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Die Einzelkochplatte Captain Cook von Klarstein ist eine Kochplatte die auf Infrarot basiert.
Die Erhitzungsmethode kann man gut mit Ceran vergleichen. Dieses heizt ebenfalls per Infrarot, hat aber eine Glaskeramikplatte. Captain Cook dagegen hat laut Klarstein Kristallglas. Was das für einen Unterschied im Gebrauch macht, kann ich leider nicht sagen, allerdings funktionieren sie im Prinzip gleich.

Bei der Benutzung der Kochplatte, kann man alle handelsüblichen Töpfe und Pfannen benutzen. Im Gegensatz zu Induktionskochfeldern muss man nicht auf das Material des Kochgeschirrs achten. Lediglich ein möglichst glatter Boden stellt einen Vorteil (kein Muss) dar, da die hochglänzende Kochplatte sonst schnell Beschädigungen aufweißen kann. Hier fühlt man sich wieder gut an normales Ceran erinnert, das ebenso empfindlich ist.

Die Temperatur ist stufenlos einstellbar. Der Regler geht sehr flüssig und leichtgängig, aber nicht so, dass er sich von selbst verstellen kann.
Auch wenn Hitze aufgebaut ist, kann man den Schalter gut benutzen – das Metallgehäuse dagegen, sollte man dann meiden anzufassen, da es sich stark erhitzt.

Positiv überrascht war ich von der raschen Hitzeabgabe. Keine Sekunde, nachdem ich die Platte eingeschalten hatte, strahlte diese auch schon Hitze aus. Ebenfalls angenehm finde ich die 'sichtbare' Hitze.
Als Single benutze ich seit ein paar Jahren noch eine alte Kochplatte, bei der man nicht sieht, ob sie ein oder ausgeschalten ist. Um sicher zu gehen, dass alles aus ist, drehe ich immer noch mal die Felder an und aus, da bei der Kochplatte auch das Min/Max Zeichen direkt nebeneinander ist und irritiert. Bei Captain Cook gucke ich einfach drunter. Wie bei Ceran ebbt das Glühen mit der schwindenden Hitze ab, aber man sieht auch so, ob sie glüht, weil sie eingeschalten ist, oder glüht, aber ausgeschalten ist. Davon abgesehen ist bei dieser Kochplatte gut zu sehen, ob der Schalter auf Ein oder Aus steht.

Die Füße der Kochplatte sind verhältnismäßig hoch. Zwar nicht hoch genug, damit man – als verständliches Beispiel – sie auf Papier stellen und erhitzen kann, aber hoch genug, dass man sie auf übliche Küchenuntergründe stellen kann, ohne, dass diese von der Hitze Schaden nehmen.

Die Verarbeitung ist top. Am Metallgehäuse findet man keine scharfen Kanten oder spitzen Ecken. Die Kochplatte selbst ist zu 100% eben und sauber gearbeitet. Das sieht man besonders gut an der hochglänzenden Oberfläche, die man fast schon als Spiegel benutzten könnte. Die Spiegelung zeigt, dass da Perfektion am Werk ist.

Schade und nicht ganz ungefährlich ist, dass das Gehäuse sich doch recht stark erhitzt. Dessen Größe gibt rein optisch Sicherheit, sodass man zumindest am Anfang doch schnell mal dran kommt. Ich kann zwar nicht sagen, dass man sich dran verbrennt – ich möchte es auch nicht ausprobieren – aber es wird heiß genug, um die Haut zu reizen.
Hier gilt besonders bei Kindern Vorsicht, die sich besonders schnell von der Größe des Gehäuses täuschen lassen können und einfach dran fassen.

Das Gewicht ist sehr leicht. Natürlich ist es nur eine Einzelkochplatte, aber dennoch ist es, auch wenn ich das Gewicht aufteile, deutlich weniger als meine alte Doppelkochplatte.

Alles andere:
Die Größe ist verhältnismäßig groß, eben weil das Gehäuse reichlich gehalten ist. Bei Platzproblemen ist das natürlich unvorteilhaft, an sich bevorzuge ich bei dieser Platte aber, dass sie etwas breiter als manch anderen ist – weil es passt. Optisch harmoniert das einfach und es ist ja nicht so, dass sie übertrieben breit ist.

Für den Preis bekommt man anderswo zwar vielleicht eine Doppelkochplatte, aber keine mit dieser Qualität – und erst recht keine Ceranähnliche!
Das Metallgehäuse und die polierte Kochplatte gehen leicht zu reinigen und die Beschichtung sorgt dafür, dass nichts so schnell einbrennt.
Das Kabel ist in seiner Länge okay, aber man sollte aufpassen, dass genug Abstand zur Platte und dem Gehäuse ist – sonst kann die Hitze nicht nur für Kinder, sondern auch für die Elektronik gefährlich werden.

The Klarstein Captain Cook single hotplate is an infrared-based hotplate. The heating method can be compared well with Ceran. This also heats by infrared, but has a glass ceramic plate. Captain Cook, on the other hand, has crystal glass according to Klarstein. Unfortunately, I can't say what difference it makes in use, but in principle they work the same. When using the hotplate, you can use all standard pots and pans. In contrast to induction hobs, you don't have to pay attention to the material of the cookware. Only a floor that is as smooth as possible is an advantage (not a must), since the high-gloss hotplate can otherwise quickly become damaged. Here you feel reminded of normal ceramic, which is just as sensitive. The temperature is continuously adjustable. The controller is very fluid and easy to use, but not in such a way that it can be adjusted by itself. Even when heat builds up, you can use the switch well - the metal housing, on the other hand, should then be avoided as it gets very hot. I was pleasantly surprised by the rapid heat release. Less than a second after I turned the record on, it was radiating heat. I also like the 'visible' heat. As a single person, I've been using an old hotplate for a few years that you can't tell if it's on or off. To make sure that everything is off, I keep turning the fields on and off, since the min/max sign on the hotplate is also right next to each other and is irritating. I just look underneath at Captain Cook. As with Ceran, the glow dies down as the heat goes away, but you can also tell if it's glowing because it's on or glowing but off. Apart from that, with this hotplate it is easy to see whether the switch is on or off. The feet of the hotplate are relatively high. Not high enough so that you can – as an understandable example – place them on paper and heat them up, but high enough that you can place them on standard kitchen surfaces without them being damaged by the heat. The processing is great. There are no sharp edges or pointed corners on the metal case. The hotplate itself is 100% smooth and clean. You can see this particularly well on the high-gloss surface, which could almost be used as a mirror. The reflection shows that perfection is at work. It is a pity and not entirely harmless that the case heats up quite strongly. Its size gives you a purely visual sense of security, so that you can get to it quickly, at least at the beginning. While I can't say it burns you - I don't want to try it - but it gets hot enough to irritate your skin. Children should be particularly careful here, as they can easily be fooled by the size of the case and simply grab it. The weight is very light. Of course it's only a single hotplate, but even if I split the weight, it's significantly less than my old double hotplate. Everything else: The size is relatively large, precisely because the case is plentiful. This is of course disadvantageous when there is a problem with space, but I prefer that this record is a bit wider than some others – because it fits. Visually, it just harmonizes and it's not like it's overly wide. Conclusion: For the price you might get a double hotplate elsewhere, but none of this quality - and certainly not one similar to ceramic! The metal housing and the polished cooking plate are easy to clean and the coating ensures that nothing burns on as quickly. The length of the cable is okay, but you should make sure that there is enough distance to the plate and the housing - otherwise the heat can be dangerous not only for children, but also for the electronics.


Die Kochplatte funktioniert sehr gut und ich finde die Einzelplatte sehr praktisch.
Ich habe damit
* Nudeln gekocht, man darf nur nicht zu sehr runterdrehen, wenn es kocht.
* Spiegeleier gebraten - man braucht eine kleine Pfanne.
* Kartoffeln im Dampfkochtopf gekocht - so wie immer, sobald der zweite Ring draußen ist, schalte ich aus und gare mit der Resthitze/dem Restdruck weiter.
Alles hat sehr gut geklappt. Die Platte wirkt erst einmal größer, als sie ist, da ein ziemlich breiter Rand bleibt, der nicht erhitzt wird. Die erhitzte Fläche hat einen Durchmesser von 14 cm, die Platte selbst hat einen Durchmesser von ca. 17,7 cm. Somit ist sie für Pfannen mit 14 bis 16 cm Durchmesser geeignet und für Töpfe mit 14 bis 20 cm Durchmesser - die Töpfe stehen auch dann noch gut, wenn sie etwas darüber hinausragen.
Das Kabel finde ich mit 1 Meter ausreichend lang.
Ich finde diese Glas-Kochplatte sehr viel praktischer als die alte Elektrokochplatte meiner Eltern, weil sie leichter zu reinigen ist.
Fazit: Eine gute Einzelkochplatte für Ein-Topf-Gerichte.

The hot plate works very well and I find the single plate very practical. I used it * to cook pasta, just don't turn it down too much when it's boiling. * Fried eggs fried - you need a small pan. *Potatoes cooked in the pressure cooker - as always, once the second ring is out I turn off and continue cooking with the residual heat/pressure. Everything went very well. At first glance, the plate appears larger than it is, as there is a fairly wide edge that is not heated. The heated area has a diameter of 14 cm, the plate itself has a diameter of approx. 17.7 cm. It is therefore suitable for pans with a diameter of 14 to 16 cm and for pots with a diameter of 14 to 20 cm - the pots stand up well even if they protrude slightly. I think the cable is long enough at 1 meter. I find this glass hob a lot more convenient than my parents' old electric hob because it's easier to clean. Conclusion: A good single hotplate for one-pot meals.



quante volte vedendo le trasmissioni di cucina, sono stata attratta dai fornelli, belli pratici

e poi con quelle piastre vetro ceramica.

Appena lo accendono è bello caldo, la cucina a portata di mano. E poi così pratici e veloci da pulire. Così si ottimizza di gran lunga il tempo passato tra i fornelli.

Mi sono decisa lo devo avere, anche se ad un fuoco, per le mie emergenze in caso di mancanza di gas, l’energia elettrica c’è dovunque.

E poi è facilmente trasportabile, e chi ci rinuncia al mio caffè nella moka, detto fatto l’ho acquistato da klarstein.it, e così anche io come i cuochi delle trasmissioni ho il mio bel piano cottura in vetro ceramica, Klarstein Captain Cook Singolo Piano Cottura 1200W Inox argento.

Klarstein.it del gruppo Chal-Tec è un’azienda tedesca, e precisamente nella capitale, Berlino.

Con la sua presenza in 11 paesi europei, oggi è una realtà di riferimento nel mondo dell’elettronica di consumo on line.

Devo dire che proprio nell’ambito dell’elettronica ho sempre considerato i prodotti tedeschi i migliori e i più resistenti, non ha caso in casa abbiamo molti marchi tedeschi risalenti anche agli anni’60, ancora belli e funzionanti.

L’azienda è sempre alla ricerca dell’arricchimento del proprio catalogo, per offrire prodotti sempre nuovi e all’avanguardia, cogliendo novità per essere competitivi e andare incontro alla propria clientela.

Ed eccovi il mio piano cottura,

Klarstein Captain Cook Singolo Piano Cottura 1200W Inox argento

Eccolo in tutto il suo splendore, design ed eleganza ne fanno da padrone, a questo piano cottura|

i particolari sono tutti di alto livello, nulla è lasciato al caso, sicuramente un prodotto che avrà lunga durata.

Le sue dimensioni sono Largh.30 x Alt. 8 x prof. 23,5 cm

Captain Cook Piano Cottura, è in acciaio inox con una piastra bella brillante in vetro ceramica (vedi foto)

da 18 cm di diametro (come già anticipato l’ideale è per openspace)

Con i suoi 1200 Watt si garantisce un riscaldamento di 300° C. in circa 30 sec. La sua temperatura la si può impostare per mezzo della manopola posta sul fronte (vedi foto), la stessa è per l’accensione, così che mantenere una temperatura costante in base ai cibi che stiamo cuocendo.

Specie per brasati, dove c'è bisogno di una temperatura costante questo è il piano cottura giusto. Alimentazione AC 220-240V, con cavo di 1 mt., cavo di grande spessore con spina (vedi foto) di tipo europeo (Schuko), peso del piano cottura 1,6 kg.

Il piano cottura è ben costruito con materiali di ottima qualità e visibilmente elegante e bello, acciaio e piano cottura a specchio. Usando padelle o pentole dedicate per piano cottura, la cottura dei cibi è garantita in modo ottimale. Ciò non toglie che pur usando altri tipi di stoviglie che siano essi in vetro, ceramica il nostro piano di cottura Klartein li porterà ad ebollizione, e i nostri alimenti alla giusta cottura.
Ha dei comodi piedini (vedi foto), così che il piano cottura non sia a contatto diretto con il piano d’appoggio, e permettere alla ventola il suo corretto funzionamento, le spie sono a led (vedi foto), è corredata da manuale descrittivo in lingua tedesca e inglese. Le mie considerazioni su questa piano cottura, dal mio entusiasmo avrete intuito che sono soddisfatta di questo acquisto, usando quasi sempre le padelle con coperchio, i cibi sono cotti in maniera costante e specie per certi tipi di carne la temperatura costante è importante, poi non parliamo la facilità della sua pulizia è formidabile, abbattuto il tempo e soprattutto il piano cottura è sempre bello lucido come appena comprato.

Sicuramente un ottimo regalo per i giovani che non hanno mai tempo per tutto è il piano cottura ideale.

I punti a favore di questo piano cottura sono:

Nessuna perdita di gas, è importante questo fattore specie se lo usiamo in casa|

la diffusione del calore, per un'ottima e uniforme cottura dei nostri cibi|

e il terzo ma non meno importante la sua pul

Hello, how many times watching cooking programs, I was attracted by the stove, beautiful and practical and then with those ceramic glass plates. As soon as they turn it on, it's nice and hot, the kitchen at hand. And then so practical and quick to clean. This way the time spent in the kitchen is greatly optimized. I decided I must have it, even if at a fire, for my emergencies in case of gas shortage, electricity is everywhere. And then it is easily transportable, and whoever gives up my coffee in the moka, having said that I bought it from klarstein.it, and so I too, like the cooks of the broadcasts, have my beautiful ceramic glass hob, Klarstein Captain Cook Single Hob 1200W Stainless steel silver. Klarstein.it of the Chal-Tec group is a German company, and precisely in the capital, Berlin. With its presence in 11 European countries, today it is a point of reference in the world of online consumer electronics. I must say that in the field of electronics I have always considered German products to be the best and most resistant, it is no coincidence that we have many German brands at home dating back to the 60s, still beautiful and functional. The company is always looking for the enrichment of its catalogue, to always offer new and cutting-edge products, taking advantage of innovations to be competitive and meet its customers. And here is my hob, Klarstein Captain Cook Single Hob 1200W Stainless Steel Here it is in all its splendour, design and elegance are the masters of this hob | the details are all of a high standard, nothing is left to chance, certainly a product that will last a long time. Its dimensions are Largh.30 x Alt. 8 x prof. 23.5 cm Captain Cook Hob, is made of stainless steel with a beautiful bright plate in ceramic glass (see photo) with a diameter of 18 cm (as already mentioned, the ideal is for open spaces) With its 1200 Watts, heating is guaranteed of 300° C. in about 30 sec. Its temperature can be set using the knob on the front (see photo), the same is for the ignition, so as to maintain a constant temperature based on the foods we are cooking. Especially for braised meats, where a constant temperature is needed, this is the right hob. AC 220-240V power supply, with 1 m cable, thick cable with European-type plug (see photo) (Schuko), hob weight 1.6 kg. The hob is well built with excellent quality materials and visibly elegant and beautiful, steel and mirrored hob. By using dedicated pans or saucepans for hobs, food cooking is guaranteed in an optimal way. The fact remains that while using other types of crockery, whether glass or ceramic, our Klartein hob will bring them to the boil, and our food to the correct cooking. It has comfortable feet (see photo), so that the hob is not in direct contact with the support surface, and allow the fan to function properly, the lights are LED (see photo), it comes with a descriptive manual in German and English. My considerations on this hob, you will have guessed from my enthusiasm that I am satisfied with this purchase, I almost always use pans with lids, the foods are cooked constantly and especially for certain types of meat the constant temperature is important, then I don't let's talk about the ease of its cleaning is formidable, time has been cut down and above all the hob is always as shiny as just bought. Surely an excellent gift for young people who never have time for everything is the ideal hob. The points in favor of this hob are: No gas leaks, this factor is especially important if we use it at home| the diffusion of heat, for an excellent and uniform cooking of our food | and the third but not least its pul


Sehr günstiger Preis und die Lieferung erfolgte schnell! Die Kochplatte funktion einwandfrei, hat einfache Handhabung und ist leicht sauber zu halten. Ich habe die Kochplatte für den Garten gekauft und bin äußerst zufrieden mit dem Kauf und kann mit guten Gewissen diese weiter empfehlen.

Very good price and delivery was quick! The hotplate works perfectly, is easy to use and easy to keep clean. I bought the hot plate for the garden and am extremely satisfied with the purchase and can recommend it with a clear conscience.

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