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Le colis contient le cuiseur sous vide avec son couvercle, une pince, un support de cuisson et la notice.
Son utilisation est simple, il suffit de brancher l’appareil, de le remplir d’eau mais pas jusqu’au max, il faut prendre en compte les aliments qu’on met dedans pour ne pas que ça déborde , de régler la température grâce au gros bouton rotatif gris qui est au centre et de régler le temps de cuisson grâce à un autre bouton dont il faut appuyer dessus et ils dispose d’un bouton ON/OFF et d’un écran qui s’illumine en bleu et qui affiche le temps et la température choisie clairement.
Il y a un livre fourni qui m’a beaucoup aidé pour le temps de cuisson de chaque viande selon la taille et le poids et de belles explications pour des plats en sauce
Son design est joli, il a une belle finition, il ne prend pas de place il mesure 45 x 26,5 x 29,5 cm. Il est équipé de 2 boutons :

Il est en inox, il se mari bien avec ma cuisine moderne, le réglage de température est de minimum 45° et maximum 90°. L’écran digital s’illumine en bleu on peut régler la température en degré Celsius ou fahrenheit en restant appuyer 3 secondes sur le bouton température.
L’appareil est bien stable grâce à ces pieds en caoutchouc, le couvercle est en verre ce qui permet d’avoir toujours un œil sur la cuisson des aliments.
Je m ‘en sers principal pour faire cuire mes poissons et les aliments que je souhaite conserver plus longtemps. Mais aussi pour cuire les légumes de mes jardins pour les congeler ensuite et pouvoir les conserver plus rapidement et comme c’est déjà cuit c’est utilisable de suite quand on pas le temps de faire à manger
Je suis satisfait de ce produit

The package contains the sous vide cooker with its lid, tongs, cooking support and instructions. Its use is simple, just plug in the device, fill it with water but not to the max, you have to take into account the food you put in it so that it doesn't overflow, adjust the temperature thanks to to the large gray rotary button which is in the center and to adjust the cooking time thanks to another button which must be pressed and they have an ON/OFF button and a screen which lights up in blue and which displays the time and temperature chosen clearly. There is a book provided which helped me a lot for the cooking time of each meat according to size and weight and nice explanations for dishes in sauce Its design is nice, it has a nice finish, it does not take of space it measures 45 x 26.5 x 29.5 cm. It is equipped with 2 buttons: It is made of stainless steel, it goes well with my modern kitchen, the temperature setting is minimum 45° and maximum 90°. The digital screen lights up in blue, you can set the temperature in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit by pressing the temperature button for 3 seconds. The appliance is very stable thanks to these rubber feet, the lid is made of glass which allows you to always have an eye on the cooking of the food. I use it mainly to cook my fish and food that I want to keep longer. But also to cook the vegetables from my gardens to freeze them afterwards and be able to store them more quickly and since it's already cooked it can be used immediately when you don't have time to cook I am satisfied with this product


J'ai eu un produit similaire d'une grande marque Francaise,et bien celui ci n'a rien a lui envier.
Il dispose d'une cuve a grande capacité 6Litres.
On met tous les ingrédients dans la cuve,on le met en route et pas besoin de surveiller,cela se met a cuire.
Il dispose aussi d'une fonction pour garder la préparation au chaud.
Etant donné qu'on rentre en période d'hivers je fait beaucoup de soupes,la cuisson est tres bien il me reste plus qu'a la mouliner en fin de cuisson.
rien de mieux que des aliments frais et sans conservateur pour la santé.
C'est vraiment un gain de temps,et le résultat est parfait.
son usage sera apprécié par les grandes cuisinières mais aussi pour les personnes ne sachant pas faire a manger car tous va devenir plus facile pour elles .
Boutique au top ,trés bon produits je recommande,mer

I had a similar product from a major French brand, and this one has nothing to envy. It has a large capacity 6L tank. We put all the ingredients in the tank, we start it and no need to watch, it starts to cook. It also has a function to keep the preparation warm. Since we are returning to the winter period, I make a lot of soups, the cooking is very good, all I have to do is grind it at the end of cooking. nothing better than fresh food without preservatives for health. It really saves time, and the result is perfect. its use will be appreciated by great cooks but also for people who do not know how to cook because everything will become easier for them. Shop at the top, very good products I recommend, sea



- 1 pentola sottovuoto jacuzzi
- 1 manuale utente (anche in lingua italiano)
- 1 griglia
- 1 pinza

Arriva in una scatola fantastica protetta dal polistirolo. Bellissima confezione e tutto imbustato perfettamente.

Si tratta di una macchina ottima per cucinare i prodotti a vapore che sono messi preventivamente sottovuoto. E’ un ottimo prodotto che vale tutti i soldi (100 euro).

Questa macchina ha una capacità interna di 6 litri e una potenza massima di 520W. La temperatura dell’acqua può essere modificata manualmente con salti di 1 grado da una temperatura da 45 gradi a 90 gradi. Inoltre è possibile scegliere pure il tempo di cottura.

Questa pentola con cottura sottovuoto è adatta per cucinare prodotti come verdure, carne e pesce per fare un esempio, stando attenti ai tempi di cottura per ogni pietanza. La cottura la possiamo vedere anche dal coperchio in vetro e quindi trasparente.

La pinza viene fornita per estrarre il sacchetto caldo una volta che il cibo è cotto, e successivamente svuotiamo dall’acqua e puliamo molto facilmente la pentola.

Pesa circa 4kg e quindi molto leggera e facilmente trasportabile dentro casa. Ha la presa tedesca (SCHUKO).

Acciaio inox leggerissimo. Bei materiali solidi e robusti.

--- PRO ---
- Funzionamento ottimo
- Pinza per estrarre i sacchetti
- Qualità materiali

--- CONTRO ---
Non ho notato su difetto rilevante in questo prodotto.

Il prodotto è arrivato nei tempi concordati da Amazon, grazie alla puntualità di Amazon Prime, con un ottimo imballo esterno che non ha danneggiato nulla. Il pacco era in condizioni ottime e l'imballo interno era impeccabile. La misura del pacco inoltre era giusta per la grandezza dei prodotti. Segnalo l'evasione del prodotto dal magazzino Amazon entro 24 ore dal momento dell'ordine.

Cosa c’è di meglio da chiedere? Un prodotto fenomenale e abbastanza interessante da avere in cucina. Sono rimasto molto soddisfatto. Consiglio a chi piace cuocere i suoi cibi sottovuoto.

--- NOTE ---
La mia recensione è basata esclusivamente sulle mie prove effettuate e sull'opinione personale riguardante la qualità del prodotto e la descrizione dettagliata per poter così aiutare chi dopo di me dovrà acquistare questo oggetto.

Se hai letto la recensione te ne sono infinitamente grato. Resto a tua completa disposizione per qualsiasi domanda. Se hai qualche curiosità da chiedermi non esitare a scrivermi un'email. Ti ringrazierò se vorrai aiutarmi a migliorare la mia recensione per aiutare gli altri utenti.

OVERALL EVALUATION: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ --- PACKAGING --- - 1 jacuzzi vacuum pot - 1 user manual (also in Italian) - 1 grill - 1 tongs Comes in a fantastic box protected by polystyrene. Beautiful packaging and everything wrapped perfectly. --- PRODUCT DESCRIPTION --- It is an excellent machine for cooking steam products that have previously been vacuum packed. It is an excellent product that is worth all the money (100 euros). This machine has an internal capacity of 6 liters and a maximum power of 520W. The water temperature can be changed manually in 1 degree steps from a temperature of 45 degrees to 90 degrees. You can also choose the cooking time. This vacuum cooking pot is suitable for cooking products such as vegetables, meat and fish, for example, paying attention to the cooking times for each dish. We can also see the cooking from the glass lid and therefore transparent. The tongs are provided to take out the hot bag once the food is cooked, and afterwards we empty the water and clean the pot very easily. It weighs about 4kg and therefore very light and easily transportable inside the house. It has the German socket (SCHUKO). --- MATERIALS --- Very light stainless steel. Nice solid and sturdy materials. --- PROS --- - Excellent functioning - Pliers to extract the bags - Material quality --- CONS --- I have not noticed a significant defect in this product. --- SHIPPING --- The product arrived within the time frame agreed by Amazon, thanks to the punctuality of Amazon Prime, with excellent external packaging that did not damage anything. The package was in excellent condition and the internal packaging was impeccable. The size of the package was also right for the size of the products. I report the delivery of the product from the Amazon warehouse within 24 hours of placing the order. --- FINAL JUDGMENT --- What's better to ask? A phenomenal product and interesting enough to have in the kitchen. I was very satisfied. I recommend to those who like to cook their foods in a vacuum. --- NOTES --- My review is based exclusively on my tests carried out and on my personal opinion regarding the quality of the product and the detailed description in order to be able to help those who will have to buy this item after me. If you read the review I am infinitely grateful. I remain at your complete disposal for any question. If you have any curiosity to ask me, do not hesitate to write me an email. I will thank you if you want to help me improve my review to help other users.