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Una completísima batidora, dos en uno, es este pequeño electrodoméstico que nos ayudará a comer sano.

En la caja nos encontramos lo siguiente: el cuerpo con el motor, dos vasos (pequeño y grande), dos mecanismos con cuchillas (de dos aspas y de seis aspas), una tapa, una tapa con dispensador y un ajustable a los vasos (con asa) para volcar el contenido.

De buena y cuidada construcción, el aparato da sensación de calidad ya al primer vistazo.

Vayamos a lo práctico.

Probamos a hacer una batido de frutas con zumo y yogur y le incorporamos unos anacardos triturados. En primer lugar trituramos los anacardos utilizando el vaso pequeño y la cuchilla de dos aspas. El resultado será tanto más harinoso cuanto más tiempo lo tengamos en la batidora, como es lógico. Nosotros lo hemos tenido tan solo unos segundos, pues era solo un puñado y queríamos que su textura se notara en el batido. En segundo lugar, procedimos a batir los trozos de fruta (manzana y paraguayo), mezclados con un yogur natural, con un chorro de zumo y con los anacardos triturados| con la segunda cuchilla, la de seis aspas, batimos durante poco más de medio minuto, consiguiendo un batido de textura grumosa, que es como lo queríamos. Con poco más tiempo habríamos conseguido un batido mucho más líquido, y con menos, podríamos hacer un puré. Varios resultados, por lo tanto, que solo dependerán del tiempo que tengamos el aparato en movimiento. Una vez que hemos terminado con el proceso de batido, desmontamos el vaso y en lugar de las cuchillas le colocamos el dispensador con asa para volcar el contenido en los vasos. Y ya está: ahora a beberlo. La operación nos llevó escasos tres minutos, en los que incluimos el sencillo montaje y desmontaje de los vasos y las cuchillas.

A resaltar que la potencia es extraordinaria y, sin embargo, el ruido, aunque alto, es comedido. También que la limpieza de la máquina es muy cómoda. Los vasos se pueden poner en el lavaplatos y, en cualquier caso, todo el conjunto se limpia fácilmente con un poco de lavavajillas y agua tibia, se seca, y al armario. O se puede dejar a la vista, con el vaso y la cuchilla que más utilicemos montados, porque en la cocina nos va a quedar de maravilla.

Un aparato que no desentona en la cocina, que se monta y se desmonta fácilmente y que se maneja más fácilmente todavía: totalmente recomendable.

A very complete blender, two in one, is this small appliance that will help us eat healthy. In the box we find the following: the body with the motor, two glasses (small and large), two mechanisms with blades (two blades and six blades), a lid, a lid with a dispenser and an adjustable cup ( with handle) to dump the content. Of good and careful construction, the device gives a sensation of quality at first glance. Let's get practical. We tried making a fruit smoothie with juice and yoghurt and added some crushed cashews. First of all we crush the cashews using the small glass and the blade with two blades. The result will be all the more floury the longer we have it in the blender, of course. We have only had it for a few seconds, since it was only a handful and we wanted its texture to be noticeable in the smoothie. Secondly, we proceeded to beat the pieces of fruit (apple and Paraguayan), mixed with a natural yogurt, with a stream of juice and with the crushed cashews| With the second blade, the one with six blades, we beat for just over half a minute, getting a smoothie with a lumpy texture, which is how we wanted it. With a little more time we would have achieved a much more liquid smoothie, and with less, we could make a puree. Various results, therefore, that will only depend on the time that we have the device in motion. Once we have finished with the shake process, we disassemble the glass and instead of the blades we put the dispenser with a handle to pour the contents into the glasses. And that's it: now to drink it. The operation took us just three minutes, in which we included the simple assembly and disassembly of the glasses and the blades. It should be noted that the power is extraordinary and, however, the noise, although loud, is restrained. Also that the cleaning of the machine is very comfortable. The glasses can be put in the dishwasher and, in any case, the whole set is easily cleaned with a little dishwashing liquid and warm water, dried, and in the cupboard. Or it can be left in plain sight, with the glass and the blade that we use the most mounted, because in the kitchen it will look great. An appliance that does not look out of place in the kitchen, that is easily assembled and disassembled and that is even easier to handle: highly recommended.


Er wird mit reichlich Zubehör geliefert. Es ist alles zum Schrauben und passt auf jeden Behälter. Es sind 2 verschiedene Klingenaufsätze dabei. Einmal für Smoothies mit 6 Schneideklingen und fürs Zermahlen von Kaffeebohnen , Getreide und Körner jeglicher Art mit 2 Schneideklingen.
Zur Funktion
Fast mittig auf dem Motorblock ist ein sehr großer Knopf zum Drücken angebracht, der beim Betätigen hellblau leuchtet. Kurz angetippt, löst er eine Pulsfunktion aus. Drückt man ihn richtig rein, püriert und zerkleinert er bis man ihn wieder ausschaltet.
Die Aufsätze werden nur ganz leicht eingedreht.
Bei der Smoothie Zubereitung sind gefrorene Früchte dank der 1000W und den 6 Schneidemessern kein Problem. Genauso das Mahlen von Kaffeebohnen, Nüssen und Getreide geht so einfach.
Ein leicht zu bedienender Smoothie Maker, der noch viel mehr kann. Mit kraftvollem Motor und reichlich Zubehör. Mein erster Smoothie Maker, an dem es nichts zu verbessern gibt.

It comes with plenty of accessories. It's all for screwing and fits on every container. There are 2 different blade attachments. Once for smoothies with 6 cutting blades and for grinding coffee beans, cereals and grains of any kind with 2 cutting blades. About the function There is a very large push button located almost in the middle of the engine block, which lights up light blue when it is pressed. Tapped briefly, it triggers a pulse function. If you push it in properly, it mashes and shreds until you turn it off again. The attachments are only screwed in very slightly. When preparing smoothies, frozen fruits are no problem thanks to the 1000W and the 6 cutting blades. Grinding coffee beans, nuts and grains is just as easy. Conclusion An easy-to-use smoothie maker that can do a lot more. With a powerful engine and plenty of accessories. My first smoothie maker, there is nothing to improve on.


Mixeur un peu plus volumineux que je ne le pensais, la base faisant un peu plus de 13 cm de diamètre.
C'est un appareil à laisser sur le plan de travail de préférence, pour pouvoir se faire un petit Smoothie sur le pouce. L'appareil est lourd et bien fait, composé de 2 matières plastiques différentes. Le design est réussi, il a un look moderne qui ne fait pas bas de gamme du tout.
L'utilisation est simple : il suffit de choisir son bol suivant la quantité que l'on veut y mettre, ajouter les aliments solides et liquides puis refermer avec un bouchon avec lames incluses.
Pour des Smooties ou jus épais, le bouchon à 4 lames est conseillé.
Une fois bien refermé, présenter le bol la tête en bas et l'emboiter sur la base en tournant sur quelques millimètres pour qu'il reste emboité. Puis mettre en route avec le bouton power. C'est vraiment très simple et le moteur a suffisamment de puissance pour mixer correctement et rapidement.
Ce mixeur est donc composé :
- d'une base, bien stable grâce à ses pieds antidérapants bien larges
- de 2 bols de taille différente
- de 2 bouchons à lames
- d'une poignée avec cerclage et bec verseur
- d'un bouchon simple pour la conservation au frigo
- d'un bouchon avec poignée et goulot refermable. La languette qui rebouche le goulot dispose d'un petit blocage pour rester ouvert quand on verse.
C'est donc un ensemble assez complet qui permet de composer ET conserver.
Avec ses 2 bols et ses 2 jeux de lames, ce mixeur peut s'attaquer à tout. Aussi bien faire des Smoothies, compotes ou purée pour bébé. Le fait de mettre le bol la tête en bas pour mixer évite aux aliments de rester coincer au fond. Le mixage et le mélange se font rapidement et de façon homogène.
Son utilisation est bruyante mais je m'y attendais étant donné que les bols sont en plastique.
C'est un produit que je recommande pour son efficacité et sa polyvalence. L'utilisation est basique. L'ergonomie et la prise en main ont été bien étudié, notamment la bande de plastique gomme verte anti-dérapante qui allie esthétisme et praticité.

A bit bulkier than I thought, the base is just over 13cm in diameter. It is a device to leave on the work surface preferably, to be able to make a small Smoothie on the go. The device is heavy and well made, made of 2 different plastic materials. The design is successful, it has a modern look that is not cheap at all. The use is simple: just choose your bowl according to the quantity you want to put in it, add solid and liquid foods then close with a cap with blades included. For Smoothies or thick juices, the 4-blade cap is recommended. Once properly closed, present the bowl upside down and fit it on the base, turning a few millimeters so that it stays in place. Then start with the power button. It's really very simple and the motor has enough power to mix properly and quickly. This blender is therefore composed of: - a very stable base thanks to its very wide non-slip feet - 2 bowls of different sizes - 2 plugs with blades - a handle with strapping and pouring spout - a simple plug for storage in the fridge - a cap with handle and resealable neck. The tab that closes the neck has a small lock to stay open when pouring. It is therefore a fairly complete set that allows you to compose AND keep. With its 2 bowls and 2 sets of blades, this blender can tackle anything. Also good to make smoothies, compotes or puree for baby. Putting the bowl upside down to mix prevents food from getting stuck at the bottom. Mixing and blending is done quickly and evenly. It is noisy to use but I expected that given the bowls are plastic. It is a product that I recommend for its effectiveness and versatility. Usage is basic. Ergonomics and handling have been well studied, in particular the non-slip green rubber plastic strip which combines aesthetics and practicality.


Sono restata sorpresa nella qualità dei materiali di questo mixer.
Nella confezione troviamo diversi pezzi :
1 il corpo di mixer con i piedini antiscivolo, con la presa tedesca– pesa circa 1,5 kg
2 contenitori di diverse misure piccolo e grande da 3 dcl e da 5 dcl
1 gruppo con le lame per frullare, ermetico ha la guarnizione
1 gruppo con le lame per macinare, ermetico ha la guarnizione
1 coperchio per chiudere i contenitori avvitabile e ermetico
1 coperchio per chiudere contenitore con la possibilità di svuotarlo, ermetico
1 bordo avvitabile che il contenitore trasforma in una caraffa
e le istruzione anche in italiano.
Si tratta di un mixer potente 1000 W e posso assicurarvi che è così. Ci vuole niente per preparare un frullato energetico di frutta e verdura o magari minestre di verdure per i bambini.
Come prima cosa dobbiamo preparare gli ingredienti tagliati a pezzi, prendiamo il contenitore piccolo o grande e alla fine quando si tratta di frutta e verdura asciutta aggiungiamo il liquido al nostro piacere (latte, succo, acqua). Poi prendiamo il gruppo con le lame per frullato e lo avvitiamo al nostro bicchiere nel modo molto accurato che non possono fuoriuscire i liquidi. Ci assicuriamo se abbiamo assemblato due pezzi nella maniera corretta e tutto il pezzo inseriamo sul corpo della macchina. Bisogna stare attenti collocare il bicchiere in posizione corretta. Le tre sporgenze che sono sul bicchiere devono entrare nelle tre fessure che sono sul corpo del motore. Lo spingiamo giù e giriamo nella maniera che il bicchiere resta incastrato. A questo punto è tutto pronto. Se per caso l’interruttore e nella posizione OFF ( resta acceso un led blue) e la spina è inserita nella corrente il frullatore parte in automatico altrimenti basta accenderlo. Con la pressione leggera sul interruttore possiamo fare l’ intermittenza oppure lo schiacciamo fino in fondo e il mixer va di continuo.
E’ sconsigliato farlo andare di continuo per più di due minuti ma non c’è bisogno.
Volendo il bicchiere stesso possiamo usare come l’interruttore. Basta girarlo finché vediamo 3 sporgenze nelle fessure e si spegne tutto.
Dopo basta mettere apposito il coperchio e chiudere il bicchiere oppure consumare subito il nostro frullato o quello che abbiamo pasticciato.
Lavaggio è molto veloce in caso se non ci sono i grassi con una risciacquata, facile da pulire anche il gruppo con le lame, basta girare il pezzo da sotto a quale sono fissate per pulire il suo fondo.

Rapporto qualità/ prezzo davvero ottimo !!!

I was surprised at the quality of the materials of this mixer. In the package we find several pieces: 1 the mixer body with non-slip feet, with the German plug - weighs about 1.5 kg 2 containers of different sizes small and large of 3 dcl and 5 dcl 1 group with blades for blending, hermetic has the seal 1 group with the blades for grinding, hermetic has the seal 1 screwable lid to close the containers and hermetic 1 lid to close the container with the possibility of emptying it, hermetic 1 screwable edge that the container transforms into a jug and the instructions in Italian too. It's a powerful 1000W mixer and I can assure you it is. It takes nothing to prepare a fruit and vegetable energy smoothie or maybe vegetable soups for the kids. First we have to prepare the ingredients cut into pieces, we take the small or large container and finally when it comes to dry fruits and vegetables we add the liquid to our liking (milk, juice, water). Then we take the assembly with the smoothie blades and screw it to our glass in the very careful way that no liquids can escape. We make sure if we have assembled two pieces in the correct way and we insert the whole piece on the body of the machine. Care must be taken to place the glass in the correct position. The three protrusions on the cup must fit into the three slots on the motor body. We push it down and turn it so that the glass gets stuck. At this point everything is ready. If by chance the switch is in the OFF position (a blue LED stays on) and the plug is plugged in, the blender starts automatically, otherwise just switch it on. With light pressure on the switch we can make it intermittent or we press it all the way down and the mixer goes on continuously. It is not recommended to let it go continuously for more than two minutes but there is no need. If we want the glass itself we can use it as the switch. Just twist it until we see 3 protrusions in the slots and it all goes out. Then just put the lid on and close the glass or immediately consume our smoothie or whatever we messed up. Washing is very fast in case there is no fat with a rinse, easy to clean even the group with the blades, just turn the piece from underneath to which they are fixed to clean its bottom. Really excellent quality / price ratio !!!


Non so esprimere quanto sia rimasto contento di questo frullatore con caraffe piccole (di media dimensione diciamo) ma potente come un frullatore di quelli grandi! ben 1000w di potenza, un design accattivante, e la sicurezza prima di tutto (come gran parte dei prodotti Klarstein) difatti questo frullatore si attiva SOLO se dopo aver inserito la caraffa con avvitato il tappo con la lama, lo ruotate in senso orario agganciandolo in maniera salda al dispositivo.
Nel video che inserirò appena sarà pronto vi mostrerò come sia facile utilizzarlo e sopratutto... la potenza incredibile, con quanta facilità e rapidità crei dei fantastici smoothy.
Nel dispositivo sono presenti 2 tappi uno con la doppia lama piatta e l'altro con ben cinque lame. Quello ad una sola lama è utilizzabile per macinare spezie, caffè, mandorle, noci, e quant'altro di granuloso o farinoso. La lama a stella invece serve per frullare frutta, o altri alimenti grossi e di forma morbida che grazie alla forma della caraffa a proiettile i cibi oltre ad essere sminuzzati rapidamente verranno fatti saltellare lungo tutta la forma per poi tornare al centro ed essere frullati ancora.
In più la caraffa una volta usata è possibile utilizzarla come bicchiere avvitandovi il manico oppure se volete potete avvitare un anello con il tappo e metterlo in frigorifero, o ancora avvitare il tappo per così dire da "viaggio" che consente di poter bere in strada togliendo il "piccolo" su di esso.
Non appena sarà pronto il video aggiornerò questa recensione.

I can't express how happy I was with this blender with small jars (average size let's say) but as powerful as a big blender! 1000w of power, an attractive design, and safety first of all (like most Klarstein products) in fact this blender is activated ONLY if after inserting the jug with the cap screwed on with the blade, you turn it clockwise by hooking it in securely to the device. In the video that I'll post as soon as it's ready, I'll show you how easy it is to use and above all... the incredible power, how easily and quickly you create fantastic smoothies. In the device there are 2 caps, one with a double flat blade and the other with five blades. The one with a single blade can be used to grind spices, coffee, almonds, walnuts, and anything else that is grainy or floury. The star blade, on the other hand, is used to blend fruit, or other large and soft-shaped foods which, thanks to the shape of the bullet jug, in addition to being chopped up quickly, will be skipped along the entire wheel to then return to the center and be blended again. In addition, once used, the carafe can be used as a glass by screwing on the handle or if you want you can screw a ring with the cap and put it in the refrigerator, or screw the cap so to speak from "travel" which allows you to drink on the street by removing the "small" on it. I will update this review as soon as the video is ready.

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