VariCook Domino Glass Ceramic Hob

£ 109.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Stainless Steel
  • 29 cm
  • 5.5 cm
Product number: 10030683
VariCook Domino Glass Ceramic Hob
£ 109.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 70.99
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 92.99
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • 3000 W high-performance, double halogen hob with 1800 W or 1200 W output

  • High-quality glass ceramic surface with hob markings

  • Adjustable timer with signal and automatic switch-off

Product description

Cold plates are so last year as the Klarstein VariCook Domino glass ceramic hob fits onto the smallest of surfaces. 

The VariCook Domino built-in hob offers two hobs with diameters of 16 cm and 20 cm that cook the contents of your pots and pans with a total of 3000 W output. The small hob can be run with up to 1200 W and the large hob with 1800 W, both of which are individually controllable with 9 temperature levels. The Klarstein halogen hob is operated by the integrated touch sensor field including an LED display. Besides the temperature, a timer can be programmed in minute steps for each hob that either turns the hob off after a certain elapsed time or gives off an audible signal.

Reassuring heat: An overheat protection activates if the hob gets too hot. The leftover heat display informs you if the switched-off hobs are still hot. Additionally, the child safety features ensure that setting cannot be accidentally changed.

The Klarstein VariCook Domino glass ceramic hob brings black gloss into kitchens of people living alone, students and small families.


  • Halogen hob – suitable for any cooking dish
  • Performance levels: 9
  • Temperature range: 150-600 °C
  • Timer function for automatic switch-off with signal: 0-99 minutes in 1 minute steps
  • Separate use/control of individual hobs
  • Can be built-in
  • Automatic standby mode under 1 W
  • Leftover heat display
  • Overheat protection
  • Surge and under voltage protection
  • Child-resistant, safety switch-off
  • High safety with children and pets: hobs turn off automatically if there is no pot on them
  • Output (left and right hobs): 1800 W + 1200 W
  • Power supply: 220-240 V~ | 50-60 Hz
Product number: 10030683

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Measurements: approx. 29 x 5.5 x 52 cm (WxHxD)
  • Large hob diameter: 20 cm
  • Small hob diameter: 16 cm
  • Cable length: 1.5 m
  • Weight: approx. 4.9 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x glass ceramic hob
  • English instruction manual (other languages: German, Spanish, French, Italian)

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
67 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Das Gerät sieht gut aus und ist in der Bedienung recht einfach und übersichtlich

The device looks good and is quite simple and clear to use


Ho trovato questo piano cottura conveniente perfetto comodissimo

I found this hob convenient perfect very comfortable


Produit tout à fait conforme à mes attentes.

Product fully met my expectations.


Facile d'installation et d'utilisation. Convient pour petit espace. Hors utilisation pour la protéger mise en place d'un plateau en verre qui peut service a coter de planche a découper et protéger le plan de travail.

Easy to install and use. Suitable for small space. When not in use, to protect it, install a glass tray which can be used next to a cutting board and protect the work surface.


Satisfait de mon achat

Satisfied with my purchase


Chauffe rapidement

Heats up quickly


Très bon article arrivé rapide bien emballée Très pratique facile à nettoyer je recommande l'article et le vendeur

Very good item arrived quickly well packaged Very practical easy to clean I recommend the item and the seller


Petite plaque 2 feux pratique dommage que les touches d utilisation ne soient pas plus lisibles ou éclairées

Small, practical 2-burner plate, too bad the operation keys are not more readable or illuminated





Está vitro inductiva está genial, no te quemas si por error la tocas con la mano y es muy potente y rápida para calentar. Un consejo, en placas de inducción, si pones una servilleta de papel o papel de cocina, este no se quema y puedes cuidar los fuegos

This induction hob is great, you don't burn yourself if you accidentally touch it with your hand and it is very powerful and quick to heat up. A tip, on induction hobs, if you put a paper napkin or kitchen paper, it won't burn and you can take care of the burners.


Llegó con puntualidad, bien protegido y empaquetado. Instrucciones en inglés, español, alemán, francés e italiano. Las 2 zonas de cocción son grandes y potentes. Reconocen a la perfección las sartenes de inducción, cacerolas, paelleras, etc. Muy potente. Fácil de manejar. Fácil de limpiar.

It arrived on time, well protected and packaged. Instructions in English, Spanish, German, French and Italian. The 2 cooking zones are large and powerful. They perfectly recognize induction pans, saucepans, paella pans, etc. Very powerful. Easy to use. Easy to clean.


Llega antes de lo que pone, trado 1 semana natural. Funciona perfectamente y cocina muy rápido, a ver con el tiempo.

It arrived earlier than stated, delivered in 1 calendar week. It works perfectly and cooks very quickly, we'll see over time.


Ottima piastra ad induzione, solida e ben funzionale. Lavora davvero bene, capace e potente. Io la utilizzo in modalità portatile specialmente in casa ed anche per mia moglie è un piacere utilizzarla... ma con ansia; poi mi spiego. Non gli manca la potenza ed è veloce, si usa molto bene con la carta forno che permette di mantenerla sempre come nuova e praticamente senza aver bisogno di pulirla dopo ogni utilizzo. Molto buoni e sempre pronti i suoi controlli touch. Sempre chiaro e leggibile il display. I due fuochi lavorano anche combinati realizzando assieme un'unica grane zona per cucinare con un'unica grande pentola ad es. a casseruola. Formidabile! Dispone poi di importanti funzioni di sicurezza come il timer di cottura, il blocco per i bambini, la protezione dal surriscaldamento, lo spegnimento automatico e ultimo ma non per ultimo il rilevamento della pentola. Anzi, questa è la prima sicurezza che si incontra poiché, in sostanza, togliendo la pentola dal punto di fuoco, esso si spegne automaticamente! Tutto molto bello però tutto avviene senza nessuna modulazione dell'energia. Raggiunto velocemente il riscaldamento richiesto diventa tutto on/off, attacca/stacca, ovvero si passa dal massimo assorbimento di energia a pochi Watt per poi, dopo pochi secondi, di nuovo al massimo assorbimento di energia per poi dopo pochi secondi di nuovo a pochi Watt... e alla via così per tutta la cottura. Se hai un impianto fotovoltaico vedrai l'inverter FATICARE TREMENDAMENTE. Metti che hai un fotovoltaico off-grid con accumulo. Vedrai prendere dal fotovoltaico tutto quel che può dare per poi aggiungere quel che manca prelevandolo dalla batteria, ma un attimo dopo cessata la richiesta il fotovoltaico diminuisce per incrementare un istante dopo per caricare la batteria che si era parzialmente scaricata. Ma un attimo dopo avviata questa fase la batteria è costretta a passare di nuovo in scarica poiché di nuovo vengono chiesti Kilowatt. Sono 1.800Wh massimi per un fuoco e 1.300Wh massimi per l'altro. Accesi anche al minimo il primo assorbe 1.800 e poi quasi 0, il secondo assorbe 1.300 e poi quasi 0. Un on/off con una frequenza relativa alla richiesta di potenza impostata tramite i controlli touch: 1 minima potenza, 8 massima potenza, 1 frequenza lunga, 8 frequenza cortissima. Se tieni sotto controllo l'energia immessa in casa vedrai graficamente un sismogramma, il grafico dello strumento che misura un terremoto. Chiaro?! Pertanto, aggiungendo a questo assorbimento anche tutto l'altro assorbimento per sostenere energeticamente tutto l'impianto di casa, diviene un lavoro tremendo per un inverter (quando non toroidale) e diversamente comunque difficile da sostenere se sei collegato alla rete elettrica con contatore tarato a dare 4,5kWh ad esempio in estate con anche il clima acceso. Questo "lavoro" se quotidiano invecchia precocemente i componenti del miglior inverter ibrido in circolazione, non parliamo di quelli taiwanesi ed ancora peggio i loro cloni cinesi. Così li "rompi"! Se non ci avevi pensato, ora sei invitato a fare le tue individuali e debite valutazioni. Spero di essere stato di aiuto! ■ Aggiornamento Valutando l'apprezzamento ricevuto da chi ha letto questo commento, dopo svariate e per nulla semplici ricerche aggiungo che pochissime piastre lavorano a potenza costante cosa utile per non rischiare di far saltare il contatore della rete elettrica di casa (quando non si ha "spento" tutto lo spegnibile) o salvaguardare un inverter che gestisce pannelli fotovoltaici ed eventuale accumulo. Se sei interessato ti faccio risparmiare ore ed ore portandoti subito al dunque, ovvero generalmente esse costano una "enormità" e parlo sempre in formato 2 fuochi. Una di queste è la (meravigliosa) Miele CS 7612 FL (la trovi sul sito Miele), ma prendi il prezzo di questo prodotto e moltiplicalo per 18 volte, ripeto diciotto volte! Lascio a ciascuno fare le necessarie quanto personali considerazioni.

Excellent induction plate, solid and well functional. It works really well, capable and powerful. I use it in portable mode especially at home and also for my wife it is a pleasure to use it... but with anxiety; later I'll explain. It does not lack power and is fast, it is used very well with baking paper which allows you to always keep it as new and practically without needing to clean it after each use. Its touch controls are very good and always ready. The display is always clear and readable. The two burners also work combined creating a single large area for cooking with a single large pot e.g. a saucepan. Formidable! It also has important safety functions such as the cooking timer, the child lock, the overheating protection, the automatic switch-off and last but not least the detection of the pot. In fact, this is the first safety feature you encounter because, in essence, by removing the pot from the burner, it switches off automatically! All very nice but everything happens without any modulation of the energy. Once the required heating is reached quickly, it becomes all on/off, on/off, that is, it goes from maximum energy absorption to a few Watts and then, after a few seconds, back to maximum energy absorption and then after a few seconds back to a few Watts... and so on for the entire cooking. If you have a photovoltaic system, you will see the inverter STRUGGLE AWFULLY. Let's say you have an off-grid photovoltaic with storage. You will see it take from the photovoltaic everything it can give and then add what is missing by taking it from the battery, but a moment later, when the request ceases, the photovoltaic decreases and increases a moment later to charge the battery that was partially discharged. But a moment later, when this phase starts, the battery is forced to switch to discharge again because Kilowatts are requested again. They are 1,800Wh maximum for one fire and 1,300Wh maximum for the other. Even when turned on at minimum, the first absorbs 1,800 and then almost 0, the second absorbs 1,300 and then almost 0. An on/off with a frequency relative to the power request set via the touch controls: 1 minimum power, 8 maximum power, 1 long frequency, 8 very short frequency. If you monitor the energy fed into the house you will see a graphic seismogram, the graph of the instrument that measures an earthquake. Clear?! Therefore, adding to this absorption also all the other absorption to energetically support the entire home system, becomes a tremendous job for an inverter (when not toroidal) and otherwise difficult to sustain if you are connected to the electrical grid with a meter calibrated to give 4.5kWh for example in summer with the air conditioning also on. This "work" if daily prematurely ages the components of the best hybrid inverter on the market, not to mention the Taiwanese ones and even worse their Chinese clones. So you "break" them! If you hadn't thought of it, you are now invited to make your own individual and due assessments. I hope I have been helpful! ■ Update Considering the appreciation received from those who have read this comment, after various and not at all simple research I add that very few plates work at constant power which is useful to avoid the risk of blowing the home electricity meter (when you have not "turned off" everything that can be turned off) or to safeguard an inverter that manages photovoltaic panels and any storage. If you are interested I will save you hours and hours by bringing you straight to the point, that is, generally they cost an "enormous amount" and I am always talking about the 2-burner format. One of these is the (wonderful) Miele CS 7612 FL (you can find it on the Miele website), but take the price of this product and multiply it by 18 times, I repeat eighteen times! I leave it to each person to make the necessary and personal considerations.


Produit conforme à mes attentes .. En espérant une bonne longévité.

Product meets my expectations.. Hoping for good longevity.


Conforme à la commande. Utilisation facile et efficace. La surface pouvant chauffer des grandes casseroles est un atout.

Complies with the order. Easy and efficient use. The surface area that can heat large pans is an asset.


La piastra era ben imballata ed è arrivata in tempi celeri. Facile da usare e ponte anche alle basse temperature

The plate was well packaged and arrived quickly. Easy to use and works even at low temperatures.


Looks nice but haven’t yet turn or try. Returned because of assembling quality. There is gap between housing and heating plates. Spilled food from cooking worried me that it could get inside through the gap.

Looks nice but haven’t yet turn or try. Returned because of assembling quality. There is gap between housing and heating plates. Spilled food from cooking worried me that it could get inside through the gap.


Heizleistung passt

Heat output fits


Meet All my expectations! Perfect item for a small studio. I can cook all my dishes and the two different sizes are perfect! Highly recommended as far as you care and treat it carefully as the glass can broke despite that it's very resistant. I have only used it in a regular basis since 1 month ago. For a long term review I'll keep you posted for the good and the bad. Best of luck chefs!

Meet All my expectations! Perfect item for a small studio. I can cook all my dishes and the two different sizes are perfect! Highly recommended as far as you care and treat it carefully as the glass can broke despite that it's very resistant. I have only used it in a regular basis since 1 month ago. For a long term review I'll keep you posted for the good and the bad. Best of luck chefs!


Superschnelle Lieferung, 3fach Verpackung absolut safe! Produkt optisch und technisch ausgezeichnet. Absolut empfehlenswert!!!! Klare Kaufempfehlung

Super fast delivery, triple packaging absolutely safe! Product optically and technically excellent. Highly Recommended!!!! Clear purchase recommendation


Klarstein da denkt man an; an gut durchdachtes Produkt mit einem schönem Äußerem. Super es hat Knöpfe leider kann man auch wenn man ganz na ist an den Knöpfen nicht erkennen ist der Herd an oder nicht und wie hoch habe ich ihn aufgedreht.. Der leicht angeritze Nullpunkt ist so zahrt es ist nicht zu sehen.. deshalb habe ich einfach ein schwarzen Strich gemalt damit ich Obtisch sehe da steht es/ hilft. Induktion heißt Lämpchen an es heißt, wärmt nicht weiter Lämpchen aus.. deshalb hat man zwar ein akustischen Klang gibt es. Der Herd ist an.. ja, kann man machen. Für mich reicht es so nicht aus. Die Platten wärmen mittig,wie gut diese die wärme abgeleiten??? Mir war es wichtig ein Namen-haften Unternehmen da es evt länger laufen könnte... Das werde ich jetzt ausprobieren...

Klarstein there one thinks of; a well thought out product with a beautiful appearance. Super, it has buttons, unfortunately you can't tell from the buttons even if you're very close to the buttons whether the stove is on or not and how high I turned it on just painted a black line so I can see Obtisch there it is/helps. Induction means lights on, it means it doesn't continue to heat up lights... that's why you have an acoustic sound. The stove is on.. yes, you can do it. That's not enough for me. The plates warm in the middle, how well do they dissipate the heat??? It was important to me to have a well-known company because it could possibly run longer... I'll try that now...


Marca de calidad, especialista, ya tenía una anterior y esta es muy parecida, algo más moderna. Calienta muy rápido, café casi instantaneo, y tiene temporizador para poner y olvidar. Buena calidad de cristal, las manchas no se suelen pegar. Como unica pega los guisos lentos, que requieren de fuego muy bajo, no tan potente, para cosas rápidas es insuperable.

Quality brand, specialist, I already had a previous one and this one is very similar, somewhat more modern. It heats up very quickly, almost instant coffee, and has a timer to set and forget. Good quality glass, stains do not usually stick. The only drawback is slow stews, which require a very low heat, not so powerful, for quick things it is unbeatable.


Wir sind zufrieden, einfache Bedienung, gute Heizleistung, leicht zu händeln

We are satisfied, simple operation, good heat output, easy to handle


Nachdem ich die vorherigen Rezesionen gelesen habe, habe ich sofort nach Lieferung an den Temperaturreglern die Striche nachgezeichnet. Die Platten erhitzen super schnell. Die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut. Ich bin sehr zufrieden.

After reading the previous reviews, I drew the line on the temperature controls immediately upon delivery. The plates heat up super fast. The workmanship is very good. I'm very satisfied.


Pour un studio avec kitchenette Ventilation un peu bruyante

For a studio with kitchenette Ventilation a little noisy


Alles top wenn es Induktion wäre

Everything would be great if it were induction


consiglio di comprarla

I recommend buying it


La facilità d’uso abbinata ad uno stile non invasivo.

Ease of use combined with a non-invasive style.


Ich habe das Klarstein Domino-Kochfeld bereits vor 8 Jahren für eine Single-Küche in einem kleinen Appartment gekauft - lt. Aussage der Mieterin funktioniert das Gerät einwandfrei - zudem wertet es optisch die kleine Küche auf. Der aktuelle Kauf - unsere Küche sollte 2 zusätzliche Kochplatten erhalten; nach der guten Bewertung unserer Mieterin, war es naheliegend die gleiche Kochplatte ein weiteres Mal zu kaufen. Wir sind absolut zufrieden.

I bought the Klarstein Domino hob 8 years ago for a single kitchen in a small apartment - according to the tenant, the device works perfectly - it also visually enhances the small kitchen. The current purchase - our kitchen was to receive 2 additional hotplates; After the good rating from our tenant, it was obvious to buy the same hotplate again. We are absolutely satisfied.


Produit conforme à sa description. Rien à redire. Excellent article.

Product conforms to its description. No complaints. Excellent article.


- Temperatureinstellungen ok - Reinigung einfach

- Temperature settings ok - Cleaning easy


Sehr gute Qualität und schnelle Lieferung. Produkt wie beschrieben, sehr empfehlenswert.

Very good quality and fast delivery. Product as described, highly recommended.


Update in 08/ 2023: — die grobe 5 minutenrasterung nervt sehr, ob ich 11 oder 14 minuten koche kann den unterschied machen. — — timerfunktion oft nicht nutzbar — die grobe temperatureinstellmoeglichkeit nervt ebenfalls sehr — — oft nicht moeglich das kochgut „simmern“ zu lassen — temperaturgenauigkeit/ hitzeerzeugung der kochfelder oefter x ungenau — — (als beispiel: 1) neulich gings ueber handwarm nicht hinaus obwohl beide platten vollen energieeintrag haben sollten. 2. oefter, eigentlich immer, der fall: ohne aeussere beeinflussung braet es nicht mehr, hitze muss nachgefuehrt werden) fuehr zu abwertung um 2 sterne weil das geraet unnuetz mehr aufmerksamkeit verlangt als noetig waere —. - - —. — - - —. —. - - —. —. - - — zuerstemal muss ich die lieferzeit seitens klarstein loben! - lieferung erfolgte ueber nacht. (nachts bestellt, mittag des folgetages platte vor ort) !mehr als eine funktionsprobe habe ich bisher nicht gemacht! ~ (wasser auf beiden herdplatten aufgesetzt, niedrigste energiestufe, 5minuten ueber timer) - alle funktionen sind gegeben - die hitzeentwicklung ist unglaublich schnell - die temperaturangaben, jedenfalls 60Grad haben mit der realitaet ueberhauptgarnichts zu tun - - bei 60grad-einstellung gibts blasenbildung des oels in der pfanne; ich denke das ist beweis das es erheblich mehr als 60Grad sind. warmhalten st also trotz angeblicher temperaturmoeglichkeit nicht moeglich (jedenfalls bei niedrigem fuellstand - - - by the way, gelegentlich wird die intervallaufheizung der induktionsplatte bemaengelt. das geht nichz anders, das liegt am prinzip innduktion - timer schaltet zuverlaessig - - timer ist nur in 5-minuten schritten schaltbar. wer kommt denn auf soo eine unpraktische idee?? - jedes feld hat ein eigenes display, die gewaehlten einstellungen werden im intervall abwechselnd angezeigt - - waehrend des kochvorganges sind ueber die + und - taste nur energie oder temperatur veraenderbar. die zeit/ der timer nicht!! will man dies, muss man wieder von vorne an einstellen. energie/ temperatur springen dazu wieder auf den jeweiligen hoechstweret. - - jedes display hat nen eigenen schalter, „funktion“, mit dem die einstellmoeglichkeit aktiviert wird - im bedienbereich des linken feldes gibt es einen zentralen „on/off“ schalter - in ausgeschaltetem zustand grinst mich permanent, 24/365!, „OFF“ an. - die herdplatte ist nicht aus einem stueck, die weissen striche auf dem produktbild sind die verbindungsdichtungen und sind fuehlbar - - duerfte zu folge haben dass einfach x drueberwischen so nicht funktioniert = hoeherer reinigungsaufwand - - - ob und wie lange ist das dicht? baldiges, feuchte geschuldetes, elektronikproblem?? (an anderer stelle, bei anderem geraet schon x gelesen) - die geraeuschentwicklung wuerde ich als moderat bezeichnen - - fluesterleise zum daneben schlummern ist nicht, aber auch deutlich!! leiser als ein staubsauger oder mancher handmixer - nach kochvorgang ist die platte sehr! heiss, anfassen ist definitiv nicht (ich weiss nicht wies bei der vorigen platte war, oh. daumen) - - in dem kochfeldzugehoerigen display erscheint so lange ein „H“ wie man tunlichst eine beruehrung vermeiden sollte - - - danach ist die platte noch handwarm - - - - dieser zustand wurde nach ~ 5minuten erreicht. - das bedienfeld ist ~ 20 - 30grad abgeschraegt - - das gefaellt mir besser als wenn es eine ebene mit dem kochfeld waere - - - (fehl-) bedienung mit einem - - - - verschobenen topf - - - - oder beim abwischen der kochfeldflaeche beim ueberlaufen des topfes - - - - - sollte so nicht vorkommen - unlogische sensortastenbelegung - - rechts ist -/down/ weniger, links ist +/ up/ mehr - - - analog uhrzeigersinn ist das nicht!; man muss also hinschauen - - - - - - - - - bei fast? allen produkten nervig: sich nicht legende, also keine weichen gummikabel, sondern formstabile plastekabel - aber das begreift ja kein hersteller der ein stromkabel als energieanschluss benoetigt. - - - - der kontakt mit fa. klarstein war freundlich u schnell. (verkaeufer und! versender, trackingnummer wurde mitgeteilt ) - der kontakt/ reaktion/ veraenderbarkeit der bestellung innerhalb des amazonsystems ist allerdings schneller ( ) - - - - so, nu bin ich mal gespannt. eine woche spaeter in obige bewertung eingebunden - ansprechverhalten - temperaturgenauigkeit - timereinstellmoeglichkeiten zwischenfazit: unglaublich wie weit entfernt von bedienungs-/ nutzungsfreundlichkeit die elektronischen faehigkeiten des geraetes sind. offenbar von leuten konzipiert die lieferdienste bevorzugen und selbst nix mit kochen zu tun haben. aus diesem grunde nehme ich 2 sterne weg. behalte aber das geraet weil ich den aufwand nicht mag es zu retournieren und auf das naechste teil mit anderen bugs zu warten. kochen kann man ja damit

Update in 08/ 2023: - the rough 5-minute increments are very annoying, whether I cook for 11 or 14 minutes can make the difference. - - timer function often cannot be used - the rough temperature setting option is also very annoying - - often not possible to let the food "simmer" - temperature accuracy / heat generation of the hobs is often x inaccurate - - (as an example: 1) the other day it didn't get any warmer than lukewarm even though both plates should have had full energy input. 2. more often, actually always, the case: without external influence it no longer cooks, heat has to be added) leads to a downgrade of 2 stars because the device unnecessarily demands more attention than is necessary -. - - -. - - -. -. - - -. -. - - - First of all, I have to praise Klarstein's delivery time! - Delivery was overnight. (Ordered at night, plate on site by midday the following day) !I have not done more than a test of functionality so far! ~ (put water on both hotplates, lowest power level, 5 minutes on timer) - all functions work - heat is generated incredibly quickly - the temperature information, at least 60 degrees, has absolutely nothing to do with reality - - when set to 60 degrees, the oil in the pan starts to bubble; I think that is proof that it is considerably more than 60 degrees. So keeping it warm is not possible despite the alleged temperature option (at least when the level is low - - - by the way, the interval heating of the induction plate is occasionally criticized. There is no other way, it is due to the principle of induction - timer switches reliably - - timer can only be switched in 5-minute increments. Who comes up with such an impractical idea?? - each field has its own display, the selected settings are displayed alternately in intervals - - during the cooking process only energy or temperature can be changed using the + and - buttons. The time/timer cannot!! If you want to do this, you have to set it again from the beginning. Energy/temperature jump back to the respective maximum value. - - each display has its own switch, "function", with which the setting option is activated - in the operating area of the left field there is a central "on/off" switch - when switched off, “OFF” is constantly grinning at me, 24/365! - the hotplate is not made from one piece, the white lines on the product image are the connecting seals and can be felt - - this will probably mean that simply wiping over it won't work = more cleaning work - - - is it watertight and for how long? Imminent electronics problem caused by moisture?? (I've read about this elsewhere, with another appliance) - I'd describe the noise level as moderate - - it's not whisper quiet enough to fall asleep next to, but it's definitely quieter than a vacuum cleaner or some hand mixers - after cooking, the hotplate is very! hot, definitely not to be touched (I don't know how it was with the previous plate, oh. fingers crossed) - - an "H" appears on the display for the hob for as long as you can, indicating that you should avoid touching it if possible - - - after that the plate is still lukewarm - - - - this state was reached after ~ 5 minutes. - the control panel is angled at ~ 20 - 30 degrees - - I like that better than if it were on the same level as the hob - - - (incorrect) operation with a - - - - shifted pan - - - - or when wiping the hob surface when the pan overflows - - - - - shouldn't happen like that - illogical sensor button assignment - - right is -/down/ less, left is +/up/ more - - - it's not analog clockwise!; you have to look - - - - - - - - - at almost? Annoying about all products: no legend, i.e. no soft rubber cables, but dimensionally stable plastic cables - but no manufacturer who needs a power cable as a power connection understands that. - - - - contact with Klarstein was friendly and quick. (seller and! sender, tracking number was provided) - contact/response/ability to change the order within the Amazon system is quicker though ( ) - - - - so, now I'm curious. a week later included in the above review - response behavior - temperature accuracy - timer setting options interim conclusion: unbelievable how far removed from operation/user friendliness the electronic capabilities of the device are. obviously designed by people who prefer delivery services and have nothing to do with cooking themselves. for this reason I'm taking away 2 stars. but I'm keeping the device because I don't want the hassle of returning it and waiting for the next one with other bugs. you can cook with it


Wir sind zufrieden mit diesem Artikel und bedanken uns.

We are satisfied with this item and thank you.


Funziona molto bene , molto potente, si pulisce benissimo. Fa un po’ di rumore durante l’utilizzo.

Works very well, very powerful, cleans very well. Makes a little noise when in use.


Ganz gut

very good


en remplacement d'une vitro céramique, elle correspond fort bien à mon usage Attention, certains ustensiles ne sont pas adaptés , même si pour moi 90 pour cent le sont je déconseille tres fortement l'usage de plaques pour adapter les autres mieux vaut investir dans d'autres accessoires ( poeles , etc )

replacing a ceramic glass, it corresponds very well to my use Be careful, some utensils are not suitable, even if for me 90 percent are, I strongly advise against the use of plates to adapt the others, it is better to invest in other accessories (stoves, etc.)


Der erste Eindruck war ganz gut, aber dann kam die Ernüchterung. Die Temperaturregler werden sehr heiß, so heiß, dass man sie nicht länger als notwendig anfasst. Für empfindliche Frauenhände ist es sehr schmerzhaft. Auch das restliche Gehäuse wird zu warm. Die Griffe an den Seiten sind eher Deko, die wackeln wie ein Schwanz vom wedelnden Hund. Ich hoffe, die fallen nicht beim Tragen ab. Fazit: OK, aber mit viel Potential zur Verbesserung.

The first impression was quite good, but then came the disappointment. The temperature controls get very hot, so hot that you don't touch them longer than necessary. It is very painful for sensitive women's hands. The rest of the case also gets too warm. The handles on the sides are more decorative, they wiggle like a wagging dog's tail. I hope they don't fall off while wearing them. Conclusion: OK, but with a lot of potential for improvement.


Ich verwende den Klarstein VariCook Duo im Schrebergarten...das ist Kochen wie daheim...der VariCook hat eine extrem hohe Leistung...die Platten haben eine sehr gute Größe für Pfannen etc....die Regler sind vorne und nicht wie bei vielen anderen Geräten oben angebracht, so stören sie nicht beim schwenken von Pfannen, und sollte mal was überlaufen, hat der VariCook eine total glatte Oberfläche/Kochfeld, ein bisschen Keramikreiniger aufsprühen, darüberwischen und sauber...auch die Regler bleiben beim Überlaufen von Kochgut sauber. Die zwei Griffe links und rechts lassen es zu, dass man auch das heiße Gerät ohne Gefahr von Verbrennungen transportieren kann, so trenne ich das Gerät vom Strom und bringe den VariCook gerne mit an den Gartentisch und benütze die Restwärme der Kochfelder gerne als Warmhalter für Speisen. Ich kann den Klarstein VariCook empfehlen, ein tolles, sehr praktisches Gerät !!!

I use the Klarstein VariCook Duo in the allotment like at home...the VariCook has an extremely high performance...the plates are a very good size for pans etc....the controls are at the front and not like attached to many other devices at the top, so they don't get in the way when pans are swivelled, and if something overflows, the VariCook has a totally smooth surface/cooktop, spray on a bit of ceramic cleaner, wipe over it and it's clean... the controls also stay in place when overflowing Food clean. The two handles on the left and right allow you to transport the hot device without the risk of burns, so I disconnect the device from the power supply and like to bring the VariCook to the garden table and use the residual heat from the hob to keep food warm . I can recommend the Klarstein VariCook, a great, very practical device !!!


Ottima fattura

Excellent workmanship


Piastra con una buona finitura in vetroceramica Ok utile Bisogno essere precisi nel posizionamento delle pentole altrimenti legge ERRORE NEL COMPLESSO BUON RAPPORTO QUALITÀ PREZZO

Plate with a good glass ceramic finish Ok useful You need to be precise in positioning the pans otherwise it reads ERROR OVERALL GOOD QUALITY/PRICE RATIO


Placa de inducción fenomenal. Calidad precio perfecta. Muy fácil de usar, sacarla de la caja y enchufar directamente, lista para usar, sin hacer ningún tipo de instalación. Calienta muy muy rápido, increíble. Muy fácil de limpiar. Además es portátil y la puedes poner en cualquier sitio con toma de corriente. La recomiendo al 100%.

Phenomenal induction hob. Perfect value for money. Very easy to use, take it out of the box and plug it in directly, ready to use, without any installation. It heats up very very quickly, incredible. Very easy to clean. It is also portable and you can put it anywhere with a power outlet. I recommend it 100%.


Les locataires qui l'utilisent me disent que c'est super.

Tenants who use it tell me it’s great.


rien a dire parfait

nothing to say perfect


Para controlar el peso y la masa corporal

To control weight and body mass


facile à transporter, chauffe rapide

easy to transport, heats up quickly


La presence de pieds antiderapants est tres utile Position verticale des plaques est un plus

The presence of non-slip feet is very useful Vertical position of the plates is a plus


Mandos muy intuitivos. Quizas la "linea" de separación entre zona de calor y los mandos y límite del aparato, deberia ser más pronunciada para evitar que las cacerolas y sartenes no se desplacen "solas" fuera de esta.

Very intuitive controls. Perhaps the "line" separating the heat zone from the controls and limits of the appliance should be more pronounced to prevent pots and pans from moving "on their own" out of the zone.


prodotto ottimo velocissimo nella cottura ottima estetica arrivato prima dewl previsto

excellent product, very fast cooking, excellent aesthetics, arrived earlier than expected


Comodissimo da pulire, velocissima l'induzione. Ottimo prodotto

Very easy to clean, induction is very fast. Excellent product


Vive l’induction avec ces plaques!!! Beau design par ailleurs A poser ou encastrer

Long live induction with these plates!!! Beautiful design also To place or recess


rinnovo la mia precedente recensione decisamente positiva con altra decisamente negativa. Un pianodi cottura comperato due anni fa si è guastato e ho scoperto che Klarstein, non fa assitenza spedendolo nella casa madre in Germania, non fa riparazioni ad articoli fuori garanzia, non vende ricambi, non si appoggia a nessuna ditta di riparazioni in Italia. In sostanza se un prodotto si guasta anche per una causa di poca entità economica bisogna gettarlo via. Non è accaduto solo a me ma le risponditrici del loro call center dicono che è una cosa molto comune. forte di questa esperianza consiglio vivamente di non acquistare nulla da Kartein.

I renew my previous decidedly positive review with another decidedly negative one. A hob purchased two years ago broke down and I discovered that Klarstein does not provide assistance by sending it to the parent company in Germany, does not repair items out of warranty, does not sell spare parts, does not rely on any repair company in Italy. Basically, if a product breaks down even for a small economic reason, it must be thrown away. It has not only happened to me but the answering machines at their call center say that it is a very common thing. Based on this experience, I strongly recommend not buying anything from Kartein.


Super Gerät, genau das was ich als Ersatz für meine alte und defekte Doppelkochplatte mit Eisenplatten gesucht habe. Herdplatten in zwei Größen, für kleine und große Töpfe. Oberfläche aus Ceran, dadurch leicht zu reinigen und im Gegensatz zu den alten Eisenplatten rostet nichts. Durch Infrarot heizen die Platten sehr schnell auf. Stufenlose Drehregler welche leichtgängig sind waren mir auch wichtig, sind auch vorhanden. Wichtig war mir auch kein bleibender Plastikgeruch, habe da nämlich schon schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht. Beim Auspacken roch nichts, bei den ersten 3mal Aufheizen auf höchster Stufe roch es, dann war der Geruch weg. Die Tragegriffe rechts und links sind zum Tragen praktisch. Auf dem Tisch nehmen sie 4 cm Platz weg, aber fungieren super als Abstandhalter zu den Lüftungsgittern an der Seite, von daher wieder von Vorteil.

Super device, exactly what I was looking for as a replacement for my old and defective double hotplate with iron plates. Hotplates in two sizes, for small and large pots. Ceramic surface, easy to clean and unlike the old iron plates, nothing rusts. Infrared heats up the plates very quickly. Stepless knobs which are smooth were also important to me, are also available. It was also important to me not to have a lasting plastic smell, because I've had bad experiences there. Nothing smelled when unpacking, it smelled the first 3 times it was heated up at the highest level, then the smell was gone. The carrying handles on the right and left are practical for carrying. They take up 4 cm of space on the table, but work great as spacers to the ventilation grilles on the side, which is an advantage again.


Dopo neanche due mesi di utilizzo, nonostante stessi attentissimo, il vetro si è rigato e non ho ancora capito come sia stato possibile. Evidentemente non è abbastanza resistente. Il servizio clienti è efficientissimo e la piastra è stata sostituita con una nuova! Bravi!

After less than two months of use, despite being very careful, the glass got scratched and I still don't understand how it was possible. It is obviously not resistant enough. The customer service is very efficient and the plate was replaced with a new one! Well done!


Excellente qualité ! Chauffe très rapidement.. Très facile d'entretien. J'en suis vraiment satisfaite. La surface de chauffe est grande et je le recommande. j'ai chois Klarstein car j'ai j'ai une confiance totale dans leurs produits.

Excellent quality! Heats up very quickly. Very easy to maintain. I'm really satisfied with it. The heating surface is large and I recommend it. I chose Klarstein because I have complete confidence in their products.





Prodotto buono scarsa l’assistenza

Good product, poor assistance


Presa per una cucina in taverna perciò faccio un uso saltuario ma per il momento mi pare un ottimo prodotto. La comodità è di poterla mettere in tavola per scaldare piatti particolari o usarla in giardino..

Bought for a kitchen in the tavern so I use it occasionally but for now it seems like an excellent product. The convenience is that you can put it on the table to heat special dishes or use it in the garden..


Très simple d'utilisation, compact (parfait pour petit espace), léger pour une double plaque, RAS pour l'instant au niveau du fonctionnement, posable et encastrable.

Very easy to use, compact (perfect for small spaces), light for a double plate, RAS for the moment in terms of operation, free-standing and built-in.


Parfait avec ma table de travail.facilité d utilisation . Comme c est rapide on voit de suite quand c est chaud. personnellement sur 8 pour faire bouillir rapidement sur 5 pour chauffer un plat et ensuite une casserole contenant les aliments dans un rècipient d eau bouillante maintenue chaude sur position 1.pour moi c est parfait. Le seul probème rencontré c est la livraison avec UPS .mais il y a pire.. je recommande

Perfect with my work table. Easy to use. As it is quick you can see straight away when it is hot. personally on 8 to boil quickly on 5 to heat a dish and then a saucepan containing the food in a container of boiling water kept hot on position 1. for me it is perfect. The only problem encountered is delivery with UPS. But there are worse things.. I recommend


Prodotto consegnato nei tempi previsti e con imballaggio integro... Piazzato da appoggio e in seguito deciso di piazzarlo ad incasso con un semplice lavoro sul top.. Al momento sembra funzionare bene ed è facile e intuitivo da usare e tenere pulito. Se non si presenteranno imprevisti futuri mi ritengo soddisfatto della scelta

Product delivered on time and with intact packaging... Placed free-standing and then decided to place it built-in with a simple job on the top.. At the moment it seems to work well and is easy and intuitive to use and keep clean. If no future unforeseen events arise I am satisfied with the choice


Comodo e pratico funziona benissimo. Ottimo, occupa poco spazio ed è facile da riporre. Avendo poco spazio nella cucina non ho voluto impegnare parte del piano lavoro con dei fuochi incassati. Preferendo un piano da riporre se non in uso e posizionare ovunque all'occorrenza. Super soddisfatta

Convenient and practical, it works very well. Excellent, it takes up little space and is easy to store. Having little space in the kitchen, I did not want to use up part of the worktop with built-in burners. Preferring a top that can be stored away when not in use and placed anywhere when needed. Super satisfied


Fonctionne parfaitement mais la ventilation fait un peu de bruit

Works perfectly but the ventilation makes a little noise


Imballo perfetto. Funziona molto bene e cucina velocemente, semplice utilizzo . Prima di acquistarlo avevo inviato una email con richiesta chiarimenti e sono stati velocissimi nella risposta.

Perfect packaging. Works very well and cooks quickly, easy to use. Before purchasing it I sent an email asking for clarification and they were very quick to respond.


cucina da fuori sede

cooking from outside the home


L'appareil fonctionne normalement.

The device operates normally.


Non credevo scaldasse in così poco tempo.riesco a bollire l'acqua in meno di 3 minuti fantastico Si pulisce benissimo e non scalda perché fvunziona con il campo magnetico

I didn't think it would heat up in such a short time. I can boil water in less than 3 minutes, fantastic. It cleans very well and doesn't heat up because it works with the magnetic field.