Hot Spot Slimcurve Double Wave 2-in-1 Heater
- Infreared heater, Convection heating
- White
- 2000 watt
- Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Twice as good: strong convection technology warms the air and infrared rays create an immediate feeling of warmth on the skin
Timeless: thanks to the simple design, suitable for both modern and classic living areas
Individual and clear: effective heating thanks to the programmable weekly timer and large LED display
Product description
Comfortable warmth: the Klarstein Hot Spot Slimcurve Double Wave heater works with a combination of convection and infrared technology. While the heater warms the air in the room with a solid 2000 watts, the infrared heating element ensures a pleasantly warm feeling on the skin.
The 2000 watt heating element can be continuously adjusted between 5 and 45 ° C and can therefore be optimally adapted to individual heating requirements. The 83 x 40 cm heating panel can be attached directly to the wall or used as a mobile standing device. Two stable feet, each with two rollers, and a 150 cm long cable ensure the necessary mobility. With 2000 watts of power, it heats rooms up to 40 m² in size without any problems. A weekly timer enables the heating times to be programmed as required for each day of the week - so a pleasantly warm room is always guaranteed. In addition, the OpenWindow Detection ensures automatic shutdown when the window is open. All settings can be made directly on the heater's control panel. Thanks to its clear LED display, you always have an overview of the current settings. An adjustable child safety device, which prevents accidental switching or switching on, as well as an integrated overheating protection provide additional safety. The Klarstein Hot Spot Slimcurve Double Wave heater not only shines in terms of technology, it also impresses with its stylish design: the rounded edges and shiny surface exude cosy warmth as well as a touch of luxury.
The Klarstein Hot Spot Slimcurve Double Wave heater spreads cosy warmth on cool days.
Note: This product is only suitable for use in well-insulated rooms or for occasional use.
- Combination heater with convection and infrared technology
- On / off switch on the back of the device
- Temperature range: 5 - 45 ° C
- LED display
- Parental controls
- Programmable weekly timer
- Two feet with two rollers each
- Temperature controller accurate to the degree
- Wall mounting or free-standing
- Power supply: 220 - 240 V ~ | 50/60 Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions: approx. 83 x 40 x 9.5 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions (including feet): approx. 83 x 47 x 28 cm (WxHxD)
- Length of power cord: approx. 150 cm
- Weight: approx. 5 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x heater
- 2 x stand feet with rollers
- 1 x mounting material
- Multilingual instruction manual
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
No review available for this item.
Ringrazio l’inventore dei termoconvettori, questo e’ silenzioso, riscalda a meraviglia, e si spegne una volta raggiunta la temperatura desiderata. Sono contenta dell’acquisto.
I thank the inventor of convector heaters, this one is silent, heats wonderfully, and turns off once the desired temperature is reached. I am happy with the purchase.
Alles super. War nur zu klein für den Raum. War mein Fehler.
Everything was great. It was just too small for the room. That was my mistake.
Kompaktes Gerät. Tut was es soll.Nachteil: Geruchsbelästigung beim Betrieb. Ich hoffe es legt sich nach öfterem Gebrauch.
Compact device. Does what it's supposed to. Disadvantage: unpleasant smell when in use. I hope this goes away after more frequent use.
j'en suis très contente pour le prix. Reçu rapidement. Marche parfaitement. je vais surveiller ma facture d'électricité maintenant pour vérifier si ce radiateur vaut vraiment le coup. Seul bémol si l'on veut être vraiment pointilleux : thermostat un peu bruyant.
I am very happy with it for the price. Received quickly. Works perfectly. I'm going to watch my electricity bill now to see if this heater is really worth it. Only downside if you want to be really picky: thermostat a little noisy.
sher gut, leicht, gut qualität
very good, light, good quality
Sehr gut, bin zufrieden.
Very good, I am satisfied.
Schwierig zu programmieren, aber mit Zeitschaltuhrfunktion funktioniert alles. Heize durchgehend. Etwas höher die Temperatur einstellen, als die man möchte. Dann passt es. Geht aus wenn Temperatur erreicht und springt wieder an, ebenso erkennt er das Fenster, fängt an zu pipsen.
Difficult to program, but with the timer function everything works. Heats continuously. Set the temperature a little higher than you want. Then it's fine. It goes off when the temperature is reached and then starts again. It also recognizes the window and starts beeping.
Buon termosifone elettrico dai bassi consumi e con ottima resa. Anche a metà potenza (400 Watt) riesce a mantenere tepore in una piccola camera da letto. I consumi pertanto sono limitati e la resa buona. Ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo. Bella la linea e lo stile.
Good electric radiator with low consumption and excellent performance. Even at half power (400 Watts) it manages to maintain warmth in a small bedroom. Therefore consumption is limited and the performance is good. Excellent quality/price ratio. Beautiful line and style.
Bereits kurz nach Einschalten wird mein gut 26 qm großes Wohnzimmer angenehm temperiert. Ich habe keine Ahnung wie Infrarot funktioniert. Fühlt sich anders an als gewohnt. Man fühlt sich schnell sehr wohl. Kann den Heizkörper wärmstens empfehlen. Wird wohl nicht mein letzter Kauf bei der Fa. Klarstein sein!
Shortly after switching it on, my 26 square meter living room is at a comfortable temperature. I have no idea how infrared works. It feels different than usual. You quickly feel very comfortable. I can highly recommend the radiator. It probably won't be my last purchase from Klarstein!
Schnell angenehme Wärme Bereits kurz nach Einschalten wird mein gut 26 qm großes Wohnzimmer angenehm temperiert. Ich habe keine Ahnung wie Infrarot funktioniert. Fühlt sich anders an als gewohnt. Man fühlt sich schnell sehr wohl. Kann den Heizkörper wärmstens empfehlen. Wird wohl nicht mein letzter Kauf bei der Fa. Klarstein sein!
Pleasant warmth quickly. Shortly after switching it on, my 26 square meter living room is at a pleasant temperature. I have no idea how infrared works. It feels different to what I'm used to. You quickly feel very comfortable. I can highly recommend the radiator. It probably won't be my last purchase from Klarstein!
Bijverwarming voor noodgeval.
Additional heating for emergency.
Das Gerät wurde hauptsächlich für das Arbeitszimmer besorgt. Gute Wärmeleistung weshalb in der zweiten Etage die Heizkörper geschlossen bleiben können.
The device was mainly procured for the study. Good heat output, which is why the radiators can remain closed on the second floor.
Super Teil...
Great part...
Alles gut, klein, leicht und super Heizleistung.
All good, small, light and super heating performance.
Als Notheizung top.
Great as an emergency heater.
training, gesundheit
training, health
Sehr praktisch bei derzeitigen Öl und Gas Preisen.. heitzt auch grösserer Räume
Very practical with current oil and gas prices.. also heats larger rooms
Produkt Entspricht den Anforderungen ,rasch Geliefert bin sehr zufrieden.
Product meets the requirements, delivered quickly, I am very satisfied.
Stufetta molto potente anche essendo 1000w. perfetto per stanze di 10-15 mq in poco tempo si riesce a ottenere temperature più alte. E con il timer settimanale ancora più utile che puoi farla accendere e spegnere in automatico quando si vuole.
Very powerful heater even being 1000w. perfect for rooms of 10-15 square meters in a short time you can get higher temperatures. And with the weekly timer even more useful that you can make it turn on and off automatically when you want.
Die Montage von den Rädern war einfach. Nur die Beschreibung das Gerät einzustellen ist nicht so gut. Zur Zeit betreibe ich das Gerät manuell. Es wärmt den Raum ca 8 qm ganz gut.
Mounting the wheels was easy. Only the description to set the device is not so good. I am currently running the device manually. It warms the room about 8 square meters quite well.
Mancano le istruzioni in italiano
The instructions in Italian are missing
Bello, silenzioso, efficiente.
Beautiful, quiet, efficient.
È già più da una anno che lo utilizzo e ne ho già a acquistato un'altro perché è perfetto e riscalda una stanza in pochi minuti.. molto bello anche il calore che è sempre diffuso in maniera uniforme e ed è quasi istantaneo
I've been using it for over a year now and I've already bought another one because it's perfect and heats up a room in just a few minutes... the heat is also very nice and is always spread evenly and is almost instantaneous.
Usato per integrare riscaldamento "normale". È molto efficiente
Used to supplement "normal" heating. It is very efficient
Für die Nachbarin zum überbrücken der Heizfreien Sommerpause (Abschaltung der hausheizung) war es als schnelle kurze Lösung gedacht. Jetzt steht die Heizung neben dem Sessel und spendet an kalten Tagen direkt wären wo sie gebraucht wird. Die Einstellung ist auch für meine Nachbarin mit dem zarten Alter von 90 noch möglich wenn die Temperatur schon vorgewählt wurde! Von unserer Seite eine klare Empfehlung Mit freundlichen Grüßen
It was intended as a quick, short solution for the neighbor to bridge the heating-free summer break (switching off the house heating). Now the heater is next to the armchair and donates directly to where it is needed on cold days. The setting is still possible for my neighbor who is only 90 when the temperature has already been preselected! A clear recommendation from our side Best regards
La stufa è bella esteticamente, l'ho acquistata per riscaldare una stanza in mansarda di circa 20 mq , questo inverno scoprirò se ne sarà in grado e quanto tempo ci impiegherà per portarla a 20 gradi partendo da 14 gradi. il manuale allegato è in inglese e tedesco, ma c'è stampato all'interno un codice QR, scansionandolo da accesso a un manuale di istruzioni in tutte le lingue compresa quella italiana.
The stove is beautiful aesthetically, I bought it to heat a room in the attic of about 20 square meters, this winter I will find out if it will be able to do it and how long it will take to bring it to 20 degrees starting from 14 degrees. The attached manual is in English and German, but there is a QR code printed inside, scanning it gives access to an instruction manual in all languages including Italian.
Das Gerät ist vergleichweise leicht, dennoch hat es Rollen wie manch andere nicht. Es heizt gut und überaschend schnell, die Prgrammierungen hätte ich zwar nicht benötigt dafür wäre ein Griff nett gewesen der nicht heiß wird. Enttäuschned dagegen ist das angebliche Infrarot, davon ist eigentlich nichts zu merken obwohl es ein Kombigerät sein soll. Es hat die Leistungsstufen 1000/2000W und mir ist völlig schleierhaft wieviel davon für Infrarot zur Verfügung stehen sollen. Ich Vergleich dazu hatte ich vorher ein reines Infrarot mit 500/1000W Leistung wobei allein bei 500W deutlich spürbarere Wärmestrahlung vorhanden war, ist nach Jahren nur leider defekt und dieses wurde als Ersatz gekauft.
The device is comparatively light, but it doesn't have wheels like some others. It heats up well and surprisingly fast, I wouldn't have needed the programming, but a handle that doesn't get hot would have been nice. Disappointed, however, is the alleged infrared, which is actually not noticeable even though it is supposed to be a combination device. It has the power levels 1000/2000W and I have no idea how much of it should be available for infrared. In comparison, I previously had a pure infrared with 500/1000W power, with 500W alone having much more noticeable heat radiation, unfortunately it is defective after years and this was bought as a replacement.
Art. war gut verpackt, Programmierung nicht ganz einfach aber ein mal dahinter gekommen ok (Bedienungsanleitung überarbeiten) macht voll was es soll viel besser als bisheriges Teil , nicht von der Firma und 20 Jahre alt gerne wieder Mfg Thiel / Antwort auf Meinung von Lector Tony : Ich weiß nicht was er für ein Teil sein eigen nennt ,aber meine Heizung kann ich auch im ein geschalteten Zustand ( 2000 Watt ) umstellen ,ohne heiße Hände zu bekommen , Mann muß nur wissen wo anfassen ( Tipp re.-li. !! ) und natürlich nur soweit das Kabel reicht ,ansonsten Kabel vom Netz (Steckdose ) trennen Mfg Thiel
Art. was well packaged, programming not very easy but once figured it out ok (revise the operating instructions) does what it should do much better than the previous part, not from the company and 20 years old gladly again Mfg Thiel / answer to the opinion of Lector Tony : I don't know what kind of part he calls his own, but I can change my heating when it is switched on (2000 watts) without getting hot hands, you just have to know where to touch it (tip right-left !! ) and of course only as far as the cable goes, otherwise disconnect the cable from the mains (socket) Mfg Thiel
Das Gerät ist - wie alle Klarstein-Produkte - adrett im Design, allerdings bin ich erstmals überhaupt von einem Produkt der Berliner Elektroschmiede enttäuscht: Die Heizung heizt. Was man von einer Heizung erwarten darf. Die Wärmeleistung ist auch soweit für eine Konvektionsheizung der Größe und Stromaufnahme in Ordnung. Von der versprochenen Infrarot-Wärme ist allerdings exakt null Komma null zu spüren - auch nicht in direkter Nähe. DAs war aber das Gewollte, weshalb das Gerät letztlich wieder zurückgeschickt wurde. Wer aber eine "ganz normale" Heizung sucht, der ist gut bedient.
The device is - like all Klarstein products - neat in design, but for the first time I am disappointed with a product from the Berlin electronics company: the heater heats up. What to expect from a heater. The heat output is also okay for a convection heater of the size and power consumption. However, exactly zero point zero can be felt from the promised infrared heat - not even in the immediate vicinity. But that was what was wanted, which is why the device was ultimately sent back. But if you are looking for a "completely normal" heater, you are in good hands.
Quello che mi aspettavo. Bello!
What I expected. Nice!
Un ottimo apparecchio, bello esteticamente e scalda parecchio. Può funzionare a 1000 o 2000 watt, sia in manuale che automatico con timer e termostato. Può essere appeso al muro o montato su rotelle (fornite). Tolgo una stella perché nel manuale non c'è italiano e la programmazione non è così semplice senza una guida.
A great appliance, beautiful aesthetically and heats up a lot. It can work at 1000 or 2000 watts, both manually and automatically with timer and thermostat. It can be hung on the wall or mounted on wheels (provided). I take away one star because the manual is not in Italian and programming is not so simple without a guide.
Tutto molto funzionante e anche bello. Manca qualcosa tipo maniglia per spostarla.
All very functional and also beautiful. Something is missing like a handle to move it.
Un ottimo apparecchio, bello esteticamente e scalda parecchio. Può funzionare a 1000 o 2000 watt, sia in manuale che automatico con timer e termostato. Può essere appeso al muro o montato su rotelle (fornite). Tolgo una stella perché nel manuale non c'è italiano e la programmazione non è così semplice senza una guida.
A great appliance, beautiful aesthetically and heats up a lot. It can work at 1000 or 2000 watts, both manually and automatically with timer and thermostat. It can be hung on the wall or mounted on wheels (provided). I take away one star because the manual is not in Italian and programming is not so simple without a guide.
Radiateur pratique par ses dimensions réduites sans sacrifier à la puissance et sa versatilité (mobile sur pieds/accroché au mur). Bon achat.
Practical radiator with its reduced dimensions without sacrificing power and versatility (mobile on feet/hung on the wall). Great deal.
Uso questa stufetta in una stanza di circa 16 mq e il riscaldamento è piuttosto rapido, molto migliore di quello della stufetta che ha sostituito e per di più i consumi sono decisamente inferiori. Attenzione: il termine termoconvettore è fuorviante, perchè non c'è ventilazione forzata da alcun ventilatore, quindi il sistema è del tutto silenzioso.
I use this heater in a room of about 16 square meters and the heating is quite fast, much better than that of the heater it replaced and what's more the consumption is decidedly lower. Attention: the term convector is misleading, because there is no forced ventilation from any fan, so the system is completely silent.
Buon prodotto, bello esteticamente, facilmente trasportabile. Scalda velocemente e in modo uniforme l'ambiente senza alcun tipo di ventola, raggiungendo in breve tempo la temperatura impostata. Qualche difficoltà a impostare il convettore in modo automatico (giorni della settimana, ora, ecc.) visto che le istruzioni ci sono ma non in italiano ,ma per me i lproblema non esiste visto che louso in modo Manuale. Comunque un ottimo prodotto che vale gli euro spesi.
Good product, aesthetically pleasing, easily transportable. It heats the room quickly and uniformly without any type of fan, quickly reaching the set temperature. Some difficulty in setting the convector in automatic mode (days of the week, time, etc.) since the instructions are there but not in Italian, but for me the problem does not exist since I use it in Manual mode. However, an excellent product that is worth the euros spent.
Una scelta ancora azzeccata con questa marca teutonica. Dimensioni giuste per una stanza 6x3, chassis moderno e leggero, tecnologia di controllo molto avanzata. Consigliatissimo...
Another good choice with this Teutonic brand. Right size for a 6x3 room, modern and light chassis, very advanced control technology. Highly recommended...
Update Januar 2021: Die Zusendung des Retourenscheins für das defekte Gerät über Amazon klappte nicht (keine Reaktion auf meine Anfrage) so dass ich den Kundenservice von Klarstein direkt kontaktieren musste. Unter mehreren Telefonnummern war niemand erreichbar. Auf einer Nummer hat es dann nach über 1 Std. Warteschleife geklappt. Das defekte Gerät "durfte" ich dann zurückschicken und mir - für inzwischen 10 Euro mehr - ein neues Gerät bei Amazon bestellen. Das neue Gerät kam schnell und funktioniert. Zwei Punkte Abzug gibt es dennoch: 1x für den schlechten Kundenservice und 1x für das Gerät selbst. Die erzeugte Warmluft richt auch nach mehrmaligem Benutzen nach Plastik, so dass immer wieder gelüftet werden muss. Außerdem wird das Gerät selbst heiß und es gibt keinen Henkel oder Griff, an dem man es sicher anfassen und verschieben / tragen kann. Somit kommt es als mobiler Heizlüfter nicht in Frage. Insgesamt hält das Gerät also leider nicht, was es verspricht. Dezember 2020: Habe leider ein defektes Gerät erhalten, das sich gar nicht erst einschalten lässt und das ich nun zurückgeben werde. Optisch sieht es ansprechend und hochwertig aus, aber hält leider nicht, was es verspricht.
Update January 2021: The return slip for the defective device was not sent via Amazon (no response to my request), so I had to contact Klarstein customer service directly. No one could be reached on several phone numbers. On a number it worked after more than 1 hour. I was then "allowed" to send the defective device back and order a new device from Amazon for 10 euros more. The new device came quickly and works. There are still two points deducted: 1x for the poor customer service and 1x for the device itself. The warm air generated smells of plastic even after repeated use, so that it has to be ventilated again and again. Also, the device itself gets hot and there is no handle or handle to safely grab and move/carry it. It is therefore out of the question as a mobile fan heater. Overall, the device unfortunately does not live up to its promises. December 2020: Unfortunately, I received a defective device that cannot be switched on at all and which I will now return. Visually, it looks appealing and of high quality, but unfortunately does not deliver what it promises.
Der Hot Spot Slimcurve Double von Klarstein kann alles Mögliche, er weiß sogar, ob ein Fenster im Zimmer geöffnet ist. Darauf kann ich verzichten. Was das Gerät aber nicht hat, obwohl viel wichtiger, ist ein einfacher Griff, an dem man es nehmen und woanders hintragen kann. Das Gerät ist nämlich heiß, vorne, hinten, oben und unten. Eh klar. Anfassen geht also nicht. Man kann es, solange es nicht ausgekühlt ist, nur mit dem Fuß woanders hinschubsen, wenn man die Wärme rasch woanders braucht. Glücklicherweise hat das Ding ja wenigstens Räder. Wäre es so schwer gewesen, dem Heizgerät einen Griff zu verpassen, wie ihn viele andere Geräte haben? Dieser Griff wird nicht heiß, wenn man ihn nur richtig anbringt. Das zeigen viele andere Geräte dieser Art. Nun kann man sich natürlich fragen: Woran denken die Gerätekonstrukteure von Klarstein, wenn sie so ein Ding planen? Kommen die nie aus ihrem Entwicklungslabor heraus und erproben ihre Geräte in der Praxis? Dafür gibt es von mir jedenfalls nur drei Sterne.
The Hot Spot Slimcurve Double from Klarstein can do everything, it even knows whether a window in the room is open. I can do without that. What the device doesn't have, though more importantly, is an easy handle to pick it up and carry it somewhere else. Namely, the device is hot, front, back, top and bottom. Eh sure. So you can't touch it. As long as it hasn't cooled down, you can just push it somewhere else with your foot if you need the warmth somewhere else quickly. Luckily, at least the thing has wheels. Would it have been so difficult to give the heater a handle like many other devices have? This grip doesn't get hot if you attach it correctly. This is shown by many other devices of this type. Now, of course, one can ask oneself: What are the Klarstein device designers thinking about when they plan something like this? Do they never leave their development laboratory and test their devices in practice? Anyway, it only gets three stars from me.
Habe mir diese Heizung als zusätzliche Wärmequelle zugelegt. Benutze die Heizung um einmal schnell den Raum aufzuheizen, grundsätzlich heize ich über unsere Standard-Heizung. Wenn ich aber nur den einen Raum schnell warm bekommen möchte, bietet die Klarstein Heizung eine gute Alternative. Sieht zudem ganz chic aus, ist bekanntermaßen aber Geschmackssache. Wenn man sie staubfrei hält, entstehen auch keine unangenehmen Gerüche. Alles in allem eine empfehlenswerte Alternative zu den gewöhnlichen Heizstrahlern. Würde sie wieder kaufen.
I bought this heater as an additional heat source. I use the heater to quickly heat up a room. I generally heat it using our standard heater. But if I just want to heat up one room quickly, the Klarstein heater is a good alternative. It also looks very chic, but as we all know, that's a matter of taste. If you keep it dust-free, there are no unpleasant smells. All in all, a recommendable alternative to the usual radiant heaters. I would buy it again.
Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Gerät. Eine angenehme Wärme die fast sofort zur Verfügung steht. Nutze es in meinem Arbeitszimmer nach Bedarf. Gute leicht verständliche Bedienungsanleitung. Alles Okay.
I am very happy with the device. A pleasant warmth that is available almost immediately. Use it in my study as needed. Good easy to understand user manual. Everything okay.
Ahi noi l'inverno è alle porte e visto che la mia stufetta alogena mi ha abbandonato l'anno scorso, ho deciso di salire di livello. Ho trovato questo prodotto che mi sembrava un ottimo compromesso fra qualità e prezzo e devo dire che la scelta è stata azzeccata! Il convettore è piccolino, discreto e, grazie alle rotelle, è facilmente trasportabile da una stanza all'altra. Inoltre quello che più ho apprezzato è la presenza di un timer settimanale che permette di decidere, per ogni giorno, le fasce orarie in cui il convettore va in funzione, oltre che la temperatura da raggiungere nella stanza. Per quanto riguarda la capacità di riscaldare, sulle info del prodotto si parla di una stanza di circa 22mq e non fatico a credere a quanto scritto, visto che emana davvero molto calore. Il prezzo è quindi più che adeguato alla qualità del prodotto!
Alas, winter is upon us and since my halogen heater abandoned me last year, I decided to upgrade. I found this product that seemed like an excellent compromise between quality and price and I must say that the choice was right! The convector is small, discreet and, thanks to the wheels, it is easily transportable from one room to another. Furthermore, what I appreciated most is the presence of a weekly timer that allows you to decide, for each day, the time slots in which the convector is turned on, as well as the temperature to reach in the room. As for the heating capacity, the product information speaks of a room of about 22m2 and I have no trouble believing what is written, since it really gives off a lot of heat. The price is therefore more than adequate for the quality of the product!