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In knalligem Weihnachtsrot und "gekachelt" wie ein Retro-Club.

Man benötigt nur noch Filterpapier der Größe 4 und natürlich gemahlenen Kaffee ;o).

Macht man den Wasserbehälter wirklich maximal voll, muss man vorsichtig hantieren, denn dann ist die Kanne auch wirklich randvoll, bis zum Ausguss hoch.

Mich stört, die schmale Wassertanköffnung, die auch noch oben einen Querbügel (darunter ist die Wasserzufuhr aufgehängt) hat. Egal wie oder mit was ich da Wasser einfülle immer ist mir der Deckel oder eben die Wasserzufuhr im Weg.

Mit dabei ist noch eine allgemeingültige Anleitung in Deutsch, die die Bedienelemente beschreibt, und ein Maßlöffel.

Der Deckel der Kanne kann nicht abgenommen werden, sondern nur hochgeklappt. In die Spülmaschine würde ich ihn deshalb nicht stellen - da könnte es eventuell den Deckel verziehen.

Ansonsten macht sie guten Kaffee, der halt abhängig ist von der Qualität des Filterpapiers, Wassers und Kaffees.

In bright Christmas red and "tiled" like a retro club. You only need size 4 filter paper and, of course, ground coffee ;o). If you really fill the water container to the maximum, you have to be careful, because then the pot is really full to the brim, right up to the spout. What bothers me is the narrow water tank opening, which also has a crossbar at the top (the water supply is hung underneath). No matter how or with what I fill in the water, the lid or the water supply is always in the way. Also included are general instructions in German that describe the controls and a measuring spoon. The lid of the jug cannot be removed, only folded up. I wouldn't put it in the dishwasher because of this - it could warp the lid. Otherwise, it makes good coffee, which depends on the quality of the filter paper, water and coffee.


Diese Kaffeemaschine überzeugt durch seine außergewöhnliche Optik und das sehr gute Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Der Wassertank umfasst ein Fassungsvermögen von 1,25 Liter, welcher bis zu 10 Tassen aromatischen Filterkaffee brüht. Mit 1000 Watt Leistung ist die Granada Rossa, ebenfalls ein echtes Powerpaket. Im Lieferumfang ist ein Portionierlöffel bereits enthalten mit dem man die genaue Kaffeemenge bestimmen kann. Die integrierte Warmhalteplatte sorgt für konstant heißen Kaffeegenuss. Was ich sehr schade finde, ist dass die Glaskanne über keine Skalierung verfügt und dass, das Fach für das Kaffeepulver sehr schwer zu öffnen geht. Für ältere Menschen ist daher, die Handhabung etwas schwierig gestaltet. Ansonsten finde ich die Klarstein Granada Rossa echt stylisch. Die Diamantschliff-Struktur an der Vorderseite, macht die Kaffeemaschine zu einem absoluten Designerstück. Sie ist in jeder Küche ein echter Blickfang und macht Apetit auf eine oder zwei Tassen leckeren Kaffee.

This coffee machine impresses with its extraordinary appearance and the very good price-performance ratio. The water tank has a capacity of 1.25 liters, which brews up to 10 cups of aromatic filter coffee. With 1000 watts of power, the Granada Rossa is also a real powerhouse. A measuring spoon is already included in the scope of delivery, with which you can determine the exact amount of coffee. The integrated warming plate ensures consistently hot coffee enjoyment. What I find very unfortunate is that the glass jug has no scaling and that the compartment for the coffee powder is very difficult to open. For older people, the handling is therefore designed somewhat difficult. Otherwise I think the Klarstein Granada Rossa is really stylish. The diamond-cut structure on the front makes the coffee machine an absolute designer piece. It is a real eye-catcher in every kitchen and whets the appetite for a cup or two of delicious coffee.


Amante del caffè in ogni forma, credo di aver trovato una caffettiera perfetta per il caffè americano, ma funziona egregiamente anche con il the e l'orzo (a detta di moglie e figlia).
L'utilizzo è quanto mai intuitivo: basta procurarsi dei filtri in qualsiasi supermercato (i miei arrivano dall'Ipercoop) ed il caffè macinato in maniera corretta (per il primo giro ho provato un caffè "AMERICAN COFFEE" Corsini, sempre acquistato all'Ipercoop).
Si versa nel serbatoio la quantità di acqua desiderata|
Si sistema il filtro nell'alloggiamento portafiltro|
Si versa nel filtro un misurino (in dotazione con la caffettiera) di caffè per tazza da preparare|
Si posiziona la caraffa sotto il sistema anti goccia e si accende.
Dopo qualche secondo comincerà a scendere il caffè nella caraffa. La macchina scalda e trasforma tutta l'acqua del serbatoio in caffè nel giro di pochi minuti, ma se non resistete ad aspettare potete sfilare la caraffa in qualsiasi momento perchè il filtro antigoccia impedirà al caffè di spargersi intorno.
Al termine dell'erogazione, la base riscaldante provvederà a mantenere la miscela in caldo per tutto il tempo che vorrete.

Un unico difettuccio, a mio avviso: il coperchio del serbatoio dell'acqua va tenuto mentre si versa nel serbatoio| una maggiore apertura l'avrebbe probabilmente reso più stabile.

Per il resto ribadisco il concetto espresso nella prima riga: PERFETTA!

Perfect! Coffee lover in every form, I think I have found a perfect coffee maker for American coffee, but it also works very well with tea and barley (according to my wife and daughter). The use is extremely intuitive: just get some filters in any supermarket (mine come from the Ipercoop) and the coffee ground correctly (for the first round I tried a Corsini "AMERICAN COFFEE" coffee, always bought at the Ipercoop ). Pour the desired amount of water into the tank| Place the filter in the filter holder housing| Pour one measure (supplied with the coffee maker) of coffee per cup to be prepared into the filter| Place the carafe under the anti-drip system and turn it on. After a few seconds, coffee will begin to flow into the jug. The machine heats up and transforms all the water in the tank into coffee in just a few minutes, but if you can't resist waiting you can remove the jug at any time because the drip filter will prevent the coffee from spreading around. At the end of dispensing, the heating base will keep the mixture warm for as long as you want. Only downside, in my opinion: the lid of the water tank must be held while pouring into the tank| more openness would probably have made it more stable. For the rest, I reiterate the concept expressed in the first line: PERFECT!