Beersafe 7XL Fridge
- Beverage cooler
- Stainless Steel
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 7 - 10 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Crystal clear: elegant drinks refrigerator with double-insulated panoramic glass door
Space miracle: with 242 litres volume
High quality: stainless steel front and handle
Product description
Well cooled refreshes better: The Klarstein Beersafe 7XL is a compact drinks fridge with a capacity of 242 litres.
Five metal grid shelves offer plenty of space for food and drinks. The double-insulated panoramic glass door keeps the cold in and the heat out. The brushed stainless steel front contrasts well with the black interior. An additional highlight is the LED interior lighting, which gives the Beersafe 7XL the finishing touch. The cooling temperature can be conveniently set via a control panel with digital display.
The Klarstein Beersafe 7XL refrigerator keeps drinks at refreshing temperature.
- Capacity: 242 litres
- Cooling range: 0 to 20 °C in 1 °C steps
- Coolant: R600a
- Energy efficiency class: F
- Operating noise: 41 dB max.
- Optimum ambient temperature: 10 - 38 °C
- Switchable white LED interior light
- 5 shelves: flexible use
- Height-adjustable feet to compensate for uneven floors
- Position: free-standing
- Door hinge: right
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions: approx. 55 x 126.5 x 60 cm (WxHxD)
- Interior dimensions: approx. 47 x 98 x 45 cm (WxHxD)
- Interior dimensions bottom compartment: approx. 47 x 19 x 30.5 cm (WxHxD)
- Weight: approx. 50 kg
- Material housing: plastic
- Material: bamboo and stainless steel
- Material insert grille: metal
- Power consumption: 100 Watt
- Power supply: 220 - 240 V~ | 50 Hz
What will be delivered?
- 1 x drinks fridge
- 5 x shelves
- Multilingual user manual
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 7 - 10 days
No review available for this item.
Der Kühlschrank schaut echt gut aus. Wir nutzten ihn in 2024 im Sommer und Herbst auf unserer Terrasse. Die Kühlung ist für unsere Zwecke absolut ausreichend. Die Lautstärke ist akzeptabel und hat uns nicht gestört.
The refrigerator looks really good. We used it on our terrace in summer and autumn 2024. The cooling is absolutely sufficient for our purposes. The noise level is acceptable and did not bother us.
Tolles Produkt, Preis Leistung in Ordnung,
Great product, price-performance ratio OK,
Hervorragend !!!
Terrific !!!
Kühlt sehr gut und macht optisch was her.
Cools very well and looks great.
Me sers de frigo pour la boulange et il fonctionne très bien
I use it as a fridge for baking and it works very well.
Schnelle Lieferung. Der Kühlschrank ist einfach gut. Läuft auf halber Stufe (3) und soll relativ wenig Strom verbrauchen. Die Gitter und Ablagen sind echt stabil und ausreichend tief.
Fast delivery. The fridge is simply good. Runs on half power (3) and should use relatively little electricity. The racks and shelves are really sturdy and deep enough.
Schaut super ,nur ein bischen zu klein,sonst ok
Looks great, just a bit too small, otherwise ok
Le frigo est très performant et très esthétique, mais il faut savoir que le léger bruit généré par le compresseur, lorsque ce dernier se met en marche, peut s’avérer un peu gênant. Ceci se produit avec tous les frigos.
The fridge is very efficient and very aesthetic, but you should know that the slight noise generated by the compressor, when it starts up, can be a little annoying. This happens with all fridges.
Optisch sehr ansprechender Getränkekühlschrank für's Gaming-Zimmer. Motor hörbar, aber nicht sehr laut/störend. Schöne Innenbeleuchtung, könnte aber ein bisschen heller sein. Dosen passen stilvoll verstaut. Preis geht völlig i.O.
Visually very appealing drinks fridge for the gaming room. Motor can be heard, but not very loud/disturbing. Nice interior lighting, but could be a bit brighter. Cans fit stylishly stored. Price is completely OK
Ein klasse Kühlschrank, der einen großen locker ersetzt. Wir hatten erst Bedenken, nach den Bewertungen hier, dass er als "normaler" Kühlschrank durchgeht, jedoch ist die Kühlleistung top.
A great fridge that easily replaces a large one. After reading the reviews here, we were initially concerned that it would pass as a "normal" fridge, but the cooling performance is top notch.
Kühlschrank der draußen steht für das Bier i. Sommer. Top
Refrigerator that is outside for the beer in summer. Top
Schnelle Lieferung, gute Verpackung und für meinen Zweck - Zum Eierverkauf in einem Hänger eingebaut - wo er Tag und Nacht läuft, macht er sich sehr gut. Hoffentlich hält das an, wobei ich da sehr optimistisch bin.
Fast delivery, good packaging and for my purpose - installed in a trailer for selling eggs - where it runs day and night, it works very well. Hopefully it will continue, although I am very optimistic.
einzigartiges Preis/Leistungsverhältnis
unique price/performance ratio
Produit conforme à la description. Fonctionnement correct et bel aspect.
Product as described. Works properly and looks great.
Deux manques :
- froid ventilé ;
- thermostat électronique
Sinon fonctionne comme "un bon vieux réfrigérateur"
Two shortcomings: - ventilated cold; - electronic thermostat Otherwise works like "a good old refrigerator"
Regalo per mio marito, ma è troppo grande… ho fatto la richiesta di reso, ho avuto un problema con le Poste Italiane (in un ufficio pacco troppo grande e nell’altro etichetta sbagliata) però servizio clienti Amazon sempre al TOP e anche il venditore molto disponibile. Vediamo se alle Poste Italiane la nuova etichetta andrà bene.
Gift for my husband, but it's too big... I made a return request, I had a problem with Poste Italiane (in one office the package was too big and in the other the wrong label) but Amazon customer service is always TOP and the seller is also very helpful. Let's see if the new label will be ok with Poste Italiane.
fantastica idea de verano
fantastic summer idea
Alles ist gut
All is well
Alles ist gut
All is well
Das Gerät sieht in echt noch cooler aus. Funktioniert tadellos. Kritikpunkt: Das Gerät steht neben unserer Sitzrunde. Wenn es mal läuft ist es hörbar. Wenn man Musik hört oder sich mir Gästen angeregt unterhält , merkt man das Geräusch nicht. In Abwägung vom günstigen Preis und des guten Aussehens gibt es noch 5 Sterne.
The device looks even cooler in real life. Works perfectly. Point of criticism: The device is next to our seating area. When it is running, you can hear it. If you are listening to music or having a lively conversation with guests, you don't notice the noise. Considering the low price and the good looks, it still gets 5 stars.
Ich hab wenig Platz und Bedarf und dafür ist er genau richtig. Das Licht kann man ausschalten und damit Strom sparen. Wenn er anspringt, hört man das schon. Aber es ist gut erträglich.
I have little space and little needs and it's just right for that. You can turn off the light and save electricity. When it starts up, you can hear it. But it's bearable.
Geil und hörbar Das Gerät sieht in echt noch cooler aus. Funktioniert tadellos. Kritikpunkt: Das Gerät steht neben unserer Sitzrunde. Wenn es mal läuft ist es hörbar. Wenn man Musik hört oder sich mir Gästen angeregt unterhält , merkt man das Geräusch nicht. In Abwägung vom günstigen Preis und des guten Aussehens gibt es noch 5 Sterne.
Cool and audible The device looks even cooler in real life. Works perfectly. Point of criticism: The device is next to our seating area. When it is running, it is audible. If you are listening to music or having a lively conversation with guests, you don't notice the noise. Considering the low price and the good looks, it still gets 5 stars.
Top Top
Top Top
Eins vorweg: Man kann mir vorwerfen, dass ich nicht genau die 42 dB bewerten kann. Ich kann es auch nicht. Nachmessen kann ich auch nicht. Ich habe den Schrank im Büro stehen. Die meiste Zeit ist der Kühlschrank auch tatsächlich komplett still. Ab und zu schaltet es sich allerdings an und das Geräusch ist trotz der Lautstärke im Raum störend hörbar. Das Abschalten darauf mit einem lauten "Klack" auch nicht gerade schön. Im Vergleich zu anderen dauernd laufenden Kühlschränken definitiv ein guter Kompromiss aus Preis, Ästhetik und der Lautstärke. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich den Kühlschrank wieder kaufen würde. Zurückschicken werde ich es aber auch nicht, da ich den Schrank schön finde und die Getränke wirklich schnell kühlt.
First of all: I could be accused of not being able to accurately assess the 42 dB. I can't. I can't measure it either. I have the cabinet in my office. Most of the time the refrigerator is actually completely silent. Every now and then, however, it switches on and the noise is annoyingly audible despite the volume in the room. The switching off with a loud "click" isn't exactly nice either. Compared to other refrigerators that are constantly running, it's definitely a good compromise between price, aesthetics and noise level. I don't know if I would buy the refrigerator again. But I won't send it back either, because I think the cabinet is nice and it cools drinks really quickly.
Funktioniert wunderbar
Works wonderfully
Muutenhan voisi olla hyväkin,,, mutta 6-viikkoa sitten tilattu ja maksettu ennakkomaksuna ! No, ei ole tullut mitään viestiä ko, kaapista eikä myöskään toimitusta ! En suosittele maksamaan Klarsteinille mitään ennakkomaksuna !
Otherwise it could be good,,, but ordered 6 weeks ago and paid in advance! Well, there hasn't been any message from the cabinet or delivery either! I do not recommend paying Klarstein anything in advance!
Alles bestens funktioniert einwandfrei und kühlt super
Everything works perfectly and cools super
Schnelle Lieferung Alles bestens funktioniert einwandfrei und kühlt super
Fast delivery Everything works perfectly and cools super
Optisch und funktional wie beschrieben. Ist nicht ganz leise aber in einem großen Raum je nach persönlichem Empfinden ok. Ich bin sehr zufrieden.
Visually and functionally as described. It's not completely quiet but in a large room it's OK depending on your personal preference. I'm very satisfied.
Funktioniert, wie beschrieben.
Works as described.
Funktioniert, wie beschrieben. Funktioniert, wie beschrieben.
Works as described. Works as described.
Super schnelle Lieferung, ob er hält was es verspricht, können wir erst später sagen, ist noch nicht in Betrieb
Super fast delivery, whether it keeps its promises, we can only say later, it is not yet in operation
Habe den Kühlschrank für ein Zimmer im Altersheim gekauft. Sollte daher leise sein. Ein bißchen hört man wenn er einschaltet. Sonst sehr cooles Design. Licht kann man einschalten, wenn man möchte.( Nachts sonst hell ) Würde ihn wieder kaufen.
I bought the fridge for a room in a retirement home. It should be quiet. You can hear it a little when it switches on. Otherwise, it's a very cool design. You can turn on the light if you want (it's bright at night). I would buy it again.
Preis Leistung und Qualität findet ihr kein besseren Mini Kühlschrank
Price performance and quality you will not find a better mini fridge
Sehr geil Preis Leistung und Qualität findet ihr kein besseren Mini Kühlschrank
Very cool price performance and quality you will not find a better mini fridge
Einfach toll kühlt super und ist nicht zu laut
Simply great, cools well and is not too loud
Kühlschrank Einfach toll kühlt super und ist nicht zu laut
Refrigerator Simply great, cools well and is not too loud
Mini Kühlschrank Ich bin sehr überrascht, das Gerät ist leiser als gedacht. Im Innenraum ist viel Platz. Das einzige was mir persönlich fehlt ist eine kleine LED Lampe im Innenraum und eine kurze Anleitung für die Montage des Griffes, sonst ist der Mini Kühlschrank sehr gut verarbeitet.
Mini fridge I am very surprised, the device is quieter than expected. There is a lot of space inside. The only thing I personally miss is a small LED lamp inside and a short instruction manual for installing the handle, otherwise the mini fridge is very well made.
Ich bin sehr überrascht, das Gerät ist leiser als gedacht. Im Innenraum ist viel Platz. Das einzige was mir persönlich fehlt ist eine kleine LED Lampe im Innenraum und eine kurze Anleitung für die Montage des Griffes, sonst ist der Mini Kühlschrank sehr gut verarbeitet.
I am very surprised, the device is quieter than expected. There is a lot of space inside. The only thing I personally miss is a small LED light inside and a short instruction manual for installing the handle, otherwise the mini fridge is very well made.
Genau das was ich gesucht habe. Sehr leiser Partykühlschrank zu einem vernünftigen Preis! Fraglich wird es sein, wie es im Sommer aussieht, denn er wird wirklich sehr warm außen! Bisher Kaufempfehlung!
Exactly what I was looking for. Very quiet party fridge at a reasonable price! It will be questionable how it will be in the summer, as it gets really warm on the outside! So far, I would recommend buying it!
Nous sommes très satisfait du produit, surtout par ces dimensions optimisées et son tarif intéressant. C'est bien que la porte soit réversible mais du coup le nom de la marque se retrouve inscrit à l'envers. On nous a même demandé si on l'avait installé à l'envers :-)))
We are very satisfied with the product, especially with its optimized dimensions and its attractive price. It's good that the door is reversible but suddenly the name of the brand ends up written upside down. We were even asked if we installed it upside down :-)))
Aussehen sowiequalität echt gut nur ist leider der preis ein wenig zu hoch mmn
Appearance and quality really good but unfortunately the price is a bit too high in my opinion
Used in a work environment- our kitchen - and holds soft drinks. Light makes it look very well. Not noisy
Used in a work environment- our kitchen - and holds soft drinks. Light makes it look very well. Not noisy
Wir benötigten einen zusätzlichen Kühlschrank für Getränke und Gemüse. Hier sind wir fündig geworden. Preis/Leistung sind, so finde ich, sehr gut. Habe ihn auf 8 Grad eingestellt und bin damit sehr zufrieden. Er ist hierbei sehr leise. Man darf ihn nur nicht zu niedrig einstellen, dann arbeitet er und macht dann natürlich mehr Geräusche. Das blaue Licht ist auch sehr angenehm. Von mir eine Empfehlung!!!
We needed an additional fridge for drinks and vegetables. We found it here. I think the price/performance ratio is very good. I set it to 8 degrees and I'm very happy with it. It's very quiet. You just can't set it too low, otherwise it will work and of course make more noise. The blue light is also very pleasant. I recommend it!!!
mini frigo de bonne facture, très élégant et fonctionne très bien
well made mini fridge, very elegant and works very well
Le petit frigo est ok , mais il a pas mal de défauts, Son prix de 244€ pour le modèle blanc 47 litres vitré . ( pourquoi un telle différence de prix avec les autres couleurs ?) -'il n'est pas possible de changer le sens d'ouverture de la porte , bien qu'il existe la moitié des trous et des caches nécessaires pour le faire ( mais seulement la moitié ! ) j'imagine que c'est parce que la "base" est standard, et que pour d'autres modèles qui utilisent cette même base cela est possible ? - Ce qui est annoncé comme un "éclairage led" est totalement ridicule . cela n'éclaire absolument rien du tout , de plus , la vitre étant légèrement teintée , cela n'aide pas vraiment a voir ce qui est dans le frigo et donc supprime l’intérêt d'un frigo vitré . - il n'a pas de systeme de ventilation pour répartir le froid ( froid ventilé ) L'élément refroidissant est sur la face interne du fond , ce qui nécessite de faire en sorte que rien ne vienne en contact avec ( notamment si vous y mettez des médicaments avec un emballage en carton.) - je n'ai pas vu de trou pour l'évacuation des condensats , j espère qu'il n'y en aura pas trop, car j'y stock des produits pharmaceutiques .
The small fridge is ok, but it has quite a few faults. Its price is €244 for the white 47 liter glass model. (why such a difference in price with the other colors?) - it is not possible to change the opening direction of the door, although there are half the holes and covers necessary to do so (but only half! ) I imagine that it is because the "base" is standard, and that for other models which use this same base this is possible? - What is advertised as "LED lighting" is totally ridiculous. This illuminates absolutely nothing at all, moreover, the window being slightly tinted, it doesn't really help to see what is in the fridge and therefore removes the interest of a glass fridge. - it does not have a ventilation system to distribute the cold (ventilated cold) The cooling element is on the internal face of the bottom, which requires ensuring that nothing comes into contact with it (especially if you put medicines with cardboard packaging.) - I didn't see any hole for condensate drainage, I hope there won't be too much, because I store pharmaceutical products there.
Ideal fürs Büro Habe mit den Kleinen fürs Büro gekauft. Meist sind da Softdrinks darin.Bleiben sauber gekühlt. Mit gefällt die Optik mit der Glastür und dem Licht mega anspannend. Die Lautstärke des Kühlschrankes könnte manchmal etwas leiser sein.
Ideal for the office I bought it for the office with the little ones. There are usually soft drinks in it. They stay nice and cool. I like the look with the glass door and the light, it's really exciting. The volume of the fridge could be a bit quieter sometimes.
Habe mit den Kleinen fürs Büro gekauft. Meist sind da Softdrinks darin.Bleiben sauber gekühlt. Mit gefällt die Optik mit der Glastür und dem Licht mega anspannend. Die Lautstärke des Kühlschrankes könnte manchmal etwas leiser sein.
I bought it for the office with the little ones. They usually contain soft drinks. They stay nice and cool. I like the look with the glass door and the light, it's really exciting. The volume of the fridge could be a bit quieter sometimes.
Dieser Kühlschrank funktioniert wie beschrieben. Das einzige was nicht so ist die das er nicht lautlos ist. Der Kühlschrank brummt jede 10min. Aber dafür ist die Kühlleistung echt top.
This refrigerator works as described. The only thing that isn't so is that it isn't silent. The refrigerator hums every 10 minutes. But the cooling performance is really top notch.
Bestes Gerät
Best device
Hola voy a poner mi opinión de primera mano para los futuros compradores, e de decir que es muy espaciosa y tiene las dimensiones que especifica en la web de Amazon , muy contento con todo, transporte, entrega, y atención al cliente E de decir varias cosas Lo primero es que coincide con las medidas cosa muy importante para ubicarla en donde tenia pendiente Otra cosa importante es que la puerta es opcional para poderse abrir de derecha a izquierda y de izquierda a derecha, eso es otro punto a favor, Pero como negativo puedo decir que la puerta tiene las letras sólo en posición para abrir de izquierda a derecha, en mi caso al cambiar el sentido de la puerta las letras de la marca se quedan en la parte de arriba de la puerta y no se pueden leer bien porque están mirando hacia arriba y en sentido contrario, bueno eso sería una pega la otra es que encargué una nevera negra con puerta negra y me a llegado la nevera con puerta color plateado color aluminio y me parece raro , e reclamado y me contestarán en cuanto pueda de momento le doy 4 estrellas si puedo solucionar algunos detalles le daré más adelante las 5 estrellas
Hello, I am going to give my first-hand opinion for future buyers, and to say that it is very spacious and has the dimensions specified on the Amazon website, very happy with everything, transportation, delivery, and customer service. And to say several things. The first is that it matches the measurements, which is very important to place it where I had pending. Another important thing is that the door is optional to be able to open from right to left and from left to right, that is another point in favor, But as a negative I can say that the door has the letters only in position to open from left to right, in my case when changing the direction of the door the letters of the brand stay at the top of the door and cannot be read well because they are facing up and in the opposite direction, well that would be a drawback, the other is that I ordered a black refrigerator with a black door and I received the refrigerator with a silver aluminum-colored door and it seems strange to me, I have complained and they will answer me as soon as they can. For now I give it 4 stars. If I can solve some details I will give it 5 stars later.
Je l'ai pris pour mon fils. Très pratique prend peu de place avec grand capacité. Joli couleur Idéal pour mettre des boissons les aliments. Avec les grilles pour régler la hauteur selon vos désirs. Merci
I took it for my son. Very practical, takes up little space with a large capacity. Nice color Ideal for putting drinks and food. With grids to adjust the height according to your desires. THANKS
La nevera es funcional, incríblemente espaciosa y de muy buena calidad. Destacar que tuve un problema técnico y el servicio de atención al cliente fue rapidísimo, ofreciéndome una solución perfecta y sin poner ningún tipo de problema. 100% recomendable.
The fridge is functional, incredibly spacious and of very good quality. I would like to point out that I had a technical problem and the customer service was very fast, offering me a perfect solution without any problems. 100% recommendable.
Me lo compre para una oficina por su bajo consumo y su tamaño. Tenia otro q cada vez q saltaba el compresor me apagaba el monitor de la oficina. Con este ningun problema. Tiene luz interior, varias baldas, y no es muy ruidoso. Enfria muy bien de verdad compra 10/10
I bought this for an office because of its low consumption and its size. I had another one that every time the compressor went off, it turned off the office monitor. With this one, no problem. It has an interior light, several shelves, and it's not very noisy. It cools very well, really a 10/10 purchase.
Ottima cantinetta anche per i vini!
Great cellar for wines too!
l'ho preso da mettere in garage per quando si fanno le grigliate in giardino, nonostante c'è scritto che raggiunge la temperatura di 3 gradi, che è la stessa del frigorifero che ho in casa, le bibite al suo interno sono meno fredde, sarà la ventola meno potente, non lo so perchè non me ne intendo però nonostante tutto è un buon frigo ed esteticamente molto bello da vedere, ha una luce interna ma non illumina assolutamente niente, non so cosa l'abbiano messa a fare
I bought it to put in the garage for when we have barbecues in the garden, even though it says that it reaches a temperature of 3 degrees, which is the same as the refrigerator I have at home, the drinks inside are less cold, maybe the fan is less powerful, I don't know because I don't know much about it but despite everything it's a good refrigerator and aesthetically very nice to look at, it has an internal light but it doesn't illuminate anything at all, I don't know what they put it there for
Sinon top ! Mignon petit frigo
Otherwise great! Cute little fridge
Dopo un'attenta monitorazione del frigo cantinetta sono soddisfatto ed elenco i motivi: il frigo si trova fuori al chiuso in una veranda sempre all'ombra o quasi, quindi la temperatura è sempre sopra i 25 gradi di estate, rumore a mio avviso non percepibile o fastidioso perche chiuso fuori con finestre di casa. Con questa temperatura ambiente e il regolatore a 4 e mezzo e come potete vedere dalla foto la distribuzione delle bevande , in basso la parte più fredda ci sono birre e bibite che si raffreddano a 5 gradi circa, poi salendo ogni ripiano sale la temperatura di circa 3 gradi a piano. Ho misurato con un termometro come potete vedere e all'ultimo piano mi permette di tenere i vini rossi a circa 13 gradi. E' ovvio che quando sara piu freddo la cantinetta raffredderà di più e il motore si accenderà di meno perchè la temperatura ambiente sarà piu fredda, quindi bisogna mettere il termostato a 4 credo. Leggendo le recensioni su questo frigo vedo che qualcuno si lamenta per il rumore ,ma è ovvio che se ve lo mettete a fianco della poltrona o in camera con temperature alte, il frigo ha bisogno di raffreddarsi e avviare il motore , in più crea calore ai lati esterni perche come sapete il refrigerante si scalda per poi raffreddare ,come un radiatore clima auto. Quindi se lo chiudete in un mobile stretto dove non si puo' raffreddare come quello degli hotel, è inevitabile che avete questi disagi. Non esiste un frigo che non faccia rumore quando si accenda anche perché la notte quando dormite è percettibile qualsiasi rumore minimo per il silenzio maggiore. Se volete evitare il rumore trovate un frigo e installate il motore esternamente casa (solo i bar lo fanno). La luce led è calibrata bassa proprio per non scaldare le bottiglie di vino o aggredire con la luce dove si potrebbe rovinare e credo che anche qui vadi bene la scelta fatta da KLARSTEIN Mini Frigo . Per quanto riguarda l'etichetta energetica è un classe A+, se controllate in internet come sono state cambiate ve lo spiego qui:Classe F frigorifero differenza di consumo rispetto alla vecchia classe A comparazione classe energetica vecchia e nuova frigorifero Nuova classe energetica frigorifero A decorrere da giorno 1 marzo del 2021 l’etichetta energetica di alcuni elettrodomestici, tra cui il frigorifero, è cambiata, è stata sostituita da una nuova che apporta delle modifiche alla grafica pur mantenendo inalterati i dati tecnici, per i quali cambiano leggermente i pittogrammi rappresentativi, e cambia il metodo di calcolo del consumo del frigorifero secondo una nuova scala energetica che elimina la classe +, riportando la scala alle origine. Per chi volesse fare un confronto tra l'etichetta energetica frigoriferi nelle tre versioni (origini, precedente, attuale) può farlo visionando la guida sull'energy label. Per un lasso di tempo i frigoriferi saranno correlati da entrambe le etichette energetiche, in modo da consentire un passaggio graduale mirato a far comprendere al consumatore i cambiamenti ed abituarsi soprattutto alla riscalatura dell'etichetta energetica frigorifero. Difatti se così non fosse molte sarebbero le perplessità che nascerebbero in quanto c’è un cambiamento molto importante, che potremmo definire di forma e di sostanza, nella riscalatura energetica. Ci troveremo difronte ad apparecchi che fino al giorno prima potevano essere pubblicizzati come dei classe A o A+ e via dicendo, con gli stessi apparecchi in classe D, F o ancora inferiori. Capiamo bene che un simile passaggio se non opportunamente spiegato e documentato, possa ingenerare non pochi dubbi sul consumatore oramai abituato a valutare positivamente un elettrodomestico solo se in classe A o superiore, quindi A+, A++ o A+++. Scala classe energetica frigorifero vecchia e nuova Con la vecchia tabella energetica la scala delle classi di appartenenza era compresa tra la A+++ come indice di migliore efficienza alla classe D indice di consumo più alto. La nuova catalogazione prevede al vertice della scala, la classe A che passando attraverso le classi energetiche intermedie giunge fino alle prestazioni più scarse della classe G. Dalla riscalatura emerge un dato molto importante che cambia radicalmente la "percezione" dell'efficienza di un frigorifero, ovvero l'eliminazione della +. Questo significa che il frigorifero in classe A+++, A++ o A+ non c'è più o meglio non può essere catalogato con una di quelle classi ma deve per forza di regolamento essere riclassificato nella nuova classe di consumo del frigorifero che va dalla A alla G. In virtù di questo "rapido" cambiamento ci si potrebbe tuttavia aspettare di trovarli classificati nella più alta classe disponibile della nuova catalogazione, ovvero la classe A. Invece troveremo i frigoriferi riclassificati in classi molto più basse della A. Facciamo però attenzione a non entrare in un concetto psicologico di bassa efficienza, di prodotto non performante e cose del genere, in quanto il "vecchio frigorifero" in classe A+ che ora diventa un frigorifero classe F è sempre lo stesso frigorifero del giorno precedente. I consumi sono esattamente quelli, anche se possiamo trovare delle piccole differenze al confronto, che tra poco scopriremo perché ci sono! Perchè un frigorifero in classe A+ diventa un frigorifero classe F Per comprendere il motivo per il quale un frigorifero in classe A+ o superiore si riclassifica con una classe che è inferiore alla classe A, nel titolo abbiamo detto in classe F, dobbiamo tenere in considerazione che l'IEE (indice di efficienza energetica) con la nuova regolamentazione energetica è stato rivisto. L'IEE esprime un valore indice dato da un insieme di calcoli sul funzionamento del frigorifero, dove il consumo viene calcolato alla temperatura di 16°C e di 32°C. Viene preso in considerazione il tempo impiegato per il raggiungimento della temperatura obbiettivo e molti altri incroci di dati. Tutte variabili comuni a tutti i frigoriferi e che consentono di determinare l'indice e successivamente inquadrare in base ad esso la classe del frigorifero. Ho dato 4 stelle perchè mancava una vite per installare la maniglia che prendero' in ferramenta , ma non è un grosso problema . Recensione dopo 6 giorni di utilizzo, nel caso dovessi avere problemi correggo il feedback.
After careful monitoring of the wine cellar fridge I am satisfied and I list the reasons: the fridge is outside indoors on a veranda always in the shade or almost, so the temperature is always above 25 degrees in the summer, noise in my opinion not perceptible or annoying because closed outside with house windows. With this room temperature and the regulator at 4 and a half and as you can see from the photo the distribution of drinks, at the bottom the coldest part there are beers and soft drinks that cool to about 5 degrees, then going up each shelf the temperature rises by about 3 degrees per floor. I measured with a thermometer as you can see and on the top floor it allows me to keep red wines at about 13 degrees. It is obvious that when it is colder the wine cellar will cool more and the engine will turn on less because the room temperature will be colder, so you have to set the thermostat to 4 I think. Reading the reviews on this fridge I see that some people complain about the noise, but it is obvious that if you put it next to the armchair or in a room with high temperatures, the fridge needs to cool down and start the engine, plus it creates heat on the external sides because as you know the refrigerant heats up and then cools down, like a car air conditioning radiator. So if you close it in a narrow cabinet where it cannot cool down like those in hotels, it is inevitable that you have these inconveniences. There is no fridge that does not make noise when it turns on also because at night when you sleep any minimal noise is perceptible for the greater silence. If you want to avoid the noise, find a fridge and install the engine outside the house (only bars do this). The LED light is calibrated low precisely so as not to heat the bottles of wine or attack with the light where it could be damaged and I think that here too the choice made by KLARSTEIN Mini Fridge is good. English: As for the energy label, it is a class A +, if you check on the internet how they have been changed I will explain it to you here: Class F refrigerator consumption difference compared to the old class A comparison of old and new refrigerator energy class New refrigerator energy class Starting from March 1, 2021, the energy label of some household appliances, including the refrigerator, has changed, it has been replaced by a new one that makes changes to the graphics while keeping the technical data unchanged, for which the representative pictograms change slightly, and the method of calculating the refrigerator's consumption changes according to a new energy scale that eliminates the class +, bringing the scale back to the origins. For those who want to make a comparison between the refrigerator energy label in the three versions (origins, previous, current) can do so by viewing the guide on the energy label. For a period of time, refrigerators will be correlated by both energy labels, in order to allow a gradual transition aimed at making the consumer understand the changes and especially get used to the rescaling of the refrigerator energy label. In fact, if this were not the case, many doubts would arise as there is a very important change, which we could define as one of form and substance, in the energy rescaling. We will find ourselves faced with appliances that until the day before could be advertised as class A or A+ and so on, with the same appliances in class D, F or even lower. We understand well that such a transition, if not properly explained and documented, could generate many doubts in the consumer who is now accustomed to positively evaluating an appliance only if it is in class A or higher, therefore A+, A++ or A+++. Old and new refrigerator energy class scale With the old energy table, the scale of classes was included between A+++ as an index of best efficiency to class D, the highest consumption index. The new cataloguing provides for class A at the top of the scale, which, passing through the intermediate energy classes, reaches the poorest performance of class G. From the rescaling, a very important fact emerges that radically changes the "perception" of the efficiency of a refrigerator, that is, the elimination of the +. This means that the refrigerator in class A+++, A++ or A+ no longer exists or rather cannot be catalogued with one of those classes but must by regulation be reclassified in the new refrigerator consumption class that goes from A to G. By virtue of this "rapid" change, however, one could expect to find them classified in the highest available class of the new cataloguing, that is, class A. Instead, we will find refrigerators reclassified in classes much lower than A. However, let's be careful not to enter into a psychological concept of low efficiency, of a non-performing product and things like that, as the "old refrigerator" in class A+ that now becomes a class F refrigerator is still the same refrigerator as the day before. The consumption is exactly the same, even if we can find small differences in comparison, which we will soon discover why they exist! Why a refrigerator in class A+ becomes a refrigerator in class F To understand why a refrigerator in class A+ or higher is reclassified with a class that is lower than class A, in the title we said in class F, we must take into account that the IEE (energy efficiency index) with the new energy regulation has been revised. The IEE expresses an index value given by a set of calculations on the operation of the refrigerator, where consumption is calculated at a temperature of 16 ° C and 32 ° C. The time taken to reach the target temperature and many other data cross-references are taken into account. All variables common to all refrigerators and which allow you to determine the index and subsequently frame the refrigerator class based on it. I gave 4 stars because a screw was missing to install the handle that I will get at the hardware store, but it is not a big problem. Review after 6 days of use, in case I have problems I will correct the feedback.
Però abbastanza soddisfatto della temperatura, specialmente dopo aver letto qualche recensione
But quite satisfied with the temperature, especially after reading some reviews
Stavo cercando un mini frigo da poter tenere in camera durante l'estate. Questo prodotto ha ampiamente soddisfatto le mia aspettative. Ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo, davvero facile da installare e molto capiente.
I was looking for a mini fridge to keep in my room during the summer. This product has fully met my expectations. Excellent value for money, really easy to install and very roomy.
Mit meinem letzten Kühlschrank hatte ich leider keine gute Erfahrung machen können. Dieser hier scheint mir bisher aber ganz anders zu sein. Läuft bisher genauso wie er soll und ist gut verarbeitet. Vom Design gefällt er mir auch richtig gut. Hält die Getränke in meinem Gaming Zimmer schön kühl und ist auch nicht zu laut. Er bietet ausreichend Platz für Getränke jeglicher Art. Von Dosen bis 2L Coca Cola Flaschen geht alles rein. Wobei ich zu den 2L Flaschen dazusagen möchte, dass es hier wirklich auf den Millimeter genau reinpasst. Liegend nicht stehend. Man sollte ihn aber dennoch nicht im Schlafzimmer aufstellen, dafür ist er dann doch etwas zu laut. Der Kompressor muss ja schließlich auch arbeiten und das verursacht logischerweise eine gewisse Lautstärke.
Unfortunately, I didn't have a good experience with my last fridge. But this one seems to be completely different. So far, it's worked exactly as it should and is well made. I really like the design too. It keeps the drinks in my gaming room nice and cool and isn't too loud. It has enough space for all kinds of drinks. Everything from cans to 2L Coca Cola bottles fits in. I would like to add that the 2L bottles fit in here exactly to the millimeter. Lying down, not standing up. But you shouldn't put it in the bedroom, as it would be a bit too loud for that. After all, the compressor has to work too and that obviously causes a certain amount of noise.
Bisher zufrieden Mit meinem letzten Kühlschrank hatte ich leider keine gute Erfahrung machen können. Dieser hier scheint mir bisher aber ganz anders zu sein. Läuft bisher genauso wie er soll und ist gut verarbeitet. Vom Design gefällt er mir auch richtig gut. Hält die Getränke in meinem Gaming Zimmer schön kühl und ist auch nicht zu laut. Er bietet ausreichend Platz für Getränke jeglicher Art. Von Dosen bis 2L Coca Cola Flaschen geht alles rein. Wobei ich zu den 2L Flaschen dazusagen möchte, dass es hier wirklich auf den Millimeter genau reinpasst. Liegend nicht stehend. Man sollte ihn aber dennoch nicht im Schlafzimmer aufstellen, dafür ist er dann doch etwas zu laut. Der Kompressor muss ja schließlich auch arbeiten und das verursacht logischerweise eine gewisse Lautstärke.
Satisfied so far Unfortunately, I didn't have a good experience with my last fridge. But this one seems to be completely different. So far, it's worked exactly as it should and is well made. I really like the design too. Keeps the drinks in my gaming room nice and cool and isn't too loud. It has enough space for all kinds of drinks. Everything from cans to 2L Coca Cola bottles fits in. Although I would like to say about the 2L bottles that it really fits in here exactly to the millimeter. Lying down, not standing up. But you shouldn't put it in the bedroom, it's a bit too loud for that. After all, the compressor has to work too and that logically creates a certain amount of noise.
La nevera es lo que es, enfría bastante bien y las bebidas no salen heladas pero salen bastante frías al nivel 5 ( tiene 5 niveles ) así que contento con la compra.
The fridge is what it is, it cools quite well and the drinks don't come out frozen but they come out quite cold at level 5 (it has 5 levels) so I'm happy with the purchase.
Fait du froid ! Belles finitions. Mais éclairage intérieur trop faible
Gets cold! Beautiful finishes. But interior lighting too dim
Chegou antes do tempo, exatamente aquilo que eu procurava
It arrived ahead of time, exactly what I was looking for
De momento parece que enfria, solo lo tengo desde hace dos dias. Lo malo es que parece que siempre esta funcionando, hace poco ruido. Habra que ver cuanto consume de verdad, y si es capaz de enfriar bien la cerveza, aun no he probado.
At the moment it seems to be cooling, I've only had it for two days. The bad thing is that it seems to be always running, it makes very little noise. We'll have to see how much it really consumes, and if it's capable of cooling the beer properly, I haven't tried it yet.
Queda muy elegante y bonita y muy buena opción como auxiliar para la nevera , tiene bastante capacidad
It looks very elegant and pretty and is a very good option as an accessory for the refrigerator, it has enough capacity.
Seit August 2022 wird der Kühlschrank als Zweitkühlschrank für Getränke verwendet. Aussehen und Design: Das kompakte Design des Kühlschranks ist formschön und ansprechend. Ein praktisches Detail ist die Glasfront, die nützlich ist. Mit zwei Regalhöhen bietet er ausreichend Platz für unterschiedliche Temperaturanforderungen und großzügigen Stauraum im Allgemeinen. Qualität und Verarbeitung: Die Verarbeitung des Kühlschranks ist sauber und von hoher Qualität. Er hat eine ansprechende Optik und die Spaltmaße sind einwandfrei. Leistung und Funktionalität als Zweitkühlschrank sind akzeptabel. Die Temperatur lässt sich über einen Drehregler an der Rückwand gut einstellen, sofern dieser nicht zugestellt ist. Die Geräuschentwicklung beträgt ungefähr 40 dB/1m. Allerdings werden die Vibrationen über die Gehäusefüße weitergegeben (vorne Drehfüße aus Kunststoff, hinten metallene Auflageschiene), was in bestimmten Situationen unangenehm sein kann. Es ist ratsam, eine Entkopplung durch stoßdämpfende Puffer oder eine schwingungsdämmende Matte vorzunehmen. Leistung und Effizienz: Bei einer Umgebungstemperatur von ca. 23 ℃ habe ich folgende Messungen vorgenommen: Regler 5: Unten 6 ℃, Oben 10 ℃ (Dauerbetrieb) Regler 4: Unten 7 ℃, Oben 12 ℃ Regler 3: Unten 10,5 ℃, Oben 15 ℃ Regler 2: Unten 12,5 ℃, Oben 18 ℃ Regler 1: Unten 17 ℃, Oben 21 ℃ In Stellung 3 beträgt der Verbrauch sehr gute ca. 65 W und damit preiswerte ca. 0,3 kWh/Tag. Benutzerfreundlichkeit: Die Bedienung des Kühlschranks ist unkompliziert dank des Drehreglerthermostats. Die Beleuchtung wird über einen Schalter gesteuert, der in der rechten Seitenwand eingebaut ist (nicht automatisch beim Öffnen der Tür, wie gewöhnlich). Dieser Schalter ist je nach Befüllung bedingt zugänglich. Die Helligkeit der Beleuchtung ist gerade ausreichend, aber wenn das obere Regal gut gefüllt ist, ist sie kaum noch wirksam. Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis: Das Gerät ist nicht billig, aber preiswert. Fazit: Ursprünglich als Ausweichgerät gedacht, wird der Kleinkühlschrank nun das ganze Jahr über genutzt und dient auch zur Medikamentenkühlung aufgrund seines großzügigen Fassungsvermögens. Für den Einsatz im Schlafzimmer ist er trotz externer Geräuschdämmung für uns zu laut, aber im Hauswirtschaftsraum findet er einen guten Platz.
Since August 2022, the refrigerator has been used as a second refrigerator for drinks. Appearance and design: The compact design of the refrigerator is shapely and attractive. A practical detail is the glass front, which is useful. With two shelf heights, it offers enough space for different temperature requirements and generous storage space in general. Quality and workmanship: The workmanship of the refrigerator is clean and of high quality. It has an attractive appearance and the gaps are perfect. Performance and functionality as a second refrigerator are acceptable. The temperature can be easily adjusted using a rotary control on the rear wall, provided it is not blocked. The noise level is approximately 40 dB/1m. However, the vibrations are transmitted via the housing feet (plastic swivel feet at the front, metal support rail at the rear), which can be unpleasant in certain situations. It is advisable to decouple using shock-absorbing buffers or a vibration-damping mat. Performance and efficiency: At an ambient temperature of around 23 ℃, I took the following measurements: Control 5: Bottom 6 ℃, Top 10 ℃ (continuous operation) Control 4: Bottom 7 ℃, Top 12 ℃ Control 3: Bottom 10.5 ℃, Top 15 ℃ Control 2: Bottom 12.5 ℃, Top 18 ℃ Control 1: Bottom 17 ℃, Top 21 ℃ In position 3, consumption is a very good approx. 65 W, which is a good value for money at around 0.3 kWh/day. Ease of use: The refrigerator is easy to operate thanks to the rotary thermostat. The lighting is controlled by a switch built into the right-hand side panel (not automatically when the door is opened, as is usual). This switch is only partially accessible depending on the contents. The brightness of the lighting is just enough, but when the top shelf is full, it is hardly effective. Price-performance ratio: The device is not cheap, but it is good value for money. Conclusion: Originally intended as a backup device, the small refrigerator is now used all year round and is also used to cool medication due to its generous capacity. Despite external sound insulation, it is too loud for us to use in the bedroom, but it finds a good place in the utility room.
Lo sto utilizzando per conservare i formaggi. Oltre al design piacevole mi ritengo soddisfatto dell’acquisto! Ovviamente la temperatura si assesta tra i 5 e i 7 gradi, che per me sono ottimali per conservare i formaggi (praticamente una cantina).
I'm using it to store cheeses. In addition to the nice design, I'm satisfied with the purchase! Obviously the temperature is between 5 and 7 degrees, which for me is optimal for storing cheeses (basically a cellar).
Muchas veces leyendo reseñas no sé como pueden ser tan, tan dispares. Sinceramente quien comenta que la nevera no enfría pues no sé si será pq les haya llegado defectuosa o que pq en mi caso 10h después de recibirla como se muestra en la foto su interior estaba a 0.5º centígrados y si eso no es frío... Probado después con la nevera al 50% llena de latas y estaban frías como procede. Temperatura exterior de la habitación 25º.
Many times when I read reviews I don't understand how they can be so, so different. Honestly, whoever says that the fridge doesn't cool, I don't know if it's because it arrived defective or because in my case 10 hours after receiving it, as shown in the photo, its interior was at 0.5º Celsius and if that's not cold... I tested it afterwards with the fridge at 50% full of cans and they were cold as expected. Outside room temperature 25º.
in 2022 gekocht en zeer tevreden. Alleen de temperatuurweergave kan lager weergegeven worden want je moet bijna op je knieen liggen om te kunnen aflezen.
Ik hoop dat de weergave in mijn tweede koelkastje lager geplaatst is (1-5-2023 besteld).
voor het overige prima drankkast.
bought in 2022 and very satisfied. Only the temperature display can be displayed lower because you have to lie almost on your knees to be able to read. I hope the display in my second fridge is placed lower (ordered 5/1/2023). otherwise good liquor cabinet.
Trop contente de mon achat
Very happy with my purchase
Frigorifico muy completo y enfria muy bien
Very complete refrigerator and cools very well
Pour le bureau, discret, silencieux, bien pratique pour avoir des boissons fraîches et pour déposer son déjeuner, en plus très design, ce qui ne gâche rien
For the office, discreet, silent, very practical for having cold drinks and for dropping off your lunch, plus very stylish, which doesn't spoil anything
Parfait pour mettre quelques bouteilles de blanc et rosé, un peu de panaché, du coca et du jus de fruit, ... Comme ça tout le monde est content. Refroidit très bien à partir du thermostat 2,... Donc économe. Pour ma part il est dans mon garage, il fait un tout petit peu de bruit tel un frigo qui se relance, mais c'est pas fréquent. Je le recommande. Beau design, ce qui ne gâche rien
Perfect for putting a few bottles of white and rosé, a little cooler, coke and fruit juice, etc. That way everyone is happy. Cools very well from thermostat 2,... So economical. For my part, it's in my garage, it makes a little noise like a fridge starting up again, but it's not frequent. I recommand it. Beautiful design, which doesn't spoil anything
Avevo scelto con cura il prodotto per le sue misure, adatto a contenere bottiglie sia nella parte superiore (distese) che in quella inferiore (in piedi). C'è una luce interna che non è automatica all'apertura e un regolatore della temperatura interna, un maniglione per l'apertura e una vetrata. Complessivamente sono soddisfatto
I had carefully chosen the product for its size, suitable for holding bottles both in the upper part (flat) and in the lower part (standing). There is an internal light that is not automatic when opening and an internal temperature regulator, a handle for opening and a glass window. Overall I am satisfied
Habe den Kühlschrank für einen Partyraum gekauft. Da passt dieser optisch super hin. Qualität stimmt ebenfalls.
Bought the fridge for a party room. It looks great there. Quality is also right.
Sieht hübsch aus im Büro, kühlt gut aber manchmal macht der schon ordentlich Krawall. Da war mein alter Severin leiser, bis er kaputtging. Also für Leute die irgendwas wie Therapie machen würde ich den nicht empfehlen. Etwas genervt hat mich, dass man zur Endmontage die Dichtung abziehen muss, um den Türgriff anzuschrauben. Davon war im Manual nicht die Rede.
Looks pretty in the office, cools well, but sometimes it makes quite a ruckus. My old Severin was quieter then, until it broke. So for people doing anything like therapy I wouldn't recommend it. I was a bit annoyed that the seal had to be removed for final assembly in order to screw on the door handle. This was not mentioned in the manual.
Fait du bruit comme un grand frigo, marche très bien et très grande capacité de stockage
Makes noise like a big fridge, works very well and very large storage capacity
Super Kühlschrank , ich bin sehr zufrieden.
Great fridge, I'm very satisfied.
Acquistato da mettere sotto il portico per uso prevalentemente estivo funziona perfettamente, contiene anche bottiglie da 1,5 lt, non quelle da 2 lt e messo al liv.3 di raffreddamento mantiene le bibite fresche, molto bella anche la porta di vetro che consente di vedere i prodotti anche quando è chiuso cosa che si può fare anche alla sera grazie alla luce interna
Purchased to put under the porch for mainly summer use, it works perfectly, it also contains 1.5 lt bottles, not the 2 lt ones and placed on cooling level 3 it keeps the drinks cool, the glass door is also very nice and allows you to see the products even when it is closed, which can also be done in the evening thanks to the internal light
It looks and works great but it's definitely too loud for a bedroom.
It looks and works great but it's definitely too loud for a bedroom.
Tolles Gerät, stylisch, macht was es soll- kühlt schnell in kurzer Zeit, Geräuschpegel o k , Stromverbrauch bleibt abzuwarten. Sieht toll aus mit der Glastür und dem LichtGute Verarbeitung Bestellt in Silber/ grau- passt zufällig zum großen Kühlschrank Mein Mann ist begeistert, war ein Geschenk. Es passen 30 Bierflaschen a 0,33 ltr rein- die nächste Party kann kommen ️ Wir sind begeistert und können den Klarsteiner Beersafe nur empfehlen. Der normale Preis ist etwas hoch (249€) habe aber im Angebot unter 200 € gekauft. Aber man muss auch sagen: gute Verarbeitung, einstellbarer Temperaturbereich ab 0 Grad, super Eyecatcher:- es lohnt sich das Geld auszugeben
Great device, stylish, does what it should - cools quickly in a short time, noise level ok, power consumption remains to be seen. Looks great with the glass door and the light Good workmanship Ordered in silver/grey - happens to match the large fridge My husband is delighted, was a gift. 30 beer bottles of 0.33 liters each fit in - the next party can come ️ We are thrilled and can only recommend the Klarsteiner Beersafe. The normal price is a bit high (249€) but I bought it on sale under 200€. But you also have to say: good workmanship, adjustable temperature range from 0 degrees, super eye-catcher: - it's worth spending the money
Nevera pequeña y práctica para bebidas
Small and practical fridge for drinks
Ich benutze diesen Kühlschrank draußen im Garten in unserer Sitzecke (überdacht). Er wird hauptsächlich als Weinkühler genutzt, geht aber auch mit Bier u.ä.
I use this fridge outside in the garden in our sitting area (covered). It is mainly used as a wine cooler, but can also be used with beer and the like.
Tolles Produkt, Preis perfekt, Ausführung sehr gut, kann ich sehr empfehlen.
Great product, price perfect, execution very good, I highly recommend.
Kühlleistung ist super. Lautstärke ist auch i.O. man hört ihn keine Frage aber störend ist anders. Alles in allem bin ich zufrieden.
Cooling performance is great. Volume is also OK, you can hear it, no question, but it is different. All in all I am satisfied.
hat uns schon gute Dienst geleistet. Schön kalte Getränke
has served us well. Nice cold drinks
In Summe heißt das Ergebnis: Daumen hoch! Der Kühlschrank ist zwar relativ laut, aber da er bei mir lediglich zu Partyzwecken eingesetzt wird, finde ich dies nicht störend. Er kühlt, trotz Zimmertemperatur von zum Teil 30 Grad, die Getränke (Bier, Wein) auf ca. 8 - 10 Grad in einem relativ kurzen Zeitraum von ca. 3-4 Stunden. Die Fachböden, bzw. eigentlich sind es ja Gitter, sind durchweg stabil und vollkommend ausreichend. Die eingebaute Beleuchtung ist zu späterer Stunde hilfreich.
All in all, the result is: Thumbs up! The refrigerator is relatively loud, but since I only use it for party purposes, I don't find this disturbing. Despite the room temperature of 30 degrees in some cases, it cools the drinks (beer, wine) to around 8 - 10 degrees in a relatively short period of around 3-4 hours. The shelves, or actually they are grids, are consistently stable and perfectly adequate. The built-in lighting is helpful at a later hour.
Hab den Kühlschrank in der Firma. Ideal für heiße Tage um Getränke kalt zu stellen. Passen super 0,7l Flaschen und jede Menge Dosen rein. Nur zu empfehlen :)
Got the fridge at work. Ideal for hot days to keep drinks cold. Super 0.7l bottles and lots of cans fit in. Only to recommend :)
Schnelle Lieferung, sicher verpackt, sieht gut aus, nicht gerade Preiswert.
Fast delivery, securely packaged, looks good, not exactly cheap.
Unico neo apparente la luce interna che non è automatizzata all'apertura dello sportello. Il suo interruttore inoltre si trova all'interno della cella. Fa rumore solo nel momento di attacco/stacco del compressore.
The only apparent flaw is the internal light that is not automatic when the door is opened. Its switch is also located inside the cell. It makes noise only when the compressor is turned on/off.
Der Kühlschrank ist ein Hingucker. Wer erwartet das er geräuschlos läuft, der wird enttäuscht. Das Gerät hat nach 24 Stunden genau das gemacht was es verspricht. Leider ist das LED Licht ziemlich dunkel und der Lichtschalter im Inneren des Gerätes verbaut. Zusammengefasst ein cooles Gerät für den heimischen party Keller
The fridge is an eye catcher. If you expect it to run silently, you will be disappointed. The device did exactly what it promised after 24 hours. Unfortunately, the LED light is quite dark and the light switch is installed inside the device. In summary, a cool device for the home party basement
Wie der Titel schon verrät, könnte der Geräuschpegel etwas geringer sein, man hört ein leichtes metallisches vibrieren während der Kompressor läuft. Jammern auf höchstem Niveau.. Die Kühlung, Verarbeitung und vor allem die Optik ist aber wirklich der Hammer!
As the title suggests, the noise level could be a bit lower, you can hear a slight metallic vibration while the compressor is running. Whining at the highest level.. The cooling, processing and especially the optics are really awesome!
Kühlt gut und läßt sich genau einstellen. Relativ leise. Stromverbrauch ist bei der Dämmung wahrscheinlich nicht anders zu machen. Aber für den Sommer als Gertränkekühler perfekt.
Cools well and can be adjusted precisely. Relatively quiet. Power consumption can probably not be done differently with the insulation. But perfect for the summer as a drink cooler.
Design und Leistung sehr gut. Geräusch beim Kühlen nicht angenehm.
Very good design and performance. Noise when cooling not pleasant.
Der Karton war ziemliche beschädigt. Und wie gesagt, der Kühler kühlt nur bis 5 Grad runter. Die Glasumrandung ist nicht ordentlich verarbeitet. Eigentlich für diese Mängel zu teuer.
The box was quite damaged. And as I said, the cooler only cools down to 5 degrees. The glass border is not processed properly. Actually too expensive for these shortcomings.
Das Gerät ist formschön, aber gelegentlich etwas lauter. Allerdings haben wir gerade sehr heiße Außentemperaturen und auch im Innenraum ist es 30 Grad warm; Da man die Einschübe verstellen kann, ist der Stauraum flexibel nutzbar und schon geöffnete Flaschen kann man prima hineinstellen.
The device is stylish, but occasionally a bit noisy. However, the outside temperatures are very hot right now and it is also 30 degrees warm inside; Since the drawers can be adjusted, the storage space can be used flexibly and bottles that have already been opened can be put in.
Wurde sehr schnell geliefert. Nach 4 Stunden Stehzeit in Betieb genommen. Bin mit der Kühlleistung sehr zufrieden. Es gibt absolut nichts zu meckern. Immer wieder.
Was delivered very quickly. Put into operation after 4 hours of idle time. I am very satisfied with the cooling performance. There is absolutely nothing to complain about. Again and again.
Das Produkt funktioniert sehr gut und steht bei meinem Kind im Zimmer. Könnte etwas leiser laufen.
The product works very well and is in my child's room. Could run a little quieter.
Frigo pour le pool house de ma piscine. Très joli look, belle finition, faible niveau de bruit , étagères réglable en inox, bonne capacité bon niveau de refroidissement malgré une chaleur ambiante forte, plus de 40 degrés à l'ombre. Je suis très content de mon achat. Je recommande
Fridge for the pool house of my swimming pool. Very pretty look, nice finish, low noise level, adjustable stainless steel shelves, good capacity, good level of cooling despite high ambient heat, more than 40 degrees in the shade. I am very happy with my purchase. I recommend
Der Kühlschrank sieht sehr schön aus und kühlt gut. Er ist allerdings zwischendurch beim Kühlvorgang recht laut.
The refrigerator looks very nice and cools well. However, it is quite loud in between during the cooling process.
Sehr guter, kleiner Kühlschrank für unsere Getränke! Optisch sehr ansprechend...
Very good little fridge for our drinks! Visually very appealing...
It's a really stylish refrigerator that can fit quite a lot of bottles or chocolate bars. However, it's very very loud. Much louder than my primary fridge. I planned to have it next to couch/TV to have drinks on demand but it really interferes with the audio
It's a really stylish refrigerator that can fit quite a lot of bottles or chocolate bars. However, it's very very loud. Much louder than my primary fridge. I planned to have it next to couch/TV to have drinks on demand but it really interferes with the audio
Ich hatte zuvor den ähnlich großen Cubes Kühlschrank im Becks Design. Aktuell für 199€ hier erhältlich. Der Cubes zieht bei laufendem Kompressor 40 Watt aus der Dose, der Klarstein 58 W. Bei gefühlt gleicher Kühlleistung. Die Lautstärke ist beim Klarstein minimal höher. Es gehen vielleicht 3-4 Dosen/Flaschen mehr in den Klarstein. Wenn ich nochmal aussuchen könnte würde ich wieder den Cubes nehmen.
I previously had the similarly sized Cubes fridge in Becks design. Currently available here for €199. With the compressor running, the Cubes draws 40 watts from the can, the Klarstein 58 W. With what feels like the same cooling capacity. The volume is slightly higher with the Klarstein. Maybe 3-4 more cans/bottles go into the Klarstein. If I could choose again I would take the Cubes again.
Schönes Design
Beautiful design
Für ein Festival
For a festival
Der Kühlschrank hat ein schlichtes Design und ist einigermaßen sauber verarbeitet. Die Kühlleistung ist ok. Der Kompressor ist deutlich lauter als unser großer Liebherr Kühlschrank. Was allerdings mehr stört sind die Gräusche die über das Kühlgitter übertragen werden. Als Outdoor Kühlschrank der nur manchmal läuft ist es vertretbar aber nicht für den Innenraum.
The refrigerator has a simple design and is reasonably clean processed. The cooling performance is ok. The compressor is significantly louder than our large Liebherr refrigerator. What is more disturbing, however, are the noises that are transmitted via the cooling grid. As an outdoor fridge that only runs sometimes, it is justifiable but not for the interior.
Lo tengo en una habitación muy calurosa en verano, a potencia máxima y mantiene una temperatura razonable en las bebidas, obviamente la temperatura de la habitación no juega a su favor. El frigo lo entregaron rápido y bien, sin problemas. Hay que montar un asa en la puerta que viene desmontado, se necesita destornillador nada más. Recomendable 100%
I have it in a very hot room in summer, at maximum power and it keeps a reasonable temperature for drinks, obviously the room temperature does not play in its favor. The fridge was delivered quickly and well, without problems. You have to mount a handle on the door that comes disassembled, you just need a screwdriver. 100% recommended.
Das Design hat mich überzeugt und ja, er ist in der Realität auch so wie auf dem Foto. Gute Quali, kein Schrott. Das Bier ist kalt, die LED ist etwas schwach, aber wenn es dunkel im Raum ist, passt es irgendwie :-) Na gut etwas brummeln tut er manchmal auch, aber es ist ein Kühlschrank und der muss ja nicht gerade im Schlafzimmer stehen. Es war eine gute Wahl. Stromverbrauch? Naja, ein Kühlschrank mit Scheibe und ständigen Betrieb (nicht nur zum Anschauen) bei einer Umgebungstemperatur von ca. 23°C braucht doch einiges. Realistisch: in 14 Tagen 8,2kW alias ca. 2,50€ was einem Durchschnitt von ca, 25W/h entspricht.
The design convinced me and yes, in reality it is just like in the photo. Good quality, no scrap. The beer is cold, the LED is a bit weak, but when it's dark in the room, it somehow fits :-) Well, he sometimes grumbles a bit, but it's a refrigerator and it doesn't have to be in the bedroom. It was a good choice. power consumption? Well, a refrigerator with a pane and constantly in operation (not just to look at) at an ambient temperature of around 23°C needs a lot. Realistic: in 14 days 8.2kW alias approx. 2.50€ which corresponds to an average of approx. 25W/h.
Bellissimo minifrigo ottimo da tenere in camera o in salotto. È lievemente rumoroso quando parte la pompa, ma nulla di insopportabile, solo che parte abbastanza spesso. Questo vale anche per i consumi, che quindi saranno sicuramente più elevati. Il frigo comunque è molto bello con lo sportello in vetro e la possibilità di tenere la luce interna accessa anche a porta chiusa, in modo da vedere il contenuto, avrei solo preferito dei led lievemente più potenti, questi lasciano un po'a desiderare. L'imballaggio è tutto sommato ottimo, con buona protezione agli spigoli e angoli. Consegna rapidissima.
Beautiful mini fridge, great to keep in the bedroom or living room. It is slightly noisy when the pump starts, but nothing unbearable, it just starts quite often. This also applies to consumption, which will therefore certainly be higher. The fridge is very nice with the glass door and the possibility of keeping the internal light on even with the door closed, so as to see the contents, I would have only preferred slightly more powerful LEDs, these leave a little to be desired. The packaging is all in all excellent, with good protection on the edges and corners. Very fast delivery.
Kühlschrank wurde heute in tadellosem Zustand geliefert. Entgegen der Beschreibung wollte ich die Türe von rechts auf links Anschlag tauschen. Da die Schraubenlöcher am Kühlschrank das zulassen dachte ich das wäre kein Problem. Leider scheitert das an den unterschiedlich grossen Löchern an der Türe. Tip an die Entwickler, zwei gleichermaßen Löcher und eine Reduktionshülse würden einen Tausch ermöglichen. Der Klarsteinschriftzug kann auch als Aufkleber beigelegt werden. Daher etwas Punktabzug.
Fridge was delivered today in perfect condition. Contrary to the description, I wanted to change the door from the right to the left stop. Since the screw holes on the fridge allow it, I thought that wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately, this fails because of the different sized holes on the door. Tip to the developers, two equally holes and a reduction sleeve would allow an exchange. The Klarstein lettering can also be attached as a sticker. So some points deducted.
Je cherchais un frigo pour toujours avoir des canettes au frais à disposition. Seulement, j'avais peur d'acheter un produit qui rafraichirai mes canettes au lieu de les refroidir. Ce frigo est top ! Les canettes sont froides rapidement et vraiment fraiches ! Il m'est arrivé de retrouver un léger film de glace au fond lorsqu'il n'était pas rempli à fond ! Lumière réglable non visible lorsqu'il est plein A noter que le frigo fait un léger bruit de temps à autres (impression de cycle ) Point positif: Design avec la vue des canettes, performance (canettes très fraiches) Point négatif: léger bruit par moment Je recommande fortement
I was looking for a fridge to always have cool cans available. Only, I was afraid of buying a product that would refresh my cans instead of cooling them. This fridge is great! The cans are cold quickly and really fresh! I happened to find a slight film of ice at the bottom when it was not completely filled! Adjustable light not visible when full Note that the fridge makes a slight noise from time to time (cycle impression) Positive point: Design with the view of the cans, performance (very fresh cans) Negative point: slight noise at times I highly recommend
Funziona bene, per un ufficio senza avere troppe pretese di spazio...noi l abbiamo messo sotto un tavolo in archivio...
It works well, for an office without too many space demands...we put it under a table in the archive...
Die Innenbeleuchtung ist ein echter Witz viel zu dunkel. War enttäuscht.
The interior lighting is a real joke far too dim. Was disappointed.
Ein schönes kompaktes Gerät zum kühlen von Getränken! Hochwertige Verarbeitung und optisch schön anzusehen! Die LED Beleuchtung hätte man nach meiner Meinung weglassen können, man kann sie aber ausschalten!
A nice compact device for cooling drinks! High-quality workmanship and visually beautiful to look at! In my opinion, the LED lighting could have been left out, but you can switch it off!
Erfüllt seinen Zweck.
Serves its purpose.
Bon produit, silencieux, bonne taille et ça fonctionne bien......une semaine d’usage
Good product, quiet, good size and it works well......one week of use
Je le recommande, vraiment surtout quand il est en promo. la poignet n'est pas monté et c'est NORMAL !! (c'est a nous de la monté) je rechercher un petit frigo a mettre sur le plan de travail, finalement il n'est pas si petit ! mais sa passe :) contenance (pour ma part) : 2*5bierre, 20canette et 10 canette. les moins : l'éclairage : trop minime, soit il est constamment allumé, soit éteint mais elle reste inaperçu ( je la laisse éteinte) Les patins, totalement en plastique la présence de caoutchouc aurai été bien vu, pour minimiser les vibration et surtout augmenté l'adhérence ! LES PLUS ! La consommation, ce n'était pas un cristaire au début, mais après quelque recherche et comparaison certain sont des gouffres ! Très beau ! simple et sobre ! Le bruit ? a moins d'être a coté je ne l'entend pas :) La contenance ! Les problème ! la porte ne peux pas être changé de coté pourtant il y a tout les trous de l'autre coté ! avec un cache moche au dessue ! La poignet est arrivé avec un coups et il manqué une vis ! sinon je suis très satisfait !
I really recommend it, especially when it's on sale. The wrist is not fitted and that is NORMAL!! (it's up to us to put it together) I'm looking for a small fridge to put on the work surface, ultimately it's not that small! but that's okay :) capacity (for my part): 2*5 beer, 20 cans and 10 cans. the minuses: the lighting: too minimal, either it is constantly on or off but it remains unnoticed (I leave it off) The skates, totally plastic the presence of rubber would have been well seen, to minimize vibration and above all increased adhesion! MOST ! Consumption was not a problem at the beginning, but after some research and comparison, they are certainly abyss! Beautiful ! simple and sober! The noise ? unless I'm nearby I can't hear it :) The countenance! The problems ! the door cannot be changed side but there are all the holes on the other side! with an ugly cover on top! The wrist arrived with a bang and a screw was missing! otherwise I am very satisfied!
Ne prend pas beaucoup de place, fait un peu de bruit quand il refroidit mais pas en continu donc c'est supportable. On ne rentre pas grand chose c'est un peu dommage et la lumière ne s'allume pas à l'ouverture de la porte, mais est manuelle. Aussi, elle n'éclaire pas beaucoup. Pour le montage de la poignet il faut chercher un peu la base des trous, en fait ils sont tout simplement sous le joint de la porte. Se fond bien dans ma cuisine qui est en inox.
Doesn't take up much space, makes a little noise when it cools but not continuously so it's bearable. We don't fit much in, which is a bit of a shame and the light doesn't come on when the door is opened, but is manual. Also, it doesn't illuminate much. To mount the handle you have to look a little for the base of the holes, in fact they are simply under the door seal. Blends well into my kitchen which is stainless steel.
Perfekter Kühlschrank für Partyraum, Wohnzimmer oder Zockerecke
Perfect fridge for party room, living room or gaming corner
Ho preso questo frigo cantinetta seguendo le recensioni positive. Una volta arrivata, ho notato che lo spazio è abbondante. Tre ripiani più il fondo. Presa per avere uno sfogo in più in casa dove sistemare vino, birra e bibite. Lasciando il frigo classico solo per il cibo. All'interno ci stanno comodamente anche le bottiglie da 1,5 lt. Il vano in basso sarebbe per le lattine, ma nulla toglie metterci altro. All'inizio è un po' rumoroso, fintanto non arriva a temperatura. Consiglio di pendere a parte un misuratore di temperatura, per capire i gradi reali all'interno. Al massimo (5) mi è arrivato a zero gradi.
I bought this wine cellar fridge following the positive reviews. Once it arrived, I noticed that the space is abundant. Three shelves plus the bottom. Bought to have an extra outlet in the house to store wine, beer and soft drinks. Leaving the classic fridge only for food. Inside there are also 1.5 liter bottles. The lower compartment would be for cans, but that doesn't stop you from putting anything else in there. At first it is a bit noisy, until it reaches temperature. I recommend taking a temperature gauge separately, to understand the real degrees inside. At most (5) it got to zero degrees.
First of all fridge looks awesome. It looks more expensive than it is. However it has couple drawbacks: 1. Noise. It is loud. Perfect for the separate kitchen, but not sutable for living room, bedroom or office. 2. Poor design in terms of space usage. It is written, that it was designed for beverages, but absolutely dont taking into account bottles/can sizes which are pretty standard. So if you put 0.5 of cola bottles on the bottom you should remove a shelf. You end up with only 1 shelf and lots of useless space
First of all fridge looks awesome. It looks more expensive than it is. However it has couple drawbacks: 1. Noise. It is loud. Perfect for the separate kitchen, but not sutable for living room, bedroom or office. 2. Poor design in terms of space usage. It is written, that it was designed for beverages, but absolutely dont taking into account bottles/can sizes which are pretty standard. So if you put 0.5 of cola bottles on the bottom you should remove a shelf. You end up with only 1 shelf and lots of useless space
Necesitábamos un frigorífico con estas características. Desde el mismo empaquetado que tiene, ya se denota la calidad del producto. Está acabado en metal y cristal, algo que lo denota un producto verdaderamente premium. Esta nevera me ha venido genial para acompañar a mi congelador, para guardar bebidas, mantenerlas frescas, además de ser completamente silencioso, no se nota absolutamente nada que está encendido. Se puede ajustar la temperatura que necesitemos, para que esté más frío o menos según nuestras necesidades. Además de que tiene una capacidad de 98 litros. Más que de sobra en mi hogar. Muy recomendable. Nos ha encantado en mi casa.
We needed a refrigerator with these features. The quality of the product is already evident from the packaging itself. It is finished in metal and glass, which makes it a truly premium product. This refrigerator has been great to accompany my freezer, to store drinks, keep them cool, and it is also completely silent, you can't tell at all that it is on. You can adjust the temperature you need, so that it is colder or cooler depending on your needs. Plus it has a capacity of 98 liters. More than enough for my home. Highly recommended. We loved it in my house.
It’s a nice small size drinks fridge for small spaces. It’s 23l capacity is perfect size, not too small and not as large the usual 46l minibar fridges. Lovely design and spacious with light inside. Only downside is that it is bit too expensive for what it is. Overall superb
It’s a nice small size drinks fridge for small spaces. It’s 23l capacity is perfect size, not too small and not as large the usual 46l minibar fridges. Lovely design and spacious with light inside. Only downside is that it is bit too expensive for what it is. Overall superb
Der Kühlschrank hat ein schönes Design, kühlt vorbildlich und entspricht in allem meinen Erwartungen. Die Auslieferung hat durch die zuständige Spedition recht lange gedauert, was aber Klarstein natürlich nicht zu verantworten hatte. Vielmehr hat mir Klarstein für diese logistische „Panne“ eine kleine Wiedergutmachung zukommen lassen; obwohl der Grund für die Verspätung ausschließlich bei Hermes lag. Das ist Kundenpflege, wie ich sie selten erlebe. Fazit: klare Kaufempfehlung
The refrigerator has a beautiful design, cools perfectly and meets all my expectations. The delivery took quite a long time due to the shipping company, but this was of course not Klarstein's fault. Instead, Klarstein gave me a small compensation for this logistical "glitch"; even though the reason for the delay was solely Hermes' fault. That is customer care that I rarely experience. Conclusion: clear purchase recommendation
Brauche nur noch einen Aufkleber für den Kühlschrank .
Just need a sticker for the fridge.
Optisch sehr ansprechend. Modernes, hochwertiges Design. Montage des Griffes ging auch sehr einfach. Kühlt sehr schnell sehr effektiv (3 Stunden nach anstecken befüllt). Verstellmöglichkeiten der Böden sind sehr praktisch.
Visually very appealing. Modern, high-quality design. Installing the handle was also very easy. Cools very quickly and very effectively (filled 3 hours after plugging in). Adjusting the floors is very practical.
da hat alles gepasst, der Kühl grad ist einfach stufenlos einzustellen und ist sehr leise.
everything was fine, the degree of cooling is easy to adjust steplessly and is very quiet.
Ganz ehrlich, ich brauch hier keine Worte verlieren. Der Kühlschrank hält was er verspricht. Aktuell ist der noch im Keller und kühlt die Party Getränke aber für die eine oder andere Sommerparty kommt er in die Garage. Meine Frau ist zwischenzeitlich begeistert , da auch der Sekt und der Weißwein schön gekühlt werden für Sie
Honestly, I don't need to waste any words here. The refrigerator does what it promises. It's currently still in the basement and cools the party drinks, but for one or the other summer party it comes into the garage. In the meantime, my wife is enthusiastic, as the sparkling wine and white wine are also nicely chilled for you
Estaba buscando una nevera de este tamaño para poder llevármela al trabajo. La capacidad está muy bien para las dimensiones que tiene porque no hay compartimento de congelación ni compartimentos de almacenamiento en la puerta, así que además la capacidad de refrigeración va bien en general. Sobre el nivel de ruido, en comparación con otros modelos que conozco, es bastante silenciosa. No es 100% silenciosa pero para el uso diario y para tenerla cerca no molesta apenas. Cuidado porque la balda inferior no tiene el mismo fondo que las baldas superiores y entran menos bebidas, pero como las rejillas son ajustables en altura se puede poner un poco al gusto según las necesidades.
I was looking for a fridge of this size to take to work. The capacity is very good for its dimensions because there is no freezer compartment or storage compartments in the door, so the cooling capacity is also good overall. Regarding the noise level, compared to other models I know, it is quite quiet. It is not 100% silent but for daily use and having it nearby it is hardly bothersome. Be careful because the bottom shelf is not the same depth as the upper shelves and less drinks fit, but as the racks are adjustable in height you can adjust it a little to taste depending on your needs.
Come sempre Klarstein non mi delude mai. Ormai ho provato anche altri prodotti di questo marchio e devo dire che fino ad ora, tutti ottimi prodotti (alcuni li uso quotidianamente da 2/3 anni!) Questo piccolo frigo non è da meno! Mi serviva un frigo per le bibite non troppo ingombrante da tenere in ufficio e devo dire che questo fa il suo dovere! Ha un design elegante, puoi vedere il contenuto senza aprirlo e per ora funziona bene! Mi piace :)
As always Klarstein never disappoints me. I have now tried other products from this brand and I must say that so far, all excellent products (I have been using some of them daily for 2/3 years!) This little fridge is no exception! I needed a fridge for drinks that was not too bulky to keep in the office and I must say that this one does its job! It has an elegant design, you can see the contents without opening it and for now it works well! I like it :)
La compré para el dormitorio. Esta muy bien acabada y es bonita pero el compresor se enciende constantemente con un nivel de ruido alto.
I bought this for the bedroom. It is very well finished and pretty but the compressor is constantly on with a high noise level.
Frigorifero compatto ma molto capiente, comprato per il mio ufficio poiché avevo necessità di un frigo di piccole dimensioni ma che potesse contenere acqua e bevande per me e i colleghi, soprattutto in vista dell'estate. Bellissimo ed originale il design con cornice e maniglia color argento satinato e la porta in vetro, molto elegante! La temperatura si regola facilmente da una manopola con 5 livelli di intensità e i ripiani sono regolabili in altezza, in più è presente un interruttore per la luce interna. È silenzioso e raffredda efficacemente in breve tempo. Molto soddisfatta!
Compact but very capacious refrigerator, bought for my office because I needed a small refrigerator that could contain water and drinks for me and colleagues, especially in view of the summer. Beautiful and original design with satin silver frame and handle and glass door, very elegant! The temperature is easily adjusted by a knob with 5 intensity levels and the shelves are adjustable in height, plus there is a switch for the internal light. It is silent and cools effectively in a short time. Very satisfied!
Bon frigo , bien reçu bien emballé , il m'a fallu simplement visser la poignée dans la porte , en mettant les vis derrière le join , Le frigo est petit je l'ai mis dans ma salle , quand je reçois du monde c est parfait les bouteilles et canette sont bien au frais quand on les sors . On les remet aussitôt . Le frigo ne prends pas beaucoup de place vous pouvez même le mettre sur la table . Ou sur un meuble . Pour partir en vacances il serait aussi de taille idéale. La vitre donne vraiment un effet sympa et classe Il y a une lumière intérieure qu'on peut soit laisser ou non allumée . Je suis content de mon achat . Fonctionne tes bien . Et est conforme à la description de l'annonce
Good fridge, received well packaged, I simply had to screw the handle into the door, putting the screws behind the joint, The fridge is small I put it in my room, when I receive people it's perfect the bottles and cans are very cool when you take them out. We put them back immediately. The fridge doesn't take up much space, you can even put it on the table. Or on a piece of furniture. It would also be the ideal size for going on vacation. The window really gives a nice and classy effect. There is an interior light that can either be left on or not. I am happy with my purchase . Work well. And conforms to the description of the ad
conforme a la description
conforms to the description
einfach klasse
just great
Ist leiser,kühl gut und sieht schön aus.
Is quieter, cool well and looks nice.
Getränke im unteren Fach werden schön kühl, oben lässt es zu wünschen übrig. Lautstärke ist ok im Schlafzimmer vielleicht nicht optimal.
Drinks in the lower compartment are nice and cool, but the top leaves a lot to be desired. Volume is ok in the bedroom maybe not optimal.
Das Ding macht sich wirklich schick im Wohnzimmer. Aber,meine Fresse, veranstaltet das Ding einen Krach. Wir haben Ende Februar, hier drin hat's ca. 21 Grad, habe gestern auf 4/5 gestellt und das Teil verbreitet einen Krach, dass es nicht mehr feierlich ist. Der Kompressor läuft praktisch permanent mit einem sehr lauten Brummen, unmöglich zu ignorieren.
This thing looks really chic in the living room. But, gosh, that thing is making a racket. It's the end of February, it's about 21 degrees in here, I set it to 4/5 yesterday and that thing is making such a racket that it's no longer celebratory. The compressor runs almost constantly with a very loud hum, impossible to ignore.
Petit frigo pratique esthétique mais attention, un peu bruyant pour une chambre.
Small practical aesthetic fridge but be careful, a little noisy for a room.
Moin Moin, es ist selten, dass ich eine Rezension schreibe. Hier gibt es aber viele, die einfach nur ein falsches Bild abgeben. Wenn der Kühlschrank angeschlossen wird, braucht er logischerweise einige Tage, bis er wirklich auf der niedrigen Temperatur ist, auf die er eringestellt wird. Hinten an der Rückseite des inneren, bildet sich eine Eisschicht. Bis diese so gefestigt ist, dass sie stabil ist, dauert es 1-3 Wochen. Je nach Einstellugn und Temperatur der Umgebung. In dieser Zeit wird der Kühlschrank durchaus laut knacken. Wobei es nicht der Kühlschrank ist, sonder das Eis was immer wieder mal bricht und dann wieder verdichtet wird. Ich habe mich durch die ganzen Kommentare hier auch etwas verunsichern lassen und an eine Rücksendung gedacht, aber mich zu einer dreimonatigen Testphase entschieden. Und siehe da: Das Knacken des Eises ist nach Durchhärtung komplett weg. Er schaltet sich auch seltener an, da er sich auf die notwendige Kühltemperatur runtergekühlt hat. Somit ist er ein wirklich schöne, günstiger und sehr geräumiger Kühlschrank. Ich würde ihn mir jederzeit wiederkaufen. Wer die ersten drei Wochen mit hier und da mal einem Knackgeräuch vom gebrochenem Eis leben kann, bekommt hier ein 5 Sterneprodukt, welchs sehr edel aussieht. Viel Spaß euch damit :)
Moin Moin, it's rare that I write a review. But there are many here who simply give the wrong picture. When the refrigerator is plugged in, it logically needs a few days to really reach the low temperature it is set to. At the back of the inner, a layer of ice forms. It takes 1-3 weeks for this to become stable enough. Depending on the settings and temperature of the environment. During this time, the refrigerator will crack quite loudly. Whereby it is not the refrigerator, but the ice that breaks again and again and is then compacted again. I also let myself be a little unsettled by all the comments here and thought of sending it back, but decided on a three-month test phase. Lo and behold: the cracking of the ice is completely gone once it has hardened. It also turns on less often as it has cooled down to the necessary cooling temperature. This makes it a really nice, cheap and very spacious refrigerator. I would buy it again anytime. Anyone who can live with the occasional cracking noise from broken ice for the first three weeks will get a 5-star product here, which looks very classy. Have fun with it :)
Bon produit niveau design, poignée un peu difficile à trouver les bons trou mais avec un de patience on y arrive. Pas silencieux malheureusement vivant dans un studio, je l'entend.. Capacité adéquat pour mon utilisation.
Good product in terms of design, handle a little difficult to find the right holes but with a little patience we can get there. Not silent unfortunately living in a studio, I hear it.. Adequate capacity for my use.
Ware top schnell geliefert, aber Qualität verbesserungsfähig, insbesondere die Positionierung und Fixierung der Gitterböden, zwar sind hier zwei Gitterböden mit dabei, die Variantenmöglichkeiten sind jedoch mau; Die Lautstärke des Gerätes ist eher am oberen Ende anzusiedeln
Goods delivered quickly, but quality could be improved, in particular the positioning and fixing of the grid shelves, although there are two grid shelves here, the variant options are meager; The volume of the device is more towards the upper end
Lieferung - blitzschnell (1 Tag schneller als angekündigt, was bei einem so großen Teil natürlich auch schief gehen kann ...). Optisch klasse, sieht schick aus, innen mit dezenter Beleuchtung. Die Kühlung in der ersten Woche so (könnte besser sein, übrigens - 10° auf max. Stufe 5 ist nicht alle Welt). NACHTRAG: Nachdem das Gerät eine Weile gestanden hat, ging die Temperatur tatsächlich auf bis knapp unter 6° herunter - das ist OK. Aber - das Teil war (NACHTRAG: Wieder in der ersten Woche) - laut wie ein 80er Jahre Kühlschrank! Und ja, ich habe brav über Nacht abgewartet, bevor ich ihn eingeschaltet habe. Steht jetzt in der Küche statt im Wohnzimmer, da ist's erträglich, aber ich muss die Tür zumachen, sonst höre ich das Teil noch 2 Zimmer weiter. Ich wollte ihn schon zurückschicken, aber durch ruhiges Stehen von >1 Woche hat bewirkt, dass ich von 2* auf 4* Bewertung gegangen bin und - fair ist fair - hier geändert habe. Ein- und Ausschalten bemerke ich jedenfalls durch den ordentlichen Schaltknacks-Vorgang immer noch stark, Lautstärke und Kühlleistung sind gut OK. Da das Brummen immer noch gut hörbar - wenngleich locker erträglich ist, der immer noch laute Schaltknacks beim Ein- und Abschalten der Kühlung, und die erste Schreck-Woche, wo ich dachte "das wird nix und geht zurück" - ein Stern Abzug und keine vollen 5 Sterne.
Delivery - lightning fast (1 day faster than advertised, which of course can go wrong with such a large part...). Optically great, looks chic, inside with subtle lighting. The cooling in the first week like this (could be better, by the way - 10° at max. level 5 is not all the world). ADDENDUM: After the device stood for a while, the temperature actually went down to just under 6° - that's OK. But - the part was (ADDITION: Again in the first week) - loud as an 80s refrigerator! And yes, I dutifully waited the night before turning it on. It's now in the kitchen instead of the living room, it's bearable there, but I have to close the door, otherwise I'll hear the part 2 rooms away. I wanted to send it back, but standing still for >1 week made me go from 2* to 4* rating and - fair is fair - changed it here. In any case, I still notice switching on and off strongly due to the proper switching click process, volume and cooling capacity are OK. Since the hum is still clearly audible - although it is easily tolerable, the still loud click when switching the cooling on and off, and the first fright week, when I thought "it won't work and will go back" - a star deduction and none full 5 stars.
Frigidaire secondaire pour bouteilles. Bel objet: porte vitrèe éclairage fond noir, inox… il n’y a qu’à visser la poignée et thermostat à 5 les bouteilles sont à 5 dg. A la mise en route j’ai cru qu’il ne fonctionnait pas, surpris par l’absence de bruit. Très bon achat
Secondary fridge for bottles. Beautiful object: glass door, black background lighting, stainless steel… all you have to do is screw the handle and thermostat at 5 the bottles are at 5 dg. When it started I thought it wasn't working, surprised by the lack of noise. Very good purchase
Frigidaire secondaire pour bouteilles. Bel objet: porte vitrèe éclairage fond noir, inox… il n’y a qu’à visser la poignée et thermostat à 5 les bouteilles sont à 5 dg. A la mise en route j’ai cru qu’il ne fonctionnait pas, surpris par l’absence de bruit. Très bon achat
Secondary fridge for bottles. Beautiful object: glass door, black background lighting, stainless steel… all you have to do is screw the handle and thermostat at 5 the bottles are at 5 dg. When it started I thought it wasn't working, surprised by the lack of noise. Very good purchase
Purtroppo dopo 2 giorni la vite sotto della maniglia é passato oltr il foro, ho riparato con una da 1 cm, il rest ok!! La birra é fresca su fase 2 da 5 potrebbe andare benissimo anche in ambienti di 30 gradi...
Unfortunately after 2 days the screw under the handle went beyond the hole, I repaired it with a 1 cm one, the rest is ok!! The beer is fresh on phase 2 of 5 it could also be fine in 30 degree environments...
Der Kühlschrank ist leichter als ich gedacht habe (auch wenn die Gewichtsangabe bei der Beschreibung dabei steht), dafür aber auf den ersten Blick sauber und robust verarbeitet. Das Auspacken und aufstellen ist in zwei Handgriffen getan. Inneliegend findet man die Anleitung und den extra zu montierenden Griff. So kompakt der Beersafe ist - es passt eine Menge rein. Wenn man etwas geschickt im Packen ist sogar der Inhalt einer ganzen Kiste Bier. Auch große Weinflaschen, Spirituosen, Softgetränke oder Lebensmittel finden hier ausreichend Platz. Das Innenlicht lässt sich separat anschalten und leuchtet ausreichend. Zusätzlich gibt es einen schönen Effekt bei geschlossener Tür. Große Pluspunkte verteile ich für die recht gute Energieeffizienzklasse (diese fällt bei vielen Beersafes wesentlich schlechter aus) und das tolle Design. Den Kühlschrank kann man locker im Wohnzimmer aufstellen, ohne dass es nach Küche aussieht. Betriebsgeräusche konnte ich bisher nicht feststellen. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und der Preis ist ebenfalls völlig angemessen.
The refrigerator is lighter than I thought (even if the weight is included in the description), but at first glance it looks clean and robust. Unpacking and setting up is done in two easy steps. Inside you will find the instructions and the extra handle to be assembled. As compact as the Beersafe is - it fits a lot. If you are adept at packing, you can even find the contents of a whole crate of beer. There is also enough space for large wine bottles, spirits, soft drinks or groceries. The interior light can be switched on separately and lights up sufficiently. In addition, there is a nice effect when the door is closed. I give big plus points for the quite good energy efficiency class (this is much worse for many Beersafes) and the great design. You can easily set up the fridge in the living room without it looking like a kitchen. So far I haven't been able to detect any operating noise. I am very satisfied and the price is also completely reasonable.
Der Kühlschrank sieht relativ gut aus. Durch die getönte Frontscheibe und die dunkle Farbe wirkt er relativ edel. Trotzdem bleiben kleine Schwächen in der Verarbeitung, so ist unsere Türe nicht ganz 100% gerade verbaut, was der Funktionalität aber keinen Abbruch tut. Ansonsten kühlt er ordentlich. Leider ist das Gerät für die Größe etwas teuer, wenn man das im Verhältnis zu normalen Kühlschränken sieht. Das Glas in der Türe kann da eigentlich nicht den Preisunterschied machen. Und ja, es wird kein Sparwunder in Bezug auf den Energiehaushalt daraus Insgesamt sind wir aber bisher zufrieden.
The fridge looks pretty good. The tinted windscreen and the dark color make it look relatively classy. Nevertheless, small weaknesses remain in the processing, so our door is not installed 100% straight, which does not detract from the functionality. Otherwise it cools properly. Unfortunately, the device is a bit expensive for the size when you look at it in relation to normal refrigerators. The glass in the door can't really make the difference in price. And yes, there won't be any miracle savings in terms of energy consumption. Overall, we're satisfied so far.
Manchmal macht er komische Geräusche aber alles in allem ok
Sometimes he makes strange noises but all in all ok
Le produit est arrivé intacte et dans les délais. Il est bien emballé. Il est silencieux. Il est possible d'enlever les étagères. Il y a une lumière avec un interrupteur. La poignée de la porte est à fixer. Il faut s'assurer que le transporteur l'a bien entreposer debout sinon attendre 4 heures pour le brancher à cause du gaz. Nous l'avons mis à 5°C pour que ce soit frais.
The product arrived intact and on time. It is well packaged. He is silent. It is possible to remove the shelves. There is a light with a switch. The door handle needs to be fixed. You must ensure that the carrier has stored it upright, otherwise wait 4 hours to plug it in because of the gas. We put it at 5°C to keep it cool.
Le produit est arrivé intacte et dans les délais. Il est bien emballé. Il est silencieux. Il est possible d'enlever les étagères. Il y a une lumière avec un interrupteur. La poignée de la porte est à fixer. Il faut s'assurer que le transporteur l'a bien entreposer debout sinon attendre 4 heures pour le brancher à cause du gaz. Nous l'avons mis à 5°C pour que ce soit frais.
The product arrived intact and on time. It is well packaged. He is silent. It is possible to remove the shelves. There is a light with a switch. The door handle needs to be fixed. You must ensure that the carrier has stored it upright, otherwise wait 4 hours to plug it in because of the gas. We put it at 5°C so that it was fresh.
Le produit est arrivé intacte et dans les délais. Il est bien emballé. Il est silencieux. Il est possible d'enlever les étagères. Il y a une lumière avec un interrupteur. La poignée de la porte est à fixer. Il faut s'assurer que le transporteur l'a bien entreposer debout sinon attendre 4 heures pour le brancher à cause du gaz. Nous l'avons mis à 5°C pour que ce soit frais.
The product arrived intact and on time. It is well packaged. He is silent. It is possible to remove the shelves. There is a light with a switch. The door handle needs to be fixed. You must ensure that the carrier has stored it upright, otherwise wait 4 hours to plug it in because of the gas. We put it at 5°C so that it was fresh.
Mi è arrivato ieri in versione 60 litri, ci stanno tante bottiglie nei ripiani amovibili. La temperatura raggiunta è effettivamente circa 0/1 gradi nella base, la parte più fredda, con termostato al massimo. Nei ripiani intermedi e superiori sale leggernente, 3/4 gradi. Ho abbassato il termostato a 4, il massimo è 5, e la T è leggermente salita ma resta adatto ai vini bianchi nei ripiani bassi. C'è una debole lucetta che si può lasciare anche sempre accesa, consuma poco o niente. Il consumo del frigo ancora non l'ho valutato ma non credo sia un problema, aggiornerò utilizzando un misuratore. Unico appunto, è leggermente più rumoroso di quanto mi aspettassi, nessun problema se non è in stanza da letto o se non è vicino al divano quando si guarda la TV, se no conviene staccarlo almeno durante la visione di un film e riattaccare dopo. Non fa baccano, ma pensavo fosse impercettibile con un compressore così piccolo. Comunque consigliato, è molto bello e sembra solido
It arrived yesterday in the 60 liter version, there are many bottles on the removable shelves. The temperature reached is actually around 0/1 degrees in the base, the coldest part, with the thermostat at maximum. On the intermediate and upper shelves it rises slightly, 3/4 degrees. I lowered the thermostat to 4, the maximum is 5, and the T rose slightly but it remains suitable for white wines on the lower shelves. There is a weak light that can also be left on all the time, it consumes little or nothing. I have not evaluated the fridge's consumption yet but I don't think it's a problem, I will update using a meter. The only complaint is that it is slightly noisier than I expected, no problem if it is not in the bedroom or if it is not near the sofa when watching TV, otherwise it is better to unplug it at least while watching a film and plug it back in afterwards. It does not make a racket, but I thought it would be imperceptible with such a small compressor. In any case recommended, it is very nice and seems solid
estéticamente por encima de las expectativas, el único pero es que le falta un pelín de potencia para enfriar las cervezas al nivel que me gustaría
Aesthetically above expectations, the only but is that it lacks a bit of power to cool the beers to the level that I would like.
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Figorifero molto bello esteticamente, ampi spazi interni in rapporto all' ingombro esterno, luce led sul soffitto che dà un tocco raffinato, forse ce ne sarebbero volute due laterali, perchè l' elegante vetro fumè nella portina ne smorza molto la luminosità ... Arriva molto ben imballato, credo dalla Germania, con doppio involucro di cartone e ammortizzatore in polistirolo.. Poco rumoroso, ma se lo tenete in sala quando attacca si sente il suo ronzio, non mettetelo di fianco alla tv, vi potrebbe infastidire, è un apparecchio con compressore ... Unica pecca e limite, anche alla massima potenza refrigerativa come lo tengo io, è che non scende sotto i 7-8 gradi, se volete bevande veramente "ghiacciate" e per la birra non va benissimo ... Visto che la macchina termica con compressore è molto efficiente e lo avrebbe permesso, avrei preferito poter scegliere un range di temperatura più ampio in basso ... Non so se è possibile una regolazione aggiuntiva ... Aggiornamento dopo l' utilizzo : purtroppo la regolazione della temperatura è piuttosto inefficiente, sul ripiano superiore si scende al massimo a 12-13 gradi, su quello di mezzo a 9 e solo sul piccolo spazio inferiore si arriva a 8 ... Posterò le foto elative a breve. Oltretutto non è un no frost, per cui forma ghiaccio sulla piastra refrigerante, nella parete posteriore. Per risolvere il problema della scarsa capacità di raffreddamento, ho cercato l' assistenza tecnica in Italia e, sorpresa, si accerta che per ora semplicemente questa non esiste ... Attenzione quindi, se avrete problemi dopo i due anni canonici di garanzia pare regolarmente prestata, potreste dover buttare via l' apparecchiatura ... Da valutare accuratamente quando acquistate.
Failed to load media. English: Very nice refrigerator aesthetically, large internal spaces in relation to the external size, LED light on the ceiling that gives a refined touch, perhaps two lateral ones would have been needed, because the elegant smoked glass in the door dampens the brightness a lot ... It arrives very well packaged, I think from Germany, with double cardboard wrapping and polystyrene shock absorber.. Not very noisy, but if you keep it in the living room when it starts you can hear its buzzing, do not put it next to the TV, it could bother you, it is a compressor appliance ... The only flaw and limit, even at maximum cooling power as I keep it, is that it does not go below 7-8 degrees, if you want truly "iced" drinks and for beer it is not very good ... Since the thermal machine with compressor is very efficient and would have allowed it, I would have preferred to be able to choose a wider temperature range at the bottom ... I do not know if an additional adjustment is possible ... Update after use: unfortunately the temperature adjustment is rather inefficient, on the upper shelf it goes down to the maximum at 12-13 degrees, on the middle one at 9 and only on the small lower space it gets to 8 ... I will post the relative photos soon. Furthermore it is not a no frost, so it forms ice on the cooling plate, on the back wall. To solve the problem of the poor cooling capacity, I looked for technical assistance in Italy and, surprise, it was confirmed that for now this simply does not exist ... So be careful, if you have problems after the two years of warranty that seems regularly provided, you may have to throw away the appliance ... To be evaluated carefully when purchasing.
Insgesamt bin ich mit dem Bier cooler zufrieden, allerdings beschlägt bei uns die Außenscheibe doch erheblich selbst bei einer Temperatureinstellung von 8 Grad Celsius, und das bei einem Standort im Keller.
Overall, I'm satisfied with the beer cooler, but the outer pane fogs up considerably even at a temperature setting of 8 degrees Celsius, and that's because it's in the basement.
Gerät wurde bestellt und innerhalb 4 Eerktagen geliefert, soweit ganz gut. Ausgepackt und festgestellt, dass der Lichtschalter defekt im Kühlschrank liegt. Konnte leider nicht mehr angebracht werden. Nach Reklamation habe ich dann 35€ erhalten wenn ich den behalte und nicht zurück schicke. Bei einem Kaufpreis von rund 200€ ist das ok aber auch nicht der Burner. Ansonsten funktioniert der Kühlschrank super und ist auch echt nicht laut. Wäre das Licht nicht defekt gewesen wären es 5* Sterne.
Device was ordered and delivered within 4 Eerktage, so far quite good. Unpacked and found that the light switch was defective in the refrigerator. Unfortunately could not be attached. After complaining, I received €35 if I kept it and didn't send it back. At a purchase price of around €200, that's ok but not a real hit either. Otherwise, the fridge works great and is really not noisy. If the light hadn't been broken, it would have been 5* stars.
un peu hésitante au vu des commentaires négatifs sur la température . Nous l'avons testé plein et vide et la température ne monte pas au dessus de 9 degrés ce qui suffisant pour l'utilisation que nous en faisons
a little hesitant given the negative comments about the temperature. We tested it full and empty and the temperature does not rise above 9 degrees, which is sufficient for our use.
Passt super in die Küche sieht schick aus Kühlt super und ist Leise. Jederzeit wieder!!
Fits great in the kitchen looks chic Cools great and is quiet. Any time!!
Livraison et produit au top (livré 2j plus tôt que la date annoncée). La température est excellente, en peu de temps il est descendu vers les 6° en puissance 5 (chambre à 23/24°). Mais même en puissance 2 ou 3 ça fait largement le taff! Seul petit bémol c'est le moteur quand il se met en route, un peu brillant dans une chambre surtout si vous l'avez à moins d'un mètre du lit comme moi haha mais ça reste raisonnable, je suis sûr qu'a l'opposée du lit ou même dans une autre pièce on l'entend à peine voir pas du tout.
Delivery and product at the top (delivered 2 days earlier than the announced date). The temperature is excellent, in a short time it went down to 6° to power 5 (room at 23/24°). But even at power 2 or 3 it does the job! Only small downside is the motor when it starts, a little bright in a bedroom especially if you have it less than a meter from the bed like me haha but it's still reasonable, I'm sure that 'opposite the bed or even in another room you can barely hear it at all.
Très beau frigo. Finalement grande contenance. Parfait pour mon usage. La porte vitrée noire fait très chic.
Very nice fridge. Finally great capacity. Perfect for my use. The black glass door looks very chic.
Beğenmediğim tek şey, kutu içeceği raf tan alıp satınca, geri kalan içecek raf üzerinde kayıyor...hänchengrill arabasın da akşam eve dönerken, tüm rafı boşaltmak zorunda kalıyoruz....raf ta ara bölmeler olsaydı, bu problem sanırım olmazdı
The only thing I don't like is that when you take the canned drink from the shelf and sell it, the remaining drink slides on the shelf... While returning home in the evening in the hänchengrill car, we have to empty the entire shelf... If there were partitions on the shelf, I think this problem would not exist.
La nevera enfría de categoría, lleva 4 meses con nosotros. Si la pones a tope te congela las bebidas que toca el fondo. De vista es muy llamativa. No le doy 5 estrellas porque la bombilla alumbra muy poco, esta en la parte superior y si pones una botella al centro ya no se ve nada. Debería tener otra bombilla más y ambas de más potencia
The fridge cools very well, it has been with us for 4 months. If you put it on full blast it freezes the drinks that touch the bottom. It is very striking to look at. I don't give it 5 stars because the light bulb doesn't light up very well, it is on the top and if you put a bottle in the middle you can't see anything. It should have another light bulb and both of more power.
J’ai acheté ce frigo pour y mettre mes bières maison et j’en suis très satisfait. Il est silencieux (je l’entend à peine alors que je dors à 3m du frigo) et refroidit très bien jusqu’à 25 bouteilles. La porte en verre teinté et la poignée sont magnifiques et le rendent discret. Je recommande fortement cette marque sérieuse
I bought this fridge to store my homemade beers and I am very satisfied with it. It is quiet (I barely hear it even though I sleep 3m from the fridge) and cools up to 25 bottles very well. The stained glass door and handle look beautiful and make it discreet. I highly recommend this serious brand
El diseño, la capacidad y como enfría está muy bien. Es muy ruidosa. A toda hora se pone el ventilador en marcha este a la temperatura que esté.
The design, capacity and cooling performance are very good. It is very noisy. The fan is on all the time depending on the temperature.
Der Kühlschrank kam stabil verpackt bei mir an. Vor dem Aufstellen muss jedoch zunächst der Türgriff angeschraubt werden. Die Löcher für die Schrauben liegen derart dämlich unter der Türdichtung, dass man höllisch aufpassen muss, den Dichtungsgummi hierbei nicht zu zerstören. Auch die sehr kurzen Schrauben gerade durch den Gehäusehohlraum zu schieben, so dass sie am anderen Ende auch tatsächlich wieder zum Vorschein kommen, ist eine Kunst für sich. Mein Tipp: Erst mal nen Zahnstocher durchschieben, damit man innen überhaupt sieht, wo sich das Loch befindet! Wer auch immer sich das ausgedacht hat, der quält bestimmt auch gerne Insekten ;-) Vom Aussehen her ist er sehr elegant, jedoch ist die LED im Inneren viel zu schwach, so dass man durch die verdunkelte Scheibe kaum hineinsehen kann. Auf niedriger Stufe ist die Lautstärke noch erträglich, jedoch immer noch nichts fürs Schlafzimmer. Das Problem hierbei ist aber, dass er nicht richtig kalt wird, zumindest erreicht er niemals die in der Beschreibung angegebenen Temperaturen. Meiner steht im Keller, wo es 10 Grad kälter ist als im Wohnbereich. Wir haben aktuell Winter und er läuft auf Stufe 5 (Maximum). Dies führt dazu, dass der Kühlkompressor am laufenden Band anspringt, was für ständigen Lärm sorgt. Trotzdem liegen die Temperaturen im oberen Bereich des Kühlschranks bei fast 10! Grad! Nur ganz unten, wo er aber bauartbedingt am engsten ist (und somit am wenigsten hineinpasst), erreicht er bei maximaler Kühlstufe 3-4 Grad! Ich möchte mir nicht ausmalen, wie warm er im Sommer im normalen Wohnbereich sein würde. Ich habe deswegen natürlich den Hersteller unter der angegebenen E-Mail-Adresse kontaktiert und diese Auffälligkeiten beschrieben, das war vor knapp anderthalb Wochen, bislang habe ich jedoch noch immer keine Antwort erhalten. Fazit: Wem gut gekühlte aber nicht kalte Getränke ausreichen, wer den Kühlschrank in kühler Umgebung aufstellt und sich wegen der Geräuschentwicklung nicht im gleichen Raum aufhält, der kann hier zugreifen. Optisch macht er schon was her, jedoch dürfte jeder billige Normalokühlschrank (ohne Glastür) eine deutlich höhere Kühlleistung erzielen als dieses Gerät hier. Ich hatte ihn bei Amazon im Angebot erworben, daher werde ich ihn wohl auch behalten aber zum regulären Preis hätte ich ihn auf jeden Fall retourniert!
The refrigerator arrived securely packaged. Before setting it up, however, the door handle must first be screwed on. The holes for the screws are so stupid under the door seal that you have to be extremely careful not to destroy the rubber seal. Pushing the very short screws straight through the housing cavity so that they actually come out at the other end is an art in itself. My tip: first push a toothpick through it so that you can even see where the hole is on the inside! Whoever came up with this must also like tormenting insects ;-) It looks very elegant, but the LED inside is far too weak, so that you can hardly see inside through the darkened pane. The volume is still tolerable on a low level, but still not for the bedroom. The problem here is that it doesn't get really cold, at least it never reaches the temperatures stated in the description. Mine is in the basement, where it's 10 degrees colder than in the living area. It's currently winter and he's running at level 5 (maximum). This causes the refrigeration compressor to start up non-stop, making for constant noise. Despite this, the temperatures in the upper part of the refrigerator are almost 10! Degree! Only at the bottom, where it is narrowest due to its design (and therefore fits in the least), it reaches 3-4 degrees at maximum cooling level! I don't want to imagine how warm it would be in normal living space in the summer. So of course I contacted the manufacturer at the email address provided and described these abnormalities, that was almost a week and a half ago, but so far I have still not received an answer. Conclusion: If well-chilled but not cold drinks are sufficient, if you set up the refrigerator in a cool environment and are not in the same room because of the noise, you can access it here. It looks good, but any cheap normal refrigerator (without a glass door) should achieve a significantly higher cooling capacity than this device here. I bought it on sale on Amazon, so I'll probably keep it, but I would definitely have returned it at the regular price!
Nach zweimaligen Umtasch bin ich jetzt mit dem Kühlschrank zufrieden .
After changing it twice, I am now satisfied with the refrigerator.
Generell ein guter und stylischer Kühlschrank. Die Verarbeitung könnte etwas besser sein bei dem Preis. Im Karton waren einige abgebrochene Plastikteile, zuerst dachte ich das diese vom Kühlschrank stammen, konnte aber nicht feststellen von welcher Stelle diese abgebrochen sein könnten. War etwas verwirrend.
Generally a good and stylish fridge. The workmanship could be a little better for the price. There were some broken plastic parts in the box, at first I thought they came from the fridge, but I couldn't determine where they could have broken off from. Was a bit confusing.
an sich ein gutes Gerät, allerdings passte der Griff nicht ohne zusätzliches Nachbohren durch den Metallrahmen.
in itself a good device, but the handle did not fit through the metal frame without additional re-drilling.
Optisch sehr schön, leise ist der Kühlschrank auch. Mal schauen, wie lange dieser funktioniert. Leider hatten wir in letzter Zeit sehr oft den Fall, dass mit dem Ablauf der Garantie auch die Leistung verschwindet. Reparatur ist meistens teurer als das neue Gerät ;-) Schon sehr raffiniert. Anstatt an die Umwelt zu denken, denkt man nur an den Umsatz!!!
It looks very nice and the fridge is quiet too. Let's see how long this works. Unfortunately, lately we have had the case very often that the performance also disappears when the guarantee expires. Repair is usually more expensive than the new device ;-) Very clever. Instead of thinking about the environment, you only think about sales!!!
Grundsätzlich ein gutes Produkt . Sieht gut aus und ist geräumig . Leider können bei der Innenaufteilung keine Bierflaschen ( 0,33l ) stehend gelagert werden . Bierdosen gehen .
Basically a good product. Looks good and is spacious. Unfortunately , beer bottles ( 0.33 l ) can not be stored upright due to the interior division . beer cans go .
Der Kühlschrank hat ein cooles Design und funktioniert bestens auch bei voller Bestückung an Getränkeflaschen. Einzige Herausforderung war das Anbringen der Haltebügel an der Frontscheibe. Nachdem ich das Prinzip verstanden hatte, wie der Dichtgummi zur Seite gedrückt wird, ging aber alles relativ einfach und jetzt hebt der Griff bombensicher.
The fridge has a cool design and works perfectly even when it is full of drinks bottles. The only challenge was attaching the retaining bracket to the windscreen. After I understood the principle of how the rubber seal is pushed to the side, everything went relatively easy and now the handle lifts like a bomb.
alles prima
alles cousin
Das Produkt ist an sich ein sehr sinnvoller attraktiver Kühlschrank! Er tut was er soll und kühlt Getränke auf gewissen Einstellungen (kleines Drehrad im Produkt) sogar bis zu einer leicht gefrorenen Erfrischung! Über das optische sollte es keine 2 Meinungen geben! Ein sehr schöner moderner dennoch schlichter Kühlschrank! Top! Das einzige was mich bislang nicht gestört hat mit allerdings dennoch aufgefallen ist, ist ein leises Rauschen was gerade nachts wenn alles ruhig ist vernommen werden kann! Ich persönlich kann darüber hinwegsehen da der Rest des Produktes einfach nahe zu perfekt ist!
The product itself is a very useful and attractive fridge! It does what it's supposed to and cools drinks on certain settings (small dial in the product) even to a slightly frozen refreshment! There should be no 2 opinions about the optical! A very nice modern yet simple fridge! Top! The only thing that hasn't bothered me so far, but I still noticed it, is a quiet noise, which can be heard especially at night when everything is quiet! Personally I can overlook that as the rest of the product is just near perfect!
Etwas Laut
A bit loud
Petit frigo d'appoint pour y stocker nos boissons tout au long de l'année. Il est tres design. On aime bcp le style.
Small extra fridge to store our drinks all year round. It is very designer. We really like the style.
Petit frigo d'appoint pour y stocker nos boissons tout au long de l'année. Il est tres design. On aime bcp le style.
Small extra fridge to store our drinks all year round. It is very designer. We really like the style.
Sieht gut aus. Als neu gekauft, leider gebrauchten und zerkratzen erhalten. Auf Nachlassanfrage wurde nicht reagiert, daher geht er zurück. Geräuschpegel ist durchschnittlich. Nicht leise aber auch nicht laut.
Looks good. Bought new, unfortunately received used and scratched. There was no response to a probate request, so it is being returned. Noise level is average. Not quiet but not loud either.
Alles gut soweit, Gerät kühlt, was es auch soll und leise ist es auch. Aber.....wie hier schon mehrfach erwähnt sind die beiden Roste echt verbesserungsfähig. Das untere Rost liegt an der rechten Seite nur im hinteren Bereich auf, hängt vorne frei in der Luft. Ein Roststab hat sich direkt beim ersten anschauen schon gelöst. Das Anbringen von Türgriff ging so, aber das kann sicherlich besser gelöst werden. Wenn man nicht darauf achtet, klemmt sich die Türdichtung unter dem Schraubenkopf fest. Insgesamt ein gutes Gerät, aber für den Preis darf man bei den erwähnten Kleinigkeiten sicherlich etwas mehr erwarten.
Everything is good so far, the device cools as it should and it is quiet too. But ..... as mentioned here several times, the two grates can really be improved. The lower grate is on the right side only in the rear area, hanging freely in the air at the front. A rust bar has already come loose at the first look. Attaching the door handle went like this, but that can certainly be solved better. If you're not careful, the door seal will get stuck under the screw head. Overall a good device, but for the price you can certainly expect a little more from the small things mentioned.
Joder la nevera esta chulisima y pesa muy poco. A ver es una nevera de 35 litros que no es muy grande pero si eres apañado la dejas llena de bebida y refresca de la leche, los botes de cerveza como estan de ricos. Parece una tonteria pero la lud de led le da un toque muy guapa a la nevera. Sus patas delanteras son regulables algo a tener en cuenta.
Damn, the fridge is really cool and weighs very little. It's a 35-litre fridge, which isn't very big, but if you're clever you can leave it full of drinks and refresh yourself with milk, and the beer cans are so delicious. It seems silly, but the LED light gives the fridge a really nice touch. Its front legs are adjustable, something to keep in mind.
Acheté pour mon fils en récompense de son brevet, ce petit frigo est joli. Livraison nickel. Le prix est un peu élevé par rapport à la taille du frigo mais il n'y a pas vraiment de concurrence sur ce type de modèle.
Bought for my son as a reward for his certificate, this little fridge is pretty. Perfect delivery. The price is a little high compared to the size of the fridge but there is no real competition on this type of model.
I like it very much. Looks great beside my couch in the living room. It's not 100% silent but as long as I don't notice the sound unless I listen carefully, I don't care. So I give 5 star!
I like it very much. Looks great beside my couch in the living room. It's not 100% silent but as long as I don't notice the sound unless I listen carefully, I don't care. So I give 5 star!
Muy bueno
Very good
Schöner stylischer Kühlschrank. Die Maßangaben der Höhe haben nicht ganz gestimmt. (Soll 84cm ist 88cm) Passt trotzdem rein. Lieferung auch unkompliziert und easy Montage des Griffes.
Nice stylish fridge. The measurements of the height were not quite right. (Should be 84cm is 88cm) Still fits in. Delivery also uncomplicated and easy assembly of the handle.
Me gusta su diseño, no tanto lo prometido con el enfriamiento del contenido.
I like the design, not so much the promise of cooling the contents.
Der Kühlschrank steht im Jugendzimmer und kühlt wie erwartet. Auch sieht der schwarze Würfel so cool aus, wie erhofft. Jedoch ist er lauter als angenommen, so dass wir ihn über Nacht über eine Zeitschaltuhr ausschalten. Die Innenleuchte ist nicht die Hellste und den Lichtschalter (rechte Wand, oben, knapp unter dem obersten Gitter), zum manuellen ein- bzw. ausschalten, musste ich etwas suchen, da ich dazu in der Anleitung nichts gefunden habe. Den Kauf haben wir bisher aber nicht bereut.
The fridge is in the youth room and cools as expected. Also, the black cube looks as cool as hoped. However, it is louder than expected, so we turn it off overnight using a timer. The interior light is not the brightest and I had to look for the light switch (right wall, above, just below the top grille) to switch it on and off manually, because I couldn't find anything about it in the instructions. So far we have not regretted the purchase.
Der kleine Kühlschrank tut in erster linie das was er soll. Bier rein --> Bier wird kalt. (geht natürlich mit jedem Getränk ;)) Das Design: das Design des Külschranks entspricht absolut meinen Vorstellungen. Glasfront und ausenherum Edelstahl. mehr gibts nicht zu sagen. Geräuschpegel: wenn man sich die Rezessionen hier so durchließt kommt man doch ins Grübeln ob man überhaupt eine Bestellung waagen sollte oder nicht. Ich muss sagen, ich habe es gewaagt und bin überrascht wie geräuschempfindlich manche offensichtlich sind. Ja, wenn es absolut still ist um einen herum kann man den Kühlschrank hören wenn er denn gerade läuft. Er ist allerdings so leise, dass ich sogar schlafen kann nebenbei, Fernsehen ist absolut kein Problem, jede Spülmaschine in einer Wohnküche ist deutlicher zu hören, ich höre sogar den Verkehr durch die Fenster deutlicher. Wenn man den Kühlschrank also nicht mit dem Kompressor voraus (ist hinten unten) vor der Nase hat würde ich sagen das sollte kein Problem sein. zur Benutzung eine kleine Anmerkung. die Mittlere Lage ist mit dem Rost nur für die halbe Tiefe versehen. die restliche Fläche macht das Kompresorgehäuse aus. Das ist ein bisschen unpraktisch weil das Gehäuse leicht höher liegt als der Rost (ungefähr ein cm) dadurch hat man das Gefühl die Flaschen könnten herausrutschen. Abhilfe schafft die Flaschen einfach mit dem Hals voraus im Kühlschrank zu verstauen. das unterste Fach hat leider keine Bodenstruktur die ein Wegrollen von Flaschen verhindern würde. Da werde ich mir selbst noch was einfallen lassen müssen. Eine der Wichtigsten Informationen die nirgends zu finden ist wäre meiner Meinung nach, wie viele Bierflaschen (also die echten 0,5l Flaschen, nicht diese 0,33 Minidinger) man in den Kühlschrank bekommt. deswegen meine Abschätzung hier für Helles Flaschen von Augustiner (natürlich nur wg. der Form relevant) (habe noch nicht genug Bier gekauft um es auszureizen) Oberstes Fach: 2 Reihen (5-4) Mittleres Fach: 1 Reihe (5) unterstes Fach: maximales Potential 6 Flaschen wenn man das Wegrollen in den griff bekommt. Für andere Flaschenformen wie beispielsweise von Paulaner verwendet kann es sein, dass noch ein bisschen mehr oder ganz unten weniger reingeht. ich würde Sagen es geht knapp ein Kasten bier in den Kühlschrank. (20 Flaschen) Das finde ich ganz ordentlich und für meine Zwecke völlig ausreichend.
The small fridge primarily does what it is supposed to do. Beer in --> beer is getting cold. (Of course goes with every drink ;)) The design: the design of the refrigerator corresponds absolutely to my ideas. Glass front and stainless steel on the outside. there is nothing more to say. Noise level: if you read through the recessions here, you start to ponder whether you should even weigh an order or not. I have to say I took the plunge and am surprised at how sensitive some people seem to be to noise. Yes, if it's absolutely quiet around you you can hear the fridge if it's running. However, it is so quiet that I can even sleep on the side, television is absolutely no problem, every dishwasher in a kitchen-living room can be heard more clearly, I even hear the traffic through the windows more clearly. So if you don't have the fridge with the compressor in front of you (it's at the bottom at the back) I would say that shouldn't be a problem. a small note on usage. the middle layer is provided with the grate only for half the depth. the remaining area is made up of the compressor housing. This is a bit inconvenient because the housing is slightly higher than the grate (about a cm) so you have the feeling that the bottles could slide out. The remedy is to simply store the bottles neck first in the fridge. Unfortunately, the bottom compartment has no floor structure that would prevent bottles from rolling away. I'll have to come up with something myself. In my opinion, one of the most important pieces of information that is nowhere to be found would be how many beer bottles (the real 0.5l bottles, not these 0.33 mini things) you can put in the fridge. hence my estimate here for light bottles from Augustiner (of course only relevant because of the shape) (haven't bought enough beer to max it out) Top compartment: 2 rows (5-4) Middle compartment: 1 row (5) bottom compartment: maximum potential 6 bottles if you get the rolling away under control. For other bottle shapes, such as those used by Paulaner, it may be that a little more or less goes in at the bottom. I would say there is almost a crate of beer in the fridge. (20 bottles) I find that quite neat and completely sufficient for my purposes.
Todo correcto Calidad precio ok
All correct. Quality and price ok.
Très bon produit et pratique
Very good and practical product