Bornholm Curved Convection Heater

£ 369.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Convection heating
  • Black
  • 2000 watt
Product number: 10031979
Bornholm Curved Convection Heater
£ 369.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 313.99
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 239.99
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Pleasant heat: 2,000 W output for mobile heating of interior spaces

  • Curved panel: Optimised heat dissipation and wonderful curved design

  • Uniform heat: The room air is constantly warmed up by convection (circulation)

Product description

The Klarstein Bornholm Curved convection heater distributes pleasantly warm air in rooms up to 40 m2 in size. The 1,000 or 2,000 watt Klarstein heater heats rooms up to 45 °C via two heating levels. You can use the thermostat to set any desired temperature perfectly. The ECO mode reduces energy consumption to a minimum in an environmentally friendly and money-saving manner, and thanks to the timer function, you can ideally program the operation of the heating. In addition, the convex glass panel of the Klarstein Bornholm Curved is splash-proof, which means that you can also place it in damp rooms. The curved shape gives the Bornholm Curved a particularly elegant appearance, and at the same time ensures improved heat distribution in the room.

The Klarstein Bornholm Curved heater upgrades every room, and ensures comfortable interior temperatures - no matter how cold it is outside.


  • On/off switch on the unit and on the remote control
  • Temperature range: 5 - 45 ° C in 1° C steps
  • Timer: Adjustable by the hour up to 24 hours
  • LED touch display
  • Display of the room temperature
  • Two heat settings (1000W / 2000 W)
  • ECO mode
  • Child safety lock
  • Overheating protection
  • Input sound when pressing the buttons
  • Wall mounting possible - mounting material included
  • Power supply: 220 - 240 V~ | 50/60 Hz
Product number: 10031979

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions (including feet): approx. 82 x 45 x 25 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions (excluding feet): approx. 82 x 45 x 10.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Cable length: 1.5 m
  • Weight: approx. 8 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x heater
  • 1 x remote control
  • 2 x feet
  • 1 x assembly material
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
43 Ratings

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Stufa elegante bella da vedere ed efficiente. Consumo energetico nella norma niente di scandaloso. Consigliata per ambienti medio piccoli.

Elegant stove, beautiful to look at and efficient. Energy consumption is normal, nothing scandalous. Recommended for medium-small environments.


parfait pour la gestion de l'électricité car ne reste pas en permanence a chauffer. très satisfaite

perfect for electricity management because it does not remain permanently heated. very satisfied


Ottimo prodotto...scalda subito l'ambiente in 10 minuti...consigliato.

Excellent product...heats the room immediately in 10 minutes...recommended.


Lo que más me gusta es la pantalla y lo bien que calienta. Sin embargo éste modelo no se conecta al wifi.

What I like most is the screen and how well it heats. However, this model does not connect to Wi-Fi.





Ottimo prodotto, rapporto qualità prezzo strepitoso. E' anche un oggetto di design quando non viene utilizzato. Consigliatissimo.

Excellent product, amazing value for money. It is also a design object when not in use. Highly recommended.


Sehr preiswert, solide, elegant und leistungsfähig. Bereits unser 2. Gerät.

Very inexpensive, solid, elegant and powerful. Already our 2nd device.


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Klarstein è un brand tedesco che produce elettrodomestici di alta fattura e dalla alta componente smart. Nello specifico questa è un Termoconvettore elettrico a basso consumo che viene anche solitamente chiamato in gergo "stufa svedese". Vi spiego tutto nel dettaglio: Aspetto Questo termoconvettore ha un aspetto moderno e gradevole, ha grosso modo le dimensioni di un Tv Led da 40 pollici (96 x 5 x 1 cm) e ha un peso di circa 8 kg. È disponibile in due colorazioni, nero e bianco, ho preferito il colore bianco più affine all'arredamento di casa mia. ️ Funzionamento Il funzionamento è davvero molto semplice ed intuitivo. Nella parte in alto a destra del dispositivo c'è uno schermo touch screen abbastanza grande e leggibile. Con pochi tap si riesce ad intuire facilmente come impostare la temperatura, il timer e la ventilazione dall'alto o dal basso. Il tutto, ovviamente, è anche gestibile dal telecomando in dotazione (Batterie Incluse) molto comodo sopratutto alle "lunghe" distanze Questa versione è quella da 2000 watt e riesce a riscaldare agevolmente una stanza di poco superiore ai 40 mq All'interno della confezione All'interno, oltre che il termoconvettore, troviamo il telecomando, il manuale cartaceo che è in lingua italiana (in poche pagine spiega perfettamente come utilizzare il termoconvettore al massimo delle sue prestazioni), i Due tasselli per fissarlo al muro, e i due piedini avvitabili in caso si voglia poter spostare la stufa da un posto all'altro. La qualità ed il Prezzo La qualità offerta da Klarstein è encomiabile, i materiali sono di ottima fattura e risultano essere gradevoli al tatto (sopratutto la parte esterna), ma sopratutto solidi e robusti. Anche il rapporto Qualità/Prezzo a mio parere è ottimo, con una spesa non eccessiva si acquista un prodotto super affidabile e a basso consumo energetico. La mia opinione Sono davvero molto soddisfatto del mio acquisto, nonostante il mio scetticismo iniziale. Questo termoconvettore riscalda in maniera celere ed efficiente l'ambiente, i consumi sono realmente bassi e fattore estetico impreziosisce il tutto rendendolo un ottimo oggetto di design e di arredo. La componente smart è quella che ho più gradito, facile da usare e sopratutto efficiente senza lag o difetti. Esistendone di varie misure e potenza è facile scegliere quale è la migliore per le proprie esigenze. Consigliato!

Unable to load media content. Klarstein is a German brand that produces high-quality household appliances with a high smart component. Specifically, this is a low-consumption electric convector heater that is also commonly called a "Swedish stove" in jargon. I'll explain everything in detail: Appearance This convector heater has a modern and pleasant appearance, is roughly the size of a 40-inch LED TV (96 x 5 x 1 cm) and weighs about 8 kg. It is available in two colors, black and white, I preferred the white color that is more in line with the decor of my home. ️ Operation The operation is really very simple and intuitive. In the upper right part of the device there is a fairly large and readable touch screen. With a few taps you can easily understand how to set the temperature, the timer and the ventilation from above or below. All of this, of course, can also be managed from the supplied remote control (batteries included) which is very convenient especially at "long" distances. This version is the 2000 watt version and can easily heat a room of just over 40 m2. Inside the package Inside, in addition to the convector heater, we find the remote control, the paper manual which is in Italian (in a few pages it explains perfectly how to use the convector heater to its maximum performance), the two plugs to fix it to the wall, and the two screw-on feet in case you want to be able to move the heater from one place to another. Quality and Price The quality offered by Klarstein is commendable, the materials are of excellent workmanship and are pleasant to the touch (especially the external part), but above all solid and robust. In my opinion, the quality/price ratio is also excellent, with a not excessive expense you can buy a super reliable and low energy consumption product. My opinion I am really very satisfied with my purchase, despite my initial skepticism. This convector heats the environment quickly and efficiently, consumption is really low and the aesthetic factor enhances the whole thing making it an excellent design and furnishing object. The smart component is what I liked the most, easy to use and above all efficient without lag or defects. Since there are various sizes and power it is easy to choose which is the best for your needs. Recommended!


sehr gut, einfach toll, heizt auch größere Zimmer in kürzester Zeit, habe noch eine bestellt , auch Preis ist okay

very good, just great, also heats larger rooms in no time, I ordered another one, the price is okay too


Leider sind meine Eltern damit nicht klar gekommen obwohl es sehr einfach ist es einzustellen und zu bedienen. Vom Preis her ideal.

Unfortunately, my parents didn't get along with it, although it is very easy to set up and use. Ideal for the price.


Gerät sieht optisch gut aus (weiss). Heizleistung ist okay. Keine hörbaren Geräusche im Betriebsmodus. Stellfüsse sehr kantig. Empfehlung Filz anbringen.

The device looks good (white). Heat output is ok. No audible noise in operating mode. Feet very angular. Attach recommendation felt.


Macht was es soll und schaut dabei noch gut aus. Heizt unser Wohnzimmer mit ca. 30 m2 in einer Stunde von 18 auf 21 Grad auf. Nutzen wir als Heizung für die Übergangszeit.

Does what it's supposed to and still looks good. Heats our living room with approx. 30 m2 from 18 to 21 degrees in one hour. We use it as heating for the transitional period.


Das Produkt ist gut und ich hatte überlegt, noch ein Gerät zu kaufen. Aber 70 Euro mehr ist mit keinem Grund zu rechtfertigen. Nein danke.

The product is good and I was considering buying another device. But 70 euros more cannot be justified with any reason. No thank you.


Ein Zimmer 25qm unter dem Dach mit mehreren Schrägen hat mit einer herkömmlichen Heizung nichts gebracht, deshalb entschieden wir uns (und Den Tip vom Heizungsmonteur) für Klarstein Bornholm. Meine Tochter ist jetzt richtig zufrieden, da der Raum überall warm ist. Der Raum wird schnell aufgeheizt und hält auch die Wärme.

A 25 square meter room under the roof with several slopes did not work with a conventional heating system, so we decided (and the tip from the heating engineer) for Klarstein Bornholm. My daughter is now really happy as the room is warm everywhere. The room heats up quickly and also keeps the heat.


Aufgrund der extrem unsicheren Gasversorgung im Winter 2022 habe ich mir diesen Heizkörper bestellt und natürlich auch bisher 3x getestet. Laut Angabe des Herstellers reicht seine Wärmeentwicklung für meine keine Wohnung völlig aus - laut dem Display heizt er bis knapp über 40°

Due to the extremely uncertain gas supply in winter 2022, I ordered this radiator and of course tested it 3x so far. According to the manufacturer, its heat development is not completely sufficient for my apartment - according to the display, it heats up to just over 40°


Pünktliche Lieferung .Sehr gute Verpackung. Nach dem Auspacken, die Füsse angeschraubt. Ging einfach. Den Heizkörper angeschlossen und alle Funktionen durch getestet. Klappt wunderbar. Leider konnten keine Erfahrungen über den Dauerbetrieb gemacht werden( Winter abwarten). Jendenfalls gab es beim Probelauf keine Mängel(Geruchsbildung). Funktion und Reichweite der Fernbedienung geht in Ordnung.

Delivery on time. Very good packaging. After unpacking, the feet screwed on. went easy. Connected the radiator and tested all functions. Works great. Unfortunately, no experience could be made about continuous operation (wait for winter). In any case, there were no defects (odor formation) during the test run. Function and range of the remote control is fine.


Superschnelle Lieferung, schöner Heizkörper.Macht was er soll. Wir haben einen Klarstein-E-Ofen im Schlafzimmer und sind hochzufrieden.

Super fast delivery, nice radiator. Does what it should. We have a Klarstein electric oven in the bedroom and are very happy with it.


Das Teil ist eine Zusatzheizung und den Zweck erfüllt es. Der Verkäufer (Klarstein) macht mir aber Kopfzerbrechen. In der derzeitigen Weltlage sind Preissteigerungen ja normal. Aber so eine Erhöhung vom April 2022 (Preis 119,99 EUR) zum Juli 2022 (Preis 369,99 EUR) finde ich schon dreist. Ich werde mir in Zukunft überlegen von dem Anbieter weitere Artikel zu beziehen.

The part is an auxiliary heater and it serves the purpose. The seller (Klarstein) gives me a headache. In the current world situation, price increases are normal. But I find such an increase from April 2022 (price EUR 119.99) to July 2022 (price EUR 369.99) bold. I will consider buying more items from this seller in the future.


Nachdem die Wahrscheinlichkeit immer größer wurde, dass in D im kommenden Winter nicht ausreichend Gas vorhanden sein wird, um im gewohnten Maß zu heizen, habe ich mich kurzfristig entschlossen, für "Notfälle" eine elktr. Konvektorheizung anzuschaffen. Hier fiel mir sofort die Bornholm Curved Elektroheitung von Klarstein ins Auge. Hinzu kam, dass diese gerade im Angebot war für 97 € (ich glaube runter gesetzt von 179 €). Die Lieferung erfolgte innerhalb von 3 Tagen. Das Gerät ist als Heizung ein Hingucker (sieht in der schawrzen Ausführung eher aus wie ein LED-TV. Ausprobiert und alles funktioniert, wieder eingepackt und in den Keller gestellt für den Fall der Fälle. Die Füße sind, wie schon beschrieben etwas scharfkantig und benötigen noch Filzgleiter. Ansonsten aber eine tolle Heizung. P.S.: Auf die Idee, dieses Heizgerät zu kaufen sind wohl Einige gekommen. Ein paar Tage später war der Preis auf weit über 200 € gestiegen, zur Zeit ist das Gerät gar nicht lieferbar (ausverkauft)!

After the probability became ever greater that there would not be enough gas available in Germany next winter to heat to the usual extent, I decided at short notice to buy an electric one for "emergencies". purchase a convector heater. The Bornholm Curved electric heater from Klarstein immediately caught my eye. On top of that, it was on sale right now for €97 (down from €179 I think). Delivery was within 3 days. The device is an eye-catcher as a heater (looks more like an LED TV in the black version. Tried it out and everything works, packed it up again and put it in the basement just in case. The feet are, as already described, a bit sharp-edged and need felt pads. But otherwise a great heater. PS: Some people probably had the idea of buying this heater. A few days later the price had risen to well over 200 €, at the moment the device is not available at all (sold out)!


I have lost the remote control of one of the 3 heaters I ordered...I contactet the seller ( CHAL-TEC GmbH ) and asked for a replacement. Got a straight answer that they will check and let me know...3 days later they sent me an e-mail saying its in stock and on the way already....received works charge at all..not 1 call necessary...this is customer service per excellence...thank you CHAL-TEC

I have lost the remote control of one of the 3 heaters I ordered...I contactet the seller ( CHAL-TEC GmbH ) and asked for a replacement. Got a straight answer that they will check and let me know...3 days later they sent me an e-mail saying its in stock and on the way already....received works charge at all..not 1 call necessary...this is customer service per excellence...thank you CHAL-TEC


Preis Leistungsverhältnis ist in Ordnung.

Price-performance ratio is in order.


Super schicke Elektroheizung. Nutze die Heizung in meinem Büro (ca. 25 m²). Der Raum wird schnell aufgeheizt. Was ich super Finde an der Heizung gibt es auch eine Anzeige für die Uhrzeit. Selbst wenn ich die Heizung vom Netz nehme und nach Tagen wieder einstecke stimmt die Uhrzeit. TOP!! Man kann die Heizung aufstellen oder auch an die Wand hängen. Bin von Freunden auch schon auf die Heizung angesprochen worden. Kann ich nur empfehlen.

Super chic electric heater. Use the heating in my office (approx. 25 m²). The room heats up quickly. What I find great about the heater is that there is also a display for the time. Even if I unplug the heater and plug it back in days later, the time is right. TOP!! You can set up the heater or hang it on the wall. Friends have already asked me about the heating. I can only recommend.


Heizt leise kleine Räume, Frontscheibe wird nur warm, nicht heiß. Die Wärmeabgabe erfolgt in erster Linie durch die durch das Gerät strömende Luft und nicht über die Abstrahlung von der Scheibe. Also keine Gefahr für kleine Kinder. Die Fernsteuerung ist problemlos zu bedienen. Zur Montage der Füße mussten die Gewinde der Befestigungsschrauben nachgeschnitten werden, da die beigefügten Schrauben sonst nicht eingeschraubt werden konnten. Produkt macht aber insgesamt einen sehr guten Eindruck. Wir sind zufrieden.

Quietly heats small rooms, windscreen only gets warm, not hot. The heat is primarily dissipated by the air flowing through the device and not by radiation from the pane. So no danger for small children. The remote control is easy to use. To mount the feet, the threads of the fastening screws had to be recut, otherwise the screws provided could not be screwed in. Overall, the product makes a very good impression. We are satisfied.


Heizt wirklich gut, auch in einem 48qm Raum. Ist dabei nicht zu hören. Die Bedienung könnte eleganter sein, aber geht!

Heats really well, even in a 48sqm room. Can't be heard. The service could be more elegant, but works!


Super Gerät tut was es soll. Ich nutze es als zusatheizung. So kann ich tagsüber Gasheizung ausmachen. Und das Wohnzimmer ist abends schnell wieder gemütlich warm

Great device does what it's supposed to. I use it as an additional heater. So I can turn off gas heating during the day. And the living room is quickly and comfortably warm again in the evening


Stromkabel könnte etwas länger sein und es fehlt ein Tragegriff,sonst ein gutes Gerät...........

Power cable could be a bit longer and there is no carrying handle, otherwise a good device...........


Haben für unseren unisolierten ca 25 qm Raum 2 Stück gekauft! Konnten den Raum zu Silvester mit ein paar Freunden gut nutzen

Bought 2 pieces for our uninsulated room of about 25 square meters! Made good use of the room with a couple of friends on New Year's Eve


Super Produkt, mit der Fernbedienung leicht zu bearbeiten, keine Probleme, Optisch Chic

Super product, easy to edit with the remote control, no problems, optically chic


Die Heizung ist super effektiv und heißt den Raum super schnell auf

The heater is super effective and heats up the room super fast


Bedienung etwas komplexer. Hat man den Dreh erst mal raus, läuft sie reibungslos Erst mal ohne Fernbedienung versuchen.

Operation a bit more complex. Once you get the hang of it, it runs smoothly First try it without the remote control.


Sieht chic aus, heizt gut, allerdings ist die Temperaturanzeige im laufenden Betrieb um ca. 2 Grad zu hoch und die Bedienung sowohl über Display als auch über die Fernbedienung ist leider nicht intuitiv

Looks chic, heats well, but the temperature display is about 2 degrees too high during operation and operation, both via the display and the remote control, is unfortunately not intuitive


Alles gut

Everything's ok


Sehr gutte preis macht viel warm einfach top

Very good price makes a lot of warm just great


Top Gerät

Top device


Die Heizung entspricht optisch allen Erwartungen und heizt den Wintergarten bisher einwandfrei.

The heating meets all expectations in terms of appearance and has so far heated the conservatory perfectly.


Wollte das meinen Eltern schenken. Wird ihnen aber zu kompliziert sein. Muss ei einfacheres Modell kaufen. Sieht schick aus und wärmt gut.

Wanted to give this to my parents. But it will be too complicated for them. Have to buy a simpler model. Looks nice and warms well.


Genau jetzt, wo wir das gerät nichtmehr zurückgeben können sieht man den An/Aus Knopf nichtmehr. Aber an sich ist das Produkt akzeptabel. Leider kann ich nichts zum kundensupport oder ähnliches sagen.

Right now that we can no longer return the device, you can no longer see the on/off button. But the product itself is acceptable. Unfortunately I can't say anything about customer support or anything like that.


Wir vergeben 5 Sterne aber eigentlich 10 ! Wir sind rundum sehr zufrienden und sehr positiv überrascht! bei uns heizt er den Vorraum auf und hält was er soll ! 10 Stars !!!

We give 5 stars but actually 10! We are very satisfied and very positively surprised! with us it heats up the anteroom and does what it is supposed to do! 10 stars!!!


Es wirklich heizt gut aber bei der Bedingung sollte man sich etwas besseres einfallen lassen. Denn es ist echt kompliziert und war nervig.

It really heats up well but given the condition you should come up with something better. Because it's really complicated and was annoying.


mir hat zunächst das Design gefallen.. .Die Wärmeleistung u die tolle Bedienung. Die Füße des Heizkörpers sind sehr scharfkantig u könnten hochwertiger sein.

First of all, I liked the design... The heat output and the great operation. The feet of the radiator are very sharp and could be of higher quality.


Es fehlt ein Hinweis ob es auf einer Holzwand ebenfalls befestigt werden kann

There is no indication whether it can also be attached to a wooden wall


Macht was sie soll, alles top!

Does what it should, everything great!


Jetzt wo ds so warm ist, da lohnt sich doch das heizen ;-) Wir nutzen die Heizung für unseren Hobbyraum und dafür ist sie absolut geeignet. Das Aufstellen des Gerätes ging ganz einfach. Wir haben es nur auf dem Boden stehen und nicht an der Wand angebracht. Die Inbetriebnahme ist ganz einfach und fast selbst erklärend. Die Regulierung der Wärme kann man über die Fernbedienung oder über den Touchscreen vornehmen. Die Regelung der Wärme funktioniert einwandfrei. Die Heizung läuft nur so lange, bis die eingestellte Raumtemperatur erreicht ist. Dann schaltet sie sich aus, aber heizt immer wieder nach. Ich bin erstaunt wie schnell die richtige Temperatur erreicht ist. Für mein Empfinden ist die Heizung absolut ausreichend- eine angenehme Wärme wird erreicht. Optisch ist die Heizung total edel und hochwertig. Nimmt man erstmal gar nicht als solche wahr. Sieht eher aus wie ein Fernseher oder Monitor :-) Den Punkt Abzug gibt es für die Füße des Gerätes. Da wir die Heizung auf dem Boden stehen haben, haben wir sofort Filzgleiter darunter geklebt, damit der Boden nicht zerkratzt wird. Die Füße sind nämlich etwas scharf. Ansonsten sind wir ganz zufrieden:-)

Now that it's so warm, it's worth heating it ;-) We use the heater for our hobby room and it's absolutely suitable for that. Setting up the device was very easy. We just put it on the floor and didn't mount it on the wall. Commissioning is very simple and almost self-explanatory. The heat can be regulated using the remote control or the touch screen. The heat control works perfectly. The heating only runs until the set room temperature is reached. Then it turns off, but keeps heating up. I am amazed how quickly the right temperature is reached. In my opinion, the heating is absolutely sufficient - a pleasant warmth is achieved. Visually, the heater is totally noble and high quality. At first you don't even perceive it as such. Looks more like a TV or monitor :-) The point is deducted for the feet of the device. Since we have the heater on the floor, we immediately glued felt pads underneath so that the floor doesn't get scratched. The feet are a bit sharp. Otherwise we are quite satisfied :-)