Kochheld Double Induction Hob

£ 149.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Induction hotplate
  • Black
Product number: 10034946
Kochheld Double Induction Hob
£ 149.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 96.99
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 126.99
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Double power: rimless built-in induction hob made of glass ceramic with 2 cooking zones

  • Intuitive and nostalgic: 9 power levels with rotary control

  • Power pack: two cooking zones with 1200 watts and 1700 watts

Product description

The Klarstein Kochheld double induction hob is a real power pack: with its two hobs, it brings a whopping 2900 watts of power into your kitchen and impresses every home cook with its simple black design and the rotary controls.

The built-in cooker comes with two separate hobs, which have 9 power levels and are conveniently operated with two rotary controls. Thanks to its slim dimensions, the induction hob also finds its place in the smallest kitchen or kitchenette. With a diameter of 16 cm, the rear cooking zone creates a solid 1200 watts of power. With a diameter of 21 cm, the front zone steps up the effort and works with 1700 watts. The black glass and the rimless design of the double induction hob round off the overall picture.

The advanced induction technology is particularly pleasant, especially in a small space: it ensures that the surface outside the pot remains pleasantly cool all the time during cooking. The Klarstein cooker also has an automatic switch-off function that switches the hob off after 120 minutes. The 3-pin 120 cm long connection cable supplies the double induction hob with the necessary power.

Powerful with sophisticated technology and stylish design: the Klarstein Kochheld double induction hob lets you become the hero of the cooker in your kitchen.

Please have the installation carried out by specialist personnel.


  • Automatic switch-off after 120 minutes
  • Total power: 2900 watts
  • Zone 1: Ø 16 cm with 1200 watts
  • Zone 2: Ø 21 cm with 1700 watts
  • 120 cm cable with 3-pin connector
  • Power supply: 220-240 V ~ | 50/60 Hz
Product number: 10034946

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Hob dimensions: approx. 29 x 6.3 x 52 cm (WxHxD)
  • Cutout dimensions: approx. 26.5 x 49 cm (WxD)
  • Power cord length: approx. 120 cm
  • Weight: approx. 4.6 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x built-in hob
  • Multilingual instruction manual 

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
53 Ratings

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Muy rápido y excelente

Very fast and excellent


Il titolo del prodotto è decisamente fuorviante, andrebbe corretto per evidenziare da subito che si tratta di un piano a induzione - cosa che comunque si evince leggendo la descrizione. Davvero un ottimo prodotto, preso con le manopole 'old style' per l'utilizzo da parte di persona disabile visiva. Come si dice, zero sbattimenti e costo decisamente conveniente rispetto a quelli cosiddetti 'accessibili', che hanno bisogno di connessione, assistente vocale, interfaccia operativa tramite smartphone... Qui basta accendere - e il pulsante è disposto nel mezzo delle manopole, in posizione chiara - e girare le manopole, che sono a scatti, con evidenziato lo zero inciso sulla manopola stessa, sia superiormente che sul fianco della manopola stessa. Per il resto ha tutto quel che serve: spegnimento automatico, sicurezza anti-surriscaldamento. Molto soddisfatta.

The title of the product is definitely misleading, it should be corrected to immediately highlight that it is an induction hob - which is clear from reading the description. A really great product, bought with the 'old style' knobs for use by a visually impaired person. As they say, zero hassle and a decidedly convenient cost compared to the so-called 'accessible' ones, which require a connection, voice assistant, operating interface via smartphone... Here you just turn it on - and the button is located in the middle of the knobs, in a clear position - and turn the knobs, which are clicked, with the zero engraved on the knob itself, both on the top and on the side of the knob itself. For the rest it has everything you need: automatic switch-off, anti-overheating safety. Very satisfied.


Es perfecta para personas con deficiencias visuales. Las perillas con posiciones fijas facilitan muchísimo ajustar la potencia de cada fuego. Funciona bien y es fácil de instalar. Estamos encantados con la compra.

It is perfect for people with visual deficiencies. Knobs with fixed positions make it very easy to adjust the power of each burner. It works well and is easy to install. We are delighted with the purchase.





Non posso togliere i pomelli per pulire

I can't remove the knobs to clean


Tolles Induktionskochfeld, mit dem wir sehr zufrieden sind! Wir haben das Kochfeld im Van verbaut und es ist jeden Tag in Benutzung. Sehr zu empfehlen.

Great induction hob that we are very happy with! We installed the hob in the van and use it every day. Highly recommended.


Os botões que regulam a temperatura são pouco funcionais ( mais difícil de limpar) e pouco estéticos.

The buttons that regulate the temperature are not very functional (harder to clean) and not very aesthetically pleasing.


Gibt nichts dran auszusetzen

There is nothing wrong with it


Wir haben irrtümlich bestellt und hatten letztlich zwei Kochfelder für unsere neue Miniküche. Aber die Rücknahme direkt an Klarstein wird vom Support perfekt betreut und hat daher genauso pefekt geklappt.

We ordered by mistake and ended up with two hobs for our new mini kitchen. But the return directly to Klarstein was perfectly handled by the support team and therefore worked just as well.


piazzato su una cucina ikea nella casa di montagna, è perfetto. abbiamo scelto questo perchè è l unico con le manopole per la regolazione invece di tasti touch,facilissimo da istallare completo di tutto. consigliatissimo,

placed on an IKEA kitchen in the mountain house, it is perfect. we chose this because it is the only one with knobs for adjustment instead of touch buttons, very easy to install complete with everything. highly recommended,


Facile il montaggio, buona qualità e ottima estetica. Davvero un ottimo acquisto

Easy assembly, good quality and great aesthetics. Really a great purchase


Lo he comprado para mi abuela que tiene 87 años y la verdad es que esta bastante bien lo que sí que pondría es un pero al estar indicado para personas mayores los números tienen que estar mucho más marcados en la ruleta y el encender y apagar no debería ser tactil mi abuela viene de tener gas en casa y todo lo que sea tactil le cuesta por lo demás es una fantástica compra a buen precio

I bought it for my grandmother who is 87 years old and the truth is that it is quite good. The only thing I would put is a but, as it is indicated for older people, the numbers have to be much more marked on the wheel and the on and off switch should not be touch-sensitive. My grandmother has had gas at home and everything that is touch-sensitive is difficult for her. Otherwise, it is a fantastic purchase at a good price.


Bonita y funcióna perfectamente Ideal para personas mayores por los botones pero no le doy 5* porque para encenderla y apagarla es tactil

Pretty and works perfectly. Ideal for older people because of the buttons, but I don't give it 5* because it is touch sensitive to turn it on and off.


prodotto molto buono, intuitivo e semplice anche per anziani (noi lo abbiamo acquistato per i nonni) rivenditore oltre le aspettative, servizio clienti impeccabile, rapido e sempre disponibile. abbiamo dovuto fare una cambio e si sono occupati di tutto gratuitamente e velocemente semplicemente top !!!!

very good product, intuitive and simple even for the elderly (we bought it for our grandparents) dealer beyond expectations, impeccable customer service, fast and always available. we had to make a change and they took care of everything for free and quickly simply top !!!!


Mooie afwerking. Heel nette look en makkelijk te bedienning. Geen uitgebreide functies maar lijkt goed betrouwbaar. Afwachte.

Nice finish. Very neat look and easy to operate. No extensive functions but seems quite reliable. Waited.


Il prodotto si presenta elegante e nello stesso tempo funzionale nel suo utilizzo. Ho preferito acquistare il tappetino apposito che permette la cottura ed evita i graffi.

The product is elegant and at the same time functional in its use. I preferred to buy the special mat that allows cooking and avoids scratches.


Das Kochfeld benötigt einen Stecker für den Anschluss an eine 220 Volt Stromquelle . Ich habe mir eine Outdoorküche gebaut , überall einsetzbar , ideal beim grillen .

The hob requires a plug for connection to a 220 volt power source. I built an outdoor kitchen that can be used anywhere and is ideal for barbecuing.


Sono un non vedente ed entusiasta di questo piano cottura perfettamente accessibile. I controlli sono a manopola regolabili in 9 posizioni segnalate chiaramente da uno scatto e il bottone di accensione, a sfioramento, è tra la seconda e la terza manopola. Toccandolo il piano si accende con un beep e, ritoccato, si spegne con un beep più lungo. Acceso il piano e data potenza al fuoco scelto il forno emette una serie di beep che si fermano solo quando la pentola è correttamente posizionata. Tolta la pentola a fine cottura il piano si spegne automaticamente dopo un paio di minuti con il beep lungo.

I am blind and enthusiastic about this perfectly accessible hob. The controls are knobs adjustable in 9 positions clearly indicated by a click and the power button, touch, is between the second and third knob. Touching it turns the hob on with a beep and, if touched again, it turns off with a longer beep. When the hob is turned on and the chosen burner is turned on, the oven emits a series of beeps that stop only when the pan is correctly positioned. When the pan is removed at the end of cooking, the hob automatically turns off after a couple of minutes with the long beep.


Ho installato il prodotto in sostituzione di una piastra elettrica. È veramente una cosa diversa; più efficiente e rapido per le cotture, si raffredda e si pulisce facilmente. Sono veramente soddisfatto.

I installed the product to replace an electric plate. It is really something different; more efficient and quick for cooking, it cools down and is easy to clean. I am really satisfied.


Il piano cottura funziona perfettamente, il suo costo non è altissimo, ma il prodotto è benfatto e funziona molto bene! È semplice da utilizzare, molto intuitivo e sicuramente faccio i complimenti alla casa produttrice in quanto a realizzato un piano con manopole visto che ormai tutti gli altri sono touch non tengono conto di chi ha difficoltà a utilizzarli!

The hob works perfectly, its cost is not very high, but the product is well made and works very well! It is simple to use, very intuitive and I certainly compliment the manufacturer as they have made a hob with knobs since all the others are touch and do not take into account those who have difficulty using them!


Buon prodotto! Rispetta in pieno le caratteristiche descritte e la consegna è avvenuta senza problemi nei tempi indicati!

Good product! It fully respects the characteristics described and the delivery took place without problems within the indicated times!


Entspricht voll meinen Erwartungen.

Corresponds fully to my expectations.


La está usando una persona de 84 años y casi ciega sin problema 3 contras: las marcas de los fuegos a malas penas se ven, los mandos dificultan la limpieza y chocan con las sartenes. Muchos Pros: fácil de usar, calienta rápido y es potente, es bonita y es la única con un precio razonable y mandos mecánicos que he encontrado. Las marcas deberían pensar en la gente mayor, el fuego es peligroso y las placas con mandos digitales no saben usarlas o no las ven. 100% Recomendable

It is being used by an 84-year-old, almost blind person without any problems. 3 cons: the burner marks are barely visible, the controls make cleaning difficult and they collide with the pans. Many pros: easy to use, heats up quickly and is powerful, it is pretty and it is the only one with a reasonable price and mechanical controls that I have found. Brands should think about older people, fire is dangerous and cooktops with digital controls are not known to be used or cannot be seen. 100% Recommended


Einfach zu bedienen

Easy to handle


Producto de calidad a un buen precio. Recomendable

Quality product at a good price. Recommended


Mir gefällt die Platte sehr gut. Habe nun schon einige Male etwas gekocht und bin sehr begeistert. Ich habe die Platte extra wegen den Drehreglern ausgesucht. Die Bedienung ist sehr leicht und die Platte sieht unter anderem durch die Punkte in Kristalloptik auf den Drehreglern sehr wertig aus. Das einbauen war auch sehr leicht, wenn man einmal vom Ausbau der vorherigen Platte absieht. Die Geräuschentwicklung hält sich auch in Grenzen. Mich persönlich stört es überhaupt nicht, da ich es beim Kochen kaum wahrnehme. Alles in allem bin ich sehr zufrieden damit und ich kann es jedem empfehlen, dem die Regler nicht im Weg sind. Beim Reinigen stören diese auch eher weniger. Man muss halt drum rum putzen, aber ein großer Mehraufwand ist das nicht.

I like the record very much. I've made it a few times now and I'm very impressed. I chose the plate especially because of the knobs. The operation is very easy and the plate looks very valuable, among other things due to the points in crystal optics on the rotary controls. Installing it was also very easy, apart from removing the previous panel. The noise level is also kept within limits. Personally, it doesn't bother me at all because I hardly notice it when cooking. All in all I'm very happy with it and I'd recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind the controls. They also tend to be less of a nuisance when cleaning. You have to clean around it, but that's not a lot of extra work.


La he comprado para mi madre, tiene 86 años , al tener los mandos se apaña genial, es una pena que no tenga un fogón más grande, por lo res genial, estupenda

I bought it for my mother, she is 86 years old, and since it has the controls it works great. It's a shame that it doesn't have a bigger stove, so it's great, wonderful.


Preso per una persona anziana che ha difficoltà ad adattarsi ai comandi digitali, si usa come un piano cottura a gas. Design datato, i led sono del tipo rotondo da 5mm e non ha funzioni particolari (come il mantenimento della temperatura) ma per una persona anziana questo può essere un vantaggio.

Bought for an elderly person who has difficulty adapting to digital controls, it is used like a gas hob. Dated design, the LEDs are of the 5mm round type and it has no special functions (such as maintaining the temperature) but for an elderly person this can be an advantage.


Fantastico, davvero un bel prodotto. Lo consiglio vivamente

Fantastic, really a nice product. I highly recommend it





Mi è piaciuto subito per via delle manopole di controllo della temperatura fisiche e non touch. Ottimi tempi di cottura e design pulito

I liked it right away because of the physical and non-touch temperature control knobs. Great cooking times and clean design


Ottimo prodotto,venditore estremamente serio e puntuale. Ottimo anche il rapporto qualità prezzo. Lo consiglio

Excellent product, extremely serious and punctual seller. Excellent value for money too. I recommend it


Es un gran producto calidad precio

It is a great product quality price


Ottimo, acquistato per mia mamma ottantenne che era abituata con le manopole del piano a gas.

Excellent, purchased for my 80 year old mother who was used to gas hob knobs.


Piano cottura con manopole, adatto per gli anziani, poco abili nell'uso di pulsanti... la stiamo utilizzando da due settimane, per ora ottimo prodotto, ad un prezzo contenuto!!!

Hob with knobs, suitable for the elderly, not very skilled in using buttons... we have been using it for two weeks, for now excellent product, at a reasonable price!!!


Buon prodotto il piano è molto più resistente e durevole rispetto ai piani induzione solo touch.

Good product, the hob is much more resistant and durable than touch-only induction hobs.


Ottimo investimento e semplice da utilizzare Anche pervi non vedenti è una grande sicurezza ma non so come fare riconosere il pentolino piccolo Qualcuno può darmi una dritta?

Great investment and easy to use Even blind people it is a great safety but I don't know how to recognize the small pot Can someone give me a tip?


Fue para mí fácil de instalar, la placa es elegante y funciona de maravilla.

It was easy for me to install, the board is elegant and works like a charm.


Ottimo piano cottura

Great hob


Funziona perfettamente, la presenza delle manopole ne consente un uso più intuitivo. Lo consiglio.

It works perfectly, the presence of the knobs allows for a more intuitive use. I recommend it.


ottimo prodotto qualita pezzo eccellenti molto consigliato

excellent product excellent quality piece highly recommended


Funciona perfectamente

It works perfectly


Das Kochfeld entspricht voll meinen Erwartungen. Gut regulierbar und einfach zu bedienen. Ohne Schnickschnack.

The hob fully meets my expectations. Easily adjustable and easy to use. No frills.


Super Preis- Leistungs Verhältnis Das Kochfeld entspricht voll meinen Erwartungen. Gut regulierbar und einfach zu bedienen. Ohne Schnickschnack.

Great value for money. The hob fully meets my expectations. Easily adjustable and easy to use. No frills.


Il piano a induzione è molto bello esteticamente ed è facile da pulire. Le manopole per il controllo della potenza sembrano meccanicamente molto resistenti ed a differenza del touch si fanno preferire quando ad esempio si cucina con le mani bagnate. D'altro canto rubano forse un po'di spazio nella parte bassa dove non è possibile usare padelle troppo grandi. Il piano si spegne automaticamente dopo un minuto se non c'è alcuna pentola sopra. Veramente un ottimo prodotto soprattutto al prezzo pagato (70€ meno del nuovo).

The induction hob is very nice looking and easy to clean. The power control knobs seem mechanically very resistant and unlike the touch they are preferable when for example cooking with wet hands. On the other hand they steal perhaps a bit of space in the lower part where it is not possible to use pans that are too large. The hob turns off automatically after a minute if there is no pan on it. Truly an excellent product especially at the price paid (70€ less than the new one).


Ho cambiato il cavo, per adattarlo alle esigenze casalinghi. Il piano funziona benissimo e le pietanze si cucinano meglio che sul gas. È costato poco, lo uso da poco, non posso parlare della durata. Lo consiglio.

I changed the cable, to adapt it to the needs of the house. The hob works very well and the dishes cook better than on gas. It cost little, I have been using it for a short time, I can't speak about the duration. I recommend it.


Es encenderla y notas calidad en los botones y calentamiento súper rápido es muy atractiva y en la cocina con dos puntos de cocinado sobra.cuantos años con placa vitrocerámica de 4 y solo usar 2 como máximo a la vez.producto alemán de mucha calidad.buena experiencia de compra con amazon.

When you turn it on, you can see the quality of the buttons and the super-fast heating. It is very attractive and in the kitchen, two cooking points are more than enough. How many years have you had a 4-stage ceramic hob and only used 2 at a time? A very high-quality German product. A good shopping experience with Amazon.


Bien. Para ecender hay que pulsar un botón táctil.

Good. To turn it on you have to press a touch button.


Es inducción va súper bien estamos encantados

It's induction, it works great, we are delighted.


Reúne la comodidad y limpieza de una placa de inducción y la seguridad que da el manejo por mandos tradicionales, sobre todo cuando la usa una persona mayor.

It combines the comfort and cleanliness of an induction hob with the safety provided by traditional control, especially when used by an elderly person.


Recensione favorevole per semplicità d'uso. Le manopole non touch risultano più pratiche rispetto a comandi touch. arrvato in tempi brevi consiglio il prodotto

Favorable review for ease of use. The non-touch knobs are more practical than touch controls. Arrived quickly I recommend the product


Alles Super!

Everything great!


Me estoy reformando un pequeño apartamento que tengo en la playa y esta placa es ideal para espacios reducidos; pero sin perder su elegancia y modernidad. Tiene muchísima potencia. Y al tener 2 bonbillas independientes te permite cocinar varias cosas al mismo tiempo. En cuanto a la limpieza es increíble, ya que no tiene bordes y acopla de maravilla en mi encimera, me gusta muchísimo y estoy encantada con mi elección.increibe relación calidad precio, felicito al fabricante

I am renovating a small apartment that I have on the beach and this hob is ideal for small spaces; but without losing its elegance and modernity. It has a lot of power. And having 2 independent bulbs allows you to cook several things at the same time. As for cleaning it is incredible, since it has no edges and fits wonderfully on my countertop, I like it very much and I am delighted with my choice. Incredible quality-price ratio, I congratulate the manufacturer.