la plancha. Relación precio /calidad correcto.
It arrived perfectly with all the indicated elements. The tests carried out with t-shirts and shirts were phenomenal, perhaps the shirt needs a little more time for the collars and cuffs as it has double fabric. I have not used the small clips, but I understand that they are to hold the pants. For me it fulfills what it promised and of course for shirts, t-shirts and polos the result allows you to forget about the iron. Correct price/quality ratio.
LAs camisas las deja bastante bien, si acaso, si se es muy perfeccionista habría que repasar alguna vez los puños y el cuello, depende de la forma de la camisa. Los polos y camisetas, perfectos. Lo que está menos conseguido es los pantalones. Si son muy amplios no llega a plancharlos bien, porque el tamaño de la bolsa no estira bien los pantalones, pero hay que tener en cuenta que hablo de talla 52 de pantalones de vestir
The shirts are pretty good, if anything, if you are a perfectionist you might have to go over the cuffs and collar sometimes, depending on the shape of the shirt. The polos and t-shirts are perfect. What is less successful are the trousers. If they are very loose, you can't iron them properly, because the size of the bag doesn't stretch the trousers well, but you have to keep in mind that I am talking about size 52 dress pants.
Bien presentado y sencillo de utilizar. He planchado varias camisetas y pantalones con bueno resultados. Me gusta, muy práctico
Well presented and easy to use. I have ironed several t-shirts and trousers with good results. I like it, very practical.
Producto recomendado, poco ruido (en relación al anterior) plancha bien relación calidad/precio.
Recommended product, low noise (compared to the previous one) iron with good value for money.
Gestern hatte unser ShirtButler direkt einen Hochleistungstag. Eine Waschmaschinenladung Hemden und Shirts hat er abarbeiten müssen und hat es mit Bravour gemeistert. Zusammengebaut war er schnell, Handhabung ist fast selbsterklärend, es gibt einen Drehknopf, der auf die gewünschte Zeit eingestellt wird und als Timer fungiert. Ist die Zeit abgelaufen, schaltet er sich automatisch ab. Wir haben erst die Hemden (Größe 3XL und 4XL), jeweils ein Kurz-, und ein Langarmhemd (karierte Freizeithemden) zum Testen lediglich jeweils ca. zehn bis 15 Minuten aufgezogen und dann mit der Restfeuchte auf einem Bügel hängend über Nacht zu Ende trocknen lassen. Ich konnte heute morgen nach endgültiger Trocknung feststellen, dass die ca. zehn bis 15 Minuten ausreichen, um die Hemden glatt zu bekommen, auch der Kragen und die Ärmelbündchen waren einwandfrei. Das einzige kleine Manko ist der untere Hemdenbereich, der ist leider noch leicht knittrig gewesen. Wir haben die mitgelieferten Klammern zum Spannen genutzt, der Saum wird zwar glatt gezogen, müsste unten aber um den Luftsack herum nach innen gezogen werden, um ein perfektes Ergebnis zu erzielen. Vielleicht müssen wir da nochmal mit der Höheneinstellung experimentieren, so dass die Kleidungsstücke mit dem Saum höher sitzen. Nach den Hemden waren die Shirts dran (Größen 46 bis 52) und auch da hatten wir ein sehr gutes Gesamtergebnis. Aber auch hier bei längeren Shirts unten am Saum das gleiche Erscheinungsbild wie bei den Hemden. Außerdem sieht man die Abdrücke von den Klammen bei unifarbenen Shirts. Wenn man die Shirts auch nur "antrocknen" lässt (je nach Stoffdicke 10 bis 15 Minuten) und nach dem Trocknen/Bügeln unten den Saum nochmal per Hand ein wenig zieht, sind Abdrücke und Knitter nahzu veschwunden, wenn die Shirts über Nacht auf einem Bügel durchgetrocknet sind. Das Ergebnis ist sicherlich nicht vergleichbar mit einem von einem Fachmann bzw. einer Fachfrau perfekt per Hand gebügelten Hemd, ist aber völlig ausreichend für den Normalverbraucher. Unsere Bügelergebnisse mit den Bügeleisen sind nicht unbedingt besser und daher freue ich mich nun, dass ich nur noch Aufziehen und Abnehmen muss und nach einer Trockungsnacht alles in den Kleiderschrank hängen kann. Für Hosen haben wir den ShirtButler noch nicht verwendet, dies war aber auch nicht der Kaufgrund. Die Lautstärke ist OK, auf einem Fliesenboden empfiehlt es sich, z.B. eine Fußmatte drunter zu legen, auf Teppich ist er leiser. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und hoffe nun, dass der ShirtButler uns eine lange Zeit begleiten wird.
Yesterday our ShirtButler had a very busy day. It had to deal with a washing machine load of shirts and t-shirts and it did it brilliantly. It was quick to assemble, it is almost self-explanatory to use, there is a rotary knob that is set to the desired time and acts as a timer. When the time is up, it switches off automatically. We first put the shirts (size 3XL and 4XL), one short and one long-sleeved shirt (checked casual shirts) on for around ten to 15 minutes each to test them and then left them to dry overnight with the remaining moisture hanging on a hanger. This morning, after the shirts had finally dried, I was able to see that around ten to 15 minutes were enough to get the shirts smooth, and the collar and cuffs were also perfect. The only small drawback is the lower part of the shirt, which was unfortunately still slightly wrinkled. We used the clamps provided to tighten the shirt; the hem is pulled straight, but at the bottom it needs to be pulled inwards around the airbag to achieve a perfect result. We may need to experiment again with the height setting so that the garments sit higher with the hem. After the shirts, it was the turn of the shirts (sizes 46 to 52) and we had a very good overall result there too. But here too, the bottom of the hem of longer shirts looks the same as the shirts. You can also see the marks from the clamps on plain shirts. If you just let the shirts "dry" (10 to 15 minutes depending on the thickness of the fabric) and pull the bottom hem a little by hand after drying/ironing, marks and creases will almost disappear if the shirts have dried on a hanger overnight. The result is certainly not comparable to a shirt perfectly ironed by hand by a professional, but it is perfectly adequate for the average consumer. Our ironing results with the irons are not necessarily better and so I am happy that I now only have to put it on and take it off and after a night of drying I can hang everything in the wardrobe. We have not yet used the ShirtButler for trousers, but that was not the reason for buying it. The noise level is OK, on a tiled floor it is advisable to put a doormat underneath, for example, on carpet it is quieter. I am very satisfied and hope that the ShirtButler will be with us for a long time.
Compré este aparato buscando una solución de “urgencia” para secar y/o planchar las típicas prendas de ropa que te quieres poner al día siguiente y no ha dado tiempo a que se secaran después de lavarlas. Para mi gusto cumple su función perfectamente siempre que la ropa no esté excesivamente mojada, por ejemplo, una camiseta de algodón de manga larga recién sacada de la lavadora tardó 30 min en secarse. Es mejor para usarlo con ropa húmeda que empapada. El globo tiene unas cremalleras a los lados permitiendo reducir o ampliar su tamaño, esto es muy importante para prendas elásticas ya que si usas un tamaño de globo demasiado grande se dan de sí. Desmontado no ocupa nada y es fácil de montar y desmontar. Mis instrucciones no venían en español, pero tampoco tiene mucho misterio el montarlo y desmontarlo, con los dibujos es suficiente para aclararse.
I bought this device looking for an “emergency” solution to dry and/or iron the typical clothes that you want to wear the next day and there was no time for them to dry after washing them. For my taste, it works perfectly as long as the clothes are not excessively wet, for example, a long-sleeved cotton t-shirt just taken out of the washing machine took 30 minutes to dry. It is better to use it with damp clothes than soaked ones. The balloon has zippers on the sides allowing you to reduce or enlarge its size, this is very important for elastic clothes because if you use a balloon size that is too big, they stretch out. When disassembled, it doesn’t take up any space and it is easy to assemble and disassemble. My instructions were not in Spanish, but there is not much mystery in assembling and disassembling it, the drawings are enough to clarify.