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Ice Cube Makers

In party mood? Discover Klarstein’s Ice Cube Makers

Although we all probably have a freezer at home, the truth is that loading the water trays to prepare ice, preventing them from spilling and ensuring that the ice does not take on flavours or odours from the freezer is not easy. So, what happens when you need to organise a big party or event and you need a large amount of ice for cocktails and other drinks? That's when ice machines and ice cube makers are becoming great alternatives to have good-quality ice, being able to create specialties like ice for slush drinks or mojitos, for example.

On Klarstein you can find different models of ice cube makers with a production capacity between 10 and 50 kg per day. Whether you are looking for a device for home use or a professional ice machine, you can find the solution that suits your needs in our online shop.

What is the capacity of an Ice Machine?

Making ice is as simple as having water and a cold space to store it. However, when we need ice in certain quantities, the process becomes much more complicated. So if you want to have different preparations that use ice and you want to make sure you have the supply you need, an ice machine is definitely your best companion. Once you have decided to buy one, which aspects should you consider before the purchase?

Besides production capacity, you should also consider the cycle length to know how long the ice cube maker takes to produce ice. How often the machine ejects ice once it has been loaded? This parameter indicates the time the ice machine takes to bring the water down to the temperature required to launch a new batch of ice into the tank.

Another important aspect of the ice cube maker to consider is the feeding system and its capacity. Ice makers designed for domestic and small production usually include a tank where to put the water, which is used up as ice cubes are being produced. Professional ice cube makers, on the other hand, are directly connected to a pipe, allowing an uninterrupted supply of ice.

Small ice machines are equipped with tanks of variable capacity, usually in the range of 3-4 litres of water approximately, which makes the preparation process easier. The tanks usually have a relatively simple filling system, so that the processing doesn’t take too much effort. Whilst a professional ice cube maker offers a semi-automatic solution, as it is connected to your home's water supply system. In this case, it is the machine itself that takes the water when needed, without any additional tanks or other elements, and the amount of ice that gets produced is higher.

What kind of ice cubes can an Ice Maker produce?

Apart from other important aspects such as the size or the material of the machine, don’t forget to consider what kind of cubes the ice machine can produce. Nowadays, traditional ice cubes are no longer enough, and therefore modern ice cube makers provide features to select the amount and type of ice needed for your drinks.

Starting with the type of ice cubes, most ice cube makers cover the conventional demand, suitable for all types of drinks. However, on Klarstein you can also find reliable models that allow you to select different ice cube sizes when pressing a soft touch-panel, or even preparing nugget ice, widely used in cocktail shakers and all types of drinks.

Benefits when buying an Ice Cube Maker from Klarstein

Given the modern technologies that surround you in your everyday life, purchasing an ice machine is a great investment. When used for the right purpose, it certainly brings the desired returns, whether you are going to use the ice cube maker at home or for corporate business purposes.

  • The perfect flavour for your drinks
    One reason that applies equally to home and business is the taste of ice made using a high-quality ice cube machine. When we make the ice ourselves in a rudimentary way or buy pre-made ice bags, there is a strong possibility that the ice will taste unduly or unpleasantly. This factor can alter the taste of the drinks in which ice is used. If you have a bar where you offer cocktails, using low-quality ice is simply wrong. The taste of the preparations must be kept pure, just as the expert cocktail shaker would do it, and not use poor quality ice cubes.

  • Immediate availability
    Running out of ice when you have a business is a mistake you cannot make, and when you are simply organising a party at home, this occurrence is extremely annoying. Relying on trays in the freezer or pre-made ice bags does not provide you with the necessary security. Having immediate availability of high-quality ice is only possible when buying a ready-to-use ice cube maker. When we refer to bars, clubs, hotels or restaurants, this availability also depends on the ice machine to work in high-pressure environments.

  • Perfect ice quality
    High quality of produced ice cubes responds to a relevant need to use only the best ice cube makers in preparations, whether for drinks or food. It is not possible to enjoy high quality if we opt for prefabricated ice, as this is produced in industrial quantities and then packaged in an indelicate manner. During transport and distribution, the ice can often melt and lose its shape.

  • Hygiene in production
    Buying a high-quality ice maker also offers a great advantage in terms of hygiene. Making ice at home is a process that is exposed to contamination and ice from factories does not provide us with any guarantees in terms of hygiene. An ice cube maker will make sure that a high-efficiency internal filter is always working to purify the water used when producing the ice cubes.

  • Ease of use
    Modern ice machines operate in a very simple way. No manual handling of the mechanisms or anything similar is required. Those who design and manufacture these machines, as is the case with ice makers from Klarstein, do so with ease and simplicity. The idea is that the machine does all the work for you, culminating the manufacturing process by delivering ready-to-use ice cubes.

Ice Cube Machines for the catering business

An ice cube machine is indispensable in the catering trade. Whether in a café, bar or restaurant: ice cubes are an important ingredient, and production should be as quick and uncomplicated as possible. Compliance with hygiene regulations is also important. With a high-quality ice cube machine for the catering sector, these requirements are met. The production of ice cubes is effortless and safe. If the demand is rather low, an ice cube machine that is small and handy is very sufficient. If the consumption of ice cubes is high, it is worth buying a larger ice cube machine.

The output is correspondingly higher, so that there are always enough ice cubes available, even in busy periods. Klarstein offers you ice cube machines for the professional sector that work reliably and powerfully in gastronomy. Depending on the equipment, the professional ice cube machine is also suitable for producing ice in flake form.

Ice cubes and crushed ice are not only used for drinks but are also in demand in many other areas. Ice is ideal for cooling sensitive foods. In the food trade and in gastronomy, a contemporary cooling method is important. Food and ready-prepared dishes stay fresh and are protected from premature spoilage by refrigeration. Ice is ideal for fish, crustaceans and shellfish on sale. An ice maker also performs well at buffets and in the entire catering sector.

Don’t miss out our offers and let yourself be inspired by the innovative design of our ice machines, built with high-quality materials, and offering long-term value for your money. All our Klarstein ice cube makers come with a two-year warranty and free return of orders within the first 60 days.

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