Mosquito Ex 5000 Insect Exterminator
- Insect killer
- Black
Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty£ 26.99Original price: £ 30.99
- Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Environmentally friendly: pure energy without harmful substances
Convenient cleaning: thanks to removable collection tray
No interference: odourless and silent baiting through UV light day and night
Product description
Compact power package: The Waldbeck Mosquito Ex 5000 insect exterminator keeps its environment insect-free, so that peace can be restored in living- and office spaces.
The Mosquito Ex 5000 insect trap hepls to get rid of mosquitos, flies and other critters in apartments, kitchens or stables and provides relief all without any chemicals. The insects are lured by two 15 watts each UV tubes and then quickly killed by 2200V high voltage wires. Due to the use of black light the trap works by day as well as by night.
The collection tray is removable, so the insect exterminator is easy and convenient to clean. Protective grids on both sides of the device prevent accidental contact with the high voltage grid. A practical chain suspension allows for the device to be hung outside of the reach of children or animals.
Quick and efficient relief: The Mosquito 5000 insect exterminator by Waldbeck gets rid of pesky insects without chemicals.
- Effective area: 150 m²
- Total output: 38 watts
- Tubes: 2 x 15 watts
- UV light 365 nm
- Grid voltage: 2000-2200V
- Suspension kit with chain
- Lightweight metal housing with plastic edges
- On/off switch on the front surface
- Energy supply: 220-230V ~| 50 Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Measurements: approx. 52 x 30.5 x 9 cm (WxHxD)
- Chain for supsension: approx. 64cm
- Power cable: approx. 120 cm
- Weight: approx. 2.3 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x insect exterminator
- 1 x collection tray
- 1 x chain for suspension kit
- English instruction manual (other languages: German, French, Italian and Spanish)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
No review available for this item.
Suppression des moucherons qui s’infiltrent partout. Efficacité impressionnante.
Eliminates midges that get everywhere. Impressively effective.
tres efficace
very effective
Super Gerät würde es immer wieder kaufen.
Great device, would buy it again and again.
Zanzariera professionale di ottima fattezza, neon potente che contemporaneamente non disturba chi ha intorno. Funziona molto bene ed attira neutralizzando tutti gli insetti, dai moscerini a quelle XXL. Pratico e ben fatto. Facile la pulizia, anche se spesso gli insetti più grandi rimangono incastrati nella reta elettrificata, ma con un compressore tutto si risolve facilmente. Facile da usare, anche se il cavo di alimentazione l'avrei fatto lungo il doppio, per migliorarne la versatilità. Consegna rapida e ben imballato, già nella sua scatola iniziale della casa. Rapporto qualità prezzo, si potrebbe fare qualcosina di meglio. CONSIGLIATISSIMA.
Professional mosquito net of excellent workmanship, powerful neon that at the same time does not disturb those around it. It works very well and attracts neutralizing all insects, from midges to XXL ones. Practical and well made. Easy to clean, even if often the larger insects remain stuck in the electrified net, but with a compressor everything is easily resolved. Easy to use, even if I would have made the power cable twice as long, to improve its versatility. Fast delivery and well packaged, already in its initial home box. Value for money, something could be done better. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Il fonctionnait très bien mais il ne s'allume plus
It was working fine but it won't turn on anymore
Come da titolo, ottimo prodotto fa benissimo il suo mestiere, lo uso in un box-tavernetta e funziona molto meglio delle classiche piastrine o insetticida spray
As per the title, excellent product, it does its job very well, I use it in a basement box and it works much better than the classic plates or spray insecticide
Pour sa petite taille et puissance il est d'une redoutabilité exceptionnelle. Par contre le bruit lorsque l'insecte entre en contact, on se croirait dans un film policier.
For its small size and power it is exceptionally formidable. On the other hand, the noise when the insect comes into contact, one would think one was in a detective film.
Pour sa petite taille et puissance il est d'une redoutabilité exceptionnelle. Par contre le bruit lorsque l'insecte entre en contact, on se croirait dans un film policier.
For its small size and power it is exceptionally formidable. On the other hand, the noise when the insect comes into contact, one would think one was in a detective film.
Habe schon 2 Insektenfallen dieser Marke. Bisher die langlebigsten und besten. Billige Alternativen habe ich aussortiert.
I already have 2 insect traps from this brand. So far the longest lasting and best. I have sorted out cheap alternatives.
Das Teil ist böse. Man ahnt nix schlimmes ,und die nächste Fliege denkt sich das blaue Licht zu besuchen. Gibt so schöne Hiebe das man schon mal vor Schreck das grad geöffnete Bier fast wegwirft. Selbst die Katze zuckt vom feinsten zusammen.Mittlerweile sitzt sie davor und schaut dem Grillabend zu. Aber dafür sind die Fliegen sehr schnell dezimiert. Aber nicht das Gerät über Nacht am Fenster stehen lassen. Dann sitzen hunderte Falter früh am ganzen Fenster. Die denken garantiert,das ist das Licht am Ende des Tunnels. Was kleine Lampen nicht schaffen, schafft dieses Teil rigoros. Hoffe die Haltbarkeit ist auch so gut. Von mir klare Empfehlung,ist nur nix für empfindliche Leute die davon Schnappatmung bekommen wenn's knallt .
That part is evil. You don't suspect anything bad, and the next fly thinks of visiting the blue light. Gives such nice hits that you almost throw away the just opened beer in shock. Even the cat flinches at its finest. In the meantime, she sits in front of it and watches the barbecue evening. But the flies are decimated very quickly. But don't leave the device by the window overnight. Then, in the morning, hundreds of butterflies sit all over the window. They're guaranteed to think there's light at the end of the tunnel. What small lamps cannot do, this part does rigorously. Hope the durability is as good. Clear recommendation from me, it's just nothing for sensitive people who get gasping when it bangs.
installé dès sa réception, il fait bien son travail. Niveau bruit pas de secret, 3 étoiles, mais en même temps le bruit d'un insecte qui se fait prendre au piège sa fait un petit bruit de pétard, je pense que ce bruit dépend de la taille de l'insecte car je l'entends claquer même quand je suis au jardin. J'ai positionné l'appareil dan la véranda, fenêtres grandes ouvertes...soit 30m2 et l'extérieur proche... pour l'énergie et la solidité il va falloir faire une étude dans le temps. J'en n'ai un plus petit dans la cuisine, et je n'ai casis plus de soucis avec les insectes : mouche et autres insectes indésirable. A quand celui qui nous débarrassera des mites alimentaires ???
installed upon receipt, it does its job well. Noise level no secret, 3 stars, but at the same time the noise of an insect that gets caught in the trap makes a little firecracker noise, I think that this noise depends on the size of the insect because I hear it snapping even when I am in the garden. I positioned the device in the veranda, windows wide open ... or 30m2 and the outside close ... for energy and solidity it will be necessary to do a study over time. I have a smaller one in the kitchen, and I have almost no more problems with insects: flies and other unwanted insects. When will the one that will rid us of food moths be available ???
installé dès sa réception, il fait bien son travail. Niveau bruit pas de secret, 3 étoiles, mais en même temps le bruit d'un insecte qui se fait prendre au piège sa fait un petit bruit de pétard, je pense que ce bruit dépend de la taille de l'insecte car je l'entends claquer même quand je suis au jardin. J'ai positionné l'appareil dan la véranda, fenêtres grandes ouvertes...soit 30m2 et l'extérieur proche... pour l'énergie et la solidité il va falloir faire une étude dans le temps. J'en n'ai un plus petit dans la cuisine, et je n'ai casis plus de soucis avec les insectes : mouche et autres insectes indésirable. A quand celui qui nous débarrassera des mites alimentaires ???
installed upon receipt, it does its job well. Noise level no secret, 3 stars, but at the same time the noise of an insect that gets caught in the trap makes a little firecracker noise, I think that this noise depends on the size of the insect because I hear it snapping even when I am in the garden. I positioned the device in the veranda, windows wide open ... or 30m2 and the outside close ... for energy and solidity it will be necessary to do a study over time. I have a smaller one in the kitchen, and I have almost no more problems with insects: flies and other unwanted insects. When will the one that will rid us of food moths be available ???
Toi mon ami que le vrombissement des mouches fatiguent, qui trouve que la place des moustiques n'est pas dans ton séjour et qui ne souhaite pas les poursuivre avec une tapette raquette inésthetique, achète cet engin de mort et éprouve du plaisir lorsque tu entends le bruit sec de désintégration du squatteur volant, toi mon ami je te conseille d'investir dans cette arme létale qui fera des envieux parmi tes amis mais aussi les vaches et les chevaux.
You my friend who is tired of the buzzing of flies, who finds that mosquitoes do not belong in your living room and who does not want to chase them with an unsightly swatter, buy this deadly device and feel pleasure when you hear the dry sound of the flying squatter disintegrating, you my friend I advise you to invest in this lethal weapon which will make your friends, but also the cows and horses, envious.
Toi mon ami que le vrombissement des mouches fatiguent, qui trouve que la place des moustiques n'est pas dans ton séjour et qui ne souhaite pas les poursuivre avec une tapette raquette inésthetique, achète cet engin de mort et éprouve du plaisir lorsque tu entends le bruit sec de désintégration du squatteur volant, toi mon ami je te conseille d'investir dans cette arme létale qui fera des envieux parmi tes amis mais aussi les vaches et les chevaux.
You my friend who is tired of the buzzing of flies, who finds that mosquitoes do not belong in your living room and who does not want to chase them with an unsightly swatter, buy this deadly device and feel pleasure when you hear the dry sound of the flying squatter disintegrating, you my friend I advise you to invest in this lethal weapon which will make your friends, but also the cows and horses, envious.
Der Insektenvernichter tut was er soll. Knallt zwar schon laut, wenn eine Mücke reinfliegt, aber dafür haben wir von den Mücken Ruhe.
The insect killer does what it should. It bangs loudly when a mosquito flies in, but we have peace from the mosquitoes.
Tut was er soll Der Insektenvernichter tut was er soll. Knallt zwar schon laut, wenn eine Mücke reinfliegt, aber dafür haben wir von den Mücken Ruhe.
Does what it's supposed to do The insect killer does what it's supposed to do. It makes a loud bang when a mosquito flies in, but at least we have peace and quiet from the mosquitoes.
Il attrape les mouches, plus efficace la nuit, surtout si vous éteignez tous les autres éclairages. Certes, nous avons eu moins de problèmes avec les mouches car elles me rendaient fou pendant la préparation de la nourriture. Certaines mouches semblent moins attirées que je ne le souhaiterais, mais en général la cuisine est un meilleur endroit malgré le bruit qui fait sursauter !
It catches flies, more effective at night, especially if you turn off all other lights. Admittedly, we had less trouble with flies as they drove me crazy while preparing food. Some flies seem less attracted than I would like, but generally the kitchen is a better place despite the startling noise!
Il attrape les mouches, plus efficace la nuit, surtout si vous éteignez tous les autres éclairages. Certes, nous avons eu moins de problèmes avec les mouches car elles me rendaient fou pendant la préparation de la nourriture. Certaines mouches semblent moins attirées que je ne le souhaiterais, mais en général la cuisine est un meilleur endroit malgré le bruit qui fait sursauter !
It catches flies, more effective at night, especially if you turn off all other lights. Admittedly, we had less trouble with flies as they drove me crazy while preparing food. Some flies seem less attracted than I would like, but generally the kitchen is a better place despite the startling noise!
Fa bene il suo lavoro...voto 8+ Amazon 10
It does its job well...rating 8+ Amazon 10
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Suite à une invasion de mouches et Moustiques à la maison , c’est très efficace. Une chose surprenante par contre c’est le bruit que cela fait quand il tue un insecte, plus ils sont gros plus ça claque….en pleine nuit ce n’est pas agréable et peu faire peur .
The multimedia product could not be loaded. Following an invasion of flies and mosquitoes at home, it is very effective. One surprising thing, however, is the noise it makes when it kills an insect, the bigger they are, the louder it rattles... in the middle of the night it is not pleasant and can be scary.
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Suite à une invasion de mouches et Moustiques à la maison , c’est très efficace. Une chose surprenante par contre c’est le bruit que cela fait quand il tue un insecte, plus ils sont gros plus ça claque….en pleine nuit ce n’est pas agréable et peu faire peur .
The multimedia product could not be loaded. Following an invasion of flies and mosquitoes at home, it is very effective. One surprising thing, however, is the noise it makes when it kills an insect, the bigger they are, the louder it rattles... in the middle of the night it is not pleasant and can be scary.
Kills flies, mosquitoes etc on contact. An absolutely essential piece of kit for the home. Does it’s job well! 100% recommendation.
Kills flies, mosquitoes etc on contact. An absolutely essential piece of kit for the home. Does it’s job well! 100% recommendation.
Super klasse. Hatte gefühlt tausende kleine Mücken im Keller und nach zwei Tagen waren alle gegrillt
Super great. I felt like there were thousands of small mosquitoes in the basement and after two days they were all grilled
Das Gerät macht durch seine Form und Haptik einen sehr wertigen Eindruck. Das der Insektenvernichter funktioniert, hört man an dem Knall der elektrischen Entladung. Nicht ganz leise, aber sehr wirkungsvoll. Ich kann das Produkt nur weiterempfehlen. Ich weise darauf hin, dass ich lediglich ein begeisterter Käufer bin und keine finanziellen Vorteile beim Kauf hatte
The device makes a very valuable impression due to its shape and feel. You can hear that the insect killer works by the bang of the electrical discharge. Not very quiet, but very effective. I can only recommend the product. I would like to point out that I am merely an avid buyer and had no financial advantage in purchasing it
Auf den Fotos fiel die Größe gar nicht auf und ich muss zugeben, auch die Angabe in der Produktbeschreibung hatte ich übersehen. Geliefert und ausgepackt war ich überrascht, welche Größe das Teil hat - einen halben Meter Breite. Ich habe zwar ein sehr großes Haus mit ca. 300 m², aber dieser Insektenvernichter ist für meine Verhältnisse viel zu groß und in meinen Augen eher etwas für den Gastrobereich, oder jemanden, den dieses Riesenteil in der Wohnung nicht stört. 3 Sterne gibt es, weil ich das Gerät überhaupt nicht ausprobierte und nach dem Auspacken gleich wieder zurück schickte und ich bezüglich der Funktion auf andere Rezensenten verweise.
The size was not noticeable in the photos and I have to admit that I also overlooked the information in the product description. Delivered and unpacked, I was surprised at the size of the piece - half a meter wide. Although I have a very large house with approx. 300 m², this insect killer is far too large for my standards and in my opinion it is more for the catering sector or someone who is not bothered by this huge part in the apartment. There are 3 stars because I didn't try the device at all and sent it back immediately after unpacking it and I refer to other reviewers regarding the function.
Wir haben den Insektenvernichter jetzt seit ein paar Wochen im Einsatz. Man hört sehr deutlich, wenn ein Insekt hineinfliegt, man darf also nicht geräuschempfindlich sein. Wir haben gehofft, dass die Stechmücken von dem Licht angezogen werden, leider sind die aber wohl doch eher auf den Geruch von Menschen fixiert als auf Lichtquellen. Somit ist die Wirkung leider nicht so wie erhofft, da nur wenige Stechnmücken angelockt werden.
We have been using the insect killer for a few weeks now. You can hear very clearly when an insect flies in, so don't be sensitive to noise. We hoped the mosquitoes would be attracted to the light, but unfortunately they seem more fixated on the smell of people than light sources. Unfortunately, the effect is not as hoped for, since only a few mosquitoes are attracted.
Sehr gutes Preis- Leistungsverhältnis. Die Insekten bleiben nicht kleben und schnellen betäubt weg. Ich weRde mir ein zweites Gerät kaufen.
Very good value for money. The insects don't stick and shoot away in a daze. I will buy a second device.
Alles gut. Macht zuverlässig was sie soll. Jederzeit wieder.
Everything's ok. Reliably does what it's supposed to. Any time.
Funktioniert Super!!!
Works perfectly!!!
ist sehr gut,ich liebe das geräusch wenn Fliegen in der falle gehen, gggg
is very good, i love the sound when flies go in the trap, gggg
Envahis de mouches en été, nous avons décidé d’éradiquer tout ce beau monde. Le colis est arrivé très rapidement. On le branche et ... on attend. Il faut éviter de la mettre dans la journée car les mouches sont moins attirées qu'en soirée, ce qui est normal. Mais la nuit tombée, il entre en action. Des "claques claques" (impressionnants au départ) ponctuent nos soirées. Et en peu de temps, les mouche disparaissent dans le réceptacle dédié, sous l'appareil. On l'a posé sur une petite table mais on peut aussi le suspendre. Comme ce n'est pas non plus un objet de décoration, on préfère cet endroit. Peu avant d'aller se coucher, on le place dans la chambre et hop ! enfin, nos nuits sont tranquilles ! En résumé, nous sommes enchantés de ce prduit. Au moins, on ne respire pas l'odeur de ces bombes nocives ni des "catch" à brancher.
Invaded by flies in the summer, we decided to eradicate all these beautiful people. The package arrived very quickly. We plug it in and ... we wait. We must avoid putting it on during the day because flies are less attracted than in the evening, which is normal. But when night falls, it goes into action. "Slaps slaps" (impressive at first) punctuate our evenings. And in a short time, the flies disappear into the dedicated receptacle, under the device. We put it on a small table but we can also hang it. As it is not a decorative object either, we prefer this place. Shortly before going to bed, we put it in the bedroom and presto! finally, our nights are peaceful! In short, we are delighted with this product. At least, we do not breathe the smell of these harmful bombs or the "catch" to plug in.
Je possède deux lampes achetées chez electronic star! RAS pour la première!!Très efficace en complément de mes moustiquaires (mites, moustiques, mouches...). Tellement efficace que j'ai décidé d'en racheter une en avril pour mettre au garage! Encore bingo (nous sommes envahis de mouches car nous sommes à la campagne). Seulement, il y a eu un petit problème: au bout de deux mois les ampoules ont grillé sans raison! Suite à un message de ma part, electronic star a répondu rapidement et a effectué le remplacement de la lampe défectueuse sans condition. Service client service et efficace, produit au top! Je recommande fortement ce vendeur.
I have two lamps purchased from electronic star! No problem with the first one!! Very effective in addition to my mosquito nets (moths, mosquitoes, flies...). So effective that I decided to buy another one in April to put in the garage! Bingo again (we are invaded by flies because we are in the countryside). However, there was a small problem: after two months the bulbs burned out for no reason! Following a message from me, electronic star responded quickly and replaced the defective lamp without conditions. Customer service and efficient, top product! I highly recommend this seller.
Je possède deux lampes achetées chez electronic star! RAS pour la première!!Très efficace en complément de mes moustiquaires (mites, moustiques, mouches...). Tellement efficace que j'ai décidé d'en racheter une en avril pour mettre au garage! Encore bingo (nous sommes envahis de mouches car nous sommes à la campagne). Seulement, il y a eu un petit problème: au bout de deux mois les ampoules ont grillé sans raison! Suite à un message de ma part, electronic star a répondu rapidement et a effectué le remplacement de la lampe défectueuse sans condition. Service client service et efficace, produit au top! Je recommande fortement ce vendeur.
I have two lamps purchased from electronic star! No problem with the first one!! Very effective in addition to my mosquito nets (moths, mosquitoes, flies...). So effective that I decided to buy another one in April to put in the garage! Bingo again (we are invaded by flies because we are in the countryside). However, there was a small problem: after two months the bulbs burned out for no reason! Following a message from me, electronic star responded quickly and replaced the defective lamp without conditions. Customer service and efficient, top product! I highly recommend this seller.
L'articolo è arrivato nei tempi stabiliti. Avevo letto alcune recensioni negative, per cui ero preparato ai materiali "discutibili", ma alla fine non sono neppure così pessimi, li ho trovati in linea con altri prodotti simili. Ho provato l'articolo per alcuni giorni e devo dire che durante il giorno cattura pochi insetti, ma sono anche pochi quelli in circolazione. Come si abbassa la luminosità e iniziano ad girare le zanzare e altri insetti sono attirati dalle due lampade e la zanzariera elettrica fa benissimo il suo lavoro. In poche ore ha "fulminato" moltissimi insetti. Al momento devo dire che dalle mie parti non girano molte zanzare tigre, spero che funzioni anche con loro.. per adesso ha preso molti pappataci, altri moschini, zanzare comuni, altri piccoli insetti che non conosco i nomi… ho trovato anche una cimice verde "stordita".
The item arrived on time. I had read some negative reviews, so I was prepared for "questionable" materials, but in the end they are not even that bad, I found them in line with other similar products. I tried the item for a few days and I have to say that during the day it captures few insects, but there are also few of them in circulation. As soon as the brightness is lowered and the mosquitoes and other insects start to move around, they are attracted by the two lamps and the electric mosquito net does its job very well. In a few hours it has "electrocuted" many insects. At the moment I have to say that in my area there are not many tiger mosquitoes, I hope it works with them too.. for now it has caught many sandflies, other midges, common mosquitoes, other small insects that I do not know the names ... I also found a "stunned" green bug.
Hält was versprochen wurde
Does what was promised
I have had this for a few months. It always gets rid of the pesky flies I have around - especially at night. Good tool.
I have had this for a few months. It always gets rid of the pesky flies I have around - especially at night. Good tool.
Es ist wirklich super für den Preis
It's really great for the price
Die UV Röhren sind angenehm leise und alle paar Sekunden hört man den Knall eines erledigten Insekts.
The UV tubes are pleasantly quiet and every few seconds you can hear the bang of a dead insect.
Lo uso su un terrazzo di c.a. 60mq e svolge egregiamente il suo lavoro. Il massimo del rendimento ce l'ha quando arriva la sera, a quel punto le luci ipnotizzano gli insetti che non hanno scampo... fa una strage. Il cavo di alimentazione non è il massimo, diciamo che un metro in più permetterebbe di posizionare la zanzariera con più libertà.
I use it on a terrace of about 60 square meters and it does its job very well. It has the maximum performance when the evening comes, at that point the lights hypnotize the insects that have no escape... it makes a massacre. The power cable is not the best, let's say that an extra meter would allow you to position the mosquito net with more freedom.
habe zwei gekauft- ein billiges mit LED und Ventilator und dieses Gerät - Ergebnis: himmelhoher Unterschied - das Walbeck war ein echter Mückenmörder, das Chinading, hatte keinen einzigen Mückenkontakt - nicht mal einen lebensmüden blinden Nachtfalter.... Also - Kaufempfehlung! Wer billig kauft kauft doppelt!
I bought two - a cheap one with LED and fan and this device - result: a huge difference - the Walbeck was a real mosquito killer, the China thing didn't have a single contact with mosquitoes - not even a suicidal blind moth.... So - buy recommendation! If you buy cheap, you buy twice!
Funktioniert einwandfrei kein Brummen wie bei anderen Fallen!!!
Works perfectly no buzzing like other traps!!!
waldbeck mosquito Ex 5000 zanzariera elettrica neon UV 38W 150m² colore argento il modello della waldbeck mosquito Ex 5000 è una zanzariera elettrica efficientissima già da appena messa in funzione vi accorgerete che stermina parecchi insetti essa vi fa risparmiare le spese per prodotti Insetticida inoltre rispetta l'ambiente non inquinando è inodore senza prodotti chimici si comporta come trappola per Insetti attraendo con i suoi 2 neon uv per poi fulminare gli insetti per il resto è silenziosa il tutto per una potenza totale di 38W si adatta per ambienti di circa 150 m²
waldbeck mosquito Ex 5000 electric mosquito net neon UV 38W 150m² silver color the waldbeck mosquito Ex 5000 model is a very efficient electric mosquito net as soon as it is put into operation you will notice that it exterminates many insects it saves you the cost of insecticide products it also respects the environment by not polluting it is odorless without chemical products it acts as an insect trap attracting with its 2 neon UV and then electrocuting the insects for the rest it is silent all for a total power of 38W it is suitable for environments of approximately 150 m²
Funktioniert einwandfrei, Top!
Works perfectly, great!
Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis ist super. Funktioniert auch ohne Probleme.
Value for money is great. Also works without problems.
Also für den Hausgebrauch ist das ein ganz schöner Oschi. Aber er funktioniert und macht keine Gefangenen. Mit lautem Knall wird das Insekt zerlegt.
So for home use that's quite a nice Oschi. But it works and takes no prisoners. The insect is dismembered with a loud bang.
Wir haben diesen Insektenvernichter gekaut, da wir bei unseren Dachfenstern und schrägen Fenstern keine Gitter anbringen können. Der Vernichter ist zwar laut, wenn gerade ein Insekt vernichtet wird (wie ein Schuss aus einer Pistole), ist aber sehr zuverlässig und wir werden nicht geplagt.
We chewed this bug killer as we can't put screens on our skylights and sloping windows. While the exterminator is noisy when an insect is in the process of being destroyed (like a shot from a pistol), it is very reliable and doesn't bother us.