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Excellent product; very stylish; exceptional value for money



Habe den Kocher immer noch im Einsatz, nach ca. 2 Jahren, macht sich hübsch in der Küche, tut was er soll, nur der obere Rand am Deckel und am Ausguss weißt Gebrauchsspuren auf, gehört halt zum Verschleiß...

I'm still using the stove, after about 2 years, it looks nice in the kitchen, does what it's supposed to do, only the upper edge on the lid and the spout shows signs of wear, it's just part of the wear and tear...


Der Wasserkocher tut was er soll. Nach längerem Gebrauch finde ich es schade, dass er keine Wasserstandsanzeige hat und der Deckel immer bei Seite gelegt werden muss, aber dafür ist er schön anzusehen.

The kettle does what it is supposed to do. After prolonged use, I find it a pity that it doesn't have a water level indicator and the lid always has to be put aside, but it's nice to look at.


Klasse Produkt, haben unser altes Klarsteinprodukt nach 10 Jahren nur ausgetauscht, weil einige Kunststoffteile altersgemäß und nach täglich mehrfachem Gebrauch abgenutzt waren. Der Wasserkocher selber hat aber immer noch funktioniert!

Great product, we only replaced our old Klarstein product after 10 years because some plastic parts were worn out due to age and multiple uses every day. The kettle itself still worked!


Optisch TOP, beim herausnehmen aus der Verpackung fiel auf, dass er sehr leicht ist, ganz anders als beim Vorgänger von de Longhi. Dadurch wirkt er billig und ist auch sehr viel lauter beim Erhitzen, hört sich blechern an. Sonst tut er was er soll, allerdings brummt er manchmal, ohne das er angestellt ist. Dann muss man am Schalter rütteln und Ruhe ist.....nochmal würde ich ihn trotz toller Farbe und Desing nicht kaufen.

Optically TOP, when taking it out of the packaging it was noticeable that it is very light, completely different from the predecessor from de Longhi. This makes it look cheap and is also much louder when heated, sounds tinny. Otherwise he does what he's supposed to, but sometimes he hums without being employed. Then you have to shake the switch and it's quiet..... I wouldn't buy it again despite the great color and design.


Retro passt gut zur Einrichtung

Retro goes well with the interior


… da nicht doch noch unnötigerweise einzelne Teile aus billigem Plastik wären. Der Wasserkocher sieht toll aus, erwärmt das Wasser schnell und leise und auch die Verarbeitung ist im Allgemeinen gut. Auch das integrierte Thermometer ist praktisch. ABER: Der Griff ist aus billigstem Plastik -da erwarte ich bei diesem Preis etwas hochwertigeres. Auch der Deckel fühlt sich tüntelig an. Und wer kalkhaltiges Wasser hat, der sollte immer ein feines Sieb zur Hand haben oder besser direkt ein anderes Modell kaufen, denn die riesigen Löcher im Ausguss filtern überhaupt nichts. Fazit: Schade -der Wasserkocher könnte perfekt sein, aber es wurde einfach nicht bis zum Schluss gedacht und dann noch unnötigerweise an enigen Teilen am Material gespart.

... because individual parts would not be made of cheap plastic unnecessarily. The kettle looks great, heats water quickly and quietly and the build quality is generally good too. The integrated thermometer is also useful. BUT: The handle is made of the cheapest plastic - I would expect something of a higher quality at this price. The lid also feels dingy. And if you have hard water, you should always have a fine sieve at hand or better buy another model directly, because the huge holes in the spout do not filter anything at all. Conclusion: Too bad - the kettle could be perfect, but it was simply not thought through to the end and then unnecessarily saved on some parts of the material.


Ich habe den Wasserkocher jetzt schon länger im Gebrauch und bin sehr zufrieden. Für den Preis kann ich es nur empfehlen.

I've been using the kettle for a while now and I'm very satisfied. For the price I can only recommend it.


Alles bestens

All the best


Der Kessel ist beim aufheizen sehr laut ich finde auch das er ziemlich lange braucht bis er die Temperatur erreicht hat. Über Geschmack kann ich nichts sagen

The kettle is very loud when heating up, I also think that it takes quite a long time to reach the temperature. I can't say anything about taste


Der Versand ist sehr schnell erfolgt. Der wasserkocher heizt sehr schnell und ist sehr leise. Das preisleistungsverhältnis passt. Würde ich wieder kaufen

Shipping was very quick. The kettle heats up very quickly and is very quiet. The price-performance ratio is right. Would I buy again


Optisch sehr schön fehl nur noch liter Anzeife sonst perfekt.

Optically very nice, only a few liters of the ad are missing, otherwise perfect.


Super style Macht was er soll

Super style does what it should


Der Wasserkocher ist wunderschön und kocht Wasser. Jedoch erwartet man für 50€ einfach mehr. Er hat überraschenderweise keine Wasserstandsanzeige. Ich hielt das für eine selbstverständliche Ausstattung bei Wasserkochern. Der Deckel fühlt sich billig an und lässt sich so schwer reindrücken, dass ich ihn lieber vorne durch die Schnute auffülle. Dadurch ist er manchmal überfüllt und das Wasser schwappt beim Kochen über. Das könnte der Hauptgrund sein, warum er demnächst in der Tonne endet. Es wäre schön gewesen, wenn man die Temperatur, z.B für Tee, einstellen könnte. Aber leider ist die Temperaturanzeige lediglich zur Dekoration eingebaut worden. Hat keine weitere Funktion. Ästhetik 5 Sterne Funktionalität 1 Stern Qualität 2 Sterne Preis- Leistungsverhältnis 0 Sterne

The kettle is beautiful and boils water. However, for €50 you simply expect more. Surprisingly, it has no water level indicator. I thought that was a common feature in kettles. The lid feels cheap and is so hard to push in that I prefer to fill it up through the snout at the front. As a result, it is sometimes overcrowded and the water spills over when cooking. That could be the main reason why it's about to end up in the bin. It would have been nice if you could set the temperature, eg for tea. But unfortunately the temperature display was only installed for decoration. Has no other function. Aesthetics 5 stars Functionality 1 star Quality 2 stars Value for money 0 stars


Der Wasserkoche wurde hauptsächlich aus optischen Gründen gekauft. Den Punkt erfüllt er sehr gut. Nach einer Weile wird er aber recht laut. Am Ausguss ist leider kein feines Sieb verbaut, nur kleine Bohrungen im Blech. Das bedeutet, dass Kalkrückstände mit rauskommen wenn man ihn nicht regelmäßig enkalkt. Diesen Punkt hätte ich mir noch anders gewünscht. Dann wären auch fünf Sterne drin.

The kettle was bought mainly for aesthetic reasons. He fulfills the point very well. But after a while it gets quite loud. Unfortunately, there is no fine sieve installed on the spout, only small holes in the sheet metal. This means that limescale residues come out with it if you don't decalcify it regularly. I would have liked this point to be different. Then there would be five stars.


Weil er hübsch aussah haben wir diesen Wasserkocher gekauft. Bei näherer Begutachtung könnte er etwas hochwertiger gearbeitet sein. Insbesondere der Deckel wirkt zu leicht und wird sehr heiss. Dennoch macht er bei uns inzwischen seit Jahren seinen Job. Durch den Blechkörper ist er ziemlich laut aber hinreichend schnell. Das Thermometer als zusätzliches Gimmik ist nützlich, wenn der Wasserstand hoch genug ist, so dass er den Sensor erreicht. Funktioniert!

We bought this kettle because it looked nice. On closer inspection, it could be of a slightly higher quality. The lid in particular seems too light and gets very hot. Nevertheless, he has been doing his job with us for years now. Due to the sheet metal body, it is quite loud but sufficiently fast. The thermometer as an additional gimmick is useful when the water level is high enough to reach the sensor. Functions!


Nach einem langen erfüllten Wasserkocherleben, mussten wir den alten schweren Herzens in den Müll werfen. Natürlich möchte man erstmal einen optischen Hingucker für die Küche und das wird mit dem Klarsteinkocher klar erfüllt. Er sieht richtig edel aus. 1,7 l -Inhalt ist genau die richtige Menge für meine Teekanne und die kocht er im Nu, er bruddelt geräuscharm vor sich hin und schaltet sich mit einem leisen Klicken ab. Kein Chemiegeruch. Kein Überblubbern von heissem Wasser. Ob er meine Tee-Sucht auch erfüllen kann, muss er erst noch beweisen, da ich ca.5 Liter Tee am Tag trinke. Da hat er noch was vor sich. Ansonsten bin ich begeistert!!

After a long and fulfilling kettle life, we had to throw the old one in the trash with a heavy heart. Of course you want a visual eye-catcher for the kitchen and that is clearly fulfilled with the Klarstein cooker. He looks really classy. 1.7 l content is exactly the right amount for my teapot and it boils it in no time, it simmers quietly and switches off with a soft click. No chemical smell. No bubbling over of hot water. He still has to prove whether he can fulfill my tea addiction, as I drink about 5 liters of tea a day. He still has something ahead of him. Otherwise I'm thrilled!!


ein toller, großer Wasserkocher. Benutzen ihn jetz seit August letzten Jahres und sind immer noch sehr zufrieden. Ein wirklich schöner Wasserkocher mit praktischer Temperaturanzeige, falls man seinen Tee wirklich exakt zubereiten möchte. Auch die Reinigung funktioniert gut. Er steht bei uns direkt mitten auf der Arbeitsplatte und sieht da auch nicht globig aus. Einzig das Kabel der Basisstation ist unterschiedlich lang. Mein Kabel ist relativ lang (ca 20 -25 cm), meine Mama hat denselben Wasserkocher in rot, da ist da Kabel wesentlich (gut die Hälfte) kürzer... Nichts desto trotz würde ich ihn immer wieder bestellen.

a great big kettle. Have been using it since August last year and are still very satisfied. A really nice kettle with a practical temperature display if you really want to prepare your tea precisely. The cleaning works well too. It stands right in the middle of our worktop and doesn't look bulky there. Only the cable of the base station is different in length. My cable is relatively long (about 20-25 cm), my mom has the same kettle in red, the cable is much (a good half) shorter... Nonetheless, I would order it again and again.


Ich kaufte diesen Wasserkocher, weil ich ein größeres Gerät brauchte, das eine große Menge Wasser kochen konnte, aber gleichzeitig nicht wie eine große und schlechte Plastikkanne aussah. Das Paket kam einen Tag früher als geplant an und der Kauf hat mich wirklich zufrieden gelassen. Der Wasserkocher hat ein sehr elegantes Aussehen, mit einem analogen Thermostat, der es ihr erlaubt, die Temperatur des Wassers jederzeit zu sehen: Ein wichtiger Aspekt, wenn Sie planen, es für Tee und Kräutertees zu verwenden. Die gesamte Armatur ist aus Metall, ohne störende Kunststoffteile und mit einer opaken Farbe, die dem Auge sehr gut gefällt. Ein praktischer Gummistreifen und der lange und bequeme Griff verhindern dennoch die Verbrennungsgefahr, wenn der Wasserkocher heiß wird. Das Fehlen eines Kalkfilters ist meiner Meinung nach kein wirkliches Problem: Wie bei jedem Wasserkocher ist es wichtig, mindestens einmal alle zwei Wochen ein Kalkpulver zu verwenden, damit das Gerät lange leben kann. Die Kochzeiten sind wirklich sehr kurz, auch wenn es um das Kochen von eineinhalb Litern Wasser geht. Das Fehlen eines Piptones ist kein Poblem, da das Gerät natürlich selbstständig abschaltet. Ein Kauf, den ich definitiv wieder machen würde.

I bought this kettle because I needed a bigger device that could boil a large amount of water but at the same time didn't look like a big and bad plastic jug. The package arrived a day earlier than planned and the purchase left me really satisfied. The kettle has a very elegant look, with an analogue thermostat that allows you to see the temperature of the water at all times: an important consideration if you plan to use it for tea and herbal teas. The entire faucet is made of metal, without any annoying plastic parts and with an opaque color that is very pleasing to the eye. A practical rubber strip and the long and comfortable handle still prevent the risk of burns when the kettle gets hot. The lack of a limescale filter isn't really a problem in my opinion: as with any kettle, it's important to use a limescale powder at least once every two weeks in order for the appliance to have a long life. The cooking times are really very short, even when it comes to boiling one and a half liters of water. The lack of a beep is not a problem, since the device naturally switches itself off. A purchase I would definitely make again.


Producto elegante y de buena calidad. Calienta rapidísimo y es muy práctico.

Elegant and good quality product. It heats up very quickly and is very practical.


Acabado de Probar y Utilizar un Excelente Hervidor De Agua de la Casa Klarstein , con un diseño espectacular tipo Tetera, de 2200 W. de Potencia, y Capacidad Total para 1,7 Litros.-

Tambien trae un bonito Termómetro Analógico Incorporado al mismo que lo dota de gran Estilo y Belleza Visual.-
Es Inalámbrico y consta en el mismo un asa cool-touch que lo protege del calor y puedes llevarlo a cualquier parte donde se precise el agua hirviendo sin tener miedo a quemarte con el mismo.-
Realizado en Acero Inoxidable y Acabado en Color Negro.-
Sus medidas son de 17 Cm. Ancho x 17 Cm. Profundo x 25,5 Cm.de Alto y su Peso Aproximado es de 950 Gramos Aproximadamente.-
Tiene protección contra sobrecalentamiento, y tenemos una base giratória del mismo que puede rotar hasta los 360 º, también se desconecta automáticamente.-

Opinión Personal:
A mi este Producto me ha Impactado, puesto que aparte de su Bonito Diseño Estilo Tetera Clásica de Toda La Vida, tiene unas reducidas Dimensiones que te da facilidad para poderlo ubicar en cualquier estante o lugar de la Cocina, además de ser muy práctico, útil, y fácil de utilizar.-

Sería Fabuloso que todos pudiéramos disponer de un producto así de útil, con muy buena relación calidad/Précio Producto en nuestros hogares, yo he sido verdaderamente afortunado, al poder disfrutar del mismo, y por ello lo recomiendo a todo el mundo en general.-

Finished Testing and Using an Excellent Kettle from the Klarstein House, with a spectacular Teapot-type design, 2200 W. Power, and Total Capacity for 1.7 Liters.- It also brings a nice Analogue Thermometer Built into it. It provides great Style and Visual Beauty.- It is Wireless and has a cool-touch handle that protects it from heat and you can take it anywhere where boiling water is needed without being afraid of burning yourself with it.- Made in Stainless Steel and Finished in Black Color.- Its measurements are 17 Cm. Width x 17 cm. Deep x 25.5 Cm. High and its Approximate Weight is 950 Grams Approximately.- It has protection against overheating, and we have a rotating base that can rotate up to 360º, it also disconnects automatically.- Personal Opinion: A This Product has Impressed me, since apart from its Beautiful Lifetime Classic Teapot Style Design, it has small Dimensions that make it easy to place it on any shelf or place in the Kitchen, as well as being very practical, useful, and easy to use.- It would be Fabulous if we could all have such a useful product, with a very good quality/Product Price ratio in our homes, I have been truly lucky, to be able to enjoy it, and therefore I recommend it to everyone the world in general.-


Nos encontramos ante un hervidor de agua de 1.7 litros de capacidad máxima sin cable. Es un hervidor de metal estilo retro, con forma de tetera antigua, además incluye en su exterior un indicador de temperatura para saber justo el momento en el que estará hirviendo el agua.
El uso es muy sencillo, llenamos el hervidor con la cantidad de agua a calentar, damos al botón de encendido y se pondrá en marcha, una vez llegue a esa temperatura se detendrá solo, gracias a sus 2200w de potencia nos garantiza un rápido cocción.
El hervidor se posiciona sobre una base que permite girar 360 grados el hervidor, esa base es la que da la potencia de hervido, además dispone de recoger cable.

Este hervidor dispone de sistema de seguridad para detenerlo una vez este hirviendo, además la tapa queda bien sujeta y es aconseble abrirla solamente cuando ya este frío el hervidor, para así evitar posibles quemaduras.

Un producto que nos facilitara el calentar agua rápido, a eso le sumamos que tiene un diseño muy chulo si te gusta lo retro que lo hace muy atractivo incluso lo puedes dejar a la vista y quedara bonito. Tiene un tamaño medio y su manejo es muy sencillo.

Saludos D Mike MQ.

We are facing a 1.7-liter maximum capacity kettle without cable. It is a retro-style metal kettle, shaped like an old teapot, it also includes a temperature indicator on the outside to know exactly when the water will be boiling. The use is very simple, we fill the kettle with the amount of water to heat, press the power button and it will start, once it reaches that temperature it will stop on its own, thanks to its 2200w of power it guarantees fast cooking. The kettle is positioned on a base that allows the kettle to rotate 360 degrees, that base is what gives the boiling power, it also has a cable collection. This kettle has a safety system to stop it once it is boiling, in addition the lid is well attached and it is advisable to open it only when the kettle is already cold, in order to avoid possible burns. Conclusion. A product that will make it easier for us to heat water quickly, to which we add that it has a very cool design, if you like retro, it makes it very attractive, you can even leave it in plain sight and it will look beautiful. It has a medium size and its handling is very simple. Regards D Mike MQ.


Je viens de recevoir la bouilloire. Bon design mais un bémol elle n'est pas à température réglable comme il est dit sur votre site :
"Sa particularité: on peut suivre le processus d'ébullition en temps réel grâce au thermomètre latéral de la Klarstein Aquavita Chalet. Il est également possible de régler celle-ci sur la température d'infusion souhaitée".

I just received the kettle. Good design but a downside it is not temperature adjustable as it says on your site: "Its particularity: you can follow the boiling process in real time thanks to the side thermometer of the Klarstein Aquavita Chalet. It is also possible to set it to the desired infusion temperature".


Bollitore per l'acqua con un design classico ma non troppo, il suo colore arancione mette tanta allegria in cucina ed è molto bello a vedersi. Il bollitore è elettrico ed è provvisto di una pedana che andrà collegata con la presa di corrente, tale pedana è ruotabile di 180°, ha una bella potenza, in poco tempo avrete la vostra acqua calda per la vostra infusione. La potenza in questione è di 2200w. Quando sarà pronta vi basterà prendere il vostro boccale e portarlo dove vi serve, la cosa bella è proprio questa che non siete legati al posto in cui vi è il punto presa.

L'ho usato anche quando mi serviva da preparare subito una pasta perchè ero arrivata tardi e non volevo aspettare molto per mangiare, direi che viene utile in parecchie circostanze, io lo desideravo da molto tempo e sono molto soddisfatta dell'acquisto in questione

In basso troverete l'indicatore di temperatura Analogico, arriva fino a 90° il punto di ebollizione, in sostanza potrete anche preparare l'acqua per Tea ad esempio che hanno bisogno di punti più bassi di calore per sprigionare al meglio le loro essenze, il boccale è in acciaio inox, all'interno troverete un elemento riscaldante, sarà quello che vi porterà l'acqua alla vostra giusta ebollizione. All'esterno troverete che il beccuccio è provvisto di filtro per fare direttamente il Tea dentro.

Questi sono i dettagli tecnici del prodotto in questione:
1) Superficie d'ingombro limitata
2)Filtro nel beccuccio di scarico
3) Elemento riscaldante nascosto in acciaio inox
4) Spegnimento in automatico e manuale
5) Protezione da gocciolamento
6) Protezione da surriscaldamento
7) Stazione base con avvolgicavo
8) Interruttore on/off
9) Alimentazione: AC 230V, 50Hz

Se deciderete di aquistare, vi arriverà lo scatolo perfettamente imballato e ciascuno dei pezzi è avvolto accuratamente, in totale sono 3 pedana con la presa schuko per alimentare il bollitore, il boccale in acciaio inox e il coperchio del bollitore stesso e ovviamente il manuale di istruzioni.
Sono molto contenta di questo prodotto! Vi consiglio l'acquisto!

Water kettle with a classic but not too much design, its orange color puts a lot of joy in the kitchen and is very nice to look at. The kettle is electric and is equipped with a platform that will be connected to the socket, this platform can be rotated 180°, has a good power, in a short time you will have your hot water for your infusion. The power in question is 2200w. When it is ready, just take your mug and take it where you need it, the nice thing is that you are not tied to the place where the socket is. I also used it when I needed to prepare a pasta immediately because I had arrived late and I didn't want to wait long to eat, I would say that it is useful in many circumstances, I have wanted it for a long time and I am very satisfied with the purchase in question Bottom you will find the Analog temperature indicator, the boiling point reaches up to 90°, in essence you can also prepare water for Tea, for example who need lower heat points to best release their essences, the mug is in stainless steel, inside you will find a heating element, it will be the one that will bring the water to your right boil. Outside you will find that the spout is equipped with a filter to make tea directly inside. These are the technical details of the product in question: 1) Limited overall surface area 2) Filter in the discharge spout 3) Hidden stainless steel heating element 4) Automatic and manual shut-off 5) Drip protection 6) Overheating protection 7 ) Base station with cable reel 8) On/off switch 9) Power supply: AC 230V, 50Hz If you decide to buy, the box will arrive perfectly packed and each of the pieces is carefully wrapped, in total there are 3 platforms with the schuko socket to power the kettle, the stainless steel mug and the lid of the kettle itself and of course the instruction manual. I am very happy with this product! I recommend the purchase!


Bollitore elettrico dallo stile vintage davvero elegante.
Si differenzia nettamente dai soliti bollitori di stile moderno e con il suo colore vivace diventa anche un elemento decorativo sulla mensola della cucina
Solo chi non conosce il bollitore elettrico, come categoria di prodotto, può ancora pensare che sia un oggetto inutile o quanto meno superfluo.
In realtà, una volta provato, un buon bollitore elettrico, si rivelerà un elettrodomestico di cui poi non si potrà più fare a meno!
Non dico questo perché sono un paladino del “veloce è meglio” a tutti i costi, ma se si considera di quanto spesso abbiamo bisogno di acqua bollente o calda non possiamo fare a meno di pensare all’enorme quantità di tempo perso ad aspettare che l’acqua bolla( nel giro per es. di un anno). Non mi riferisco solo all’acqua per thè e tisane, ma anche all’acqua per cuocere pasta, riso, etc
Se avessimo bisogno di acqua calda di tanto in tanto e non anche di diverse volte nell’arco della giornata, allora il discorso cambierebbe, ma non è così…
Con il bollitore elettrico si completa l’operazione di bollitura in un tempo che posso stimare di circa un quarto o un quinto( mio personale calcolo empirico!)rispetto alla bollitura con il gas. Secondo me quindi si ha anche un risparmio nel costo dell’energia impiegata.
Questo bollitore della Klarstein è davvero perfomante. Con la temperatura di partenza a circa 15° C porta ad ebollizione 240 ml di acqua in circa 50 secondi!
Un’altra peculiarità di questo bollitore in acciaio è il termometro analogico in bella evidenza. L’ho testato con un termometro da cucina ed ha senza dubbio un buon livello di precisione. Il problema è che la lancetta si muove più lentamente della velocità con cui sale la temperatura e quindi se vogliamo una certa temperatura dobbiamo spegnere circa 10 gradi prima che raggiunga quella data temperatura.
Una volta però che la lancetta si ferma( il ritardo è di forse di 2-3 secondi) la temperatura indicata è quella esatta.
Per es. il bollitore si spegne automaticamente una volta che ha raggiunto i 100 gradi, ma il termometro indica ancora 85-90 gradi. Dopo un 2-3 secondi( da quando il bollitore è ormai spento) la lancetta arriva a 100 gradi.
Il bollitore è in acciaio inox di alta qualità , quindi più resistente e pratico da usare rispetto a quelli in vetro.
Anche la base di riscaldamento ha una forma leggermente diversa rispetto a quelli dei bollitori dallo stile più moderno ( come si può vedere dalla foto allegata), alla base ci sono sempre dei piedini gommati.
Ho particolarmente apprezzato il fatto che non sia necessario staccare la spina ogni volta che si usa: basta spegnere tramite la levetta e non rimane acceso nessun led.
In caso di apertura accidentale del bollitore senza che ci sia acqua all’interno si spegne automaticamente.
La Klarstein offre un’ampio assortimento di bollitori elettrici e anche questo fa davvero una bella figura! L’ho regalato a mia sorella e ne sta facendo già un ampio uso, visto che consuma molte tisane…
Prodotto di qualità eccellente!

Very elegant vintage style electric kettle. It differs markedly from the usual modern style kettles and with its bright color it also becomes a decorative element on the kitchen shelf. Only those who do not know the electric kettle as a product category can still think that it is a useless or at least superfluous object. In reality, once you try it, a good electric kettle will turn out to be an appliance that you won't be able to do without! I don't say this because I'm a fan of "fast is better" at all costs, but when you consider how often we need boiling or hot water we can't help but think of the enormous amount of time wasted waiting for the 'water boils (for example within a year). I am not referring only to water for tea and herbal teas, but also to water for cooking pasta, rice, etc. If we needed hot water from time to time and not even several times during the day, then the situation would change , but it's not like that… With the electric kettle the boiling operation is completed in a time that I can estimate of about a quarter or a fifth (my personal empirical calculation!) compared to boiling with gas. In my opinion, therefore, there is also a saving in the cost of the energy used. This kettle from Klarstein is really powerful. With the starting temperature at about 15° C, bring 240 ml of water to the boil in about 50 seconds! Another peculiarity of this steel kettle is the clearly visible analogue thermometer. I tested it with a kitchen thermometer and it definitely has a good level of accuracy. The problem is that the pointer moves more slowly than the speed with which the temperature rises and therefore if we want a certain temperature we have to turn it off about 10 degrees before it reaches that given temperature. However, once the hand stops (the delay is perhaps 2-3 seconds) the indicated temperature is the exact one. For example. the kettle switches off automatically once it reaches 100 degrees, but the thermometer still reads 85-90 degrees. After 2-3 seconds (since the kettle is now off) the hand reaches 100 degrees. The kettle is made of high quality stainless steel, therefore more resistant and practical to use than glass ones. Even the heating base has a slightly different shape compared to those of the more modern style kettles (as can be seen from the attached photo), at the base there are always rubberized feet. I particularly appreciated the fact that it is not necessary to unplug it every time it is used: just turn it off using the lever and no LED remains on. If the kettle is accidentally opened without water inside, it switches off automatically. Klarstein offers a large range of electric kettles and this too cuts a fine figure! I gave it to my sister and she is already making extensive use of it, given that she consumes many herbal teas… Excellent quality product!


Bollitore elettrico dallo stile vintage davvero elegante.
Si differenzia nettamente dai soliti bollitori in stile moderno e con il suo colore vivace diventa anche un elemento decorativo sulla mensola della cucina
Solo chi non conosce il bollitore elettrico, come categoria di prodotto, può ancora pensare che sia un oggetto inutile o quanto meno superfluo.
In realtà, una volta provato, un buon bollitore elettrico, si rivelerà un elettrodomestico di cui poi non si potrà più fare a meno!
Non dico questo perché sono un paladino del “veloce è meglio” a tutti i costi, ma se si considera di quanto spesso abbiamo bisogno di acqua bollente o calda non possiamo fare a meno di pensare all’enorme quantità di tempo perso ad aspettare che l’acqua bolla( nel giro per es. di un anno). Non mi riferisco solo all’acqua per thè e tisane, ma anche all’acqua per cuocere pasta, riso, etc
Se avessimo bisogno di acqua calda di tanto in tanto e non anche di diverse volte nell’arco della giornata, allora il discorso cambierebbe, ma non è così…
Con il bollitore elettrico si completa l’operazione di bollitura in un tempo che posso stimare di circa un quarto o un quinto( mio personale calcolo empirico!)rispetto alla bollitura con il gas. Secondo me quindi si ha anche un risparmio nel costo dell’energia impiegata.
Questo bollitore della Klarstein è davvero perfomante. Con la temperatura di partenza a circa 15° C porta ad ebollizione 240 ml di acqua in circa 50 secondi!
Un’altra peculiarità di questo bollitore in acciaio è il termometro analogico in bella evidenza. L’ho testato con un termometro da cucina ed ha senza dubbio un buon livello di precisione.
Se si bolle però poca acqua( meno di 250 ml) il problema è che la lancetta si muove più lentamente della velocità con cui sale la temperatura e quindi se vogliamo una certa temperatura dobbiamo spegnere circa 10 gradi prima che raggiunga quella data temperatura.
Una volta però che la lancetta si ferma( il ritardo è di forse di 2-3 secondi) la temperatura indicata è quella esatta.
Per es. il bollitore si spegne automaticamente una volta che ha raggiunto i 100 gradi, ma il termometro indica ancora 85-90 gradi. Dopo un 2-3 secondi( da quando il bollitore è ormai spento) la lancetta arriva a 100 gradi.
Se si bolle invece più di 300 ml di acqua non c’è nessun problema di ritardo della lancetta rispetto alla temperatura finale.
Il bollitore è in acciaio inox di alta qualità , quindi più resistente e pratico da usare rispetto a quelli in vetro.
La forma particolare del beccuccio tutto in acciaio permette di versare l’acqua con un getto molto preciso e ristretto.
Anche la base di riscaldamento ha una forma leggermente diversa rispetto a quelli dei bollitori dallo stile più moderno ( come si può vedere dalla foto allegata), alla base ci sono sempre dei piedini gommati.
Ho particolarmente apprezzato il fatto che non sia necessario staccare la spina ogni volta che si usa: basta spegnere tramite la levetta e non rimane acceso nessun led.
In caso di apertura accidentale del bollitore senza che ci sia acqua all’interno si spegne automaticamente.
La Klarstein offre un’ampio assortimento di bollitori elettrici e anche questo fa davvero una bella figura! L’ho regalato a mia sorella e ne sta facendo già un ampio uso, visto che consuma molte tisane…
Prodotto di qualità eccellente!

Very elegant vintage style electric kettle. It differs markedly from the usual modern-style kettles and with its lively color it also becomes a decorative element on the kitchen shelf. Only those who do not know the electric kettle as a product category can still think that it is a useless or at least superfluous object. In reality, once you try it, a good electric kettle will turn out to be an appliance that you won't be able to do without! I don't say this because I'm a fan of "fast is better" at all costs, but when you consider how often we need boiling or hot water we can't help but think of the enormous amount of time wasted waiting for the 'water boils (for example within a year). I am not referring only to water for tea and herbal teas, but also to water for cooking pasta, rice, etc. If we needed hot water from time to time and not even several times during the day, then the situation would change , but it's not like that… With the electric kettle the boiling operation is completed in a time that I can estimate of about a quarter or a fifth (my personal empirical calculation!) compared to boiling with gas. In my opinion, therefore, there is also a saving in the cost of the energy used. This kettle from Klarstein is really powerful. With the starting temperature at about 15° C, bring 240 ml of water to the boil in about 50 seconds! Another peculiarity of this steel kettle is the clearly visible analogue thermometer. I tested it with a kitchen thermometer and it definitely has a good level of accuracy. However, if a little water is boiled (less than 250 ml) the problem is that the needle moves more slowly than the speed with which the temperature rises and therefore if we want a certain temperature we have to turn it off about 10 degrees before it reaches that given temperature. However, once the hand stops (the delay is perhaps 2-3 seconds) the indicated temperature is the exact one. For example. the kettle switches off automatically once it reaches 100 degrees, but the thermometer still reads 85-90 degrees. After 2-3 seconds (since the kettle is now off) the hand reaches 100 degrees. If, on the other hand, more than 300 ml of water is boiled, there is no problem of the pointer lagging behind the final temperature. The kettle is made of high quality stainless steel, therefore more resistant and practical to use than glass ones. The particular shape of the all-steel spout allows you to pour water with a very precise and narrow jet. Even the heating base has a slightly different shape compared to those of the more modern style kettles (as can be seen from the attached photo), at the base there are always rubberized feet. I particularly appreciated the fact that it is not necessary to unplug it every time it is used: just turn it off using the lever and no LED remains on. If the kettle is accidentally opened without water inside, it switches off automatically. Klarstein offers a large range of electric kettles and this too cuts a fine figure! I gave it to my sister and she is already making extensive use of it, given that she consumes many herbal teas… Excellent quality product!


Acquistare questo bollitore è stata un idea fantastica, oltre ad essere bellissimo esteticamente (io ho scelto il colore arancio) con un pulitissimo design vintage, è rapidissimo a portare ad ebollizione l'acqua grazie alla potenza di 2200W e possiede un bellissimo termometro analogico installato che vi consentirà di tenere sott'occhio la temperatura (chiaramente dovrete inserire un quantitativo d'acqua che arrivi almeno alla sonda del termometro (si trova a circa 1/3 della sua altezza).
Passiamo al lato tecnico.
Questo bollitore è composto da tre parti fondamentalmente:
La basetta (con spina elettrica per l'alimentazione), la caldaia che viene scaldata da una resistenza interna e il coperchio.
Adiacente al manico (collegato nella caldaia) presenta una protezione gommata che vi impedirà di scottarvi impugnandolo.
Per metterlo in funzione sarà sufficiente tirare su un interruttore presente in basso al manico, mettendolo in posizione giù si accenderà una spia rossa presente sotto il termometro ad indicare che l'acqua è in fase di riscaldamento.
Potrei elencarvi gli innumerevoli usi che si può fare di un bollitore in casa, vi garantisco che sono davvero molti, dal tè, tisane, addirittura far bollire l'acqua per la pasta in 5 minuti, insomma è davvero uno strumento utilissimo e che a parere mio deve essere presente in ogni appartamento.
L'utilità aggiunta del termometro di sicuro vi aiuterà a capire se l'acqua è calda a sufficienza o se preferite toglierla magari per altri utilizzi a una temperatura inferiore (come 60 o 80 gradi).
E' realizzato quasi tutto in acciaio Inox (eccetto le parti in silicone) e le sue dimensioni sono : 17 di diametro per 25,5 di altezza per un peso totale di quasi 1kg.
Vi consiglio l'acquisto specie per un regalo di natale o di compleanno (o giù di li) fa veramente un bel figurone!

Purchasing this kettle was a fantastic idea, in addition to being aesthetically beautiful (I chose the orange color) with a very clean vintage design, it is very quick to bring water to the boil thanks to the power of 2200W and has a beautiful analogue thermometer installed which it will allow you to keep an eye on the temperature (of course you will have to insert a quantity of water that reaches at least the thermometer probe (it is about 1/3 of its height). Let's move on to the technical side. This kettle is made up of three parts basically: The base (with electric plug for the power supply), the boiler which is heated by an internal resistance and the lid. Adjacent to the handle (connected to the boiler) it has a rubberized protection which will prevent you from getting burned by gripping it. it will be sufficient to pull on a switch present at the bottom of the handle, putting it in the down position a red light present under the thermometer will light up to indicate that the water is heating up. I could list you the innumerable uses that can be made of a kettle at home, I guarantee you that there are really many, from tea, herbal teas, even boiling water for pasta in 5 minutes, in short, it is truly a very useful tool and which in my opinion mine must be present in every apartment. The added utility of the thermometer will certainly help you understand if the water is hot enough or if you prefer to remove it perhaps for other uses at a lower temperature (like 60 or 80 degrees). It is made almost entirely in stainless steel (except the silicone parts) and its dimensions are: 17 in diameter by 25.5 in height for a total weight of almost 1kg. I recommend buying it especially for a Christmas or birthday present (or so) it really looks great!


Sehr gut verpackt kommt der Wasserkocher bei einem an. Ich bin immer wieder Positiv erstaunt, wie gut Klarstein die Sachen verpackt. Das ist wirklich mal lobenswert. Selbst wenn DHL mal wieder die Pakete wirft, kann hier nichts kaputt gehen. Den Wasserkocher gibt es in vielen verschiedenen Farben wie rot, grün, orange, creme, silber und so weiter. Ich habe ihn in der Farbe schwarz bekommen und das sieht einfach nur edel und teuer aus. Er ist aus rostfreien Stahl gefertigt und hat eine Höhe von 25,5 cm und einen Durchmesser von 17 cm. Also richtig schön klein und schnuckelig und findet Platz in jeder Küche. Wiegen tut er 950 g, also auch nicht sehr schwer.

Ganz besonders gelungen finde ich die Optik im Teekessel Design. Es schaut wirklich aus wie ein Teekessel und ist einfach nur der Hingucker schlechthin in der Küche. Es handelt sich hierbei um einen Kabellosen Wasserkocher. Sprich das Kabel befindet sich an der Standplatte und den Wasserkocher kann man einfach so entnehmen und auch durch die Wohnung damit laufen. Dank des Cool-Touch-Griffes wird hier auch nichts heiß und man verbrennt sich nicht die Finger. Auf der Gegenüberliegenden Seite des Griffes wurde auch noch eine Gummierung angebracht, falls man Ausversehen mal mit der Hand beim ausgießen da gegen kommt und so nichts passieren kann. Natürlich sollte man ihn nur am Griff anfassen, denn da der Wasserkocher aus Metall ist, wird der Rest sehr heiß. Der Wasserkocher steht sicher auf der Standplatte und wackelt nicht hin und her und kann auch nicht umfallen. Alles sehr Passgenau.

Der Wasserkocher hat ein Fassungsvermögen von 1,7 Litern. Völlig ausreichend für mich und die Optimale Größe. Ganz besonders gelungen ist die Thermometer-Anzeige an der Seite. Hier kann ich in einem kleinen, runden Fenster sehen, wie die Temperatur steigt. Es ist unterteilt in cool, 20, 40, 60, 80 Grad und Hot. Mit kleinen Punkten zwischen den Zahlen sind jeweils die fünfer Schritte markiert. Ich kann also jederzeit sehen wie heiß das Wasser schon ist und bei manchen Sachen benötigt man eine bestimmte Temperatur, sie man sonst nur erraten konnte. Hier kann man alles exakt sehen und es zeit auch die exakte Temperatur an. Ich habe es mit einem anderen Thermometer nachgemessen und die Werte stimmten überein.

Unter dem Griff befindet sich der Ein- und Ausschalter in Form eines kleinen Hebels, den man ganz einfach nach oben oder nach unten stellt. Ist der Wasserkocher in Betrieb leuchtet eine kleine LED auf. Der Deckel lässt sich komplett abnehmen und so sehr leicht Wasser einfüllen. Man bekommt ihn auch sehr gut wieder aufgesetzt, nur beim ausgießen sollten man ihn ein wenig festhalten, da er doch ab und an mal abfallen kann. Das finde ich aber nicht weiter schlimm, denn mir ist es wichtig vernünftig Wasser einfüllen zu können und das funktioniert nur, wenn man den Deckel abnehmen kann.

Der Wasserkocher ist in Betrieb sehr leise. Wenn ich an meinen alten denke, wie der am röhren war, wenn er das Wasser aufkochte, muss ich hier zweimal schauen, ob er überhaupt angeschaltet ist. Ist das Wasser fertig und hat die richtige Temperatur, springt der Ein- und Ausschalter nach oben und schaltet sich Automatisch ab.

Am Ausguss hat er ein feines Sieb. Dieses ist der integrierte Kalk Indikator. Wir haben hier in Köln sehr Kalkhaltiges Wasser und es bleiben immer Rückstände zurück, was man sehr gut an der Kaffeemaschine sehen kann. Ich muss diese alle zwei Wochen entkalken und was da an Kalkrückständen heraus kommt ist nicht mehr schön. Hier wird der kalk in dem Sieb gefangen und nichts dringt davon durch beim ausschütten.

Von der Qualität her ist er sehr hochwertig. Alles wurde sauber verarbeitet, die Kontakte an der Standplatte sind Ordentlich und die Wasserkocher lässt sich Perfekt dort drauf setzen, Er macht Optisch einen sehr edlen und hochwertigen Eindruck und ist einfach nur der Hingucker schlechthin in der Küche. Das Wasser kocht nicht schneller wie bei meinem alten Wasserkocher, aber da ich hier Temperatur Anzeige beobachten kann, sehe ich immer genau, wann es soweit ist.

The kettle arrives very well packaged. I'm always amazed at how well Klarstein packs things. That's really commendable. Even if DHL throws the packages again, nothing can break here. The kettle comes in many different colors like red, green, orange, cream, silver and so on. I got it in black and it just looks classy and expensive. It is made of stainless steel and has a height of 25.5 cm and a diameter of 17 cm. So really nice and small and cute and finds space in every kitchen. It weighs 950 g, so it's not very heavy either. I find the look of the tea kettle design particularly successful. It really looks like a tea kettle and is simply the eye-catcher in the kitchen. This is a cordless kettle. In other words, the cable is on the base plate and you can simply remove the kettle and walk around the apartment with it. Thanks to the cool-touch handle, nothing gets hot here and you don't burn your fingers. A rubber coating was also attached to the opposite side of the handle, in case you accidentally hit it with your hand while pouring and nothing can happen. Of course you should only touch it by the handle, because since the kettle is made of metal, the rest of it gets very hot. The kettle stands securely on the base plate and does not wobble back and forth and cannot fall over. Everything very accurate. The kettle has a capacity of 1.7 liters. Completely sufficient for me and the optimal size. The thermometer display on the side is particularly successful. Here, in a small, round window, I can see the temperature rising. It is divided into cool, 20, 40, 60, 80 degrees and hot. The steps of five are marked with small dots between the numbers. So I can see at any time how hot the water is and for some things you need a certain temperature that you could otherwise only guess. Here you can see everything exactly and it also shows the exact temperature. I checked it with another thermometer and the readings matched. Under the handle is the on/off switch in the form of a small lever that you can easily move up or down. When the kettle is in operation, a small LED lights up. The lid can be completely removed, making it very easy to fill with water. You can also put it back on very easily, you should only hold it a little when pouring it out, as it can fall off from time to time. But I don't think that's a bad thing, because it's important to me to be able to fill in water properly and that only works if you can remove the lid. The kettle is very quiet when in operation. When I think of my old one, how it roared when it boiled the water, I have to double-check to see if it's even switched on. When the water is ready and has the right temperature, the on/off switch jumps up and switches off automatically. It has a fine sieve on the spout. This is the built-in lime indicator. We have very hard water here in Cologne and there are always residues, which you can see very well on the coffee machine. I have to decalcify them every two weeks and the limescale that comes out is no longer nice. Here the lime is caught in the sieve and none of it penetrates when pouring out. In terms of quality, it is very high. Everything was processed cleanly, the contacts on the base plate are neat and the kettle can be placed perfectly there. It makes a very elegant and high-quality impression visually and is simply the eye-catcher par excellence in the kitchen. The water doesn't boil faster than with my old kettle, but since I can watch the temperature display here, I can always see exactly when it's time.


Ein wirklich schöner Wasserkocher. Was mich etwas gestört hat, das er nicht so ganz weiss ist, meine Augen sagen eher in Richtung cremeweiss. Ich hatte ihn vorher neben einer weissen Kaffeemaschine stehen und da fiel es besonders auf, aber durch umstellen des Wasserkochers ist jetzt alles in Ordnung. Er liegt gut in der Hand, der Deckel sitzt fest, ausgießen läßt er sich auch wunderbar.

A really nice kettle. What bothered me a bit, that he is not so white, my eyes say more in the direction of creamy white. I used to have it next to a white coffee machine and it was particularly noticeable, but by moving the kettle everything is fine now. It lies well in the hand, the lid is tight and it pours out wonderfully.


Cette bouilloire se distingue par sa forme peu commune. L'association d'Inox et de revêtement noir mat allie modernisme et élégance, le style rétro accentué par le thermomètre en façade.
Le socle fait 17 cm de diamètre et dispose d'un range cordon.
La bouilloire en elle-même propose une bonne contenance d' 1L7 et monte rapidement en température - que l'on peut suivre en direct sur le thermomètre. C'est déco et utile en même temps si on ne souhaite pas dépassé un certain degré.
Il n'y a pas de graduation, juste un niveau "max" caché à l'intérieur.
Le filtre du bec verseur est assez gros. A part retenir de grosses feuilles infusées, je ne vois pas trop son utilité.
Les parois de la bouilloire prennent la température de l'eau mais la poignée reste bien froide, ainsi que le couvercle. Une protection plastique est collé sur la paroi en fasse de la poignée pour éviter les brulures par inadvertance en prenant la bouilloire.
Cette bouilloire est jolie, peu commune et fonctionne très bien.

This kettle is distinguished by its unusual shape. The combination of stainless steel and matte black coating combines modernism and elegance, the retro style accentuated by the thermometer on the front. The base is 17 cm in diameter and has a cord storage. The kettle itself offers a good capacity of 1L7 and quickly rises in temperature - which can be followed live on the thermometer. It's decorative and useful at the same time if you don't want to exceed a certain level. There is no graduation, just a "max" level hidden inside. The spout filter is quite large. Apart from retaining large infused leaves, I don't really see its usefulness. The walls of the kettle take the temperature of the water but the handle remains very cold, as well as the lid. A plastic protection is stuck on the wall of the handle to avoid inadvertent burns when taking the kettle. This kettle is pretty, unusual and works very well.


Ein wirklich verzückender Wasserkocher, wobei das Design schon der Gewinner ist. Schön ausgewogen und Volumen für 1,7 Liter. Kocht zügig und gute Verarbeitung. Sehr gut, dass man die akutelle Temperatur an einer Anzeige abmessen kann, so kann man gut planen. Gefällt mir.

A really delightful kettle, where the design is already the winner. Nicely balanced and volume for 1.7 liters. Cooks quickly and good workmanship. Very good that you can measure the current temperature on a display, so you can plan well. I like.


Das Gerät kam gut verpackt an, der Kontakt beim Verkäufer war freundlich und kompetent. Ein hübscher Wasserkocher, der super funktioniert. Sehr gut finde ich auch das Thermometer, es zeigt an wie heiß das Wasser ist, so kann man bei der gewünschten Temperatur einfach den Kochvorgang stoppen. Dies klappt allerdings nur, wenn der Wasserfüllstand über dem Temperaturfühler ist. Leider gibt es keine Wasserstandsanzeige (außer max.) und der Wasserkocher wird auch von außen ziemlich heiß.

The device arrived well packaged, the contact with the seller was friendly and competent. A pretty kettle that works great. I also really like the thermometer, it shows how hot the water is, so you can simply stop the cooking process at the desired temperature. However, this only works if the water level is above the temperature sensor. Unfortunately there is no water level indicator (except max.) and the kettle gets pretty hot from the outside too.


Ich habe mich für diesen Klarstein Wasserkocherm entschieden, weil er mich optisch sofort beeindruckt hat! Er verfügt über ein tolles Design, ist ziemlich leise und hat eine gute Größe.  Leider gibt es keine Skala, was für mich nicht weiter tragisch ist, da der Wasserkocher gut anzusehen und erfüllt sein Zweck in dem er sehr schnell aufheizt und beim Wasser eingießen geht nichts daneben Dank dem funktionellem Ausgießer!

I decided on this Klarstein kettle because it immediately impressed me visually! It has a great design, is fairly quiet and is a good size. Unfortunately there is no scale, which is not a problem for me, because the kettle is good to look at and fulfills its purpose in that it heats up very quickly and nothing goes wrong when pouring water thanks to the functional spout!


Klasse Wasserkocher im Retrodesign. Heutzutage sind Analoge Anzeigen ja nur noch eine Seltenheit. Super auch, dass es das Teil auch noch in meiner Lieblingsfarbe gab.

Class kettle in retro design. Nowadays analog displays are only a rarity. It's also great that it was also available in my favorite color.


Genau das was ich gesucht habe, Danke!

Exactly what I was looking for, thanks!


Der Wasserkocher kocht schnell und sieht gut aus.

The kettle boils quickly and looks good.


Passt perfekt in meine Küche! Achtung Wasserkocher wird auch von außen recht heiß!

Fits perfectly in my kitchen! Be careful, the kettle also gets quite hot on the outside!


Mir gefällt das Design total. Modern und doch hinterlässt er einen eigenen Charme von Nostalgie. Der Kocher selbst besteht fast komplett aus rostfreiem Stahl, welches eine schöne Lackierung besitzt. Besonderes Highlight ist die Temperaturanzeige. Die ist zum Glück nicht digital und passt so zum eigentlichen Design. Die Temperatur entspricht tatsächlich meiner gemessenen. Das Wasser kocht schnell auf und das Thermometer ist vom Vorteil. Ein manko habe ich allerdings. Gelegentlich fällt mir Deckel beim einfüllen runter. Aber dennoch bleibt es ein sehr sympathischer Wasserkocher.

I absolutely love the design. Modern and yet it has its own nostalgic charm. The stove itself consists almost entirely of stainless steel, which has a beautiful finish. A special highlight is the temperature display. Luckily, it is not digital and so fits in with the actual design. The temperature actually corresponds to what I measured. The water boils quickly and the thermometer comes in handy. However, I have a shortcoming. Occasionally the lid falls off when filling. But it still remains a very likeable kettle.


Super Design! Ich war auf der Suche nach einem neuen Wasserkocher, da meiner kürzlich den Geist aufgegeben hat. Jedoch wollte ich diesmal keinen Standard Wasserkoche kaufen und habe dieses Gerät sofort ins Herz geschlossen. Neben diesem Design ist auch die eigentliche Funktion des Wasserkochers klasse. Die Bedienung ist einfach. Die Temperaturanzeige ermöglicht es zu sehen wie heiß das Wasser ist und kann somit rechtzeitig abgestellt werden. Gerade für mich als Tee und Kaffeeliebhaberin ideal.

Awesome design! I was looking for a new kettle as mine recently gave up the ghost. However, this time I didn't want to buy a standard kettle and immediately fell in love with this device. In addition to this design, the actual function of the kettle is also great. Operation is easy. The temperature display makes it possible to see how hot the water is and can therefore be turned off in good time. Perfect for me as a tea and coffee lover.


Das Thermometer zeigt ziemlich genau die richtige Temperatur an. Irgendwelche unangenehmen Gerüche und Geschmäcke konnte ich nicht feststellen - und ich bin da sehr empfindlich. Dass er kipplig auf der "Basisstation" sein soll kann ich ebenfalls nicht bestätigen. Ich würde ihn wieder kaufen. Bei weitem nicht so laut wie sein Vorgänger (Grundig). Der Deckel sitzt ordentlich, man kann ihn aber auch einfach abnehmen. Seitdem ich ihn ausgepackt habe arbeitet er mehrmals täglich problemlos.

The thermometer reads pretty much the right temperature. I couldn't detect any unpleasant smells or tastes - and I'm very sensitive to that. I also can't confirm that it should be wobbly on the "base station". I would buy it again. Not nearly as loud as its predecessor (Grundig). The lid fits neatly, but you can also easily remove it. Since I unpacked it, it has been working flawlessly several times a day.


Endlich mal einen Wasserkocher gefunden der mir die Temperatur anzeigt. Weiß nicht ob es so etwas noch nicht gab, ich habe jedenfalls keinen bisher gefunden. Habe extra einen mit Anzeige gesucht, da ich derzeit noch Babyflaschen machen muss und da bietet sich so etwas wunderbar an. Bin bisher sehr zufrieden und kann den Kocher besonders für Eltern empfehlen. Ansonsten kann man aber auch sonst nichts mit dem Gerät falsch machen. Empfehle ich meinen Freundinnen bei unserem nächsten treffen.

Finally found a kettle that shows me the temperature. I don't know if something like this hasn't existed before, but I haven't found one yet. I was looking for one with an ad because I still have to make baby bottles at the moment and something like this is wonderful. So far I am very satisfied and can recommend the stove especially for parents. Otherwise, you can't go wrong with the device. I will recommend to my friends at our next meeting.

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