Beerfest Beer Filter Accessory
- White
- Replacement filter
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- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Beer filter for the clearing of mash out of the wort sample
Uncomplicated insertion into the beerfest mash kettle
30 liter Volume with a shape-giving steel ring
Product description
To get crystal clear beer without any residue such as hops or yeast coming out of the beerfest mash kettle, rely on the Klarstein beerfest beer filter as the best companion for any home-brewer. The 30-liter volume filter with a pore size of 200 µm is placed directly into the kettle before the preparation of the mash. Once the process is over, the filter can easily be removed by using its two straps. There you can clearly see the residue that was removed from the wort.
The Klarstein Beerfest filter bag can be cleaned after each use by simply rinsing it with clean water.
- Simple removal using the two straps
- Easy to clean: simply rinse with clean water
- Suitable for the Klarstein Beerfest Mash Kettle (Article 10028505)
- Material: Nylon
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Measurements: approx. 47 x 28 cm (HxØ)
- Weight: approx. 40 g
What will be delivered?
- 1 x beer filter
- Please note that this article does not include an instruction manual
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Saco de qualidade e apropriado para a panela de 30 litros da Klarstein.
Quality bag suitable for the Klarstein 30 liter pan.
Bon produit , permet d'obtenir un moi déjà filtrer évite des manipulations pénibles.
Good product, allows you to obtain a filter which avoids difficult handling.
Sehr stabil gebaut
Very solidly built
Sehr überzeugender Bierfilter sehr feinmaschig uns stabil, bin sehr zufrieden
Very convincing beer filter, very fine-meshed and stable, I am very satisfied
Filtre très efficace pour améliorer la filtration avant le rinçage des drêches.
Very effective filter to improve filtration before rinsing spent grains.
tutto perfetto... spedizione, invio, packaging... purtroppo non ci sono specifiche sulla massima temperatura del liquido (o almeno io non le ho trovate neppure nel foglietto allegato) costringendo, per cautela, ad utilizzare liquido raffreddato o quasi... per il resto fa il suo onestissimo lavoro. Comodi i due manici in alto per manipolare il sacco in sicurezza. Le cuciture in sintetico, rafforzate, in apparenza di buona qualità. ma evidentemente sono il punto debole del sistema.... il tempo ci dirà... l'ho già usato. Sono MOLTO soddisfatto.
everything perfect... shipping, delivery, packaging... unfortunately there are no specifications on the maximum temperature of the liquid (or at least I didn't find them even in the enclosed leaflet) forcing, for caution, to use cooled or almost cooled liquid... for the rest it does its honest job. The two handles on top are comfortable to handle the bag safely. The synthetic seams, reinforced, apparently of good quality. but evidently they are the weak point of the system... time will tell... I have already used it. I am VERY satisfied.
Schnelle Lieferung Top Zustand
Fast delivery great condition
Materiale buono Filtra benissimo e velocemente Versatile Rispetto ad altri sacchi da filtraggio questo è il migliore che ho provato Perfetto per il arate in beerfest
Good material Filters very well and quickly Versatile Compared to other filter bags this is the best I have tried Perfect for beer festivals
Verändert den Geschmack nicht,gute Qualität
Doesn't change the taste, good quality
Hab bisher 3 mal damit gebraut und benutze ihn anstelle der üblichen Läuterutensilien wie Siebblech oder Panzerschlauch und bin eigentlich recht zufrieden. Er passt gut in den Klarstein Gärbehälter und das Ergebniss ist auch ok. Plus, man kann durch leichtes anheben etwas nachhelfen falls der Treber zu macht.
I've brewed with it 3 times so far and use it instead of the usual lautering utensils such as sieve plate or armored hose and I'm actually quite satisfied. It fits well in the Klarstein fermentation tank and the result is ok too. Plus, you can help out a little by lifting it slightly if the draff is too tight.
Très bon produit, correspond à la cage en inox de ma Klarstein Maischfest 35L. Super écoulement du moût lors du lavage des dreches
Very good product, matches the stainless steel cage of my Klarstein Maischfest 35L. Super flow of must when washing dreches
Gute Verarbeitung alles bestens.
Good processing, everything is fine.
Bin froh ûber den Kauf und sehr zufrieden mit der Qualität des Produktes
I am happy with the purchase and very satisfied with the quality of the product
Bin sehr zufriden
I'm very satisfied
E' stata fatta su misura per il beerfest come dice già la descrizione. Filtra molto bene, le 2 maniche secondo me non sono fatte per sollevare la sacca quando è piena ma solo per tenerla ferma usando i manici della pentola, sollevarla dall'anello in cima.
It was tailor made for the beerfest as the description already says. It filters very well, the 2 sleeves in my opinion are not made to lift the bag when it is full but only to hold it in place using the handles of the pot, lift it from the ring on top.
fa quello per cui è stato progettato, cosa non scontata !!
It does what it was designed to do, which is not a given!!
Der Filter funktioniert super und hält jegliche Hopfenreste beim seihen zurück.
The filter works great and holds back any hop residue when straining.
Tut was es soll! Passt perfekt in den Einsatz des 30L Gerätes von Klarstein. Erleichtert das abmaischen und gleichzeitige Filtern vor dem Hopfenkochen Sehr feinmaschig! Top!
Does what it should! Fits perfectly in the use of the 30L device from Klarstein. Facilitates mashing and simultaneous filtering before boiling the hops Very fine mesh! Top!
Habe bislang zwei mal damit gefiltert und bin nachwievor erstaunt, wie feinmaschig und doch stabil dieser Filter ist. Stahlring und Halteschlaufen sind auf jeden Fall wichtig.
I've filtered with it twice so far and I'm still amazed at how finely meshed and yet stable this filter is. Steel ring and straps are definitely important.
Bin sehr zufrieden, es hat alles sehr gut geklappt.
I am very satisfied, everything went very well.
Che dire, ottima qualità, filtra bene le trebbie.
What can I say, excellent quality, it filters the dregs well.
Arrivò puntuale e corrisponde alla descrizione. Usato una vita e sono soddisfatto
Arrived on time and corresponds to the description. Used a lifetime and am satisfied
Zubehör von Klarstein Maischekessel für eigene Zwecke erworben, daher passt die Durchmessergrösse nicht, wird aber durch die "Haltegriffe ausgeglichen! Die Filterungsqualität für den Hopfentrub ist super, mein bisher genutztes Vlies hat daher erst einmal Pause.
Purchased accessories from Klarstein mash kettle for my own purposes, so the diameter size does not fit, but is compensated for by the "handles! The filtering quality for the hop trub is great, so the fleece I used up to now has had a break for the time being.
Fundamental para realizar cerveza de forma artesanal, sobre todo en el proceso de filtrado del lúpulo. El tamaño es adecuado para un fermentador de 15-30 litros.
Essential for making craft beer, especially for the hop filtering process. The size is suitable for a 15-30 litre fermenter.
Sacco che vi permetterà di ridurre drasticamente i tempi di pulizia delle vostre macchine all grain. Di trama sottile ma molto resistente, si pulisce in un attimo! Soddisfatta-
Bag that will allow you to drastically reduce the cleaning time of your all grain machines. Thin but very resistant weave, it cleans in a flash! Satisfied-
Sehr gut
Very good
Utilisation sur mon dernier brassin. Produit efficace
Use on my latest brew. Effective product
Leider filtert es nicht perfekt.
Unfortunately, it doesn't filter perfectly.
Ich hatte übersehen, dass die Seitenwände auch aus einem Sieb bestehen, daher für meine Zwecke ungeeignet, allerdings erschien mir das Produkt ganz oke, er roch jedoch recht und schien mir daher etwas teuer
I had overlooked that the side walls also consist of a sieve, therefore unsuitable for my purposes, but the product seemed ok to me, but it smelled right and therefore seemed a bit expensive to me
L'ho comprato per filtrare il luppolo dalle birre che faccio con gli amici ed è perfetto! Lo usiamo come setaccio dopo il sifone e fa egregiamente il suo lavoro. Per precauzione non ci faccio passare il mosto caldo, aspetto che vada sotto i 50 °C. Capienza anche troppo abbondante, ma meglio così... Può essere tranquillamente sanificato e 5 stelle sono ben meritate!
I bought it to filter hops from beers I make with friends and it's perfect! We use it as a sieve after the siphon and it does its job very well. As a precaution I don't pass hot wort through it, I wait until it gets below 50 °C. The capacity is even too large, but that's better... It can be easily sanitized and 5 stars are well deserved!
faccio birra e premetto che non uso il metodo biab ma con normale sparge, ho usato questo accessorio come filtro in aggiunta e devo dire che il risultato è stato ottimo, le particelle di farina non danno più fastidio nella pentola e neanche nei travasi. Uso per il ricircolo del mosto una pompa magnetica che molto spesso si bloccava a causa degli eccessivi residui o per colpa di qualche grano che bloccava gli ingranaggi, ora non succede più. Quindi che voi usiate questo accessorio per il BIAB o per un più tradizionale sparge la sacca è davvero indispensabile
I make beer and I must say that I do not use the biab method but a normal sparge, I used this accessory as an additional filter and I must say that the result was excellent, the flour particles no longer bother me in the pot or even when pouring. I use a magnetic pump for the wort recirculation that very often blocked due to excessive residues or because of some grain that blocked the gears, now it no longer happens. So whether you use this accessory for the BIAB or for a more traditional sparge, the bag is truly indispensable
La sacca in questione l'ho associata al bollitore da 30 litri Klarstein. La compatibilità è ottima e per birrificare con il metodo BIAB è veramente valida. L'ho utilizzata per 4 cotte e la sua resistenza mi sembra proprio elevata, considerando che strizzo, seppur con cautela, la sacca dopo la filtrazione delle trebbie. Con l'utilizzo si scurisce un pò (colpa del colore rilasciato dal malto) però la cosa è inevitabile e comunque non inficia le cotte successive. La trama della "maglia" è veramente fine permettendo di contenere in maniera egregia il malto. Risulta anche facilmente lavabile. Consigliata
I associated the bag in question with the 30-liter Klarstein kettle. The compatibility is excellent and for brewing with the BIAB method it is truly valid. I used it for 4 brews and its resistance seems really high, considering that I squeeze, albeit carefully, the bag after filtering the dregs. With use it darkens a bit (due to the color released by the malt) but this is inevitable and in any case does not affect subsequent brews. The weave of the "mesh" is really fine allowing it to contain the malt in an excellent manner. It is also easily washable. Recommended
la sacca e' ben cucita. lo spessore della stoffa poteva essere maggiore, il peso delle trebbie la allunga di parecchio.
the bag is well sewn. the thickness of the fabric could have been greater, the weight of the threshers lengthens it a lot.
Comprata per fare biab, arrivata ne tempo previsto , il prodotte si presenta come in descrizione materiale di ottima qualità è robusto
Bought to make biab, arrived on time, the product is as described, excellent quality material and sturdy
Produit reçu très rapidement , la hauteur est parfaite et son utilisation est simplissime. Convient parfaitement pour brasser avec la méthode BIAB. A conseiller à tout brasseur amateur.
Product received very quickly, the height is perfect and its use is extremely simple. Perfect for brewing with the BIAB method. Recommended for any amateur brewer.
Der Maischesack ist gut verarbeitet uns stabil. Einfaches und schnelles Brauen im "Brew in Bag" im Beerfest damit problemlos möglich. Auch das Läutern funktioniert damit super schnell. Kann ich jedem Besitzer des Beerfest nur empfehlen.
The mash bag is well made and stable. Easy and quick brewing in the "brew in bag" at the Beerfest is therefore possible without any problems. Lautering also works super fast. I can only recommend to every owner of the Beerfest.
Molto ben fatto, raccomandato per il pentolone, è robusto, preciso, con un anello che evita si possa chiudere, ottimo in combinazione con il fondo filtrante. E' molto spazioso e permette di mescolare le trebbie, ci ho abbinato una pompa per un ricircolo in continuo ed ho ottenuto degli ammostamenti molto efficienti senza caramellature. Il sacco lo immergo in acqua a 78° per il lavaggio delle trebbie per fare un biab un po' meno biab. Per evitare che il termostato salti sopra attorno ai 100° (difetto del pentolone, non del sacco) è opportuno rimuovere il fondo filtrante, ho messo un uncino ad una stecca di legno.
Very well made, recommended for the pot, it is sturdy, precise, with a ring that prevents it from closing, excellent in combination with the filter bottom. It is very spacious and allows you to mix the dregs, I combined it with a pump for continuous recirculation and I obtained very efficient mashes without caramelization. I immerse the bag in water at 78 ° to wash the dregs to make a slightly less biab biab. To prevent the thermostat from jumping above around 100 ° (a defect of the pot, not the bag) it is advisable to remove the filter bottom, I put a hook on a wooden stick.
funziona davvero molto bene. facile da fissare, filtra bene le trebbie durante il ricircolo; facile estrazione a fine mash e facile da lavare. lo consiglio
It works really well. Easy to fix, filters the dregs well during recirculation; easy extraction at the end of the mash and easy to wash. I recommend it
ci ho fatto già due cotte e mi sto accingendo a fare la terza. è resistente e facile da pulire, un ottima soluzione economica per fare birra AG in quasi BIAB
I've already brewed it twice and am about to brew a third. It's sturdy and easy to clean, a great, economical solution for brewing AG beer in almost BIAB