Mantua Cascade Fountain

£ 109.99 (incl. VAT)
  • 29 cm
  • Garden fountains
  • 3 cm
Product number: 10034730
Mantua Cascade Fountain
£ 109.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 97.99
    Original price: £ 109.99
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 92.99
    Original price: £ 109.99
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • Power of the sun: garden fountain with SunRiver Technology for off-grid solar operation

  • Bubbling oasis: charming cascade water feature for the garden, the terrace or in the living room

  • Pure relaxation: 4 fountain levels with cascading waterfalls

Product description

Relaxation between the four lakes: the Blumfeldt Mantua solar cascade fountain lets the water flow between its four steps with the power of the sun and helps to slow the world down with its sparkling water play. The deceptively real-looking fountain is extremely decorative and an ornament for every garden, balcony or living room.

The Sunriver Technology of the Blumfeldt Mantua cascade fountain with a 9 V / 2.8 W solar panel and the integrated Li-ion battery ensures that the fountain works completely independently of the power supply. Thanks to the power storage in the battery, night operation is even possible for up to 5 hours. Relax and enjoy: gently splashing, the water pours down the four steps of the fountain in a constant gush. And thanks to the working principle in the LoopFlow Concept, no water connection or refilling is necessary: once filled, the powerful mini-pump keeps the water in constant circulation. This ensures a water lift of up to 100 cm and transports up to 200 litres of water per hour.

A splendor even in the dark: as soon as night falls, the integrated LED lighting begins to provide the water in the Blumfeldt Mantua garden fountain with glittering accents and illuminates the garden or terrace in an atmospheric way. Thanks to the production of polyresin, the fountain is not only a visual highlight, it is also frost-resistant, sturdy and comparatively light.

No electricity costs and ideal for continuous operation: the Mantua cascade fountain from Blumfeldt.


  • Maximum water flow: 200 l / h
  • Maximum water lift: 100 cm
  • Power solar module: 2.8 W
  • Protection class pump: IP68
  • Protection class control unit: IP44
  • Power supply: 7.6 V Li battery
Product number: 10034730

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions fountain: approx. 29 x 48 x 28 cm (WxHxD)
  • Diameter bowl below: approx. 28 cm (Ø)
  • Diameter bowl in the middle below: approx. 22 cm (Ø)
  • Diameter bowl in the middle above: approx. 17 cm (Ø)
  • Diameter bowl: approx. 13 cm (Ø)
  • Dimensions solar panel: approx. 16 x 19.4 x 3 cm (WxHxD)
  • Height of solar panel with earth peg: approx. 41 cm
  • Length of connection cable solar panel: 300 cm
  • Weight: approx. 2.6 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x fountain
  • 1 x solar panel
  • 1 x 3-piece earth peg set
  • Multilingual instruction manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
27 Ratings

Arrived on time, looks great in our little garden. We actually purchased two of them. Not the fastest flow or not a loud water noise, but perfect to sit and listen to the water running gently which is relaxing.
We would recommend


works well makes a nice soothing sound

works well makes a nice soothing sound


Der Solarbrunnen ist sehr dekorativ und leicht zusammen zu bauen und funktionierte sofort

The solar fountain is very decorative and easy to assemble and worked immediately


Wie beschrieben wir sind sehr zufrieden

As described we are very satisfied


Erfüllt meine Erwartungen

Meets my expectations


Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Ich bin ganz zufrieden mit der Anschaffung des Gartenbrunnens. Die Optik (zumindest aus der Ferne) lässt einen Naturstein vermuten, so hatte ich mir das auch vorgestellt. Ein wenig enttäuscht bin ich von dem Geräusch des Wasserplätscherns. Man hört die Pumpe doch lauter als ich es mir gewünscht hätte. Vielleicht bin ich da aber auch übermäßig kritisch? Ansonsten sehr zufrieden. Einen Sommer lang hat uns der Brunnen bereits Freude gemacht, jetzt wartet er im Keller auf den nächsten Einsatz auf der Terasse.

The media could not be loaded. I am very happy with the purchase of the garden fountain. The appearance (at least from a distance) suggests natural stone, which is what I had imagined. I am a little disappointed by the sound of the water splashing. The pump is louder than I would have liked. But maybe I am being overly critical? Otherwise very satisfied. The fountain has already given us joy for a summer, now it is waiting in the basement for the next use on the terrace.


Das Produkt ist sehr zu empfehlen.

The product is highly recommended.


Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Nach langen Überlegungen und lesen von Bewertungen habe ich mich doch für den Kauf entschieden! Versand war schnell und der Aufbau kinderleicht. Der Brunnen begann auch nach einschalten direkt zu plätschern. Jedoch war die Pumpleistung sehr schwach und nach wenigen Minuten war auch vorbei. Solarpanel ausgeschaltet, mehrere Tage in der Sonne geladen und wieder versucht, gleiches Ergebniss! Lief leider nur bei direkter Sonneneinstrahlung.... Mail an den Verkäufer und innerhalb weniger Tage hatte ich ein Ersatzteil (Solarpanel) in der Post, seitdem funktioniert alles bestens! Einziger Verbesserungsvorschlag: Schalter zwischen Brunnen und Panel, damit man das Solarpanel auch an schwer erreichbaren Stellen platzieren kann oder eine Zeitschaltuhr.

The media could not be loaded. After much deliberation and reading reviews, I decided to buy it! Shipping was quick and assembly was easy. The fountain began to splash as soon as it was switched on. However, the pumping power was very weak and was over after a few minutes. Turned off solar panel, charged in the sun for several days and tried again, same result! Unfortunately only ran in direct sunlight... Mail to the seller and within a few days I had a spare part (solar panel) in the mail, everything has been working fine ever since! The only suggestion for improvement: a switch between the fountain and the panel, so that the solar panel can also be placed in hard-to-reach places, or a timer.


Nach langer Suche haben wir uns für diesen Brunnen aus Metall entschieden, da die Brunnen aus Polyresin von überschaubarer Haltbarkeit sind. Die Pumpe ist wirkt stark und braucht aber nur 10 Watt, lässt sich recht gut regulieren, einziger Nachteil hier, dass der Platz für die Pumpe relativ eng ist, was die Verstellung relativ schwierig macht und manchmal auch das Geräusch der Pumpe überträgt. Der Brunnen ist auch von vernünftigem Gewicht, d.h. gut transportierbar steht aber mit Wasser befüllt sehr gut. Hier ist zu beachten, dass der Brunnen auf einer Terrasse gut in die Waage gebracht wird, sonst läuft Wasser über. Für drinnen würde ich ihn eher nicht nehmen, das nahezu immer Wassertropfen über den Rand hinausgehen und sich vereinzelt (ganz) kleine Pfützen bilden. Vielleicht gibt es hier einen Trick, aber darüber schweigt sich die sehr knapp gehaltene Bedienungsanleitung aus. Insgesamt sind wir mit dem Brunnen sehr zufrieden.

After a long search, we decided on this metal fountain, as the polyresin fountains are less durable. The pump seems powerful but only needs 10 watts, and is easy to regulate. The only disadvantage is that there isn't enough space for the pump, which makes adjustment difficult and sometimes transmits the noise of the pump. The fountain is also a reasonable weight, meaning it's easy to transport, but it stands up well when filled with water. It's important to make sure the fountain is level on a patio, otherwise the water will overflow. I wouldn't use it indoors, as water drops almost always spill over the edge and (very) small puddles form here and there. Perhaps there's a trick to this, but the very brief operating instructions are silent on that. Overall, we're very happy with the fountain.


Bella facile e funzionante....sarebbe bello durasse di più la carica con il pannello solare ma forse tra un mese che il sole è più forte sarà così.

Beautiful, easy and would be nice if the charge with the solar panel lasted longer but maybe in a month when the sun is stronger it will be like that.


Molto bella, arrivata molto prima del previsto e bellissima

Very nice, arrived much earlier than expected and beautiful


Leider wie schon einige Male zu lesen ist, funktioniert der Solarspeicher nicht. Das bedeutet keine Sonne, kein geplätscher... und somit ist die Beleuchtung auch null effektiv da diese ja auch nur geht wenn die Sonne drauf scheint. Wer ist schön im Design und wenn die Sonne scheint, hört es sich auch toll an bzw sieht hübsch aus, aber es ist schade das in der Beschreibung etwas anderes "versprochen" wird...

Unfortunately, as has already been read a few times, the solar storage tank does not work. That means no sun, no splashing... and therefore the lighting is also zero effective because it only works when the sun is shining on it. Who is beautiful in design and when the sun is shining, it also sounds great or looks pretty, but it's a pity that something else is "promised" in the description...


Der Brunnen tut was er soll. Auch in den Abendstunden tut er seinen Dienst. Das Kabel ist ebenfalls ausreichend lang.

The fountain does what it is supposed to. It also does its job in the evening hours. The cable is also long enough.


Autonomie de la batterie un peu faible

Slightly poor battery life


Ich war sehr gespannt auf den Brunnen, weil ich mir vorgestellt hatte, das er sehr schön aussehen könnte. Meine Erwartungen wurden um ein Vielfaches übertroffen - im positiven Sinne. Der Brunnen ist tagsüber einfach Klasse! Seine besondere Stärke zeigt er dann erst in der Dunkelheit. Das plätschern des Wassers und dazu die leicht flackernde Beleuchtung sind Superklasse!!! Ich hätte den Brunnen sehr gerne in groß. Also etwa 5-fach, also ca. 1,5 m hoch mit 5-fach stärkerer Pumpe usw. Den würde ich sofort kaufen. Gibt's den vielleicht schon - kann auch, statt Solar mit Netzanschluss sein.

I was very excited about the fountain because I imagined it could look very nice. My expectations were exceeded many times over - in a positive sense. The fountain is just great during the day! It only shows its special strength in the dark. The splashing of the water and the slightly flickering lighting are super class!!! I would really like the fountain to be bigger. So about 5 times, so about 1.5 m high with 5 times stronger pump etc. I would buy it immediately. Maybe it already exists - can also be connected to the grid instead of solar.


tres efficace

very effective


Der Brunnen war ein Geschenk für ein älteres Ehepaar. Sie sind begeistert!

The fountain was a gift for an elderly couple. They are thrilled!


Sehr schnelle Lieferung. Optisch ein moderner schöner Brunnen. Läuft einwandfrei und plätschert angenehm und wohltuend.

Very fast delivery. Visually a modern beautiful fountain. Runs flawlessly and ripples pleasantly and soothingly.


Hat einen unschlagbaren Preis

Has an unbeatable price


Molt xula i elegant. Molt contents amb el producte. Cal vigilar però que el panell solar estigui ben orientat o sense sol no funciona.

Very cool and elegant. Very happy with the product. You have to be careful but that the solar panel is well oriented or without sun it doesn't work.


Sieht super aus, bis jetzt alles okay

Looks great, everything is ok so far


bin voll begeistert von diesem Solarbrunnen, er ist einfach aufzustellen und kann in jeder Ecke aufgestellt werden. Sieht Super gut aus und funktioniert einwandfrei. Für den Garten eine schöne Bereicherung

I absolutely love this solar fountain, it is easy to set up and can be placed in any corner. Looks great and works perfectly. A nice addition to the garden


La primera que recibí no cargaba bien la batería. Recibo otra y funciona bien. Pero hay que cargarla y tenerla siempre en posición ON. Si estás en OFF solo funciona si hay sol muy directo. Da sensación de resistente, pero cuidado al moverla . Al cogerla se me quedó el dedo dentro haciendo un agujero. Si se trata con ciudad no pasa pero si haces fuerza sin saberlo se puede romper.

The first one I received didn't charge the battery properly. I received another one and it works fine. But you have to charge it and always have it in the ON position. If you have it in the OFF position it only works if there is direct sunlight. It feels sturdy, but be careful when moving it. When I picked it up, my finger got stuck inside making a hole. If you use it in the city it doesn't happen but if you force it without knowing it, it can break.


Man darf keinen "großen Wasserfall" erwarten. Jedoch eine beruhigende Wasserkaskade, nachts beleuchtet. Sieht wirklich gut aus. Bei vollem Sonnenlicht, kräftiger Wasserfall über 4 Stufen. Voll zufrieden.

Don't expect a "big waterfall". However, a soothing cascade of water, illuminated at night. Looks really good. In full sunlight, powerful waterfall over 4 levels. Completely content.


La primera la tuve que devolver porque la placa solar no cargaba las baterías, pero contacte con el vendedor e inmediatamente me enviaron una etiqueta para devolver por correos sin gastos. A la semana me llego una fuente nueva. Debo decir que el trato con el vendedor ha sido muy fácil y correcto. En cuanto al producto, hay que tener en cuenta algunos detalles. Funciona de dos formas, usando las baterías con el interruptor en ON, o con el interruptor en OFF pero recibiendo luz directa del sol. Es importante saber que tiene que ser una luz directa e intensa, si hay un poco de sombra se para. Si pasa una nube por delante el sol o algo deberá un poco de sombra entre el sol y la placa, se para. Con el interruptor en ON se compensa la falta de sol o esos momentos de sombra. No he controlado la autonomía de las baterías, pero parece que pueden durar varias horas. He leído comentarios sobre que solo carga las baterías cuando está el interruptor en off, pero como es invierno (aunque llevamos varios días soleados, a ratos, en el sur de España) no he podido comprobar si es cierto. En cuanto tengamos días completos de sol lo probaré todo el tiempo con el interruptor en On para ver si es verdad y poder editar el comentario.

I had to return the first one because the solar panel did not charge the batteries, but I contacted the seller and they immediately sent me a label to return it by post free of charge. A week later I received a new power supply. I must say that dealing with the seller has been very easy and correct. As for the product, there are some details to keep in mind. It works in two ways, using the batteries with the switch in ON, or with the switch in OFF but receiving direct sunlight. It is important to know that it has to be direct and intense light, if there is a bit of shade it stops. If a cloud passes in front of the sun or something should create a bit of shade between the sun and the panel, it stops. With the switch in ON, the lack of sun or those moments of shade is compensated for. I have not checked the autonomy of the batteries, but it seems that they can last several hours. I have read comments about it only charging the batteries when the switch is in OFF, but as it is winter (although we have had several sunny days, at times, in the south of Spain) I have not been able to check if it is true. As soon as we have full days of sun I will test it all the time with the switch on to see if it is true and be able to edit the comment.


Quería una fuente para poner en un pequeño jardín y que diera un poco de vida y frescor, y esta fuente ha sido todo un acierto. Se integra perfectamente con la vegetación por el color ocre desgastado, y el sonido del agua y la luz por la noche da un ambiente muy relajante. Además, este modelo es un poco más elegante que los que simulan rocas. El montaje no puede ser más fácil, conectar dos cables y el tubito a la bomba y listo. No necesita instalación exterior de agua o electricidad, una vez le pones agua y conectas la placa solar, es totalmente autónoma. La placa solar incluye una batería para que funcione cuando no haya sol, con autonomía de hasta 5h (según la descripción, no lo he cronometrado). Las instrucciones vienen en inglés, aunque se pueden descargar de su sitio web en castellano.

I wanted a fountain to put in a small garden and give it a bit of life and freshness, and this fountain has been a great success. It blends in perfectly with the vegetation due to its worn ochre colour, and the sound of the water and the light at night gives a very relaxing atmosphere. In addition, this model is a bit more elegant than those that simulate rocks. Assembly couldn't be easier, connect two cables and the tube to the pump and that's it. It doesn't need an external water or electricity installation, once you put water in it and connect the solar panel, it is completely autonomous. The solar panel includes a battery so that it works when there is no sun, with autonomy of up to 5 hours (according to the description, I haven't timed it). The instructions come in English, although they can be downloaded from their website in Spanish.


Bell'oggetto che rifinisce il giardino, sono due settimane che c'è l'ho e per ora funziona egregiamente... Consiglio vivamente considerata la spesa sostenibile....

Beautiful object that finishes the garden, I have had it for two weeks and so far it works very well... I highly recommend considering the sustainable expense....