Fency Bright Ivy Blind Fence

£ 79.99 (incl. VAT)
  • 300 cm
  • Blind fence
  • 2 kg
Product number: 10029245
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Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 50.99
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 50.99
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  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Summery privacy screen for railings and fences on balconies, patios and in gardens

  • 3 m long and 1.5 m high, dense foliage against prying eyes and for use as a windscreen

  • Simple and easy mounting: roll out and fix with flex ties

Product description

No more prying eyes! The Blumfeldt Fency Bright Ivy privacy screen fence provides soothing privacy in the guise of summery fresh green leaves for your balcony, terrace or garden.

Fast and uncomplicated, simply unroll the 3 m long and 1.5 m high privacy screen to conceal railings, balustrades or fences and securely fasten it with the included flex ties. A thick green robe from approximately 2,700 leaves provides decoration while simultaneously blocking curious neighbors and passers-by from looking into your retreat. In addition, the leaves function as a windscreen and dampen street noise, providing additional relaxation.

The light green leaves of the Blumfeldt privacy fence are about 6 x 6cm in size and modeled after ivy leaves in shape and colour. They are mounted in pairs on a plastic sheathed wire mesh with a mesh size of about 6 x 6 cm. Light green leaves break through the leaf curtain as a freshly sprouting visual highlight. Naturally, the leaf fence is ideal for decorating both interiors and exteriors.

Available designs: ivy light green 300 x 150 cm, ivy dark green 300 x 100 cm (item 10029242), ivy dark green 300 x 150 cm (item 10029243), ivy light green 300 x 100 cm (item 10029244), light green 300 x 100 cm (item 10029246), light green 300 x 150 cm (item 10029247), dark green mix 300 x 100 cm (item 10029248), dark green 300 x 150 cm (item 10029249).


  • Leaves mounted in pairs
  • 6 x 6 cm large leaves
  • Plastic coated mesh with 6 x 6 cm mesh
  • Includes green flex ties for fixing
  • Also suitable for decorating bare walls
  • Leaf design: ivy
Product number: 10029245

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: 300 x 150 cm (WxH)
  • Dimensions leaf: 8 x 5.5 cm (LxW)
  • Weight: about 2 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x privacy screen
  • 10 x flex binders
  • Please note, this item does not come with a user manual

Delivery & shipment

This item is not in stock and must be reordered.

Customer reviews
71 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Sehr schön super sichtschutz

Very nice super privacy screen


Schnelle Lieferung Sehr schön super sichtschutz

Fast delivery Very nice super privacy screen


Conforme à la description et poser avec des fils de fers sur notre portail. Ça fait très sympa

Conforms to the description and installs with wires on our gate. It looks very nice


Surtout utilisé pour séparation entre les terrasses, ma voisine ayant 3chats et moi un chien. Pour cacher la vue.

Mainly used for separation between terraces, my neighbor having 3 cats and me a dog. To hide the view.


À la suite d un changement de garde corps dans ma copropriété, deux problèmes de sont posés, la transparence et les espaces au dessus et en dessous qui me paraissent trop élevé à mon goût, j ai des chats et j ai déjà eu un accident avec l'un d eux donc cette haie artificielle me paraît la solution idéale pour retrouver mon intimité et la sécurité de mes loulous et je dois dire que je suis heureuse de revoir mes loulous sur le balcon, je recommande prévoyez des serres câbles en plus et plus long , tous est nickel, la livraison, le vendeur et l achat

Following a change of guardrail in my co-ownership, two problems arose, transparency and spaces above and below which seem too high for my taste, I have cats and I have already had an accident with them. one of them so this artificial hedge seems to me the ideal solution to regain my privacy and the safety of my little ones and I must say that I am happy to see my little ones again on the balcony, I recommend providing additional cable ties and more long, everything is perfect, delivery, seller and purchase





Brise vue apparences naturel impeccable

Impeccable natural appearance privacy screen


Matériel conforme à la description faite par le fournisseur. Fournisseur très réactif. Je recommande cet article.

Material conforms to the description made by the supplier. Very responsive supplier. I recommend this article.


Utilise pour Valcin . Très beau rendu

Used for Valcin. Very nice rendering


Clôture extérieure

Exterior fence


Bon rapport qualité prix car je l'ai acheté à -30%.

Good value for money because I bought it at -30%.


Nos ha gustado mucho el efecto.

We really liked the effect.


4 étoiles pour la qualité du produit, belle finition, semble solide (à voir dans le temps), grande facilité d'installation (j'ai utilisé des serres-câbles), le produit est souple, léger. En revanche, certaines zones ne sont pas couvertes par des feuilles, fort heureusement, j'ai utilisé une partie que j'avais en trop pour combler ses trous.

4 stars for the quality of the product, nice finish, seems solid (to see over time), great ease of installation (I used cable ties), the product is flexible, light. On the other hand, some areas are not covered by leaves, fortunately, I used a part that I had in excess to fill in the holes.


Utilisé comme parevue sur mon balcon depuis plusieurs mois, la couleur ne bouge pas ! Il est suffisamment occultant et les feuilles sont très belles. Qualité sans défaut, pas de regret malgré le prix un peu élevé.

Used as a screen on my balcony for several months, the color does not change! It is sufficiently blackout and the leaves are very beautiful. Faultless quality, no regrets despite the slightly high price.


Súper fácil de colocar y queda súper bonito! Da un poco de privacidad tmb! Me encantó!

Super easy to put up and looks super pretty! It gives a bit of privacy too! I loved it!


Acheté pour camoufler un récupérateur d'eau de pluie. Effet lierre réaliste. Ne couvre/cache pas à 100% mais à 90%. Ce qui est déjà très bien.

Bought to camouflage a rainwater collector. Realistic ivy effect. Does not cover/hide 100% but 90%. Which is already very good.


Ça tient toujours après 3 mois de pose face a la rue et aux orages... Je ne comprends pas les commentaires négatifs. Effectivement a l'ouverture et a la découpe des feuilles tombent mais après ça ne tombe plus... Ça laisse vraiment un effet naturel. Et cache vue sympa

It still holds up after 3 months of exposure to the street and storms... I don't understand the negative comments. Indeed, when opening and cutting, the leaves fall but after that they no longer fall... It really leaves a natural effect. And nice view cover


Immer wieder gerne !

Always my pleasure !


Molto carino, colore vivo, pieno. Le foglie sono attaccate

Very nice, bright color, full. The leaves are attached


Pensé que eran 6 metros de largo, vienen 3 metros, me resulta un poco caro, aunque es bueno y queda muy bien.

I thought they were 6 meters long, they come in 3 meters, it seems a bit expensive to me, although it is good and looks great.


Preis - Leistung passen. Als Sichtschutz für ein Terassenabtrennung / Glas aus der Ferne i.O. Es gibt schon welche die echter aussehen, allerdings sind diese auch ums doppelte teurer! Das zuschneiden ist nicht zu empfehlen da sonst die aufgezogenen Blätter abfallen!

Price - performance match. As a privacy screen for a terrace partition / glass from a distance OK There are some that look more real, but these are also twice as expensive! Cutting is not recommended, otherwise the raised leaves will fall off!


Super Produkt

Super Product


Gute Alternative wenn man einen Sichtschutz braucht und auf „Grün“ nicht verzichten will! Es verändert ganz leicht die Farbe im Lauf der Jahre - sieht dann aber eher natürlicher aus und ist absolut haltbar Klare Kaufempfehlung

A good alternative if you need privacy and don't want to do without "green"! It changes color very slightly over the years - but then looks more natural and is absolutely durable Clear purchase recommendation


Sieht wunderschön aus ! Ich wollte noch etwas nachbestellen aber es wäre dann doch zuviel geworden. Sehr netter Verkäufer falls man etwas retour senden möchte. Kann ich wirklich weiterempfehlen.

Looks beautiful ! I wanted to order more but it would have been too much. Very nice seller if you want to send something back. I can really recommend.


La siepe ha foglie belle e folte, molto diversa da quelle in vendita nei vari punti di vendita commerciali. Ne sono soddisfatta e speriamo che resista nel tempo

The hedge has beautiful and thick leaves, very different from those on sale in various commercial outlets. I am satisfied with it and we hope it will last over time


Haltbarer Sichtschutz.

Durable privacy screen.


Super sehr Schon

Super very nice


Also leider wirkt der Sichtschutz wirklich super billig. Es gibt definitiv sehr viel schöner, auch die blattfarbe ist einheitlich und sieht aus wie ein Stück Plastik. Also wenn man so einen Sichtschutz nimmt dann reicht der billige für 20€, ansonsten lieber was, wo nicht komplett küstlich aussieht

Unfortunately, the privacy screen looks really cheap. There are definitely a lot nicer, also the leaf color is uniform and looks like a piece of plastic. So if you take such a privacy screen then the cheap one is enough for 20 €, otherwise something that doesn't look completely artificial is better


ein altes zaunfeld wurde verschönert

an old fence field was embellished


Sieht sehr natürlich aus, leider nicht ganz Blickdicht.

Looks very natural, unfortunately not completely opaque.


das ist Richtig gute Qualität. ich empfhle es mit Ganz zufriedenheit.

this is really good quality. I recommend it with complete satisfaction.


La qualità è sicuramente migliore dei prodotti base, il rapporto qualità prezzo potrebbe essere migliore. In sintesi un prodotto sopra la media ma un po’ caro. Bisognerà vedere nel tempo la durata.

The quality is definitely better than the basic products, the quality/price ratio could be better. In short, an above average product but a bit expensive. We'll have to see how it lasts over time.


Als Sichtblende zum Nachbarn. Eine Bezeichnung OBEN- UNTEN wäre hilfreich.

As a screen to the neighbors. A description ABOVE-BOTTOM would be helpful.


Sieht gut aus ,Lärmschutz na ja dicke na ja leicht winddicht ,eben Decke drüber sieht eben gut aus und passt

Looks good, noise protection well thick well slightly windproof, a blanket over it just looks good and fits


Buon prodotto l unica pecca a mio dire poche fascette comprese nel pacco.

Good product, the only flaw in my opinion is the lack of cable ties included in the package.


Wie erwartet. Haben die Efeu Matte geholt um die Wand hinter unserem Pool zu verschönern. Die Matten wurden jeweils in einem länglichen Karton geliefert. Die 10 Kabelstrabsen werden wohl nicht reichen aber das ist okay. Von der Dichtigkeit sind sie auch wunderbar, nicht zu dicht und nicht zu lückenhaft - in der Natur ist auch nicht alles perfekt ;-) Und die stinken absolut nicht nach plastik oder Chemie

As expected. Got the ivy mat to decorate the wall behind our pool. The mats were each delivered in a long box. The 10 cable streets will probably not be enough, but that's okay. They are also wonderful in terms of density, not too dense and not too incomplete - not everything is perfect in nature either ;-) And they don't smell of plastic or chemicals at all


Wir haben es als balkon Sichtschutz bestellt, diesen zweck erfüllt es. Nur schade das beim auspacken und aufhängen schon einige blätter runterfallen. Ansonsten sind wir zufrieden.

We ordered it as a balcony privacy screen, it serves that purpose. It's just a pity that when unpacking and hanging up, some leaves fall down. Otherwise we are satisfied.


Bought to wrap around my wheelie bins. Hides all three, good quality, very durable.

Bought to wrap around my wheelie bins. Hides all three, good quality, very durable.


Bought this to hide the bins when sitting out during lock down. I suspended it using bungee cord. It is a generous size and easily filled the gap as well as being tall enough to hide the bins. It has not faded in the weather. Recommended.

Bought this to hide the bins when sitting out during lock down. I suspended it using bungee cord. It is a generous size and easily filled the gap as well as being tall enough to hide the bins. It has not faded in the weather. Recommended.


Valla calidad- precio muy buena

Very good value for money


Es mejor de lo que esperaba. Lo he puesto en mi terracita.

It's better than I expected. I've put it on my terrace.


Purchased to give a more attractive look to a bare fence round our oudoor patio area. Looks good. As an unsupported windbreak...I doubt this would do the job. Its decorative but not very functional

Purchased to give a more attractive look to a bare fence round our oudoor patio area. Looks good. As an unsupported windbreak...I doubt this would do the job. Its decorative but not very functional


Used this on my metal fence and it does a good job of covering up so no one can see into the garden. So far I've had it for about 2 months and during this summer it has withstood the direct sunlight with no changes in shape or colour.

Used this on my metal fence and it does a good job of covering up so no one can see into the garden. So far I've had it for about 2 months and during this summer it has withstood the direct sunlight with no changes in shape or colour.


Tal y como lo pedí, perfecto para separar la valla con el vecino y tener privacidad. Tardó poco en llegar. Lo volvería a comprar.

Just as I ordered, perfect for separating the fence from the neighbor and having privacy. It didn't take long to arrive. I would buy it again.


Look great

Look great


Look great

Look great


Ich wollte etwas blickdichtes, damit der Landwirt vom Nachbarfeld nicht immer auf meine Terrasse schauen kann bei der Arbeit . Aufgrund der Rezessionen, habe ich aber erstmal nur einen zum Testen bestellt. So richtig blickdicht ist er zwar nicht, aber für diese Zwecke reicht es gerade. Abzug gibt es , da ich für den Preis ein bißchen mehr "Blätter" und Kabelbinder erwartet hätte.

I wanted something opaque so that the farmer from the neighboring field couldn't always look at my terrace while he was working. Due to the recessions, I only ordered one to test. It's not really opaque, but it's just enough for this purpose. There is a deduction, because I would have expected a little more "sheets" and cable ties for the price.


Lo utilice para dar privacidad a un balcon. Product de calidad. Muy content con la compra

I used it to give privacy to a balcony. Quality product. Very happy with the purchase.


Sehr guter Sichtschutz, leicht anzubringen, gute Qualität. Ich hatte beim Kauf hin und her überlegt, ob ich das dunkle oder das helle Grün nehme. Habe mich dann für das helle entschieden. Es ist schon sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig und wirklich ein sehr helles und grelles Grün (jeder der vorbeigeht, schaut, was wir das angebracht haben). Wenn ich das gewusst hätte, hätte ich das dunkle genommen. Aber ich habe jetzt Efeugirlanden bestellt, die ich vereinzelt drüber hänge. Dann sieht es natürlicher aus. Wenn das helle Grün etwas dezenter wäre, wäre es perfekt. Daher ein Stern Abzug.

Very good privacy screen, easy to attach, good quality. When I bought it, I thought back and forth whether I should take the dark or the light green. So I decided on the light one. It takes a lot of getting used to and is really a very bright and garish green (everyone who walks by looks at what we have attached). If I had known that, I would have taken the dark one. But I have now ordered ivy garlands, which I occasionally hang over it. Then it looks more natural. If the light green were a little more subtle, it would be perfect. Hence a star deduction.


Le brise vue est idéal pour nous isoler un petit peu de nos voisins. La couleur paraît assez naturel. Le feuillage n'est pas très dense, mais cela reste tout à fait convenable. Nous hésitons même à en acheter un deuxième, car notre balcon est peu plus long que le brise vue. Un bémol à signaler à l'entreprise qui les emballe : notre brise vue a été enroulé dans deux sens, ce qui nous a pas facilité l'installation, car il formait une bosse vers l'intérieur d'un côté et une autre vers l'extérieur de l'autre. Nous avons donc multiplié les points de fixation pour ne pas que cela se voit et il a rapidement pris la forme que nous lui avons donnée. Nous recommandons!

The privacy screen is ideal for isolating us a little from our neighbors. The color looks quite natural. The foliage is not very dense, but it is still quite suitable. We are even hesitant to buy a second one, because our balcony is not much longer than the privacy screen. A downside to point out to the company that packs them: our privacy screen was rolled up in two directions, which did not make installation easy for us, because it formed a bump towards the inside on one side and another towards the exterior of the other. We therefore increased the number of fixing points so that it wouldn't be visible and it quickly took on the shape we gave it. We recommend!


Entrega correcta y producto recomendable. Estoy contenta con el artículo.

Correct delivery and recommendable product. I am happy with the item.


Muy contenta con la compra. Espero que con el tiempo pueda decir lo mismo. Recomiendo la vaya

Very happy with the purchase. I hope that over time I can say the same. I recommend the fence.


Bien, ha llegado sin problema y antes de tiempo.

Well, it arrived without any problems and ahead of time.


Llegó en el plazo estipulado, buena calidad el comentario mio anterior fué por un error de.montaje por mi parte, corrijo es buena calidad, perdón si he causado algún inconveniente

It arrived within the stipulated time, good quality. My previous comment was due to an assembly error on my part, I correct it, it is good quality, sorry if I have caused any inconvenience.


Ho acquistato questa stola di edera per il mio terrazzo.. poiché la ringhiera è fatta di vetro e dalla strada era possibile vedere all'interno..ora la nostra privacy è salvaguardata ed al contempo si è creata una piacevole atmosfera..tanto verde è molto rilassante.Facile da installare perché in dotazione arriva già con le fascette che tirando si stringono.

I bought this ivy stole for my terrace.. because the railing is made of glass and from the street it was possible to see inside.. now our privacy is safeguarded and at the same time a pleasant atmosphere has been created.. so much greenery is very relaxing. Easy to install because it already comes with the ties that tighten when pulled.


Finalmente un recinto con fitto fogliame molto realistico. Ho voluto spendere di più per questo prodotto rispetto ad altri presi in passato da negozi locali e sono contento dell'acquisto. Il recinto è formato da un folto numero di foglie di materiale plastico che sembrano vere. Largo 3 metri e alto un metro è facilissimo da "montare" grazie anche alla griglia di mantenimento fatta da materiale molto resistente (ho usato delle fascette elastiche verdi). Usato a casa perchè abitando al piano rialzato vicino al portone evito sguardi indiscreti all'interno dell'appartamento, il fatto che fosse fitto mi protegge dalla privacy. Ottimo prodotto di qualità

Finally a fence with thick foliage very realistic. I wanted to spend more for this product than others bought in the past from local shops and I'm happy with the purchase. The fence is made up of a large number of plastic leaves that seem real. 3 meters wide and one meter high, it is very easy to "assemble" thanks also to the maintenance grid made of very resistant material (I used green elastic ties). Used at home because living on the mezzanine floor near the door I avoid prying eyes inside the apartment, the fact that it was thick protects me from privacy. Excellent quality product


Bellissimo colore, foglie fitte, funzionale. Vedremo alla prova del vento come reagirà. Per ora ottimo prodotto al giusto prezzo.

Beautiful color, thick leaves, functional. We'll see how it reacts to the wind test. For now, excellent product at the right price.


Parece fuerte, a la vez que ligero. Las hojas están bien cogidas y será difícil que se suelten aún con viento y es suficiente tupido para que quien pase cerca no vea bien la zona cubierta, aunque si se paran delante a mirar existen pequeños huecos que no ocultan totalmente el interior. Pero es una pantalla que adorna, buena calidad y reduce mucho la visión del curioso. Me ha gustado y he comprado otro para otra zona, con lo que evidentemente lo aconsejo.

It seems strong, but also light. The leaves are well attached and it will be difficult for them to come loose even in the wind, and it is thick enough so that anyone passing by cannot see the covered area well, although if they stop to look there are small gaps that do not completely hide the interior. But it is an ornamental screen, good quality and greatly reduces the vision of the curious. I liked it and I have bought another one for another area, so I obviously recommend it.


Aunque le falta un trozo.... No sé si será usado... Esta bien

Although it is missing a piece.... I don't know if it will be used... It's fine


Consegna veloce. Buon prodotto. Io l'ho utilizzato come divisorio del balcone. Il risultato è molto bello in quanto sembra una siepe vera. Consigliato

Fast delivery. Good product. I used it as a balcony divider. The result is very beautiful as it looks like a real hedge. Recommended


Queda muy bien en terraza compra recomendable

It looks great on the terrace, a recommended purchase.


Lo utilizado para poner una valla de separación Queda muy natural

Used to put up a separation fence It looks very natural


Estoy encantada, ha quedado genial en mi pequeña terraza, y al añadirle el césped al suelo, se ve cómo un acogedor jardín, sencillamente divino.

I am delighted, it looks great on my small terrace, and by adding the grass to the ground, it looks like a cozy garden, simply divine.


used with trellis to create screen works well, need extra cable ties than supplied.

used with trellis to create screen works well, need extra cable ties than supplied.


Great screen on veranda, now have some privacy.

Great screen on veranda, now have some privacy.


Great screen on veranda, now have some privacy.

Great screen on veranda, now have some privacy.


La verdad es que el producto es acorde con lo anunciado por el vendedor, y una vez puesto de una imagen muy buena, se nota que o es real pero si que da sensación de verde una vez puesto.

The truth is that the product is in accordance with what was announced by the seller, and once it is put on, it gives a very good image, you can see that it is not real but it does give a green sensation once it is put on.


veramente ben fatta. la siepe sembra vera e la trama è abbastanza fitta. le foglie non si staccano e sono di un bel verde

really well done. the hedge looks real and the texture is quite thick. the leaves don't fall off and are a nice green


This was my second purchase from this seller and I am really pleased with it (and with the seller who exchanged it with no quibble at all). I initially ordered the bright leaved beech effect screen which was pretty and would have looked nice on its own but I wanted to use it in front of an existing hedge which is rather threadbare and the bright green, almost lime shade was just too unnatural looking in that situation. On a balcony or similar it would be a nice fresh cheerful addition.This ivy effect screen is a much better colour for my purposes in the garden and the darker shade makes it recede optically and look more natural. From 1.5 meters away it looks just like the real ivy I grow up another fence. To provide privacy it is necessary to double up but it is worth the cost for the effect.To hide an eyesore like a bin or scruffy wall one layer would suffice. The screen itself is sturdy and the best one of its kind I have found.

This was my second purchase from this seller and I am really pleased with it (and with the seller who exchanged it with no quibble at all). I initially ordered the bright leaved beech effect screen which was pretty and would have looked nice on its own but I wanted to use it in front of an existing hedge which is rather threadbare and the bright green, almost lime shade was just too unnatural looking in that situation. On a balcony or similar it would be a nice fresh cheerful addition.This ivy effect screen is a much better colour for my purposes in the garden and the darker shade makes it recede optically and look more natural. From 1.5 meters away it looks just like the real ivy I grow up another fence. To provide privacy it is necessary to double up but it is worth the cost for the effect.To hide an eyesore like a bin or scruffy wall one layer would suffice. The screen itself is sturdy and the best one of its kind I have found.


Ich habe mir diesen Sichtschutzzaun für das Geländer meiner Dachterrasse bestellt und bin bisher absolut zufrieden. Die Qualität finde ich sehr gut. Es ist eine sehr windige Stelle und ich kann nicht feststellen, dass die Blätter darunter leiden bzw. abfallen. Ich musste den Sichtschutz in zwei Teile trennen, da ich diese auf beiden Seiten eines Treppenaufganges aufgehängt habe. Ging mit einer Kneifzange mit Trennschere problemlos und mit ein wenig Aufmerksamkeit auch ohne Blattverlust. Durch das Aufrollen sind einige Blätter sehr stark komprimiert und man kann nach dem Aufhängen noch etwas Handarbeit anlegen und einzelne Blätter entfalten und ausrichten. Einen Stern Abzug gibt es, da ich mir noch etwas mehr Blätter und somit eine höhere Dichte gewünscht hätte. Platz für mehr wäre noch da, aber wenn alle Blätter entfaltet sind ist es definitiv ein effektiver Sichtschutz. Macht auch im Sonnenlicht eine gute Figur und wirkt NICHT wie eine Wand voller Plastikblätter. Würde ich wieder kaufen!

I ordered this privacy fence for the railing of my roof terrace and so far I am absolutely satisfied. I find the quality very good. It's a very windy spot and I don't see the leaves suffering or falling off. I had to separate the privacy screen into two parts because I hung them on both sides of a staircase. Was easy to do with a pair of pliers and cutting shears and, with a little attention, also without losing a sheet. Due to the rolling up, some sheets are very strongly compressed and after hanging up you can still do some manual work and unfold and align individual sheets. There is a star deduction because I would have liked a little more leaves and thus a higher density. There would still be room for more, but when all the leaves are unfolded it is definitely an effective privacy screen. Also looks good in the sunlight and does NOT look like a wall full of plastic leaves. Would I buy again!


Arredare il terrazzo in primavera... cosa c'è di più bello ed importante da fare per celebrare l'arrivo della nuova stagione! Noi abbiamo un bel terrazzo grande e in questi giorni comincia a prendere vita... piante e fiori, tavolo e sedie, barbecue pronto per le grigliate con gli amici. E per rendere il nostro spazio protetto da sguardi indiscreti abbiamo pensato a un bellissimo recinto di foglie. Il recinto Fency Bright Leaf di Blumfeldt ricrea una piacevole atmosfera privata nel suo verde abito estivo ed è perfetto in giardini, terrazzi e balconi. Un rotolo di foglie di semplice utilizzo e installazione grazie alle 10 fascette flessibili incluse. Il recinto viene semplicemente srotolato e fissato con le fascette su parapetti o inferriate. Misura 3 m di lunghezza per 1 m di altezza e se la metratura non basta, un secondo rotolo di siepe può essere posizionato accanto al primo: il risultato donerà un effetto di continuità, fresco e ombreggiante. Il recinto è formato da circa 1800 foglie applicate a coppia su una rete con maglie da 6 x 6 cm ricoperta in plastica. Le foglie sono di colore verde chiaro da 8 x 5,5 cm create ispirandosi al faggio e sono così ben fatte che sembrano vere! Sono lucidissime e ricreano un bellissimo effetto luminoso! Rispetto ad altri recinti gia' provati, di scarsa qualita', le foglie sono morbide al tatto e non rilasciano cattivi odori. Le foglie proteggono dal vento e attutiscono i rumori stradali, per aumentare ulteriormente la sensazione di relax. Un recinto che, oltre a proteggere da occhi indiscreti, si presta ai più svariati utilizzi: per schermare un balcone con originalità; per rinnovare una vecchia cancellata o per rivestire temporaneamente una recinzione mentre crescono fiori o piante. La pulizia viene fatta semplicemente facendo scorrere un getto d'acqua che eliminerà la polvere e farà risultare il recinto nuovo come appena installato. Il recinto Fency Bright Leaf di Blumfeldt imita perfettamente il prodotto naturale ed è leggero e versatile... ideale per decorare velocemente e con poca spesa!

Decorating the terrace in spring... what could be more beautiful and important to do to celebrate the arrival of the new season! We have a beautiful large terrace and these days it is starting to come to life... plants and flowers, table and chairs, barbecue ready for barbecues with friends. And to make our space protected from prying eyes we have thought of a beautiful leaf fence. The Fency Bright Leaf fence by Blumfeldt recreates a pleasant private atmosphere in its green summer dress and is perfect in gardens, terraces and balconies. A roll of leaves that is easy to use and install thanks to the 10 flexible cable ties included. The fence is simply unrolled and fixed with the cable ties on parapets or railings. It measures 3 m in length by 1 m in height and if the size is not enough, a second roll of hedge can be positioned next to the first: the result will give a continuous, fresh and shading effect. The fence is made up of approximately 1800 leaves applied in pairs on a 6 x 6 cm mesh net covered in plastic. The leaves are light green, 8 x 5.5 cm, inspired by beech and are so well made that they seem real! They are very shiny and recreate a beautiful light effect! Compared to other fences already tried, of poor quality, the leaves are soft to the touch and do not release bad odors. The leaves protect from the wind and muffle road noise, to further increase the feeling of relaxation. A fence that, in addition to protecting from prying eyes, lends itself to the most varied uses: to screen a balcony with originality; to renovate an old gate or to temporarily cover a fence while flowers or plants grow. Cleaning is done simply by running a jet of water that will eliminate the dust and make the fence look as new as when it was just installed. The Fency Bright Leaf fence by Blumfeldt perfectly imitates the natural product and is light and versatile... ideal for decorating quickly and at little expense!