Flow Wire Frost Protection Cable

£ 29.99 (incl. VAT)
  • 0
  • Frost protection cable
  • 0.57 kg
Product number: 10033906
Flow Wire Frost Protection Cable
£ 29.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Heat for pipes: frost protection cable with copper wire and protection class IP68

  • With thermostat: thanks to AntiFrost automatic switching on below 6 ° C and switching off at 13 ° C outside temperature

  • High quality: heating power of 16 watts per metre, including plugs and insulated ends

Product description

The Waldbeck Flow Wire 4 frost protection cable keeps warm during winter temperatures and effectively protects exterior pipes of all kinds against frost and cold.

The heating cable can be easily attached to pipes with a length of 4 metres. The thermostat measures the temperature of the pipeline and, thanks to AntiFrost, switches the frost protection cable on at 6 ° C and off at 13 ° C to prevent freezing of the pipeline and to ensure efficient operation. The Flow Wire constantly warms all types of tubes with 16W / m, ensuring optimal wintering.

The 4m heating cable has a 1.80 m long power cable with Schuko plug and is dust-proof and waterproof to IP68. The end and middle connections are sheathed with plastic insulation for safe operation.

Warms up reliably and is extremely adaptable: the Flow Wire frost protection cable from Waldbeck.


  • Switches on when the outdoor temperature is below 6 ° C
  • Is automatically deactivated at over 13 ° C
  • Heating power: 16 W / m
  • Protection class: IP68
  • Power supply: 220-240V ~ | 50/60 Hz
Product number: 10033906

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Length: approx. 4 m
  • Length of power cable: approx. 1.8 m
  • Weight: approx. 0.57 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x frost protection cable
  • English user manual (further languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
26 Ratings

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Funktioniert einwandfrei. Gute Qualität

Works perfectly. Good quality


funktioniert anstandslos

works flawlessly


Contatore acqua e tubo acqua

Water meter and water pipe


Ich habe das beheizte Kabel gekauft, um Wasserrohre im Stall vor dem einfrieren zu schützen. Das rumwickeln des Kabels ist natürlich etwas anstrengend, vorallem wenn das Rohr bereits an der wand befestigt ist. Zu empfehlen ist, das Kabel entweder im Sommer anzubringen oder in der Kälte (unter 3 grad) damit das kabel etwas weicher wird. Wir haben 12m kabel für ca 5m Rohr bestellt. Es hätte auch weniger sein können, aber preislich hat es sich nichts genommen. Ich finde Vorallem gut, dass das kabel mit einem Thermostat ausgestattet ist. Bei unter 3 grad geht die Heizung an und wenn das Thermostat 13 grad misst, geht es wieder aus. Ich kann es nur empfehlen.

I bought the heated cable to protect water pipes in the barn from freezing. Of course, wrapping the cable around is a bit tiring, especially if the pipe is already attached to the wall. It is recommended to attach the cable either in summer or in the cold (below 3 degrees) so that the cable is a little softer. We ordered 12m of cable for about 5m of pipe. It could have been less, but the price hasn't changed. I especially like that the cable is equipped with a thermostat. When the temperature is below 3 degrees, the heating comes on and when the thermostat measures 13 degrees, it goes off again. I highly recommend it.


Usato in una serra per piante grasse situata all'aperto con clima piuttosto rigido (minima notturna -6). La temperatura nella serra è rimasta ben lontana dallo zero. Ottimo prodotto, molto robusto

Used in a succulent greenhouse located outdoors with a rather cold climate (minimum night-time -6). The temperature in the greenhouse remained far from zero. Excellent product, very robust


Fondamentale per chi vive in climi freddi, non ho più avuto problemi di tubi congelati. Le galline poi depongono più uova non dovendo bere acqua gelida. Quando l'ho acquistato costava 20 euro per cui il prezzo era ottimo, ora purtoppo lo hanno aumentato.

Essential for those who live in cold climates, I have not had any more problems with frozen pipes. The chickens also lay more eggs since they do not have to drink cold water. When I bought it it cost 20 euros so the price was excellent, now unfortunately they have increased it.


Muy práctico para prevenir heladas en tuberías. Gran compra.

Very practical to prevent freezing in pipes. Great purchase.


Tut was es soll

Does what it's supposed to


Sehr zuverlässige Heizung.

Very reliable heater.


Devo dire che me lo aspettavo più contenuto poichè la sezione della resistenza è piuttosto larga e rigida ma forse è così che deve essere per avere una buona resa sopratutto quando la temperatura è molto sotto lo zero. In conclusione buon prodotto ad un ottimo prezzo.

I must say that I expected it to be more compact since the resistance section is rather large and rigid but perhaps this is how it should be to have a good performance especially when the temperature is well below zero. In conclusion, a good product at an excellent price.


strumento molto utile ed economico

very useful and economical tool


strumento molto utile ed economico

very useful and economical tool


La confezione spartana non è un problem, la mancanza di istruzioni, invece, mi ha costretto a cercare qualche informazione in rete (il cavo riscaldante è abbastanza intuitivo da installare, ma - per esempio - qualche consiglio sul fissaggio o sulla dimensione minima della spira per non rompere il cavo farebbe comodo). In ogni caso, è costruito piuttosto bene; l'ho installato per proteggere dal gelo il tubo di entrata dell'acqua in una casa di montagna, assieme soprattutto al contatore dell'acqua: viste le temperature, ha subito cominciato a diventare tiepido, così ora sarò più tranquillo quando, d'inverno, non potrò venire su.

The spartan packaging is not a problem, the lack of instructions, however, forced me to look for some information online (the heating cable is quite intuitive to install, but - for example - some advice on fixing or on the minimum size of the coil to avoid breaking the cable would be useful). In any case, it is built quite well; I installed it to protect the water inlet pipe from frost in a mountain house, especially together with the water meter: given the temperatures, it immediately started to get warm, so now I will be more relaxed when, in winter, I can't come up.


Fa quello che è descritto nell’offerta. Nello specifico abito in montagna, fa freddo d’inverno e per evitare che la pompa di calore (posta all’esterno) sia soggetta alla condensa ghiacciata, con minore resa, ho inserito questo cavo che evita che il tubo di scarico della condensa si ghiacci. Tacca e stacca dalla corrente autonomamente. Ottimo acquisto che consiglio

It does what is described in the offer. Specifically, I live in the mountains, it is cold in winter and to prevent the heat pump (located outside) from being subject to frozen condensation, with lower performance, I inserted this cable that prevents the condensation drain pipe from freezing. It cuts off and disconnects from the power independently. Excellent purchase that I recommend


Fa quello che è descritto nell’offerta. Nello specifico abito in montagna, fa freddo d’inverno e per evitare che la pompa di calore (posta all’esterno) sia soggetta alla condensa ghiacciata, con minore resa, ho inserito questo cavo che evita che il tubo di scarico della condensa si ghiacci. Tacca e stacca dalla corrente autonomamente. Ottimo acquisto che consiglio

It does what is described in the offer. Specifically, I live in the mountains, it is cold in winter and to prevent the heat pump (located outside) from being subject to frozen condensation, with lower performance, I inserted this cable that prevents the condensation drain pipe from freezing. It cuts off and disconnects from the power independently. Excellent purchase that I recommend


Ottimo prodotto ad un prezzo ragionevole lo consiglio. Lo ricomprerei.

Great product at a reasonable price I recommend it. I would buy it again.





Robusto ed impermeabile, dotato di ottimo termostato. io lo ho usato per tracciare uno scarico all' esterno di condensa caldaia a metano. Dà il calore giusto, senza esagerare, e non ghiaccia più niente. Ottimo costo.

Sturdy and waterproof, equipped with an excellent thermostat. I used it to trace an external drain of condensation from a methane boiler. It gives the right amount of heat, without exaggerating, and it doesn't freeze anything anymore. Excellent cost.


sehr gut, war nur leider für meine Zwecke zu lang

Very good, but unfortunately it was too long for my purposes


Frostschutzkabel sehr gut, war nur leider für meine Zwecke zu lang

Frost protection cable very good, but unfortunately was too long for my purposes


funktioniert, benutzt wo für es gedacht ist. Außenliegende Wasserleitung bis jetzt frostfrei gehalten. Lieferung schnell und pünktlich (allerdings konnte sie sich später einschalten, 6Grad finde ich zu früh)

works, used where it is intended. External water pipe kept frost-free until now. Delivery fast and on time (although she could turn on later, I think 6 degrees is too early)





Lo sto testando da qualche giorno e funziona bene, è anche robusto e ben fatto

I've been testing it for a few days and it works well, it's also sturdy and well made


Lo sto testando da qualche giorno e funziona bene, è anche robusto e ben fatto

I've been testing it for a few days and it works well, it's also sturdy and well made


Ho installato il cavo antigelo sul tubo dell'acqua esterno alla mia abitazione. Devo ancora sperimentarlo in occasione di un periodo di gelo ma sembra faccia il suo dovere. Al di sotto di 6° il termostato fa attivare il cavo che in pochi minuti diventa caldo. Io personalmente lo collegherò alla corrente solo in occasione di basse temperature visto che l'attivazione a +6° forse è un pò eccessiva per un tubo dell'acqua.

I installed the antifreeze cable on the water pipe outside my house. I have yet to test it during a freezing period but it seems to do its job. Below 6° the thermostat activates the cable which becomes hot in a few minutes. I personally will connect it to the power only during low temperatures since the activation at +6° is perhaps a bit excessive for a water pipe.


Es macht die Arbeit ganz gut und ist lang genug für das, was wir im Gebäude brauchten

It does the job quite well and is long enough for what we needed in the building