Easy Rider Handcart
- Handcart
- Dark Gray
Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty£ 111.99Original price: £ 124.99
- Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
For the outdoors and the beach: carts with extra wide tires
Pull or push: with a telescopic rod and a rod for pushing
Smooth running: wheels with ball bearings
Product description
Born to be wild! The Waldbeck Easy Rider handcartis suitable for all small and large adventures. Whether you are taking a walk with children, on the way to the beach or for the transport of drinks, you will never want to pass up on this collapsible handcart from Waldbeck.
With the help of the extendable telescopic rod at the front and the rod for pushing at the back, the wagon can be easily pulled or pushed. The wheels are freely movable and equipped with ball bearings, which guarantees smooth and easy driving. For extra safety, which is especially important when transporting children, there are two seat belts inside and the reflectors on the outside of the handcart. Thanks to the padded floor, there is always a high level of comfort during transport, which will provide a pleasant sitting experience for all children.
The bags on the outside of the cart are ideal for stowing smaller items such as beach gear or toys. The extra-wide, 10 cm thick plastic wheels can travel on virtually any surface. This also makes walking through sandy dunes child's play. After use, the foldable frame construction made of sturdy tubular steel allows this handy helper to be folded up quickly and stowed away to save space.
Carefree excursions, hikes and picnics: The Waldbeck Easy Rider handcart ensures relaxation on all roads!
- Freely movable wheels with ball bearings
- Front telescopic rod and rear rod
- Robust and easy to care for 600D polyester cover
- Bags on the sides, front and back
- Powder-coated metal parts for corrosion protection
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions: 54 x 110 x 103 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions folded: 53 x 81 x 27 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions of cargo space: 44 x 26 x 76 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions of telescopic pole: 50 - 83 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions of wheels: 19 x 10 cm (ØxB)
- Weight: approx. 13.5 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x hand cart
- Operating instructions in English (further languages: German)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Solide, compact une fois plié et pratique, c'est un chariot très utile pour transporter mon chiot et lui éviter de trop longue marche. Un système de blocage des roues aurait été un plus.
Solid, compact once folded and practical, it is a very useful trolley for transporting my puppy and preventing him from having to walk too long. A wheel lock system would have been a plus.
Muy cómodo y prácitco. Tengo gemelas y les encanta ir en el. Se ponen de pié y disfrutan
Very comfortable and practical. I have twins and they love to ride in it. They stand up and enjoy it.
Ce chariot semble bien pratique, il est facile d’utilisation (pliage et dépliage aisés). Nous testerons plus tard son utilisation en extérieur et dans le sable
This trolley seems very practical, it is easy to use (easy folding and unfolding). We will later test its use outdoors and in the sand
Ce chariot semble bien pratique, il est facile d’utilisation (pliage et dépliage aisés). Nous testerons plus tard son utilisation en extérieur et dans le sable
This trolley seems very practical, it is easy to use (easy folding and unfolding). We will later test its use outdoors and in the sand
Haben den Bollerwagen für den Strandurlaub in Italien gekauft. Da hat einiges Platz und man kommt relativ gut durch den Sand. Gut finde ich, dass man ihn eben auch schieben kann. Die Seitentaschen sind auch sehr praktisch für Flaschen oder sonstiges Kleinzeug. Kann ihn also nur empfehlen!
We bought the handcart for our beach holiday in Italy. There's a lot of space and you can get through the sand relatively easily. I think it's good that you can push it. The side pockets are also very practical for bottles or other small items. I can only recommend it!
Comodo per la spiaggia
Convenient for the beach
Die Räder sind sehr laut. Aber sonst sind wir gut zufrieden.
The wheels are very loud. But otherwise we are very satisfied.
Pour l’instant utilisé uniquement en jardin, terrain accidenté, pierreux et boueux, et rien à dire ! Bébé est en sécurité, a l’air bien confortable et est ravie de pouvoir être avec nous en tout terrain !
For the moment only used in the garden, uneven, stony and muddy terrain, and nothing to say! Baby is safe, seems very comfortable and is delighted to be able to be with us off-road!
Lo compramos para llevarlo a la playa con nuestro bebé y todos los aperos. Ha sido un éxito tal que lo hemos apodado en casa "Hammer Beach". Lo mejor es su robustez y la capacidad, junto a sus ruedas que, al ser anchas y de buena calidad de plástico, facilitan rodar por zonas poco lisas como la arena. No obstante, necesitarás tirar del carro (y no empujar) para poder rodarlo por la arena de playa, pero eso no es problema porque tiene esta dos opciones de desplazamiento. No es que vaya solo por la arena, pero es mejor que otros carros con ruedas más finas que seguro se clavarían en el suelo sin opción de movimiento. Por poner una pega, algunas zonas de las ruedas se han oxidado y hace algo de ruido al moverse. Nada que no arregle un poco de 3 en 1, aunque estoy seguro de que tendremos que cambiar los tornillos tarde o temprano.
We bought this to take it to the beach with our baby and all the gear. It has been such a success that we have nicknamed it "Hammer Beach" at home. The best thing about it is its sturdiness and capacity, together with its wheels, which, being wide and made of good quality plastic, make it easy to roll over uneven areas such as sand. However, you will need to pull the cart (and not push it) to be able to roll it over the sand at the beach, but that is not a problem because it has two movement options. It is not that it only goes through the sand, but it is better than other carts with thinner wheels that would surely get stuck in the ground without the option of moving. To put a drawback, some areas of the wheels have rusted and it makes some noise when moving. Nothing that a little 3 in 1 won't fix, although I am sure that we will have to change the screws sooner or later.
Der Bollerwagen hat sich am Strand hervorragend gemacht.Sonnenschutz sehr praktisch.Einfach zu handhaben und sehr gute Ware.Gerne wieder.
The handcart worked great on the beach. Sun protection is very practical. Easy to use and very good product. Would buy again.
Habe den Wagen für meinen Welpen gekauft. Ich bin total begeistert, wie viel der Wagen mitmacht. Wir sind damit durch den Sand gefahren, im Wald über Wurzeln und durch hohes Gras. Man kann ihn echt schnell zusammen und wieder aufklappen und er passt in den Fußraum hinter den Sitz. Das Material ist robust und ich kann eindeutig eine Empfehlung aussprechen!
Bought the stroller for my puppy. I'm really excited about how much the car can do. We drove it through the sand, in the forest over roots and through tall grass. You can fold it up and unfold it again really quickly and it fits in the footwell behind the seat. The material is robust and I can definitely give a recommendation!
Qualität und Robustheit sind gut.
Quality and robustness are good.
Io lo uso x portare spesa e acqua dal garage a casa..Top
I use it to carry groceries and water from the garage to the house..Top
Tenía miedo que fuera muy endeble y que se rompiera en el primer paseo. Pero he de decir que no sólo se maneja súper bien, sino que lo he llevado por la montaña, por barro y por la playa. Bien cargado o solo con el peke durmiendo y es que va genial en todos los aspectos
I was afraid it would be very flimsy and break on the first ride. But I have to say that not only does it handle super well, but I have taken it through the mountains, through mud and on the beach. Well loaded or just with the little one sleeping and it works great in all aspects.
Me encanta fácil de abrir y cerrar y es ligero para llevar con las cosas. Pesa un poco cuando esta cerrado.
I love that it's easy to open and close and it's light enough to carry around with your stuff. It's a little heavy when closed.
Schöner Wagen. Durch die Schiebemöglichkeit viel bequemer. Seitentaschen passt einiges hinein. Der Klappmechanismus geht einfach Die Räder tun sich bei holprigen Wegen etwas schwer, drehen sich stark, aber grundsätzlich ist das ja nicht standard auf den Straßen. Sandwege Plattenwege Waldwege Genau richtig für Ausflüge mit Kind/ern. Vielleicht auch für den Einkauf.
Nice car. Much more convenient due to the possibility of sliding. Side pockets fits a lot. The folding mechanism is easy. The wheels have a little trouble on bumpy roads and turn a lot, but basically that's not standard on the roads. Sand paths Paved paths Forest paths Just right for trips with children. Maybe also for shopping.
Gut Schöner Wagen. Durch die Schiebemöglichkeit viel bequemer. Seitentaschen passt einiges hinein. Der Klappmechanismus geht einfach Die Räder tun sich bei holprigen Wegen etwas schwer, drehen sich stark, aber grundsätzlich ist das ja nicht standard auf den Straßen. Sandwege Plattenwege Waldwege Genau richtig für Ausflüge mit Kind/ern. Vielleicht auch für den Einkauf.
Good Nice stroller. Much more comfortable because you can push it. Side pockets fit in a lot. The folding mechanism is easy. The wheels are a bit heavy on bumpy roads and turn a lot, but that's not standard on the roads. Sandy roads, paved roads, forest roads. Just right for trips with children. Maybe also for shopping.
Da tenere a mente mentre lo si spre di qualche passaggio per allineare le ruote, abbastanza intuitivo. Robusto e pratico con la doppia impugnatura che consente di spingerlo o tirarlo. Nella sabbia morbida affonda un po, mentre su quella più battuta fa efficacemente il suo lavoro. Non è leggero ma anche da chiuso si possono sfruttare le ruote.
To keep in mind while you are using it, a few steps to align the wheels, quite intuitive. Sturdy and practical with the double handle that allows you to push or pull it. In soft sand it sinks a bit, while on the more beaten one it does its job effectively. It is not light but even when closed you can use the wheels.
Non potevo scegliere un prodotto migliore per la spiaggia per portare i miei gemelli e tutta la roba necessaria. Consiglio vivamente.
I couldn't have picked a better product for the beach to carry my twins and all their stuff. I highly recommend.
Sonnenschutz gibt es nicht, kein Dach.
There is no sun protection, no roof.
Unsere Tochter mag ihn. Sie mag gar nicht mehr in den Buggy. Mit den breiten Reifen ist er gut für Sand und Wald.
Our daughter likes him. She doesn't like being in the buggy anymore. With the wide tires it is good for sand and forest.
Toller großer stabiler Bollerwagen... Kam sogar einen Tag eher geliefert... Die extra breiten Reifen... extra für den sandstrand.... Fahren im Sand aber überhaupt nicht gut er lässt sich sehr schwer ziehen... Eine Feststellbremse für die Räder wäre sinnvoll... Leider kann mann den Bollerwagen im zusammen geklappten Zustand nicht stehen lassen... Mann muß ihn immer hinlegen...(oder vielleicht habe ich auch was falsch gemacht) Trotz allem finde ich den Bollerwagen richtig toll
Great, large, stable handcart... It was even delivered a day earlier... The extra wide tires... extra for the sandy beach.... Driving in the sand is not good at all, it is very difficult to pull... A parking brake for the wheels would make sense... Unfortunately, you can't leave the handcart in the folded state... You always have to put it down...(or maybe I did something wrong) Despite everything, I think the handcart is really great
Regalato a famiglia con due bimbi, subito usato in occasione di vacanze al mare, comodo per trasportare tutto quello che serve in spiaggia e anche i bambini quando sono stanchi. Ottimo acquisto.
Given to a family with two children, immediately used on the occasion of a beach holiday, convenient for carrying everything you need to the beach and also the children when they are tired. Excellent purchase.
Lo usiamo per portare in spiaggia le infinite attrezzature inclusi i bambini quando si stancano. Le ruote sono spesse per cui canina bene anche sulla sabbia. È capirebbe ma leggero e il meccanismo è ben fatto. Ha molte tasche esterne per riporre le mille piccole cose. Bambini fino a5 anni ci dormono dentro sotto l ombrellone e stanno una meraviglia. Lo usiamo ormai da due anni e siamo soddisfatti. A fine stagione lo richiudiamo e lo riponiamo in poco spazio. Consigliato
We use it to carry the endless equipment to the beach including the children when they get tired. The wheels are thick so it canina also well on the sand. It is understandable but light and the mechanism is well made. It has many external pockets to store the thousand small things. Children up to 5 years old sleep in it under the umbrella and are wonderful. We have been using it for two years now and we are satisfied. At the end of the season we close it and store it in a small space. Recommended
Con arena blanda sufres un poco pero funciona correctamente
With soft sand you suffer a little but it works correctly
Super Produkt, lässt sich sehr leicht steuern und ist belastbar und auch einfach zusammenzulegen
Super product, is very easy to control and is resilient and also easy to fold
Super, stabil, geräumig, genau das richtige für den Strand Urlaub.
Super, stable, spacious, just right for the beach vacation.
Ha cumplido mis espectativas. Me gusta. Está muy bien nque tenga para empujar y tirar, sus 2 cinturones para atar a las niñas, sus bolsillos para guardar cositas. El diseño y color está muy chulo también
It has met my expectations. I like it. It's great that it has a push and pull function, its 2 belts to tie the girls, its pockets to store things. The design and color are very cool too.
Maneggevole semplice da aprire e comodo per caricare le cose da portare
Easy to handle, simple to open and convenient for loading things to carry
Praktisch und schön Schöner Bollerwagen in einer tollen Farbe. Seitlich sind noch Fächer als zusätzlicher Stauraum angebracht. Sehr gut und bequem ist auch die Schubstange. Wir nutzen ihn hauptsächlich für den Einkauf. Ein kleiner Nachteil ist, dass sich der Bollerwagen voll beladen nur schwer mit der Schubstange lenken lässt, aber man kann ihn ja auch ziehen. Alles in allem ein tolles Teil und sehr praktisch. Lieferung und Verpackung war auch top.
Practical and beautiful Beautiful handcart in a great color. There are compartments on the side for additional storage space. The push bar is also very good and convenient. We mainly use it for shopping. A small disadvantage is that the handcart is difficult to steer with the push bar when fully loaded, but you can also pull it. All in all a great item and very practical. Delivery and packaging were also top notch.
Schöner Bollerwagen in einer tollen Farbe. Seitlich sind noch Fächer als zusätzlicher Stauraum angebracht. Sehr gut und bequem ist auch die Schubstange. Wir nutzen ihn hauptsächlich für den Einkauf. Ein kleiner Nachteil ist, dass sich der Bollerwagen voll beladen nur schwer mit der Schubstange lenken lässt, aber man kann ihn ja auch ziehen. Alles in allem ein tolles Teil und sehr praktisch. Lieferung und Verpackung war auch top.
Beautiful handcart in a great color. There are compartments on the side for additional storage space. The push bar is also very good and convenient. We mainly use it for shopping. A small disadvantage is that the handcart is difficult to steer with the push bar when fully loaded, but you can also pull it. All in all, a great item and very practical. Delivery and packaging were also top notch.
Ottimo prodotto: robusto, capiente, con grandi ruote adatte anche a terreni sabbiosi o accidentati, facile da aprire e chiudere, compatto per il trasporto da chiuso. Unico neo un po' pesante, ma credo in linea con altri prodotti simili e con la robustezza voluta per un prodotto del genere. Consigliato
Excellent product: sturdy, roomy, with large wheels suitable for sandy or uneven terrain, easy to open and close, compact for transport when closed. The only flaw is that it is a bit heavy, but I think it is in line with other similar products and with the desired sturdiness for a product of this type. Recommended
Toller Bollerwagen Wir haben uns die Wahl des Bollerwagens nicht leicht gemacht und auch sehr viele auch von bekannten Herstellern getestet. Uns hat keiner so überzeugt wie der Waldbeck Bollerwagen. Gute Lenkbarkeit, stabile Bauart, laufruhige Räder. Wir hatten ihn schon im Urlaub im Einsatz und waren begeistert, vorallem wenn man dann andere sieht, wo die Räder durchbrechen, die Zugstange bricht...
Great handcart We didn't make the choice of handcart lightly and tested many, even from well-known manufacturers. None convinced us as much as the Waldbeck handcart. Easy to steer, sturdy construction, smooth-running wheels. We used it on holiday and were impressed, especially when you see others where the wheels break or the drawbar breaks...
Wir haben uns die Wahl des Bollerwagens nicht leicht gemacht und auch sehr viele auch von bekannten Herstellern getestet. Uns hat keiner so überzeugt wie der Waldbeck Bollerwagen. Gute Lenkbarkeit, stabile Bauart, laufruhige Räder. Wir hatten ihn schon im Urlaub im Einsatz und waren begeistert, vorallem wenn man dann andere sieht, wo die Räder durchbrechen, die Zugstange bricht...
We didn't make the choice of handcart easy for ourselves and also tested many from well-known manufacturers. Nobody convinced us as much as the Waldbeck handcart. Good steerability, stable design, smooth-running wheels. We've already used it on vacation and were thrilled, especially when you see others where the wheels break through, the pull rod breaks...
Está muy chulo, lo utilizo para muchas cosas, para llevar a los niños al colegio, para ir a la compra, para ir al huerto... en la playa aún no lo he utilizado.
It's really cool, I use it for lots of things, to take the kids to school, to go shopping, to go to the garden... I haven't used it on the beach yet.
Zum Transport meiner Kinder und beim Einkaufen! Funktioniert spitzt würde ich jeder Zeit wieder kaufen!
For transporting my children and when shopping! If it works, I would buy it again anytime!
Al final no sé cómo funcionaría, me llegó muy tarde y no lo pude utilizar para lo que quería, pero el vendedor, se preocupó y me devolvió el dinero, me pareció un buen producto y muy buenos acabados, lo recomendaría
In the end I don't know how it would work, it arrived very late and I couldn't use it for what I wanted, but the seller was concerned and gave me my money back, I thought it was a good product and very good finishes, I would recommend it.
Der Bollerwagen machte einen stabilen Eindruck - auch wenn er in der falschen Farbe geliefert wurde. Der Platz im Wagen selbst ist großzügig. Die Taschen an den Seiten sind für Kleinigkeiten gut geeignet. Der Auf- und Zusammenbau ist mit einer Hand möglich und klappt schnell und einfach. Er lässt sich leicht ziehen, auch in Kurven. Wir haben ihn gleich mit in den Urlaub genommen und "getestet", wo nach 2 Tagen leider der Schiebe-Griff am Gelenk gebrochen ist... Man muss dazu sagen, der Bollerwagen wurde normal genutzt, keine wilden Kamikaze-Touren oder ähnliches. Positiv und reibungslos ist dafür die Rückgabe verlaufen. Wir bestellen ihn nicht wieder, sondern sind auf der Suche nach einem anderen Modell.
The handcart made a stable impression - even if it was delivered in the wrong color. The space in the car itself is generous. The pockets on the sides are well suited for small things. It can be set up and assembled with one hand and is quick and easy. It is easy to pull, even when cornering. We took it with us on vacation and "tested" it, where after 2 days the sliding handle on the joint broke... It has to be said that the handcart was used normally, no wild kamikaze tours or the like. The return went positively and smoothly. We will not order it again, but are looking for a different model.
Ich bin zu Frieden. Ich kann nur empfehlen.
I am happy. I can only recommend.
Kam leider defekt an, Retoure ging allerdings problemlos. Ansonsten macht das Teil einen Wertingen und guten Eindruck. Fährt sich auch gut, hat aber ein gutes Eigengewicht.
Unfortunately, it arrived defective, but the return was easy. Otherwise, the part makes a Wertingen and good impression. It also drives well, but has a good dead weight.
Acquistato per trasportare in spiaggia i giochi e il bambino. Utilissimo anche in altre occasioni. Il maniglione e la leva permettono di tirare e spingere contemporaneamente, ideale se a pieno carico.
Purchased to carry toys and baby to the beach. Very useful on other occasions too. The handle and lever allow you to pull and push at the same time, ideal if fully loaded.
Forse un po’ troppo grande ma molto utile
Maybe a little too big but very useful
Ottimo aiuto per le vacanze estive, utile per caricare giochi e bimbi!pratico,robusto e facilmente manovrabile!consigliato!!!!
Great help for summer holidays, useful for loading games and children! Practical, sturdy and easy to handle! Recommended!!!!
Il pacco è arrivato puntuale, il carrello è robusto e pratico. Su terreni compatti e manegavolissimo anche spingendolo con il maniglione posteriore, mentre sulla sabbia soffice caricato con un bimbo,borsa frigho giochi e teli mare un po' sprofonda ma comunque molto più pratico del passegino. In spiaggia tutti lo guardavano con invidia. Non do 5 stelle perché le ruote non hanno i cuscinetti a sfere come indicato.
The package arrived on time, the cart is sturdy and practical. On compact terrain it is very maneuverable even when pushed with the rear handle, while on soft sand loaded with a child, cooler bag, toys and beach towels it sinks a bit but still much more practical than the stroller. At the beach everyone looked at it with envy. I do not give 5 stars because the wheels do not have ball bearings as indicated.
tutto ok
Everything is OK
Haben den Wagen für Urlaub gekauft aber ich gehe mit ihm auch gerne einkaufen. Lässt sich leicht lenken, egal ob man zieht oder schiebt. Unsere Tochter, fast 2, sitzt sehr gerne drin und wenn der Wagen leer ist, dann legt sie sich auch gerne hin. Auf steinigen Wegen ist er etwas laut und klappert ein wenig. Einmal ist mir hinten rechts ein Rad fast abgefallen, weil sich die Mutter von der Schraube gelöst hat. War wohl vom Werk nicht richtig befestigt. Haben alle Muttern nachgezogen und bis jetzt halten sie. Für die lose Mutter ein Stern Abzug. Alles in allem bin ich sehr zufrieden.
Bought the car for vacation but I also like to take it shopping. It's easy to steer, whether you're pulling or pushing. Our daughter, almost 2, likes to sit in it and when the car is empty, she also likes to lie down. It is a bit noisy on rocky paths and rattles a bit. Once a wheel almost fell off on the right rear because the nut came loose from the bolt. It was probably not installed properly at the factory. Tightened all the nuts and so far they are holding up. One star deducted for the loose mother. All in all I am very satisfied.
Soddisfa a pieno le aspettative pratico e robusto, avrei preferito più cura nella realizzazione delle ruote, non sono perfettamente concentriche, ma comunque ok.
It fully meets expectations, practical and robust, I would have preferred more care in the construction of the wheels, they are not perfectly concentric, but still ok.
Mi è piaciuta molto la robustezza. L'ho usato per la spiaggia.
I really liked the sturdiness. I used it for the beach.
Super Wagen. Super Teil, sehr gut zu lenken, jederzeit wieder!!!!
Great car. Great piece, very easy to drive, would buy again anytime!!!!
Super Teil, sehr gut zu lenken, jederzeit wieder!!!!
Super part, very easy to steer, anytime again!!!!
Molto pratico, robusto e facile da chiudere. Utilizzato sopratutto in spiaggia per caricare bambino, giochi e materiale spiaggia. Comode le tasche portaoggetti. Peccato non abbia tettuccio parasole/pioggia... in ogni caso, consigliatissimo!
Very practical, sturdy and easy to close. Used mainly on the beach to load the child, games and beach material. Convenient storage pockets. Too bad it doesn't have a sun/rain canopy... in any case, highly recommended!
Davvero un ottimo prodotto, l'ideale per trasportare i miei due bambini nelle passeggiate. Robusto e facile da aprire e chiudere, facilissimo da spingere. Attenzione è l'unico che ho trovato con il maniglione richiudibile posteriore. Le ruote larghe aiutano su ogni terreno. Ottimo
Really a great product, ideal for carrying my two children on walks. Sturdy and easy to open and close, very easy to push. Attention, it is the only one I have found with the foldable rear handle. The wide wheels help on any terrain. Excellent
Das Sonnendach könnte stabieler sein. Es super das der Pollerwagen Bremsen hat!!! Ansonsten hat mich alles überzeugt.
The sunroof could be more stable. It's great that the bollard has brakes!!! Otherwise everything convinced me.